First Day of Class by JediJed,JediJed

This story is the first one I’ve submitted in many years. It is the first of what is intended to be a series following this professor and his TA. “My First Day of Class” is dedicated to and inspired my dear Josie, a friend I met right here on Literotica. She has brought out a part of me that has been yearning to be released for many years. Thank you Josie.

If you would like to read my previous works, they are published under the account name WhimsicalEroticist, an account I’m no longer able to access. Thanks for reading and comments are welcome on this and previous stories.

It seemed like a typical first day of the class. After all, this was my 24th first day of the year at Uni. Add in my four years of undergrad and three years of grad school, and that means its been 31 years of first days. All of them pretty much the same. And this one seemed no different. But then “she” walked in and my entire world changed.

“She” was a third year student who I’d never seen before. In fact, I didn’t see her when she entered the room, but rather smelled her. The very slight scent of her soap mixed with a very intoxicating aroma of the pinch of perfume she had put on her wrists caught my attention, causing me to look up from the class notes I was reviewing.

When I did look, my eyes instantly found hers, and I was immediately lost in them. Her thick black lashes shadowed irises that seemed to hold hundreds of layers of various shades of brown, all encircling a well-defined pupil whose gaze pierced right through me. My eyes locked with hers for what seemed like an eternity but was only a few moments of time.

Realizing that I was in danger of ogling and violating all sorts of professor-student boundaries, I forced myself to lower my eyes. When I did, I noticed her neck was fully exposed revealing a necklace held down by an open-heart pendant, a small stone suspended in the middle of it. The bottom point of the heart guided my eyes a bit further down to the vee formed by the top four undone buttons on her blouse which unveiled just enough cleavage to entice me to want to see more. Again, my gaze seemed to be locked in position for what seemed like hours, or at least minutes, as I imagined what lie beneath the fabric closed by the hooked buttons on the bottom two thirds of the blouse.

Once again, becoming aware of my potential improprieties, I forced myself out of my brief trance and pulled my eyes back, widening out to take in her entire body as well as the students entering the class behind her. As she walked by, she made it obvious that my wandering eyes had betrayed me. But rather than give me a look of disgust or anger, she gave me a great big smile, turning her head toward me as she strode past me, allowing me to fully take in her beautiful full lips and the dimples that curled perfectly around their corners. And just before she turned her head to look for a seat, she gave me just a slight little wink – sending shivers down my whole body.

As she turned to find her seat, I looked back down at the notes I held in my hands, hoping that the arriving students thought I was simply getting my thoughts together for class. But the truth is I was staring at them blankly, trying to gather myself after observing the creature of beauty that had just passed before me.

Somehow, I was able to get hold of myself as the final student took their seat. Like the 24 first days that preceded this one, I walked through the syllabus with the students and shared my expectations, sharing my office hours and telling them that I would eventually have a TA that could help them as well.

And then I did an introduction to the course by sharing three outlandish stories and challenging the students to figure out which one was a real historic account. After healthy discussion, the students were shocked when I revealed that the most outlandish of the three was the real one.

“So now you know which of these stories is an actual historical event,” I told the class. “But in this class, knowing historical accuracy is only the first piece of the puzzle. For next class, please find out what you can about this event and write a paper telling why it is important we remember this event, what it tells us about the time and culture in which it happened, and what we might learn from it for today.”

As soon as the assignment was issued and before I could say “dismissed for the day,” I saw a hand shoot up to my right. Of course it was “her.” I’d been avoiding looking at her the entire class period. It was the only way I could keep my mind on the teaching task at hand. But now I had to not only look at her, but I also had to speak to her as well. “Yes,” I said, having almost to force myself to talk as I was once again mesmerized by her. “Do you have a question?”

“Yes Professor,” she said as she stood up displaying her hourglass figure to the whole class who was now looking in her direction. “Do you have a length requirement?” I didn’t answer at first, captured by the sound of her voice. “For the paper professor, do you have a length requirement?”

“Yes,” I said. “It needs to be as long as you need to answer the questions. If you can complete the assignment in three sentences great. But if you hand in a short paper and you have not sufficiently answered the questions your grade will reflect it. And if you hand in a long paper that includes all sorts of unnecessary information and argumentation, I will not be impressed, and your grade will reflect it.”

“Thank you professor,” she said as she bent down to take her seat again. She was positioned in such a way so that only I could see her from the front, the rest of the class having a view from behind or the side. As she bent forward, her blouse dipped away from her chest, offering me an unobstructed view down her shirt. My jaw just about hit the floor as I noticed that she was braless underneath her cotton blouse. I had a perfect view of her pert and erect nipples.

