Dominant Big Beautiful Woman Pt. 02 by slavecaro,slavecaro

“Easy. Go on.”

“You could feed me and make me lick your nails.”

“You mean my nails that are too short to arouse you.”

“I’m sorry mistress.”

“Would it humiliate you if I was overly affectionate and made you kiss me a lot?”

“Yes Mistress. This always makes me uncomfortable with anyone.”

“Come on. These are easy. Tell me something really humiliating. Something that will really turn you on. Don’t think. Do it quickly or you are not cumming tonight.”

“I blurted out, you could take your wine glass to the bathroom, pee in it and make me drink it.”

“Oh, that is disgusting. Is that safe?”

“I don’t know mistress,” I admitted.

“Ok little one. I want you thank me for letting you cum while you cum. I want you to say thank you my big, beautiful fat mistress. Thank you for letting me cum.”

I was appalled and uncomfortable with this, but I wanted to cum, “Thank you Mistress. Thank you, my big, beautiful fat mistress for letting me cum.”

“Cum! And keep telling me how much you want me and my fat,” she said

I did almost yell. “Thank you, mistress I want your huge body so much. I want your massive thighs wrapped around me. I want your huge belly squishing under me. I want to feel your thighs squeezing me.”

I finished cumming and immediately felt guilty. Guilty about what I had said to her and guilt that I was so turned on by the thought of having sex with her.

She could tell I was a little quiet after. “Well done little one. I am going to enjoy watching how uncomfortable you are dating a fat girl. Sleep well. Tell me thank you one more time and I will let you go.

“Thank you, Mistress. Thank you for letting me cum.”

“You’re welcome. G’nite little one. Please do not cum before Friday. I want you to be submissive and Horny.”

“Yes Mistress. Good night, Mistress.”

I was torn. My orgasm had been huge, but I was ashamed of how guilty I felt. The post orgasm guilt was compounded by the fact that I did not want to date a fat girl, but I was going on a date Friday at the places of her choice, and I was not looking forward to it. I forced myself to clean up, get ready and go to bed.

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