Enjoy Yourselves Pt. 07 by furiousmunchingnoises,furiousmunchingnoises

“Oh no.” Amanda scolded. “That’s enough for one night. I’m just cleaning you off.”

He grinned. “You should be careful then.”

She hummed in understanding, deepthroated his cock one last time, then stood up.

“You should get to bed before–” Eddy caught her before she hit the floor. “Fuck.”

“You ok?”

“Of course sweetheart.” Amanda cooed. “Just can’t feel my legs. Be a dear and put me on the bed?”

As he scooped her up in his arms, Alex scurried off to her room before Eddy could turn around and see her. That last bit had been pretty adorable. She would bet big money that he had tucked her in with a kiss on the forehead.

As poorly restrained screams of ecstasy erupted from his boss’s office, Mr. White played watchdog. At least they waited until the rest of the employees had vacated the building. That made his job much easier.

The white haired man leaned against the wall just outside. He could hear the inconsistent scraping sounds that indicated a moving desk. My my. They were really at it. Good for them.

Realizing that this might be a while, Mr. White brought out his vape and took a long drag from it. He used to be a smoker, but the new e-cigarette had offered subtlety that he couldn’t refuse. No smoke, no smell, no one noticed.

Sudden movement in the corner of his eye made him jump. It seemed that the building wasn’t empty after all. As Mr. White made his way over to confront the man, he was relieved to notice that it was Patrick Wellman. And then he was less relieved to realize that it was his nephew fucking in the room behind him. This made things more complicated.

“Ah! Mr. White!” Patrick’s face broke out into a grin when he saw him. Unfortunately, Mr. White noticed how haggard he was. The poor man was burning the candle at both ends.

“Patrick.” The stocky man chuckled when he grasped his hand.

“I tell you every time, lad. Call me Pat. Everyone does.” He patted him on the shoulder. “Now what can I do you for?”

“I was wondering if you wanted to go out for a drink?”

Patrick laughed. “Ya hardly need to ask an Irishman to go out for a drink. But…” He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. “The old wallet is lookin’ a bit thin these days, if ya know what I mean…”

“I’ll cover the tab.” Mr. White said. Anything to get him out of here. Plus… he liked Patrick. He should have the privilege of going to his favorite bar after a long day of work and relax.

“While that’s mighty kind of ya, I couldn’t ask–”

“I insist.” Mr. White wrapped his arm around Patrick’s shoulders. His skin recoiled a bit at the touch, but he soldiered through it.

Patrick chuckled awkwardly. “I thought ya didn’t like when…” He trailed off, glancing at Mr. Wellman’s door as they passed it. A loud scream pierced the air, most likely Ms. Jackson cumming her brains out, followed by Eddy quietly shushing her.

Pat looked at Mr. White, who was staring straight ahead at the exit. They had been so close. Why did she have to scream now?

“That isn’t Welly.” Patrick said slowly. “Is it lad?”


“Didn’t think so.” He sniffed. “Don’t think my brother’s ever made a woman cum in his entire life. So who is it?”

“Your nephew.”

“Little Eddy?” Not so little anymore. “Well good for him.”

Pat downed his fifth shot of whiskey and slammed the glass on the table. “Ahhhhh! Then I said to ‘er lad, then I said…” He looked at Mr. White with unfocused eyes. “I forgot what I said. But mark me words lad, it knocked her socks off!”

Mr. White chuckled. Patrick’s accent always got thicker whenever he drank. He stirred his drink and took a sip. “Then what?”

“Well, then me belt was off and she was unbuttonin’ me pants. Before I could say a word.” Another shot of whiskey. “I asked her, ‘What ya doin’ to me lass?’ and she says to me, ‘Well it’s a sausage tasting contest, ain’t it?'” He roared with laughter.

“Well then, what happened next?”

“Well then I must’ve asked her to marry me, didn’t I?”

White almost choked on his drink. Patrick asked Amanda to marry him? “What?”

“Aye, and how could she have turned a man like me down, eh?” Patrick chuckled.

“Did she?” Mr. White asked, much more invested in the conversation now. “Turn you down I mean.”

“Well she couldn’t have, could she?” Patrick slurred. “That’s what I said, innit?”

“Well…” Patrick was acting a bit delusional. Why would he think he and Amanda were married? “Are you still married?”

“I don’t see why we’d get divorced.”

“Are you married right now?”

Patrick paused. “Well I must be then.”

“Don’t you think she’s worried about you?”

Another pause. “Aye… Perhaps I should get goin’ then.” He slapped a five dollar bill on the counter, not nearly enough to pay for what he drank, and got up from the bar. “Another time then lad.”

As he sauntered away, Mr. White paid the bartender what they owed (and cleared up a bit of Patrick’s tab), then followed his friend out the door. A good thing too, because Patrick was about two seconds away from eating dirt.

Mr. White caught him and shouldered him to his car. Instead of heading off to his own car, he put Pat into the passenger seat and started driving him home. He could get an Uber to take him back to the bar. On the way, he filled up Patrick’s tank, which was close to empty.

The radio was set to an old rock station, and Patrick was humming along with a few of the songs. After a while, he stopped, and Mr. White thought he had passed out. He was debating how to get him inside his house when Patrick said something.

“We aren’t married.”

White looked over at him, then back at the road. Patrick had a somber expression on his face, like he’d come to the realization that his dog was dead. Mr. White paused. He felt bad for taking the joke so far. It had just seemed so ridiculous at the time.

“Would you like to be?”

“Of course.” Zero hesitation. “Mandy’s a wonderful woman. I’ve been in love with ‘er for…” He sighed. “Since high school. But she’s married to that… that dear old brother o’ mine.”

Yes. That dear old brother. Mr. White’s nose wrinkled with disgust. “But if she wasn’t, let’s say, would you marry her?”

“I’d propose…” He scratched his chin, then shook his head. “It’s been too long. I couldn’t do that to her. Pull her back into a relationship that… that… that she’d already gotten over. I couldn’t play with her like that.”

Maybe she’s not as over him as much as he thought. Mr. White had only met Mrs. Wellman in person a couple of times, but it was clear to him that she was still in love with Patrick. More in love with him than her husband anyway.

“I think it’s about time you reconnected with your family Patrick.” Mr. White said suddenly. “You come all the way home from Ireland, and the most you see them is on holidays. It’s not right.”

“I… I suppose.”

“You know what people love? Gifts.” Mr. White smiled as he turned the car into a mall parking lot.

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