An adult stories – Four Friends Ch. 05 – Alexis and Olivia by oldbutnottooold,oldbutnottooold Friday, got up late, cleaned the house, did a little food shopping, pretended to read. I finally went to the bar around 5, figuring I’d be early and wait at the bar. I was dreading talking to Jack, but Alexis was already in the booth, on her laptop. I got a beer, sat down across from her.
“Howdy, I wasn’t expecting anyone to be here yet. No need to entertain me, but I didn’t want to be rude either.”
“Just a minute…” She worked another 5 minutes or so, really concentrating, and then, with a flourish, closed her laptop. “We’re not meeting til 6, but I’d hoped you’d show early. How’s your week been?”
“Honestly, a little nerve racking. I’m not used to being summoned.”
“Ha, it’s not like that. We’ve been talking and some of us -other than Izzy – she let us know about the name change – thought maybe we should include you. You have nothing to fear.”
“Here’s to that” we clinked glasses, “but I’m not sure how reassured I feel. Thanks for trying though.”
“Don’t be extra.”
“Sorry, but I don’t speak emoji or current slang.”
“What do you have to worry about? I mean, you got 4 drip women. Sit back and relax.”
“Are you trying to confuse me even more?”
She laughed. “Just having a little fun. Look, when Izzy started telling us about you, we were a little sus.” I looked at her questioningly “You know, suspect – but now that we’ve met you, seen the pics, we know you understand the assignment. You got riz, playa.” Again, raised eyebrows. “Wow, you really are a boomer. You’ve got game? Know what you’re doing?”
“Ah, got it. Thanks.”
“You’re welcome. Anyway, everyone else has gotten a taste of your time, but not me. So, I thought I would be here early.” She smiled and slid over to sit next to me.
“You’re a bit of a mystery – what should I know?”
“I’m quieter than they are in public, and mostly chill. I don’t need to be a main character like Izzy, or the smartest one in the room like Olivia. Don’t get me wrong, I love all of them, but have you noticed?”
“You are all different and appealing in your own ways.”
“Oh, so I’m appealing then?”
“You have to ask? I’m not blind or an idiot – just old.”
She slid closer and whispered in my ear “I wasn’t sure how you felt about me. But I’m glad.” She took a sip. “My proclivities are a little different but, like them, I have trouble finding boys who are up to the challenge. I’m looking forward to seeing if you’re the whole package.” She was still smiling, but with a devious look I hadn’t seen from the others.
“Ok, I’ll bite- what are your interests?”
“You got one of them – I like to bite and be bitten. Based on Izzy and Katie’s reports, I’m looking for something a little more intense, rougher. I’m small and like to be tossed around, manhandled a bit. The bro’s are always pretending their down, but turn out to be posers.” She looked right at me, “Are you a poser?”
“I probably was one once, but now I’m just who I am. And I think I can help you out – if that is what you really want.”
She got very close to me – almost nose to nose – “I am looking forward to it.” Then she leaned in and bit my nose. Wasn’t prepared for that. Startled but enticed, I reached under the table and pinched the inside of her thigh. Her eyes wide open, smiling, she was about to say something when we heard “Am I interrupting something? I thought tonight was for all of us to talk?”
Olivia, wearing her usual all black but with her midriff exposed between a crop top and short skirt, sat down.
“Well, the rest of you had your time – I wanted mine.”
“Don’t let me stop you – I’m happy to watch” she said taking a sip of her drink, slouching into the banquette with an evil smile. “Please continue.”
“Continue what?” asked Katie as she and Izzy came over. I now had two on either side of me – no way to escape.
“Oh, just Alex doing that nose biting thing,” said Olivia. They all laughed, as if it was old hat.
After a few minutes of general catching up Olivia dove in. “Well, since I am clearly the most impartial one of us, I’ll start us off.” Katie protested weakly but after some head nodding and talk, no one objected. “David, all of us are busy with school and too tired to play games with the kids round here. We’ve struggled with relationships and are looking for a way to concentrate on work while not missing out on extra-curricular activities. Izzy has been suggesting you as a solution to our collective problems, but we were unconvinced until your exhibition here a few weeks ago. And when Katie shared pictures, it was agreed that Izzy had been right all along….”
Izzy stood up and took a bow “Thank you, thank you.”
“…so, we have a proposition for you. None of us want to date right now but were also not interested in celibacy. We’re tired of clingy or incompetent hookups, neither of which apply to you. So, we’re going to share you. Not all at once – though one of us” glancing at Alex “suggested that. As you’ve probably figured out, we basically have no secrets and know what’s going on in each other’s lives. Do you have a problem with any of that?”
