Cum On My Glasses

An adult stories – Cum On My Glasses by Carnevil9,Carnevil9 My cock was jutting out longer and harder than it ever had in my life. Professor Milford, kneeling before me, reached out and grabbed the shaft from underneath. Her fingers were smooth and cool, and I sucked in my breath at her touch. Her red fingernails stood out in stark contrast to the smooth pink skin of my shaft. She began slowly stroking it, forward and backwards.

She looked me dead in the eyes. “I want you to cum all over my glasses,” she said throatily, with a nasty gleam in her eyes. “I want you to drench me with a nice big load of your hot cum. I want you to soak me like the slut that I am!” She kept executing long, slow strokes up and down my shaft as she spoke.

The feeling was incredible; it was like electrical jolts were leaping from her talented fingertips to the flesh of my cock. And staring down into her eyes, wild and needful behind her glasses, made the feeling all the more intense.

“Give me your jizz, Patrick! Shoot it all over my face. Cover my glasses with your big load of spunk!” She pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose with her middle finger and stared all the more intently at the business end of my dick.

She nestled my taut scrotum in the palm of one hand, gently jostling my gonads, while her other hand continued to jack up and down my shaft. Each time her hand came to my cock head, she gave it a twist, stimulating the sensitive rim, and sending shivers up and down my spine. I could feel my knees getting weaker with each stroke. My thighs were starting to throb and my hips were beginning to buck.

She moved her face closer to the spongy head of my buzzing penis. She extended the tip of her tongue and lightly licked the gaping slit. “Give it to me, Patrick. Shoot that big load all over my glasses and all over my face. Frost me like a birthday cake! Treat me like the cumslut that I am!”

My head was reeling and my heart was pounding; sweat was breaking out on my brow and my cock felt like it was caught between Heaven and Hell, ready for judgment day! I needed release, and I knew it wouldn’t be long in coming….


Today had started like an ordinary day; like any other day in the life of a nerdy college sophomore. I had woken up late, as usual, and barely made it to my first morning class, Finance 250, before the buzzer. I struggled to keep my eyes open and take notes. Then a mad race across campus to my Accounting 221 class; more tedium. A hasty lunch on the Quad, then afternoon classes and some studying at the library. Then, finally, back to the dorm for dinner in the cafeteria.

I had dinner with my roommate Stuart, as usual. We bitched about classes and gossiped about our classmates. Then Stuart nudged my arm and pointed with his eyes across the room.

“There she is. Mary Sue.”

I looked. Sure enough, it was Mary Sue Henderson. Both of us were in love with Mary Sue. We didn’t consider it an official dinner until we spotted her across the cafeteria. She was so cute, and sweet, and kind to everyone. Blonde and stacked and dimpled and beautiful. She was sitting by herself, reading a sociology book while eating her dinner. She was wearing a fuzzy pink sweater that emphasized her voluptuous figure. Her long blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail. She was perfect.

“Why don’t you go talk to her?”

“Why don’t YOU go talk to her?” I said. “You chicken?”

Stuart was as big of a dork as I was. We both knew that neither of us had the balls to talk to the beautiful Mary Sue. But we were happy to admire her from afar.

“Ohmigod, ohmigod… She’s coming this way!” Stuart dropped his voice to a whisper. “Don’t look,” he said.

But I was already staring, my mouth open, my forkful of food suspended in mid-air. I tried to look away but she had already caught my eye. It was too late.

“Hi Patrick!” she said in the sweetest voice in the world as she approached our table. “How’s classes and stuff?”

All I could do was gulp and mumble. “Mmmm, uhhh, okay I guess?” Then I looked down at my plate.

Mary Sue rolled her eyes and shook her head. “See you guys later!” And she strode on out of the cafeteria.

“You dork! That was your shot! You blew it!”

“I know. God, I am such a loser!”

“Don’t worry. Stick with me and I’ll teach you all about talking to women.”

It was my turn to roll my eyes. “I could use a beer. Let’s go down to The Minnow.”

An hour later, we were at the dive bar near campus known as The Minnow. This is not a fancy place. It’s a place with cheap drinks for people who feel like getting drunk. It was exactly what we needed at the moment. After a few beers, we were both feeling better about ourselves.

“I wish there was a team of cheerleaders in here tonight,” said Stuart. “Because I would march right over and ask every one of them out!”

“Yeah, and every one of them would turn you down!”

“No matter. I’ve got confidence. That’s what counts.”

“What you’ve got is called Liquid Courage. It will evaporate as soon as you sober up.”

“Well what about you? How’s your confidence.”

I thought for a moment. Maybe it was just the beer, but I was feeling more confident. “I think I’ve got a modicum of confidence. Better than before, anyway.”

Stuart looked around, searching for a woman to turn me loose on. There were slim pickings. This was not the kind of establishment that coeds hang out in. But there was one older woman sitting at the bar nursing a drink alone. He motioned with his head in her direction. “What about that one?”

I looked her over. She was a bit past her sell-by date, but still had a decent shape. Her hair was a blend of black and gray, and she was showing a bit of crinkly cleavage. She was wearing thick black librarian-style glasses and had bright red fingernails. Then I realized that I knew her; she had been my professor in an English class my freshman year! What was a faculty member doing in a townie bar?

Stuart stood up, a bit wobbly. “I gotta take a leak. Why don’t you go talk to the old broad? It will help your confidence.” Then he shuffled off towards the back of the room.

I glanced toward the woman. She had caught me looking at her, and now she caught my gaze. She pointed at me, and made a “come here” motion with her index finger.

I raised my eyebrows and pointed at my chest, who me? She nodded and patted the empty bar stool next to her. Remembering my modicum of confidence, I thought, why not? I got up and went to sit down next to her. She had a glass of yellowish liquor and an ashtray full of cigarette butts in front of her. She smelled of smoke and licorice.

“Do I know you?” she asked, slightly slurring her words.

“Yes, Professor Milford. You were my instructor for English Composition last year.”

“Oh. Did you pass?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“What’s your name?”


“Patrick…. Doesn’t ring a bell. But no matter.” She looked me up and down. Her head was tilted, like she was thinking about something. Then she seemed to come to a decision. “What are you drinking, Patrick?”

“Just beer, ma’am.”

“Barkeep! Another Pernod over here, and a draft for my friend.” She stubbed out her cigarette and lit another one. “What are you studying, Patrick?”

“Um, accounting.”

“Accounting. That sounds very tedious. But maybe you find your excitement in other areas of your life?”

