Chastity Chronicles Pt. 03

An adult stories – Chastity Chronicles Pt. 03 by Estcher,Estcher Welcome to part three of the Chastity Chronicles. These short stories will follow a forty-year-old woman as she discovers her true sexuality. They are an exploration of complete freedom of embracing sex in all its many forms.

These templated stories are going to be wild, completely unrealistic, flights of fancy, but a fun journey. This third story follows Chastity’s third student. A young artist’s life is threatened by those who would steal from his talent.

But Chastity is a pro in the art world. The thieves don’t stand a chance.

Sure hope you enjoy.


Lana Ocean (Estcher)

Content: Not much sex at all, actually. Sorry. It just didn’t fit. But, but, wait! There’s inuendo!

P.S.: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. All fictional characters engaged in sexual acts are eighteen or over.

Portrait of the Artist as a Broken Man

My name is Chastity. I’m forty-years-old, fit, good-looking, a red-head, and I have an insatiable desire to bed young men and teach them the ways around a woman’s body. So far, and I freely admit it, at this point in time I had only experienced two students. A virgin eighteen-year-old skinny boy from my condominium called Petey, and an extremely hung young man named Ben.

The troubles with Ben were beyond sad. But it led me to an art gala in my shitty little city I’ll call Centreville, USA. There I saw the art of a young man named Billy. I had the magazine to which I am the senior editor and part owner contact him and arrange a meeting. One of my talents—and there are many! —is discovering new rising artists. Hee. Billy had the talent. Then he ghosted me for a month.

Then he called me out of the blue. It was a strange and disturbing call. He told me the last month had been a blur, and he was awake and staring at paintings he had made. Paintings he didn’t recall making.

He asked for help and told me where he thought he was.

So I called Ben and asked for his help. I needed his strength.

It all started like this.

* * *

“Ben! Why’d you bring your dad?” I glared in through the open passenger window, past Ben’s dad, to Ben sitting in the driver’s seat of his dad’s car. “Hi, Adam.” I nodded at Ben’s dad.

“Because he wouldn’t let me come alone, that’s why.”

“So you drag Commissioner Gordon into this?”

Adam looked confused. Ben smirked. “It’s not like that. Dad’s going to stay with the car while we go in and get this Ricky kid out.”

“He’s not a kid. He’s the same age as you, kid.”

Adam snorted. “I see why you like her.”

“Not helping, dad. Stop fighting with me and get in.”

“In the back seat?”

“Yeah, there’s no room up front. It’s filled with responsible adults.”

I grinned at him and opened the back door. I slid in and buckled up. I was dressed in black jeans with a black tee-shirt. I was totally ninjaed out. A ninja with shockingly beautiful, natural red hair, of course.

“This is a bad area of town we’re going to,” said Ben, looking into the rear-view mirror at me.

“Is it? That doesn’t change anything. Ricky needs our help. So let’s go get him.”

Ben pulled away from my condominium building and entered traffic. “Tell me what he said again?”

“He called my number. He said they were looking for him.”

“Who’s they?”

“I asked, he didn’t say. He said he had woken up, surrounded by paint and paintings he had done but didn’t remember painting them. He didn’t remember the past month.”

Adam looked at his son. “Sounds like he was drugged.”

“Maybe, dad. Hard to say. Maybe he’s a drug addict. Sounds like paranoia to me, thinking people are after you. We don’t know anything about this kid. There were lots like him on the streets.”

I saw Adam look away. He still felt guilty about what he had allow to happen to his son. I was a bit annoyed at Adam, too. But he took Ben back and kicked out his asshole wife. So that was a big plus on his side.

“We don’t know anything do we?” I said. “So we find out. We go get him and take him somewhere safe.”

“Your condo.”

“Of course to my condo. It’s safe.”

We drove in silence and then got on the highway and crossed the river to the seedier North side of town. It seemed darker here. The buildings more run down. Vacancy signs were everywhere, and bad-looking people hung out on corners under dim streetlights. I would have felt nervous if it wasn’t for the two men in the front seat. Ben was crazy strong. His dad was surely the same. Which had me thinking.

“Say Adam, how much does Ben take after you?”

“Chastity!” growled Ben.

“No seriously, he mentioned genetics to me once. I was wondering just how far that extends. Extension being the optimum word here.”

Adam looked at Ben. “What’s she talking about, son?”

“Nothing dad. Ignore her. She’s all looks and no brains. Stop it, Chastity.”

I sat back and frowned. I needed to know. Ben glared at me in the rear-view and I stuck out my tongue at him. I would find out. I always do.

Soon we entered a warehouse district by the river. It smelled. Really bad. Like dead fish and worse. I should have worn a ninja mask. I would look pretty hot with a ninja mask. And with those shooty stars.

“Ben, did you bring any shooty stars?”

Adam looked at his son, again. He did that a lot.

“No, I did not bring any shooty stars. No one has those.”

“The batman did.”

“Those were batarangs.”

“Oh, right.”

Ben parked more or less in the centre of the long row of warehouses. He looked around which was difficult. There were no streetlights here. The only illumination was from the little lights above entranceways.

“We should have come during the day,” muttered Ben.

“No!” I said. “He asked for our help now! Time is of the essence!”

