City Girl Pt. 11 by CDROM1717,CDROM1717

A/N: So uhh, funny story… My internet spent over a month not working at all before finally getting fixed a couple weeks ago. So that’s part of why this chapter took me so long. So umm… yeah… Back to Chase and Sarah.


“So,” Sarah recognized her boss’s voice and turned to face her, “do either of you girls have any big plans for later this week? Maybe this weekend?”

“Randy and I are going out to eat this weekend.” Stacy answered.

“Good for you.” Carla, their boss, replied. “What about you?” She asked, turning her attention to Sarah.

Sarah was still trying to process the question. “What’s special about this weekend?” She thought out loud.

Carla and Stacy both burst out laughing. “Haven’t you had a boyfriend for almost a month now?” Carla asked. “You’re telling me you haven’t been thinking about this since then?”

It took a second, but something finally clicked in Sarah’s head, and she realized that Valentine’s Day was coming up. She instantly understood the laughter and part of her wished she could kick herself.

“I don’t have anything planned yet for this weekend…” she admitted.

“You might wanna get on that.” Carla teased. “I’m sure your boyfriend will be hurt.”

“No, he won’t.” Stacy chimed in. “I guarantee he hasn’t given it a moment’s thought either.”

“I’m not sure if I’m more relieved or depressed about the fact that you’re probably right…” Sarah admitted.

Stacy and Carla both laughed. “Maybe say something to him about it.” Carla suggested.

“I might…” Sarah responded. She wasn’t entirely sure what she even wanted to do.

“Well, you two should probably get going.” Carla suggested. “We’re done closing up here and one of you has plans to make for the weekend.” She added a wink directed at Sarah with that last comment.

Sarah felt herself blush a bit as she started putting on her jacket. Stacy quickly put hers on too and the two of them headed out to Sarah’s car. They usually carpooled since Stacy’s house was literally on the route to get there, it was easy and saved gas.

“So, you and Chase literally have no plans for this weekend?” Stacy asked, clearly a bit surprised.

“No, and I’m not entirely sure why that surprises you.” Sarah responded.

“Because,” Stacy responded, “I figured you’d be jumping at the bit to go out on a real date with him.”

“Why would I worry about that?” Sarah replied, only half serious. “I’ve already made it to his bed.”

Stacy responded by glaring at her. “Has he even kissed you yet?” She asked, an obvious smirk on her face.

“Wow, way to knock me down a few pegs…” Sarah replied, deliberately dodging the question.

“Uh-huh.” Stacy replied smugly. “That’s what I thought.”

Sarah huffed in defeat. “Ok fine.” She said. “So, what am I supposed to do?” She asked.

“Go out on an actual date with him.” Stacy replied, bluntly.

“Knowing him, that won’t be enough to get him to kiss me.” Sarah pointed out.

“Maybe…” Stacy commented. “The way Randy talks about him, he is very protective and supportive of the people he’s close to. Part of me wonders if he’s holding back a bit. If you can figure out how to get past that, I think you’ll be in the clear.”

“Maybe, but why would he be holding back?” Sarah replied thoughtfully.

“I honestly can’t answer that for you.” Stacy replied.

“Ok, well how am I supposed to get past it?” Sarah asked.

“Honestly,” Stacy responded, “you probably could just get the ball rolling by just touching his hand or something. From there, just be responsive to any kind of escalation he does.”

“Hmm.” Sarah replied thoughtfully. She had managed to get into bed with him, so it didn’t make a whole lot of sense to her for him to being holding back. Then again, he might have thought she was doing it because she didn’t have a choice.

After some thinking, Sarah pulled into Stacy’s driveway to drop her off. “See you tomorrow.” Stacy said as she got out of the car.

“Same to you.” Sarah responded.

As she continued her drive home, she began to think about what she should do. “Honestly,” she thought to herself, “I probably should start with trying to get an actual date set up. From there I’ll just have to play it by ear.”

Satisfied with her decision, she finished her drive home and, after getting inside, she texted Chase.

“Hey Chase.”

“Hey, what’s up?”

“Just got home from work. How about yourself?”

“Finally decided to start tearing down the engine in my 4255.”

“You did not!”

His next message showed a picture of a tractor with the hood pulled off. She assumed there were other things taken apart too, but she wasn’t familiar enough with tractors to know what.

“Chase!” Was all she could think to say.

“Sarah, relax. My shoulder’s holding up fine and I’m taking it easy.”

“You’d better be. If you hurt yourself again you’d better believe you’re not gonna hear the end of it from me.”

“Oh trust me, I know I won’t.”


“So, is there a reason you texted me besides to ask what I was doing?”

“Well… yes…”

“Ok, go on…”

“Do you know what’s later this week?”

“Oh shit! Valentine’s Day!”

“Lol I figured you hadn’t thought about it either.”

“Hold up. ‘Either?'”

“Yeah… I’m not used to having to think about it.”

“Well, it’s nice to know I’m not the only one.”

“I can imagine lol.”

“Ok, so the actual reason you texted me was to make plans for the holiday.”