“Ma’am?” Even though she was old enough to be my mother’s older sister, I still felt excited being near her; the smell of booze on her breath, her shiny nylons and her high heels, the ashtray full of cigarette butts; it was all so… mature!

She was staring at me over her sexy librarian glasses. “So tell me, Patrick. When was the last time you had an orgasm?”

“Umm, a few days ago.” I don’t know why I answered such a personal question. Something about her unvarnished frankness made me feel like being completely open with her.

“How about one with a partner?”

“That was a lot longer ago.”

“I see.” She stubbed out her cigarette and downed her glass of Pernod. “Come with me.” She slid off her stool and took my hand. Her grip was firm and cool.

“Where are we going?”

“My place. I just live a block away.”

We walked silently down the sidewalk to a residential block. Professor Milford had a long, quick stride, and she was confident on her heels, even with a few drinks in her. Before long, we reached a tidy bungalow with a nice front lawn. She let us in the front door.

I looked around. The place was furnished tastefully, if a bit old-fashioned. There was a large, plush sofa, several matching easy chairs, and a low table. There was a very nice area rug on the floor. Also lots of books on shelves along the walls. Several lamps were on, but all at dim levels.

“You… you have a lovely home, Professor Milford. Do you live here alone?” I looked around nervously.

She seemed amused by the question. “I have a husband, if that’s what you mean. He’s a physicist. He’s at his lab. He’s always at his lab.” She snorted derisively. “Do you know why I brought you here?”

“No, ma’am.”

“Because I am a nasty slut, and I need to be treated like one. You are going to be the one to do it. Is that okay with you?”

I gulped. Modicum of confidence, remember? I could do this. “Yes, ma’am.”

“And stop calling me ma’am for goodness sake. You can call me Professor if you must, or you can just call me Slut. Either one is fine. Now take your clothes off.” And with that, she started to disrobe.

My mouth must have been hanging open, because she reached out and pushed my chin up. “Let’s go, strip!” She had already dropped her dress to the floor and stepped out of it, and pulled off her slip. She turned around and said, “Unhook me, will you?”

I’ve fumbled with a few bras in my life, but never gotten very good with them. But at least the clasp of hers was facing me. I managed to unhook it without too much trouble. She turned back to face me and I watched it fall to the floor, and her breasts tumble out. They were a bit saggy, but still full. Her nipples were large and crinkly. The skin above her breasts was wrinkled like crepe paper.

She gave me a sideways look and I realized that I had not been stripping as commanded. I hastily kicked off my shoes and dropped my pants, and pulled my shirt off over my head. She still had her nylons on, and her high heels, so I left my underpants on. For the moment.

“Almost there,” she said. She grabbed my shoulders and moved me to an open area of the room away from the area rug, over the hardwood flooring. She grabbed a pillow off a sofa and dropped it at my feet, then dropped to her knees in front of me. She slid her hands up and down my bare legs; her palms were cool and smooth. I could feel my cock stretching my underpants into a circus tent.

The Professor still had her librarian glasses on. I thought they were kind of sexy. She pushed them up the bridge of her nose and stared at my bulge. “Very nice. Very nice indeed.” She reached in the side of my briefs and I could feel her cool fingers on my balls. She began gently massaging them. A slight coo escaped from my throat.

But that wasn’t enough for her. Soon she hooked two fingers into the waistband of my underpants and slid them to the floor. I was too transfixed to step out of them, so I just left them there around my ankles. She didn’t care. She wrapped one hand around my shaft and started slowly jacking it up and down. Her grip was tight but not too tight; her motions were fast but not too fast. I could tell that she’d had lots of cock-handling experience, and she was playing mine like a Stradivarius.

“I want you to cum all over my glasses, Patrick.” Her voice was low and throaty, sexy and sultry; the voice of a woman who had smoked a lot of cigarettes and had drunk a lot of booze over the years. It sent shivers up and down my spine. “I want you to drench me with a nice big load of your hot cum. I want you to soak me like the slut that I am!”

My arousal increased several notches at that, and I could feel my entire body vibrating. I looked down at her pendulous breasts, swaying in time with her strokes. I stared at her crinkly cleavage. I watched her bright red fingernails as her soft cool hands deftly manipulated the raging flesh of my cock. Then I watched as she parted her lips, leaned forward, and took me into her mouth!

I had never had a blowjob before. It was incredible. Her soft wet lips and tongue engulfed my cock head, but it felt like my entire body was deep inside her. I could feel her tongue swirling on my sensitive head, all the while she was still stroking my shaft and massaging my balls. The intense feelings in my groin ratcheted up yet another notch, and I knew my release would not be long in coming.

The Professor sensed it too, and took my cock back out of her mouth. She stared right into my eyes, and in her raspy, throaty voice, said it one more time. “Cum on my glasses, Patrick. Cum all over my face. Now!”

I did. I closed my eyes and felt the pit of my stomach falling off a cliff. Her hand never left my cock, but kept pumping and pumping. I could feel jolt after jolt of cum rocketing out of my dick. I forced my eyes to open; I didn’t want to miss this! Several ropes of sperm had already fallen directly on the lenses of her glasses and were starting to drip down to her cheeks. The next one landed on her nose, then her cheek, then her hair. She kept pumping me, and the semen kept pouring out. She used my cock like a lipstick and coated her lips with it, then her cheeks, then her nostrils. By the time I was done, her face was glazed like a donut. Her eyes were closed, and she was smiling. Grinning even. I thought I heard her humming to herself.

I stood there for several minutes, motionless, watching her. My body was still shivering with the residual pleasure of my orgasm, but it eventually started to calm down. I could see why she had moved me to the hardwood floor; the mess would have ruined her nice carpet.

Professor Milford took off her glasses, and started licking the cum off of the lenses; the same tongue that had worked such magic on my cock was now licking up my spunk. She kept humming to herself between swallows. She happened to glance up and saw me standing there, underpants around my ankles and cock starting to droop.

“Are you still here? You can go now.” And then she closed her eyes, and began scooping up cum from her cheeks with one stiff finger, and stuffing it into her mouth. She seemed to have completely dismissed me from her mind.

I yanked up my underpants, gathered up my clothes from the floor, and let myself out the door into the cool night. It was a short walk back to the dorm.

