Crossing the Line by fannyfun,fannyfun

John met Andreea when they were both working in the client consulting team of a small(ish) software startup. They just “clicked” as the saying goes, but with both of them in a committed relationship, nothing happened beyond some heavy flirting.

The closest they ever came to something happening between them was when John took Andreea out to help her buy a ball gown. With Andreea originally from Romania, she had no real idea where she could or should go. And John had known a few places and had offered to take her.

Back then, John had caught a few glimpses of her bare back and a hint of her underwear when Andreea had changed into a few gowns and had asked about his opinion.

And Andreea had smiled when she had seen the bulge in his pants and had asked, quite innocently, if he really liked this dress *that* much.

But nothing had happened. Not in the shop. And not afterwards, when they had gone out for a cocktail. The sexual tension was coiled up tightly but never allowed to be released.

The next day, during one of her tea breaks, Andreea told him that she had quite enjoyed the afternoon… and that she had to jump her boyfriend the moment he had come home. “I was just wearing the little outfit you helped me to pick out for under the dress, and when he came in, I pulled him into the living room, pushed him against the wall and told him: ‘Take your clothes off, bitch’.” Then she sipped her cup of tea.

John had just put his cup down and answered: “Well, thank you for that imagery, I guess, I’ll have to take care of this now”, and pointed to his bulge in the crotch. Andreea had just laughed and hid her mouth behind her hand.

She had moved on to another job eventually, taking her out of the country. They had loosely staid in touch, as you do, over Facebook and other social media sites, but after a few years, communications had trickled down to the semi-automatic “Happy birthday!” messages whenever either of them got a notification.

But then John posted the following on Facebook:

“Can I get some #followerpower? I’m supposed to go to Prague in a few weeks for an on-site customer training and looking for some recommendation on things to do and places to see. Mucho appreciated in advance!!”

And when John checked again a few hours later, he saw a comment from Andreea: “Hey, I moved to Prague for work about a year ago – will be happy to give you some tipps:…” and she listed a few things to see, what to avoid and added a couple of restaurant recommendations.

John clicked the “Like” button and sent her a DM, asking her about how she was and she responded right away and they started to catch up a bit. After the first few messages, he just went with it.

J– “Nice dress in your profile pic, btw”

A– “:-) Thank you!”

J– “Nice bra, too :-)”

A– “Hahahah… i have no bra”

J– ” Really? I did not notice that at all

That raises so many questions, but none of them decent

Well almost none. I might think of one or two innocent ones”

A– “you are funny

I am glad you like the dress :-)”

J– “you look very sexy”

A– “Thank you 😘

I miss talking with you btw. I always had a lot of fun with you”

J–“We could meet up if you want?

But you’ll have to wear what you’re wearing under that dress only”


It would be nice to catch up. About the outfit… I think it’s cold in November”

A few more messages back and forth and the date was set.

John flew in late Sunday, spent the next two days back to back in customer meetings, but Wednesday evening was the date with Andreea.

She picked him up in the lobby of the customer’s office building. She looked fabulous with her long dark hair that she wore open and her petite figure. She wore a long dark winter coat and what seemed to be very impractical high heels.

They hugged and kissed each other cheeks.

Andreea hailed a cab and directed them to a nice little restaurant in the city center, with plenty of dark corners where people could have nice, private conversations. They talked about work and mutual acquaintances, and then slowly shifted to relationships.

“No, I’m not in a relationship right now. I have this boyfriend…, well he’s more of a boy-toy, it’s not serious. But fun. I was supposed to be here just for a couple a months, but they keep asking me to extend my stay here. ‘Just another month or two’, they keep saying. It’s really hard trying to get into permanent relationship like this. But, you know, it’s ok, for now.”

John took a sip from his glass: “Well, boy-toy doesn’t sound to bad. Having sex whenever you want.. I assume he gives you what you need?”

And with that, the conversation centerered around sex and became more intimate and heated.