Ben sighed. “Okay, Chastity, you stay here. Dad and I will check out a few buildings. See if we can figure something out. I won’t lie, this won’t be easy. We might not find him. Heck, he might not even be here.”

“No, I’m coming too.”

“No, you are not.”

I opened my door and got out and slammed my door to emphasise my independence. I could hear a muffled “goddammit” from inside the car and smirked.

“Jesus, son, she’s perfect for you. Why’d you let her go?”

“I didn’t. No use fighting her. She always gets her way. Let’s go.”

Adam stepped out and right into my hug. I squeezed him hard and felt the hard muscles under his hoody. I was so tempting to check out his junk but there was no way I could explain that. So, I pressed my body against his a little harder hoping for a quick rise, if you know what I mean.

“Chastity. Stop.”

I looked over at Ben on the other side of the car. He was glaring at me.

I let go of Adam and he looked at me a little surprised. “Good to see you again, Adam. How are things at home?”

“Better. With her gone it’s like a breath of fresh air has gone through the house. I feel lighter if that makes sense.”

“It does. She was a heavy weight on anybody’s life. I’m happy for you both.”

“Thanks, Chastity.”

Ben had come around to join us. “Where do you want to start?”

I looked around. The warehouses all looked the same. “Well, he said he was in a loft. So split up and look around?”

“You never split up the party,” declared Ben.

“True. Okay, let’s check this one right in front of us.”

We approached the door and found it was locked. I looked up at the sign above the door. It was some shipping company I didn’t know. Under the company name it identified an LLC. I didn’t recognise it.

“Anyone know that LLC?” I asked.

“What’s an LLC?” asked Ben.

“Limited Liability Company. It protects the owners from personal responsibility. You can sue the LLC but not the owner of the LLC. It’s common business practice,” answered his dad.

“I don’t know this one,” I said. “Let’s go that way and check more. I might recognise one that’s tied to the art world. How’s that sound to you guys?”

Ben shrugged. “A good a plan as any.”

“Thanks, batman. Those are strong words of encouragement.”

Adam looked back and forth at us. “Jesus. Let’s go. I know I’m gonna regret this.”

I giggled and danced up to Adam and took his arm and gave it a squeeze. Hmm, firm hard biceps, just like Ben. “Maybe you’re the batman and Ben is the little bird.”

“Little bird?”

“Yeah, maybe he has a little bird, and you have a big bird?”

“CHASTITY!” complained Ben.

“I think you two still have stuff to work out. Maybe I should stay with the car,” said Adam.

“Nonsense. Ben is happy with what’s her name with the small tits.”

Adam snorted. “Come on little lady. Let’s find this Ricky fellow.”

The next warehouse had another LLC I didn’t recognise. And the next. And the next. When we ran out of warehouses we returned to the car and headed the other way. That’s when I noticed one of the warehouses had a light on, up near the roof and I pointed it out.

“Look, that one has a light on way up high. That could be the loft Ricky spoke about.”

Ben nodded. “Looks promising. Come on.”

At the door to the warehouse, I looked at the LLC. It read ‘LLC Carl Benoit Enterprises’ and a bad feeling went through me. I knew a Carl. The asshat that had organised the gala had been called Carl. This had to be the right warehouse but seeing Carl’s name on the sign meant he might be involved with Ricky in a bad way.

“Look Ben. The LLC is Carl Benoit Enterprises. That’s the first name of the guy who organised the gala.”

“He sure was. Same guy you think?”

Adam had pulled out his phone and held it up to us. The screen showed a picture of the same Carl. His name was Carl Benoit. “Same guy?”

“Yup,” Ben and I both said at the same time. I smiled at him.

Ben checked the door and found it locked. It was a heavy steel door and needed a key. Ben stepped back and looked around. “Lots of cameras here.”

Adam was looking too. “The ones pointing this way don’t have any power, it looks like.”

“Weird,” said Ben. “But you’re right.”

I looked and saw what they were talking about. The cameras looked dead. I wondered why that would be and understood at once. “They’re hiding something, aren’t they?”

Ben shrugged. “Hard to say. Looks like it. But I think we’ve found where Ricky might be. I’ll check around the building and see if there’s another way inside. Dad, stay here with Chastity. Chastity, behave.”

“I always behave.”

“No, you don’t.”

“Yes, I do.”

Adam made a noise. “Who’s eighteen and who’s forty?”

“Ben! You told him my age?”


“You NEVER do that! Shame!”

Ben shook his head and walked away to circle the building.

We stood in silence for a time. Finally, Adam spoke to me.

“How are you, Chastity, really?”

“Been better. How’s work?”

“I got promoted a month ago. Came out of the blue. Nice salary increase.”

“You work for Sandra’s dad, right?”



We stood in silence until Adam spoke again.

“Why’d you dump him?”

I looked at Adam for a moment. He didn’t look angry, he looked like he simply didn’t understand. Or maybe he did but wanted to understand it better. “I didn’t dump him, Adam. I let him go. I’m forty as you unfortunately know, and he’s eighteen. I helped him find his feet and once he had, I let him go. It’s really that simple. Would you rather I stay with him, despite our age difference? I’m more your age than his.”

Adam looked at his feet. “No, honestly, I’m glad you did. I was getting worried about you two, to be honest. You broke his heart, though.”

