Grandpa's Guide to Women Pt. 07

Your response to Grandpa’s Guide to Girls was so flattering that it motivated me to write this sequel. You voted your approval and made very kind comments about the story of Grandpa Frank helping young Ben woo his first girlfriend.

You need to know why I placed this sequel in the “first time” category. Ben is not a virgin when he arrives at college, but every sex scene in this 10-part sequel has at least one character having at least one “first time” experience. Oral. Bondage. Anal. Roleplay. Reluctance. Facials. Threesomes. New partners. The recurring theme is the gradual surrender of diverse kinds of innocence.

As you know, many stories on Literotica defy categorization. It’s almost impossible to give readers all the information they deserve while deciding what stories to read. If you’re looking for a tale of young lovers having erotic experiences for the first time, you’ll find it in Grandpa’s Guide to Women. Just know that these characters surrendered their virginity before this story begins.

Part 7 shows what happens after Grandpa Frank predicts that lots of coeds will want to spend time with Ben.

All characters are adults over 18.


Something odd started happening at the same time I was trying to set up the threesome. By then I decided that I didn’t need to spend time with any other women. It took an effort to give Sonya and Julie the attention they deserved, and I didn’t have enough time to pursue anyone else.

But a lot of girls were flirting with me. It started out with the women in Julie’s sorority. Grandpa had warned me to expect that, and he’d convinced me to not respond because it would hurt Julie’s feelings if she learned I had sex with any of her sorority sisters.

Eventually, women who weren’t in Julie’s sorority began paying attention to me, and I didn’t know why. I didn’t think it mattered, because I was so happy with my love life that I didn’t want to change a thing. Still, it seemed odd. I made so secret of the fact that I was already dating two wonderful women, so it made no sense that other women wanted me.

I resisted until a girl named Teo began chatting me up. She is drop-dead gorgeous. Now, Julie and Sonya are beautiful women, and so is my highschool girlfriend Beth. I’ve been fortunate to be intimate with three different women who are beautiful in different ways.

But Teo possesses a beauty that puts her in a completely different class. Heads turn when she goes by. She puts off a vibe that makes you think of supermodels and beauty pageant winners. She’s so beautiful it’s actually a bit startling sometimes.

It was especially startling when she began showing interest in me.

We became acquainted because we both take archery class. It’s a nice way to fulfill the college’s phys ed requirement, especially since you don’t get sweaty enough to need a shower afterward. I couldn’t help but notice Teo immediately. All the guys in class – and most of the women – couldn’t keep our eyes off her. When she drew back her bow, Teo stood with her back straight, her chin up, and her chest out. She looked like a goddess.

It was baffling when she began seeking me out. Teo found reasons to strike up conversations, and she gave me all the signs women use to let guys know they’re interested. She smiled a lot, made eye contact, leaned close, and reached out to touch my hand. It was unmistakable.

It wasn’t practical for me to try to take on a third girlfriend, but I couldn’t resist the temptation to pursue Teo. I asked if she wanted to have coffee after class, and she immediately accepted the invitation. As we talked she acted as though everything I said was fascinating. She was being so obvious I felt a little weird.

Teo was out of my league. Way, way, w-a-a-a-y out. She was out of the league of 99 percent of the guys on campus. What possible reason could she have for pursuing me?

I couldn’t understand it, but I knew I needed to make sure Teo realized I was already dating someone. Maybe she mistakenly thought I was unattached. So I made an innocuous comment about having a “friend” in Sonya’s sorority; I said it in a way that made it pretty clear my “friend” was a girlfriend.

Teo already knew. “Are you talking about Sonya?” she asked. “I know Sonya. She’s in my sociology class. Smart girl. She says nice things about you.”

So Teo DID know I was seeing someone! What was happening? She continued sending off positive little smiles, nods, and glances. Even though I didn’t have time for another woman, I couldn’t help but return Teo’s signals.

Grandpa said I should always be prepared with ideas for dates with women who unexpectedly show an interest in me. I was mentally reviewing the options when Teo made it all unnecessary. I mentioned the name of one of my favorite bands, and Teo said she’d just purchased their latest album.

“Would you like to hear it?” she asked. “You could come over and I could play it for you.”

