Friends and Partners Forever by Vark_Driver,Vark_Driver

“Oh God, don’t stop,” came from her.

I used the flat of my tongue to slowly lick her pussy from the bottom to her clit, using the tip of my tongue to stimulate it, eliciting more cries. I felt so lucky to be here as I kissed and licked, sucked and used my tongue to penetrate her. I could feel her arousal growing, her orgasm close. I returned to her clit and a few more licks sent her over the edge.

“Oh my God, I…”

She came gloriously, her muscles contracting as it rippled through her. It was beautiful to watch, to see a woman give herself to the moment. I slid up beside her on my side. I put an arm around her and pulled her to me.

“I’m yours if you can do that every night before I go to sleep,” Sarah replied, then she sighed.

“I would love to please you, anytime, anywhere.”

“For now, anywhere is your place or mine. We can christen mine next.”

I kissed her yet again. I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of that. She turned to face me.

“We keep this out of the office, agreed? When you’re promoted we can be open about it.”

We made gentle love, exploring the feelings as she was intent on pleasing me. I came deep inside her, just unbelieving of the moment. We slept together for the first time, finding out her body just fit next to mine. I had set an early alarm as tomorrow was a work day. I knew she needed to go home to change. She left after a long hug and delicious kiss.

“See you soon.”

At work we were professionals working together. We settled into spending time together on weekends and whenever we could during the week. Time passed. The division was doing well, now focused and productive. We had transfer requests as people outside our group heard of the good working environment. We were weeding out those who were less competent and training new managers. I was called to interview for a new position. It was outside our division. I went through two day-long, grueling interviews with various work scenarios to discuss and accomplish. And then I waited to hear. A month went by before I found I had the job and would start the following week.

“I’d promote Dale. He’s smart and energetic. He still needs some seasoning but he can learn, especially with such a fabulous teacher.”

Your suggestion is accepted. Let me think on it. I’ve got two more days with you. What more do I need to learn? You are the master and I am but a mere slave.”

“Now that sounds interesting. That gives me something to think about.”

Sarah erupted in laughter, making Georgia stick her head in to find out if everything was ok.

“You’ve got this,” I said and I turned and left. Two days later I was gone.

The following weeks were hectic. My new admin was Abigail. I got Abi, as she liked to be called, up to speed on how to use our software so she and I were looking at the same data. She sat in my meetings and recorded significant things on her laptop, then moved it onto an update of our goals and to do lists. Flat panel screens appeared in my office and also the meeting and conference rooms. I gave the same speech that Sarah had used to tell them I was there to facilitate them and then get out of the way. I just need to hear your updates and also the points where more time or manpower was needed. So far it seems ok as everybody is moving in the right direction. Abi is good and getting better as we found our best rhythm. I elevated her to Senior Administrative Associate and got her a raise. She beamed as we all congratulated her. She is more than an assistant. She became an integral part of what I did as more and more items went through her. She became my gatekeeper.

Other than weekend time and late night calls before bed, Sarah and I hardly had time to say hello. She did came to visit and appropriated my associate idea after I explained it to her.

“That’s a great idea, offloading some of the workflow to her and you see what’s important. Everybody still gets their face time to keep them happy. Bravo.”

I called in Abi and had her go through what she did and didn’t do in dealing with people.

“You’re really a manager in all but title. I wouldn’t be surprised if that comes along. Now you need to train someone to replace you. How can he replace you if there’s no one trained?”

Abi beamed at being the focus of two division managers.

My new boss came to see me and see for herself what we were doing.

I made a presentation to her. Afterward, she said, “I really like the workflow you two have created. It just makes sense. Now to translate this to my other division. Between you and Sarah, no one wants to leave your departments and everyone else wants in,” she said with a smile.

“Thanks, Ellen, they’re good people, they just need their capability to be unleashed. Your support has made this infinitely easier.”

“I’m using that line when I talk with Carol.” Carol had replaced a non-performer as Ellen spurred change. “When it’s so clearly explained what needs to be done you made my job easier. I’m just feeding you resources. You’re using them daily.”

It was finally Friday night after a long week. Sarah and I lay in bed, softly talking.

“There are rumors that one whole level of management will be eliminated after these ideas are implemented in all the divisions here. Your Associate idea was fabulous. Georgia has taken to it well. It cuts my work load and I can see what she’s doing and how she’s doing. Not that I have to wonder about her. I told her to train her replacement and she’s brought in Taylor to shadow her. But enough about work.”

We kissed. “I am just loving these moments of being close to you. We’re friends, co-workers and lovers all at the same time,” I told her. “Want your goodnight orgasm?”

“I’m too tired to enjoy it. Give me a day to recover and I’m yours.”

I turned out the lights and we cuddled together. I kissed her shoulder and told her good night. We slept.

Over the weekend, I pleasured her, she sucked me and we fucked up a storm.

“God, I love this,” Sarah commented. “When you pound me I just feel so open to you. Do whatever you want.”

“That brings up your idea of master and slave.”

“Stop it. That was a figure of speech.”


Weekends had also become the time for dinners and outings with our other friends. They were joyous we had become a couple. My friends were Sarah’s friends now. During the week I was reduced to texting with them, as I did Sarah. We talked some on the phone when we were not together at night.

Ellen took me with her on a trip to headquarters. I did a presentation on our workflow and had visuals of the screens and what they showed. Then I showed them a flowing stream that went from screen to screen. “You can cut them off entirely or blank them if you don’t want to show someone their information.” I got quizzed hard, with two men playing devils advocate. I think I did well in answering their questions.

Ellen rose and said, “productivity is greatly improved and I expect more as time goes by. Morale is improving rapidly. This is the way forward for us.”

We headed home. On the plane, she said, “Stephen you did well. The devil’s advocates were the group leaders who will oppose this. We’ve got time and data on our side. Not to say there won’t be times of intense discussion but I think we’re in good shape. Let’s have dinner after this thing finally gets on the ground.” She took me to an expensive dinner club. Over dinner we talked about our lives.

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