I looked away. My heart had broken, too. But I was past that now. Wasn’t I?

“But Chastity, you fixed my boy. I can’t thank you enough. You did what I couldn’t do as his father. You took him off the streets I allowed him to live on. Sorted things out with his mother. And the Sandra crap. I’m kind of in awe of you. And you’re gorgeous. Strange as fuck, but gorgeous.”

I wiped my eyes quickly and looked back at him. He seemed sincere. “He has that reporter gal now. She’s only a few years older than him. He has college ahead of him. He’s doing great now. We’re just friends. Good friends and we always will be. I’m happy for him. And thanks for the compliment.”

He just nodded and seemed content.

“How did your wife believe those lies? I have to ask. Sandra said Ben had a small dick. That was clearly a lie. She had to know what Ben carries around. She washed him as a child.”

“Ah, true.”

“What are you guys talking about?” asked Ben from behind me.

It made me jump and then I realised I had squealed out loud.

I looked at Adam and he was staring at me. “Sorry,” I muttered to him. I turned to Ben. “So?”

“Nothing. It’s locked up tight.”

“So, what do we do?”

“Call the police. Tell them about the phone call and that you suspect he might be inside.”

I looked back to Adam, and he nodded.

“In the movies we would break in and rescue the hostage,” I said.

“Yeah, but this is reality,” said Ben. “I’m going into law enforcement. I won’t be if I get busted for a B&E.”

I sighed and pulled out my phone. I looked at both men and they nodded. I dialled 9-1-1 and waited until it was picked up.

“9-1-1, what’s your emergency?” asked a female voice.

“Hi, I’m standing outside a warehouse on the North side. I have reasons to believe a young man is being held against his will inside…”

Thirty minutes later, we were standing together surrounded by three cop cars, their lights flashing. Six cops were standing with us, and we were waiting. Waiting for Carl Benoit to arrive to open the door and let them in. They had pounded on the door but no had answered. They said they couldn’t break in without cause and needed the owner to open it up.

We watched as an expensive car I didn’t recognise pulled up. From the back, the door opened, and Carl Benoit came out. He looked at all the police cars and lights and we could see him grimace. Another man emerged from the other side. He looked lawyer-y to me with that slimy smarmy look.

They walked over and the police sergeant near me intercepted him.

“Sorry Mr. Benoit. I’m Sergeant John Clarke. We received a call that there might be someone inside your warehouse being held against their will. We would like to enter and investigate.”

The lawyer stepped forward. “Mr. Benoit would like to assure you that this is not the case. We don’t know who told these lies to you, but I assure you there is no one inside being held against their will.”

“Nonetheless, we would like to go inside and verify that.”

“I’m afraid that won’t be possible. The inside of the warehouse contains many priceless works of art. My client cannot risk damage to that art. You’ll need a warrant.”

“Or probable cause,” declared Ben.

The sergeant and the lawyer looked at Ben.

“Chastity received a call from inside that warehouse, we think. That person said they were drugged and held there for a month.”

The lawyer smiled at Ben. I saw Carl smirking in the corner of my eye. “You think? Even if this were true, you have no evidence the call came from inside this warehouse.”

Ben looked angry and then I saw his eyes light up. “Chastity! Show me your phone!”

I unlocked it and handed it to him. He went into the phone app and scrolled and then held it up to me. “Was this the call from Ricky?”

I saw Carl flinch at the name. I glanced at the number. “Yup. That’s it.”

Ben held the phone up to the sergeant and the lawyer. “Is this the number of the warehouse?”

The lawyer looked crestfallen. He looked at Carl for a moment as if to say he was sorry and then turned to the sergeant. “Yes.”

The sergeant grinned and held out his hand. The lawyer dropped a large ring of keys into his hand.

“The large one with the black ring,” he said.

The sergeant found the key and called over one of his cops who took it and opened the door.

“Everyone stays here. Bill, Dave, with me. Rob keep an eye on everyone. No one leaves. Come on!”

The sergeant and two others entered the building. Lights turned on and we heard nothing else. A light turned on upstairs somewhere and then the radios on the cops near us blared.

“Call an ambulance, we have one male, comatose, unresponsive. Send for crime scene investigators. Detain Mr. Benoit.”

Carl looked frightened. His lawyer stepped between him and the police who were now looking at Carl like a piece of dirt.

The lawyer held up a hand. “There’s no need to detain my client. He’s an upstanding man in the community with no priors. This is his warehouse, but he has no knowledge of whatever is going on there.”

“Step aside or you will be charged with obstruction,” growled a cop.

The lawyer sighed and stepped aside.

“John!” declared Carl. “Do something! This is not what it looks like! Ricky was…”

“Carl!” interrupted his lawyer. “Shut up! I’ll see you at the station. Say nothing more. Nothing! Do you understand?”

The cop had pulled out handcuffs. “Turn around with your hands behind your back. You have the right to remain silent…”

I hugged Ben and then kissed him hard. As soon as our lips met, I needed him. I couldn’t stop kissing him. Finally, he pushed me away. “Stop, Chastity. This is not the place.”

I nodded and let him go, suddenly wishing I hadn’t done that.

I looked at Adam and he looked concerned. I didn’t blame him.

Carl was placed in a police car and after I asked why they didn’t take him away Ben told me they were waiting to see what else they found inside. He would be charged at the station and wanted to make sure they had everything. My Ben was going to be great in law enforcement.

