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Ten hours earlier:

Olivia looked around, wondering whether or not she was dreaming. She was standing in the university church, but she couldn’t remember how she had gotten there. She remembered going to bed, she was even wearing her nightgown. The look of the church… was different from what it would usually be. All the candles were lit, but instead of the beautiful light they usually cast, they instead produced an ominous, almost bloody radiance.

“At first I thought it was simply anger issues, but I’m pretty sure I have you figured out. Your strict rules and itchy trigger finger when it comes to punishment, it isn’t regular nun cruelty. You simply love to inflict pain.”

She turned around, spotting Xavier walking down the aisle. Like the church, there was something different about him. His eyes were wider than before, bloodshot, and his grin was savage.

“Xavier?! What in the Lord’s name are you doing here?! Students aren’t allowed in the church after hours and you’re in enough trouble as it is! Get—”

Her limbs and torso burst in a chain of small explosions, splattering her blood across the pews, as if she had just been hit with half a dozen deer slugs. She was thrown back, pouring blood from her wounds and mouth, but when she hit the ground, her body was completely intact. She lay on the floor, panting like she had just run a marathon as she tried to fathom what had just happened to her.

“But that is a problem. You see, when two sadists meet, there is an unavoidable fate…” Xavier stood over her, his face having lost the mask of humanity. He grinned at her with his teeth looking like the cartridge of a nail gun. He had his hand over his face like a mask, with his tongue now several times its original length and wrapped around his wrist, and razor claws at the tips of his fingers, one of which he dragged across the surface of his eye and tore open. “When two sadists meet, one inevitably devours the other, and you are way out of your league.”

She stared at him, all courage and strength robbed from her soul at the sight of his unholy creature. “What in God’s name are you?”

“I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve been asked of that question. In a way, it’s flattering, but now I’m kind of sick of hearing it.”

With a twirl of his finger, he materialized a ball gag that wrapped around her head and secured itself in her mouth. She tried to pull it out, but from the rafters of the church, a rope reached down and snapped around her wrists. It locked her arms behind her back and pulled upwards, forcing her to her feet and threatening to dislocate her shoulders.

“Normally I would let you have your fun. After all, there is nothing I love more than watching others suffer. However, when you start hassling Helena, I become annoyed. I don’t blame you for not knowing, but that girl belongs to me. She is my property. I have plenty of other toys that I would happily let you abuse, but she’s special. I’m the only one who gets to torment her, and since you got in my way, I decided it’s time for you to face some punishment of your own.”

He snapped his fingers, summoning his malicious flames to burn away her clothes and all of her body hair. The church was filled with the sound of her screams, but nobody would ever hear her. The flames receded and she whimpered in pain, but her rage allowed her to overcome her embarrassment. She glared at him, as if to ask “how dare you?”

“You are not the first sadist I’ve encountered in my long life. I’ve tortured plenty of others, and I must say, they can be the most entertaining.”

Xavier strode past her and gave a lazy swish of his hand. Without even touching her, he opened four long cuts across her belly. She screamed through her gag with her blood running down her legs and dripping on the carpet.

“You see… it is not quite pain that sadists are after, but the power of inflicting pain. They seek the knowledge that they can do whatever they want to someone and face no repercussions from it. They enjoy the power difference between their victim and themselves and want their victim to be as aware of it as possible.” He began whisking his claws against her back, one finger at a time, each one drawing forth more blood. “They remind their victim of this with every… last… scratch.”

He came around to her front and dragged the claw of his index finger across her collarbone, sending trickles of crimson running down her chest. Leaning down, he laughed and gluttonously licked the blood off her melon-sized tits, taking extra time to suck on her nipples. She shuddered in revulsion, feeling him tickle her areolas with his tongue and lips.

He then moved up, licking away her tears while whispering in her ear. “But when the sadist is the victim, they realize just how powerless they really are. All their life has been spent in trying to maintain absolute control over every facet of their world, but now, what little authority they have is taken away from them. Beyond the pain, beyond the humiliation, they are forced to suffer from their greatest fear: the reality that they are mere insects, unable to do anything at all if something steps on them.”

His claws disappeared and he jammed his fingers into her pussy while pinching hard on her clitoris. Sister Olivia screamed at the top of her lungs, having never known that sensations such as these even existed. The brutality invoked pain in her, but the stimulation drew a physiological reaction of a pleasurable feeling. With his other hand, he grabbed throat, leaving her struggling for every breath.

“Tell me, how does it feel? In your classroom, you were a queen, a god even. Your students were terrified of you and you handed out punishment like it was second nature, released it like your breath. Here, you are nothing. Look around. There are no students following your every word, no one is here trying to stay in your good graces. Has it hit you yet? The authority you thought you wielded was nothing more than an illusion, a mere quirk of your position as a teacher. ‘You’re fired’, all you needed to hear were those two words, and in a month, you’d be sucking cock on the street corner to pay your bills. You are nothing more than an insignificant human, clinging to titles and bureaucracy so that you can give meaning to your life through the pain you inflict on others.” He turned around and took a few steps away. “Through my cruelty, I shall teach you kindness. Your body is beautiful, very sexy, and it shall serve as the canvas in which I will paint a portrait of horror. But let’s not rush things; we have all night after all. First things first, I want a taste.”

More ropes reached down from the rafters, this time wrapping around her knees and lifting them up. She cried out from the pain in her shoulders as she was pulled off her feet, using all of the strength in her arms to keep the joints from dislocating when her body was turned horizontal. The ropes then pulled her legs apart, as if the binds were threaded through invisible pulleys. One final tether wrapped around her shoulders and neck, keeping her from tilting all the way over. Xavier approached, running his fingers against her labia. She struggled against her binds, outraged from his violating touch. Smirking, he kneeled down and ran his tongue between her lips. The blood from her cuts had congealed like hot fudge, mixing with the taste of her womanhood into a delicious dessert for the black-hearted Antichrist.

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