Forgetting Trisha in Bangalore Ch. 04

An adult stories – Forgetting Trisha in Bangalore Ch. 04 by desi_scharbs,desi_scharbs Welcome back, dear reader!

This is chapter 4 of my series – ‘Forgetting Trisha in Bangalore’. The story picks up right from where chapter 3 left off. So, if you’re starting the series here, well, you can do that. But it might be easier to follow the plot if you start from chapter 1.

Here’s a recap anyhow – our main character, Arun, is trying to forget his ex, Trisha. Arun and Trisha had been in a long-term relationship for four years until Trisha left him to fulfil her parents’ wishes.

So, how does our guy overcome his loneliness and regrets? Well, for starters, being unable to afford a vacation to Bangkok, he goes ahead and gets his cock banged by a mysterious prostitute in a shady hotel in Bangalore. He also develops some sort of feelings for her, despite telling himself constantly that ‘Pretty Woman’ was just a propaganda film by big sex-work.

At work, Arun has to also contend with the attitude of his co-worker, Twinkle, who seems to regard him with only slightly more disfavour than Lex Luthor did with Superman. It seemed like the two of them were going to get into an ugly spat at some point, when Arun stumbled across a secret that Twinkle had been keeping from her family. But before he could tell her that her secret was out, Twinkle catches him with his pants down (literally), having read and deleted the chats exchanged between Arun and the mysterious hooker.

Now, for reasons unknown, Twinkle has asked Arun to take her to his apartment till the hubbub dies over. Will Arun be willing to give her a hand despite his annoyance towards her for deleting his conversation with the hooker? Will he be able to figure out his feelings towards the hooker and the larger issue of his loneliness?

Read on and find out!


After returning from the men’s washroom, Arun did a flyby of Ishita’s and Raj’s offices. Observing a definite lack of Twinkle in the vicinity, he had made his way to their workstation, feeling a considerable sense of relief. It seemed that she really had changed her mind about reporting him to Ishita.

He was safe. For now.

But if she had taken screenshots of the conversation with the hooker – well, then he was fucked, and not in the nice way where his cock would wind up inside someone.

‘I guess I’ll just have to find out what the situation is,” He thought grimly.

Twinkle wasn’t a tall woman, so he didn’t spot her until he neared their shared workstation. She was bent over her keyboard, working on their queries. Her straight, slightly brownish hair was a little windswept from the effort she was giving to her work.

Arun would have found it cute on any other day on a different girl.

Today though, was a different matter. The sight of his supposed protege filled Arun with a sense of frustration. ‘Was she really engrossed in her work?’ He wondered. ‘Or was she faking it to blindside him with the blackmail?’

A twinge of annoyance pulsed through him. He hadn’t forgotten that she had deleted his entire conversation with the hooker, meaning that he’d never be able to find out what the prostitute had wanted to tell him.

‘What if it had been something important?’ He wondered, as he dropped into his seat. His mind went back to the last part of her final message before the chat was deleted.

‘I’ve been thinking a lot lately, and I just wanted to let you know that -‘

Again, he wondered – what had she wanted to tell him? Had he fucked her so hard she wanted to give him a refund? Or, she could be letting him know that she was free to go at it again this weekend? (perhaps finally in a saree?) Or, was it her way of telling him that she was tired of the sex work life, and was now ready to join him in on the edge of poverty at an IT office?

Whatever it was, he wasn’t about to find out anytime soon.

Sure, he could type out a message to her right away, asking her to resend those messages. But something told him that she wouldn’t be entirely truthful this time. The wording had suggested that she wanted to tell him something delicate.

Asking for her to write to him again would probably get a nicely scripted, curated reply.

He scratched his chin ruefully, and shot a glance at Twinkle.

‘Damn you,’ He thought. It was true that her life had gone haywire as well, now that her parents knew the true extent of her job and the actual pay that was given to them. But blackmailing him after deleting his private conversations… that was fucked up.

Something surprised him about her behaviour though. After she had threatened to report him, he had been expecting a ‘Hell hath no fury’ kind of welcome upon his return, not a ‘Oh, you’re back. Nice.’

Maybe she was playing it cool? For a few minutes, he waited, just in case Twinkle felt like giving an evil villainess speech.

But she didn’t even bother to look away from her screen.

‘Okay. Whatever game this is, I’m ready to play’ He decided, before turning to his own keyboard. A lump formed in his throat as he realised for the first time that the sexy picture sent by the hooker was gone as well.

Gone forever, most likely.


For the next hour, the two of them had gone about their usual work. They pretended as if Twinkle’s parents weren’t about to upend her life, and that Arun’s job didn’t lie on a fine balance. They rectified bits of code, Twinkle filled in comments to their development team, and they performed the usual theatrics when the chaiwalla (Tea server, but I guess if you’d seen Slumdog Millionaire, you’d remember the way Anil Kapoor proclaimed ‘A Chaiwalla!’ to the audience) served the tea with just a little too much sugar.

Emails were typed, clients were pacified, new passwords were set for all of Arun’s accounts (he looked at Twinkle out of the corner of his eye as he changed them to gauge her reaction; she didn’t even bother to look over). A normal routine appeared to be prevailing.

To Arun, it seemed that they were going to pretend, like an Indian couple whose bedroom was deader than a doornail, that nothing had happened. That the events of the past hour were just one big ‘Gotcha!’.

He was about to convince himself of this, when Twinkle’s phone finally rang. Arun could have likened it to the sound of the hangman’s toll, except that somewhat inconveniently, Twinkle had set one of AR Rahman’s livelier songs as her ringtone.

Still, he didn’t need to look at the caller ID to know that it was her parents who were calling. He thought with a sudden chill, ‘What if they were coming to fetch her?’

The mere knowledge that Twinkle’s father, thousands of miles away as he was, could potentially show up at their office via the next train was enough to make Arun consider purchasing a bunker for the whole office.

But Twinkle was unperturbed. Glancing at the screen, she allowed the phone to play out its ringtone. The sound of AR Rahman’s ‘Tu Hi Re’ floated around them, oddly lending a sense of calm to Arun’s burdened soul. Twinkle also gently hummed along with the tune while typing out a comment on their code with a flourish. The song slowly wound down, bringing the attempted phone call to an end along with it. When everything was silent again, Twinkle stretched and finally turned to give him her full attention.

“My parents have told me to leave the office immediately,” She said simply. “They had already called a while back, so I figured I’d let them try a little harder to speak to me again” She took a deep breath, keeping her tone very matter-of-fact.

“Apparently, I don’t even have to bother with informing Ishita or asking for the back pay I’m owed.” She shrugged.

“Oh,” Was all that Arun could say. This was expected, of course. About an hour had elapsed since he had spoken to Twinkle’s parents and that was not nearly enough time for them to read ‘A Room of One’s Own’ so as to radically change their views in support of their daughter.

But what was he supposed to do, exactly? He felt bad, of course. It had been a fuck up on his part, revealing information that Twinkle’s parents were not supposed to do. But she couldn’t blame him for that, surely? How was he supposed to know? This wasn’t the sort of thing you hid from your family and hoped would go away, like their last CEO’s affair baby. You hid normal things from your parents, like your gf/bf, your grades, and your feelings.

Besides, a tiny part of Arun was telling him that she was getting what she deserved for snooping into his conversations.