One of the cops took a picture of my phone displaying the warehouse phone number.

The ambulance arrived with lights and noise and a gurney was rushed inside. I worried about Billy and worried more when he was carted out in the gurney. He didn’t look good. One of the ambulance guys was talking rapidly to the sergeant who walked beside the rushing attendants.

“Fentanyl overdose. We think we got him in time with naloxone. He likely won’t be responsive for a few days. Severe dehydration and malnourishment. Signs of beatings and a more recent one that’s left severe bruising and a concussion. We’ll radio in his room to the station once we process him.”

The sergeant stopped following them. “Thanks, guys. Good work.” He turned and looked at us and walked over.


“Chastity,” I said.

“Chastity, right. You were right. There were signs of restraints. A dirty mattress on the floor, a bucket full of waste. It was pretty horrendous up there. He was drugged. Looks like too much this time, probably due to his weakened state. He was beaten routinely but someone really laid into him recently. Probably around the time he managed to call you from an office phone. The office window was smashed in, and the kid had fresh lacerations consistent with breaking glass. We got to him in time, we think. He owes his life to you three. What’s your relationship with him. Ricky, right?”

I nodded. “I met him briefly at the art gala last month. I work for a magazine on the East coast. I asked them to have him contact me. I find rising new artists and help them wade through that world and find success. He ghosted me until this evening. Called me and said he was being held by somebody and he was in a warehouse loft somewhere.”

“And how did you find this place?”

Ben answered. “By luck, really. We knew it was a warehouse and that’s all. We looked around here and saw this building was owned by Carl Benoit.”

“And how did that help?”

“Carl Benoit was the gala organiser where Chastity met Billy.”

“I see. Well, you’ve been a huge help here. Billy owes you his life. Talk to my officer here and give him your details, please. We’ll have more questions for you later. Okay?”

Ben nodded and then he pointed at the video cameras. “You might want to check out the area cameras. All the warehouses have them for insurance. Oddly enough, all the ones pointing at this building seem to not be working.”

The sergeant looked around and then smiled at Ben. “Good eyes, son.”


“My Ben is going into law enforcement at the state college this Fall,” I bragged.

The sergeant looked at Ben. “That right?”

Ben nodded and looked weirdly at me.

“My wife teaches one of the classes that’ll be part of your curriculum.”

“Cool,” said Ben.

“Have a good night, folks. You can go now. We have it from here. Thanks again.”

And that was it. After they took our particulars, I was dropped off at home by Ben and Adam, and moments later I was back in my condo looking at the walls. I lasted about thirty minutes before I called a taxi and rushed to the hospital.

No way was I allowing Ricky to lie there without someone to look after him.

* * *

Of course, the hospital and the police watching over Billy wouldn’t let me into his room. So, I parked myself outside his room in the hallway and refused to budge. I fell asleep there and slept a fitful night. By morning there was no change in Billy and his attending doctor took pity on me and sat next to me.

“Go home, miss.”


“Who is this kid to you?”

“Someone who he reached out to for help, that’s who.”

“And by all accounts you did just that.”

“Yes, I did.”

“Go home. He won’t wake for another day at least. He’s been through a lot. It will take time. You being in the hallway doesn’t change that.”

I was exhausted. Beyond exhausted, actually. My emotions were whacked. So, like a damsel, I started crying. He held me until I stopped then he stood up.

“Seriously, go home.” He turned and walked away.

“Can you call me before he wakes? I want to be here when he wakes. Please.”

The doctor didn’t stop or even acknowledge me.

The cop by the door to Billy’s room spoke. “We have your number. We’ll be sure to call you, ma’am.”

I looked at the cop like he was the best man in the whole world.

“You’ve a good heart, ma’am. We’ll call you. I’ll tell my relief.”

The doctor kept walking.

I went home and slept for ten hours.

* * *

The next day, at two in the afternoon, the cop at the door to Billy’s room called me. Billy was waking up!

I rushed to the hospital and up to his floor. His door was open, and I could see the sergeant from the other night inside talking to Billy, but I couldn’t see past him to Billy. Another cop was standing nearby taking notes. The doctor was on the other side of the bed with a nurse. The doctor saw me and mentioned it to the sergeant who looked back briefly at me before resuming whatever he was doing. He spoke to the other cop who then came over to the door. For a happy moment I thought they would let me in, but the cop closed the door with an apologetic look on his face.


I sat and waited. Eventually they finished and I rose as they poured out of the room. The sergeant stopped me from pushing past him.

“Chastity, I heard you’ve been hanging out here. I checked up on you. You did only briefly meet Billy. So why all the sudden interest in him?”

“Sudden? I did tell you he ghosted me for a month? I’ve been trying to contact him for quite some time. He reached out to me for help! Me!”

The sergeant smiled a sad smile. “He only called you because your magazine had been hounding him and it was the only number he remembered.”

“He called me by name when he called me, sergeant. He knew I’d help him.”

“Why you?”

“I help young men. Um, that sounds bad.”

“It sure does. Anyway, he asked to speak to you. He’s waiting inside. Be gentle, he’s still messed up. He looks terrible. He was beat badly and he’s badly bruised.”

“What about his parents? Family?”

