Fallen Angels

An adult stories – Fallen Angels by The_Erotic_Mind,The_Erotic_Mind The only stretch of straight highway in all of Wisdom County could be found just north of the town of Ironwood. Though the section of road was relatively short, being only a mile long, it was Hailey’s first opportunity to test the power of her newly repaired van. She pressed the gas pedal to the floor and listened carefully to the hum of the massive engine. The van roared to life and she smiled to herself with relief, for it was clear that her mechanic had been true to his word.

She had hoped beyond hope that it was possible to get the old clunker back into shape, but there had come a point when she had lost faith; for the job had seemed so big, as the brakes, transmission, motor, and electrical systems were all in need of fine repair.

It was her father who had bought this odd machine when Hailey was only ten years old. He drove it into the driveway; beaming with pride and making grandiose promises of family adventure; of traveling, vacationing, and exploring. Hailey would never forget her mother’s dubious response, as she stood there with her arms folded and her face in a tight grimace. “What is it?” she had asked. This turned out to be a very good question, for ‘It’ was too small to be called a bus, too large to be called a van, and too eccentric to be called an RV. What ‘IT’ turned out to be was an old ambulance that had been converted into a tiny home on wheels.

The work had been done by an old man with his own visions of retiring and spending his days exploring the country. He spared no expense or effort in the conversion. This was obvious, though Hailey struggled with the man’s questionable taste which was most apparent in his choices of gaudy colors, along with wall to wall fake fur carpeting. She had been able to look past the tacky details and appreciate the more practical aspects of her tiny home; such as the roomy sleeping loft, the miniature kitchen, and the ornate bar (which she had yet to stock).

After all of this work, the old man never got a chance to take his creation out on the open road. According to her dad, the man had a stroke days after his retirement and had been forced to sell it. Hailey wondered sometimes if the man; in his disappointment of broken dreams, had placed a curse on the rig. Her father’s enthusiasm was short-lived and his promises of family adventure never materialized. Instead the miniature RV sat buried in the weeds at her mother’s house for another ten years.

Now, as the van charged down the straightaway, Hailey felt a flash of exhilaration and wondered if the curse had finally been lifted. It appeared that she finally had her ticket to freedom. This monster on wheels was going to take her far away from her stifling and oppressive family, even farther from the dark hollers of Wisdom County, and perhaps most importantly; far from her dead-beat boyfriend.

It was this last detail; her boyfriend, who was responsible for her remaining in Wisdom County for a week longer than she desired. Deep in her heart she knew that she should have just cut and run at the first chance that she got, but she just couldn’t bring herself to do it.

The straight section of highway was coming to a close, and up ahead, the sign for her turn was coming into view. Tentatively she released her foot from the gas and tried the brakes. Satisfied with their responsiveness, the massive rig steadily slowed until she could turn off the highway onto a side road. A small sign read; “Prison ahead, do not pick up hitchhikers.’ Five minutes later she turned again, this time under a massive sign looming over the road which read: ‘Wisdom County Prison’.

Hailey strategically double parked her rig where she could watch the front entrance of the prison from the convenience of the driver’s seat. The LED clock on the dashboard read; 11:45 am. She was a bit early. Fifteen minutes early to be exact; which turned out to be a precariously large amount of time because the longer she waited, the stronger her urge to run away. She was well aware that there was little in the way of stopping her from doing just that…. she could leave right now; in less than an hour she could be in Tennessee, and within a week she could be in California. She knew though that she had one last loose end to tie up and it was her own sense of honor and integrity that kept her from running.

Movement at the gate to the prison caught Hailey’s attention. Her eyes locked on the silhouette of her boyfriend; Clark ‘Hoss’ Hatfield, as he emerged from the complex network of chain link gates topped with razor sharp barbed wire. Dressed in his ‘street clothes’; the very same clothes he was wearing the last time she saw him, he walked casually out of the prison and stood alone in the parking lot for a few moments taking in his first breath of freedom in four months. He fished through the pockets of his jacket and paused long enough to light a cigarette. Then looked around aimlessly while he smoked. It was clear that he did not know exactly what to do with himself.

She tapped lightly on the horn drawing Hoss’ attention. He acknowledged her with an up-nod of his head and walked across the parking lot unhurried. As he approached, Hailey rolled down the driver’s side window. “Hoss,” she said with a curt greeting.