As I walked quickly down the sidewalk, I couldn’t help but notice an extra spring in my step. Damn, I was actually swaggering! This little episode with the Professor had nurtured my modicum of confidence into a fountainhead! I felt like I could do anything! I took off a woman’s bra with one hand! I came all over her face! I’m a stud! I briefly thought about heading to one of the campus bars and seeing if I could pick up a cheerleader. But, it was still a school night, and it was getting late. I hoped that I would still feel this confidence in the morning. So I just went back to the dorm.

Stuart was already home and asleep, snoring drunkenly. I tumbled into bed and fell asleep immediately, and dreamt of crinkly cleavage, nylon stockings, and wiggly tongues licking cum off eyeglass lenses.


The next morning, I woke up an hour early for class. Stuart was still snoring in his bed. I was fully awake and alert, firing on all cylinders, and full of energy! The encounter with Professor Milford had certainly given me a boost in my self-confidence that was sticking around. I got to class early, got a good seat, and followed the lecture with rapt attention. I even raised my hand and answered a few questions. My other classes of the day went the same way. I hadn’t felt this good and upbeat in a long time!

I was still smiling and walking with a spring in my step when I met Stuart in the cafeteria for dinner. He looked up at me quizzically.

“What’s with you? Did you just swagger over to the table? And what the hell happened to you last night? When I came out of the restroom, you were gone.”

“I went home with that old broad.”

“What!?” He nearly dropped his fork. “You did? For real?”

“Yup.” I sat down on the other side of the table, swinging my leg over the back of the chair, Commander Riker style. This was fun.


“She was a freak, Stuart. She took me to her house, kneeled down in front of me, and jerked me off all over her face and glasses. She even sucked my dick a little. It was unreal.”

“Wow. Just, wow!” He looked at me sideways. “Are you going to see her again?”

“I dunno! After I frosted her face, she dismissed me and I left. But I’d certainly like to do it again.”

“Well, that explains your confidence and your swagger. You’re all pumped up with sexual energy. Don’t waste it!”

At that moment, Mary Sue Henderson was just walking into the cafeteria, with a giant anthropology book under her arm. I decided to take Stuart’s advice and not waste my current abundance of confidence. “Have a nice dinner, Stuart; I’ve got other plans!” I got up from the table and quickly sauntered over to Mary Sue’s side.

“Hello, Mary Sue! You are looking lovely tonight. Do you have a companion for dinner?”

Mary Sue looked me up and down, her eyes wide. She was clearly surprised to see me so outgoing and engaging. I was kind of surprised, myself!

“Why Patrick, I was just going to study while I ate, but I’d love to have a charming dinner companion.” We went to the food line together, grabbed our trays, and filled them up with food. It was casserole night, and we each got a large ladle of mac-and-something on our plates, plus some sides and drinks. Then we took a private table for two off to the side of the room.

“So, Mary Sue. Do you always study while you eat? You must be very dedicated.” I tried to focus on her eyes rather than stare at her breasts, rising and falling under her fuzzy sweater. But it wasn’t easy!

“Well, I’m a triple major: Sociology, anthropology, and archeology.”

“That’s a lot of ologies!”

She giggled. It made her eyes twinkle and her dimples deepen. “Oh, Patrick, you’re so funny. I could talk to you all night!” She briefly touched my arm and I nearly swooned.

She was pushing her casserole around with her fork, looking for edible bits. “How’s your dinner?” I asked.

She made a face. “It’s cafeteria food. What do you expect?” But she shrugged her shoulders as if it was no worse than expected.

“We’ll have to go out for a real dinner one of these nights. Maybe to Rocco’s Tacos. I’ve been wanting to try that.”

“Oh, that would be great! I’d love that.”

Things were going so well, I decided to swing for the bleachers. Don’t want to waste that confidence, you know? “Maybe we can get out of here and go out for a beer in campus town?” I looked at her expectantly.

She looked at me, a little shyly. “I have cold beer up in my suite. My suitemates are out for the night. If you’d be interested, that is.”

“Awesome!” I stood up. “Whenever you’re ready.”

She stood up and grabbed her tray, her face beaming. We deposited our trays on the conveyor and headed for the hallway. I decided to go for broke and took her hand. She let me. Soon we were on the elevator going up to her floor.

“You said you have suitemates?”

“Yes, the girl’s dorm is all suites. Mine is three small bedrooms and a bathroom and a common area. But we’ll have it all to ourselves tonight. Ella and Chloe usually stay over with their boyfriends.” This was news to me. The boy’s dorm is all double rooms with a communal bathroom down the hall.

The elevator door opened with a loud DING. We walked down the hall, still hand in hand. She opened the door to the suite with her key. We entered a tiny living room with a small couch and a smaller fridge. Mary Sue got two bottles of beer out of the fridge. We sat down side by side.

My confidence was still holding out. I looked her in the eye, held out my beer bottle, and said, “To us!”

She giggled and clinked her bottle against mine. “To us!!” We both took a swig. Then she put her bottle down and looked hard at me. I did the same. My heart was racing, but my brain told it to shut up and be cool.

She snuggled closer to me on the couch. I could feel her breath on my cheek, and the warmth of her torso against my side. She looked up at me, her lips parted. Insecure Patrick of yesterday would have been scared shitless, but I still had my ration of confidence left over from last night with the Professor. I bent down and planted my lips against her open mouth. She immediately melted against me and I felt her tongue snake past my teeth. She pressed her large soft breasts against my chest. I shocked myself by reaching down and grabbing one of her breasts and squeezing it through her soft fuzzy sweater. To my surprise, she sighed with delight! We kissed and snuggled all the harder. She was breathing heavily, and I could feel the blood pounding in my ears. She grabbed my hand that was on her breast, and moved it under her sweater so that I was directly touching her bra. Taking a chance, I used my other hand to reach around her back. Praying that her bra clasp was similar to Professor Milford’s that I had unsnapped last night, I gave it a similar flick. It opened! The bra fell loose and I was holding her naked breast under her sweater! She sucked even harder on my tongue and pressed even closer against me. She moved one hand to my crotch, and began massaging my already rigid cock.

After twenty minutes of kissing and groping, she pulled back. She looked up at me with glowing eyes and a heaving bosom. “Patrick, would you like to go to the bedroom?”

Inside, I was panicking. But my confidence didn’t give out. I gave her a gentle smile. “I would love that, sweetheart.”

She stood up, and smoothed her skirt. She grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet. “This way,” she said, and pulled me toward the bedroom. Her tiny room was all frilly and pink, with far too many pillows and a few stuffed animals on the bed. She tossed the animals and all but two of the pillows onto the floor, and pulled down the covers.