“He was in foster care for most of his life. His parents were killed by a drunk driver. No other family. At eighteen he was no longer in foster care. He’s been couch-surfing with the few friends he has. He disappeared about a month ago.”

“A month ago? That’s when I met him and told him to contact me.”

“You did that at the gala, correct? In front of multiple witnesses, including Carl Benoit?”

“Why, yes.”

“It’s probably what got Carl Benoit interested in him. Billy confirmed it.”

I held my hand to my mouth. “I’m to blame for this?”

“No. Carl Benoit is. Let me be clear, this is on Carl Benoit. You merely alerted him to what talent Billy has. So, he had him paint for him. Forcibly. The loft in the warehouse has a dozen fresh paintings all done by Billy. Or so we think. We’ll need to verify that.”

My mind reeled. I was to blame, regardless of what the sergeant said. I could have been more discrete, but I had to show off that night at the gala. Oh, Billy!

The sergeant asked me something I missed. “Pardon?”

“I was wondering if your magazine could verify the paintings as Billy’s. He doesn’t remember painting them but says they’re in his style. It would help to get a professional opinion for court.”

“Oh, I can do that. It’s what I do, really.”

The sergeant smiled. “I knew that. I was hoping you would agree. My staff will be in touch. I can arrange for you to inspect the paintings.”

“You said they were fresh?”


“Any done in the last seven days can’t be moved. They won’t be dry.”

“They’re all still at the warehouse.”

“All right.”

“Thanks again, Chastity. You can go in and see Billy now.”

“Thank you, sergeant.”


“Thank you, John.”

“My pleasure. The force owes you. We’re still investigating what occurred in that loft. It’s all very strange.”

“Please tell me Carl Benoit is truly fucked.”

“Time will tell. There’s really not more I can tell you.”


“Have a nice day, Chastity, we’ll be in touch.”

The sergeant moved aside, and I could finally see into Billy’s room. He was looking right at me and smiling. His face was a canvass of blues, purples, and reds. It was garish and horrible and looked so painful. His right eye was swollen shut.

“Billy!” I cried and rushed into the room. I went right up to his bed and reached out and touched his hair. “Billy, you look like shit. Do you know that?”

He laughed and then winced. He nodded.

“Can you talk?”


It sounded like a croak. I looked around and spied the plastic covered cup with a bendy straw. It had water and I grabbed it and offered it to him. He took a long sip and then released it. He gasped and smiled.

“Thanks. That’s better. It’s good to see you.”

“You too, but not like this, Billy! I’m so sorry!”

“Sorry for what?”

“It was because of me that Carl took an interest in you.”

Billy tried to shake his head but stopped and winced again. “No, not true. He already knew. He bragged to me about it. Said it proved he knew talent, not like what you said that night at the gala.”

“I don’t think so. The police just told me I queued him to you.”

“No. Earlier that night, Carl had said he wanted me to accompany him to a warehouse. Said he had a place for me to paint in quiet.”

“Really. Don’t blame yourself.”

“It’s hard not to.”

“Don’t. You saved me.”

“You did call me.”

“I did? The police said that, but honestly, I don’t remember calling you. I’m glad I did.”

“It wasn’t just me, my friend Ben and his dad, Adam, helped too.”

“I would like to meet them.”

“You will. I’ll make sure of it. They can meet you at my place once you get out of here.”

“You’re place?”

“Yes, John the policeman told me you’re couch-surfing.”

Billy looked embarrassed.

“It’s true, isn’t it? You left foster care into nothing. Correct?”


“So, you’ll come spend time with me. Only until you get your feet back on the ground, and Billy, with your talent and my connections in the art world, you most surely will land on your feet.”

“You’re like an angel…” He was looking at me with something like worship.

“What do they have you on?”

“Dunno. It’s nice…”

“Sleep, Billy. I’ll start to make arrangements with the hospital. When you’re released, you’ll come home with me. Okay?”

He didn’t answer. He was asleep with a cute smile on his face.

* * *

Okay, so then a bunch of stuff happened. Billy was released three days later from the hospital. Ben and his dad were there to help bring him to my place. Billy still looked like crap, but he had more energy and smiled a lot. Ben and his dad kept looking at me weird. I guess it’s not every day a forty-year-old woman brings a young man she doesn’t know into her home. I reminded Ben of his experiences and he shut up.

Ben had the nerve to ask me what my intentions were with Billy, and I told him to mind his own business. He didn’t look happy but after a light meal at my dining table, which was seeing much more action lately, they left me with Billy.

The police contacted me about verifying Billy’s work and after they gave me a sample of the art Billy had shown at the gala, I went down and looked at his paintings at the warehouse. They had moved them all down to the first floor of the warehouse saying I didn’t want to see the room where they had kept Billy in.

It didn’t take long. It was his work. They were fantastic. It was hard to believe these were the same paintings as the poorer quality from the gala. His strokes were bold but precise. His use of the oils was masterful. His lighting and shadowing were magnificent. Billy had talent. I was impressed.

Billy slept a lot for the first week. I looked after him hand and foot. I brought him meals. Bought him clothes and washed them. I was starting to suspect something and when I found him on my PC playing a video game I had enough. I marched him into the living room and sat him down.

“Enough Billy.”


“You’re being lazy. Time to man up. You need to start painting again.”

