Evening at the Opera, An by MythMaker,MythMaker

Silfr dreaded that this exchange was a prelude of things to come, and her premonition would indeed prove true as her elder sibling continued to interject after seemingly every other verse the actors sung with queries on character relationships and motivations that the younger believed were simple enough to be answered through basic, undivided viewing of the story unfolding on stage, eventually forgoing with giving proper acknowledgement to Eir’s inquiries altogether about midway through the first act, and simply meeting any further interruptions from the copper-haired princess with a sharp, hissing hush through clenched teeth.

Though there were many things in this world which vexed Silfr, few of them could incite such internal ire in the pale witch as the complete lack of respect for the theatrical arts by ceaselessly chattering in the midst of a production in progress, especially when said chatter was directed towards her. Though considering the majority of Eir’s theatre-going experiences up until this point have involved some form of audience participation, such a thing perhaps should have been expected. Silfr also feared that her elder sibling may suddenly blurt out “he’s behind you!” from the top of her lungs whenever the antagonist appeared on stage unbeknownst to Lena, though that would be assuming she recognised which character fulfilled that role in the first place.

Her constant questions eventually culminated into a single blunt statement which was enough to tip the younger sibling’s frustration over the edge: “Silf, I’m…kinda bored.” uttered right at the moment when Sa’ir, prince of the incubi, made his dramatic first entrance perfectly portrayed by Sachsen’s premier primo uomo Peter Puristisch with a masterwork combination of make-up and costume to accentuate the character’s otherworldly beauty, all facets of no small note that went utterly unrecognised by the nescient Eir.

In spite of her patience having reach its peak however, Silfr did not raise her voice, or at least not to a volume one would normally associate with extreme exasperation, though the biting bitterness of her speech still surfaced on her monotone syllables as she rolled her icy eyes and said: “Then perhaps this shall be more to your sensibilities?” Then, without a modicum of shame, the younger sibling swiftly reached aside with one skeletal hand and gripped a fistful of fabric on the front of Eir’s dress before deftly flipping the garment up and away from her sister’s lower body less than a second later, completely uncovering the cotton stockings and silk bloomers she wore underneath. Eir had only time to make an embarrassed squeak in reaction while her cheeks naturally turned red in an instant before she next felt Silfr’s paw slip into her underwear and punctually arrive between her pillowy thighs and directly over her privates, yet all the same she made absolute zero effort to deter her twin’s perverse act.

Silfr unhesitatingly pressed the tips of her slender index and middle fingers precisely against her elder sister’s clitoris – making Eir momentarily flinch upon contact – to then begin rubbing them both in small, quick circles which made the auburn twin slide into a slump in her seat as she started slipping into a laid-black bliss accompanied by a sigh escaping from her smiling mouth in utter spite of the very public auditorium the twins were currently sitting in, only escaping obvious detection by the grace of their private box elevated high above the heads of the unsuspecting audience below whose attentions were doubly engrossed with the ongoing opera in front. “Instant and gratifying and base as only an ignoramus such as yourself is able to appreciate. Enough to keep you muted ’till at least the curtain is drawn on the opening act, yes?”

Eir did not answer, the younger sister’s scathing disapproval seemingly lost on the elder’s naivety, though neither did Silfr await a response and merely returned her focus back onto the staged drama to try and enjoy the remainder of the performance while she still could, though now with vexation tingeing her thoughts over how her entire intent for even bringing Eir to this outing in the first place had been rendered void, and was only being ceaselessly reminded as she continued to idly play with her sister’s pussy to the side as it seemed to be the the only thing which was keeping the usually talkative copper-haired princess content and quiet for the time being, save for the occasional soft mewl she sounded.

Of course, such an explicitly incestuous episode was nothing new between the twin princesses, having successfully maintained the secrecy of their taboo liaison to all but themselves for a solid couple of years now. Partaking in such an indecent deed in the main performance hall of the Malmhule Royal Theatre however – in the midst of a production no less! – was not a scenario either sister could claim to have prior experience in, not that semi-exhibitionism was something Silfr would prefer not to make a habit of regardless, seeing the obvious risks involved would very much end only in a monumental scandal for the second and third daughters of King Stål should things go awry to say the least, and that was before even taking into account the verboten nature of their sexual affair…

After what must have been at least a solid ten minutes straight of indolent fiddling with Eir’s love button, it was becoming increasingly difficult for Silfr to ignore her twin’s constant squirming in her seat and the pleasing hums that seemed to be ever so slightly steadily increasing in volume as time passed on to the point where they were now distinctly – albeit faintly – detectable to the adjacent raven-haired princess even through the roaring vocalisations of the trained sopranos and tenors below, though mercifully drowned for anybody who was not present in the overhead booth. The pale-skinned sibling’s cold eyes slowly turned aside as Eir’s musical murmurs directly caused by her efforts was enough even for the outwardly passionless Silfr to start feeling greater illicit desire well up inside her frigid heart as it started thumping within her bosom at a rate such as she had not felt for many months.

Silfr silently cursed herself for succumbing to the same tawdry impulses that she had earlier berated her copper-haired sibling for before withdrawing her digits out of Eir’s undergarments, bringing the elder princess out of her trance-like delight with a few bewildered blinks of her big, brown eyes before casting them to her younger twin with a puzzled glance. But before Eir was able to ask “Why’d ya stop so suddenly, Silf?”, the silver-skinned sister had already left her seat to stand in front of where the auburn sibling was seated still slouched with a startling burst of celerity for one so normally lethargic before just as abruptly dropping down to her knees in the next instant. Sifter then raised her bony left hand and darted it directly inwards to the space betwixt Eir’s slightly parted legs, grabbing fast onto the crotch section of her silken bloomers before wrenching them forcibly off her hips and halfway down her legs with the zeal of a woman possessed.

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