“You’re starting to figure out how to read my hints aren’t you? Lol.”

“Don’t let your hopes get too high now. Lol.”

“So I can at least have some hopes then right?”

“I suppose.”

“Yay! Lol.”

“Ok so, since I’m not busy with work and you get off in the afternoon, how about we go out for dinner after you get off work on Friday?”

“Ok, I like it so far. Where’d you have in mind?”

“Well, if you’re up for it, there’s a certain barbeque joint in town that I’ve been wanting to try out.”

“That sounds like something you’d suggest. Lol.”

“If you want something else, we can do something else. That was just a suggestion.”

“And it was a good one lol. It was just something I figured you would suggest of all people.”

“Ok then… The place isn’t anything fancy, so you don’t need to go too crazy as far as what you wear. I’m probably gonna go with a long-sleeved button-up and jeans.”

“Alright. Sounds like a plan.”

“Cool. Would me picking you up at 7 work?”


“Great, I’ll see you Friday.”

“Same to you.”

The next three days couldn’t have gone by fast enough. Sarah deliberately neglected to tell Stacy about her plans with Chase because she wanted to surprise her.

Her chance to do exactly that presented itself on Friday afternoon as they finished closing up.

“Well Stacy, you have fun with your boyfriend this weekend.” Carla said as they all prepared to leave.

“I’ll be sure to.” Stacy replied with a giggle. By that time, Sarah was already in the process of getting her jacket on.

“Wow, what are you in a hurry for?” Carla asked her. “You got a date or something?”

A smile crossed Sarah’s face as she turned to face her and Stacy. “Actually, I do.”

The stunned look on both of their faces only served to stroke Sarah’s ego. It felt great knowing that neither of them were expecting her to actually make plans.

“So that boyfriend of yours is real?” Carla teased.

“How long ago did you guys make plans?” Stacy asked.

“Monday afternoon.” Sarah answered.

“You’ve had an actual date set up since Monday and you didn’t tell me?!” Stacy cried out.

“Yep.” Sarah responded with a smug look on her face.

“Why didn’t you tell me?!”

“Because I wanted to see how you’d react when you found out.”

“Traitor.” Stacy muttered.

Sarah and Carla both laughed.

“Well, I guess you’d better get going.” Carla quipped. “Don’t wanna be late.”

Sarah laughed and Stacy proceeded to get her jacket on and then the two of them headed out the door.

“I can’t believe you.” Stacy said as they climbed into her vehicle. “You didn’t tell me you had a date tonight even though you’ve had it planned all week.”

Sarah chuckled in response. “I thought you’d be suprised.”

“You traitor.” Stacy retorted.

Sarah couldn’t help but laugh.

“What are your big plans anyway?” Stacy asked. “Since you weren’t gonna tell me.”

“We’re just going out to eat.” Sarah answered. “Nothing too special.”

“Do you think you’re gonna get him to make a move?” Stacy asked.

“No promises.” Sarah replied laughing. “Especially with his thick skull.”

“You’d better lay it on thick then.” Stacy teased.

“Funny.” Sarah admitted.

“I thought so.” Stacy replied with a shrug.

“Mhmm.” Sarah mumbled.

Before long, Stacy was dropping her off at home. “Well good luck tonight.” She teased.

“Thanks,” Sarah mumbled, “I’ll need it.” She immediately headed inside and tried to keep her head clear as she got out of her work clothes and jumped into the shower.

“This is actually happening…” she thought to herself. “I’m actually going out on a date with him.” They had been “together” for a month already, but something about actually going out specifically to spend time with each other cemented that fact into her mind.

She shuddered as her mind refocused on what she was doing. That focus didn’t last long as she started lathering up. She closed her eyes and her imagination took over. She imagined Chase’s hands making their way over her as she lathered up and scrubbed herself off.

“God,” she thought to herself, “I’m gonna get myself all hot and bothered before I even see him at the door.”

She managed to keep her mind clear long enough to finish her shower and get dried off. As she walked back into her room, she noticed that it was only 4:30. She still had two and a half hours to get ready before he’d be there to pick her up.

As if prompted by her thoughts, her phone went off. She walked over to investigate and found that it was a text from Chase.

“Hey, are we still good for 7 tonight?”

“Can’t come fast enough.” She replied, letting her eagerness show through her text.

“Alright. I’ll see you at 7 then.”

“Same to you.”

Sarah felt a slight pang of disappointment at the fact that Chase didn’t seem to mirror her excitement. Regardless, now she at least had confirmation that it was still on.

She spent the next while waiting to get dressed. She hadn’t entirely nailed down what she wanted to wear anyway. She did remember Chase saying he was going to wear a long-sleeved button-up and jeans. That at least gave her half an idea how crazy she needed to go as far as getting dressed up.

She eventually settled on just mimicking Chase and wearing a pair of jeans and a button-up. It wasn’t exactly a look she had ever done before, and a mix of intrigue and concern came over her as she got up and picked out the clothes she wanted to wear.

