Fiction – Lilly Ch. 02 by MemoirFantastique,MemoirFantastique

As his penis kept spasming, Dave enjoyed the sensation until it gradually faded away. At that point, Lilly was still latched on the the end of Dave’s old fella sucking for dear life. Once she felt that he’d finished ejaculating, she pulled back and opened her mouth showing that she was holding all of his semen in her mouth.

Dave held Lilly’s eyes and mouth in frame as she let his semen slosh around in her mouth guided by her tongue. After a short time, she closed her mouth and made an exaggerated swallowing motion before opening her mouth to show that it was now empty.

“That was delicious Daddy. Did you like watching me drink your come?” Lilly asked.

Dave did the nodding thing again and then Lilly said, “Is it OK with you if I continue my nude sunbathing Daddy?”

Dave kept Lilly’s begging face in frame down to her nipples for several seconds before nodding once more.

Lilly turned her back to the phone, took her place on the pool lounge with her legs spread wide and said, “Thanks Daddy.” before laying back down.

After laying still for about fifteen seconds, Lilly sat up and said, “Brilliant. You can stop the recording now.”

“That went fairly well Dave. Are you sure you haven’t shot amateur porn before?” Lilly said.

“No, this is all new to me.” Dave replied.

“Well you did a great job.” Lilly praised.

“Well I had a good director.” he countered.

“How do you feel? Are you OK? You know, with the sex stuff?” Lilly asked.

“Um, it was good. I was still a bit nervous, but I seemed to be getting the hang of it. I especially like how your dialogue was both dialogue and directorial notes. Oh and yes, um you came for real didn’t you?” Dave replied.

“Well actually yes. I wasn’t sure that you noticed.” Lilly responded.

“I noticed all right. You really enjoyed yourself. I’m glad that you got off.” he said.

“OK Dave, enough of this self-congratulation. Let’s get this footage into my editing suite and see what I can make of it.” Lilly said.

Dave lead Lilly back into the house and then into his office. He plugged his phone into his computer and rummaged through his top drawer for an empty flash drive. He did a quick format and then copied the video file from the phone to the flash drive.

After not long at all, the file was copied, Dave ejected the drive and handed it to Lilly.

“Thanks Dave.” she said as she gave him a kiss on the cheek and headed for the front door.

“Are you forgetting anything Lilly?” he asked.

“I don’t think so.” Lilly replied holding out the flash drive in the palm of her hand.

“Well, when you get arrested for indecent exposure, don’t say that didn’t try to stop you.” Dave responded echoing her statement from the other evening.

“Oh fuck. We’re both still naked.” Lilly said as she changed direction and headed for the dining room.

“Don’t forget your tablet computer too.” Dave yelled after her.

“Got it.” she yelled back.

Lilly reappeared at his office door once more, this time with her gown wrapped around her.

“This should be a quick edit. I’ll bring it by later tonight and we can watch it before I publish it.” Lilly said.

“I look forward to it.” he replied.


For the rest of the afternoon, Dave checked some emails, did the vacuuming that he was going to do before Lilly paid her visit and prepared some dinner. Normally, he cooked for two and froze what he didn’t use. Not because he’s a glutton, just because recipes are normally sized for two or more. Just as Dave was about to plate up, there was a knock at the front door.

He was still naked and briefly considered getting dressed before he heard, “It’s only me Dave.” in Lilly’s familiar voice.

Dave walked to the front door, stood back and opened it to let her in.

“Still naked! You dirty old man.” Lilly said by way of greeting.

“What about you little miss, you’re still wearing the same gown. Have you had a shower yet?” he replied as he closed the door.

“Not any more and yes, if you must know.” Lilly said as she let her gown slip off her in the hallway.

“That photo’s new!” Lilly said with a puzzled look in her face.

“Yes, my parents just sent it.” Dave replied.

“You and Jim don’t look anything alike in that photo.” Lilly said looking closer.

“It’s his beard.” Dave explained.

“So it is. Wait until you see this.” Lilly said excitedly as she held the flash drive from earlier today in Dave’s face.

“Have you eaten today?” he asked as she headed off down the hallway towards the dining room.

“What?” she yelled.

Dave followed her down the hallway and when he reached the dining room, he saw that she was already plugging the flash drive into his TV.

“I said, have you eaten today.” Dave said repeating his question.

“Um, I don’t think so.” she replied absent-mindedly.

Whilst she was fiddling with the TV, Dave returned to the kitchen, got out a second plate and served up for two. With utensils balanced precariously, he navigated across the kitchen, through the dinging room and into the lounge room.

“Here. Eat.” said Dave as he sat, placing a plate of food in front of her.


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“Oh, pasta!” she squealed with delight before she pressed ‘play’ and picked up her plate.

Over a naked dinner that night, Dave sat next to the naked woman with whom he’d just shot his debut POV pornographic video and watched the aforementioned pornographic video. Lilly did a great job of editing and he thought that it looked great. Great pace, great action. Much better than he remembered.

“I can see that you like it.” Lilly said.

Not following her meaning, Dave saw her glancing at his penis, now well and truly erect.

“Well, I suppose I did. This is really hot.” Dave replied leaning over to give her a kiss on the cheek.

After their viewing was finished, Lilly went home to post the video online. Dave cleaned up the dishes and then masturbated in the shower before turning in for the evening. It was quite an eventful day.

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