“I’d be a fool if I did. I’m guessing you’ve already organized yourselves?”
“Yup. We’ll let each other know when we want your time, agree who gets first dibs on any given date, and then check with you. Your arrangement with ‘Chloe’ remains as-is, but the rest of us are not looking to get or give compensation. Cool?”
“Not that I think I have a choice, but sure. Now, I have some conditions, if I may?”
“Really – that deal is isn’t good enough for you?”
“It’s a great deal, but I have my limitations. I get to say no to a given night if I want. Believe it or not, I cherish my alone time and can be grumpy. Second, I won’t, how would Alex say it, spill? – you can talk among yourselves as much as you want, but I do not kiss and tell. Finally, I don’t want to always meet here, in public. Jack is already asking questions and I don’t need him, how does your generation say it, ‘all up in my business’?” They laughed. “So, how about we use my house as a meeting place? I like company – I’ll let you know when I don’t – and you can come and go as you please.”
Katie jumped in. “It’s really nice over there – I could easily imagine studying in the garden or having a fire when it’s cold.”
Everyone talked at the same time and somehow came to an agreement. I became the house dad of a sorority. Over time, they all ended up with keys, places to leave clothes, toiletries, books – whatever they needed. It was a wonderful but very strange experience.
We had another round or two and, to christen the deal, went back to my place. They talked to each other much more than to me. I learned about interests and studies. I figured out a new shopping list when the humus disappeared in about 5 minutes, and they ordered Chinese for dinner. Good thing I had a table with chairs, or food would have gotten everywhere.
By about 1 am, we were slowing down – less talking, more hanging. I had slept in, so I was less tired than I usual at that hour. Katie and Izzy left, having to be up and about early Saturday morning. Olivia, surprisingly, was dozing off. When I suggested she lay down in the guest room, she got up from the couch, went there without saying a word.
“Finally, I thought they’d never leave.” Alex looked at me.
“That’s my line – can I call you an Uber?”
“If I’d wanted to leave, I would have gone with Izzy. Remember, we’re roomies,” she said, and she came over and sat on the couch. “I told you before, tonight is my time to get to know you better.” She put a fist into my hair, pulled my face toward her, bit my nose again.
“You know that I don’t do anything the first time with women who are drunk.”
“I’ve heard, which is why I’ve been drinking iced tea for the last three hours. Anyway, I thought that only applied to tying someone up.”
“Paying attention, I see. Yup, only applies to bondage. So, no restraints?”
She pulled me toward her, kissed me aggressively. “Nope, just overpowered. Can you do that?”
“Not sure – but willing to try.” She was younger, in much better shape. But I had about 8 inches and probably 100 pounds on her, so it’d be a fair fight. I grabbed her tight ringlets, pulled her head back. She grunted and laughed.
“Aren’t you worried about Olivia waking up?”
“I don’t care – and anyway, she claims she likes to watch.”
I didn’t argue. I tried to pin her down, she scratched and bit. I finally got her top off revealing a lovely black lace bra. Accepting that I’d owe her a new one, ripped it off. Again, a grunt, a laugh, followed by a growl. I bit down on a nipple, harder and harder, testing her limits. She did not stop me.
Finally, grabbing hair with my right hand, pulling her head back, I moved her toward the bedroom. She struggled, but my height and weight gave me enough leverage over her. I pushed her face down onto the bed, closed the door. Before she could roll over, I put a knee on the middle of her back, pinned her down. She put up a good fight, but I managed to get her jeans off. Figuring I owed her a new bra anyway, when not make it a matching set. I ripped her panties off.
Now naked, she rolled over, scowled, smiled, grabbed at my belt. I let her undress me, put my hand around her neck. We kissed until she was begging for air.
“Is this what you wanted?” I growled.
“So far so good. But we’re not done.” She lunged for me, missed as I grabbed both wrists, pulled them above her head, pushed her onto her knees.
“Open your mouth.” She looked up at me, defiant. “Open, or you can walk home cold and naked.”
She took me in her mouth, moving quickly. “Slower, or do I have to show you?” Letting go of her wrists, I grabbing two handfuls of luxurious curls, held her still. I moved slowly forward, back, sometime all the way in, sometimes just in front of her darting tongue. She fought to move, to take control. l held firm, she settled, moaning around me. I was happy to be old – any younger, I would done for. The view below was amazing view, I didn’t want it to end.
The beginnings of capitulation showed in her eyes. I pulled out, lifting by her hair, tossed her face down on the bed. She struggled, but with knee placed quickly in the middle her back, there was little she could do while I put on a condom.
