Check Out Girl Ch. 02 by uk_writer_53,uk_writer_53

“Mmmmmmmmm….. I think someone’s horny again.” Maddison moaned into his mouth, lowering one of her hands to take a firm hold of his hardness.

Liam didn’t answer.

Instead, he moved above her, easing her onto her back, her legs spreading wide for him letting her position his cockhead between her puffy pink outer lips.

“Fuck me Liam… I want you inside me. Please…. fuck me.” she whispered staring into up into his eyes.

He didn’t need to be asked twice and following his girlfriend’s explicit instructions he slowly fed every inch of his erection all the way up into her tight quim.

“Oh my god…… yeeesssssssssssssssssssssss!” her cry of delight at being filled by his hardness echoed off the bedroom walls.

Feeling his manhood sheathed in her pussy Maddison lay back and savoured the feeling for a second or two before her boyfriend began to thrust rhythmically into her. Fucking her with long unhurried strokes his shaft burrowed all the way up inside her every time he drove in, splitting her pink fleshy lips open around it.

Above her he grunted with each stroke he made, supporting his weight on his arms, as he ploughed his hard dick into her wet cleft.

“Fuck… oh fuck… oh Liam… don’t stop…. please just fuck me.” her hands clutched at his buttocks pulling him deeper every time he slammed his length into her pussy.

Responding eagerly to the sensations he was creating in her Maddi bucked off the bed, pushing her hips upwards to meet his as he drove into her.

Keeping to a leisurely pace, taking his time and enjoying the feel of her velvet softness around his dick, Liam slowly fucked his girlfriend towards her first climax of the day.

Urging him on Maddi wriggled and jerked, taking every hard inch of his manhood between her nether lips. The pink folds wrapping around his girth, caressing it as he worked his shaft rhythmically in and out of her juicy slit.

“Shit… oh shit… shit… shit, I’m… oh god… I’m…” Maddison gasped and writhed as the pleasure started to build to an overwhelming crescendo.

“Cum for me Maddi… cum on my dick.” Liam instructed her, increasing the speed of his thrusts until he was literally pounding her hard and fast, his hips slapping loudly against hers.

Flinging her arms out wide she grabbed the bedsheet, knuckles white, and arched up off the bed, her vaginal muscles contracting around the throbbing cock being driven into her.

“Liaaaammmmmmmmmmmmm….. yesssssssssssssssssssss!” eyes closed her head whipped frenziedly from side to side as she went over the edge.

“OH…. GOD…. I’M…. CUMMMIINNGGGGGGGGGGGGG!” her shrill squeal echoed around the bedroom as her body shuddered and shook violently in the throes of her orgasm.

“Aaahhhhh… Maddi…. oh fuck, I’m… aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!”

Unable to hold back as her muscles clamped tight around his prick, Liam buried his manhood in her one last time and flooded her belly with another bounteous deposit of his man cream.

Collapsing together Liam lay on top of Maddison as they wrapped their arms about each other. Holding on to each other tightly they lay there for at least a couple of minutes getting their breath back before he eventually rolled off her and lay back alongside her still panting.

“You are something else. Do you know that?”

Turning on her side she looked at her boyfriend and giggled “You know you’re not so bad yourself Liam Cooper.”

“There is one problem though.” he told her with a serious expression.


“The coffee’s cold now.”


“Have you spoken to your mum yet?” Liam enquired hesitantly.

The two of them were sitting in the living area with a fresh coffee after showering and dressing.

“Yeah, I did, while you were in the bathroom.”

“And?” Liam nervously wondered what the outcome of her conversation had been.

“Well, my mum said dad wasn’t too happy about me sleeping here but he’s calmed down a bit now, apparently.” Maddison almost casually updated him.

“You are an adult now.” he pointed out the obvious, worrying about the reaction Maddi sleeping at his flat might get from her father.

She smiled “That’s what my mum told him.”

Liam considered her answer for a moment “So, do you think he’ll be ok with you staying over again?”

Maddison pursed her lips thoughtfully “It’s not his decision. Like you said I’m an adult and, if he doesn’t like it, he’ll just have to put up with it.”

“That’s easier said than done.” he grinned, knowing the problems he might create for her, “You were the one who told me how controlling he can be.”

Maddi frowned “He’ll try to be but between my mum and I we’ll manage him. I think we might have to cool it for a bit though.”

“In that case I better give you this.” he stood up and retrieved his spare keys from the side, “Then you can let yourself in and out when you feel it’s ok to come over.”

Her eyes widened in surprise as she took the key from him and studied it for a moment.

“Are you sure about this?”

His easy grin reassured her “Absolutely. Now you can come and go when you want to.”

She took a sip of her coffee and leant across the counter to kiss him.

“Thank you.”

“There was something else I wanted to suggest to you. Now that we’ve… you know… done it.”

Maddi gave him a slightly anxious look “Oh what’s that?”

“Don’t worry it’s nothing bad.” he chuckled taking hold of her hand, “I thought we might go away on holiday, you know somewhere cheap and warm for a week.”

Putting her mug down Maddi flung her arms around his neck and started kissing him, showing her thoughts on his idea.

“That sounds absolutely….. oh, but it will have to be after the seventeenth.” she suddenly declared, “We’re going to my works party. Remember?”

“As if you’d let me forget.” he chuckled.

Liam knew Maddi had been excited about the two of them going to her company function for weeks. It was an annual event organised by the supermarket staff to commemorate the opening anniversary of the store that she worked in.

“The party’s in three weeks. We could see what’s available and book something for after the do.” She suggested helpfully.

“Sounds like a plan.”

For the remainder of the morning, they sat in front of Liam’s laptop searching through numerous holidays looking for something that would suit both their requirements and their fairly limited budget.

It was a task that proved a lot more difficult than either of them expected it to be. They didn’t wany anything to crowded and it had to be hot but, most importantly, it had to be cheap.

Eventually, they managed to draw up a shortlist of three possibilities and after some discussion settled on a final choice.

A small resort on the Costa Del Sol, it fitted just about every aspect they required. The village was small but seemed just lively enough to provide them with enough to do while the hotel they chose was small and compact with a decent sized pool.

The deciding factor was the cost. It was cheap and suited not only their needs but also their small budget.

Twenty minutes later with everything booked and a deposit paid, the pair of them went out to have lunch and celebrate.



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