Upon rummaging through her closet, she realized that she hardly had any button-up shirts. After some time, she finally stumbled upon a red and blue, plaid shirt. She quickly pulled it out and began looking it over.

“I forgot I even had this…” She thought out loud as she laid the shirt over herself. By the looks of things, it would fit alright.

“I can’t even remember the last time I wore this. Hell, I’m not sure I even remember why I have it.” She thought to herself. She proceeded to take the shirt off of its hanger and laid it on her bed.

As she took the towels she’d dried off with off, something clicked in her brain. She’d bought that shirt a couple years back for a costume for a school play. It was a wild-west themed play. She smiled to herself, amused by the fact that she’d never even considered wearing anything that looked like that outside of that context, and yet here she was wearing it on a first date.

She grabbed matching set of skin-colored undergarments, fully aware the two of them would probably not end up going that far.

“Just in case.” She thought, mocking herself. She proceeded to try on the shirt. It fit, but when she turned to look in the mirror she saw a couple buttons on her chest were clearly being pulled at a bit. A closer look revealed that part of her bra was showing through.

“Were my boobs really that much smaller sophomore year?” She thought to herself, absentmindedly cupping them for a second and then letting them go. She then tried undoing the top two buttons. That was enough to make the shirt fit her chest a little better, but now half of her breasts were showing.

Her mind instantly went to the man she was getting dressed up for. “This would be some eye candy for him…” she thought to herself. She leaned forward into the mirror. With those buttons undone she could see all the way down her cleavage. She took a moment to play with her assets and appreciate them a bit, hoping Chase would feel the same way if (hopefully when) he got the chance to see them.

“If only mom hadn’t raised me better that show this much in public.” She thought. She decided that her best bet was to simply wear an undershirt, that would hide her cleavage well enough and would allow her to wear the shirt she’d picked out.

She took the shirt off and got out a plain white undershirt, put it on, and then put the shirt back on. She checked the mirror again and was pleased to find that the undershirt was cut high enough to cover her cleavage, but low enough to almost show some.

“That went better than expected.” She thought out loud. “Now I just need to find a nice pair of jeans.”

She didn’t have many pairs of jeans, but she already knew of a pair that fit her perfectly and the dark blue color would match really well with the shirt. She quickly went to drawer they were in and began rummaging through it. It didn’t take her long to find them and she quickly put them on. She tucked her shirt in and decided she should probably wear a belt if she was tucking her shirt in. She grabbed one from her closet and also managed to find a pair of boots, something else she rarely wore. She put them both on and took another look in the mirror.

“Good god!” She thought to herself as she took in what she was seeing in the mirror. “Is that really me?” This wasn’t something she’d ever really looked like before. She actually almost looked like she’d lived out in the country for a while. “Well,” she thought, “I have lived out here for a few months.”

She took the opportunity to study herself in the mirror. Her hair was still damp and wrapped up how she’d put it when she got out of the shower, but the rest of her was a sight to see. The shirt she had on fit her figure extremely well, drawing in a tiny bit above her waist and flaring out a bit both up and down from there. Her jeans also brought out her figure, perfectly fitting around her hips and thighs all the way down to her calves. She turned her hips a bit to try to see if they did her the same favors on the back and quickly found that they did.

She ran her hand up the outside of her thigh and over her ass. “Man,” she said to no one in particular, “I really hit the nail on the head.” She hoped Chase would feel the same way.

A text notification from her phone drew her attention and she went to investigate. It was Stacy.

“So city slicker, what are you gonna wear on your date with a farm boy?”

Sarah smiled at the teasing. She was fully aware that she was definitely out of her “normal.” She elected to take a picture of herself in the mirror and send that as a response.

While she waited for Stacy’s reply, she noticed that it was after 5:30 already. “Shit,” she thought to herself, “I still have to do my hair and makeup.” She grabbed her phone and quickly made her way to the bathroom. As she was drying her hair, she got another text and assumed that it was Stacy answering. After she finished drying her hair, she read the text from Stacy.

“Damn girl, you almost look like you belong out here.”

“I thought the exact same thing.”

“I didn’t even know you had clothes like that.”

“This shirt hasn’t been worn in about 3 years and the same goes for the boots.”

“That explains why I don’t ever remember seeing you in them.”

“It also explains why my boobs don’t fit in the shirt if I button it up all the way.”

“Well, you look great regardless. How soon is he coming to pick you up?”

“He said 7 so I’ve got a little over an hour to finish my hair and makeup.”

“Well, I’ll leave you to it then. Are you hoping to hang out after the date? lol”

Sarah picked up on the innuendo. “I can dream, can’t I?”

“You could also say and or do something about it.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

“Hey, looking like that, a little bit of touching will probably be enough for even Chase to get the hint.”


“Just do it. I’ll get back to you tomorrow to ask about how it went.”


“Alright, have fun.”

“Oh, I will one way or another.”

Sarah went back to working on finishing up her hair. She decided that she was going to leave it down. Her hair had some waviness to it and the color would work well with the rest of her outfit.

