Check Out Girl Ch. 02 by uk_writer_53,uk_writer_53

As Maddison had predicted her father was less than happy about her staying overnight and it had resulted in major row when she eventually got home on the Sunday. Although he couldn’t actually stop her his disapproval did make her limit herself to a handful of nights when she stopped over and spent the night with Liam, just to keep the peace.

Not that it stopped them having sex. It just meant that Liam ended up driving her home after she had been at his place for the evening.

His puritan attitude also meant that for the moment she didn’t say anything to her father about the holiday she had planned with her boyfriend.

Fortunately, not staying over with him wasn’t too much of a problem as for the next three weeks Maddison and Liam were both kept really busy, with work and preparing for their trip.

Her only concern was that she knew she had to tell her father about her planned holiday with Liam at some point. Fretting about it she continued to avoid the subject until eventually, unable to put it off any longer, she simply blurted it out over dinner one evening.

“You’re not going and that’s the end of it.” His initial response was a blunt refusal just as she had anticipated it would be.

“Dad… I’m going away with Liam whether you like it or not.”

“Tom, you can’t stop her she’s nineteen.” Her mother added taking her daughter’s side.

“I can and I bloody well will.”

Maddison stood up, trembling with anger as she flung her words back at him “No you won’t dad. I love Liam and we’re going on holiday.”

“You can’t prevent her going Tom and you know it.”

Her father looked between the two of them, noting the look of determination on his daughter’s face “Do what you want. I’m going to the pub.”

With one final outburst he stormed out and left Maddi red faced with rage and her mother grinning.

Having dealt with the major issue of telling her father her vacation plans Maddison could now focus her next concern, the upcoming company party.

She had told her parents she would stay at Liam’s on the night of the 17th and as planned she arrived at his flat straight from work with her overnight bag.

Being a Saturday, he was at home watching television when she entered and, after a quick kiss hello, she relegated him to the spare room to get ready. Leaving her alone in the master bedroom to make her lengthy preparations, once she had showered.

It was just before seven thirty, and Liam was waiting patiently in the living area, when Maddison finally appeared.

“Wow… you look fantastic.” Was about all he could manage when she ultimately stepped out of the bedroom.

She had left her long hair loose so it cascaded over her shoulders and down her back but it was her eyes that got his attention first.

They were heavily made-up; long false eyelashes thickly covered with black mascara, a dark eyeshadow and eye liner, gave them a sultry and alluring look which made him want to kiss her there and then.

However, it was her dress which really took his breath away. The vivid red sheath had thin spaghetti straps and a plunging cleavage that was held together with three silver buckles. Revealing the inner swell of her breasts it emphasised her modest chest whilst still maintaining a suggestion of decorum.

Barely reaching a few inches below her bottom, the hem just about covered the little black thong that was the only underwear she was wearing.

“You like it?” Maddi did a twirl in her 3″ stiletto heels displaying herself to her boyfriend from every side.

“Like it… I was just thinking about staying here with the most gorgeous girl in the world instead of going to some stupid party.”

She giggled “No way mister. I’ve spent hours getting ready so we’re going.”

Just at that moment the doorbell went signalling that their taxi to the event had arrived.

They had decided to take a cab rather than Liam driving so both of them could have a few drinks without worrying.

As they left the flat the driver held open the rear door so Maddi could get in. Sliding indiscreetly into the back seat her dress rode up her thighs while her legs parted and Liam couldn’t help but notice the driver getting an eyeful of his girlfriend’s tiny black knickers.

“You know you flashed him?” he whispered quietly sitting down next to her.

“Mmhhmm…. Did it turn you on?” she giggled reaching down to lightly run her fingers across the front of his pants.

“Yes….” he managed to croak.

“Good.” She whispered back, “Then I’ll do it some more.”

Opening her legs slightly Maddi let her hemline ride up so her black panty covered crotch was exposed to his view.

From the corner of his eye, Liam noticed the taxi driver adjusting his mirror, tilting it down slightly, so he could see all the way up between her thighs to her thong.

Liam knew he should say something there and then and put a stop to Maddison’s outrageous behaviour but he didn’t. It was turning him on and he was struggling with the fact that he found the idea of someone looking at his girlfriend arousing.

Reaching their destination, the cab driver jumped out to open the door on Maddi’s side and she rewarded him with another glorious view up her dress as her legs parted and she took her time getting out.

“You did that on purpose?” Liam told her as the taxi drove away leaving them to make our way into the venue.

She giggled naughtily and squeezed his semi erect cock through his pants “Of course. I did it to tease you silly, you said it was turning you on.”

“You’re a very naughty young lady.” he couldn’t help but grin broadly as he realised that his girlfriend had something of an exhibitionist side that he never knew about.

“Mmhhhmm…. and you never know… I might get even naughtier later on.” She hinted impishly squeezing his arm, “Just to get you warmed up for when we get home.”

“Like what?” he looked at her curiously.

“You’ll have to wait and see.” She batted her long lashes, giggling naughtily and turning away to walk ahead of him into the party.

Once the pair were inside, they made their way through the crowd to the bar to get themselves a drink.

“Madd’s!” A leggy bleached blonde with large, mostly visible breasts, rushed across to greet them.

“You’re here.” She hugged Maddison as Liam stood by and watched the two girls.

“Where’s Craig?” Maddi asked hugging her back.

“Oh, he’s around somewhere.” the blonde waved her hand around casually.

Stepping away Maddi introduced them “Stacey this is my boyfriend Liam. Liam this is Stacey, my friend from work.”

Liam mumbled a brief hello as a well-built guy wandered over and slipped an arm around the blonde.

“Maddi, Liam this is my other half, Craig.” She pointed at each of them in turn and they all nodded another hello.

The four of them stood around chatting and drinking for a while as more people entered and a few of the other women from work came across and spoke to them. Generally, however, the men stayed away although Liam couldn’t help but notice one of them, a short dark-haired guy of around his own age, leering at the two girls from a short distance away.

“Who’s he?” Liam asked his girlfriend, nodding towards him.


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