“I don’t have anywhere to paint. Or paints. Or canvasses.” He shrugged.

“I can arrange a place and help you with supplies. A loan until you get your feet under you.”

“Um, sure.”

I rocked back on my ass on the couch. “That’s it? Sure?”

He shrugged.

I discovered something new about my feelings. I was quite capable of being disgusted by young men.

“Billy, is there something you want to tell me?”

“Huh? No.”

I was hoping for maybe a thank you. I growled.

“Okay, I’ll ask around and see if I can borrow a paint studio for a few days. They’ll have supplies. We can start there. Does that sound okay?”


I stared at him for a long moment and then rose and left the room. For a moment all I could think about was throwing him out on his ass. He was infuriating. My third student was a huge disappointment. In fact, the thought of anything sexual to do with Billy repulsed me.

In shock, I heard my condo door open and close. I came back out and found him gone.

“What the fuck?”

Six hours later, Billy came sauntering home. He buzzed the door at two in the morning. I let him in and watched as he staggered into my home. It took me about ten seconds to realise he was stoned out of his mind.

“Heeey, Chassy. Fuck you’re hot! Those tits…” he cupped fake tits on his own chest. “Like, wow!”

“Billy, what are you on?”

“On? Nothing, man. High on life!”

“You’re high all right.”

“Pfft. It’s the life of an artist, right? Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, man! You’ve got to suffer to be an artist, am I right? And I have suffered!”

“That’s not true. Joyce’s novel was about the artist needing to free himself from limiting pressures. Far too many people believe that drivel about suffering.”

“What, no! It’s true.”

“No, it’s not. Go to bed.”

“I’m not tired. I want to party. It’s why I came home! I want to party with you! You’re fucking hot!”

“That’s never going to happen. Go to bed.”

Billy moved toward me, arms outstretched, and making horrible kissy faces. I backed away.

“Stop, Billy. Don’t do this!”

“Come on! Kiss me! Man, I want to fuck you. I bet your cunt’s delicious.”

“Stop, Billy!”

He kept coming so I kicked him right in the nuts. Really hard. I needed him put down and down he went. He dropped like a rock, curled up in a foetal position, vomited once, and passed out.

I cleaned him up and put him to bed.

Then I called Ben. He came over at once.

“Ben!” I cried when I opened my condo door.

“Where is he?” he growled and pushed past me and headed toward the spare room.

I ran and grabbed his shoulder. “Stop! He’s passed out in bed. Don’t do anything! It’s not worth it! BEN!”

He finally stopped, his hand on the doorknob to the spare room. His face turned to look at me and I was shocked at the anger there. He was capable of anything.

My Ben could kill someone, I thought and was embarrassed when that turned me on more than it should.

He looked down at his white-knuckled hand on the doorknob and slowly opened his fingers. He took a step back and looked away from me. “He needs to leave. He can’t stay here anymore.”

“I know.”

“What are you going to do?”

“I don’t know right now. This is a mess. Look at me, Ben.” He wouldn’t turn to look at me.

“He is a drug addict, isn’t he.”

“Yes, I think so.”

“Probably always was. It would explain his foster family throwing him out. Probably couldn’t wait to get rid of him.”

“Ben! We don’t know that. Why won’t you look at me?”

“Ask that sergeant to look into it.”

“I will.”

“Chastity, you need to stop with these charity cases. You’re going to get hurt!”

“Ben, it’s who I am!”

He finally turned to look at me. Tears streamed down his face. “I can’t see you get hurt, Chastity! I couldn’t bear it!” His voice broke.

“Oh, Ben!” I stepped up to him and wrapped him in my arms. “My Ben!”

He cried on my shoulder, his whole body shaking, and I held him for as long as it took.

An hour later, as he came inside me, looking down and into my eyes, he confessed his love for me. We made love for hours. I simply couldn’t get enough of his big cock. And strong hands and fingers.

But I could never love Ben the same way he loved me.

When he slept, I cried for myself.

The next morning, we waited for Billy to emerge from his room. When he did, he was surprised to see Ben. He smiled at him.

“Oh hi, Ben. What are you doing here?”

Ben exchanged a look with me. This was strange.

I patted the sectional. “Come sit here, Billy. Do you remember last night?”

Billy stayed where he was and looked at Ben and then me. “What is this?”

“Billy, you came home high as a kite last night at two in the morning.”

“I did? Yeah. Sometimes I do a little bit of drugs.”

“Do you remember what you did when you got here?”

“Ah, no? Why? What happened?”

Ben growled. “You tried to rape Chastity!”

Billy looked shocked.

“Ben! No, he didn’t. He just got overly friendly. It wasn’t rape, Billy. It wasn’t! Ben! You agreed to let me handle this, now shut up!”

Billy looked around like he wanted to run.

“Billy, it’s okay. You just scared me last night. That can’t happen again. You can’t be doing drugs.”


“Saying you’re sorry would be appropriate right now.”


“And mean it.”

“I’m sorry!”

I looked at him. He had had this type of conversation before. I was sure of it. “Billy, were you doing drugs while in foster care?”


“Is that why they threw you out when you turned eighteen?”


“Then you met Carl, is that right?”

“Sorta but yeah.”

“Sort of? Why sort of?”