“Sure. That would be great,” I said. “When?”

“Right now would be perfect,” she said. “I don’t have any more classes today. Are you available now?”

This was moving fast. I’d planned to go to the library to study, but listening to music with Teo sounded like a lot more fun – especially since I suspected she wanted to do more than play her album.

“I’m free all afternoon,” I said, remembering that I didn’t have any commitments until that evening, when Julie was coming over.

“My apartment is a short walk from here,” Teo said.

She had a sweet smile on her face as she led me to the off-campus apartment building where she lived in a one-bedroom unit. I felt jealous. It was much bigger and more comfortable than my little dorm room, and she’d done a nice job decorating it so it looked homey. I later learned that Teo’s family had money, so she lived more comfortably than most undergraduates. I thought it must be nice that she didn’t have to deal with any knucklehead roommates. Teo began playing the album, then sat down on her sofa and pointed to the cushion beside her.

“You have a nice stereo,” I said.

“Thanks,” Teo said. “It was a going-away present from my parents. I get a lot of pleasure from it. I much prefer listening to music this way than with earbuds.”

She gave me a nice warm smile as we sat for a moment and listened to the album. “There’s something I’ve been thinking about since we started talking,” she said.

“What’s that, Teo?” I asked.

“I think it would be nice if you kissed me,” she said.


Naturally, I leaned in and gave Teo a delicate little kiss, then another and another. I kept kissing her, and as we continued our kisses became more soulful and passionate. She let me wrap my arms around her. I began kissing her long, slender neck. Teo made happy little sounds of contentment. It was just heavenly. She was wearing an especially alluring perfume.

Teo took my hand and placed it on her breast. She was wearing one of those expensive bras made from very thin material that let me know she had a warm, meaty nipple that felt big and hard.

It seemed like a good time to undo the top button of her blouse. I ran my fingers over the exposed flesh of her upper chest, then undid another button. I forced myself to go slowly, but soon her blouse was all the way undone, and my hands were roaming all over her breasts and abs. You can’t imagine how excited I became the first time I reached into her bra and felt her bare breast.

“Let’s take this to the bedroom,” she said with a smoldering look. At that moment I was glad I followed Grandpa Frank’s advice to always carry condoms in my backpack. It was stunning to think that we’d started speaking less than an hour earlier. I still didn’t understand why it was happening, but I was thrilled.

Teo draped her blouse and bra over a chair, then stepped out of her slacks. She helped unbutton my shirt, unzipped my pants, and gently massaged my cock in one hand. I was hard as iron, and her touch felt wonderful. She reached inside my underwear and wrapped her fingers around my naked dick. She seemed pretty sure of herself. Confident. I liked that.

She laid back on the bed and raised her arms over her head, inviting me to touch and kiss her anyway I wanted. It was hard to believe just how beautiful she was. Looking at her was like looking at magazine photos of a spectacular nude model. She seemed to know what I was thinking, and I could tell she enjoyed being caressed by my eyes.

Teo made a purring sound when I began kissing and sucking her breasts and nipples. My hand wandered across her abs, and eventually I slipped my fingers inside her panties. She let out a satisfied sigh when I placed my hand over her pussy. Her hips rose and fell slowly as I massaged her outer lips.

It was time to remove her panties and pull her legs apart so I had better access. Teo seemed to love it when I began caressing her inner thighs, and she started moaning softly as my hand circled closer and closer. Her pussy was very warm. Pretty soon I decided she was ready for more, so I dipped one finger inside and ran it up and down her wet slit.

“Oh . . . Ben . . . that feels soooooo good . . .” she moaned. Words can’t describe how nice it felt to touch Teo in a way she so clearly enjoyed. I wanted her to have good memories of our first time having sex. I had no idea where any of this was going, but I wanted our first time to be so pleasurable that she’d want to have a lot more sex in the future.

I slipped one finger inside Teo, then added a second. I went in and out slowly and gently, moving as though each finger was a tiny cock pressing deeper and deeper into her pussy. Her hips were going up and down forcefully by this time. Everything about Teo was sexier than an average woman. It wasn’t just how beautiful she looked. It was the way she moved. The way she breathed. The way she smelled. She was hypnotic.