Twinkle regarded him carefully. Perhaps she had intended to look serious, but the smaller size of her body meant that it came off as catlike more than anything. She leaned forward, trying to talk to him in a more confidential manner. But, rather than having the desired effect, it gave Arun a direct glimpse of her cleavage. His eyes widened as he caught sight of her firm, milky white peaks and the valley in between.

‘Short girl but well-endowed boobs’ Noted the caveman part of his mind and filed away next to the folder containing the PS1 Lara Croft.

A look of consternation passed over his face as he wrestled with suddenly being horny and concerned. The spasmic effect it had on his features must have passed scrutiny. Because, after a moment, Twinkle appeared satisfied at his reaction and continued.

“As you would have probably guessed, I’m not going to do any of that. I don’t-” She shuddered. “I don’t want to marry someone who just wants a free maid and a fucktoy.”

‘Ah’ Arun thought. But then, was the nub of the whole Arranged Marriage deal. It was a business transaction, essentially. For the guy, it was all about his salary and as mentioned earlier, the ability to shout ‘whoopie!’ when Virat Kohli hit a six.

For a girl, it was about her cooking or opinion on families (aka how soon can you pop out kids). Being employed was okay, but sometimes also a negative. (I mean, would you really be able to stand it if the neighbour aunty simpered about how they were so rich that their DIL didn’t have to work?)

It was better these days, of course. Lots of folks were cool with their kids dating provided that they picked the guy/girl and that any ongoing girlfriends/boyfriends were safely dumped and blocked.

Arun ought to know. He had been one of those boyfriends after all.

‘Maybe Trisha never had a choice at all,’ He thought. Just like in Twinkle’s case, Trisha’s parents might have just up and told her one day that this was how it was going to be. That she’d have to marry the guy they had picked for her.

Perhaps she really had meant what she had written in her final letter to him.

“I need you to help me, Arun.”

“Huh?” Arun snapped back to reality. What had Twinkle been saying?

“The guy they’ll find for me,” She said, looking at him anxiously. “He’s going to be terrible. I just know it.” She shook her head. “You’ve spoken to my dad, right? You would have seen what he’s like.”

Arun knew exactly what she meant. Twinkle’s father left that sort of impression on the people he spoke to, even if it was just once.

“Now imagine a guy exactly like that but a lot younger. That’s the kind of person he’ll want for me.”

“That’s a problem, alright,” Arun admitted. A lifetime with someone who believed that if God didn’t intend to allow man to shout at the top of his voice, he wouldn’t have given them speech at all. Well, that would be traumatic.

“So, will you help me?” She asked him. She opened her eyes wider than she normally did. Was it- was she trying to give him the “Bambi look”? It looked more to Arun like she had a speck of dirt in her eye.

‘Ah’ Arun thought. So that was why she was giving him the whole backstory. But why him? Surely, she could ask Ishita? Even Raj would be a better option – he at least had a couple of influential friends. (Arun refused to believe otherwise given how often HR kept ‘forgetting’ to give him a talk over his behaviour).

“Well. Seeing as I don’t have a choice, I guess I have to?” He asked her quizzically. “If I refuse, then you’ll probably send screenshots of my WhatsApp conversations to Ishita, right?” Then, he was struck by an idea.

“You know, if you don’t mind, one of the messages sent by that person is kinda important. So, I’d like it if you could share that screenshot with me.”

Twinkle’s eyes widened.

“You want me to share the screenshots of your conversation with that call girl?” She asked him dumbly.

“Yeah, I think it could be important,” Arun replied, feeling a little embarrassed at asking his blackmailer for a copy of his blackmail.

“Well.” She said, hesitantly. She looked taken aback. “I would, if I could. But the thing is – I didn’t take any screenshots. I just opened the conversation by accident, and what I saw shocked me so much that I just-” She wrung her hands a little

“I deleted all of it. That was when I wrote those angry messages to you.”

“Wait.” Arun said, slowly. “So, you saw my messages and you read all of them.”

“And once you had read them, you felt so upset that you just deleted them?”


“Why would you do that??” Arun asked in exasperation.

Twinkle shrank back a little, looking wounded. “Because I couldn’t believe it!” She exclaimed. A couple of people from the nearby workstations turned their heads.

Ducking down, Twinkle continued in a low voice. “I couldn’t believe that someone like you would be chatting up some slut. And that you’d keep those conversations on your work computer for me to see.”

Well. When she put it like that, Arun did seem to be a terrible person. Who would have thought that the act of directly paying for sex in one go – as opposed to paying for it over time via a tinder subscription and multiple dates – could be so triggering.

Arun said, defensively. “Nobody asked you to snoop around in my chats.”

Twinkle opened her mouth to respond, then abruptly changed her mind. She said “Okay. I’m sorry.” She raised her hands in a gesture of surrender.

“I know it’s messed up. Seriously. But you’re the only one I can trust in this place. That’s why I’m asking you for help.”

She looked at him, captivating him with her pretty eyes. Arun noticed for the first time that they were actually a light shade of brown. Combined with her lighter skin, it gave her an exotic appearance.

“You’re the only one who understands what I’m going through. You have spoken to my parents. If I can, I’ll try to recover those messages for you. But what I want to know is-”

“Will you help me? I’ll do anything for you. Just please, think about it.” She looked at him pleadingly.

Arun exhaled. ‘This was going to hurt her’.


For the rest of that afternoon, Twinkle had been away from her desk and on her phone with her family. Normally, the team leaders get involved if you’re away from your desk for too long. They would search you out and then stand nearby to place well-timed comments on the economy and the withering job prospects of slackers.

Corporate was really charming.

And if your team leader didn’t show up, then the ladies who mopped the floor would come around to inform you of the foundations of civilization would yet go on unshaken if one were to take their calls at their desk without scuffing the floors.

But, strangely enough, nobody approached Twinkle as she paced up and down the corridor near the fire exit. Maybe it was the expression on her face or something about her demeanour, but people sensed that she wanted to be alone.

Arun sat in front of his computer. After having told Twinkle that the sun would collapse upon itself into a deep, deep black hole before he considered helping her, he was feeling a mix of emotions.

There was the part of him that had been exhilarated at being able to ‘hit back’ at Twinkle for what she had done to him. But there was also the more empathetic part, the one which had compared what had happened to his ex, Trisha, and Twinkle.

That part of him was currently acting like an exceptionally disgruntled Ghost of Christmas Past.

“You should help her. She’s just a victim,” The voice in his head was telling him. ‘Maybe’ Arun thought. But he didn’t want to. There was too much bad blood between the two of them. Besides, he was just a random guy. He didn’t sign up to fight off an entire family whose members sounded like Mortal Kombat villains.

As he wrestled with his new passwords (two of which he had promptly forgotten and had to reset a second time), he thought about the plan outlined by Twinkle, in her efforts to sway him.

Her plan was simple. In a couple of days, her parents would send some minor relative to come and pick her up from Bangalore. Once she was with this relative, it would be difficult for her to wriggle her way out without causing a scene. So, to avoid the whole issue, she planned to be somewhere else for a while till this relative gave up and went home.

That’s where he would have come in.

Basically, the idea she had was that she could stay at one of Arun’s friend’s places or at a hotel near Arun’s apartment. That way, she would be out of sight for this relative, while being close enough to someone she knew so that she could call for help if needed.