“Nilah,” he replied, matching her tone.

Hailey grimaced; she was no longer that person. “It’s Hailey now,” she replied.

“Hailey….” he repeated distractedly while taking a step back and looking closer at the Van. “… see you got this piece of shit running again.”

It was nearly more than she could take. Offering no response to his criticism, she instead chose to reach down and turn over the ignition. The motor roared to life and she added more gas than necessary; for no other purpose than to drown out the sound of his voice. For one last time, she thought of speeding off across the parking lot and leaving him befuddled in a literal cloud of dust. The temptation was so appealing that it was tortuous, but she knew that she needed closure for this stage of her life so that she could truly begin a new life. She needed to say goodbye to Hoss now or he would haunt her wherever she fled.

“Get in!” she called out curtly when the din of the motor died down a bit. Hoss stepped around the side of the van and opened the passenger door.

“And no smoking in my Rig!” Hailey added with authority.

Hoss looked at her for only a moment before he smirked and flicked the burning cigarette onto the pavement and climbed in.

The pair rode the vehicle into Iron Wood without sharing a word. Hoss would look over to her every few minutes with words of unspoken tension on the tip of his tongue. Each time he would notice her expression of grim determination so firmly set in her jaw and chose instead to remain quiet. Unexpectedly, she whipped the van off the highway and into the parking lot of a small convenience store on West King Street. Reaching into the console between the seats, she produced a crumpled twenty dollar bill and handed it to Hoss.

“Get us some Beer….” she stated; neither asking nor demanding.

Hoss sighed, snatched the bill out of her fingers, and hopped out of the van.

After he returned from the store with a case of cheap beer, Hailey drove across town with a beer in her lap while Hoss sipped on his own. She parked in her mother’s driveway situated in the north facing shadow of Snake Mountain. As she climbed out of the driver’s seat she noticed him looking at the fixed blade knife that hung from her hip in a leather sheath.

“…quite a knife,” he said as she took a seat in one of the puke green ‘captains’ chairs that had been bolted to the floor of the dining area.

“Ralph gave it to me before they sent him away,” she replied, placing a fresh beer on the narrow, orange plastic counter in front of her.

“Professor Sampson?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.

Dr. Ralph Sampson: a once tenured, now humiliated, professor of literature at CSU. After becoming embroiled in the same scandal that sent Hoss and 3 other students to county jail, the authorities really threw the book at Ralph; sending him to State Prison for the next two years.

“Yep,” she said, simultaneously emphasizing her word with the snap and fizz of the beer can top as she opened it.

“You’re on a first name basis now.”

To Hailey, this sounded much more like a statement of fact, than a question or an invitation to elaborate. Either way she didn’t care. Instead, she ignored him and turned slightly in the rotating chair to look out the window and sip her beer in silence.

Time crept along. Two hours and six beers later, the tense couple had hardly exchanged a word, with Hailey spending most of this time staring glumly at the view of Snake Mountain. Hoss eventually stepped out to relieve himself and smoke a cigarette. When he returned, he sat down into the captain’s chair with a huff that brought Hailey’s attention from the window. She looked at him and they locked eyes for an uncomfortable moment.

“Four Months, Nilah. Four months and you didn’t come to visit me once.”

Hailey’s look, if it were possible, grew even more hostile. Her eyes narrowed into angry slits, “You punched me Hoss,” she said firmly.

“What are you talking about?” Hoss asked with confusion.

“The night before they put you in prison…” she elaborated, “You punched me in the face.”

“I was so drunk…” he stammered. “I don’t remember.”

“Well let me refresh your memory then,” she said with a clear tone of anger and a steadily rising volume. “You punched me so hard that I knocked over the kitchen table as I fell to the floor.”

“I don’t remember,” repeated Hoss this time with distinct tension in his own voice.

Undeterred, Hailey continued to press, “My eye was black for two weeks, Hoss!”

Hoss took a swig of his beer and set it down hard on the counter in frustration. “Oh yeah, well, while your refreshing my MEMORY,” emphasizing this last word in three syllables; mem-mor-ree, with an attitude that Hailey had always found infuriating, “…perhaps you’d elaborate on what half ass stunt you pulled that ticked me off in the first place! Don’t just sit there and pretend you were some kind of perfectly innocent angel….”

