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“Don’t worry, I know that you were on your way to class. I’ll make this quick. You can just shrug off being late.”

Spreading her ass cheeks, he spat onto her anus and slowly forced his cock in. Sophie was sobbing uncontrollably, writhing in desperation to lessen the pain of being sodomized.

Xavier buried himself in to the base, taking a moment to admire the sight of his victim’s asshole forming a perfect seal around his manhood. “I don’t know why you insist on crying, this isn’t the first time I’ve used your back door.”

He leaned over, holding himself up with his arms as if doing pushups. Bobbing his lower body, he began slamming himself into her without mercy, punishing her asshole with his cock, each thrust being delivered with his full weight. Sophie continued to cry and scream in pain, feeling like she was going to get ripped open any second. She was remembering the other times he had sodomized her like this, the sealed memories overlapping and perfectly replicating the awful sensations Xavier was inflicting on her. Every time he drove into her, she could feel a pulse ripple through her pelvic region, with undeniable pleasure beginning to bubble within her. This anal rape was agony, but it was invoking a physiological reaction in her, one that refused to obey her will and disappear.

Xavier could sense it and pulled her hair. “Go ahead and cum. You love getting raped in your asshole, don’t you?”

“No! No! Please stop!”

“Not until you cum. You can’t leave until you have an orgasm! Come on, say it!”

Whether it was the effect of his powers or just some twisted reaction to her situation, the floodgates opened for Sophie after just a couple minutes. She screamed into her pillow, soaking it with her tears of humiliation. “Oh God! I’m cumming! I’m cumming from my ass!”

Xavier grinned as she felt her tighten down on his cock, refusing to let him go. Her whole body was trembling as an almost masochistic euphoria was flushed through her system. No longer needing to hold back, Xavier emptied himself into her, filling her asshole with semen. He pulled out of her and replaced his cock with a butt plug, the toy seemingly appearing in his hand out of thin air.

“There, now it won’t leak out of you. Don’t even try to pull that out, only your master can remove it. Do you understand? Answer, slave!”

Her face puffy and red from crying, Sophie nodded. “I understand.”

Xavier snapped his fingers and they were teleported back to the hallway, their clothes returning to their bodies. Sophie had a dead look her in her eyes, with her anus sore from the rape and the sex toy still inside her.

“From this point forward, consider yourself my property. I can do whatever I want to you and you’ll never get to say no. I suggest you do everything you can to avoid raising suspicions, because if anyone should learn about me, I will kill them, I’ll make you watch, and then I will violate you on top of their butchered carcass. Your teachers, your friends, your family… I’ll slaughter them in front of you and then cook them up for our dinner. Do you understand?” Sophie nodded, unable to look him in the eye or even speak. “Good, then get to class, because if you aren’t there in five minutes, I’ll have to torture you.”

She slowly got to her feet and began to limp away. Xavier stormed over and grabbed her breast from behind, squeezing it with cruel strength and making her cry out. “You forgot to bow, a slave is supposed to bow when leaving their master.”

Sophie stepped into class, Social Studies with Sister Olivia. She didn’t have this class with Helena or Xavier, a small blessing in this new Hell she found herself in. There was no question that Helena would be able to see that something wasn’t right, and if she started asking questions, it would put her in danger. Normally, being late would terrify Sophie, as Sister Olivia would beat any truants in front of the class. However, neither woman was in their usual state of mind.

While Sophie was trying to recover from the rape just minutes ago, Sister Olivia was traumatized by her continuing “nightmare”. It felt so real, she almost thought that she was still dreaming, as the lack of the injuries inflicted on her made her almost question reality.

The previous night:

Sister Olivia hung in the university church, her wrists bound above her head and with a gag in her mouth. She was sobbing as Xavier threw the needle, striking one of the minor pressure points in the side of her thigh. He walked in circles around her, creating needles out of thin air and throwing them with pinpoint accuracy. They were striking nerves and pressure points and sending currents of electricity through her body. It was a form of acupuncture, but with the maximum amount of pain being inflicted. He had paid extra attention to her erogenous zones, with her labia and breasts looking like the back of a porcupine and a single long needle going through her nipples.

“Amazing, isn’t it? Acupuncture has always fascinated me, especially its ability to alleviate suffering. Do you know how it works? The needles used are so narrow, that when they are inserted, you feel almost no pain, or even the needles at all. However, the damage they inflict to the body is just enough for the release of endorphins, especially when they are used on the right places.

Now watch this. Nothing up my sleeves…” He balled his hand into a fist and blew into one side, and from the other, a bundle of needles slid out. “Magic!”

Moving behind her, he smiled and threw the tiny pikes, using his powers to guide them and strike all of the nerve clusters in her spine. He snapped his fingers and a crippling bolt of electricity cracked through the needles, shocking her with the power of a cattle prod and making her scream until her voice was hoarse.

“Good, now lets see how well I can insert them under the skin…”

When lunch arrived, Sophie did her best to put on a brave face and hide her pain from her friends. She couldn’t let them find out about what Xavier had done to her or else he would kill them. It was difficult for her to sit down at the table with her friends, or anywhere for that matter, considering she still had the butt plug inside her. She set her tray down and tried to sit, making an unintended wince.

The flick caught Helena’s gaze. “Sophie, are you ok?”

She looked at her friend, wishing to scream what was happening and beg her for help, but she had to put on a smile and ignore her pain. “Yeah… I just… I just pulled something in gym class.”

The way she spoke and the way she smiled, both with despondent eyes, set of alarms in Helena’s mind.

Once lunch came to an end, all the students stacked up their trays on tables by the exits and swarmed out for their next classes. In the horde was Thane, his mind on other things. He didn’t know what he was supposed to do. The priests had blessed Helena but nothing had happened because of it. The only thing they had succeeded in doing was finding out that whatever was haunting her was beyond their power to fight.

He came to a stop, frozen with a feeling of dread almost beyond his body’s ability to endure. Everyone around him was shoving to get out, but someone had just passed by him, and that presence was enough to leave his heart struggling to beat. It was just like before, when Helena had left the Disciplinary Committee’s office and he saw that shadow, and even earlier, back when he had that vision in the kitchen. His body was screaming at him to run, telling him that he was a hair’s breadth from doom, but he knew he could not let this opportunity escape. He had to find out the source of this evil.

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