Once a week or so had passed, Twinkle’s relative would tire of showing up at her apartment every day only to be disappointed by her absence. And since there really wasn’t much to actually take in, within Bangalore, (unless you wanted to see people roleplaying the voyeur & exhibition section of literotica at Cubbon park) he’d return home, sad, unhappy and Twinkle-less forever after.

Arun wasn’t sure what she had planned to do to handle her parents after that, but he had stopped listening around the moment she mentioned ‘staying near Arun’s apartment’. As he had outlined, he wanted to be as far away from Twinkle as possible.

Although he couldn’t avoid her at work, he was prepared to test the limits of mathematical probability of meeting her outside their office building.

He watched as she crossed his line of sight again, walking down the corridor, phone in hand. Her short stature combined with the height of the wall-partitions between different sections of the office meant that he could only see the top of her head bobbing up and down as she walked.

Despite everything, he had to admit that was feeling a begrudging sense of respect for her. After he had refused to help, he had expected her to throw a fit or to threaten to go to Ishita anyway, evidence be damned. But she had merely sat back in her chair and stared numbly at their code. With an absent-minded tap of the mouse to fix an error, she had dived back into work without another word.

‘She’s a strong one,’ He thought. Stronger than he was, recalling the way he’d fallen apart after Trisha had left him.

At around 5.30PM, working hours finally come to an end. You wouldn’t think so, if you saw the number of people who had stayed back to relax, play games or to catch up on work. Free air conditioning, internet and water made a huge difference, Arun supposed. Not to mention that they’d ordered in so often that the kids of restaurant owners nearby often had better phones than them.

Twinkle finally returned from an extended interview with her folks. Arun thought about whether it would be appropriate to tell her to inform her parents that she was going to get a retail job (middle-class families would sooner bankrupt themselves than see their kids get paid for folding clothes. That sort of thing was to kept for free labour inside the house). But then, she didn’t even give him a chance to acknowledge her return. She had laid her head on her desk the instant she sat down, and closed her eyes.

“Don’t look at me like that,” She said, after a minute, her eyes still closed.

By then, having essentially abandoned their testing project, Arun had spent the better part of the last two hours searching for ways to recover deleted conversations from WhatsApp. On this subject, he found a depressing number of tips on how to permanently delete WhatsApp photos in case you decided that the best way to impress a woman was to show her your shrivelled up cock. But there was nothing much on restoring deleted chats.

“I’m not looking at you,” Arun said. And that was the truth. He was watching an intriguing video where a man in a tinfoil hat was raving that Mark Zuckerberg was actually a post-singular hive-mind where all our WhatsApp data was stored to be used to simulate reality.

For a while, there was silence. Then, she tilted her head to ask him “Do you like this call girl?”

Arun was surprised by the question. He jerked his head, the way he had done at the park the other day when a kid had launched a cover drive right at his face. “Who, me?” .

“Yeah,” She said, curiosity filling her voice now. “From the texts you had sent her earlier, it looked like you had met and, uh-” She blushed. “I’m guessing you did something with her, huh?”

“I- No! Um, well,” Arun looked embarrassed. “Yeah, I did.” Strangely, the admission that he had sex with the prostitute gave him a sense of relief.

Even if it was Twinkle, it felt good to confide in someone about what he had done.

Still, her question had set his heart beating rapidly. The real truth was, he didn’t know. His feelings towards the prostitute were, well. They were not simple.

Twinkle said nothing, but merely looked at him pensively. Arun was once again reminded of a small cat from the way she expressed herself through her eyes.

“Are you sure you don’t like her?” She asked again. There was a sense of tension in her tone, as if she was searching for something in the answer Arun would give.

“I-,” Arun said, then swallowed.

It was true that he lost his virginity to her. It was equally true that he was captivated with her aura of mystery. Not to mention her body, which had oozed sex and charm from every orifice. But she was still an unknown to him.

He knew nothing about her life. Nothing about her interests, the kind of lifestyle she was used to. When they had parted ways, it sounded like she was about to tell him something about herself. But they had missed the chance.

Still, he couldn’t deny that something special had happened that night when they had lain in bed together. There had been a connection in the way they had laughed, in the ease with which they had coupled like animals, and the way they had delicately indulged in the sensual side of pleasure.

He sighed.

“Well” Arun started, then paused. “I don’t think so.” He said carefully, and sneaked a look to check Twinkle’s reaction. She had raised her eyebrows but said nothing more.

“Perhaps, it could be a crush of sorts.” He admitted. Now that he said it aloud, it made sense. The weird hangups he was having over the hooker, the sense of irritation that she hadn’t messaged him earlier. His frustration towards Twinkle for deleting the prostitute’s messages.

It all came back to the fact that he had a crush on the mysterious woman who had taken his virginity.

“Then, why not have sex with me?” Twinkle asked, her head still laying on its side on her desk. She straightened a bit and swept a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

“Eh?” Arun said, stupidly.


There was a studied silence that hung over the two of them as they walked across the basement parking lot for employees.

The basement itself was a mildly spooky place, if the base comparison was a serial killer’s wine cellar. Rows upon rows of whitewashed, concrete support pillars ran across the floor. They were arranged in a series of criss-crosses, with each pillar working together to hold up the ceiling and by extension, the entire building.

Each pillar also had a number written on it so that one could remember where they had parked their vehicle instead of running around frantically tapping at the parking button on their keyfob.

Still, the place had a haunted, zombie apocalypse feel to it with endless, silent lines of motorbikes and cars, and innumerable wires and tubes running across the ceiling. The lighting was decent, but a couple of neon lights blinked erratically here and there, making the shadows seem larger and the corners darker than they were.

“How come you don’t have a motorbike?” Twinkle suddenly remarked, as they neared Arun’s usual parking spot.

“I do have a motorbike,” Arun replied, sounding confused. He pointed to his slightly beat-up (okay kinda beat-up) Bajaj. (Note – This is a motorbike brand in India)

As he presented his sole means of reliably commuting to the office, (taking the bus was also a viable option, but it was like quantum physics – you might reach your location or you might find yourself a thousand kilometres away) with its peeling paint, soot-blackened exhaust pipe, and a rearview mirror that had seen one too many objects closer than was intended – to Twinkle’s critical gaze, Arun did feel a little embarrassed.

The two-wheeler in question likely indicated more of an insolvency crisis than a symbolism of masculinity to swoon a thousand hearts.

“Why doesn’t it have those, um-” She mimed revving up the engine of a Harley Davidson. “Those handles, you know, like on a real motorbike.”

“Oh wow.” Arun said with an embarrassed laugh. “Uhhh. I guess it’s because we don’t earn as much as your parents thought we did.”

Twinkle froze. It should have been comical, the sight of her hands still making a ‘revving up’ gesture. But her expression had changed to one of profound hurt.

“I’m sorry,” Arun said, hastily. “I’m sorry, really. That was not cool. That’s a sore spot, I know.”

“You should,” Twinkle said, stiffly. “You won’t have sex with me, and now, you make fun of me.”

“I can’t have sex with you,” Arun said, feeling like he was saying it for the thousandth time. When Twinkle had abruptly suggested it, Arun had nearly fallen off his chair for the second time that day. He still managed to yank an assortment of cables linked to his keyboard and monitor as a result of which the letters C, V, and M had gone missing (coincidence? I think not).

“First of all, I’ve told you that I won’t help you since you deleted my private conversation. And secondly, I can’t have sex just like that with anyone.” Then, without thinking, Arun said “Besides, you’ve been such a pain in the butt for me ever since you joined. You hate me.”