“Stay still.” Hands to her side, my knees on either side of her exquisite ass, I guided myself in. As suspected, she was more than wet enough – the fight being foreplay to her. I slid in as far as I could, stayed still, feeling warmth, wetness. I laid my weight on her, released her hair, cradled her neck with the crook of my elbow. Holding her head, I thrust, tightening and loosening my arm, controling her breathing in rhythm. She was slick with sweat, pushing back as hard as she could. Clenched hands by her side, she grabbed the sheets, made more noise than any woman I’d ever known.
I expected Olivia to walk in at any moment, woken from her slumber.
Unwrapping my arm from her neck, I pulled out, yanked her into a kneeling position. I thrusted from behind as hard and as long as I could. I pulled her up to me by the hair.
“Oh, please, fuck, keep going. Hard. Hard. Ahhggg…”
She convulsed, went limp. I held her like that for a while, put my arm around her waist, lowered her to the bed. On her side, we spooned, my arm under her neck. He chest heaved, eyes closed, covered in sweat.
As her breath slowed, I moved my hand down, cupped her bottom. Ever so slowly, I slid it between her legs, rubbing still slick lips, up, down, around. She pushed back, down as I lightly ran fingertips across her clit, into her, back across her again. Her chest started rising and falling again, moaning to herself “fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck…..” We stayed like that for a while.
When I rolled onto my back, she turned, looked at me, questioning.
Smiling, she kneeled, without breaking our gaze, lowered herself. She did all the work, rising, falling, rocking back and forth, faster and faster until her back arched again. I reached up, grabbed nipples, twisting, pulling. Head back, her face haloed by her magnificent mane, I reached for my own climax. For the first time in a long time, I came as she did.
She fell down, exhausted. I reached to cuddle, but “Oh no, fucker, I get pictures too.”
When I came back with my phone, she was on her back, legs spread, looking hungry, lascivious. The pictures – oh my god.
I woke up to find Olivia and Alex drinking coffee, chatting in the kitchen, laptops open.
“Good morning.”
“Good morning, and before you ask, no you and missy here did not wake me last night. Which, having seen the pictures, I am really disappointed about.”
“I’ll try to be more attentive in the future.”
“Thank you for your regard. I couldn’t find sugar – don’t you have any?”
I walked to the cabinet, took out a bag. “I only use sugar for baking, so no bowl. Anything else I should make sure to have in the house?” Thus ensued a bizarre discussion on what each of the four would want me to have around and that, if I wanted a happy sisterhood, should be kept in stock. It occurred to me how odd this was. I went shopping none-the-less.
When I got back from the market, the two of them were gone, but Katie was sitting in the backyard on the phone. Later, Izzy came by later and a pattern started to emerge. If it was a sunny day, there’d be a rotating cast of characters in the yard, going in and out of the kitchen with snacks and drinks. If it was cold or rainy, there were less visitors but there was a good chance of finding someone on the couch or using the dining room table. Occasionally, there’d be some new, random person who’d tagged along. I never really knew who they were, what they knew.
It was odd but it was nice to have people around after so long.
Katie visited most often and was more likely than the others to stay. ‘Chloe’ kept a regular but scheduled presence in my life, while I saw Izzy all the time. All four tended to come by either Friday or Saturday night on a schedule I never figured out but clearly made sense to them. It was very rare for them to hang out both Friday and Saturday, but there was one cold and wet weekend in November that I had a full house both days. I started to wonder if I needed more beds.
We had fun as Katie continued to explore her preferences. Turned out she preferred leather and latex to rope, she really liked being bound standing. Various modifications to the house were made in ways that were not obvious. Hooks on walls, ceilings, storage containers for straps, rope, other things.
She had a Friday off, called dibs for both Friday and Saturday. She wanted a full two days of tease and denial. We had a lovely meal Thursday night, talked for a few hours, went to bed early with her tied to the bedframe, wrists attached to the red leather posture collar. She slept soundly, a wry smile on her face.
I woke up first, carefully placed a wireless vibrator, turned it to the lowest setting. I enjoyed watching as she became more active in her sleep from which she awoke aroused, wanting. It was going to be a fun few days.
We spent much of the day out and about, a quiet buzzing sound following her wherever we went. The coffee shop. Some shopping. At the library she kept her coat on, hiding feet tied to a chair. I sat across the room, occasionally turning the remote up, messing with her attempts to read. I turned it on and off when one of her students happened by, asked about coursework. She glowed.
Back at the house, she begged me to touch her. It wasn’t time yet. I tied her hands to a hook in the ceiling, stripped her, watched TV, pretending to ignore the pleading, gagged beauty in my living room. Occasionally I’d kiss or stroke her on the way to the kitchen, check the wetness between her legs.