The only thing she had left after that was to do her makeup. In keeping with the theme so far of not overdoing anything, she didn’t spend any real time on it and mostly just covered some marks and dark spots.

By the time she was done, it was just after 6:30. Sarah took a moment to study herself in the mirror and make sure that everything she’d done turned out alright.

“Well,” she thought out loud after looking herself over, “this is it…” In reality she had just under half an hour before Chase would be there to pick her up, but at this point she was as ready as she was ever going to be.

That half hour couldn’t have gone by fast enough to satisfy her. But, go by it did, and shortly before 7, she heard the sound of something pulling into her driveway. She looked out the window and saw Chase’s truck pulling into her driveway. She quickly grabbed her purse from her room, put on a bit of perfume, and went to get her jacket. By the time she got to the door, the doorbell rang and she quickly opened to door and let Chase in.

To her surprise, he wasn’t wearing a jacket of any kind. He also had clearly trimmed his beard and hair and also didn’t have a hat on. His shirt was a red and white plaid, much like the one she was wearing, and he had on a pair of jeans and, unsurprisingly, a pair of boots. Sarah took a few more looks over him and her eyes were drawn to the chest hairs that were poking out from above the top button on his shirt. She involuntarily bit her lip before Chase interrupted her daydreaming.

“Did I miss something?” He asked.

“Not at all.” She told him. “I was just enjoying the view.”

“I was too.” He replied, a smile crossing his face.

“You clean up pretty nicely, don’t you?” She commented.

“I would say the same to you.” He remarked. “I will admit, you’re pretty much never gonna see me any more dressed up than this so do with that what you will.”

Sarah nodded, thankful that he thought she looked good too. “I think I can live with that.” She replied with a smile of her own.

“Well,” Chase began, turning towards the door again, “I know I’m a touch early, but I don’t think it’ll hurt us any to get on the road.”

“Sounds good to me.” Sarah replied, following Chase out the door to his truck. He opened the passenger’s door for her. She climbed in and put on her seatbelt. Chase then went around, got in, and backed out of her driveway.

Sarah could barely contain her excitement as they made their way to the restaurant. Chase was right next to her, plus he was all cleaned up and even dressed up a bit. Add to that the fact that her ego was still riding on the high of knowing he thought she looked good, and her mind seemed to be more focused on fantasizing about after the date than the actual date.

She took an opportunity while they were cruising on the highway to lean over and rest her head on his arm.

“Don’t fall asleep.” He said, “we haven’t even made it there yet.”

“Oh trust me,” she replied, “I’m the farthest thing from asleep.”

“Ok.” He replied, “We’re almost there.”

“Ok.” She replied.

A couple seconds later she noticed a subtle smell that she hadn’t noticed before. She inhaled a couple times to get a better handle on what it was. “Oh my god…” she thought to herself, “He put on cologne!” That realization made her mind go crazy. It took an embarrassing amount of self-control for her to not grab him and try to breathe in as much of that smell as she could.

After a few minutes of her imagination doing its thing, Chase finally pulled into the parking lot of what she assumed was the restaurant they were going to eat at. He hadn’t been kidding when he said that it wasn’t anything special. The building was clearly aged, but had been maintained well enough to not look run-down.

Chase killed the engine in his truck as she managed to pull herself off of him and get out into the cold. She made quick work of finding him and using him as a windshield. Plus, she could catch a bit more of the smell of his cologne. She walked downwind from him as they headed for the door to the restaurant. He opened it for her, and she walked inside.

“Hi!” The hostess greeted them as they walked in. “Just the two of you tonight?”

“Yes ma’am.” Chase said.

“Ok! Follow me please.”

The hostess then led them to a booth that sat along an outside wall. The two of them sat down and ordered their drinks.

“I can see why they have that outdoor dining space.” Chase commented as Sarah was grabbing a menu.

“Why’s that?” She asked as she turned to look out the window.

“I’ll bet those hills are a real sight to see when summer rolls around and they’re nice and green.” He replied.

“Hmm…” She answered thoughtfully. The restaurant was situated on the edge of town and as she looked past the railing and out into the night, she could make out the silhouettes of what she assumed were rolling hills that stretched all the way across her field of view. She had a hard time imagining what the scene would look like, but she didn’t find Chase’s statement hard to believe. “Sounds like we might have to come back sometime this summer.” She suggested.

“Definitely.” He agreed.

The two of them then returned their attention to their menus.

“Any idea what you want?” She asked after skimming the menu.

“Honestly,” he replied, “I’m probably gonna go with a half-chicken and a potato packet.”

“That doesn’t sound bad,” she replied, “I was leaning more towards just a sirloin and a salad.”

“That doesn’t sound bad either.” Chase commented. About then, a waitress arrived with their drinks.

“Here you guys go.” She said as she set them on the table. “Are you guys ready to order, or do you need a few minutes still?”

“I’m ready if you are.” Chase commented, looking at Sarah.

“I think I am too.” Sarah replied.

“Ok! What’ll you have?” The waitress asked, taking out her notepad and pen.

