She glanced across and frowned “That’s Henry Grant, the company lecher and arsehole.”
“That’s harsh.” He raised an eyebrow,
Maddi snorted “Not really. He thinks he’s god’s gift to women and he has the manners of a pig. He thinks that every girl at work wants to go to bed with him.”
Liam shrugged and didn’t ask anymore. He couldn’t blame him for looking, both girls were stunning, each in their in their own way. While he thought Maddison was definitely the sexier of the two, he had to admit that Stacey was attractive in much sluttier way.
It must have been around eleven o’clock, Craig and Liam were standing at the bar talking as they watched Maddison and Stacey dancing. The two girls had both had far too much to drink and were out on the dancefloor gyrating sexily attracting a crowd of the younger men, including Henry Grant, around them.
“Does it bother you? Maddison dancing like that.” Craig asked him rather bluntly.
Liam took a moment to glance at his girlfriend again. She was grinding her backside into the crotch of a guy standing behind her who was holding her hips, much the same as Stacey was doing to someone else.
“Yes and no I guess.” He answered as his cock twitching with arousal as he watched what was happening.
Craig laughed “I know what you mean. It does that to me to.”
Maddi had squirmed away from the guy holding her and was dancing alone again although Stacey’s partner had his arm around her, pulling her back against him as he gently moved her away from the group.
“Oops better go and make sure she’s ok.” Craig winked and wandered off.
Just then the music changed to a slower number.
Maddison looked straight across at her boyfriend and smiled turning back as Henry Grant stepped up to her and asked her to dance.
She was obviously drunk enough that she didn’t remember or care what she had said about him as, slipping her arms about his neck, she let him pull her against him. Crushing her modest breasts against his chest he slid both his hands down her body to cup her arse and grind his crotch into hers.
Liam knew he should have stopped it then. Gone and interrupted what was happening and dragged his girlfriend away but for some strange reason he couldn’t.
While Maddison’s earlier moments of exhibitionism for the taxi driver had turned him this, sluttier drunken version of his girlfriend, was arousing him even more than he would have imagined possible.
Glancing around to see if anyone was watching he saw Craig grinning and following the direction of his gaze he saw Stacey in a similar clinch with another man. Her arms wrapped about him as she kissed her dance partner.
The music changed again and he turned back to find Maddi had disengaged herself from the obnoxious Henry and was walking unsteadily back towards him.
“Di ya joy ma lil formance?” she slurred, slipping her arms around his neck, draping herself against him.
“You are very drunk.” he kissed her, “And yes I did enjoy it but I think we need to go home.”
“Don be spoilspor, I wanna play gain.” Her words were becoming garbled and difficult to understand as she took another long mouthful of her drink.
“I think you’ve had enough Madd’s.” Liam took her glass out of her hand, “We should go home.”
“No yet… I wanna play sum ore.” She snatched her drink back and swallowed the remainder of the contents before shoving the empty glass back at him.
“Come on let’s go. We need to call it a night baby.”
“No ye! Jus ge me nuvver drin.” She demanded loudly before staggering away back onto the dance floor.
Liam had never seen Maddison drunk, not like this. She was normally only a moderate drinker at best and he could only stand and watch as she weaved her way back onto the dance floor. He should have kept hold of her, made her leave, but he couldn’t. He had to find out how far he would let his obsession go.