Then she did a strange thing. She turned off the lights in the room. Only one small night light remained to keep us from bumping into things, and I could barely see her. She was just a silhouette in the gloom. She came up to me and embraced me.

“Why did you turn off the lights? I like looking at you.”

She pressed her head against my chest. “Not this time, Patrick. I’m a little shy. Let’s just do it in the dark, okay?” She tilted her face up for another kiss. I bent down and our tongues were soon entwined again.

She started unbuttoning my shirt, and soon it was on the floor. I pulled her sweater off over her head. She unbuckled my pants and I kicked them off as they dropped to the ground. Before long I was holding a warm, naked woman in my arms, standing in the darkness of her bedroom. She took my hand and led me toward the bed.

She spread out on her back, her legs parted. “I’m already wet, Patrick. I want you inside me.” I kneeled between her outspread legs, my cock jutting out toward her. She stroked it gently in her smooth, cool hand. She squealed with delight at how hard it was. She pulled me downward. Soon I was entering her soft, moist pussy, my chest grazing her breasts. She reached one hand around my neck and pulled me down for a kiss. The combination of her sweet lips on my mouth, and her sweet pussy on my dick, made for one of the most romantic moments of my life.

I thrust slowly in and out of her pussy. She arched her hips up to meet me. Our tongues continued to joust as we worked up a sweet, gentle, sexy rhythm. Little gasps escaped her throat every so often. Her soft smooth skin and her tender, loving pussy were so feminine and romantic that I felt like I was in a movie. The slow, blissful strokes continued and our pleasure kept increasing by the minute. She started to breathe more erratically, and her gasps became more frantic, and soon she was biting her lip and convulsing gently. I’m pretty sure she was having an orgasm. When she was finished, she concentrated more on thrusting her pussy up to meet my downward jabs, and soon I found myself pumping her full of my cum. The climax washed over me and I shuddered in her arms as my body flushed from head to toe. I collapsed onto her body, spent.

She squirmed a little after that, so I rolled off of her, but we remained locked in embrace on our sides, facing each other, her leg thrown over my hip. We kissed some more.

“Was that good, darling?” she asked. I could hear the smile in her voice even though it was too dark to see her face.

“You know it was,” I said.

“Good,” she said. “Now I think we should sleep. It’s a school night, you know.” She rolled over to her other side and pressed her back against me. I could feel my softening cock nestled between her butt cheeks. I had one arm under her neck and the other over her waist.Soon she was snoring softly to herself.

I was wide awake. My cock was starting to grow again, nestled in the hot dog bun of her ass. I was kind of hoping it would wake her up for round two, but she never stirred. I decided I should count my blessings rather than trying to wake her up for an encore, and eventually I fell asleep too.


In the morning, I woke up to the sun streaming in through the window, and for a moment I didn’t remember where I was. The sun was on the wrong side of the room! Then it all came back to me.

Mary Sue was not in the bedroom, or in the apartment at all, but my clothes were neatly folded and stacked at the foot of the bed. There was also a handwritten note on a piece of notebook paper. It had a drawing of a heart, the words “text me!” and her initials, MSH, followed by her phone number.

I quickly dressed, and ran back to my room to grab my books and papers for class. Stuart was just waking up.

“Hey dude; I never saw you after dinner. What happened with Mary Sue? Hey, wait a minute.” He looked at my still-made bed. “You never came home last night, did you? You didn’t spend the whole night with her, did you?”

“Yes, I did!”

“What? You sly dog! You mean you slept with her? As in, had sex with her?”

“Sure did. I was on fire! My confidence was overflowing. I felt like I was somebody else! Somebody, you know, who isn’t a dork! I don’t know what got into me.”

Stuart looked at me slyly. “It was that episode with the Professor. It gave you a ton of confidence. Chicks can smell that, man. They can tell when you are full of confidence, and then they want you.” He raised his eyebrows. “So… details? What was she like? I’ll bet she was awesome!” He lowered his voice. “Did she suck your cock?”

I was thoughtful. “You know, Stuart, she was beautiful, and sweet and everything. And she’s a great kisser, and her pussy felt terrific! But…”

“But? But what? How can there be a ‘but’ after that?”

“But… I don’t know. Something was missing. Oh, fuck it. I should count my blessings. I can’t wait to see her again.” I showed him the note she had left for me. “You think I should text her now? Or should I wait a bit?”

“Dude, you can’t appear too needy. Chicks hate that. Wait at least a day. Text her tonight. And don’t say you’re available again for at least two nights. Trust me, I know how to play the game.”

My eyes rolled on their own accord. But I agreed with him. Mary Sue Henderson was the biggest prize of all; I had to play this cool or I could blow it. But that’s as far as the discussion went as we both had to get to class.


Later, after dinner, Stuart and I were back at The Minnow with a pitcher of beer. He wouldn’t let me send a text to Mary Sue during dinner. He said that it had to be too late for getting together tonight. Now, nearly 9 pm, he finally agreed to let me send it.

“Ask her if she wants to go out for dinner or something, but not until at least two nights from now. Friday would be perfect.”

“Okay.” I composed the text: HAD A GREAT TIME! CAN’T WAIT TO SEE YOU AGAIN. OUT FOR DINNER FRIDAY? I showed him the text before pressing send. He nodded. I don’t know why I was taking advice from Stuart in the first place, but it did feel good to double check myself. Two dorks are smarter than one, right?

Text sent, Stuart poured out two glasses of beer and held his aloft. “To pussy!” he said. He leaned forward. “And to more details next time!” He chugged. I sipped my beer and let my thoughts wander. “But what” indeed? What was missing about Mary Sue? I really couldn’t put my finger on it.

Just then the bartender came to our table and set down a full pitcher of beer. We both looked at him. “We didn’t order another pitcher,” said Stuart. “But we’ll take it!”

The bartender jerked his head toward the bar. “It’s from that old broad over there. She must think one of you is cute.” Then he walked away. Stuart and I both craned our necks to see who was sitting at the bar. Sure enough, it was Professor Milford. She had her back to us, hunched over her drink, but there was no mistaking that salt-and-pepper hair and the clouds of cigarette smoke swirling around her head.

Stuart looked at me and grinned. “Somebody’s got a girlfriend! Two girlfriends! What are the odds?”

“Should I go talk to her? Thank her? I don’t know what the protocol is here.”

“Well she sent it to us. She must expect us to drink it, right? It would be ungrateful not to.” He topped off both our glasses with the cold brew. The pitcher was empty in short order. Stuart was still grinning and chuckling. I suppose at the absurdity of it all.