He bent over to pull his motorbike from the line of stacked up two-wheelers. With a swift kick, he released the parking-stand and was about to steer it out, when he felt something was off.

He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but something about the current silence was weird. In the vast, underground space, he could only hear the steady drip, drip, drip of water from the air conditioning exhausts.

He turned to check on Twinkle. ‘Oh no.’

Twinkle’s expression was all he needed to see to feel instant regret. The crinkling of her eyebrows, the scrunched up expression on her face, the trembling of her lips. The way she clutched her handbag protectively to her chest, as if his words had hurt her physically.

She was crying.

Taking a hand off the motorcycle, Arun took a step towards Twinkle. “H-hey! What happened?” Had asked lamely, even though he knew.

He knew why she was crying.

‘Not good,’ He thought, his mind racing to figure out what to do. Any minute, someone else could step into the parking lot and see a pretty girl crying and a guy with a guilty expression on his face. No points for guessing who’d be trouble after that.

His ex had been someone who cried frequently. Sometimes over silly things like a sad episode of her favourite anime. He had learned quickly that when this happened, she just wanted him to be there. To hold her with his arms rather than with his words.

This was Twinkle though, not his ex. He couldn’t grab a hold of her like that.

But he also saw, clearly, the person that Twinkle really was – she was an ordinary girl from the countryside who was just afraid. Afraid of losing her dreams. Afraid that, like so many other women in India, she’d never have her own life because her family decided what was ‘good’ for her.

He was just about to ask if he could take her outside, where her teardrops might actually provide some water for the drought-stricken city, when Twinkle forced her way into his arms.

Arun froze.

The petite woman had pressed her face against his chest so hard that he worried that she’d hurt herself. For several minutes, she clung to him while he precariously propped up the motorcycle with his body and one arm.

“I don’t want to go home,” She sobbed. “I just can’t! I’ll never escape if I go home.” Her small body shook uncontrollably as she let out all of the pent-up sadness within herself. “I just can’t. I’ll do anything.”

She looked up at him, her eyes reddened, and snot-mixed tears running down her round face. “Please. You’re the only one who knows about this. You’re the only one who can help. I know that I’ve done a few things to make you angry with me. And I know that you’re especially mad about the fact that I deleted those messages. But-”

She closed her eyes and forced in a deep breath, through the flem in her nose. “But, I don’t hate you. I really don’t. And please, d-don’t hate me. I- I am so alone right now.”

“Please. I’ll do anything for you.”

“I won’t leave you like Trisha did.”

Arun was shocked. “Wait. How do you know about that? Do you know my ex?”

Twinkle squeezed his arm. She was about to say something, when they were interrupted by the sound of footsteps.

It was the parking lot security guard.

The man was a quaint soul who had figured out that the easiest way to earn tips was to wave your hands frantically like a zumba instructor while people parked their cars. Also a connoisseur of soap operas, he recognised that Arun and Twinkle were enacting the classic ‘misunderstanding turned into romance’ scene he had seen so often.

But it was also getting in the way of an intense soap opera marathon. In fact, his eyes were still on the screen of his phone as he ventured over to them.

“Sir” He said, not bothering to look up. “Either you park the bike or you leave the building with your girlfriend, sir. Two options, your choice.” Evidently, the episode he was watching was a good one. They could easily hear the loud dialogue leaking through the speakers of his earphones. If he noticed Twinkle’s tears, he gave no indication of it.

After a moment, he turned around and sauntered away, taking his soap opera dialogue along with him.

Arun looked at the guard reproachfully. Just because a girl was crying in the arms of a guy, and telling him that she would do anything, that didn’t mean they were girlfriend and boyfriend. Maybe Twinkle was secretly Canadian and was being polite. Still, he was grateful that the guard didn’t say anything about the two of them holding each other.

“Can we go to your place first?” Twinkle asked, her face still tightly pressed into his chest. “I’ll tell you everything. I promise.”

Well. He couldn’t really push her away now, could he? He finally decided to put his arm around her shoulders. She scooted a little closer to him, and he felt her warm breath filtering through his shirt.

It was an oddly familiar feeling. His ex had nuzzled close to him like that, letting strands of his hair sway to the tune of her breaths.

He looked at Twinkle again. Despite her crying, her bindi was still stuck to her forehead, a violet dot of forlorn chasteness. Her prettiness was diminished only a little, even though her hair was ruffled, like she had given herself bed hair.

His gaze roved across her body in a passage starting from the small, but tasteful jewellery adorned on her ear to her pale, unblemished neck that gave away to a lovely pair of collarbones half-hidden by her kurti suit. He saw glimpses of the shape of her body, hidden beneath the drab fabric – the soft curves that she had kept covered. Arun gripped her shoulder.

She flinched, but said nothing. Her eyes were half-closed in exhaustion. It seemed that she was content to let him think and come to a decision.

“Okay.” Arun said finally, hoping that it was his brain and not his dick that was making the decision for him. “Let’s go.”


The ride to Arun’s apartment was an uneventful one. They didn’t stop anywhere on the way, except just once to buy some toiletries to Twinkle.

“I’ll pay,” Arun told her. She simply nodded as she placed a small bag on the counter.

“Just needed some soap and shampoo,” She had muttered before drifting away to look out of the store window. Arun felt a pang of sadness as he watched her with her back turned to him.

In the twilight of dusk, the famous Bangalore traffic had already begun to clog up the roads. The usual chaos of car-horns and traffic lights, and pedestrians playing ‘why did the chicken cross the road’ was ongoing. Still, within the madness there was a sense of direction.

But for Twinkle right now, it seemed that there was nothing to guide her. She had no friends in the city. Her family was against her. Her efforts to move up the ladder at work had slowed once she’d been assigned to him. She was alone, right now.

And as her silhouette grew ever darker in the fading light, Arun felt a tiny seed of emotion take root inside of him, for her.


Arun’s apartment was empty when they arrived.

“Rithesh isn’t back yet?” Arun muttered to himself. A hardcore gamer, Arun’s flatmate normally made it a point to return to the flat as soon as possible to start the evening with a warm-up game of DoTA. It usually got heated quickly with a lot of trash talk involved (usually involving impossible sexual acts with his opponent’s maternal figure).

He sent a text, wincing as he noticed again, the absence of his conversation with the hooker.

The reply came almost at once. ‘Yo bro’ His roommate had replied ‘We got a new guy at my office here and it turns out, he’s into the same games and anime as I am. So, I figured I’d let you have the apartment to yourself for once while I hang out at the new guy’s place’.

Then his roommate wrote ‘Try not to have sex in every part of the apartment, alright? :P’

‘Sure. We’ll do it on your bed instead, asshole’ Arun wrote back, a slight grin creeping over his face. His flatmate, Ritesh, was not exactly a best friend, but he was one of the solidest, most dependable people that he’d met.

And that counts for a lot in a city like Bangalore where friends are more apt to turn out to be strangers.

With the confirmation that nobody else would be coming over for the day, Arun flopped into the living room couch. He felt more tired than usual. Probably from everything that had happened in the day.

A part of him still wished he hadn’t caved into Twinkle’s pleas to take her to his apartment. But honestly, he reflected, he couldn’t see himself doing that. Not only because she had wept so miserably in front of him, but like the tiny part of himself had said earlier – Twinkle’s situation was too similar to what Trisha had possibly gone through.

