Falling In Love With Mom Ch. 06 by JaxRhapsody

An adult stories – Falling In Love With Mom Ch. 06 by JaxRhapsody,JaxRhapsody Danny walked in his house, grabbed a bottle of liquor from his bar, poured the contents in a rocks glass and downed it, poured another, texted his secretary that he would be in tomorrow. Danny walked around his empty house, usually it was fine, he was single so of course he lived alone, nor did he entertain much, not wanting any possible girlfriend to know how much money he did have, he wanted a sincere relationship- like he almost had with his mom. He cringed at the thought.

“How could I want the woman who never wanted me‽ Carson was right; this is some Oedipus bullshit… lusting after both of my moms‽ And it feels right‽ Okay so I didn’t know Man- Rebecca was my mom, so it’s not my fault, now that I know she is, I can get over here. Sure Jenn raised me like her own son… but we’re not related, so it doesn’t count, right,” he asked the glass in his hand, “Of course not! Jenn’s been a mom to me, she’s not really my mom… I could… I could marry her if I wanted to!”

Rebecca gathered herself to calm down and make bitter peace that she would most likely never see Danny again, she always feared that the day they met and the day he found out would turn out just how it did.

“I was foolish to think the time we spent together would’ve made a difference… I’m so fucking stupid,” she opened her freezer for a bottle of liquor and drink straight from the bottle, “I poured my heart out,” she told it, “I love my son, doesn’t fucking matter that I want him back, that I miss him and regret everything I did to end up here.”

She stood in the middle of the living room, looking around her apartment, all she managed to get over the years and can only fathom what Danny’s home is like, she took another swig.

“I just wanted a chance to do things right, at least have some sort of relationship… there was more I had to tell him, can’t he understand, he has to, we have a… a thing, we’re too much alike… good or bad. We’re alike… if I didn’t want him that easy, then, yeah… he could not want me just as easy.”

Around seven Jennifer came home from work, she half expected Danny to be there waiting. She had prepared herself the best she could and trusted him to keep his word that if he didn’t come by, he would at least call.

“So he found Rebecca, I’m curious how this is gonna go down, if it hasn’t yet. Maybe some good may come from it… I wonder what she’s been doing? I can’t believe I still miss that bitch- sorta,” she thought to herself.

Jennifer went in her office and found her copier open, noticing the papers and folder that Carson gave Danny, she picked it all up and started reading it all. She had been curious how they found her, until she saw the D.N.A. test results paper and wondered how he got a hold of her hair. Jennifer looked up with grave concern and quickly called Danny.

“Hey Jenn,” he grumbled.

“Danny… baby… I know you said you’d tell me all about it soon, but can we talk about it now,” she stuffed the papers inside as she walked through the house.

“Now? I’m… ah dunno,” he slurred.

“Yes now, please come over. Wait. Have you been drinking?”

“A little, I guess?”

She cursed under her breath, “you went to see her didn’t you?”


“Don’t lie to me, love. I don’t need Carson to figure out you went straight to her from here, you made a copy of the reports and rushed over there.”

“Whu… how you know that‽”

“Where’s the report Danny?”

“It’s… um,” she heard him rustling around looking for it, “I got it somewhere.”

“I have it,” she tapped it on a wall, “you left it in my office, honey. I raised you, I know you.”

“Shit, okay okay… I’ll come and get it.”

“No you won’t! I’ll bring it to you. Sorry to pull rank, but we’re talking about this now, I’ll be over there soon.”

“Yes mother.”

“Good. Love you baby.”

“Love you mom.”

She made a kissing noise before hanging up, grabbed her keys and went to her car.

She pulled up to his house and used her key to get inside, she found him lying on the couch with one empty and one half empty bottle. With a quick kiss on the lips, she sat the folder down and took the bottles and glass to the kitchen.

“That’s enough drinking for you,” she came back with a full glass and a Gatorade.

