Coming to America

This is a work of fiction, and none of the experiences have actually happened. This story involves a girl losing her virginity and Mormons, so if that disturbs you, then you should stop reading now. Any similarity to real names or real people is purely coincidental.

Nobody in this story was underage when they had sex.


Luisa was born into a moderately wealthy family in Monterrey, Mexico. Her family converted from the Catholic Church to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (the Mormon Church) when she was four years old, so she didn’t really remember anything else. She was raised to be a good wife and mother, and was taught that was where her interests should be. When she was in high school, her father was made the bishop of their local LDS ward, which meant that everybody in their area looked to their family for examples.

Luisa was a good student as well as a good Mormon daughter. She wanted to go to university, but she wanted to find a good Mormon man to marry while she was there, and there was only one place she could think of where she could do that: Brigham Young University (BYU) in Utah. She talked to her father about it, and he helped her to apply. To attend BYU, she would have to get a student visa, for which she would need to be accepted by the university for admission first. It was a long process, but Luisa had her acceptance letter and her visa before the start of the fall trimester at BYU.

Her father got her an airline ticket to Salt Lake City, and then she would have to take the light rail train to Provo. He gave her a contact number that he had arranged to take her and her luggage to her dorm at BYU. He also paid for her first year of tuition, a year at the dorm, and a full-meal pass, which allowed her to eat anytime she was hungry at any one of the university’s cafeterias. She had a credit card for any books, fees and miscellaneous expenses she would need.

Her flight went smoothly: from Monterrey to San Antonio and from San Antonio to Salt Lake City. The US had an immigration entry point at the Monterrey airport, so she didn’t have to go through immigration in San Antonio. That was good because she only had a short layover before her flight to Salt Lake City. Even all of her luggage arrived with her in Salt Lake City.

She bought a SIM for her phone (and installed it), caught the train, and called the contact number when she was about halfway to Provo. A van was waiting for her at the light rail terminal, and the driver had a sign with her name. He helped her to get all of her luggage off the train and onto a cart to take to the van.

The first thing she noticed was how cute the driver was. She introduced herself and asked how her father knew to call him. He introduced himself as Joe Worthington, and told her that their fathers had met at the last World Church Conference in Salt Lake City the year before. Her father had asked his father to make sure that she arrived safely at her dorm at BYU, which his father then assigned to Joe. He told her that he was actually very happy to pick up such a beautiful girl at the train station. She blushed.

For anybody who doesn’t know, Provo is a city that is built at the side of a mountain, with the BYU campus situated high on a ridge that extends off the side of the mountain. It has a great view of the valley. Today’s van ride wasn’t for sightseeing, though, and it only took them minutes to reach her dorm.

Once again Joe helped her carry her luggage, which she could never have carried on her own, into the dorm, and after she checked in at the office, up to her room. She was lucky enough to have a room to herself (thank you, Papa), so they were able to fit everything into the room.

“Luisa?” Joe asked. “Would you like me to show you around campus in a little while?”

Luisa had hoped that she would get to know Joe better, so she jumped at the chance. “Yes, please. What time?”

“How about noon?” he queried. “That will give you a couple of hours to sort your stuff out, and we can make our first stop at the main cafeteria for the dorms. I’m sure you are getting hungry.”

“That would be wonderful,” she replied. “I will meet you down in the front lobby.”

“OK, but you need to know that most boys are not allowed inside the front door of the dorm. I am one of the few exceptions because my father is in charge of Standards at BYU and everybody knows who I am. I can pretty much go anywhere I want on campus, especially now, when classes don’t start until next week. If you date other boys, they will have to stick to the rules.”

Luisa blushed at her own thoughts and asked, “So, how do things change next week when classes are in session?”

“Well,” he replied. “This is a girls-only dorm. That means that no boys or men are allowed inside, and if one is allowed in, then the dorm monitors must announce that there is a man on the floor, so no girls come into the hall not fully dressed. Don’t worry, though. Boys and men are seldom allowed in the dorm.”

“OK,” she replied. “I’ll see you at noon.” Joe left and Luisa busied herself with getting everything put away in her dresser and closet as well as the things in and on her desk. She even had time to take a quick shower before lunch. It was a nice day, so Luisa wore a nice, modest sundress for her campus tour with Joe.

“Wow!” Joe proclaimed when she came into the lobby. “Every boy that sees you with me is going to be jealous.”

She blushed again. It seemed like she might blush a lot if she was going to be with Joe. “Thank you, Joe. I’m not that pretty,” she said.

May I beg to differ,” he replied. “You are the hottest girl I have seen on campus, and this is my fourth year.”

“Oh my,” she replied and blushed even more. “How old are you?”

Joe smiled, “I’ve been on a mission, and I am a senior, so I am 24. Is that too old?”

“No,” she stated. “That is perfect.” She didn’t complete her thought, that a husband should be older than his wife so he can guide her through life. She was already picturing Joe guiding her through life.

Joe took her to the cafeteria, where they talked a lot. Both of them knew a lot more about the other once lunch was finished. Joe wanted to know what it was like growing up in Monterrey, Mexico as a Mormon. Luisa wanted to know what it was like growing up at BYU.

In the end, they decided that they had a lot in common, even though they had grown up so far apart. They were both the youngest child in their families, which meant that everybody in their families had watched over and directed their every move. Joe told her that his first taste of freedom was when he went on his mission, which seemed funny, since missionaries were so closely watched.

After lunch, Joe took her around the campus and showed her through many of the buildings. She was, of course, most interested in the Home Economics building, since that would be her planned major. She told Joe, “I want to learn how to be a better wife and mother.”

Joe laughed. “I’m fairly sure you already learned everything you need to know about that at your mother’s knee, but education is still a good thing, if it doesn’t get in the way of your actual life goals. Far too many girls, even here at BYU, get so wrapped up in themselves and their education that they forget that being a good wife and mother is the highest calling the can strive for.”

“I don’t think I could ever forget that,” she replied. It would be going against everything I have ever been taught. I really want to be a good wife and mother. It is everything that I care about.”

“Wow!” Joe exclaimed. “Will you marry me?”

She immediately replied, “Yes. I will.”

“Hahaha,” he laughed. “I was only kidding.”