“I was hooking up with one of those rich bitches. She was taken care of me. You know. Taking care of me. She saw I could paint and that led to Carl.”

“So, Carl helped you out?”

“Yeah. He set me up in that loft. I could paint when I wanted to. He gave me drugs.”

“Why did he do that?”

“I, ah, paint better when I’m high.”

A light dawned. “And the work at the gala? Those were your paintings when you weren’t high, were they not?”

“Yeah, how’d you know that?”

“But they beat you, right?”

“Yeah, they did.”

Ben spoke this time. “Why? Why would they beat you?”

“I ah, I don’t remember, but they say I hit on one of those rich bitches’ daughter. Sandra or something. I don’t remember. She had a thing for me. Kept coming round to watch me paint. I painted her nude once. That was sweet. She let me eat her out after.”

“And the night you called me,” I said. “Do you remember anything from that night?”

“I got some new drugs. They kinda fucked me up. I remember thinking about you, is all. I could still see you at the gala, dressed to kill, looking so much more prim and proper than the rest of those rich bitches. And you knew my name! That was powerful, you know.”

“But they beat you worse than ever, that night.”

“Yeah. It might have to do with Sandra. She had come by that morning. She wasn’t supposed to.”

“What did you do.”

“Nothing! Nothing she didn’t want. I mean she came back, right?”

I nodded. It took everything I had not to scream and put down this piece of shit. He had talent all right. But he was bad through and through. The world could do without his art. I would make sure of it.

“Thanks, Billy. Can you go to your room for a bit? I need to talk to Ben, alone, if you don’t mind.”

“Sure thing. I’m sorry, Chastity.”

That wasn’t sincere but I nodded at him.

As soon as he left, I took out my phone and dialled a number. It rang three times before it picked up.

“Sergeant John Clarke, how can I help you?”

I looked at Ben and he smiled.

* * *

Two days later I accepted a strange invitation and walked into the Auberge Pastry. I was guided to a table where Sandra’s mother waited for me. She rose on seeing me and we air kissed for all the other patrons to see. Even when you didn’t like someone, you acted the part. Optics are everything.

“Chastity, please sit and join me. I’m so glad you accepted my invitation.”

We sat and I smiled at her. A practiced smile, meant for these occasions “It’s Diane, isn’t it?” Of course it was, I had screamed it out at the gala.


I waited, and the waiter hovered nearby. Whatever she wanted to say, I wouldn’t start it.

Diane turned to the waiter, and he approached. She looked at me. “Is high tea, acceptable?”

I adored high tea and simply nodded once, rather than clap my hands and shout “Yeah!”

She looked at the waiter and he nodded and left. Words apparently were not needed here. I looked around the place. It was full of the rich and not much else. It had one of those fake Paris cafés look about it. I would rather be eating a cheeseburger with Ben.

We were back together. At least for now. It couldn’t last and I couldn’t let it last. I would need to break it off, but only after he filled me a few more times. I knew it was wrong, but I still wasn’t over him and after everything that had happened, I needed his strength. God, he made me feel safe. God, I was fucking up with him.

Diane was fidgeting. I ignored her. She wanted something from me, I just didn’t know what.

We sat in silence until the high tea arrived. It looked lovely. A silver stacked tray rose high with beautiful little sandwiches and pastries perched for our oral amusement. Then a silver tray of steaming scones, a bowl of strawberry jam, and another bowl with Devonshire clotted cream, were placed on the table. My mouth filled with spit.

Tea was poured into fine China cups and made to our tastes.

I sipped and then grabbed a sandwich and bit into it. Cucumber with English mayonnaise and no crusts. It disappeared far too quickly so I grabbed another. Smoked salmon. Oh, my fucking God these were good.

“I see you have an appetite,” said Diane watching me.

I nodded my head. My mouth was full, and I knew not to talk.

“I want to thank you.”

I almost choked. I swallowed with difficulty and slurped some tea to wash it down. “Thank me?”

“I see that surprises you. I believed my daughter when she told me those things about Ben. Of course, I believed her! She was my daughter. You don’t have children so perhaps you don’t understand. Your children are everything to a mother. It isn’t until they get older that they start to disappoint you.”

I looked at my little fork and wondered if it was strong enough to stab this woman to death.

“I had no reason to doubt her. When his mother threw him out of her home—her own son! —it merely confirmed it with me. I befriended her. I felt sorry for her. I didn’t realise what a petty vile woman she was. I only discovered it the night of the gala. I hauled Sandra out of there and had a long talk. She confessed everything to me.”

“That she ruined a man’s life, destroyed his reputation and any prospect for a good future, and ended up making him homeless? All because she couldn’t handle a big dick?”

Diane shushed me and looked around the café. I stole her smoked salmon sandwich from her side of the tray. I ate it when she looked back at me. Her eyes dropped to the platter for a second.

“Yes. She did. It was stupid and juvenile. I had a long talk with her. It didn’t go well. She then took a fancy to that artist kid. Talked about him a lot. Then the other night she came home crying. She wouldn’t speak to me. She’s shut me out. Then I find out what happened.”

What she means is, she found out Billy raped her daughter and had him beaten within an inch of his life.

I grabbed a scone and cut it open. Steam rose. I slavered jam on one half and then dropped a large dollop of cream on it. One bite and I was in heaven. English food is terrible, but they sure got it right with this stuff. I quickly put together the other half and devoured it.

