Evening at the Opera, An by MythMaker,MythMaker

And then without a single modicum of dramatic momentum wasted in this pivotal moment in the production’s plot, the curtain was lowered onto the staged scene and met with roaring ovation just as every fibre in Eir’s figure tensed and trembled with a deluge of endorphins inundating her system, clenching even tighter onto the bannister’s edge that would leave marks on her palms for the next several hours, her arse cheeks jiggling on either side of Silfr’s countenance whilst her breasts similarly shook. The elder sibling clenched her teeth, somewhat muffling her moans, as a strand of slaver very nearly drivelled from the corner of her mouth onto an unaware applauder below while some juices gushed direct from her nether regions to make a small mess on the floor of the booth.

Eir’s tendons relaxed once her orgasm had resolved itself as she made a decisive sigh of utmost satisfaction, gently closing her eyes as her electrified mind started lulling into a reposed status…in fact, she perhaps became a little too relaxed and reposed for a little too long in her afterglow, as the next thing she realised once she reopened her eyes, she had overbalanced forwards and was beginning to tip over the balcony’s edge headfirst! Eir’s only response in the moment after was to make a sharp yelp and flap her arms wildly, but – mercifully – Silfr was quick on the draw in spite of her typical lethargy, grabbing fistfuls onto her elder sister’s flowing dress faster than she could plummet into certain injury – with the added humiliation of having her bloomers hanging loose around her ankles and her bosom totally bared – before giving a mighty backwards heave that must have strained her skinny biceps, bringing the auburn princess back to safety by flinging her straight back onto the chair she was sat at previously, unharmed but very nearly causing the seat to tip over backwards with the velocity Eir had came down on it.

For once, Silfr appeared completely discomposed, visibly panting with small flecks of sweat forming on her white brow after she had saved her sister from the involuntary stunt that she was aggravatingly unsure whether or not was observed by anybody in the general audience beneath. Eir was likewise breathless and perspiring even more profusely compared to the paler princess, though for differing reasons as she was still recovering from her explosive cumming, unable to express her gratitude for her twin’s timely rescue before she found herself already distracted from doing so when the dim hall illuminated just as brightly as it was before the show had commenced.

“Huh? Is it over already?” Eir asked while reaching down to lift her knickers back onto her waist, confused as she peeked down to only just now notice that the curtain currently concealed the stage once again while the buzz of chatter struck up amongst the throngs below, along with several individuals shifting out their seats and among the aisles during this intermission.

“Far from it.” Silfr answered calmly once she had collected herself back to regular impassiveness, returning to her own seat beside Eir as if nothing had transpired. “This is a five-act opera. That was merely the conclusion of the opening act.”

“Urgh…that long…?” Eir let out a griping groan far different from the carnally charged vocalisations she was making but a moment ago. The comment was immediately met with a scowling glance from Silfr as she snapped her neck to the side, spleen visibly smouldering within the glints of her wintry optics: a look that would make men with weaker wills cower in an instant, though was met with zero reaction from her elder sister, who simply continued on stating her thoughts aloud. “Well, in that case, I’m gonna go see if I can get us some snacks before things start up again! My tummy is going to be rumbling by the time it’s all over.” With that, Eir stood to her feet and merrily skipped towards the booth’s door whilst she hummed a jaunty tune to herself, only just remembering to place her boobies back into her brassiere and lift the stretched front of her dress back over the chest the literal last second before she turned the exit’s handle, leaving none who she would meet in the foyer any the wiser that she just had her pussy so thoroughly eaten out and fingered by none other than her own blood relative above their oblivious crowns.

“Oh! And by the way, Silf, I didn’t want to bug you about this, buuut I’m kinda lost with what’s been going on in the story. Could ya tell me everything that’s happened so far when I get back?” Eir poked her curly-haired head halfway back through the door after she had already departed through it to ask her sister a final irksome question, though vanished just as suddenly back down the corridor without first waiting for an answer.

Silfr only let out a long exhale from her nostrils to vent her irritation as she closed her eyes over, silently beseeching Lnithyp to give her the fortitude necessary to survive through this night in Eir’s company with all her brain cells intact…and that was without making mention of the younger twin’s own arousal having been substantially kindled after all she had done to her sister this evening. Silfr would definitely be seeing that Eir returned the favour once they arrived back at the privacy of Malmhule Palace…though then again, their latest oral sex shenanigans did seem to have gone entirely unseen in spite of their intensity, so perhaps she could make her elder sibling the same for here and now without consequence. Besides, Silfr had already seen this opera at least half-a-dozen times before, and the narrative started to lose some of its intrigue once you knew it as inside and out as the pale princess did…

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