“I wasn’t,” she replied.

Joe was astonished. “Do you believe in love at first sight?”

“I do now,” she replied. Luisa wanted to be with Joe more than she had ever wanted anything.

“Then I guess we will need to start planning for our wedding,” he said while shaking his head. Was she serious, he wondered? Joe had never pictured himself being beside such a stunningly beautiful woman. If she was serious, and actually wanted to marry him, then he would be the luckiest man in the world. It already felt like they had known each other their whole lives, and he suddenly realized that he loved this girl. He loved Luisa.

He took her to the steps at the southwest corner of the campus that go down into the city. There were seldom any students here, since most students were too lazy to take the stairs. He swung her around to face him. “If you are serious about getting married, then kiss me.”

“I don’t know how,” she replied. “But I will follow your lead if you kiss me first.”

So, he kissed her. Public displays of affection (PDA) were not allowed on-campus at BYU, but nobody was around, so he took the chance. First of all, he couldn’t believe how sweet her mouth was, and he was amazed that she allowed his tongue into her mouth. The kiss lasted for several minutes until a girl passed them on the stairs and declared, “Get a room.”

“Well,” he said. “I guess I need to introduce my fiancée to my father. Are you ready to meet him?”

“Yes,” she replied. “Do I look OK?”

“If you didn’t look OK, I would have told you back at the dorm,” he stated. Your dress is beautiful. Since it has short sleeves and shoulders, no rules are being broken, so I would be proud to introduce you to my father.”

“Father,” Joe began. “I would like to introduce you to my fiancée, Luisa Gardenia Sanchez. Luisa, I would like to introduce you to my father, John Worthington”

“Did you say fiancée?” his father queried. “Luisa’s father and I thought something like this might happen, but neither of us guessed that it would happen so quickly, so sit down and tell me what made you decide to get married so quickly.”

Joe started, “I feel like I have known her throughout eternity. I have never felt that with a woman before.”

Luisa nodded. “I fell in love with Joe the first time I saw him at the train station. It felt like I had found somebody I had been looking for since I was born. I’m sure that Joe was only kidding when he asked me to marry him, but I said ‘Yes’ and I was serious.”

Joe’s father was smiling. “Is it OK if I get your father on the phone, Luisa?” She nodded and Joe’s father. She was surprised how quickly Joe’s father got through to her father.

Joe’s dad had the call on speaker phone. “Hola?” came the voice from the other end.

“Roberto,” said John. “This is John Worthington calling from BYU.”

“Oh, hello John. Why did you call?” Roberto asked.

“Well,” John replied. “Do you remember that thing we talked about at conference if our children ever met?”

“Yes,” Roberto replied. “What happened?”

“Well,” John said. “They met when Joe picked her up at the train station, and they have apparently spent most of the day together. Luisa is here. Maybe she should tell you.”

“Hola Papa,” Luisa began. I don’t know how to say this, but I fell in love with Joe, and I agreed to marry him.”

“Oh, Baby.” Roberto replied. “That is wonderful news. Wait until I tell Maria. She will be so excited. She told me this would happen a lot faster than John and I thought. So much for prophecy of the priesthood. We saw this coming, but it took a mother to tell us how soon. Congratulations. When and where do you plan to get married?”

Joe cut in, “We haven’t had time to set a date yet, Sir. We will let you know soon.”

Roberto replied, “No need to delay, if you two are already sure. Maria and I already have visas to the US, so choose a date and a temple and we will be there.”

“Yes, Papa,” Luisa replied. “We will set up a time and date with the temple here in Provo. I didn’t understand why it was important that you gave me a temple recommend before I left home, but now I do. I am really surprised that everybody knew this would happen even before we did, but I guess I shouldn’t be. Maybe John can call you with the details when we have them.”

“I would love to,” John said. “I guess both of us need to tell our wives what is happening.”

“Yes,” Roberto replied. “Thank you for calling, John, and speak to you soon.” With that, the call ended.

John leaned over his desk, “I am really happy for both of you. You should set the date as soon as possible. We see way too often where couples delay, and then aren’t able to go to the temple because they crossed the line. I don’t want that for you, and as beautiful as Luisa is, I could see Joe easily falling for her charms and going too far.”

“OK, Dad,” Joe replied. “We will go to the temple today to set a date and time.”

“Right,” John said. “Now, get out of here. I have work to do.”

Joe and Luisa held hands as they left the Administration Building. Joe had used the family van that morning to pick Luisa up at the train station, but he had driven his own car to her dorm for the campus tour.

Once back at her dorm, Joe opened the passenger side door of his car for her to get in. “No time like the present to get this done,” he said, and they drove up to the Provo Temple. They went to the office, and a half-hour later, they had set a date and time to be married in the temple. Amazingly, sooner was better than later, as many couples planned to get married a month or two after they returned to school. They set the time and date for 10 AM on the first Saturday after classes started. They could have even set it up for the next day, but there would be no way for Luisa’s parents to get there in time or for them to make the arrangements.

Joe called his dad, and John relayed the information to Roberto. Twenty minutes later, Roberto called back to confirm that they had airline reservations for the next Thursday. John asked them to stay at their house in Provo and offered to pick them up at the airport, but Roberto said they would prefer to get a rental car and stay in a hotel there in Provo. They could come to the house for dinner the night before the wedding, though, if John wished.

Obviously, the next thing on the agenda was to find an apartment. Luckily, Joe had great connections in the BYU Administration building, and they were checking out a nice apartment just off-campus that evening. Joe put a deposit and the first month’s rent down before they left and he had the apartment keys in his hand. It was nice because it was only a block from campus, so they could save money by not having to drive.

This brought up a dilemma for Luisa, though. She asked Joe if he wanted her to still go to school. He asked what she wanted, and she replied, “I want to be the best wife and mother I can be. I want to meet you at the front door everyday with a hot dinner and a smile. I’m not sure how that would work if I am worrying about classes.”

“OK,” he replied. “Know that being married to me, any classes that you do choose to take will be free. Because of my father’s position, I already have a good job at BYU. I will finish my Bachelors degree this school year, and I have already been promised a big promotion when I graduate. In any event, we can do whatever you want. You can go to school full-time, or you can take one class at a time, if you wish. In any event, we will get your student visa changed to a spousal visa as soon as we are married.”