Teo gasped when I began rubbing her clit with my thumb. “. . . there . . . right there . . .” she whispered. I’m not sure, but I think she might have climaxed. It certainly wasn’t a strong orgasm, but for a moment Teo seemed to tremble from head to toe.

That’s when she decided she was ready for more. Teo grabbed my dick and began pulling me toward her. I got between her legs, laid down on top of her, and placed the head of my cock at the entrance to her passage. I moved in and out gently, delaying the moment when I pushed the head all the way inside. Teo’s arms were still thrown over her head, so I took her by the wrists and restrained her the way I’d done so many times with Julie. There was no sign to indicate she enjoyed that, but she didn’t complain, either, so I kept her pinned down. If she wanted me to let her go, she had plenty of ways to let me know.

I did my best to stretch out the time it took for me to slide all the way inside her. I pushed in a tiny bit, paused, pulled out, paused again, then pushed in a tiny bit deeper. There was nothing in the world I wanted more than to make Teo anxious to get all of my cock. She thrust her hips up toward me every time I pressed down inside her, and she made little noises that sounded like she was getting desperate for more. As much as she wanted it, I did my very best not to give it to her.

I prolonged the moment as long as I could, but eventually I was sliding all the way into Teo’s tight pussy. She was hot inside. Her whole passage was warm, but it was noticeably hotter down deep, where the tip of my cock went. I’d never felt anything like that before. It was just one more sign of Teo’s extraordinary sex appeal. If sex was an Olympic event, she’d win the gold.

I thrust faster and deeper, and it wasn’t long before Teo was squirming around on the bed. It was the most incredible ride imaginable. God, she was amazing.

This went on for a while, and I decided I wanted to change things for her. I wrapped my arms around Teo and rolled on to my back. Suddenly, Teo was on top, so she rose up into the cowgirl position and smiled at me.

I love doing it cowgirl-style because the sight of a naked woman riding my cock is so erotic, and also because it lets the girl take control. Teo could decide how fast she wanted to move, and how hard she wanted to rub her clit against my body.

I ran my hands over her exposed breasts, abs, neck, and the sides of her face. An expression of deep contentment reassured me that I was giving Teo the kind of treatment she wanted.

Eventually, she wanted more. Teo moved faster and faster. Harder. She went up and down, back and forth, round and round, and side to side. She squeezed her eyes shut and gritted her teeth.

” . . . ah!! . . . ahh!! . . . ahh!! . . . ahh!! . . .” she cried. She shook her head, put her hands on my chest, and slammed down on me one last time.

“Iiiiiieeeeeeiiiiieeeeee!!!!” Teo wailed. That sexy sound was unlike anything I’d heard from any other woman. Her climax lasted and lasted, with Teo grinding her pussy against me the whole time.

She finally collapsed forward, laying on my chest with a satisfied smile on her face. She let out a girly giggle that made me even more aroused than I had been.

I wrapped my arms around her again and rolled Teo on to her back. I needed to cum. I needed it immediately. I tried to avoid just pumping into Teo’s pussy as hard as I could, moving slowly enough to give her a chance to enjoy it too.

She seemed to like it when she felt my cock begin to throb. ” . . . yes . . . Ben . . . give it to me . . . !” she said. My climax lasted a long time, but she let out a happy sigh when it was over.

Wow. Just wow. I felt like I’d had sex with a covergirl from Vogue. I still didn’t understand why Teo had been so willing to go to bed with me, but at that moment I didn’t feel much like questioning it. She was all smiles as we cuddled afterward, and I caressed every part of her body.

We enjoyed some lighthearted conversation as I waited for something important to happen. One thing I’ve learned is that if I wait about 15 minutes after having sex, I can get hard again, and this second boner will last a lot longer than the first one. Teo seemed a little bit surprised when I laid her down on her back and began having sex again, but she was obviously pleased. We made love slowly, gently, tenderly and lovingly. It was very different from the faster, more frantic pace when we had sex the first time.

I was able to make Teo cum two more times. Two! These climaxes weren’t as strong as when she came earlier, and the orgasms didn’t last as long. But Teo looked very happy. I felt good about how well I’d pleased her. It seemed likely we’d do this again.

