Filipinas: Cindy by ExpatInParadise,ExpatInParadise

Author’s notes.

My stories are based on my personal experiences. They are NOT fiction or fantasy. Each story is as close to accurate to what actually happened as I can remember, and I have a pretty good memory (even many years later).

Nobody in this story was underage.

Hi. I’m Pete. I had tried to start several relationships with Filipinas, but nothing ever seemed to work out. I was transiting through Clark Air Force Base on my way back to the US when I met Cindy. I was getting gun-shy about starting something serious because that seemed like a bad idea now. So, when I met Cindy, I decided to keep the relationship simple. I would make no promises about the future, since the future wasn’t something I could control.

I met Cindy while walking around Angeles City. I had decided to go back to the church where I had met Peaches … just in case … but she wasn’t there. As I was leaving, I almost ran over a small, beautiful Filipinas who was entering the church.

I stopped dead in my tracks and apologized for running into her. I was holding her shoulders to keep her from being knocked off her feet. I was impressed by her face and the clothes she wore. She obviously cared about how she looked, and she filled her dress out nicely.

I decided to take a chance. “I’m Pete and I’m sorry for almost knocking you over. Might I know your name?”

She blushed and looked down at her feet and said softly, “My name is Cindy. Do you go to this church?”

“I come here to pray sometimes,” I replied. I never expected to meet such a beautiful girl though.”

She looked up at me and smiled. “Thank you. You are very handsome yourself. Are you stationed at Clark?”

“No,” I replied, “but I am here often. Could I buy you a drink of some sort? Fruit juice or coke?”

“I was on my way to Mass, but I would like to get to know you better,” she replied.

We left the church grounds, and she led me to a small café a couple of blocks away. We both ordered drinks and started talking. It is amazing how much you can learn in a short time.

I found out that Cindy was working here in Angeles city as a cashier at a grocery store. She had been in-town about a month and didn’t really know anybody other than the people she worked with. Cindy said she was very lonely and was getting homesick. She was starting to second-guess her decision to come here. Cindy had originally thought to find work in Manila, but that hadn’t worked out, so she continued north to Angeles City. She was originally from a small town near Legaspi at the southern tip of Luzon.

Her dream was to met a good man who would marry her and give her lots of children (very typical for a young Filipina), but I was the first man who even wanted to talk with her besides her boss (who was already married). “I think that God put you in my path today,” she said. “How else would we have met?”

“I’m glad that you think I was sent by God. That makes me feel pretty special,” I replied. “Here I was thinking that it was my clumsiness that had brought me to you.”

She laughed. “Sometimes what we think is an accident is just God making things happen.”

“I suppose that could be true. Other times, I think it is just God getting out of the way so we can do stupid things and learn from them,” I offered.

“And did you learn anything today, Pete?” Cindy asked.

“Yes. I learned that I like you a lot,” I replied, “but I only have five or six more days here before I leave, so we need to get to know each other a lot faster than normal. I would hate to lose you before we even know each other well.”

“So, what would you suggest?” Cindy asked.

“When do you work and when are you off?” I asked.

She replied, “I am only part-time right now, so I am only able to work in the mornings. I am off in the afternoons and evenings.”

“Perfect,” I said. “I also have duties on-base in the mornings. I suppose that also means that you have this afternoon and evening off.”

“Yes,” she replied. “What did you have in mind?”

“I thought I would show you where I am staying and then I could take you to dinner. Would that be OK?” I asked.

“We could do that if you want,” she answered. “Do you want to go now?”

“If that is OK with you, yes,” I said. We got up and walked over to where several tricycles were parked. We both managed to squeeze in, but it was tight. I told the driver the name of my hotel and we were off. There was little talking on our way there because we were so cramped in the trike.

When we arrived, I stopped at the bar for some ice, and then we headed for my room. Once there, we had the usual mini-tour and I had her sit on the bed while I mixed juice drinks for us. I gave her one of the drinks, and she said it was good. Orange juice and Everclear on ice seemed to be a winner with the girls.

We sat on the bed drinking juice and talking for quite a while. After Cindy had finished a few drinks, I leaned over and asked if I could kiss her. She simply closed her eyes and puckered her lips. It was the cutest thing ever. I leaned over and softly kissed her. I think it lasted longer than she had expected because her eyes opened. “You taste sweet,” I said.

“It’s probably just the orange juice,” she replied.

“No,” I said, “it is you that I am tasting and I want more.” That made her smile. I leaned in for another kiss, but this time pulled her toward me. I let my tongue play at her lips until she opened them enough for my tongue to slip into her mouth. She was moaning.

“That was the first time I have ever been really kissed,” she said. “I liked it. Can we do it more?”

I smiled. “Of course, we can do it more, as much as you want. I am at your service.” With that, I leaned in for another deep kiss. This time, there was no hesitation, and our tongues were immediately dancing together.

By now, Cindy was laying back against my pillows as I kissed her, and my hands were exploring her body, but I stayed away from her nipples and pussy. I could feel, however, that she was quickly heating up. After several minutes of this, I paused and asked her, “Do you really think that God brought us together?”

“Yes,” she replied softly.

“Then, anything we do from now on is blessed by God. Do you agree?” I asked.

“Yes, Pete, I was blessed to find you, and we are blessed to be together,” she said.

I kissed her deeply again, but this time my hands found her breasts and kneaded them softly. She was practically humming with pleasure. I reached around behind her and slowly pulled the zipper down on her dress. She didn’t even protest. When my fingers found the hooks on her bra and swiftly unhooked them, she gasped, but didn’t struggle.

She was wearing a modest church dress, but soon it and her bra were down around her waist and her breasts were exposed to my lips. I kissed and suckled each in turn until she was moaning constantly. I slipped my shirt off, so I could press my chest against her hard nipples as I kissed her again. Cindy had completely surrendered herself to me.

“Oh my God, that feels so good,” she moaned as I suckled her nipples again. “What are you doing to me?”

“I am just making a beautiful woman feel good,” I answered. I pulled her bra away and continued to slide her dress down over her hips and down her legs. Eventually, it was down around her ankles, and she kicked it off.


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