Given that it is universally acknowledged, I wasn’t surprised when Ella came up to me during summer holidays and poked me in the chest.
“I’m having a party this weekend. You’re” Poke “not” Poke “invited.”
I was home from university (fifth year of a three year course – drugs are bad) for the summer and living in the caravan in the back yard. My sister Ella had just finished high school and was getting ready to head off to the same university to start an Arts degree. Everyone knew she would get better grades than I did.
I put on a hurt face.
“Why would I want to hang out with you and your friends?”
“Because they are all cute, they are all eighteen and we’ll all be very drunk and making bad decisions. But,” she poked me again, “and let me make myself very clear: none of those bad decisions will involve you.”
“Fine, fine,” I said, throwing my hands in the air. The fact that I’m writing this down means that I was obviously wrong at this point. But in my defence, I did plan on staying out of their way, apart from popping in occasionally for a quick perve.
The best laid plans, and all that.
So I stocked up on Coke and snacks and a big bag of weed and I headed out to my caravan for an evening of solo debauchery when I knew it was almost time for her friends to arrive. I had a hard-line installed so I could get online for porn and I had a small tv and VCR for watching Star Trek. It wasn’t a bad setup.
Ella did the “I’m watching you” hand gesture at me through the picture window. I stuck up my middle finger and grinned as I closed the door.
Lying on the caravan mattress, I heard them arrive.
“Bitches! I am here! Wait, am I the first to arrive? Fuck.”
That was April. She was tall and sporty and brash and insulted everyone in a casual way that left them knowing she didn’t really mean it but actually kind of did. She didn’t like me. I used to tease her about her height because I thought she had the most incredible legs and I know that is toxic masculinity and I’ve been extra nice to her over the past couple of years but the girl holds a grudge. I heard her and Ella talking and hugging and then another voice piped up:
“Drinks! Drinks for everyone! Ella, please tell me you have ice, because I have drinks!”
Marnie had arrived. Shortest of the bunch, bursting with energy, smoked almost as much dope as I did, and loved cotton dresses with nothing underneath (“Gotta be free, man!”). She liked me fine. I got her weed. I thought she was sexy as hell, but only to look at. She was very intense.
More hugs, clinks of drinks being stuck in ice buckets. Drinks being opened. And another voice. I was up in a second, listening closely.
“You started without me, you contemptuous wenches! Give me a drink!”
I was suddenly smiling, unable to help myself. Catherine had arrived.
I can’t explain what it was that made her the one that I was unable to stop thinking of. I certainly had never made a move, with me at university and her in high school. But I was always drawn to her.
She played the piano. She liked to sing. She was into science fiction and fantasy novels. She was a nerd’s nerd.
And she always looked incredible. No makeup, just huge green eyes, short brown hair, full, always-smiling lips and an impish expression. Her face was sprayed with freckles, as were her shoulder blades. She loved short shorts and long t-shirts and I could never take my eyes off her.
I opened the door and stuck my head out. Catherine saw me and waved, with a warm smile on her face. April noticed as well and scowled, and Marnie caught my eye and made a smoking gesture with her hands, one eye raised in question. I nodded to her – I could provide weed later – and grinned back at Catherine, ignoring April completely. And then I saw Ella’s scowl, and I grimaced and ducked back into the caravan.
More girls, and a number of guys, turned up to the party and soon the place was rocking. People lay chatting on the trampoline and hanging from the lower branches of the huge tree in the back yard and dancing to Hottest 100 tunes on the CD player and smoking and drinking and making out. I peeked at them through the window and watched two of Ella’s classmates making out under the walnut tree – his hand up inside her top and hers stroking him through his shorts. A moment later they were broken apart by a giggling crowd and drawn back into the throng.
I smoked weed and watched Star Trek and rubbed myself and waited for the party to end. By midnight it was winding down and the police had been by to ask them to turn off the music. And then it was just Ella and her core group of friends who were staying the night. And I sighed in relief and stepped out of the caravan amidst a cloud of smoke and eau-de-Me.
The girls were lying on the trampoline in the back yard. It was a warm night and they had a mosquito coil burning underneath the tramp. They chatted quietly and I went inside to grab more to drink and wash up.
When I came back out, Marnie and Catherine jumped off the trampoline and came over to me. Both looked pleasantly inebriated, but Marnie had a glint in her eye and I knew why she was coming over. I patted my pockets.
“Help a girl out?” she asked. I grinned.
“Sounded like a fun night. Did you hook up?” I took her and Catherine both in with my question. Marnie shrugged.
“Sort of,” she said. “A bit of a grope up the back.” She gave her breasts a squeeze to demonstrate. I noticed a couple of buttons were undone on her summer dress. Wonderful curves were showing.
“Nice one.” I turned towards Catherine, hoping the answer would be no. She blushed slightly.
“I was here to relax,” she said. “Trying to get someone’s interest just isn’t that relaxing.”
“I can’t imagine you would have to try,” I said, and her blush deepened. Marnie nudged me.
“Oy, none of that,” she said. “Ella’s watching.” I looked over at the tramp and saw Ella scowling. I shrugged.
“Gotta get you your weed,” I said. I found the bag and pulled out a bunch for her. She slipped it into her own bag and gave me a hug in thanks.
“You better disappear now, before she sets April on you,” she whispered in my ear. I patted her butt as she headed back to the trampoline, holding the weed aloft. Catherine returned more slowly, looking back at me as I went back to the van.
Lying in the van, wearing just my boxers in the heat, I remembered that hug and reflected that each and every one of them was now over eighteen. This was obvious with Marnie. Less so with Catherine, especially with those freckles, but they had all gained a certain confidence over this past year.
I gently pushed at the caravan window next to my bed so that I could eavesdrop on their post-party conversation. My hand was already slipping down inside my boxers.
“That was a great night, Ell,” Catherine said. “A good send-off for high school.”
“Nobody died, I call it a win,” April added.
“When nobody ends up dead or pregnant you have a good party.”