Teo and I spent most of that afternoon together, and we talked about a lot of things, but one particular topic was more important than the others. It gave me a lot of insight into what had just happened.

“Ben, I know you date other women,” she said. “I’m not trying to take you away from anyone. You don’t have to worry that you aren’t giving me as much attention as the girls you already know. I don’t expect that from you.

“What I’d like is if we could get together like this occasionally,” she said. “This was nice. This was nicer than going to see a movie, or to a restaurant, or out to have coffee somewhere. I liked what we did today. I want that to happen again. Really, that’s all I want from you, Ben.”

“Whatever makes you happy, Teo,” I said. “Today was wonderful. If we could do this more often, I would be thrilled.”

I couldn’t believe how wonderful the day had been. Grandpa had been right – some girls are more interested in having sex with a nice guy than being in a committed relationship. It was the only thing I could think about as I walked back to my dorm.

My cell phone beeped, and when I checked I discovered that Teo sent me a nude selfie. A nude selfie! It was the first time I got one! I’m not ashamed to admit that I’ve looked at a lot of photos of nude models online, but I’ve never seen anything I liked more than the picture Teo texted me. I was especially flattered that the photo showed Teo’s face looking into the camera and smiling at me. I know that a lot of girls don’t trust their boyfriends enough to send nude photos that show their faces.

The first thing I did when I got back to my room was take a shower and change into clean clothes. I thought it would be rude if Julie smelled another woman’s perfume on me, or tasted Teo’s pussy on my cock. She knew we weren’t in an exclusive relationship, but I didn’t want to rub her nose in that.

A lot had happened, and I didn’t understand why. What motivated a fabulous woman like Teo to pursue an average guy like me? It didn’t make sense.

But I knew someone who might be able to explain it.

“Grandpa, I just had the strangest day of my life,” I said when I called.

“Wow. Great headline,” Grandpa said. “You have my full attention, Ben.”

I told him the whole story. “I don’t understand why a goddess like Teo did that. She could have any man on campus. Why me? And why are so many other girls still flirting with me, even though everybody knows I’m already dating Julie and Sonya? It makes no sense, Grandpa.”

“It makes perfect sense,” Grandpa said. “There’s a very obvious explanation, although I can understand that a man your age wouldn’t know it yet. Ben, you are getting a certain kind of reputation. The girls on campus are talking about you, and they are saying you know how to treat women. Maybe Julie or Sonya are letting their girlfriends know you’re good in bed. Maybe people are talking about all the moaning and groaning they hear when you’re having sex. Whatever. There must be a lot of buzz about you.”

“Do girls do that? I mean, do they gossip about guys? I hate it when guys talk about having sex with their girlfriends. It’s rude. I can’t imagine girls doing the same thing.”

Grandpa Frank laughed. “Ben, girls aren’t very different from guys. Lots of them love to talk about their boyfriends. Let me give you some advice. Don’t ever give a woman a dick pic unless you’re willing for her to send it to every girl in her contact list.

“I don’t know if anybody has actually measured this, but I suspect that women spend a lot more time than men talking about their sex lives. Some women are thrilled to tell other girls if they are with a man who’s good in bed. They tell everybody if their man is a dud. If they’re dating a guy with a big cock, they let everybody know.”

I thought it was creepy. What are all these women saying about me? What did Teo hear, and where did she hear it?

“Ben, I think I understand what’s happening,” Grandpa Frank said.

“Then you understand more than me.”

“Men tend to be attracted to beautiful, sexy women. It doesn’t really matter if the women are rich or poor. Doesn’t matter if they are famous or unknown. Men don’t care as much if women are successful professionally. None of that is as important as plain old sex appeal. That’s how men think, boy.”

“Women aren’t the same. Yes, they care how a man looks. Handsome, fit young men do better than old, fat, ugly slobs. But women are much more concerned with things that have nothing to do with physical appearance. I’m sure you’ve noticed that billionaires older than me tend to spend a lot of time with models and actresses in their 20s. Women care about money. They care about fame. They care about power.”

“I don’t have any of those things, Grandpa,” I said.