Stuart kept pestering me with questions about Mary Sue. I answered him absentmindedly, but I was really preoccupied with thoughts of Professor Milford. What could she want? I mean, probably more of my jism, but why? And what is her goal? And why was I obsessing over it so much….

“Hello? Earth to Patrick! You there, buddy?” Stuart was waving his hand in front of my eyes.

“Oh! Sorry. Guess I was distracted.”

“Well you’ve got to decide.”

“Decide what?”

He rolled his eyes. “What we were just talking about: where you are going to take Mary Sue for dinner on Friday.”

I snapped back to reality. “Yeah, dinner. I’m working on that. Look, Stuart, I’ve got to go talk to the Professor. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

“Don’t do anything stupid.”

That’s good advice, I thought. I hope I remember to take it. As I approached the bar, the Professor turned around. “Hello, Peter.”

“It’s Patrick. Look, Professor Milford, I just wanted to thank you for the pitcher of beer. That was real nice of you.”

“You’re welcome. Now, are you ready to go?”

“Go? Go where?”

She hopped off her bar stool and took me by the hand. “We are going back to my place, Patrick. I am still a nasty slut and still need to be treated like one. You did such a good job the other night. I was hoping to see you here again. Now let’s go.”

I felt a thrill run up and down my spine, and felt my dick stiffen in my pants. A video played in my head of my cock shooting a load of sperm all over Professor Milford’s face and glasses. I completely forgot about Stuart’s advice and followed her out the door.

Before long, we were back in her living room. It looked the same, except for a large tarp spread over the floor. She was already beginning to disrobe, and gave me a stern look. I stripped quickly, tossing my clothes into a corner. Soon we were both naked, and she was kneeling at my feet again. My dick was as hard as a rock.

“Do you want me to cum on your glasses again, Professor?”



“No, not this time. I don’t deserve your cum today. I’ve been an especially nasty slut, and I need you to pee on my glasses, pee on my face, pee all over me.” She grabbed my rock-hard cock in her fist and pointed it at her face. She looked up at me, her eyes pleading to be humiliated.

I was shocked very briefly, but then I started putting two and two together. That’s what the tarp is for. And that’s what the pitcher of beer was for! Damn, she’s a slick one! And then I noticed that my bladder was throbbing. The pitcher had worked! I really, really needed to pee. I tried to release my bladder, but my rock-hard cock would have none of it. I grunted and clenched and wiggled what innards I could, but I couldn’t get the pee to flow!

“Pee on me, Patrick! Soak me like the slut that I am! What are you waiting for? Do you need more beer?”

“No, it’s not that. It’s just that I’m too stiff to pee! I really need to, but I can’t!”

She looked thoughtful for a moment, then cocked her head. “I see. That’s a point of male anatomy that I had forgotten about. Very well, slight change of plans. Blowjob first, then golden shower!”

And with that, she leaned forward and inhaled my shaft deep into her mouth. As I felt the soft, velvety wetness engulf me, my body was overcome with a blissful euphoria. I looked down, and saw her head bobbing up and down, her plump lips sliding up and down the length of my shaft, pulling back so that the rim of my cockhead showed just a bit, then plunging back down to my pubic hairs, then up and down again, over and over. Her eyes were closed behind her glasses, concentrating on her task. She rotated her head slightly from side to side as she bobbed, so that I felt a twisting on my shaft along with the pumping. I felt her tongue flicking on my pee slit at the same time. She began to hum a little, deep in her throat, and the vibrations made it to my cock, increasing the stimulation even more.

The pleasure in my cock was incredible! Part of me never wanted this blowjob to end. But my bladder had a different agenda, and was hoping for release sooner rather than later! I think this was the Professor’s plan as well; she was piling technique on top of technique, trying to get me to cum as soon as possible, so that I would soften up enough to pee all over her. And it was working!

The soft, swirling suction, the flicking and the humming, all combined to deliver an irresistible pleasure to my throbbing cock. My body was vibrating and my forehead was sweating. Before long, I felt the familiar tightening in my balls, my thighs clenched, and my hips started bucking. I thought the Professor would take me out of her mouth to coat her face, but I was wrong. Apparently she was serious when she said she didn’t deserve that today. As she sensed my orgasm begin, she clamped her lips even tighter around my cock, and held me as far back in her throat as she could. She reached her hands around back to my buttocks and pressed me tightly against her face. Her throat was swallowing, over and over, keeping up the rhythmic peristalsis on my cockhead.

And then I launched! My hips jerked and my cock spat out one huge load of cum after another. She dug her red fingernails deep into my butt cheeks and kept me pressed to her face, and captured every drop of my load deep in her throat. She greedily gobbled down every ounce of my ejaculation. As much as I would have loved to watch it frost her face, it felt fabulous to feel her swallowing throat action hoover my spunk away deep into her body. I shuddered and convulsed and felt wave after wave of pleasure running from my scalp to my toenails.

When I was finally finished ejaculating, she took my cock out of her mouth and held it in her hand. It was still semi-erect, but no longer too stiff to allow for urination. She held my shaft in one hand and pointed it directly at her face. “Pee on my glasses, Patrick. Pee all over me. Soak me like the worthless slut that you know I am!”

And I did. I couldn’t have stopped it if I wanted to. Surprisingly, the pleasure of finally releasing the pressure in my bursting bladder was almost as intense as the orgasm I had felt only moments ago! I felt like I was falling off a cliff into zero gravity as my tortured bladder finally allowed itself to release its internal pressure, and my golden stream began to flow like Niagara Falls! The Professor cackled in delight as the warm shaft of pee jetted out of my dick. She aimed it first at her glasses, then at her forehead, and then she held it steadily pointing into her mouth, and greedily swallowed as much of it as she could, with the excess running down her chin and dribbling down her crinkly cleavage and into her crotch and her legs.

I swear the pee kept flowing out of my semi-erect cock for at least three minutes, and the Professor loved every ounce of it. By the time my stream slowed, faltered, and finally stopped, she was lost in a blissful trance. She was still on her knees, arms wrapped around herself, and rocking slowly back and forth. Her eyes were screwed tightly closed, her mouth clamped shut in a happy grimace, and she was humming some unknown tune to herself.

Based on our last encounter, I figured this was the end of my part of the affair. I gathered up my clothes, and took my time getting dressed. I kept watching the Professor, but she just kept up her euphoric rocking and humming. I let myself out and went back to my dorm room. As expected, Stuart was snoring drunkenly in his bed.