The sense of desperation to escape her own fate, to defy her parents, it sounded familiar to him. Also, He wanted to know how she’d found out about Arun’s ex.

“I need to tell you something,” Twinkle said, appearing from the bathroom.

Her face was still wet, but it was with nice, cold water from the shower. She’d left her hair open to dry. In loose strands, it hung around her shoulders. She was wearing one of Trisha’s old t-shirts and shorts. The shorts were too large for her, with the hem gently waving about as she walked. The t-shirt in contrast, was a tight fit, with Twinkle having larger breasts compared to Arun’s ex.

Her appearance reminded Arun of college girls on their weekends, hanging around the dormitory gates for their boyfriends to pick them up.

“Okay?” Arun said, expectantly. With a touch of hesitation, Twinkle sat down on the couch beside him.

“Well. I wanted to apologise first,” She said, folding her legs underneath her body.

“I should have just logged out of everything. You were kind enough to give me your password after Raj acted like such a dick. So, I shouldn’t have seen – or rather, snooped into your personal stuff.”

Arun rubbed his chin thoughtfully. He was curious to see where she was leading him.

He said, “It was my fault too. I should have checked to make sure that there wasn’t anything personal for you to open by mistake.” He shrugged. “And I’m sorry about screwing everything up with your family. I didn’t know anything about it. But I was the one who told them about it. So, I’m sorry for that.”

She nodded slowly, accepting his words without question or comment. Then she took a deep breath and said, “You asked me why I didn’t take any screenshots or evidence of your messages with that call girl.”

Arun leaned forward. He wanted to hear this.

“The thing is, it never occurred to me to do that, honestly. I didn’t like you much, at first. But that wasn’t because of you, you know? I wanted someone more experienced like Raj as a mentor because I wanted to get my career going faster.” She laced her fingers together uneasily and shot a look at him. “You were too much like me – you were just starting out with your career.”

Arun interjected.

“But since you had lied to your parents that you were a senior manager, you needed a way to turn that lie into a truth as soon as possible. And the only way to do that was to jump up the ladder however you can.”

“Yes! Exactly!” Twinkle said, with a little jump and a smile.

‘She actually smiled at me?’ Arun thought, surprised by the happiness coursing through him at the sight of Twinkle’s smile.

Her smile faded a little as she continued to the next part of her tale “Some of the things I did to you were wrong. I shouldn’t have been such a troublesome person to work with. But every time I felt guilty, I would remember the way my father had nearly locked the front door and kept a watch at night to stop me from leaving home.” She shuddered.

“I knew that it was hurting you, but at that moment, I felt that my need was greater.”

Arun grimaced. He didn’t agree with her twisted logic. But he understood at least. It wasn’t a wilful act on her part. Rather, she had been forced into this course of action by her circumstances.

“So, when I saw the messages on your computer, I felt like I had my chance to get away from you. I didn’t want you to lose your job, of course.” She hastened to add, seeing his expression. “But I figured that if I told Ishita that you were too busy talking to girls instead of training me, she’d reassign me to someone more experienced.”

“But then, when I opened up your other accounts to see what else you were doing-” She paused, and it was at that moment when it clicked for Arun.

She had seen his emails. Specifically-

“I saw the email that your ex, Trisha had sent to you.” She looked at him with a worried expression, as if concerned that he would have an outburst over his ex. Her gaze fell on a stack of magazines arranged on their sitting table. Arun’s roommate Rithesh often bought a certain magazine called Be Healthy, but not for the health tips it supposedly gave.

It was for the large-breasted women who graced each month’s cover.

Whether she drew strength from the current month’s model (who seemed to be Bengali, given that she was frying fish while her ample tits spilled out of her apron), Arun wasn’t sure. But her voice sounded a lot more confident when she spoke again. “I read about the way she had left you.”

“Yeah.” Arun said, already numbed to the fact.

“She was my girlfriend. And, we had been together since college. But, uh- well. You know what happened.”

Twinkle nodded seriously, and continued. “So, that helped me to understand certain actions that you took. Like the call girl thing. I guess- I guess you wanted to heal somehow?”

She had inched close to him now, her face bearing a soft, sympathetic expression. There was a pleasant smell of fresh soap and perfume wafting from her that tickled Arun’s nostrils. And at this proximity, Arun could easily see the outline of her nipples as they poked through the tight fabric.

Without her plain clothes to hide her body from prying eyes, he could see the slim, petite waistline that flared out to shapely hips. Unlike other women who were short, Twinkle didn’t suffer from an overly-girlish figure. She had enough curves to hold her own.

“Is that why you decided to ask me for help instead?” Arun asked. It was only a moment later that he realised how quiet his voice was. The lack of distance between them had shifted his tone to a more intimate, conspiratorial one. Twinkle blushed.

“It was one of the reasons, yes.” She admitted. Then she leaned to look into his eyes.

Again, Arun found himself admiring her fair skin, nearly unblemished, save for a light peppering of freckles on her cheeks. Her cute, button nose set nicely with her pink lips and dark eyelashes.

“Do you still love her?” She asked suddenly. “Even now?”

Arun wasn’t sure how to answer, especially after comparing Twinkle’s situation with what had happened to Trisha. He had so many thoughts, so many things to reconsider.

Eventually, he settled upon telling her the truth.

“Yes.” He wondered if he ought to add something more, but figured that he’d said enough. She would have to understand.

It seemed that she did.

Leaning back to her side of the sofa, she considered his answer deeply. Arun noted the modest, violet nail-paint she’d applied on her toes. ‘Pretty.’ He thought absently.

As he remained in a reverie, Twinkle got up. With a swift movement, she dropped the oversized shorts to the floor and stepped out of them. Arun’s eyes widened as the fabric fell away from her lower half, leaving her pale, firm legs bare for him to see. “Wait. What are you-?” She made a shushing gesture. The t-shirt was next. With slightly more difficulty, Twinkle brought it over her head and threw it unceremoniously on the sofa.

Now, the sole garments that valiantly protected her modesty were a simple plain bra and white panties.

She placed her hands on her hips and looked at him.

“Do you like what you see?” She asked in an anxious tone, though there was an undercurrent of arousal in her voice as well.

“Twinkle-” Arun said in a strangled voice. Her boldness had caught him off guard. Now that he was actually confronted by the petite woman in her underwear, he found it much harder to summon the willpower required to deny her.

He clenched his hands and tried to rise from the sofa.

But Twinkle was quicker. “Oh no, you don’t,” She said firmly, blocking his escape with her body.

She pushed him back into the cushions. Arun flopped down, feeling that he could have resisted her easily. Even now, he could have pushed her aside and made a run for his room.

But he didn’t.

Instead, he limply sank into the sofa. “What’s the deal here?” He asked finally. “I don’t understand how I’d be helping you by having sex with you. I feel like I’m taking advantage of you.”

Twinkle didn’t reply. She merely brought her face close to his. Arun’s nose twitched as he received a blast of her fragrance from the shower wash mixed with her own natural oils and aroma. It was compelling.

He felt his cock growing hard.

“This isn’t right,” Arun repeated, but his resolve was weakening. Already, he felt his thoughts wandering over ways to pull his clothes off, and to take Twinkle in all the ways he (in his limited sexual experience) knew.