“Would it be possible to get my father’s money refunded?” she asked.

“Sweetheart,” he replied. “For most students, that would be difficult, but anything is possible if you know the right people … and I do.”

“OK,” she said. “Can you help me move my things out of the dorm and into the apartment? I want to make our apartment into our home.”

“Yes,” he replied. “I can do that. Let’s stop by the house to pick up the van, and you can meet my mother. She is going to love you. Even if not for any other reason, you are getting their last kid out of the house. Dad wants to retire next year, and they think they would like to sell the house and buy a condo someplace. They can’t do that unless all the kids are gone.”

Luisa blushed and smiled at Joe. She suddenly realized that she’d had a smile on her face since she met Joe that morning. At this rate, she might be smiling for the rest of her life. It was a quick trip up to the Worthington home above the campus. Joe took her inside, where his mom, Susan, couldn’t hug her enough. “Oh my God, Joe.” Susan gushed. “I hope you know how blessed you are, Son. Luisa is absolutely beautiful, and from what John told me, she is just as beautiful on the inside too. Welcome to our family, sweet girl.”

“Thank you,” Luisa managed to squeak out through the hug. “I’m happy to meet you, too.”

Joe told his mom that they were moving Luisa to their new apartment, and that they would need the van, which she immediately granted. Once they arrived at the dorm, Joe texted his father, told him of their plans, and asked for his help in getting Bishop Sánchez’s money back to him.

There was nothing for Joe to do except watch as Luisa packed her things again, and carry the bags out to the van as soon as they were packed. Soon, the room was empty, Luisa dropped the card key off at the office, and they were on their way to the apartment. On moving everything into the apartment, they immediately realized that there was no bed and only minimal furnishings.

Before unpacking anything inside the apartment, they took the van to a furniture store. They bought a bed frame, box springs and mattress, linen sets, pillows, two dressers, a couch, and a dining table with four chairs. They arranged delivery for the couch, table, and chairs, and had the bed, linens and dressers loaded into the back of the van. They could take care of everything else they would need the next day. At least, Luisa would have a bed to sleep on that night.

Once at the apartment, Joe recruited a close friend to help unpack the furniture and assemble the bed. It turned out that his friend lived in the same apartment complex and was happy to help. When the bed was assembled in the bedroom, Joe and Luisa put the sheets, pillows and comforter on the bed. Joe looked at the bed and Luisa, and said, “Maybe I should be going. Otherwise, we might cross that line. Say, would you like to go for pizza? There is a great place just around the corner.”

“Sure,” Luisa replied. “I love pizza.”

They walked from the apartment over to the Brick Oven, a pizza joint that had been around longer than most people could remember. They ate a quiet dinner (well, except for the fact that they talked the whole time), and then Joe walked Luisa back to the apartment after the restaurant threatened to close up with them still inside. When they arrived back at the apartment, Joe opened the door, swept Luisa off her feet, and carried her across the threshold. “I always wanted to do that,” he said. “I think I am supposed to lay you on the bed, but I’m not sure that I could resist getting on the bed with you.”

“Why don’t we try,” she replied. “We won’t go too far.”

Joe carried her into the bedroom and lay her on the bed. He was going to release her, but Luisa had other ideas. “Why don’t we at least finish what we started on the stairs on campus?”

She pulled him down on top of her and wrapped her legs around his body. “Is this what you were afraid of?” she asked.

“Exactly,” he replied, and then he leaned down to kiss her. She responded immediately by pulling his tongue into her mouth and sucking. It felt really good to both of them, and they quickly got carried away. His hands found the sides of her breasts, and instead of pushing them away, she pulled his hands directly onto her nipples. Of course, they were already stiff, and Luisa could feel something else between her legs that was also stiff.

Her hips started rocking against him, and her sundress got raised up to her waist in the process. His crotch was directly above her panties, so his cock (although still confined in his clothing) was rubbing against her panty-covered pussy. He knew that he shouldn’t be doing this, so he broke the kiss. “If we go any further, we won’t be able to go to the temple next week.”

She replied, “I know.” And resumed the deep kiss. It was too much, though, and they broke the kiss again. His hands were still on her breasts, his fingers twiddling her nipples through her dress. But his head was now laying on her upper chest. She was no longer rocking her hips against his crotch, but she was instead hugging his head in her arms, holding him tight against her breasts. “This body is yours whenever you want to take it,” she whispered into his ear.

“I know,” he replied. “And for that reason, I will wait until after we are married, so I can have you for eternity. If we do this very much, we won’t be able to wait. Nobody would be happy about that.”

“True,” Luisa breathed. “But I think we have proved that can still have some fun and stop before it is too late. I love you, Joe. I will always love you.” With that, she pulled his head back up for another deep kiss.

The next morning, Joe was back at the apartment to take Luisa to Walmart. Furniture was just a small part of what it took to run a home. Luisa needed all sorts of things from cookware to linens to towels (most of which, Joe would never have thought of), and Walmart was the best place to buy them. They also went to the grocery section of the store, and stocked up on everything Luisa would need to cook home-cooked meals for Joe, from dry-goods to canned-goods to frozen-foods to perishables to spices. Luckily, the apartment came with a big refrigerator/freezer.

Joe never realized how much food it took to stock a kitchen, but he was sure that he wouldn’t regret buying it. It was quite obvious that Luisa knew how to cook from the cookware she chose to the food she selected. She was thrilled when she found Mexican queso fresca in the dairy section. “Now, I can make you real enchiladas,” she said.

When he asked if she needed tortillas, she replied, “I can make better tortillas than you can buy.” Joe was going to be a happy man for the rest of his life. He might be a fat man, but he would definitely be happy. He suspected that she would keep him from gaining weight by working him in bed at night. If last night was any indication, he had a hot mama on his hands, and that was fine by him.

When they got back to the apartment, Joe unpacked the car while Luisa put everything away. When he tried to help, she told him that if she didn’t put things away, then she wouldn’t know where to find them. He couldn’t argue with that logic, since she was more likely to be looking for things than he was.