“Oh yes you do!” he said. “On your campus, you have become famous. Clearly, a lot of girls have heard that you are the kind of guy women want. The fact that other girls already have a claim on you just makes you more desirable. Nothing makes women want a man more than the knowledge that other women want him.

“Ben, there used to be a guy named ‘Hugh Hefner.’ He was before your time. Actually, he was before my time, but I remember what people said about him before he died. It was interesting. I learned a lot when I read his biography.”

“The name isn’t familiar, Grandpa,” I said.

“That’s not too surprising,” Grandpa said. “Hefner lived in the middle of the 20th century, but he was pretty famous for most of his life. Had an interesting story.

“I hope you learned in history class that America’s economy boomed for decades after the end of World War II. Businesses that had been making things like tanks and guns started making things like cars and refrigerators. Wages went up. Consumer spending skyrocketed. You know all about this, don’t you boy?”

“Yes sir. The birth of the consumer society. I studied it.”

“Hefner was a young man when the war ended. He had an interesting insight. He understood that consumers – especially young men – were anxious to start living it up. They had more disposable income than their parent’s generation. And Hefner knew that young people were getting tired of old puritanical values that said people shouldn’t have sex until they got married. He realized that the sexual revolution was beginning.

“Hefner decided to start a magazine aimed at these affluent young men. It was called Playboy. It’s not around anymore, but for a long time it was one of the most popular magazines in America. It was full of ads for fancy cars, expensive liquor, and high-priced stereo systems. All kinds of luxury goods. Everything that was desired by young men anxious to live the good life.

“But it had one secret ingredient. Playboy was the first mainstream magazine that published photos of nude women. Remember, this was before the internet. There were no good ways for men to get good pictures of naked girls. Hefner made a fortune as the first big purveyor of porn. It was classy porn, but it was porn nonetheless.”

“I don’t see what any of that has to do with me,” I said.

“Well, it’s like this,” Grandpa said. “Pretty soon, Hefner was a celebrity. He was young, and handsome, and rich, and he liked to throw fancy parties. He invited famous people and beautiful women. Some of those women were models anxious to pose nude in his magazine.

“From the beginning, women were attracted to him, and Hefner had sex with a LOT of them! Thousands. I’m not exaggerating – he went to bed with THOUSANDS of women over the years.

“The reason I tell you this is that Hefner noticed something important. Something that applies to your situation today. Growing up, he’d been taught that the way to attract women is to be a good guy who promises to be faithful. I’m sure your parents taught you the same thing. But that’s a crock of shit, Ben.

“As Hefner became known as someone who slept with lots of women, more and more women flocked to him. He was the kind of guy who kept a journal, and in his biography there were journal excerpts in which he wrote that women didn’t behave the way he’d been taught. One week he went to bed with a different woman every single night. He realized that these women were attracted to him largely because they knew other women were attracted to him.

“The word is out about you, Ben. The women on your campus have figured out that lots of women are attracted to you. What’s happening to you is nowhere near the scale of what happened to Hefner, but it’s the same principle. You can expect the gossips to keep gossiping. Who knows what Teo will say about you the next time she talks to her girlfriends.”

“Really? You really think this is going to keep happening?”

“I do, Ben. I think you’d do better if you were rich, or a movie star, but I predict you’re going to continue to get a lot of female attention.

“I hope you realize that you’ve got a special responsibility. You need to be sure to treat women right. Treat them with respect, even when they throw themselves at you. Be aware of their feelings. A lot of guys who are attractive to women act like assholes. Don’t act like an asshole, Ben. You can do that, can’t you?”

I laughed. “Don’t be an asshole. Got it,” I said.

It was just about then that Julie came into my room. I said goodbye to Grandpa, looked at Julie, and wondered what role she’d played in all this. Had she said I’m a nice guy? A good lover? Someone who cares and listens?

Since I wasn’t going to ask her, there was no way to tell. All I knew was that I’d had sex with Sonya that morning, Teo that afternoon, and I would have sex with Julie all night. Three women. One day. Another first!

Life was good.


Three women. One day. Even Hugh Hefner would be happy with a day like that. In Part 8, it becomes certain that Ben, Julie and Sonya are going to have a threesome.


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