“Why isn’t it right?” Twinkle asked him, close enough that any untoward movement by either of them would ignite a spark that couldn’t be put out. “You don’t love me, right? You love Trisha.” Twinkle breathed as she gently swayed her body. ‘Fuck’ Arun thought. ‘Does she realise what she’s doing?

Twinkle was still a virgin, right? Right?’

She smiled widely and said, “Why don’t you use me in her place?” She placed a hand on his knee and gave him a ‘come hither’ look with her eyes. “And-”

“-You should listen to your penis, you know. It knows what you want.” She crooned, and pointed to the tent that was rising from his crotch.

Arun gulped. He glared at his traitorous member, which had now swelled up to a steady half-mast.

“I’m right, aren’t I?” She whispered as she arched her back, bringing her breasts close to his face. Despite her bra’s best efforts, half of her cleavage was dangerously close to spilling out. Arun took in the cute smattering of freckles in her breasts, their perfectness of the shape of her tits and their firmness.

Even Superman would have marvelled at the stupendous will he was exhibiting by not reaching out to grab them. Especially since her tits looked like they could give him a titjob without breaking a sweat, putting even the hooker to shame.

“You didn’t fuck the call girl because you loved her. You fucked her because you wanted to, right?” She asked him softly. “So,” She said, breathing the words close into his ear as she did so. “Fuck me like that. Because I know you want to.”

Arun snapped. Maybe it was because of Twinke’s goading, or perhaps his subconscious was already looking for a chance to have its way with Twinkle, having ogled at her features throughout the day. But when her bra dipped just a bit more, and revealed the first glimpse of dark pink nipples, Arun gave into his instincts.

“Aren’t you supposed to be a virgin?” He demanded as he grabbed her arms and pulled her to him. Surprised by the sudden change in his attitude, Twinkle yelped and nearly fell into his lap.

She’s so light’ Arun marvelled as he lifted Twinkle into a straddling position over his hips. His ex and the hooker weren’t exactly tall girls, but they weren’t small enough for him to ragdoll them about. With Twinkle on the other hand-

His heartbeat started to race as his mind conjured up images of Twinkle pinned to the wall, her legs flailing about as she struggled to reach the floor, her body twisting in pleasure as he methodically pumped his too-big-for-her cock in and out of her pussy. His cock surged to rock hardness at the vivid imagery.

“I am a virgin.” Twinkle said indignantly. She blushed a little and muttered “That doesn’t mean I haven’t had my share of fingering my pussy while reading fanfiction.”

‘Fanfiction eh,’ thought Arun, his eyebrows raising a little. His mental picture of Twinkle grew clearer. She wasn’t just someone looking to escape her household on a whim. Hours had probably been spent sneakily reading novels or watching forbidden TV shows on her phone, away from the prying eyes of her family.

From adolescence itself, she must have harboured dreams of living life on her own terms, of being free to chase her dreams, much like the protagonists of her favourite books.

‘If only Trisha had the strength to follow her own dreams.’ The thought drifted into his mind carelessly, but it affected Arun deeply. He cupped Twinkle’s cheek with a hand and brought her close to his lips. She too, sensing that something had changed, drew closer to him.

His touch had become gentler, more intimate, she noticed. And as his other arm swam around her back, she leaned in, giving him access to her chaste lips. They briefly met each others’ gaze before there was was darkness as they closed their eyes, allowing their senses to explore each other as their lips met.

Twinkle’s lips were unlike anything else Arun had felt in his life. With the hooker, there had been a passionate heat, and a certain aggression in the way they had fought for dominance through their lips. But with Twinkle, Arun felt nothing but love. She tasted sweet, her kisses soft and innocent. There was an uncertainty and a charming clumsiness in the way she tried to press her advantage with her lips, only to retreat when Arun stuck out his tongue, teasing her.

And unlike the night of passion with the hooker, there was no hastiness to get past kissing and onto the process of fucking. Twinkle remained unhurried, keeping her eyes closed as she revelled in making out with him. After her initial hesitance, she allowed Arun to push his tongue into her mouth, tasting his fluids and in turn letting him taste hers. Soon, it had turned into passionate French kissing with Twinkle making cute moans of pleasure as they remained locked at the lips.

“Fuck,” Twinkle exclaimed. “My panties are soaked.” Raising her hips a little, she checked on the tiny piece of undergarment. “Yep. They are fucking soaked.” Arun felt a jolt of excitement, seeing Twinkle curse like that. She was turned on and getting a little rowdy, which he found that he liked very much.

“Time to take them off then.” Arun said, grinning in anticipation. Twinkle pouted and thrust her hips towards him.

Arun laughed. “Someone wants the princess treatment, huh?”

“I’m a virginnnnnn,” Twinkle said dramatically. “I don’t know how to do these things. Please do them for me. Pleeeeeeaseee?”

Arun picked her up in his arms, and as she squealed, he laid her on the sofa. “Look at you,” Arun said, “Nobody would believe that you were threatening to report me just this afternoon.” He scanned her face, again feeling struck by the fact that was actually smiling at him now.

“Let’s not talk about that right now, please?” Twinkle said, pouting cutely. She smiled again and wiggled her legs invitingly at him. In a flash, Arun had her panties off. “Mmmh” Twinkle moaned softly as the cool breeze of the fan swept over her exposed pussy.

She placed a hand on the outer folds of her pussy and gently massaged it. “Ah!” She uttered, closing her eyes as sparks of pleasure coursed through her body. Arching her back, she presented her virgin orifice to him. “For your eyes only.” She whispered.

Arun didn’t know what to say to that and she laughed. “It’s from a novel,” She said mischievously. “I’ve always wanted to say that.” They smiled easily now, the tension easing away into a comfortable sexiness. He decided to make the opening move.

Although he had never given oral to a woman before, Arun had always wanted to try. Twinkle’s pussy, like everything else about her, looked so delicate. Her pink pussy flowered in front of him, with her labia peeking out. Drops of precum were already oozing out, forming tiny rivulets that cascaded towards her butthole.

Tentatively, Arun knelt down. He opened his mouth and was about to give her pussy an experimental lick when Twinkle interjected. “Are you sure?” She asked, suddenly sounding anxious. Having propped herself up on a cushion, she was watching him closely. “I thought that licking a woman down there” She indicated her pussy with a small gesture, “I thought that happened only in porn.”

She paused. “I wasn’t sure I’d ever get to experience it, actually. So, really, if you don’t- oooooh,” She was cut off midway through her sentence by a groan escaping from her lips.

At that moment, Arun had leaned in and begun to like her pussy. It was a clumsy job to be honest since Arun had no idea where Twinkle’s clit was, or which spots were best for giving her pleasure. But whatever he lacked in skill, he made up for it with vigour.

Enthusiastically, he devoured her pussy. ‘I’m actually liking this,’ He thought. Not only was the act of giving oral turning him on, but Twinkle’s increasingly loud moans were making his cock hard as steel.

He also found, to his surprise, that her pussy tasted good. It wasn’t ‘as sweet as honey’ or whatever they wrote in those erotic books, but it was pleasant. He could easily see himself eating her out for hours and hours until she had cum to a point where she would beg him to stop.

“Oh, oh, ohhhh!” Twinkle moaned, finding the unfamiliar but overwhelming sensation of Arun’s tongue on her womanhood too much to bear. She lifted her legs up a bit more to give him better access and grasped his hair with her hands.

“Can I pull your head closer to my pussy?” She asked, panting. Arun grunted in affirmative, still busy in tasting and exploring Twinkle’s snatch.