The rest of the furniture arrived from the furniture store, and the delivery guys brought everything into the apartment and set it up. There was an old rug, an armchair, and a coffee table already in the apartment, so Joe set them in front of and across from the couch. It made a comfy little area to relax, and seemed less risky than the bed. Joe knew that Luisa thought she could turn it off at any time, but he wasn’t so sure, if the right situation presented itself.

Luisa kissed Joe and told him to go pick up his most of his clothes and things at his parents’ house while she made lunch. He did, and by the time he returned, there was already a large dish of enchiladas sitting on top of the stove awaiting his return. The table was set, and there was even a lit candle in a candleholder. Luisa kissed him at the door and told him to sit at the table. She went to the refrigerator to get a pitcher of lemonade to put on the table, and then set the dish or enchiladas on top of a trivet on the table. Each of their plates had salad already on them. She said, “You need some green with every meal, so I made salads.”

She sat down, bowed her head, and took his hand for the blessing. Luisa was impressed by the wonderful blessing that Joe gave over the food. She took a spatula and dished out a few steaming enchiladas onto each of their plates. “I hope you like this,” she said.

“Well,” he replied. “If it tastes half as good as it smells, then I will love it.” She waited until he used his fork to cut off a piece, blow it to cool it down, and put it into his mouth. He realized that she was holding her breath waiting for an answer. “This is bad news,” he said. “You are a better cook than my mother, and she is a great cook.”

At first, Luisa was shocked by his initial reaction, but then she realized what he had actually said, and smiled. “Thank you.”

“I can see right now that we won’t need to eat out much unless you want to,” he said.

“I would much rather cook for us than buying overpriced food at a restaurant,” she replied. “Maybe we can just go out for special occasions. It is nice that we are so close to campus. You can always come home for meals, and I will always be waiting for you with a hot meal and a smile.”

“Just a smile?” he asked.

“Do I need to wear more than that?” she replied, confirming that he had correctly interpreted the inuendo.

He laughed. “We may have some long lunch breaks if you meet me naked at the door every day.”

“Would that be a bad thing?” she asked.

“Nope,” he replied. “I guarantee that if you do that, I will take full advantage of the love you are offering.”

“Good,” she replied. “Then I can guarantee that we will be growing our family sooner rather than later. Let’s go to that new couch and cuddle for a while.”

Joe went to the couch and sat on one side of the couch, and Luisa came over and lay across his lap facing up. She pulled his head down to kiss her, and then pulled one of his hands up under her top to her breast. At first, he tried to pull his hand away, but she held it against her breast until he started to massage her breast and tweak her nipple. “Don’t ever stop doing that. I want your hands on my body every chance we get for the rest of our lives.”

“I can’t think of anything I would rather be doing right now,” Joe said.

Luisa replied, “I’m glad to hear that. It feels good, so keep doing it. The other side might want some attention too.”

Joe could feel himself getting hard underneath her hips and hoped she wouldn’t take offense. He needn’t have worried. She started rubbing against his bulge. “Is that what I think it is?” she asked.

“Probably,” he replied. Is it bothering you?”

“No,” she said. “I can hardly wait until I feel it inside me.”

“Oh God, woman. You are tempting me.”

“I’m sorry,” she replied. “I just haven’t been able to think of anything else since I met you. I suspect that we will make love a lot after we get married.”

Joe’s hand was still playing with her breasts and nipples, and he just about lost it when she pulled her top up to uncover her breasts. “Can you suck them?” she asked.

Joe couldn’t help himself. He leaned down, drew a nipple into his mouth, and sucked.

“Oh my God, that feels so good. Keep doing it. Suck harder. Oh, yes.” She pulled his head toward her breast, forcing it into his mouth. “Oh, yes. I love it. Please keep doing this.”

Joe had no intention of stopping, even though he was sure they were going too far, but he loved having her nipple in his mouth. He wondered if she would produce milk if he suckled her nipples enough. It might be worth a try.

In any event, he was totally turned on, and his cock was extremely uncomfortable in his pants. He reached down and tried to straighten it out, but the only way he could do so was to unzip his pants and reach in. He was finally able to relieve some pressure on his cock, but Luisa had noticed too, and now her hand joined his. He quickly pulled his hand away, but she left hers on his cock.

Joe lost track of what he was supposed to be doing until Luisa reminded him, “Suck my nipples, please.” And he resumed his suckling. In the meantime, her hand was stroking his cock. The more she stroked, the harder he sucked. It was self-reinforcing. When her hand slipped inside of his garments, it was like electricity hitting him, only in a good way. Of course, he had masturbated when he was young, but this was different. It was so much better. His cock had never been touched by a girl before.

He knew that he needed to stop this before it went any further, but he didn’t know how to stop it. The commandment was that they shouldn’t have intercourse, but they weren’t. He was suckling her breasts and she was stroking his cock. These things were probably wrong, but not totally forbidden. He couldn’t bring himself to force a stop.

And then, Luisa pulled his hand up under her skirt and his fingers touched her wet panties. His fingers seemed to have a mind of their own, and they were diving under the seam of her panties to touch her wet pussy. Her hand was still on his, and she pulled his hand even further in to have more contact. He could feel her slippery vulva, even though he didn’t actually know what he was touching, and her pussy got wetter and wetter the more he rubbed.

Joe was now lying on his back on the couch with Luisa lying on top of him. When she reversed directions to be closer to his cock, he lost her breasts from his mouth, but found her pussy right in front of his face. He had never seen anything like it, and even though she still had her panties on, they were pulled to the side and weren’t covering anything.

Joe continued to rub her pussy, and every time his fingers reached a certain point near the top of her slit, it caused her to cry out in pleasure, He had found her clitoris. He decided to concentrate on that, which left her shaking in pleasure, but he almost came unglued when she kissed the end of his cock and then sucked it into her mouth.

It was more pleasure than he had ever felt, and he knew instantly they should stop, but his hips rocked forward and he was ejaculating down her throat. Joe was almost crying as he regretted what had happened, and he was asking for her forgiveness. When Luisa recovered, she swallowed his cum (because she had read that a man’s seed should never touch the ground), and then she told him that she loved him even more for that.