“I’ll have the 8oz Sirloin.” Sarah began.

“How would you like that cooked?”

“Medium please.”

“Alright, and for your side?”

“I’ll take a salad.”

“What kind of dressing on that?”

“Italian please.”

“Ok, will that be all for you?”


“Fantastic,” the waitress said as she finished writing and then turned her attention to Chase. “And for you sir?”

“I’d like a barbecued half-chicken.” Chase answered.

“Oooh, excellent choice. What would you like for your side?”

“I’d like to try one of your potato packets.”

“Alright, those come with butter, onions, sour cream, salt, and pepper, will that be good?”

“Uhh, can I get that without the sour cream?”

“Sure can. Anything else for you?”

“Nope, that’ll be all.”

“Alright, I’ll take those menus and get your orders in, and then I’ll be right back with some rolls for you two.”

“Thank you.” Chase said as he handed her his menu. Sarah followed suit and the waitress walked off towards the kitchen.

Sarah proceeded to put a straw in her glass of ice water and watched Chase as he did the same with his soft drink.

“I’m a little surprised you didn’t get something with alcohol in it.” She commented, trying not to sound judgmental.

“I don’t drink a ton.” He explained. “At least not when I’m out and about, and especially not when I have to drive both of us home.”

“I can appreciate that.” Sarah agreed.

“Thanks.” Chase replied. “I take it you don’t drink either?”

“I’m not old enough yet…” She admitted.

Chase gave her a curious look. “Well how old are you?” He asked.

“I just turned 19 last fall…” She answered.

“Oh…” Chase replied, clearly a bit relieved. “When you said that I was worried you might have been barely 18 or something.”

“No, I wouldn’t put you in that situation.” Sarah replied, relieved that the tension had broken.

“Good to know.” Came the reply. “When exactly is your birthday anyway?”

“October 5th.” She answered. “How about yours?”

“July 20th.” He answered. “Last summer, that night we met at the bar, I had just turned 21 the week before. That’s why Randy got on my ass a bit about not drinking.”

“Hmm.” Sarah replied thoughtfully.

Just then, the waitress returned with a basket of rolls and some butter. “Here you go.” She said.

“Thank you.” Chase said as he grabbed on and immediately began buttering it.

Sarah followed suit, grabbing a roll, opening it, and proceeding to spread butter on it. As she picked it up to take a bite, her eyes were drawn to Chase as he was chewing on his roll. Her eyes quickly wandered down to his hands, sitting right in front of his chest as he was eating.

She took a bite of her own roll as she took in the rough appearance of his hands. Between the veins running across the back of his hands and up his forearms, which, unfortunately for her eyes, were covered by his long sleeves. She still couldn’t help but imagine what it would feel like to have those rough hands running all over her bare skin.

That thought sent a chill down her spine and she failed to hide a bit of a shudder. Her eyes widened at the fear of her giving herself away, but she looked up to find Chase still eating his roll as he stared out the window.

“What are you looking at?” She asked as she tried to look in the same direction he was.

“Nothing.” He replied. “Just thinking.”

“About what?” She asked.

“I’ve just got a lot to do, and the clock is already ticking.” He eventually said.

“Oh?” She replied, her concern evident in her voice.

“Yeah.” He replied. “We typically need to be in the fields by mid-April and that gives me only two months. I currently have: Two tractors that need engine rebuilds, some tillage equipment to repair and get rid of, a planter and a drill that probably need a bunch of work done, a combine with a separator that needs rebuilt, and a bunch of forage equipment that needs gone through. Hell, I haven’t even looked closely at most of that yet.” He paused for a moment before proceeding. “I’ve also got two silos that need cleared out, the unloaders probably need gone through, and I’m not sure if they’ll need relined and sealed or not. I’m more than likely gonna need to rebuild the fence around the pasture, or at least some of it. It also would be nice to get a pit made up for manure once I actually have some cattle roaming around. Speaking of cattle, I’m not sure where I’m gonna get those from.”

Sarah sat in a bit of a stunned silence. Meanwhile, Chase took a deep breath and ate another bite of his roll.

“No wonder he keeps pushing himself to get work done…” Sarah thought to herself. She knew he had a decent amount to do, but it seemed like every time she asked, the list kept getting longer. She also had to admit that much of that work probably took longer than she realized, her dad had worked on automotive stuff and even so, some jobs took a couple days to do. She figured bigger machines didn’t make the process any faster.

“My saving grace,” Chase continued after swallowing the last bit of his roll, “is that not all of that needs done at the same time. I need to get the 4255 done soon because I want to make sure it doesn’t have any other issues, and because that will probably be my planting tractor. The 4650 is ready to go, which means I can rip my fields in the spring once the ground is fit. Come to think of it, I could use that tractor to plant too. I won’t really need the 2755 until it’s time to make hay, and even then, I could use the 4255 if I needed to. The combine won’t be needed until summer rolls around, but a separator rebuild takes a lot of man hours to finish. The same goes for all the forage equipment, although hopefully that stuff won’t take a ton of work. The last thing I’ll need should be the silos and unloaders. Those won’t get filled until fall this year.”

