Emma and Joe Ch. 02 by Krazy_Organized_Chaos,Krazy_Organized_Chaos

Chapter 2

Writers note: This is the next chapter of my meetings and experiences with Joe. Based on true events, with names and some info changed for privacy. This was my second time meeting Joe in person, as most of our relationship was online in nature, and long distance. If you haven’t already, read “Meeting Joe, PT1&2”, as well as the first chapter of “Emma and Joe” for more information on our beginnings.

I woke up with the sun shining through the curtain and my phone alarm going off. I opened the chat app. A message from Joe was already waiting for me. He always beat me to saying ‘good morning’ first.

Joe: “Good morning!”

Emma: “Good morning.”

Joe: “I am headed your way shortly; I should be there in about an hour.”

Emma: “Sounds good, drive safe. And see you soon.”

Joe: “I will.”

I decided that I should get myself up and going so that I would be ready by the time Joe got here. I downed a couple protein drinks and some cereal, my usual breakfast. I then turned my attention to getting ready. I fixed my bedhead hair and brushed my teeth. I stood in the bathroom looking in the mirror, and debated on putting on clothing, even though Joe had instructed me not to. I decided against it, and went back to sit in bed, scrolling through my email and waiting for Joe.

Before long there was a knock on the door. Shit. How was I going to answer the door naked? I thought. It could be anyone out there. I grabbed the sheet off the bed, and almost tripped getting off the bed. Great Emma, injure yourself in a bedsheet, that makes a great impression. I wrapped the sheet around me the best I could and opened the door.

And. There. Stood. Joe.

I let him in, and then turned to walk back into the room. I didn’t make it two steps before Joe grabbed a fistful of my hair, turned my head around and pulled me into a kiss. I melted into him and lost my grasp on the sheet around me, and it fell to the floor around our feet. I was suddenly very aware that I was standing in front of Joe, naked, for the first time. My nerves began to set in, but I didn’t want to pull away from his kiss.

Joe was carrying a backpack, and all I could wonder is why he needed to bring a backpack of all things, and what did he have in there? He slowly let the backpack slide to the floor, while keeping my hair in a firm grasp in his hand. He pushed me into the wall while still kissing me and brought his other hand up to my nipple teasing and twisting it. I pushed into his hand, wanting him to explore more, but he suddenly pulled away.

“Hi,” I said.

“Hi to you too.” replied Joe.

“How was your drive and morning?” I asked.

“Much better now.” Joe stated.

I couldn’t help but smile at his response.

“You stayed naked, good girl!” Joe stated.

I couldn’t help but remember I was fully nude, standing in front of a fully clothed Joe. I quickly crossed my arms trying to hide my nakedness and looked down at the ground embarrassed. As if to read my mind, Joe quickly replied to my actions.

“Uncross your arms Emma, you’re beautiful.” Joe stated.

“Easy for you to say, you’re still fully clothed.” I replied, still standing there with my arms crossed over my tits.

“Go over to the bed, bend over, and place your hands on the bed.” Joe commanded.

I stood there staring for a few seconds contemplating my next move. But I complied and made my way over to the bed. I disliked standing like this more than I did just standing there naked. I couldn’t see Joe this way and I felt even more exposed. I could hear Joe rustling around, and then heard the familiar swish of him pulling his belt out of his pants. I went to turn my head, as I wanted to see more of him, but got interrupted before I could.

“Face the bed Emma, and do not turn around until I tell you to.” Joe stated.

Ugh. No fair. I don’t get to see him, yet he can look at me all he wants. He slid his hand over my back and down to my ass, which made me jump at first. I hadn’t been touched in any way since I had last seen Joe the month prior, so any type of touch felt foreign and took me a while to get used to. His hands stopped on my ass, and he firmly grasped and rubbed it softly.

“You have a great ass, Emma.” Joe said in a low voice.

“Yeah, I don’t think so.,” I replied, “And gets in the way according to my husband.”

“Not following directions and arguing with what I say. Should make for an interesting morning.” Joe stated almost chuckling.

Joe reached around my body, and grabbed my tits, leaning his body against mine. I could feel he was completely undressed. His warm skin felt nice in the cool, air-conditioned room. Joe slid back up and reached with both hands and rubbed my ass some more. I then felt him step away from me and fumbling with something on the ground. I suddenly felt a familiar sting that I hadn’t felt in many years.

Joe raised his belt and struck me twice across my ass with it. Only twice before saying:

“One for keeping your arms folded, and second for arguing about your great ass.”

I stood there, wanting him to continue and strike me again. I missed being spanked, and craved more, though I wasn’t sure how high my pain tolerance would still be since it had been so long. I then felt Joe come up behind me and felt his skin on mine again. I could feel the warmth from his body again, and his hard cock pressed against where my ass met my thighs. I wanted to push back onto him, but he held me still with his hand. I heard a familiar click sound of the camera on a phone and I stiffened. What kind of picture did he take?

“Look at the picture Emma…. Your ass is NOT too big, and it is amazing.” Joe stated while laying his phone on the bed next to my face.

On the phone was a picture of my ass, with Joe’s hard cock nestled against it. Fuck, it was a hot picture, more so for his cock than my ass, though I wasn’t going to tell him that.

Joe turned me around and pulled me into a deep kiss again. I pressed my body against his, wanting to get as much skin-on-skin contact as I could get, and it still wasn’t enough. I pressed my tits into his chest. Joe’s chest was covered in hair which was soft and perked up my nipples as his chest hair grazed against them. Joe pushed me onto the bed and collapsed on top of me, never pulling away from our kiss. As we laid on the bed, Joe’s hands wandered up my thighs, stroking them, over my pubes and up my belly to my tits. His hand was big enough to almost grasp my tit fully in one hand, and he returned to playing and twisting my nipple.

Joe pulled away from our kiss even though I tried to keep him there. His mouth moved to my nipple and began sucking, lightly flicking his tongue over it, while slowly twisting it in his teeth. As he was doing that, his hand wandered down to my pubes and was rubbing them as well. He then began exploring with his fingers as he slowly slid two fingers down around my clit and began encircling it, but never touching it. He slid his fingers further through my folds to find my pussy was dripping wet. He pushed his fingers into me slightly. I attempted to thrust my hips onto his hand, but he pulled away bringing his fingers to his mouth, sucking on them


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