Joe was confused. He was even more confused when she told him that she loved sucking it, and that she hoped that he would do the same to her. Luisa thought that if they satisfied each other in this way, they could avoid having actual intercourse. At first, he wasn’t sure what she wanted, but then she asked, “Please lick me? Rubbing me with your fingers felt wonderful, but I think your tongue might feel even better.”

Joe leaned in and licked her vulva. “Oh, yes. Just like that, only move your tongue to the top of the slit” she mewed. He did, and her back arched in pleasure. Joe had no plans of removing her panties, but Luisa reached down and they were gone in a flash. Now, he no longer had to hold them to the side. He concentrated on sucking he clitoris while his fingers explored the rest of her pussy. They soon found her vaginal entrance and her hymen.

Without thinking, he pressed his finger in, and her hymen stretched a little bit. She gripped him and said, “That is the sign of my virginity. If you break through, then it will be gone. It is up to you.”

Joe took the hint. “I want to take your virginity on our wedding night.

“Good,” she replied. “Now suck my pussy until I have an orgasm.”

So, he did. Joe concentrated on her clitoris until her legs were shaking and then finally clamped around his head as her orgasm washed over her. “That felt better than anything I have ever felt. Thank you. I love you.”

“I love you too,” Joe replied. “That really was wonderful. Have you ever done anything like that before?”

“No,” she replied. “Nobody has ever even seen my breasts or my pussy before, let alone touched them. I have saved that for you. Have you done anything like that before?”

“No,” he said. “I have never even thought about doing anything like that, but I am glad we did it. I think it brings us closer together.”

“I agree. So, when are we going to get a wedding dress?” she asked.

“Hmmm,” he replied. “Maybe I should have my mom help you with that tomorrow.”

A quick text to his mother and she immediately said, “Yes. I know just the place. Your sister rented her dress there. Bring Luisa to the house tomorrow by 9 AM, and I will take her to the wedding shop.” Joe showed Luisa the text.

“Well,” Joe said. “There is your answer. My mom will take care of you. It is unlucky for the groom to see his bride in her dress before the wedding anyway. Now, you will get to spend some time with my mom.”

“OK,” she replied. “I need to wash the dishes, and put the enchiladas in the fridge. Leftovers OK for dinner?”

“Oh yeah,” he said. “I would bet that enchiladas are even better when heated up a second time.”

“I think you are right,” she replied. “We are probably going to have leftovers a lot. I don’t really know how to cook in portions for just two people. All of my experience has been cooking for at least six, and that is how my recipes are written.”

Joe took the dishes to the sink while Luisa put the enchiladas in the refrigerator. She warned him, though, “As long as it is just you and me in our home, I will do the cooking, cleaning and washing. When we have daughters, I will teach them to help me. If we get a house someday, the outside and any vehicles will be your job. If we have sons, you can teach them as well. Other than that, I just expect that you will provide for our family. That is your main job.”

“Yes, Ma’am,” he replied. “But if you ever need help with anything, ask me and I will do whatever I can.”

“OK,” she said, “Now go lay down on the couch and I will be there in a few minutes when I am done here.”

Joe smiled and went to lay down on the couch. He was asleep a few minutes later. Luisa didn’t want to wake him, so she went into the bathroom to get a shower. When she came out of the bathroom, she had a towel wrapped around her with nothing underneath. She decided to tease Joe a little bit, and lay down on top of him.

He didn’t wake at first, so she slid around on top for a few minutes, but all she accomplished was to untie the towel, so it was laying loosely on top of her body, with nothing between her and Joe except his clothes. That hardly seemed fair, so she unbuttoned his shirt and pulled the sides open and then pulled his garment top up to the top of his chest. That way, at least, her nipples were right against his chest.

That was how she was when Joe woke up. Luisa appeared to be asleep, and he kissed the top of her head before he realized that she was practically naked against him. Joe had no idea how to extricate himself, so he didn’t even try. He just wrapped his arms around her and let her sleep. Luisa wasn’t really asleep, though. She was just pretending to see what he would do, and he definitely passed the test. This guy was a keeper.

Luisa stirred, rubbing her nipples across his chest, and then reached up to kiss him on his lips. He reacted by kissing her deeply, their tongues doing the dance of love. He couldn’t get over how sweet she tasted. For her part, his tongue was sending waves of pleasure through her body, and her hips started to rock involuntarily, rubbing her pussy over his bulge.

Again, his cock was caught in a bad place, and he reached down to loosen his pants. Somehow, he ended up with his pants down around his ankles. Luisa’s pussy was now rubbing against his temple garments, and it wasn’t long before his cock was sticking out through the opening, and rubbing directly against her pussy. This time, however, he decided to let this go wherever it would. He was sure that she would stop it in time.

They were still kissing passionately, and her body was sliding around on his body. She loved the feel of her nipples sliding around on his bare chest (something that he was loving too). Neither of them was really paying any attention to where his cock went, and eventually, it was tight up against her hymen. Still, neither of them was paying much attention because their senses were being overloaded by all of the other pleasure they were feeling.

Luisa’s hips were still rocking, and she finally realized that her hymen had been stretched to the limit when she felt a sharp pain inside of her. She stopped rocking immediately, but she knew the damage had already been done. The head of his cock was already deep inside of her vagina. She could withdraw, and pretend it hadn’t happened, or she could just continue. She broke the kiss and looked into his eyes. “Can we just pretend this never happened and go to the temple anyway?” she pleaded. “It is too late to go back to before my hymen tore. Your cock is inside of me now. I will be ruined if anybody finds out.”

“Then nobody will find out. We will pretend that nothing happened, but we need to think of other things now. Are you on any birth control?”

“Of course not,” she replied.

“Where are you in your menstrual cycle?” he asked.

“My period ended the other day,” she replied.

“Well,” he sighed. “At least you are probably safe from pregnancy. What do you want to do now?”

“Nobody will ever find out?” she asked.

“Not from me,” he replied.

“Then, she said. “Let’s at least enjoy this, if you are sure I won’t get pregnant.”

“Nothing is ever 100% sure,” he said. “But it is unlikely, and if you do get pregnant, we can just say you got pregnant on our wedding night. That is only a week away, and nobody will count back. Even if they do, we can just say the baby came early. So, do you want to continue?”

In response, Luisa sat up and forced the rest of his cock into her pussy. “God, I can feel you all the way up inside of me now. Wow, that feels wonderful!”