Sarah pondered in silence for a moment. “Y’know,” she commented, “the more I listen to you talk about this kind of stuff, the more I realize how little I understand about what farming actually entails.”

Chase chuckled and turned to face her. “There’s definitely a lot to it.” He agreed. “The thing is, we’re kind of jacks of all trades. We’re adequate at a lot of things, but not particularly outstanding at any of them.”

“Well,” Sarah countered, “you definitely know more about all of them than I do.”

Chase chuckled again. “I’m sure you’ll pick up on a lot of it if you stick around long enough.” He told her

“Really?” She asked.

“Sure.” He replied. “You ask questions and pay attention when I answer them. I’m sure you’re a good learner.”

“I guess.” She remarked. “I did do pretty well in school.”

“I’d believe it.” Came the reply. “Why didn’t you go to college anyway?”

“I didn’t really have enough of a sense of direction to know what I wanted to do.” She answered.

“I see.” He replied.

“Plus,” she added, “after my dad passed away, we were in a much worse financial position than we were before.”

“That’s understandable.” Chase agreed. “I can’t blame you for not wanting to start college with no sense of direction, especially if you don’t have a guaranteed job when you get out.”

“Yeah.” Sarah agreed.

“So, how’d you end up out here of all places?” Chase asked.

“Well,” Sarah answered, “My grandparents actually own the house I’m living in and recently they haven’t really been using it. They kept ahold of it hoping I could get out from under mom’s roof sooner and making her life a little easier. They own the house, so they don’t really charge me much for rent, I just have to pay utilities and all my bills.”

“That’s not too bad of a gig, is it?” Chase remarked.

“Not at all.” Sarah agreed.

“So why exactly didn’t you get a job back home and work while you lived with your mom?” Was the next question.

“Well,” she answered, “I could have, but part of me really wanted to get out of the city. Another part of me wanted to move to get back closer to Stacy. She and I have been friends since middle school, and when we were in our junior year, her dad moved to keep up with his job. She ended up getting the job she has now and when Carla opened up a second waitress position, she got ahold of me and asked me to move out here after graduation. I probably wouldn’t have been able to if it weren’t for the fact that my grandparents owned a house out here and were willing to let me stay in it.”

“Hmm.” Chase replied thoughtfully. “I guess you got pretty lucky, all of that worked out pretty well for you, didn’t it?”

Sarah smiled and leaned towards him a bit. “That was all definitely lucky.” She agreed. “But, what makes me feel really lucky right now, is sitting across from you on a date.”

Chase smiled and leaned a little closer himself. “I would say the same thing about sitting across from you.” He replied.

Sarah felt herself get flustered. Not only had she managed to pull that smooth of a line out of nowhere, but he was also leaning back into it. Now she didn’t know what to do, so they ended up just sitting there lost in the moment.

For better or worse, the moment was broken by the waitress delivering their food.

“Alright, here’s the half-chicken and potato packet.” She said. Chase raised his hand slightly to indicate that it was his order. She promptly gave it to him before getting the other plate. “And here’s your sirloin and salad ma’am.” She added, handing Sarah her order.

They both thanked the waitress as she left the table.

“Definitely smells good…” Chase remarked as he worked to open up his potato packet.

“Mhmm.” Sarah agreed as she started in on her salad.

The two of them turned their attention to their food and ate mostly in silence until they had finished their meals and were waiting on the bill.

Sarah leaned back in her seat after finishing her drink and let out a contented sigh.

“You full?” Chase said, poorly hiding a smile.

“You’d better believe it.” She answered. “That was pretty good.”

“Good to know yours was too.” He replied.

“Yeah.” Sarah agreed. “We’re definitely gonna have to come back here again.”

“Fine by me.” Chase agreed.

A few seconds later, the waitress arrived with their bill. “No hurry with this.” She said as she laid it down. “Do either of you need anything else?”

“No thanks.” Chase said. The waitress turned to Sarah, who shook her head, before nodding. “Alright. You two have a nice night.”

“Thanks. You too.” Chase replied as the waitress left. He then opened the bill.

“What’s my portion of that?” Sarah asked after giving him a few seconds to look it over.

“I can get it.” Chase responded.

“Maybe, but I couldn’t live with myself if I made you pay for something I wanted to do while you’re out of work.” She argued.

“I wouldn’t have taken you out if I didn’t feel like I could pay for it.” Chase replied.

“I don’t care.” She replied, refusing to budge. “I’m paying for my half tonight.”

“Hmm.” Came his reply as he looked at the bill, probably trying to add up her portion. “Looks like 25 oughtta cover everything for you.”

“Alright.” She replied, digging the money out of her purse. She retrieved thirty dollars from it and handed it to Chase. He wordlessly took the money, added it to his part of the bill, and set it on the table. He then downed the last bit of his drink.

“Alright,” he began, “are you ready to go back home?”

Sarah felt a little disappointed, she had hoped that their time together would have lasted a little longer than it had. “Well…” she began.

