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Xavier wasn’t there, as he was spending time with Lily. Ever since he had tricked her into whoring herself out, she had become even more dependent on him, so he had to shape her neediness into an even stronger instinct to sacrifice herself and do whatever he asked her to. Attendance to the church service wasn’t mandatory, and students often skipped to spend time studying or working. Better he was gone; Helena could fully relax with the knowledge that he wasn’t watching her.

Towards the end of the service, the priest giving the sermon cleared his throat. “Children, there is an important matter I must discuss with you. There was a terrible accident yesterday and someone very dear to all of us is in critical condition and needs your prayers…”

The name and the details were given, and the moment the words struck Helena, her lungs ceased to function and her porcelain cheeks became wet with silent tears.

Xavier wandered the campus, alone and bored out of his mind. He had just had sex with Lily, so his lust was satiated. Should he kill some time torturing Sophie or some other girl? Nah, he wasn’t in the mood. He had already done all of his homework and he wasn’t the kind of student that needed to study. There was nothing to do but aimlessly float across the green sea of the university quad.

“You son of a bitch!”

He turned his gaze from the sun to Helena, sprinting towards him while sobbing in anger. Oh boy, had she found out that he had resumed abusing her roommate?

She threw herself at him, hurling punches and kicks that never landed. “I’ll kill you, you bastard! How could you?! Of all people, how could you do that to him?!”

Dodging her attacks, Xavier hummed in confusion. Was she talking about Thane? He hadn’t really done much to him, and he never bothered messing with guys. They weren’t nearly as fun to torment as women.

“What are you talking about?”

“Shut up! I’ll rip you apart if it’s the last thing I do! I’ll make you pay for what you did! Was it you or Daphne?! Either way, I’ll kill you both!”

She tried to throw a punch towards his face but he caught her wrist, staring at her with a stern look. “Helena, I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Still crying, she tried to hit him with her other fist, but he caught her arm. She stood immobilized, feeling her strength vanishing, but not because of any power Xavier possessed. She leaned against his chest, wetting his shirt with her tears. “Why? Why did you have to do that to him? He was like a father to me!”

“Helena, I don’t waste my time hurting men. I’m guilty of a lot of things, but not what you’re accusing me of. Now take a deep breath and tell me what’s going on.”

He let go of her and she fell to her knees, kneeling at his feet with her slender shoulders shaking. Her face was in her hands, her tears dripping from between her fingers. “Father Hauser was in a car accident yesterday. He’s in a coma now and he’ll never wake up because of the brain damage he suffered. The last time anyone saw him, he was frantic, screaming about some kind of emergency. He was heading in the direction of the Vatican.”

“He was one of the priests that performed that blessing on you, wasn’t he? He must have figured something out and was trying to warn the Pope. I won’t lie and say that this isn’t convenient for me considering what he might have wanted to tell them, but I assure you that I didn’t orchestrate that crash.” Helena didn’t respond. “Have you gone to see him yet?”

Finally, she looked up at him. “What?”

“Have you gone to see him in the hospital yet?”

“N-no… I just heard about it. I was going to, but…”

“Well then, let’s go.”

Xavier grasped her shoulder and the two disappeared in a shroud of darkness. They reappeared in Father Hauser’s hospital room, Xavier having used his powers to check the room of inhabitants before teleporting. They were alone, save for the comatose priest. Helena looked around, shocked by the extent of his powers. Hauser was lying in bed, surrounded by machines monitoring his weak pulse and keeping him breathing, as well as several flower vases. He was hooked up to an EEG, showing the near-silent brain waves. Xavier helped Helena to her feet and turned her to the priest. With fresh tears streaming from her eyes, she took small steps towards him and collapsed at his side, clutching his hand and sobbing. For over a minute, Helena did not move, save for the trembles from her crying hiccups. Xavier simply stood there, watching her and using his powers to soundproof the room so that they wouldn’t be discovered. Finally he strode forward and pressed down on Father Hauser’s forehead for a few seconds.

Helena looked up, her face lit with rage. “Get away from him!”

Xavier pulled his hand away and the EEG seemed to double in the activity it was receiving. “There, he’ll wake up in a month.”

She stared at him, as if he had just spoken in gibberish. “What?”

“He’ll be fine. Other than some memory loss, he won’t have any problems. I reversed the brain damage, but to avoid suspicion, it would be best to let his body heal on it’s own. But, since I’m already here…” He poked Father Hauser in the stomach for a few seconds. “That tumor on his pancreas was just about to start causing trouble.”

“He’ll… he’ll really be ok?”

“He’ll need some physical therapy and may be on a cane for a while, but he’ll be back teaching before August.”

For the second time, Helena slumped to her knees, her body going limp and losing all sensation. Was it possible? Would Father Hauser really be ok? She had been telling the truth when she said he was like a parent to her. If she lost him, she didn’t know how she would be able to go on after everything that had happened with Xavier. But to think, of all people, it would be Xavier to save him and give her back her oldest friend. For a moment, she found herself unable to hate him, and she knew she had to say the words.

“Thank you.”

Xavier walked over and put his hand on her shoulder. “Was there anything you were going to do today?”

She looked up at him, confused. “Huh? What? Uh… no.”

“Have you ever seen Rome? Really seen her?”

This only confused her more. “I’ve been around the city. Why are you asking me this?”

He smiled. “Come on, let’s enjoy ourselves.”

Helena followed him out of the hospital, her limbs and back stiff with straitlaced tension. “You’re kidding, right? You can’t be serious.”

“Come on, you’ve been under a lot of stress lately. Let me show you a good time. See the sights.”

“I’ve been under a lot of stress because of you! And I’ve already seen the Colosseum and all the other places.”

Stepping out onto the sidewalk, he turned to her and grinned. “Not with me, you haven’t. Come on. Think of it as a chance to get to know your enemy.”

“But I hate you!”

“Well let’s change that. Tell you what, if I can’t make you smile ten times today, I’ll remove your collar and never put one on you again.”

Helena’s eyes became as wide as dinner plates. “You mean it?”

“I swear on the Seven Circles of Hell and dear old Dad on his black throne.”

Helena scowled. “And what if I lose? Are you going to make me do something awful?”

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