“Jenn, hey,” he reached for the glass.

“Aht aht, this is yours,” she handed him the Gatorade.

Danny groaned when he sat up.

“Don’t you start, my love, now you promised you would tell me everything… I was going to wait, but I read that and I’m worried about you, so talk.”

“How did you know I went to see her?”

“Because I know you. I have a strange feeling you already knew her, too.”

“Mom… Jenn… how do you know me so well… what can you tell me about Rebecca, she said you were her best friend.”

“She was my best friend, for years. She’s why I know you so well; you’re just like Becca, more than you know. I started seeing it- me and Henry. We hoped that if you didn’t know her, that maybe you’d grow out of it, nope… the older you got- the worse you got, let Henry tell it. Like her twin, you reminded us of Becca everyday.”

“What happened back then?”

“She didn’t tell you?”

“She did, but I wanna know about you and dad… how did this happen?”

“Trust me, there was nothing malicious,” she took a sip, “Henry and Becca were madly in love… nothing would tear them apart- so we thought. Becca stayed after you were born, they argued since you were conceived that she didn’t want you, we convinced her to have you and try. Henry told her that after six months if she didn’t change her mind, then she could go. He arranged for her to exchange her shares, sign her rights to you over, a solid divorce and she was free.”

“She said that.”

“We were mad… or I was. She really hurt your dad. I remember yelling at her about it. We argued again when the day came she was going to be free, we fought, I dogwalked her all over that house.”

“You beat her up?”

“It was more of a tie, you could say.”

“You and Dad?”

“We were friends, more like siblings, really. Becca knew we cared about each other, knew sometimes we had our heart to hearts, I loved him like a brother- was just supposed to be your godmother… you should be calling me Aunt Jenn, not mom. Once when you had colic, and Becca bailed a day or two in, we took care of you, we had a talk where we agreed once she was gone, we would raise you. There was no romance about it, we weren’t interested in each other like that. But I guess our love for you spread to each other, all that time spent together. Around when you were nearly two; he came home late from work, put you to bed- I had fallen asleep with you, woke me up with a kiss on the lips, when my eyes opened, there was this ring in my face, all he said was ‘marry me’, he didn’t ask, he told me to. God knows by then we had gotten madly in love. He had it all taken care of in two weeks and we were husband and wife.”

“Did you ever see her again?”

“No, but she did call once or twice for money when she had a bit of a drug habit. You know how Henry was, yet he still loved her. Henry even helped get her clean from thousands of miles away. I had no doubt that if she came back, he would take her back, divorce me and remarry her. He denied it and hated when I joked that he’d have sister wives, because I’d never leave and I knew he wouldn’t let me. Henry… loved… and hated that you were so much like her.”

“Thanks for being my mom.”

“It was- is my love for you. Just like with your dad, if you want a relationship with her, I won’t stand in your way… she is your real mother after all.”

“Do you miss her?”

“Sometimes. I can’t look at you and not think about her, even some things you’ve done, she did the exact same thing,” she smiled, “the only reason your slightly different is because of our influence, we tried to make sure you didn’t make the same mistakes she did. Please Danny, what happened, did you know her before you found out who she was?”

“It’s kinda embarrassing and… shameful.”

“Well… you are her son after all.”

“Not funny,” he grimaced.

“That’s because you don’t know her.”

“Anyway… Jenn; I was at the bar and this prostitute came up to me, we talked and next thing I know; I promised her I would, hook up with her the next night. Said she had been watching me every time I was there since last week. I offered to take her on a date since she wanted to help me find Rebecca. We had a great time.”

“Ah… so you took a hooker on a date?”

“Yeah… to that new dance club and a three star restaurant.”

“So much for low profile, huh? Flashing money around with a hooker on your arm?”

“Yeah well- this is hard enough to talk about, Jenn, please stop making jokes.”

“Okay, okay,” she held her hands up.

“Yesterday she…”

“What was her name… name, since they often have an alias like strippers do.”

