Catching Up With Luke

Ashley Chapter 5

A quick note – While this is the fifth chapter of Ashley Alpha Phi, if you’re wanting to get the whole scoop on Luke, you really only need to back up as far as Chapter 4 (Ashley the First) – but if you’re wanting to start here there won’t be too lost! Enjoy!


“You did what!?” Kim’s jaw just about dropped off of her face and onto her bed.

“I kinda gave him a lap dance?” I shrugged. “It seemed right at the time!”

“I’m telling you Ash, no good is going to come from this. He’s a freshman virgin nerdy-boy.” Kim was prone to overreacting sometimes. “He’s not even Greek. You gonna end up with a stalker.”

“No way.” I brushed her off. “Luke is completely harmless. He just needs a little help with his polish is all.” I chose to leave out the part where I had been so fucking horny I had given myself a minor orgasm while making the poor kid blast off in his pants. He claimed it was his first one ever. I still couldn’t really believe that much myself but I guess religion does weird things to people.

The possibility that it was his first had made me feel powerful though. It felt like I was some sort of sex goddess. No matter where Luke ended up in life he was always going to remember last night. Maybe someday he’d become some big time tech mogul or maybe he’d join the clergy but I’m certain that no matter where he eventually wound up he would occasionally beat his meat to that time the hot upperclassman gave him his first big O.

“So when are you seeing him again?”

I scoffed at her. “What makes you think I’m gonna?”

“Well, he just doesn’t seem like your typical one nighter. You left here at like two AM to ‘go study’ and you came back having not even gotten laid? Ash I’ve known you for three years now. If there’s one thing I can say about you beyond the shadow of a doubt, it’s that you’re not a quitter.”

I rolled my eyes and flopped back onto my pillow. I mean she wasn’t wrong – I did want to fuck him. Not that he was super attractive or anything, I just don’t get the opportunity to take someone’s v-card very often. “I dunno. I guess I’ll probably see him tomorrow for my test.” I lied. I had actually planned on calling him later today to help me cram some more. Actually cram though, not like, cram uglies. I also didn’t want to tell her yet about how I had invited him to our date dash on Saturday. I just really wasn’t in the mood for that kind of judgement.

I could almost hear Kim roll her eyes at me. She knew me too well. “Well, I’m heading down to the cafeteria to get some lunch. You wanna come?”

“Nah. I’m going to stay here and study.”

Kim hopped off of her bed and grabbed her key lanyard. “Jeeze Ash. Rubbing one out this early in the day?” She teased. “I guess you were actually telling the truth. You came back unsatisfied last night! Girl, get your shit together!”

I threw my pillow at her and she batted it away. Just because her accusation was true didn’t make it sting any less.

“I’ll be sure to knock twice before I come back in!”

“You’re one to talk!” I yelled after her as she fled through the door. She wasn’t wrong though. It was pretty tempting. It wasn’t often that I had any time to myself on Tuesday afternoons, but despite all the excitement of the last 24 hours I still had work I needed to get done. I had a solid day before my midterm. If I avoided any distractions I actually stood a decent shot at passing the damn thing.

With Kim safely out of the room I picked up my phone. It had been silently buzzing periodically between my thighs all morning but I didn’t want to give her the satisfaction of seeing me check my messages over and over. I hated to admit it, but she might have been right about Luke’s reaction. 8 unread messages.


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