“Well…?” Chase asked.

“I was kinda hoping this wouldn’t go as fast as it did.” She admitted.

“I can see that.” Chase agreed. “I don’t really have anything else planned though.”

Sarah found herself recalling the night that she had spent with him during the snowstorm. “Who cares?” She thought to herself. “It wasn’t like we had any plans then, and I still enjoyed just being around him.”

“Of course…” Chase continued, “that didn’t really stop us when we were snowed in.”

“Exactly…” Sarah agreed, still scared to ask for him to stay for a little while.

“Maybe I’ll linger for a while after I drop you off.” He said.

Sarah nodded. “I’ll take that.” She thought to herself. She then put her jacket and made sure she had everything.

“Alright, let’s hit the road.” Chase said. He then headed for the door and Sarah followed him back out to his truck. He opened the door for her, and she climbed in as he made his way around to the driver’s side.

She felt herself starting to get tired as he drove her back to her house. She took the opportunity to lean her head against his arm again. He responded by reaching his hand over and gently squeezing her thigh.

Sarah’s breath instantly caught in her throat. That touch had sent a shot of pleasure that rocked her whole body. He was leaning back into her touch now, maybe she’d actually get him to do a little more.

Before long, they were sitting in Sarah’s driveway. Chase killed the engine and started to get out of his truck.

Sarah followed suit and got out of the truck. Once she’d made it inside, she took off her shoes and jacket as Chase removed his boots. The two of them turned to face each other.

Sarah was still riding on the pleasure from him actually putting a hand on her. As they stood less than a foot apart, she caught a whiff of his cologne again. An urge to feel him touch her again took over her normal brain and she practically threw herself at him.

Chase didn’t miss a beat and wrapped her in and hug and even picked her up and swung her around a bit.

“What’s gotten into you?” He asked.

“I don’t know,” she replied, “but I’m enjoying this too much to care.” The smell of his cologne on top of the feeling of being pressed against him as he held her off the ground, was something she could have only imagined.

“Alright,” he replied, “I don’t know what to do though.”

“I don’t care if we go straight to my bed.” she told him, indicating with her head where her bedroom was.

Chase then adjusted his grip and started walking towards her room. Sarah instinctively wrapped her legs around him as he walked.

“You’re lucky my shoulder’s feeling better.” He quipped as they neared her bedroom.

“I’m just getting all kinds of lucky tonight.” She joked in return.

Chase’s initial silence scared her a bit, but he did end up responding. “You won’t get that lucky,” he said, “I’m just not ready for that.”

“I don’t care,” she replied, “I just want to feel you against me.”

“Well,” he said, “that I’d be happy to do.”

“Good.” She replied. By then, they were in her room. “Now let me down and we can get comfortable.”

Instead of actually setting her down on the floor, he carried her over to her bed and gently tossed her onto it. After realizing what had just happened, she reached over and turned on her bedside lamp before smiling up at Chase as he stood by her bed smiling down at her. Something about having been thrown onto her bed on top of having to look up at him, made her feel really small and feminine. At 5’9″, feeling small wasn’t something she was used to, and it was a welcome feeling.

“Well,” she asked after a moment had passed, “what are you waiting for?” Chase responded by shrugging and climbing on top of her. He straddled her legs with his knees and then leaned down onto his elbows, putting his face a couple inches away from hers. At that point, her own desires took over and she wrapped her arms around him, running them over his back and enjoying the feeling of his muscles.

As she was enjoying the feeling, she reflexively closed her eyes and she soon felt him move and that was quickly followed by a warm sensation on her lips. Her eyes snapped opened as she realized he was kissing her. She froze for a moment before responding by pulling him closer and returning the kiss. The bliss that she was feeling was hard to put into rational thought, but in that moment it didn’t matter. All she wanted was to be a close to him as possible.

Chase ended up breaking the kiss to roll over onto his side. Sarah’s response was to push him the rest of the way onto his back and climb on top of him. She ran her hands over his chest, enjoying the feeling of his muscles. “Are you enjoying yourself?” He asked through a bit of a pant.

“You’d better believe it.” She told him. She gently squeezed his arms, working her way from his biceps, down his muscled forearms, all the way to his calloused hands. Chase then broke his hands free from her grip and pulled her down so that she was laying on him. The two of them kissed again and she felt his hands start feeling their way across her shoulder blades and down her back. They broke the kiss and she laid there, letting his hands continue exploring down to her ass and on down her legs, and then back up, finishing by firmly squeezing her ass.

“If only we weren’t clothed right now.” She thought to herself.

As if fate had known what she was thinking, an opportunity was dropped at her feet.

“Is it just me,” Chase asked, “or is it getting hot in here?”

Sarah sat herself up and began running her hand up his torso. “No,” she replied, “it’s not just you.” She gently pulled at a button on his shirt before continuing. “But I do think you might have something to do with it.” She added with a sultry grin.

Chase responded by running his hands over her ass and up her sides. “I think you might have something to do with it too.” He said, his desire evident on his face.