“She was a stripper too.”

Jennifer laughed.


“Sorry… sorry! It’s just that this sounds like some cheap romance novel. Where does Becca come in?”

“Sadly I’m getting to that. Yesterday… last night, whatever… she asked me to come by her place, pick her up from work.”

“Strip club or street corner?”

He just glared at her.


“Strip club. We went to her place and I spent the night- yes we had sex and yes it was great. I really enjoyed spending time with her, she was different. Then when we woke up; I saw everything, the truth.”

“Was she really a man, or something crazy, what was it?”

“It was too dark to see anything and there was nothing else in her apartment that was a dead giveaway… but her bedroom, once I looked around and noticed… pictures of you… dad…. A baby picture of me… people I didn’t know, dads side of the family!”

“Your hooker friend was… Becca… the whole time,” she was shocked.

“Yeah…I fucked my mom and liked it.”

“Danny… I’m so sorry, this must have you all messed up,” she pulled him in a hug.

“The worst thing is I was falling in love with her! We really had a connection. I guess the both of you are right; we are just alike.”

“Poor baby.”

“She read the report and was willing to tell me everything,” he looked Jennifer in the eye, “she still acted like we weren’t related, going on how we could still be together and that it’s in our genes and her genes are stronger than dads and all I got was his hair.”

“Don’t tell me she’s like that, too? I thought both of you would not be that way,” she turned and whispered to herself.


“Nothing… just thinking how… you and her dating‽”

“I know! Me dating my mom… having sex with her that whole time… weird!”

“Yeah… weird,” she looked annoyed.

“You’re different. Yeah your my mom, but we aren’t related… you’re not my mom, mom. It might be weird to see, for those who know us, but we’re not related, we could get married if we wanted. My actual mom… that’s weird,” he hugged her, “this isn’t weird to me.”

“Thank god,” she mouthed.

“I love you, Jenn.”

“So… it’s really not that of a big deal to you?”

“Carson figured it out- like I thought he would, knew I had sex with both of you.”

“Fuck, he’s good,” she looked surprised.

“I don’t think I want to see Rebecca ever again after this.”

“I’ll support what ever choice you make.”

“She tried to tell me she was trying to save up money so she could find us. She should’ve never left to begin with, she should be regretful over it.”

“It hurts you, doesn’t it?”

“No. It pisses me off. She thinks she could just crawl back in our lives just because she misses us, she made her own fuckups. Her life is bad because she made it that way!”

“Calm down, don’t get to worked up, Danny.”

“I’m not! It’s just… she left all of us and thinks she can come back because now her life sucks and she’s stuck doing stuff she hates! Why should I care about that, or entertain her desire of being in my life… so what if we had a good time together… so what if she wasn’t that bad initially! You know how she is; she was horrible, right‽ She was putting on a show!”

“She was a wonderful person, we were surprised when she made that choice. I’m not surprised that she wanted to fix it, that’s truly the kinda person I remember her to be.”

“She should’ve tried a long time ago. I don’t care what she went through.”

“Okay, Danny, if that’s how you feel. Why don’t we get you something in your stomach and lay you down.”

“Is that what you’d do with her? You think I can’t handle my booze‽ I’m not like her,” he stood up and wobbled.

“I know you’re not her, calm down.”

“I am calm.”

“You’re still processing… it’s okay,” she stood, “you’ll figure it out.”

“You two keep saying I’m just like her! I do stuff she did. I’m my own self damn it, how can I make choices somebody I don’t know makes‽ Would she drink like this, then I won’t do it, or is that what she’d do‽ I’ll drink more! I’ll stop being a smart ass! I’ll be a different person!”

“Danny stop,” she grabbed him.

“No wait, you said she changed. If I change, then I’ll be like her!”

“Danny… it’s okay,” she embraced him, “you’re not her, even if you are similar to her.”