“Wow is right,” he replied. “Is it Ok if we take this into the bedroom and christen the bed properly?”

Luisa nodded her assent, and Joe lifted her off of the couch, his cock still deep inside of her vagina, picked up her towel, and carried her into the bedroom. He laid the towel on the bed and lay her on top of it, hoping that they wouldn’t get blood on anything. Her butt was right up against the side of the bed, and Joe was standing next to the bed between her legs.

When they bought the bed, Joe thought that it was a little tall, but now he realized that it was the perfect height. Standing flat-footed on the floor, his cock was in the perfect position to sink deep into Luisa’s pussy with little effort. Luisa was looking up at him with fuck-me eyes, daring him to make love to her. Who was he to deny her?

He withdrew his cock until only the head was in her pussy, and realized there was a thin sheen of blood covering his cock. He asked, “Did it hurt you?”

“Only for a second,” she replied. “Then it felt good. Now, make love to your bride. I want to feel you shoot your seed inside of me.”

He slammed forward until his cock was stopped deep inside of her vagina. “Wow!” she sighed. “That feels so good, so right. I love you.”

“I love you, too,” he replied. With that, he started thrusting and withdrawing in a steady, but increasing rhythm, a little faster and a little deeper with every thrust. “Oh God. I shouldn’t cum in you.”

“Don’t you dare let your seed spill anywhere but inside of my body,” she said. “I want you to cum inside of me. I will always want you to cum inside of me. It is what God intends.”

“OK,” he softly replied, knowing that it wouldn’t be much longer. He felt his seed rising in his balls, and then it was pumping through his cock and into her pussy. He thrust as far into her vagina as he could, the tip pressing against what he would later learn was her cervix, and his cock shooting spurt after spurt of his seed deep into her womb.

When he recovered, he realized that Luisa hadn’t cum, and he mentioned it to her. “It’s OK,” she said. “I will have plenty of chances to cum in the future.”

“No,” he said, “We will keep going until you orgasm at least once.” Luisa knew that his thoughtfulness was why she fell in love with him so quickly. He started thrusting and withdrawing again, slowly at first, and then quicker. He decided to rub her clitoris while he was fucking her. It was as if gasoline had been thrown on her sexual fire. Her hips were rocking to match his thrusts, and she was squealing with pleasure.

He knew it wouldn’t take very long to bring her to orgasm, and it didn’t. What he didn’t expect was that it brought him to a second orgasm too. As her body started to shake, and her vagina walls started to spasm around him, he once again felt lightening in his veins as sperm rushed through his cock. He quickly thrust in as far as he could, and pumped more of his seed deep into her womb. Luisa couldn’t stand the pleasure and swooned. She just lay there limply as he leaned over to cover her body with his own.

“God wanted that to happen,” she sighed. “I am just as sure of that as I am that I love you.”

“He would want us to break his commandments?” Joe asked.

“If you read the scriptures,” she said. “There are many examples where He let his servants break the commandments and then rewarded them later.”

“That is true,” he replied. “But I’m not sure that applies to us.”

“Maybe,” Luisa said. “But Jesus said there are only two great commandments that we have to abide by, and you showed me that you love me as yourself when you wouldn’t let me go without an orgasm.”

Joe laughed. “I think that I will enjoy being married to you very much. Even if something might be bad, you make it something good. I like that. Positive attitudes will get us a lot further than negative attitudes.”

“That is true,” she replied. “And our life will be full of laughs, blessings and adventures, as well as challenges and trauma. We should always look for the bright side in everything.”

“And that,” Joe said. “I think, is why I fell in love with you so quickly.”

“Oh,” she replied. “It wasn’t because you thought I was pretty or because of my breasts in that sundress?”

“Well,” he admitted. “That might have had something to do with it. When you said ‘yes’ to my joking proposal, I knew instantly that this was meant to be, and that I would never again have such a chance at lasting happiness with such a beautiful woman if I let it slip through my fingers. I knew that I had to have you. That was why my proposal became serious.”

“Well,” she demurred. “You certainly have me now. My womb is full of you little sperm that are doing who knows what. They are probably trying to make a baby.”

“An hour ago,” he replied. “I would have thought that was a bad thing, but now, nothing could make me happier.”

“Me too,” she sighed. “Now, let’s get cleaned up and I will heat up the enchiladas for dinner.”

“Yes Ma’am,” he replied as he lifted up off of her body. He couldn’t let it end there, though, and he lifted her up and kissed her deeply before letting her go.

She turned, looked over her shoulder, and said, “Why don’t you join me in the shower, and we can get each other clean?”

Joe followed Luisa into the shower where, among other things, they got each other clean. Once out of the shower and dry, Luisa looked at his garments and the towel on the bed and said, “I have just the thing to get the blood out of these things. It’s a good thing that we went shopping today, so I could get supplies. Even before dressing, she took the towel and his garments into the sink to let them soak in Oxyclean.

Then, she turned to Joe and asked, “Should we get dressed? It is a good thing that you went to your house to bring clothes here to the apartment. Now, you will have something to wear in case anybody comes to the door.” Joe hadn’t even thought about that possibility, but he was soon scrambling into clean clothes. Luisa laughed and put on clean clothes too.

“Put any dirty clothes into the laundry hamper in the closet,” she told him.

Joe did as she told him, and then went to the couch to wait for dinner to warm up. He didn’t have long to wait, and he was right. The enchiladas were even better the second time around. If she had hoped that she would get three meals out of this dish, she was wrong. Joe was hungry after the afternoon activities, and he polished off everything she gave him and more. Luisa had no problem with him taking seconds or even thirds. It was a compliment to her cooking, and she knew it.

After they finished dinner, Luisa went to the bathroom sink to scrub the stains out of the towel and garments. “See,” she said. “It is as if they were never stained. The trick is to get the stains out quickly. The longer it sits, the harder it will be to clean.” She then took them into the shower to drain and dry.

Luisa then went back to the table to clear it off and then to the kitchen sink to wash everything. Joe asked once more if he could help. “You can dry if you want,” she replied. After everything was clean and dry, Luisa put everything away in the cupboards. Joe already knew better than to help with that and went to sit on the couch.