I went to bed too, but it was a long time before I fell asleep. I kept thinking about the Professor’s talented mouth, her smooth cool hands, and her crinkly cleavage. I kept picturing her bright red fingernails, and her thick black glasses frames, and her needful eyes peering out of them. And how I had just had the greatest blowjob of my life, and the greatest pee of my life, all within a matter of minutes.


I was tied up with school work for the next few days, but before long Friday rolled around, and my dinner date with Mary Sue Henderson. We had decided to go to Rocco’s Tacos. I waited for her in the dorm lobby, which connects the men’s and women’s towers. The elevator dinged, opened, and there she was, right on time at 5:30, wearing a blue fuzzy sweater and jeans. Her long blonde hair was in a ponytail and her fingernails were painted pink. She looked like an angel. I offered her my arm, and she took it.

“So what is this Rocco’s Tacos place like?” she asked, as we walked toward campustown.

“I’ve never been there, but it’s supposed to be an Italian twist on Mexican food. Sounds worth a shot!”

“I’m sure it’s better than cafeteria food!” We both laughed.

Soon we were seated in a romantic booth at Rocco’s, each holding a plastic-laminated menu. The centerpiece on the table was a Chianti bottle with a small sombrero on top of it.

I read off some of the options. “Italian sausage tacos. Pizza tacos. Pizza NACHOS. Pepperoni burrito. Fajita calzone….” I looked up at her. She was giggling, which made her dimples deepen. “What do you think?”

“They all sound good,” she said. “Actually, I’m more interested in the company than the food.” She smiled at me and my heart melted.

“Okay, then, let’s go for the sampler platter and try a little of everything.”

We ate, chatted, giggled, and had a great time. She occasionally touched my arm as she was speaking. After the food was gone, I asked if she would like some dessert, or maybe stop somewhere for a drink.

She looked into my eyes. “Actually, um, I’d rather go back to my room and, well, you know.”

“Have sex?”

“Shhh!!!” Her eyes got wide and she looked around the room nervously. “I’m sorry. I guess I can be a bit of a prude.”

“A very sexy prude with a great body and a beautiful smile. Yes, let’s go back to your room.”

Half an hour later, we were back in her room. I reached for the hem of her sweater to lift it over her head. I really wanted to see those fabulous boobs of hers. But she grabbed my wrist and said, “Wait a minute.” Then she turned off the light.

“Aww, Sweetheart; can’t we do it with the lights on this time? You know how beautiful I think you are.”

“I know, Patrick, but I’m just shy. How about this: we’ll get naked, then I’ll lay on my back. You get on top of me and put your thing into me. It will be wonderful!”

“That’s exactly what we did last time!”

“Yes, and it was wonderful! Wasn’t it?”

I gave up. “Yes, it was wonderful. Let’s do it just like that.”

She let me lift her sweater off over her head, and unsnap her bra. I tried to imagine her beautiful boobs bouncing out into the fresh air. At least I had the pleasure of holding them and squeezing them. I bent down and tried to suck one nipple into my mouth, but she pulled away.

“Oh, Patrick; you’re so silly. Come and get in bed with me.”

Then she was on the bed, on her back, legs spread. I was hovering above. She grabbed my rigid cock, gave it a quick stroke, and started guiding it toward her pussy.

“Mary Sue, your hand feels so good on me. Can you stroke me for a little while before I put it in you?”

“Eww, Patrick, that’s gross. It goes in here, in my… my sex.”

I figured a blowjob was out of the question. So I let her guide my cock into her pussy. It felt just as wonderful as the first time. It felt exactly the same as the first time. I thrust into her, she gasped, and we worked up a nice, sexy rhythm. She reached a hand behind my neck and pulled me down for a deep soul kiss. At this point my instincts pretty much took over, and I stopped thinking about how to make things kinkier. I was just enjoying the carnal pleasures of her flesh. Soon her breathing was ragged and she began gasping, and convulsing gently. When her orgasm was over, she again concentrated on stimulating me with her pussy, until I unloaded my cum deep within her. It was wonderful, even though it was a total rerun of our last encounter. But is that so bad?

Afterwards, we spooned for a while, and I felt my cock starting to get hard against her butt crack. I whispered into her ear, “Hey, do you want to do it again? It isn’t a school night.”

She squirmed a little in my arms. “That sounds tempting, Patrick. But I have a term paper due on Monday. I have to be at the library first thing in the morning.”

“Sociology? Or anthropology? Or archeology?”


Another ology! “Okay, Sweetheart. Let’s go to sleep.” Soon she was snoring in her cute little way. I lay awake for hours, wondering what the fuck was wrong with me that I wasn’t satisfied sleeping with the most perfect girl in the entire school.


Actually, I had school work to do on Saturday, too, and spent most of the next day doing homework, reading assigned chapters, and filling in accounting spreadsheets. It was a good distraction from the Mary Sue dilemma. Stuart and I planned to have dinner in the dorm, then blow our beer budget for the week at the campustown bars. The dinner part at least went according to plan.

Stuart and I were at our usual table, each with a plate of “Saturday Night Hash,” which is what we call the stew they make out of leftovers from the previous five days.

“So how was your date with Mary Sue? Do I get any details this time?”

“You know, Stuart, it’s the damnedest thing. Dinner was nice. But when we got up to her room and got naked….”

“Yeah? Yeah?” Stuart’s eyes lit up, waiting for juicy details.

“It was an exact rerun of the last night we spent together. Like it was a script or something.”

“So? That’s a problem? You have beer every night, and every beer is pretty much the same. You still enjoy it.”

“Yeah, but sex isn’t beer. Women aren’t beer. Shouldn’t they be something more?”

“Well what do you want?”

That was the question, though, wasn’t it? I wasn’t sure what I wanted. I furrowed my brow and thought hard. “All the time I was in bed with Mary Sue, I kept thinking about all the kinky, nasty things the Professor does with me, and wishing she could be more like that.”

“So you prefer the old broad over beautiful young Mary Sue?”

“I didn’t say that. Although I might have been thinking it. And even if I did, is that so wrong?”

Stuart put his fingertips together and gazed into space. “Patrick, my boy, the cock wants what the cock wants.”

“‘The cock wants what…,’ Stuart, that’s beautiful, man. That’s deep. You are a genius.”

“So I keep telling you.”

Just then my phone chirped. It was a text. I looked at it:


“What is it?”