“See you all on Wednesday,” I said to the class after I came to my wits. “I look forward to your papers.”

The students began to gather their stuff and file out of the room. A few stopped and talked to me with questions regarding the assignment. As they were leaving, I noticed that she had been waiting her turn very patiently. “Professor, I’m Letty,” she said to me as they were walking through the door.

“Nice to meet you, Letty,” I responded, pleased to find out that “she” had a name. “I’m Professor Nickerson. But you already knew that of course.” I cringed inwardly at how awkward I felt and how inadequate this conversation was going.

“You’re right professor,” she replied showing no reaction to my lame comment. “I knew that, and I’ve been looking forward all summer to taking your course. I’ve wanted to take a course from you since I started here at University. Professor,” she continued, “you mentioned you haven’t got a TA yet for the term. I’d like to apply for your TA position.”

“Well… ah… I guess we could talk about that,” I said. This was unorthodox as the department usually assigned the TA’s to us from a group of honors students and graduate students, depending on what we needed. “Why don’t you stop by during my office hours and we’ll talk about what you have to offer for the position?”

“Oh, I think you’ll find I have quite a bit to offer you professor,” she responded with a glint in her eye. “I’ll be there at 4:45,” she said as students for my next class began to enter. “I think you’ll find that I can fulfill all your needs,” she added as she once again winked at me and then turned to walk out the door.

Before I tell you more of what went on that day, I should tell you a bit about myself. I’m 54 years old and a university history professor. You knew that last part of course. (There I go again, a bit lame even when I’m narrating to you.)

I’ve been married to my wife for 32 years and we have one grown daughter who is working on becoming a professor herself. My wife is a massage therapist and part time professor at a neighboring college in their physical therapy department. We are happy in our marriage in just about every way. We share hobbies, love to travel together, cook together, and go out to eat together. We have similar retirement dreams and hope someday that includes spoiling a grandchild or two. For 32 years I have been faithful to her, and as far as I know, she has been faithful to me.

So, we are happy in just about every way… except for one: sexually. Well, I suppose I should say, I’m happy with our marriage in every way except for one – I can’t speak for her. But you see, our sex life is basically non-existent. For years our sex life occurred on my birthday, on New Year’s Eve (actually right after it), and three or four other times when she did not resist my attempts to woo her. But the last few years, that had been limited to just birthday and New Year’s sex.

And on this day, my frustration with that was at an all time high. For my birthday was still weeks away and it had been forever since New Year’s. To top it all off, the last week I’ve been as horny as a bull elk in the rut. I’ve tried every trick I know to entice my dear wife to have sex but have struck out every single time. It’s that situation that fertilized the blossoming situation you are about to hear.

So that evening, Letty showed up at my office at 4:45 p.m. just like she said she would. But when she arrived a couple of other students were there with questions regarding the assignment I had given them. I ended up speaking to them until 4:55. As they left, Letty walked in my office. Since my office hours concluded at 5:00 I was about to suggest to her that we do this the next day.

But before I could say anything, Letty started the conversation, “So Professor,” she asked, her back leaning against the door which she had quietly pushed shut, “when would you like me to begin as your TA? Right now, or on another day?”

“When do I want you to start?” I said a bit surprised but very impressed by her confidence. “Well young lady, what makes you think I’ll be hiring you as my TA? I checked your student record. You’ve done very well, but you’re in the psychology department and I’m a history professor.”

“First of all,” she replied taking a step closer to me as I leaned against my desk, “I’d prefer if you don’t call me young lady. In turn, I won’t call you old man.”

“Fair enough,” I said sheepishly, inwardly ticked at myself for using such a pejorative reference to this beautiful woman.

“And second,” she continued taking a couple more steps closer to me and coming very close to my intimate space, “even though I’m in the psychology department, I think you’ll find what I have to offer you is irresistible.”

“Is that so?” I responded. I should have known better, but my growing excitement along with my sexual frustration at home clouded my judgement. Rather than escape the situation when I could, I threw fuel on the fire. “And what is it that you have to offer?”