“Sit Here?….” Hailey inquired incredulously, but it was clear to her that Hoss planned to talk right over her and this was the last straw. In a flash that caught him completely off guard, she jumped to her feet, pulled the large knife from its sheath and stabbed it violently into the top of the case of beer.

“Goddamn Nilah!” gasped Hoss in surprise, leaning away from the orange counter while fending off the initial explosion of beer foam with his hands.

Hailey ignored the spewing foam, held fast to the knife and glared at him over the counter top. Wide eyed, he looked up at her and she took the cue. “The next time, Hoss, that you hit me, you better fucking kill me…. do you understand?” she demanded without taking her eyes of him.

“Ok, OK, said Hoss, still holding up both hands as if to fend her off.

“DO YOU UNDERSTAND?” she repeated.

“Yeah, Nilah, I understand!”

“It’s HAILEY! Goddamn-it.”

“Hailey,” he repeated.

“Fine,” she said, taking her hand off the hilt of the knife still sticking out of the top of a foaming beer can. She folded her arms and continued staring at him defiantly.

“What?” he asked while staring back.

Hailey then surprised him for the second time in less than a minute. She reached out with both hands, grabbed him by the collar and forcefully pulled him towards her. Instantly their lips were locked in a desperate kiss. Hoss responded by wrapping a hand around her waist and pulling her tightly into him while Hailey began frantically working at the zipper and belt of his pants. With his free hand, Hoss swept beer cans, knives, and everything else off the orange counter in one stroke. He picked Hailey up; swirling her around and practically tearing her panties at the seams as he laid her out across the countertop.

With a tight grip on his penis, Hailey wrapped her long slender legs around his waist and pulled him tightly until he was deep inside her. Soon they were desperately humping one another, but the moment of wild passion was short lived, as the orange counter, poorly suited for supporting the weight, collapsed from beneath them. The surprised couple laughed hysterically as they crashed heavily onto the floor amongst a sea of empty beer cans and splinters of countertop.

The sudden interruption did little to quench their desperate need for one another, though the trek across the RV became an arduous and desperate undertaking. Under normal circumstances, the distance from the bar to the bed could have literally been covered in one stride, but the tangle of broken furniture, crushed beer cans, and intertwined bodies in half-removed clothes hindered their progress.

With their lips locked tightly, and their tongues shoved as deeply into one another’s mouths as was possible, they worked their way across the floor in tiny increments. They clawed, scratched, bit, and fucked their way across the floor like two animals desperate to consume one another.

Hailey groped for the edge of the bed, not even sure if she was being swept away by her lover, or if she was trying to drag him along. This was the long standing poetic irony that had defined their relationship for seven years. Since they were sophomores in high school, she had never really determined if she was trying to get away from Hoss, or if all this time, she had been chasing him.

Finally her fingers gripped the hard wooden frame, and with a heave, she attempted to pull herself and Hoss off the floor with mixed results. She managed to swing one leg over the top of the mattress, but while the other knee was still firmly on the fake fur carpeting of the floor, Hoss took advantage of the moment of exposure and entered her from behind.

Helplessly pinned now, Hailey felt her crotch forcefully pushed into the corner of the mattress and the resulting fireworks from the friction of her clit dragging across the soft sheet caused her to moan loudly. Hoss immediately began fucking her hard with all of his weight; withdrawing his penis and ramming it into her pussy with such force that her body slid a few inches towards the headboard of the bed with each stroke.

Hoss had one hand wrapped around her hip and with the other, he wrapped it roughly in her hair and pulled so hard so that she was forced to see the quickly approaching headboard. With one hand, she desperately braced herself to prevent her face from being bashed into the hard wooden paneling. With the other hand, she reached behind and grabbed his ass; egging him on to increase his intensity by rhythmically pulling him back after every withdrawal.

Hoss let out a long guttural groan, and it was clear that the intensity of the moment was catching up with him.

“Don’t you fucking cum on me!” demanded Hailey not letting up on her grip to the back of his thigh, forcing him inside of her; all while desperately humping her clit over the corner of the mattress.