By evening, she was a sweaty, horny, stunning mess. I let her down, tied her over an ottoman. Hands in hair, head pulled back, I slowly used her mouth as I preferred. From behind, I inserted fingers into her, bringing her close as close as I could while denying a climax. When neither of us were able to stand it anymore, I grabbed a fistful of hair, pulled and entered at the same time. She came immediate, I held out as long as I could which wasn’t very long considering the day of fun, the view in front of me. I left her tied to the ottoman, added more lovely pictures to the collection.
I dragged the ottoman with her still tied to it, to the couch, turned on the tv. I’d ‘absent mindedly’ touch, finger her through a few episodes of something I can’t remember. Neither of us can remember how many time she came that night.
She was still turned on when I found her, in the early morning light, still tied to the bed yet somehow contorted enough to get her mouth around me. I retied her, more tightly this time, face down, took her, long, slow. We decided on 3 days next time.
What we did not know was that Olivia, who had understood we’d be done by Saturday night, witnessed our Sunday morning fun. No one else was supposed to be around, so I hadn’t closed the bedroom door. Olivia like everyone had a key, so she just let herself in. She’d watched from the hallway.
I left Katie asleep on the bed, went to the kitchen where I found Olivia, sitting with fingers between her legs, looking at her phone. Nothing had happened with Olivia yet, she seemed content to leave it at stories, pictures.
“I didn’t know you were here.”
She looked up, hair falling in front of her eyes. “I prefer it that way. Where’s Katie?” She did not stop touching herself.
“Asleep. Why?”
“Good – come here.” I did as I was told. She held her fingers out, I took them into my mouth, tasted her. She was particularly sweet. I licked, she pulled my other hand toward her. Understanding the assignment, I pushed inside, curled them upward, searched for her g-spot. Fortunately for both of us, it wasn’t hard to find.
She never stopped looking at me from behind her bangs, now slick with sweat, stuck to her forehead. I kneeled to get a better angle, she grabbed my head, pushed down. Her leggings were already down around her ankles, added mouth to fingers. I had never tasted two women so closely together before, lost myself in the difference. It was like comparing two bottles of exquisite wine, each unique, spectacular. It was amazing I didn’t have to choose.
She wrapped her legs around my head, roughly pulling me closer. With an almost imperceptible shutter, she came, making no sound but a light breathe. She held me like that for a while. Thinking she wanted more, I started licking again. She grabbed my hair, pushed me back a little, making it clear to stop. I waited, basked in her perfume.
To my great surprise I was hard. She stood up, looking down at my kneeling self, lifted her top off, exposed the most perfect, tiny areolas, erect nipples on small breasts I had ever seen. She turned, leaned over the table, looked back at me. I stood up, gently entered her.
We both stayed perfectly still when I was as far in as possible, not wanting to break the spell. I could feel her start to tense her kegels, let her do the work. I brushed my fingertips up and down her back, my eyes closed, feeling everything, listening for the sound of sweaty skin peeling up, falling back to the wooden surface. I lost track of time. When she started pushing back, I started moving in, out – the only sound in a silent house her wetness.
The pace never increased; strokes never got harder. Just slow, juicy, steady, silent. I could see her back arch just a little, then relax. Understanding her better now, I stood still, waiting until she looked back over her shoulder, smiled, pushed herself up on her elbows.
She looked past me. “Did you enjoy the show?”
I turned, popping out when I saw Katie, naked, hands on her hips looking, well, stunned.
“Oh my fucking god, that was so hot. I never understood why you talked so much about watching, but I’m starting to get it.”
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She walked closer, almost dreamlike, stroked Olivia’s back. If I hadn’t already had sex twice already, I’m sure I would have gotten hard again.
Olivia stood up, took Katie’s hand, hugged her. The pale and olive skins together made an amazing picture – I grabbed my phone, took a shot. They smiled, laughed, together took my hands, led me back to the bedroom, where we all promptly fell asleep.
I awoke, who knows how much later, the two of them sitting lotus on the bed, deep in conversation. I did not move, listening, watching until they noticed me.
“How long have you been eavesdropping?”
“That is a difficult thing to accuse me of, since you’re in my bed.”
“Fair enough.” They looked at each other, plopped down on either side of me, made me the center of the best sandwich I’ve ever had.
After showers, we went to breakfast. Izzy and Alex met us, since of course they did. The waitress looked at me like I didn’t belong. I sat at the end of the booth, hoping my grandfather cover story would work. Olivia and Katie showed their pictures, Olivia a video, and then I played show and tell from the day before and this morning. I don’t think the waitress managed a peek, but she paid more attention than usual. I tipped extra well.