“Yeah but… we even look alike, a waitress said so, she thought we were mother and son… we messed with her about it.”

“Danny… baby… you’re going to be okay. It just takes time.”

“No I… why,” he started to cry, “why did she leave, Jenn? Couldn’t she do whatever it was and keep us as family‽ Why did all of this happen like this? How could she just tell me she loves me like it was all okay?”

“I wish I could tell you… I wish everything was different, too.”

“I miss a woman I never knew, what sense does that make‽”

Jennifer took him to his bedroom and laid with him until he calmed down and fell asleep, stayed al night and made him dinner when he woke back up. She had no answers, nor did she want to tell him one way or the other what he should do. The next morning they both went to work.

It was a few days before he started being more normal, but he didn’t ignore Jennifer, he had a relationship with one of his mothers, that he didn’t intend to ruin. Danny was still trying to process things with Rebecca, he would check his phone and find nothing newer than that picture of her. Sometimes he found himself thinking about her, wondering if she was okay, or even still alive. Danny put all his energy into his work and Jennifer to try and keep Rebecca from his mind.

“Look at this! Why you’re just a big of a romantic as ya old man!”

“I can see why, he had you to show off,” he kissed her as they walked in the restaurant.

“Do you have a reservation,” the maître d asked.

“Daniel Fullard.”

“Hmmm… here we are… follow me.”

“Baby… you were never this ritzy and you know I don’t care about flaunting money,” she said after they were sat down.

“I mean… here and there can’t hurt, yeah?”

She just smiled at him.


“Nothing, just looking at your cute face,” she lied, thinking about the time she was with Rebecca and Henry at a gala and she counted how many times Rebecca said “I mean”.

Danny leaned forward and stole a kiss.

“Are you trying to show me off?”

“Kinda. I figure I’d keep up some of the things you and dad did.”

“We barely came here,” she raised an eyebrow.

“Then it can be our thing. It looks nice and the food is really good, why wouldn’t he?”

She shrugged and thought because Rebecca’s family owns it, “ah dunno.”

They looked at the menus, ordered drinks and food. He noticed a man in a suit checking them out.

“Don’t look now, but some guy seems to be looking at us.”

She took a glancing look and kept a cool head.

“I guess he knows a sexy couple when he sees one, Jenn.”

“Jenny! Is that you,” the man walked over, “why it’s been ages!”

“Hey, whassup, Chuck?”

“And this must be…”

“Her boyfriend.”

“Of course… her boyfriend. You’re working pretty fast aren’t you? Meh… who am I to judge, people move in their own way,” he smiled.

“That’s true, the world never stops.”

“It’ll pass you right by, it will. Don’t you agree…?”

“Danny,” he held his hand out.

“Danny. So good to meet you sir,” he shook it vigorously, “so, so good! Allow me to get something for you… on the house.”

“Chuck… there’s no need.”

“Nonsense! We’re old friends, call it a gift for the new couple,” he quickly left.

“You have friends that work here and you barely came here? He seems nice, how come I’ve never met him?”

“You know how the rich and wealthy move. Chuck is… eccentric to put it mildly.”

“Gotcha. I suppose you two had friends and friends I never knew about or didn’t pay attention to.”

“Here you go… something for the wonderful couple,” Chuck came from nowhere with a large mixed drink.

“Thanks man,” Danny said.

“I thought it be nice for you two to share something,” he smiled, “Jenny… we should reconnect and catch up on old times.”

“We should do that,” she chuckled nervously.

“I’d love to get to know your boyfriend.”

“This is delicious,” Danny said.

“I thought it’d be a perfect thing for a date, especially one with your stepmom, ehh Danny?”

“Uh… what?”

“Oh don’t worry, it’s more common than you think,” he winked, “such a kind gesture.”

“Chuck, don’t embarrass him.”

“Oh I’m just teasing! I mean… you know how much of a joker I can be. Enjoy your meal… lovebirds,” he briskly walked away.

