Guest of Fire Pt. 03

An adult stories – Guest of Fire Pt. 03 by DevlinMea

Even though I was pretty busy working on the proposal for the new client, I kept my eyes open now for the interactions between Sarah and Emmanuelle. Nothing again was singled out as significant in their budding sexual relationship until Saturday, the midway point in Em’s visit.

It was early Saturday afternoon and I was up in my second-floor office working on the proposal. I was going to meet with the client this week and was struggling to get it all done. I heard a commotion outside, some kind of sharp squeals and loud giggling that caught my attention. I went to the window and looked out to see Sarah and Em at the pool. Sounds from the pool area easily magnified and echoed up to the upstairs windows from the concrete, so I wasn’t surprised I could hear so much of what was going on.

From my office window, I had a full view of the swimming pool and most of the patio, which was close by the house. Sarah and Em were in the water, giggling and splashing each other.

“Oh! You are so going to get it!” Em said after Sarah splashed water from close range. Em approached her in the water, her hands out in front of her as if threatening to splash her. “I’m gonna…” she threatened.

“No you’re not!” Sarah replied defensively.

“Yes I am,” Em said as she backed Sarah against the side of the pool so that she was able to get very close. Both giggled and squealed as Em got her hands past Sarah’s defenses and was able to untie her bikini top and pull it away from her. Em immediately swam away, laughing.

“Oh no! You didn’t just do that!” Sarah laughed, covering her breasts with her arms.

“Yes I diiiiiid,” Emmanuelle giggled, dangling the top above the water.

“Give it back,” Sarah said, extending her hand so Em would throw it to her. “Mom!”

“No,” Em said, giggling.

“Shhh… don’t be so loud,” I heard Beck say. “You two are just too much.” Beck was sitting more on the patio in one of the lounge chairs tanning. I could just see her legs and part of her stomach. It shocked me that she wasn’t more upset that Sarah was now topless… but I suppose she couldn’t really see… maybe…

There was more splashing and giggling as Sarah lunged towards Em in an effort to get it back and Em swam away. When Sarah just got into arms reach, Em threw it out of the water and out of reach from the pool. To get it, Sarah would have to get out of the water.

Suddenly, Em launched another offensive, splashing and dunking Sarah some more.

“Stop! Stop!” Sarah giggled. When Em stopped, Sarah launched her own sneaky attack, dunking Em before swimming away giggling. “I got you!” she said loudly from across the pool.

“Oh, you’re in so much trouble now,” Em said as she began her chase. Sarah fled, trying to swim away, but Em was too good at cornering her. She quickly trapped her and put one hand on either side of her to keep her in place. “You’re trapped now,” Em said, then she surprised Sarah by sliding in close and kissing her.

As Em backed away slightly, Sarah said softly. “Wow, that was… unexpected.” She looked towards Beck, but there was no indication by her expression that she felt she was in trouble.

Then, suddenly, Em pushed away while giggling. She swam away from Sarah and then held another piece of material above the water… Sarah’s bikini bottoms.

“You are a bad, bad girl!” Sarah said, giggling. “You should be spanked for that!”

Em tossed the bottoms out of the pool and they landed near her bikini top. “Any time you want, baby!”

“I am going to get my revenge!” Sarah said, swimming towards her slowly. When she got close, Em dashed away and the chase began. It didn’t take long for Sarah to trap her in one corner of the pool, amid a lot more giggling and squealing. Without resistance, Sarah untied Em’s top and backed away, holding her trophy above the water.

“So what? What are you going to do about it?” Em challenged her, not even caring that she was topless.

Sarah threw her bikini top out of the pool and closed the gap between them again. Em looked like she wasn’t going to fight her, but Sarah approached as if waiting for a sneak attack back at her. Without resistance, though, she reached down and untied and pulled Em’s bottoms off as well.

“How about that!” Sarah giggled, swimming away. She tossed the bottoms out of the pool as well.

I couldn’t believe that Beck hadn’t even said a word. Both girls were now swimming completely naked in the middle of the day. Was she blind? While our back yard was pretty private, this was still happening right in front of my wife.

“Oh! Now who’s the bad girl?” Em asked. “Now who should be spanked?

“You!” Sarah said, laughing.

“Wait ’til I get my hands on you,” Em teased, swimming towards Sarah.

I could feel my cock throbbing, tenting my shorts, so I unbuttoned the front and set it free. I slowly stroked it while watching these two nubile young women frolic in the water. I secretly wished I was in the pool with them, watching them from a closer distance.

Giggling, Sarah quickly climbed the ladder out of the pool and ran around on the concrete. Emmanuelle followed close behind and chased her, both completely naked. In a minute, Em caught up with Sarah and pulled her into her arms, hugging her, their naked bodies pressing together. She kissed Sarah and slowly walked her backwards towards the water. When they got to the edge, Em pushed her, making Sarah fall into the water with a splash, squealing.

Sarah came up sputtering and giggling. “Oh now that was just wrong!”

Emmanuelle dove into the water, coming up in front of her. “I guess I owe you some kind of apology then,” she said.

Sarah backed away from her, giggling. “Apology yes… nothing more… I don’t have anything left for you to take.”

“Oh… but you still have something I want,” Em said, teasingly.

“What?” Sarah giggled as Em got closer and closer. “What could I have that you could possibly want? I got nothin’.”

When Em got close again, she grabbed her wrist and pulled her to the side of the pool.

“Your body,” Em said, taking Sarah’s breasts in her hands and playing with them.

“Ohhhh,” Sarah giggled as Em kissed her and then started kissing her neck, moving down to her chest.

“Your lips are so good. I want to see if your titties are too,” Em said.

Sarah moaned as Em licked and sucked on her nipples for a moment, then began kissing down her body again. Slowly she disappeared underwater as Sarah watched her, wondering what she was doing. Then Sarah suddenly squealed and moaned a little. From my vantage point, and from Sarah’s expression, it looked like Em licked her pussy while she was underwater.

When Em resurfaced, Sarah giggled. “Oh my… so that’s what you want.”

“You know it,” Em said, kissing her again. “You taste so sweet.” I could see Sarah move her legs apart under the water and, from Sarah’s moaning, it looked like Em was fingering her. They sat like that for several minutes, the two of them kissing while Em teased her pussy. Then Em pulled back. “I want to taste your pussy baby. Can I taste your pussy?”


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