“Well,” Letty responded using a much quieter, more deliberate, and downright seductive tone, “I can of course grade your papers.” She took another step toward me now definitely invading my intimate space. “And I can lead your discussion groups,” – another step forward causing me to now back away from my desk and her. “And I can assist you in your own research,” – her next step pushed me backwards and caused me to fall right onto the loveseat I had in my office. “But I can do much more than that,” she continued, unbuttoning one of the buttons on her blouse as my eyes widened and I sat tongue tied, “I can be waiting right here,” she undoes another button, “whenever you need me,” and another button, “to do whatever you want me to,” the final button of her blouse is released from its hole, “to help you relax after a long day.”

“Letty, I think you have the wrong idea,” I said to her.

“Oh do I now Professor Nickerson?” she replies. “I saw how you looked in my eyes when I entered your classroom. And I saw you take a quick look at my cleavage afterwards. I’m pretty sure you liked what you saw.” As she made the last statement she reached up and pulled one side of her unbuttoned blouse to the side, exposing her left breast.

“It’s ok professor, I didn’t mind you taking a look,” she said as she leaned in really close so that the exposed breast was right up against my cheek and her mouth was next to my ear. She continued in a whisper. “I actually rather enjoyed you looking at me. That is why I decided to give you the full show after I asked the question.”

“And so you see professor,” Letty backed up, preparing to make her closing argument. “I don’t think you can resist all I have to offer,” and with that she pulled the other side of her blouse to the side and relished the widening of my eyes as I gawked at the first breasts other than my wife’s I’d seen in person in over 30 years.

“Letty, I really think it’d be best if you were to go now,” I muttered, not terribly convincing.

“So you’re saying that this is resistable for you?” she said, pushing her chest right in front of my face. “Well, let’s test that claim out,” she said. She reached down to my groin and when she found a fully erect penis was battling to escape my khakis she smiled broadly and began a gentle caress my cock, causing me to gulp in a mouthful of air to refrain from releasing a loud exclamation of pleasure.

“Your mouth might be trying to say one thing, but your body is saying something else,” she stated as she continued to gently stroke my penis, resulting in a longing whimper escaping my vocal chords. “And speaking of that mouth, let’s see how good it is at resisting,” Letty quipped as she released my penis and took her right nipple and placed it on my bottom lip.

She was right, I couldn’t resist. I started licking and sucking and kissing and relishing this wonderful breast. As I did so, her hand returned to my groin, but somehow, she was able to quickly and without my detection, unbutton and unzip my khakis and then slip her hand inside my boxers. Her touch – barehand to penis, the caressing and stroking, it was driving me wild. Years of frustration from a woman who did not want sex was ready to be released for this woman who apparently was only interested in pleasing me.

Now using my hands to fondle her breasts along with sucking on them, I finally pulled my head away for a moment and said, “Oh Letty, that feels so good.”

“Oh professor, I’m so glad,” she said as she picked up her pace just a bit more. “Like I said, as your TA I will do all in my power to please you. Now professor,” Letty continued, apparently knowing that I was about to climax, “I want you to show your TA how much you like what she is doing for you. Whenever you’re ready, let all your tension out,” she said as I was about to burst. “Professsor,” she whispered as she leaned into my ear, “I want you to cum for me… now.” As she said “now” she gave a firm but loving and passionate squeeze on my cock and I immediately began to cum, releasing years and years of repression in this one moment of satisfaction.

When I had made a complete mess in my boxers, and on her hand, I fell back on the couch in exhaustion. As I did so, I thought I heard her say, “Oh yes,” as if she had climaxed along with me. She fell back on the couch as well, her head nestling into my chest, her hand continuing to hold onto my now shrinking member.

For a long time of I just sat and relished the moment, Letty curled up against me. Finally she sat up. Without saying a word, she began to buckle my pants up for me. And then, standing before me so that I could get another look at her “irresistible” breasts, she began buttoning her blouse up. “Now professor,” she said to me, “I think you may have to stay here a while and let yourself dry up a bit before going home. You probably don’t want your wife to see you like this.” She reached down and gave my groin a nice massage, so that I could feel life begin to return to my now flaccid penis.

She then gathered her things up and prepared to leave. “I tell you what professor, we won’t count today as part of my TA hours. I’ll start tomorrow. I’ll be here at the same time. So make sure you have some papers for me to grade or something.”

She then leaned down and gave me a deep and sensuous kiss – our first kiss. When we came up for air, Letty stood up, walked to the door, put her hand on the knob and was about to open it. But before she did, she turned to me and said, “Professor, you definitely showed me that you find me irresistible. But I think you should know, I find you just as irresistible.”

With that she turned the knob, walked out the door, and closed it behind her, leaving me speechless and in a state of euphoria.

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