Dating an Actress Pt. 01 by CaliforniaPerv,CaliforniaPerv

(All characters are 18 or over.)

I’d known who Delilah was since junior high and always found her attractive but didn’t get a hardcore crush on her until our senior year of high school seeing her in the school’s production of Romeo and Juliet. I’m not a big theater guy but on top of how hot she was, she really conveyed an adorable quality that made you say “yeah, I’d defy my family for this chick.” When I was 18, I asked her out and we started dating. I put the moves on her pretty early but she said she wanted to wait. We dated for three months before we made love.

The spring musical was Cabaret and, being a theater girl, she auditioned and got the lead role of Sally. I was worried about the show taking all her time for two months. So I decided to volunteer for stage crew. Delilah asked if I was sure. “Theatre kids… we can get a little crazy. It might be a bit of a culture shock, Jake,” she warned. I just smiled “I’m all about your kind of crazy.”

Ainsley Park was the stage manager so she was like my boss. I didn’t know a whole lot about stage crew but I was a quick learner. Ainsley was very businesslike and serious through rehearsals, but she did tell me that I was doing a good job.

The show was sexy as hell… I mean as sexy as any play that ends with the rise of the Nazis can be, I guess. But it had Jessica Benedetto, Greta Ng, Trishelle Hakim, Hannah Krupp (who doubled as the cast’s German accent coach), Olive Dunn, and Kayla O’Leary dancing around in… basically lingerie. I would never cheat… but woo boy am I developing some fantasies.

My friend Dane asked me how I’m cool sharing Delilah with the theater department. I told him that was a stupid question. Everybody has passions and a good boyfriend doesn’t try to hold someone back. Hell I was part of the show now so I was joining in! Dane told me I wasn’t understanding him and that Delilah had been fucking Da’rell Barclay, the guy who played Romeo, for the whole run of that show. I didn’t know if he was right or not since Delilah had never mentioned it. Either way it was before we were dating so there wasn’t anything wrong with it… weird she never mentioned it though. Guess it explained their onstage chemistry. In the back of my mind I started thinking about the chemistry she had with Garret Pineda, who was playing Cliff in Cabaret.

Though the next rehearsal I kept an eye on Delilah and Garret. Every probably innocent interaction played to me as sexually charged. But Sally and Cliff are fucking in the play so… maybe it was just good acting?

One day, onstage, Chase Park (Ainsley’s brother) and Cameron Jimenez were rehearsing “It Couldn’t Please Me More” onstage. I was getting a kick out of watching two kids who were barely 18 pretending to be old people. Acting is crazy stuff, man. Ainsley told me to go find Delilah, as we needed to run “Don’t Tell Mama” next. She smirked and said “check the prop room.”

As I approached the prop room I heard some low grunting. As I went in I saw Delilah bent over the prop table with Max Rinaldi (who appropriately was playing the club owner Max) railing her from behind. I froze. I should have said something, stopped it, but instead I just watched. I think… I wanted to watch. The same thing that made Delilah such a magnificent actress to watch made her equally as absorbing to behold as Max grabbed her tits and shoved himself into her with a series of brutish thrusts. With one final pelvic exertion, Max grunted in a way that I knew meant he was filling my girlfriend with his cum.

Delilah panted as she recovered from the intense rush of pleasure. Then she looked up and saw me and without any surprise or shame asked “oh are they ready for me on stage, Jake?”

I just stammered “uh… th-they’re running ‘Don’t Tell Mama.'”

Delilah stood up, adjusted her outfit and walked to the door. She kissed me on the cheek before she walked out. On her lips there was a drop of what I could only assume was Max’s semen. Now it was on my cheek. Max put his cock away and walked to the door. He grinned at me and gave me a pat on the shoulder before he left.

The second I was alone, I masturbated.

I walked back into rehearsal like a zombie. Ainsley didn’t ask me to do anything else that evening and I could tell from her satisfied expression (a different kind of satisfaction than Delilah got!) that she had known exactly what I would find when she sent me away.

As always I drove Delilah home. In the car we talked.

“So you’re cheating on me?!?”


“You’re cheating on me.”

“I have never cheated on you, Jake!”

“I saw you Delilah!”

Delilah looked genuinely confused until it clicked for her.

“OH! I get it. You saw SALLY with MAX.”

“Yeah I saw Max Rinaldi fill you up with cum.” My I cock twitched as I said it out loud.

“No, not Max Rinaldi. Max, the owner of the Kit Kat Club. He fucks his performers and Sally’s the Star so obviously he gives her special attention.”

“Are you delusional?”

“I fully inhabit a character, it’s like being possessed. I thought you understood acting?”

“So you were really fucking Da’rell Barclay during Romeo and Juliet?”

She laughed. “That arrogant jock? Definitely not! JULIET made love to ROMEO.”

“So anyone you fuck in a show you fuck for real. So… Garret Pineda?”

“Garret is just a friend.”

“But Sally and Cliff?”

“The most passionate lovers! They had a little rendezvous before Max showed up even.”

“Jesus, who else? Ben Stevens?”

“Ernst is a Nazi. Sally Bowles does not fuck Nazis. Leave that to that whore Fräulein Kost.” I suddenly wondered if Madison Wong was fucking Ben Stevens. Were all the actresses…. dedicated to their roles the same way as Delilah?

In the next week it was like she wasn’t even trying to hide it. She- I’m sorry, SALLY was fucking Cliff, Max, Hans, Herman, and the Emcee (who I thought was gay!) and I watched it all, sneaking off to masturbate in the bathroom afterwards. It was like I was sleepwalking. Eventually Ainsley pulled me aside to talk about it.

“Hey, Jake, I know Delilah’s… unique take on method acting probably caught you off guard but you made a commitment to stage crew and I can’t have you stumbling around in a haze. Snap out of it.”

“So it’s not all the actresses? Just Delilah?”

“Actors are all horny sluts but Delilah is the only one I’ve met who justifies it as ‘for the art.'”

“So, Madison Wong isn’t like fucking Ben Stevens?”

“Ben Stevens is a creepy conservative incel weirdo. No one is fucking him. Mr. Brooks cast him as a Nazi as a joke.”

“But how do I… how do I go on watching her get f-” I couldn’t even say it, though I started getting hard thinking about it.

“Jake, I see you go off to the bathroom afterwards every time.” Ainsley grabbed my bulge. “I think you’re just fine watching. And if you go back to being the excellent stage hand you were before, you’ll learn the ways crew can enjoy themselves too.” She let me go and turned to leave. She stopped in the door and turned back. “If that’s as big as it feels, I’ll definitely enjoy myself.”

What the hell had I gotten myself into?

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