I showed him the text. He whistled. “A command performance! You gonna go?”

“Hell yes! I’m looking forward to it. I can’t imagine what nasty humiliating sex game she has thought up for tonight.”

“Does that mean I’m hitting the campustown bars by myself?”

“No, I’ll come with you. She never gets to The Minnow until later, anyway.”

We started discussing the pros and cons of the various campustown bars. Which had the best beer prices, which had the cutest girls, which had the best architecture for looking down blouses and up skirts. That sort of horny geek stuff.

Several minutes later I caught sight of Mary Sue Henderson out of the corner of my eye. She was coming right towards us. She stopped at our table. She was wearing a fuzzy light green sweater, and her nails were still pink.

“Hi, Stuart! Hi Patrick! Patrick, I was wondering: would you like to come up to my room tonight and, well, you know? My suitemates are going to be gone all night.”

This was the moment of truth. The moment I knew was coming. I was kind of curious to see what I would do. I took a deep breath. Then I stood up and took her hands in mine. “Mary Sue, you are beautiful and sweet and kind, and any man would be lucky to be with you. But I just don’t think it is going to work out between us.” I sure as hell hoped I wouldn’t regret this. I also hoped I hadn’t hurt her too much.

She looked a little surprised, but the smile never left her face. “Oh. That’s fine. See you later Patrick! Bye, Stuart.” And off she went with a spring in her step.

Stuart rolled his eyes. “I don’t think you exactly broke her heart, dude.”

I sat back down. “She can have any man she wants. She’ll probably have a new boyfriend before the sun sets.”

My phone chirped again. It was from the Professor. It said:


I showed it to Stuart. The blood drained from his face.

“Who, me?”

“You’re the only friend she’s ever seen me with. You up for it?”

“I don’t know, man. She sounds like a freak!”

“She is. Don’t worry. After making the rounds of the campustown bars, you will have plenty of liquid courage. It will be fun. Just don’t call her ma’am.”


Stuart and I made the rounds of the usual campustown bars; frat bars like Brother’s Inn, jock bars like Houndstooth, country bars like The Dixie Chicken, spending our week’s worth of beer money and ogling beautiful women that we knew were way out of our league. We both had a nice buzz going on when we finally ended up at The Minnow. I had my hand on the door handle, but before I pulled it open, I looked at Stuart.

“You sure you’re up for this?”

“My brain says no, but I’ve got enough beer in me to ignore it. Besides, I want some of that sexual confidence that you’ve been showing lately. So let’s do it.”

We walked in. Professor Milford was at her usual spot at the bar, engulfed in cigarette smoke, and with her usual glass of Pernod. When she saw us, she made a sign to the bartender. He quickly placed two drafts of beer in front of her.

“Hello Parker,” she said as we walked up to her. “Have a seat, both of you.”

“Uh, it’s Patrick. This is my friend Stuart.”

Stuart gulped nervously as she looked him up and down. Mostly down, at his groin. “Hello, Stuart. How long has it been since you’ve had an orgasm?”

“Ummm, a few days, I guess.”

“Good enough. You see, I’ve been a really, really nasty slut lately, even worse than usual. I need to get really covered in cum tonight. Lots and lots of cum. That’s why I need the two of you. I’m going to edge both of you to coax out the biggest loads possible. Is that alright with you?”

Stuart gulped again. “Yes, ma’am.” I jabbed him with my elbow. “I mean, yes, Professor.”

She stood up. “Okay, finish up your beers. Let’s go.”

Ten minutes later, we were standing in Professor Milford’s living room. I quickly shed my clothes while she was doing the same. Stuart was looking around, open mouthed. “Dude, get your clothes off!” I hissed at him. He snapped out of his daze and started stripping.

Soon we were both standing on the hardwood floor, naked. The Professor arranged us facing each other, about a foot and a half apart. She was kneeling on a pillow slightly off to the side. Both of our cocks were within easy reach for her. Her black librarian glasses and her red fingernails were as sexy as ever. Her eyes were full of lust. Her nipples were rock hard. She was really enjoying this.

“I want you both to cum all over my glasses. All over my face, all over my tits, all over me. But not until I tell you. I am going to work you both up to the biggest ejaculations of your life. I need you both to treat me like the nastiest, nasty slut that you’ve ever met, and give me a huge soaking with your cum.”

With that, she reached out and grabbed both of our cocks and started stroking them. I sucked in my breath at her cool touch, by now so familiar. Stuart gasped and whimpered a little as her fingers encircled his shaft. She stroked us both up and down, up and down, with slow, smooth strokes.

Then she leaned toward me and took the head of my cock into her mouth. The warm wetness made my entire body shudder. She sucked and slurped and teased my head with her tongue. I glanced over at Stuart; she was still stroking him as steadily as ever, never missing a beat on his cock as she stroked and sucked mine.

Then she let my cock out of her mouth, and moved her head toward Stuart. Soon his cock was being sucked and slurped. I could see his eyes rolling back in his head and his shoulders shaking a little bit. She kept stroking my cock with her other hand the entire time, never letting me lose my arousal.

After a while, she moved her talented mouth back to me. She took her hand off my cock and grabbed my balls, massaging them, as she slipped her mouth all the way down my shaft. Her lips were buried in my pubic hair, and I could feel the swallowing motion of her throat on my cock head. She hummed a little tune so that the vibrations would further stimulate my cock. I felt sweat break out on my forehead and noticed that my knees were vibrating a bit. My entire body felt like I had a low-grade fever. If she had kept that up for long I would certainly have blown my load in her mouth. But she knew exactly when to stop, and extracted my shaft from her mouth. She went back to stroking me with slow, even strokes.

Now it was Stuart’s turn to be deep-throated. He winced with pleasure as she squeezed his balls, and his shoulders started shaking more than before. I could see the sweat on his forehead. His eyes were rolled back in his head and he was gasping through his open mouth. I thought he might be approaching an inevitable orgasm, but again, the Professor knew exactly when to back off.

She leaned back and just stroked both of us for a while, looking hungrily back and forth between both of our wet, glistening, swollen red cock heads. She licked her lips a few times. A bit of drool leaked out of her mouth and landed on her crinkly cleavage as her breasts swayed back and forth in time with her stroking hands.