Hoss moaned again. Hailey was getting close herself, but it was clear that their timing was just a little off and that he was ahead of her in this race. She released her grip of his leg and began desperately digging through a built-in drawer above the bed. “….Don’t…YOU… FUCKING…CUM!” she repeated while her hand blindly dug through the contents of her private nightstand drawer. With one hand pressing with all of her force to keep her face from being bashed into the headboard, and with Hoss’ fingers wrapped so tightly in her hair that turning to look at the contents of the drawer was nearly impossible, she was forced to seek what she desired from feel alone.

Vibrator. No. This wasn’t what she wanted. She tossed this desperately aside, hearing it fall to the floor, and continued digging. Butt Plug. No. Dildo. No. Condoms. No, Goddamn it.

Hoss moaned again and Hailey was growing desperate. With a herculean burst of strength she stretched her fingers to the very back of the drawer where they finally clasped upon a tube of Sex Lube. Unable to free her spare hand from it’s brace against the headboard, she removed the cap with her teeth then wedged her hand and the tube between her backside and his torso. Pointing the tip of the tube into the crack of her ass, she squeezed a generous portion of lube, feeling the cool liquid as it flowed over her anus and down to the cock that was pounding her pussy.

Tossing the nearly emptied tube aside, she took her hand and grabbed her lover hard by the hair pulling his face close to hers. “Please Hoss,” she pleaded desperately. “..don’t cum… not yet.”

Having been rendered inarticulate from the passion of the moment, Hoss only managed to grunt and correspondingly slowed the pace of his humping. Without letting go of his hair, she pulled him even closer until his face was nestled over her shoulder. She turned so that her nose was buried in his ear. “Hoss, I want you to fuck my ass… can you do that sweetie?” she asked, biting hard on his ear lobe. “… can you do that for me?”

In affirmation of this request, Hoss ceased his desperate humping and withdrew entirely from Hailey’s vagina. Breathlessly he wrapped his fingers around his rock hard penis and guided it towards the center of her anus. Tentatively he pressed the tip of his penis into her ass, allowing her plenty of time to relax her sphincter muscles. Seven years together. They had done this many times. He knew the drill.

Inch by inch, Hailey received her lover’s cock until it was buried all the way to his pubis. Hoss tested her readiness by allowing his member to slide slowly back and forth, feeling for tension or resistance. He pushed and pulled in minute increments, with each stroke growing a little longer and a little more forceful, until he had withdrawn from her anus all the way to the tip of his cock. Then all at once, he rammed it in so hard that his balls slapped against her vagina.

This last stroke from her lover nearly sent her over the edge. The new angle in which Hoss applied pressure to her body; with his weight pushing her clitoris even harder into the corner of the mattress, was extremely pleasurable. This feeling of stimulation to all of her erogenous zones; the slight pain in her scalp from his hair pulling; the feeling of fullness in her anus; the pressure on her clit…. all of this was bringing her precariously close to orgasm. “Yes!” she screamed, reaching again behind her to pull him in by the back of his thigh.

“Ahhhh….” she moaned, pulling him in again with waning strength. “Goddamit Hoss, fuck me!”

Again Hoss withdrew the length of his cock from her anus, only to ram it back with all of his force. Hailey’s left arm nearly gave out and she was forced to use both hands to brace herself against the headboard.

She was a strong woman, but was of absolutely no match to the weight and power of her lover, and this was something that she had always found so attractive about him. Hoss, the quarterback of their high school football team. Hoss, the handsome powerhouse with the rippling muscles of an all-star athlete. Hailey, the blond haired, blue eyed cheerleader; with perfect tits, a lithe body, and long legs; with enough flexibility to place one foot against the wall beside her head in a near perfect split. Hoss and Hailey the homecoming king and queen. It was a world that was so far behind them. A world that would soon be even farther.

‘I wonder what they would think of us now…., she thought with amusement. ‘Two fallen angels’ she mused as Hoss rammed his cock into her ass with so much force that she was forced another inch towards the headboard. “God… fucking… damn… it,” she gasped.

Hoss responded by driving into her again.

“Ahhhh…. ah…Seriously? Is that all you got?” she taunted. “Four…. months ….in …..the ….pen …. ahhh …..ahhh ….ahhh.”


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