Slowly, she pulled him close to her hole, squeezing him between her thighs. For Arun, it was almost a heavenly feeling, like soft pillows were holding him in place while he furiously lapped at her pussy. The tighter, closer arrangement had an effect on Twinkle immediately. Her moans grew wilder as she gripped on Arun’s hair.

‘Getting close’ Arun realised, as her pussy grew hotter and wetter. He was right. From pulling him close, she was now bucking her hips as she tried to grind her cunt against Arun’s tongue. Greedily, her body tried to squeeze out every drop of pleasure available from Arun’s oral ministrations.

Whining as her orgasm built up, Twinkle softly called out “Arun- Ah! Arun! Yes! Oh!”

She didn’t exactly squirt, but a gush of fluids leaked from her pussy at once, dripping all over the inside of her legs. Arun doggedly kept his mouth stuck to her love-hole. He had finally figured out where her clit was and was tonguing it for all that it was worth. “Stop, stop,” Twinkle wheezed, her voice sounding weak after the earth-shattering orgasm that he had just given her.

“Stoppp,” She wailed. Finally, Arun did stop. The two of them lay there, Twinkle on her back and Arun between her legs. They gasped for breath, feeling like they had just run a marathon. Arun’s tongue felt numb. ‘Gotta train every muscle to failure, I guess’ He thought sardonically.

“Please come here,” Twinkle said, waving towards her tits. Feeling his jaw also growing sore, Arun got off his knees. He pulled off his t-shirt, revealing his slim body to her. “Mmmh” She said, appreciatively.

Next were his trousers. They were banished to a corner of the room. Now, with just his underwear on, Arun turned his attention to Twinkle. She hadn’t been idle either.

She had just pulled off her bra, finally revealing her glorious breasts to him.

As Arun had suspected, this was one area where Twinkle would trounce not just the prostitute, but probably most of the other women in his life. Shaped like perfect teardrops, Twinkle’s breasts stood proud and firm. They were most probably a D-cup, and her already hardening nipples were a softer, lighter pink. They almost looked like those hentai tits, built for being sucked.

‘Fuck’ Arun thought, ogling her tits openly. Twinkle blushed and covered up her chest just a little. “Are they- nice?” She asked him, sounding a little anxious. “My mother never liked that they grew so big. She used to shout at me for wearing anything except for really baggy t-shirts. She said that I was trying to tempt the men around me.” Her voice grew forlorn.

‘Though childhood all around, it seems’ Arun thought. He told her, “They’re perfect.”

Continuing to admire her generously endowed bosom, he wondered how they would swing back and forth if he were to take Twinkle from behind. He’d probably get so excited that he would cum instantly.

His dick reacted to the thought, and grew harder almost immediately. The head of his penis strained against the elastic of his boxers. “Oh my god,” She breathed. “You’re big.” She looked up at him in awe. “I didn’t think I would be lucky enough to get a nice, big cock for my very first time. Did- did my breasts turn you on that much?”

Arun grinned and said, “So much. So much that, in fact, I want to paint them with my cum”. Her eyes grew wide at the prospect of getting cummed on. It seemed that she had really believed that such acts were confined to porn. Her breathing grew heavy as she eyed Arun’s tool, now poking a little out of his underwear.

“Can you come and lay on top of me then, please?” She asked shyly. She opened her arms invitingly, causing her breasts to jiggle. Something about the benign innocence with which she requested (as opposed to the hooker who would have beckoned him lazily with a finger) him to come and fuck her. It did something to him.

To his heart.

“I’m coming,” Arun said, trying to keep his movements gentle, in spite of his excitement. He pulled off his underwear and approached Twinkle. The two of them were fully naked to each other, something that neither of them had expected a mere couple of days ago. More than that, the ease with which they had proceeded from Twinkle desperately begging him for help, to each of them spilling out their hearts and finally, Arun eating her out – it had broken the illusions they had held about each other.

Like a husband approaching his newlywed virgin wife for the first time, Arun clambered onto the sofa. He caressed her beautiful breasts, running his hands down from her nipples to her hips. Taking his time to explore her body, he kissed, sucked and licked every inch of her body he could, trying to find out what she liked the best. She shivered a little when he kissed his way up her neck and flicked at her ear with his tongue. Her moans grew louder when he sucked her nipples and massaged her tits. Slowly, but surely, a small but real sexual bond was forming between the two of them.

She in turn, while enjoying the myriad of sensations invading her body, tried to pleasure him as well. Initially, she was tentative, and contented herself with wrapping her arms around him so as to exult in the closeness of their touch. Then, she gave him small kisses on the cheek, then on the lips, and as her excitement rose, allowed her hands to drift towards his member.

They were in the midst of passionately making out when her hands first wrapped themselves around his cock. Twinkle’s touch was inexperienced, but she was showing a willingness to explore and figure out how best to pleasure him. After a brief adjustment, Arun was moaning into Twinkle’s ear as she milked his cock.

“It’s so sticky!” Twinkle marvelled as she stroked his length. “But soooo hard as well! Mmh!” She wondered how Arun’s large dick was supposed to fit inside of her. She was on the petite side, after all. Then, Arun flicked his tongue at her ear again, scattering her thoughts. She liked that, strangely. Her body shuddered as he attacked her with a series of kisses that alternated between a soft touch of the lips to longer, hot ones that left her mind fighting to not blank out.

A warm, empty feeling built up within her lower belly, like a fire. She squeezed Arun’s cock and lathered it up with the precum that was generously spilling out of it. “I think I’m ready,” she whispered. “Do you think you’d be able to put it inside me? Will it hurt?”

“Don’t worry,” Arun reassured her. “I’ll go slow.”

Carefully, he lined up his cock with the pussy of the beautiful woman beneath him. Even though he had kind of gotten a hang of penetration, he was conscious of the fact that this was Twinkle’s first time. Giving her a comforting look, he smiled and gently pushed the head of his cock into her wet, virginal folds.

Her face contorted just a bit, mostly from the discomfort caused by the unfamiliar sensation. She put her hands on his face, cupping it and holding onto him to manage the pain. Arun slowly eased inside by about an inch. Immediately, he was aware of how different Twinkle felt, compared to the hooker. For starters, her pussy was much warmer and tighter. Her virginal walls were slick, and welcomed him into her like a hug.

Twinkle’s eyes widened as her pussy stretched. She bit her lip, feeling the pain of being penetrated for the first time. “It hurts,” She whined. “Go slow, please.”

Nodding, Arun kissed her again as he pushed forward a little more. There was a sensation for a moment, like something was preventing his cock from entering further. Suddenly, it gave way, and his cock slid inside her vagina smoothly. “Oooh.” Twinkle cried out. But quick as the pain came, it eased into pleasure as Arun filled her up to the hilt.

Again, their lips met in a spark. The sensations were amplified by their bodies touching each other in places so intimate, so connected that they almost felt like they were one. Arun slowly pulled back and thrust forward again, allowing Twinkle to get used to the feeling of being fucked.

She had her eyes closed and was trying to distract herself from the pain by stroking his face. To be honest, he found it endearing. It made their coupling feel more like making love.

“I’m going to go a little bit faster,” He cautioned Twinkle. She gave him a tiny nod, her eyes still closed. It seemed like she was trying to concentrate on the pleasure her pussy was giving her. Arun picked up the pace slowly, letting her get used to being filled up with his cock.

