Fall into a CFNM Life Ch. 08

An adult stories – Fall into a CFNM Life Ch. 08 by I_like_cfnm,I_like_cfnm Chapter 8

I awoke with a sense of nervous trepidation. Today was the last day of my naked promise — okay, technically tomorrow just before leaving for work, was the end of my promise but today was the day my clothes would come back to me. I had been completely naked for over a week and seen by at least five people (and a dog), and maybe more, who knows? I was sure outside often enough that somebody could have seen me without my noticing. The thought that there might be people I haven’t even met that know what I look like naked caused my dick to twitch.

Ever since waving goodbye to my clothes on Monday morning I haven’t given them a second thought. But, now that the week — and my vacation — was coming to a close with work looming tomorrow morning, I was getting antsy to have my clothes nearby again. Even if I wouldn’t be putting them on today. I’ve almost forgotten what it feels like to wear anything… I’m going to feel so restricted at work tomorrow, I thought to myself.

Careful not to awaken Gina, I delicately extricated myself from the bed and headed downstairs to the kitchen for a cup of coffee. I needed some time to myself to think about the week, and about what Gina had in store for me tonight. She wouldn’t really spring a surprise party on me, would she? Show me off to her neighbors, completely naked? She just might. There was no denying she had been as turned on this week as I was. Am. I glanced down at my dick. I was so horny the simple thought of being turned on was enough to cause a Pavlovian feedback loop for my dick. I took a cold shower to calm myself down.

When I finished my shower, I saw that Gina had already awakened and gone downstairs. I met her in the living room. “Not much longer before the girls are home, now. Ready to be naked in front of an audience again?” Gina teased me. I had been naked with Brooklyn and Angela before — ‘with’ may be putting it too strongly … I was the only one naked among them; The closest I’d seen either of them naked was Brooklyn’s covered cleavage or the tell-tale bumps through Angela’s shirts and bras. In other words: not very.

But I’d been naked for so long with Gina this week, I’d forgotten that I hadn’t really been naked in front of other people all that much (one surprise with the elderly neighbor woman not withstanding). “They’ll love being greeted home by a naked man! Who wouldn’t?” Gina continued. That statement was enough to undo all the work of my cold shower, which caused Gina to giggle. “Ooh, that reminds me!”

“My boner reminds you of something… Is it the BJ you promised me?”

“No, silly! We’ve been officially a couple for a week now, and exclusive for the week before that…?” I nodded agreement. “Plus the month we spent just chatting. My point is, it’s high time I had a couples photo of us!” She pulled out her phone, stepped beside me side-hugging me tight, and extended her arm out as far as it could. “Say cheese!” Before I could protest, she snapped a couple pictures in rapid succession. She brought the phone close to her face and frowned slightly.

“What’s wrong? Those look good. Amazingly we’re both smiling! You could post these on Facebook, no problem! You can’t even tell I’m naked, just that I’m not wearing a shirt.”

“That is the problem. Where’s the fun in taking pictures with a naked man if you can’t tell he’s naked?? Hang on, I’m getting my tripod.”

Without another word Gina rushed to the basement leaving me scratching my head muttering to myself “… but she won’t be able to share it with anybody once this week is over. Isn’t is kinda pointless …” I did the best I could, but I couldn’t always understand what was going through Gina’s head.

She came back with her tripod and a phone mount. “Come on, let’s go in the backyard where there’s natural light.”

We went out to the back where she set things up, taking her time to get it perfectly to her liking. After a few minutes, she directed me where to stand. She pushed a button on her phone then rushed beside me, posing in the same side-hug arrangement as before. “Say ‘gotcha!'” she said, cupping my balls in her right hand and squeezing just as the picture was taken. The look of surprise on my face was captured perfectly, my mouth in a perfect ‘o’ and my eyebrows practically jumping off my head.

“Perfect!” Gina was pleased with the picture, and starting tapping her phone a few more times. “I can’t wait to frame this one!”

“Frame?? You mean, like, frame it in your mind’s eye?” I quizzed with exaggerated hope.

Gina giggled. “You’re so silly.” She grabbed my dick with her left hand like a leash, leading me back into the house. On the way, she grabbed and collapsed the tripod in one smooth motion with her right arm, barely slowing her pace.

Returning to the living room, she released my dick and walked to the printer. My momentum carried me along with her, where I saw a freshly printed 8×10 portrait: Gina was dressed conservatively in a light blue sweater and loose ankle length skirt — neither of which did anything to reveal her figure — and I was stark naked with Gina’s hand cupping my balls, my dick standing tall and proud, while I showed a pretty good facsimile of my ‘o’ face. You could see everything, from my feet to my head.

Gina picked up the print, and carried it to the living room fireplace. Hanging above the fireplace were dozens of framed photos, most of them smaller 4x6s or 5x7s. Most were goofy photos of the Three Amigas, but they were interspersed with a few of what looked like family photos for each of the three girls. In the middle there was a single framed 8×10 of the three girls posing all together, Charlie’s Angels style. Gina took down that frame, and placed the new print inside, replacing it on the wall.

Taking a step back, she admired the new centerpiece of their photo wall. “Perfect. I love it!”

“Uh, that’s uh … ” My mouth was dry and I swallowed what felt like a teaspoon of sand. “Isn’t that a bit … big?”

“Yes, you are!” Gina teased my accidental double entendres. “I needed a souvenir to remember your naked week. And this will make quite a conversation piece, don’t you think?”

“No, I mean yes, of course it will. But are you sure that picture’s … appropriate?”

Gina’s eyes took on an icy fierceness. “This is my home. Are you trying to tell me what is and isn’t appropriate to display in my own home?”

“No, no, of course not.” I backpedaled like a circus bear. “It’s just —”

“Good, I’m glad that’s settled!” Gina’s happy bubbly voice returned. “Now go get us a couple cups of tea so we can relax before the girls get home.” Gina smacked my bottom, simultaneously signaling the end of the discussion quite audibly and ushering me into the kitchen to make the tea.

I found a stainless steel serving platter in the kitchen, which I used to carry out the tea accoutrements. Gina and I sat on the couch in comfortable silence sipping our teas waiting for Brooklyn and Angela (and my clothes) to return home. Gina played on her phone, while I absentmindedly tried reading a coffee table magazine. I wasn’t able to concentrate on the magazine though because I kept seeing the 8×10 of Gina and me in the corner of my eye. Every time I glanced at it, all I could see was my hard on staring back at me.


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