I have to bring Ben here.

“So, thank you.”

“You still haven’t said for what.”

“For exposing all that. That bastard deserves jail.”

“Are you talking about Carl or Billy?”

“Both, I suppose.”

“Soon to be you, too.”

Diane looked shocked. “Me? What are you talking about?”

“I was in the warehouse. The one Carl owns. The police had moved all the paintings down to the first floor. They left me alone with them. It only took me like five minutes to confirm they were all painted by the same person and that person was Billy. I’m really good at what I do. So then I looked around. The cops hadn’t bothered because the crime scene was upstairs. There was a lot of art there. Priceless stuff. From all over the world. Some I didn’t recognise but I could recognise the authenticity.”

I grabbed another scone and cut it open. More steam! These things were amazing. The jam with the clotted cream made it.

As I had prepped another jam covered delicacy I continued. “Stolen antiquities are a lucrative market. Did you know most stolen art is bought by curators and museums? They actually say when caught that if they hadn’t bought them, they would have ended up in private collections and no one would ever see them. Can you believe that? But the crime is hardly policed. There’s simply too much of it going on worldwide. So, I naturally noticed a lot of the art was going to museums worldwide. Imagine my surprise when I found a manifest hidden in a filing cabinet in a back office and saw quite a few pieces had been shipped to our quaint little museum right here in Centreville.

“Yesterday morning I went to the museum and walked around. I found most of the stolen pieces already on display. There were two pieces missing. So, I pulled out my credentials and spoke to the curator. At first, he was pleased to speak to the senior editor of my magazine. You do know which one, correct? Then when I asked about those two missing pieces, he nearly fainted, the poor soul. I calmed him down and he told me everything. I have a way with men. Then I called Sergeant Clarke. He should be here momentarily after he executes the search warrant at your home.

“I would eat up, if I were you, the scones are going to get cold.”


My door buzzed and I answered it.


“Hi Chastity, it’s me, Adam.”


“Yes, let me up.”

I hesitated and then let him in and fretted until he knocked at my door.

I opened it and there was Adam. I looked for Ben, but he wasn’t there.

“Ben doesn’t know I’m here. Can I come in?”

“Yes, of course. Sorry. Come in.”

I took his jacket, wet from rain, and hung it in the closet. “Can I get you a coffee? It’s miserable outside. Who knew it could get this wet and cold in August?”

“I would love a coffee. Just black, please.”

“Ooh. I like black.”

“That doesn’t surprise me.”

I raised my eyebrows as I led Adam into my kitchen. I guess Adam has a little sass in him.

I turned to my espresso thingy and dropped a golden pod in the top and put a glass mug under it and pressed the button. So much work.

“What can I do for you, Adam?”

“I read the papers. Saw the story about the art smuggling ring right here in town. The police took down a lot of the rich and famous.”

“Rich, yes. Famous, no. Well, a little bit now.”

“Took a little digging but I found out it was you that led the police to them.”

“Not completely true. I had a small part.”

“I lost my job. We all did who worked for that man. You knew that, right?”

“Yes, and I’m sorry, Adam. That was not my intention. I merely reported what I found.”

“I know that, and I’m not blaming you. That whole family was fucked up. I landed on my feet. I have connections. I’m making the same salary and working fewer hours. I couldn’t be happier.”

His coffee finished brewing and I handed it to him. He waited and looked at me.

“You’re not having one?”

“No, I don’t like coffee.”

“You don’t like coffee? Don’t think I can trust someone who doesn’t like coffee.”

“Then don’t trust me. What’s this about. What are you doing here? Not that I mind, but this is unusual.”

“You dumped Ben again.”

I sighed. “Yes. I did.”



“Yes, of course. It wouldn’t work and Ben needs someone his age to grow old with. You were the best thing that ever happened to him, he needed you when he did, but he needs his own life, too.”

“I agree.”

“I’m here to see if you’re all right, Chastity. I don’t think you have anyone in your life to confide with, do you? I know you loved him. More than he deserved perhaps, because you let him go. He’ll see that one day and understand. But you must be broken-hearted. Are you doing okay?”

I went rigid. I didn’t know how to respond. The past two weeks I had been going through the motions. Keeping myself busy with the magazine. I had cried once and then shut off the taps. And now here was Adam, cranking both the hot and cold taps on to full. That wasn’t fair. This wasn’t right. This was…

Adam held me for an hour until the crying finally stopped. He dried my tears, kissed my cheek, and quietly left.

I managed to cop one feel. He was just as big as Ben.

Author’s Closing Comments:

A little light on the erotica. All right, there was no sex. Not really. Sorry about that. The tale didn’t really fit with that. It will ramp up again in the next chronicle.

Tell me what you think! If you liked it hit that five-star rating! Also, let me know what you think. I respond to all queries.

And NO, it would totally NOT be appropriate for Chastity to sleep with Ben’s father! Don’t even suggest it. Adam is a good man, one of the better ones despite allowing his wife to throw his son out of the house. But he never abandoned Ben. Remember that. And he could never cheat on his own son with Chastity. These are the life values that make us all better people.

Stay safe!

Lana Ocean

May 2023

All rights reserved. Copyright © 2023 Lana Ocean


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