Then it was my turn again. But this time, she lifted my cock and pointed it upward, still stroking it but now with a quicker motion and a tighter grip. She opened her mouth wide and began licking at the underside of my ball sack, licking and flicking, and bouncing my balls on her tongue like a paddle-ball game. It was an incredible feeling, the wetness and gentle pressure of her tongue on my balls combined with the quick tight stroking on my shaft. My low-grade fever got promoted to a full-on case of the sweats, and my hips started bucking along with my knees. I could feel my heart pounding and a ringing in my ears. I wondered if this was it. But no, it wasn’t. At exactly the right moment, she pulled her mouth away from my scrotum and returned her stroking pace to her original even, steady rhythm.

As I felt my arousal come down from its near peak, she moved back to Stuart to give him the same treatment: fast pumping on his cock while massaging and flicking his dangling balls with her lips and tongue. Poor Stuart’s face was twisted into a grimace of unbearable pleasure. His eyes were screwed shut and his teeth were clenched. His shoulders were shaking as if he were having a seizure. A series of grunts escaped from his mouth through his clenched teeth. Once again, the Professor backed away at just the right moment to prevent a premature explosion of cum.

Now she came back to me. I had calmed down to a medium level of sustainable arousal under her slow steady stroking, but I wondered if this next round would put me over the edge. She raised my dick up and sped up her stroking speed again as before, but this time, instead of licking my balls, she sucked them both into her mouth! I didn’t even know that was possible! The feeling nearly made me swoon! Not only were they engulfed in sweet warm wetness, but they were pressed together with just the right amount of pressure to bring on an intense, almost painful level of pleasure that radiated through my entire body! Again, she hummed her little tune, sending the vibrations deep through my sensitive gonads. By now my body was burning up, and I was vibrating like crazy. Waves of pleasure were running up and down the length of my body. I thought I saw stars in front of my eyes. She kept me on that knife edge for what felt like an eternity, and I really, really wanted to cum then and there. But then she finally let my balls pop back out of her wet, sucking, velvety mouth, and slowed down the stroking on my cock. I felt myself coming down off the precipice, but only a little way down. I knew that I couldn’t take much more.

She turned her attention back to Stuart, and gave him the same ball-swallowing technique. I thought for sure he would shoot an arc of jizz over her head all the way to the wall, given his shuddering and sweating and shrieking. But she kept him perfectly in check the entire time.

Finally, the Professor leaned back again, still stroking us both, slowly and steadily. We were both at a very precarious point of arousal, both on a hair trigger, and she knew it. She stared from cock to cock, back and forth, licking her lips and breathing deeply. Her glasses had slid a little way down her nose, but she didn’t let go of either of our cocks to push them back up.

When she spoke, her deep throaty voice was heavy with lust. “Boys, the time has come. It is time for you to soak this worthless miserable slut with all the cum that you have in you. Frost me like a wedding cake; drown me in sperm; cum all over my face and my glasses. Mark me as your worthless property. But first, I want you to stand next to each other, hip to hip, both facing me. That’s right.” She moved us into position so our cocks were parallel, inches apart, and both pointing at her face. “That’s right. Very nice. It won’t be long now.” She was still stroking both of us, firmly, steadily, strongly, with gradually increasing pace. I was vibrating and shuddering so hard that my teeth were chattering. Stuart looked like he was in a similar condition. Her grip tightened. Her stroke lengthened, and quickened. The end was near. “I want you both to cum on my glasses, cum on my face, cum all over me in… three…. two…..NOW!”

This was it. The screaming hot fever engulfing my body finally broke, and I felt all the built up sexual tension in my every cell finally release all at once. I felt like my balls were turning inside out and my cock was exploding like a hand grenade. I watched in amazement as rope after rope after rope of pearly white cum rocketed out of my pee hole and splashed onto the Professor’s face one after another. Stuart’s dick erupted at the exact same moment. Both of our first shots landed on each of the lenses of her glasses, completely obscuring them. The next few hit her forehead, her nose, her cheeks. Then she angled our cocks downward toward her open mouth, and we each shot several large jolts all the way to her tonsils. Then she aimed us back to the middle of her face as she turned her head back and forth, collecting pearly white streaks on her ears, neck, cheeks, and chin. Much of it dripped down to her crinkly cleavage and all over her boobs.

It was the longest orgasm I’ve ever experienced, and by the time I stopped shooting, I was exhausted. I was shaking like a leaf, sweating like a pig, and barely had the strength to stand up. I glanced over at Stuart, and saw that he was just as drained as I was.

The Professor had gone into her usual near-catatonic state, rocking back and forth with eyes closed and humming to herself. She still held our cocks in her fists, and showed no sign of letting go. We had to pry her fingers open in order to escape! She didn’t seem to notice.

Finally, Stuart and I stepped back. He looked like he’d been pulled through a knothole. “Now what?” he asked, still shuddering a bit in his shoulders.

“She’s done with us. There’s nothing left to do but get dressed and leave.”

“I need a beer or ten,” he said, gathering up his clothes.

“Me too.”

The Professor, still in her trance, had begun scooping up globs of jizz with her fingers and shoveling them into her mouth, oblivious to the rest of the world. There was enough of it to keep her busy for quite a while. Stuart and I made our way out the door.


Twenty minutes later we were back at The Minnow with a pitcher of beer. Stuart was starting to get his composure back.

“So what did you think?”

He shook his head like he was still trying to clear it. “She was something else, that’s for sure! She definitely knows her way around a cock. But I can’t imagine giving up Mary Sue Henderson for her.”

“You’re welcome to ask out Mary Sue yourself.”

“Maybe I will. I think I’ve got the same sexual confidence now that the Professor gave you. But come on; is she really what you want? The relationship can never really go anywhere.”

“Yes, I know.”

“And it can’t last. At best, it lasts until graduation.”

“Yes, I know that too. But as a wise man once told me, ‘The cock wants…'”

“‘…what the cock wants.’ Yes, I get it.” He drained his glass of beer. “But what THIS guy’s cock wants is to bag a few cheerleaders.” He looked at his watch. “It’s not too late. I’ll bet Brother’s Inn is still brimming with sorority chicks and cheerleaders. Let’s kill this pitcher and go.”

“You go ahead. I’ll kill this pitcher and catch up with you later. Happy hunting!”

Stuart grinned, hopped to his feet, and swaggered out the door.


Author’s Afterword:

So, Dear Reader, what do you think? Did Patrick make the right choice? Why, or why not? What would YOU have done in his situation? I intended this story to present a dilemma with no obvious answer, and I’d be fascinated to hear everyone else’s thoughts on what would be the correct decision. Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments. Thank you!……Carnevil9


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