Jennifer sighed and took the drink for a sip.

“I see what you mean. He is weird. How did you and dad meet him?”

“It was… some function before you were born.”

“Did Rebecca know him?”

Jennifer’s eye twitched for a second, “she did, yeah. Don’t worry about him, though.”

The rest of the meal went by just fine, they enjoyed themselves and put zero thought about Chuck, nor had they saw him again. When they were done, Danny asked for the check and found it way cheaper than it should’ve been.

“That’s weird.”

“What is, baby?”

“This bill is only like forty bucks.”

“With what we ate,” she looked confused.

“Excuse me,” he waved over their waiter.

“Yes, how can I help you?”

“There seems to be something off with this bill,” he handed it to him.

“Looks all to be in order, to me.”

“Nuh-uh… can you just double check for me? Even at Outback, it wouldn’t be this cheap. Can you just make sure it’s right, somebody could get in trouble, or something.”

“I understand.”

“Maybe it was Chuck,” Jennifer suggested.

“I’m not aware of Charles having anything to do with it, but I will check to ease your mind.”

“Thank you sir.”

“My pleasure,” he briskly walked away.

“What is going on here,” he looked at her.

“I wish I could tell you.”

“You’d think a place like this wouldn’t make such a mistake.”

“Here he comes,” Jennifer nodded her head.

“Mister Daniel, miss Jennifer, please come with me. Dorothy wants to settle this in person.”

The two exchanged glances before following him. He lead them to an office and announced them.

“Come on in, you two,” the voice said.

The waiter held the door and shut it behind them.

“Dorothy,” Jennifer spoke.

“Jennifer,” she smiled.

“Another friend of yours,” Danny asked.

“You could say that, Daniel,” Dorothy gave a sly smile, “there seems to be a problem with your bill?”

“Yeah… it’s way cheep, like no way it could be that cheap.”

“Let me see,” she picked up the bill and laughed, “it’s fine, Daniel! That’s the family discount!”

“But… aren’t you and her just friends, I don’t even know you.”

“I mean… friends can be family, yeah? Bloods thicker than water, but sometimes water’ll do just fine.”

“I… guess?”

“My dear Charles said you two were here, it’s the least we could do. Jennifer, it’s been so long! You and Daniel should stop by sometimes.”

“You all don’t seem that close anymore,” Danny stated.

“Oh Daniel, Daniel, Daniel… we’re closer than you think. Time should mean nothing to family. Charles thinks you two make a cute couple, seems like your keeping it in the family, Jennifer,” she laughed.

“Well… ummm… Dorothy, it’s just Danny’s a wonderful-”

“No need to explain dear… we all heal in our own ways,” she waved a hand, “it was a beautiful service for Henry, you did a great job, I never got to tell you.”

“You were there,” Danny asked.

“I was. We weren’t going to miss it. Anyhow… this is the family discount,” she placed it in his hand and covered his with hers, “please, we would love to have you back.”

“Sure… we’ll come back, ma’am.”

“Dorothy is fine, Daniel. You two enjoy your night,” she smiled.

“You take care, Dorothy,” Jennifer said.


Once he paid the bill, they quickly left.

“Are we really going to come back,” Jennifer asked.

“Do you want to?”

“I’m… not sure.”

“They’re weirdos, but they’re your friends. Both of them are odd, are they married or something? Related?”


“Yeah married, or yeah related?”

“Yeah, I mean yeah, they’re married.”

“How did they get those jobs being weird to customers like that?”

“They aren’t like that with customers and they own it.”



“They really did look related,” he thought to himself.

“Baby, let’s say we work off this food?”

“Ah dunno… I had fun tonight, but that was just weird and offputting.”

“Don’t think about it, then.”

“And you seemed the same.”

“What‽ No! C’mon Danny!”

“I’m just not feeling it tonight.”

They shared a kiss once they got in his car. He dropped Jennifer off and went home.


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