“There it is…” she thought to herself, seeing that lust in his eyes really had worked a miracle on her. She wasn’t sure what she’d done to draw it out, but regardless, there it was, and she wanted to take advantage of it.

“Maybe we need to take a layer off…” she said, again pulling at the button on his shirt.

“Or two…” Chase responded as he guided her hands to start unbuttoning his shirt. As she made her way down his torso, the excitement started getting to her. She couldn’t believe she was about to get to lay eyes on his naked torso.

Once she’d finished unbuttoning his shirt, Chase finished taking it off and then, to her delight, he removed his undershirt.

There it was, that hairy chest she’d been wanting to lay eyes on for months. She wasted no time in exploring it, the feeling of that coarse hair as she ran her hands over his chest almost managed to send her over the edge.

“Alright,” he said after giving her a couple moments, “now it’s your turn.”

Sarah smiled when she realized what he wanted, and she was happy to oblige. She sat up and started undoing the buttons on her shirt before removing it, and then she pulled of her undershirt, revealing only her bra and otherwise naked upper body to him. Her nervousness vanished when she saw him staring at her wide eyed. She took the opportunity to arch her back a bit and lean towards him, giving him more of what he was evidently enjoying. As she did, she felt her nipples stiffen from the cool air in the room.

“Do you like what you see?” She asked, already knowing the answer.

“I think ‘like’ is too mild of a word…” he responded. Sarah smiled and shook her assets a little bit.

As she moved, she felt something rubbing at her crotch. “Good lord…” she thought to herself, “I can feel that through two pair of jeans…” She ground herself against him a little bit, something that her anatomy was very appreciative of. “Well, those are probably getting ruined right now…” she thought, referring to her panties.

The next thing she knew, she was falling over onto her back.

“You’re killing me woman.” Chase said as he rolled onto his side next to her.

Sarah couldn’t respond, being thrown off of him like a ragdoll had only heightened her arousal. She wanted to feel him, no she needed to feel him. She was about to ask him to, but it proved unnecessary as he threw his leg over her and planted his lips on her neck. She involuntarily let out a moan of appreciation, he responded by running this hand over her exposed midsection. Sarah’s left breast started demanding attention from the strong hand that was mere inches away, so she grabbed his hand and guided it to her breast. He got the memo and went to town. As she writhed underneath him, she felt her crotch rubbing against his leg that was thrown over her, it only took a matter of seconds before she could feel an orgasm building inside her. A nice firm squeeze on her breast, combined with the pleasure she was getting from grinding against his leg, and feeling him pull her into a strong kiss on her neck, all added up to send her over the edge.

She let out an involuntary moan as she started writhing halfway underneath him. After her orgasm subsided, she realized that the room had fallen silent and a sudden rush of embarrassment flooded over her and she immediately panicked. She pushed Chase off of her and ran to her bathroom. She closed the door behind her and turned on the light. She got the chance to look at herself in the mirror, half naked, face red, hair in a mess.

“What the hell is wrong with me?” She thought after collecting herself. “I’ve been dreaming of doing something like this for months, and now it actually happened and here I am about to have a breakdown.” She felt herself starting to tear up, and she ran some water in the sink and splashed it on her face, trying to calm her nerves.

She remained in the bathroom for a few minutes to calm herself. Her moment was interrupted by a knock at the door.

“Yes?” She responded.

“Are you alright in there?” Chase asked.

“Yeah…” she admitted, “I just kinda freaked out… Sorry about that.”

“It’s ok.” Came the reply. “I feel bad asking you this right now, but I need to use the bathroom.”

Sarah chuckled in response. “Ok, I need to head back to my room to change anyway.”

“I understand.” Chase responded.

Sarah wiped her face and opened the door to return to her room. She took off her jeans and even changed her underwear before climbing into her bed.

After a minute or so, Chase returned to her room and approached her. “Are you alright?” He asked, gently brushing her hair out of her face.

“Yeah.” She admitted, still embarrassed about what had happened.

“Ok.” He replied. “I should probably get going.”

She didn’t know what to say but she knew she didn’t want him to leave, so she ended up grabbing his arm. He stopped and turned to face her. She still couldn’t find the right thing to say, but the gesture had managed to get the message across.

“Alright.” Chase sighed. “I’ll stay.”

Sarah smiled and released him. He went over, took off his jeans, during which time she realized that his legs and ass were muscled just like the rest of him. He then climbed under the sheets with her and the two of them settled into a spooning position. Sarah turned off the light on her nightstand and snuggled into the warmth of his chest hair against her. The feeling of being skin to skin with him now had an odd effect of calming her down, and she quickly felt herself drifting off to sleep.

“Well,” she thought to herself as she replayed the nights events in her head, “I guess I can tell Stacy tomorrow that I got a little more than a kiss out of him.” She’d probably have to spill about why she didn’t go all the way, but right now all she cared about was being next to the man she was falling for.

The last thing she felt before falling asleep was a gentle kiss on her neck, accompanied by a “good night” from Chase.

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