Twinkle sighed in contentment. She reached for her clit and upon finding it, massaged it eagerly. “Oh fuck” She gasped as her pleasure nearly doubled. “I had no idea sex would be so good! I- I’m going to get addicted,” She exclaimed. Within minutes, she was furiously touching her clit while Arun steadily fucked her. To her virgin body, the pleasure was mind-melting in its intensity.

The walls of her pussy pulsed around Arun’s pole. She was close to climaxing. “I love this. I love all of this,” She said as her body writhed in pleasure. “Fuck my virgin pussy please! Fuck me hard! Just don’t come inside of me!”

‘Orders are orders’ thought Arun with a smirk.

Taking a pause to kiss her lips, a favour that she returned greedily, sucking and licking at his tongue, Arun pounded her newly-broken in hole with renewed fervour. He marvelled at how she was taking his cock so well, despite her inexperience. Apart from the initial pain, she was enjoying every aspect of sex.

“Yeah, you slut,” Arun panted as he fucked her in earnest. “Take my big cock. I’m going to shape your virgin pussy till nobody else’s cock can every satisfy you.”

“Oooh,” Twinkled moaned. “Talk to me like that. Yes! Yes!”

“You dirty whore,” Arun continued. “I bet you lied to your parents so that you could sleep around in the city, huh? Pretending to be a good, obedient bahu (daughter-in-law) in the making, but secretly a kutthi (bitch) that’s in heat all the time.”

“Mmmmmh” Her eyes were open and there was an urgency that Arun could see in them. ‘On the edge’ He realised. Without changing his rhythm, he continued to pound her. Then he lowered himself to her ear and whispered “What will you do now, you slut? How will you show your face at home after dishonouring them by giving your chastity to some random chhapri (peasant)? Do you think your future husband will ever realise his wife was a whore-”

He never got to complete the sentence because right at that moment, Twinkle had the most explosive orgasm of her life thus far and her second one of the night. For literal minutes, her body shivered from the pleasure and she clung onto him, mewling as the pleasure wracked through her body.

The sensation of his partner cumming hard on his cock combined with the exquisite tightness of her pussy pushed Arun over the edge as well.

Pulling out just in the nick of time, he shot ropes upon ropes of cum all over Twinkle’s belly and tits. She squealed as Arun’s hot seed spilled all over her body. For Arun, the sight of his fantasy coming true, to see the sight of Twinkle covered in his cum – that just made it a moment of pure ecstasy.

He panted, lifting himself off Twinkle with a groan, and sat on his haunches on the floor by the sofa. ‘Worth every penny’ He thought about the sofa, remembering how Rithesh and he had to struggle to carry it up five flights of stairs, nearly dropping it on the neighbour’s cat at one point.

Evidently, he’d been contemplating for a bit too long, because Twinkle asked in a small voice. “Can I have a towel? To wipe off- you know.” She gestured at the mini-deluge of cum splattered over her chest and body.

“Huh?” Arun said, snapping out of a daze. “A towel. Oh yeah. Just hold on a sec.” He opened the cupboard by the bathroom door and pulled out a couple of towels for the two of them. “Hurry please,” Twinkle called out. “It’s getting chilly.” Then, after a minute. “Is dried cum good for the skin?”

“Uhhh” Arun called out as he returned. “I don’t know. Maybe?”

“Hmmm,” She said, in a subdued tone. Uh-oh. Arun sensed that something was wrong. “What’s wrong?” He asked anxiously.

Twinkle merely wiped herself with the towel. After making Arun wait for a few minutes, she asked him in a low voice. “You don’t actually think I’m a slut or something right? What you said to me back then – that was only while we were having sex, right?”

“Of course not!” Arun exclaimed. Then, before she misunderstood, he hurried to say “I mean- uh, I don’t think you’re-”

For the second time that day, Twinkle hugged him before he could finish speaking. “Ah” Arun said, again confronted by the feeling that she was going to hurt herself by holding onto him so tightly. He sighed and after a moment, he slid his arms around her as well, folding her into his chest.

He absently kissed the top of her head. It was a token of affection that he did without thinking. Later, he supposed that he’d done it because he had always kissed Trisha the same way. Twinkle’s head jerked upwards and suddenly Arun was conscious of her big, round eyes locking themselves onto him.

“That was nice.” She said, softly. Again, she threatened to flatten her own nose through the force with which she pressed against his chest. “Kiss me like that, please.” Laughing gently, Arun obliged, planting another kiss, this time on her forehead. Twinkle wiggled a little. It reminded Arun once again of how catlike she was, in the way she responded to his little gestures of affection.

“That’s where a husband kisses the wife, you know?” She said, suddenly. “Right on the parting of her hair, on her forehead.” She clung to him a little tighter.

Arun felt a little taken aback. Then, looking thoughtful, he said. “I don’t know what you’re trying to imply there, but I don’t think we’re at a point where we can talk about any kind of commitment to each other.”

“Mmmh” She grunted, watching him with those eyes again. “That’s fine. For now, I guess.”

“I’m not a virgin anymore.” She continued, and said with a little satisfaction “That should help me, honestly. Now, I can use that to get rid of a few obnoxious creeps that my parents find for me.”

“Is the countryside that bad, even now?” Arun asked, slightly surprised. Premarital sex was still a taboo in most parts of India. But, now that women were entering the workforce and travelling long distances to study, it wasn’t exactly possible to pretend that your hubby’s cock was the first one you’d seen in your life.

“You don’t know half of it,” She said. Looking a little careworn now, she flopped onto the cushions. She was still naked, and her large breasts jiggled temptingly as she shifted her body. Arun’s cock twitched, then slowly grew semi-hard again.

Twinkle stared at him, speechless. “Again?? You nearly broke my back just now with that pounding and you want it again??” She leaned back, staring at him with just a bit of fear.

“Should I feel flattered? Or should I be in awe of my newfound superpowers?”

“Hey!” Arun said, looking sheepish. “A guy can’t help himself sometimes, alright.” He turned away and started looking for his clothes. He had just about found his trousers and was in the process of pulling them over his legs when Twinkle said. “I wouldn’t have minded going another round-”

For once, she was the one who couldn’t complete what she wanted to say as Arun let his trousers drop to floor before picking her up to carry off to his room.


Meanwhile, unbeknownst to the two of them, Arun had received another message from the hooker.

The contents of the message read as such.

‘Heyyyy. I’m not sure why you haven’t responded to my texts yet. Do you not like the idea? (;-;) I can understand though. It’s just that when I had wanted to let you know that I’d be 100% down for you fucking me on live camera, I thought you’d be interested. I mean, we had such good chemistry, daddy-boy!

Think about it! My subscribers would looooovvve to see you rail me like a good slut while we filmed the whole thing XOXOXO. And if not, maybe we can pay a visit to that hotel again? (>..>) Hmph! Just for that I’m going to make you work extra hard the next time we meet)


Phew! Well. That’s it for part 4 folks. I thought I’d get it out within 3-4 days of part 3, but after rethinking parts of the story, taking feedback from the comments, and tackling this huge other part of life outside writing erotica, it took me 14 days to finally get it done.

To folks who commented, thanks so much for your feedback and support! It means a lot. And thank you, dear reader, for taking the time to read this story of mine. Hope you enjoy it and I’ll start part 5 in a day or so.

See you again in a few (hopefully) days!

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