There were a few moments when John seemed to be a bit too forward, making Andreea uncomfortable. Then she pushed back, forcing him to retreat a few steps. It felt like very familiary territory, this flirtatious sparring, for both of them.

After a long dinner and plenty drinks, John started to feel the work of the last three days. Andreea punched him playfully on the arm after he stiffled a yawn once too often. “Ow! Stop hitting me! I’m exhausted after three days in a stuffy conference room full of boring people. Plus, I wanted to check out the sauna at the hotel, too. Little luxury on the company dime, you know?”

Andreea smiled, excitedly “Oooohh… sauna! Can I come?” she replied and leaned forward, allowing John an eyeful of her cleavage. Her boobs where small, but firm and she wasn’t wearing a bra, if he saw that correctly. He wondered if she was wearing any underwear under that smooth green dress that complimented her green eyes perfectly.

He looked up into her eyes and nodded. “Sure, I guess I can smuggle you in. There’s a second bathrobe up in my room anyway, and plenty of towels.”

Andreea grabbed her little purse and her coat. “Well, what are we waiting for, then?”

They paid on the way out, walked in the cold air to the hotel, just a five minutes walk. Up in John’s room, he dropped his laptop bag and sat down on the bed, taking off his tie and looked at Andreea expectedly, who looked round the small hotel room: “Do you think I am going to let you watch me undress?”

“Well”, John said, “you know the thing about saunas is that you kinda have to be naked. Part of the protocol and all. Unless you want to chicken out? We can head down to the hotel bar instead, have a few more drinks before I call you a cab?”

She bit her lip. “I will not ‘chicken out’. If anything, I will ‘chicken in’!” She grabbed the folded-up robe and stepped into the bathroom. “No peeking!”

John was tying the belt of my robe when she came out of the bathroom, her own oversized robe tied tightly around her waist. Taking the cheap hotel slippers, they headed out of the room and down into the spa area on the second floor.

The spa and wellness area was deserted except for them. It was, after all, already quite late. The area offered the usual: a sauna, a steam room, a small pool, a jacuzzi, an IR cabin and a few chairs to relax. Soft music played.

Andreea and John looked at each other both apparently a little nervous about what might happen next, but then they settled down onto two lounge chairs and continued to talk about all kinds of topics. Just normal conversation – with both being naked under their robes.

At first, Andreea kept making sure that her robe was closed up tight and revealed nothing above her knees, but eventually she relaxed to the point where she wouldn’t push the robe back up when it fell off her shoulder.

Finally, John figured it was time for the moment of truth and pointed at the sauna. “Well, how about that sauna? Want to go and check it out? You’d have to take off the robe, of course.” And he pointed at the “Nudity zone” sign at the wall above them.

Andreea hesitated and John grinned: “Ha! I knew you’d chicken out!” He could see that her face blushed, but from the look in her eyes he wasn’t sure if it was anger or embarrassment and tried another approach.

“You know, you could finally find out if I’m circumcised or not.”

She looked at him, quizzically, and then smiled as she remembered a Skpye chat the two had had, oh so long ago, when they were sitting across from each other at their desks and pretended to work.

Andreea bit her lip, then jumped up, opened the robe and quickly dropped it, then grabbed the towel and wrapped it around herself, offering John a the briefest of glimpse at her bare tits before turning around and showing him her tiny butt.

John got up as well, but slower, dropped the robe and wrapped himself in towel, too. His cock had been half-hard most of the night already, but Andreea’s reveal had him now fully hard and he had to fight down the urge to caress or at least playfully slap her butt.

The lights in the sauna were dim, and maybe it was the lighting, the heat or both, but both relaxed now as they continued their conversation, carefully dancing along the line without crossing it. The towel slipped from Andreea’s tits, but she didn’t pull it up again and John tried hard to not gawk at them, but kept his eyes looking at her face. Well, most of the time. But he did see Andreea’s eyes wander to the tent he made in his own towel.