Luisa came and sat on his lap. She leaned down and gave him a deep kiss. “I love you, Joe. I will always love you.”

Joe looked up into her sparkling eyes and replied, “I don’t think I really knew what love was until I met you. I will love and cherish you forever.” He still couldn’t believe that he had somehow captured the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, and he had seen a lot of beautiful women over the years at BYU. The campus was crawling with them. Unfortunately, most of them were toxic as far as Joe could see. They were all about them, and what was good for themselves first, which was NOT a quality he was looking for. Luisa was as far from toxic as anybody he had ever known, and she seemed to look to his needs before her own.

Luisa continued to sit on Joe’s lap and kiss him deeply. Of course, he got hard again and she felt it under her bottom. She asked if he wanted to go back to the bedroom, but he was happy where he was. He enjoyed her kissing him and didn’t need any more than that for the time being. He told her that he would probably always be hard if she was touching him in any way, but that was OK. It just made him look forward to the next time they could make love that much more.

She couldn’t help but smile as Joe told her this. In the future, after they were married, she planned to make love to him several times a day, every day, for the rest of their lives. Right now, he wanted to kiss, so they kissed until neither of them could move their jaws. Joe told her that he would love to stay the night, but his parents would expect him home. Luisa knew that he was right, and so she kissed him at the door and told him she would see him in the morning. “Morning?” he asked. The plans had completely slipped his mind.

She reminded him that his mother was taking her to shop for a wedding dress, and he said, “OK, I will see you in the morning. I have to have you at the house by nine, so I will be here at eight.”

“Perfect,” she replied. “I will have breakfast ready when you get here.”

“Yes,” he thought to himself. Somehow, he had captured the heart of a gem, a beautiful gem. “I love you,” he said as he turned to leave.

“I love you too,” she replied. “See you at eight.”

Of course, Joe’s parents had all kinds of questions for him when he returned home. He told them about the apartment, and how they had already partially filled it with furniture and supplies. When his mother asked when they could see the apartment, he replied that he wanted Luisa to be comfortable that everything was as she wanted it before he invited anybody over.

His mother smiled. “We have raised a wise young man. He looks to his wife’s needs before his own. Very well, we will wait until Luisa invites us over. It is her home and her palace. We will respect that.

“Oh, by the way, son,” his father said. “We got all of the money for Luisa’s BYU tuition, fees, room and board sent back to Roberto’s account. When I contacted him, he said that he would transfer it into Luisa’s credit card account to pay for the wedding and anything else she needs. He also said there would be a substantial wedding gift after the two of you are married. I have no idea what that means, but we will match whatever Roberto gives you. We want you and Luisa to start off with every advantage.”

Joe had no idea what to say, except, “Thanks, Mom and Dad. I love you both.”

Susan broke the moment by telling Joe, “You need to have her here by nine in the morning, so you should probably head for bed. John, would you say an evening prayer for us?”

“Of course,” John replied. All three held hands and bowed their heads. John started, “Our kind and gracious father in heaven, we thank you for bringing Luisa into our family, we thank you for a wise son who will take care of her, and we thank you for all of the many blessings you shower on us. Please watch over Joe and Luisa, that they will always love and cherish each other, that they will always think of the other before themselves, and that they will have many, many years together to share their happiness. May you bless their lives, and bring many blessings into their home, wherever that may be, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.”

“Thank you, Dad,” Joe said. “That was the most beautiful blessing I have ever heard.” Joe hugged his mother and father and went up to his room to sleep. Before drifting off, he texted Luisa, “I love you. Oh, and by the way, your father put a bunch of money into your credit card account for the wedding and anything else you need, so you won’t need to worry about money. You will need to bring your card on the shopping trip tomorrow, though.”

Luisa replied, “Oh, wow! I wonder why he did that?”

“Well,” replied Joe. “He got a full refund from BYU today, and I guess the money was burning a hole in his pocket. He also said there will be a substantial wedding present after we are married, and my dad said that, whatever it is, they will match it.”

“I told you that God would bless us,” she replied. This is just the first of many blessings.”

“Yes, Dear,” Joe texted. “In our family prayer this evening, my dad also asked God to bless us.”

“Oh, Joe,” she replied. “I want that too. Every time we part or go to bed at night, I want you to ask God to bless our family and our home.”

“Ask, and it will be given,” he replied. We will pray together every night from now on.”

“Thank you, sweet husband,” she texted. “The more I know about you, the more I love you.”

“It is the same for me,” he said. “It is time to go to sleep now. You have a big day ahead of you tomorrow, so goodnight.”

“Goodnight, Joe,” she closed. “I love you.”

I love you too, Sweetheart,” Joe texted before closing his phone.

The next morning, Joe texted Luisa to see if she was up and running. “Hey, Beautiful.”

“Hi, Handsome,” came the reply.

“Are you ready for the day?” he asked.

She replied, “I have already showered and put on clean lingerie and clothes. I hope your mom won’t be offended by my lace underthings.”

“No,” he laughed as he texted, “I’m sure that she will love it. I will be there at eight.”

“Breakfast will be on the table,” she replied.

Joe pulled in to the parking space in front of the apartment just before eight o’clock. Luisa opened the door and gave him a big kiss. “Breakfast is on the table, so all it needs is your blessing.”

They sat down and held hands and bowed their heads. Joe asked God to bless the food and also asked Him to bless Luisa in her day. Luisa looked up at him when he was finished and said, “That was the perfect way to start a day. It would make me very happy if you will pray for us every morning.”

“Nothing would make me happier,” he replied. “We will pray together every morning and every evening, and I hope you won’t mind if I pray for you every other second that I am awake.”

Luisa smiled, “Now eat your breakfast before it gets cold. I made you eggs, bacon, grits and toast. I hope you like it.”

Joe looked at his plate and replied, “This looks wonderful. I’m sure it tastes just as good. I think you will make me fat.”

“Don’t worry,” she smiled. “I will work it all off of you at night.”

As Joe picked up his first bite he said, “Promise?”

Luisa looked at him and replied, “Yes, my husband, I promise.”

Yes, it was just breakfast, but it was delicious. Joe remarked, “I don’t know what you put in this, but you could have your own cooking show or teach cooking at the university.”