“You know… I still don’t know if you’re circumcised or not.”

John could feel his heart beating hard, but then, with a swift motion, opened the towel and revealed his cock – narrow, hard, the uncut tip glistening with a bit of pre-cum.

Andreea’s eyes were fixated on John’s cock and she licked her lips, subconsiously.

“So, now you know. Would you have guessed?”

She didn’t answer immediately. “I… I did not think you would shave your balls.”

John looked down. “Yes, I do. You know… feels nice to have them licked.”

Andreea shifted in her seat and the towel dropped. She caught it and moved to cover herself up again, then saw John’s raised eyebrows and pushed it away, spreading her legs as she did, revealing the neatly trimmed bush, with her pussy lips bare.

“Yes… it does feel nicer, if licked.”

The air was thick with anticipation and sexual tension. Suddenly, Andreea got up. “Oof, I need a shower…” she said and quickly left the sauna cabin. John looked after her, a little dumbstruck, then followed.

She was outside now and took a shower and John stood next to her. They now both openly stared at each other’s bodies, turning slightly under the showerheads, allowing the other a good and long look at everything.

Then they grabbed some tea from the little station in the corner and went back to the lounge chairs, no longer bothering to cover up.

They picked up the conversation again, but now the only topic was sex. How often they had it, when their first time was, what they liked, what they didn’t like. John’s cock softened and hardened throughout the conversation and Andreea commented on that with a wry smile.

“You should take it as a compliment. It’s leaking pre-cum, too.”

Andreea laughed: “You’re right, I do take it as a compliment.”

“Well, what about your, uhm, equipment? Is it well-lubricated?” Instead of answering, Andreea slipped two fingers into her wet pussy and pulled her fingers out, showing John how they glistened with moisture. She bit her lip again and let out a soft moan.

“Hey, if you need to, uhm, clear your mind, or something, I don’t mind. I’ll wait right here.”

Andreea leaned back, turned slightly and spread her legs to offer John a good view of her puffy pussy lips. With her left, she squeezed and pulled her left nipple, but her right hand parted her lips, quickly dipped into her pussy, then played with her clit, quickly alternating, going back and forth, but lingering for longer and longer on her clit.

John watched, enthralled, as Andreea worked with one finger, then two, her eyes closed, her mouth open, her tongue slipping out of her mouth as if she was licking something imaginery, moans escaping.

He closed his fist around his rock-hard cock and slowly started to stroke it, almost subsconsciously.

Andreea started to breathe heavier, then her toes curled and her hips bucked as she slightly arched her back, lifting her ass of the lounge chair as a massive, long-built-up orgasm finally found a release and she moaned loudly, sending echoes through the spa.

She fell back down on the lounge chair and as she opened her eyes, she saw John stand over her, vigorously stroking his long hard cock and she moaned again, opening her mouth wide and stretching out her tongue – and the sight of this sent John over the edge and he shot a massive load of cum over her tiny tits, into her face, onto her stomach, groaning with pleasure as Andreea writhes on the lounge chair as the cum hit her.

John sat down between her legs, getting a good close up look of Andreea’s pussy. It took several minutes for both of them to catch their breath.

John half sat up and looked at Andreea, his cock still in his hand. “Well… that wasn’t planned.”

Andreea laughed. “But now I finally know that you’re not circumsised!”

John laughed at that. “You know, I was always wondering about something and I feel like I missed the chance to find out.”

Andreea looked at him with her raised eyebrows, his cum running down her cheek onto her neck.

“I was always wondering if you’d swallow or not. You know… in case.”

She smiled at him and wiped his cum from her nose into her mouth, licked the finger clean and swallowed with an audible *gulp*.

“You taste nice. How long do you think you need until you can go again?”

John looked at his cock and then back at her, as she scooped his cum from her body and dropped most of it into her mouth.

“Just give me a minute to finish my tea. And you can finish cleaning off.”

Andreea smiled. “Sounds good. We have sooo much more to talk about.”


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