“Maybe someday,” she replied. “Now, eat.” Luisa was really happy that Joe liked her cooking.

Joe was a member of the clean-plate club by the time he finished his breakfast. It was that good. Again, he tried to help her with the dishes, and again she scolded him, “This is my job. Do not try to do it for me unless I ask for your help.”

Joe went over to the couch to wait for her. He watched her as she washed the dishes. She was one extremely sexy-looking lady. She was wearing a fairly conservative dress, but she made even that dress look sexy. He realized that she reminded him somewhat of his mother in that way. His mom always made whatever she was wearing look good. He thought that they would get along well.

Joe and Luisa drove to his parents’ house, and after chatting for a moment, Joe went back to the campus to allow them free rein. Besides, Joe had work to do on-campus in his regular job.

Susan took Luisa first to the mall. She told Luisa that they had an appointment that afternoon at the bridal shop, but that there were other things she would need as well as a wedding dress. Luisa had no idea what Susan was talking about until Susan took her into a lingerie shop.

Susan began, “I know that your mother should be giving you this advice, but she isn’t here, so I am filling in. Never let anything ever get between you and your husband, not garments, not anything. Regardless of what many people think, God intended sex to be skin-to-skin, NOT garment to garment. So, you should NOT wear your garments when you are planning for sex.

Likewise, it is advisable to seduce your husband to put him in the right mood to love you properly. In that regards, there is nothing better than a sheer nightie. It allows your husband to see what he is unwrapping before he actually does. I know that all nighties come with thongs or G-strings, but only put them on if your husband likes to take them off of you. Are you following me so far?”

“Yes,” Luisa replied. “I agree 100%. I suspect that we will both sleep naked a lot after we are married, but I like the idea of starting out in a sheer nightie.”

Susan smiled. “It seems that you already understand what it takes to be a perfect wife. Your mother has taught you well. Just follow your instincts and do whatever you feel is right for you and Joe. Don’t let anybody else tell you how you should live your lives, not even me. Whatever happens in your bedroom is just between you and your husband. I believe, from what I have seen so far, that God made you and Joe for each other. Never let anything or anybody get in between you two. If you adhere to that principle, I can almost guarantee the two of you will live very happy lives together.”

Susan chuckled to herself. “OK, enough of the lecture that you didn’t even need. Let’s find some sexy things for you to wear. Let’s start with nighties and then look at bras. Even if you are wearing garments, which you will be after you receive your endowments at the temple, you should still wear a nice lace bra to make you feel sexy. And contrary to popular belief, it doesn’t matter whether you wear your bra inside or outside of your temple garments. Whatever makes you feel best about yourself is the best way for you.”

They looked through the nighties the lingerie shop had to offer, and picked out a few that both of them thought were extremely sexy. Luisa was impressed with Susan. She had never expected her future mother-in-law to be so supportive of her. Nor did she expect that their beliefs would match so closely. After they had chosen some nice nighties, it was time to look at other lingerie.

Susan asked for assistance in fitting Luisa for a nice, lacy bra. It had to be white, since everything else she would be wearing that day would be white. Luisa had never been properly fitted for a bra before, and she was surprised at how much better a properly-fitted bra felt than her old bras. Instead of buying just one bra, Luisa bought several. A couple of the bras were white lace, but most were in assorted colors. She decided to donate all of her old bras to charity.

Next, Susan asked to see their selection of lace garters and thigh-high stockings. She suggested that Luisa wear white stockings with her wedding dress, but that she might want a selection of stockings as well. Of course, with thigh-high stockings, she would need a garter belt to hold them up, not to be confused with the lace garter that Joe would symbolically remove at the reception.

When they were done at the lingerie shop, they had several bags, so they took them to the car before continuing on their shopping trip. The next stops were at shoe boutiques, where they searched for the perfect shoes to wear with her wedding dress. Susan suggested low flats because she would be on her feet a lot, and because the temple frowned on heels. She did suggest that, if Luisa wanted high heels for the reception, that she buy a pair of those as well. It took several shops, but they found the perfect shoes for both the temple and the reception afterwards.

The last stop was at an LDS store in the mall, where Luisa could try on and buy temple garments. Luisa was surprised to see that in the mall, but Susan reminded her that they were in Provo. Things were done differently there than in other places.

Susan suggested that Luisa only buy two-piece, light-weight silky garments that would feel good against her skin. She told Luisa that one-piece garments were a pain-in-the-ass when you needed to use the bathroom or get dressed in something nice. She told her to buy the garments that were most comfortable for her and whatever best fit her style, and NOT whatever somebody else thought was proper.

Once Luisa had chosen her temple garments, Susan helped her to select temple clothes. It was important that these fit her properly as well. She could wear her wedding dress in the temple provided it met temple standards, but she would need temple clothes for other visits to the temple later on. Finally, when they had purchased Luisa’s garments and temple clothes, they were done at the mall.

After one more trip to the car with bags, Susan and Luisa went to a nice restaurant to eat lunch. They spent a lot more time talking and laughing than they did eating. By the end of the meal, Susan and Luisa had formed a strong bond, and Luisa would look to Susan as a second mother from that point on.

Their last stop of the day would be at the bridal shop. This was the same shop that Susan had used with her daughter, Linda, and so she already knew the people there and had a relationship. Luisa took her shoes, stockings, lace bra, garter and garter belt into the bridal shop with her. She wanted to see the full effect of the dress, and the only way she could do that was to try dresses on with all of the accessories.

Luisa tried on over a dozen dresses before she found the perfect dress. Susan agreed completely with her choice. The dress looked sexy on Luisa, but not so sexy as to be a problem in the temple. The LDS temple was much stricter about attire than any other venue they could have chosen for their marriage. Of course, with their backgrounds, there was never any other choice they could have made.

After some minor alterations and the choice of a veil, Luisa was dressed in her dress and, according to Susan, was absolutely stunning. Susan took pictures, and they selected a couple of pictures to send to John and Luisa’s parents. They got back rave reviews from all around, so they knew that Luisa had made the right decision. Susan, Luisa and her mom would pick up the dress the afternoon before the wedding. All of the men would just wear black suits, since they already owned black suits anyway. Of course, everyone would wear temple clothes in the temple.


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