Hey Joe by OlympusMons90

Mom laughed at that question.

“You know your Dad will do whatever he wants, you’re just like him.”

As I let go of Mom, my Dad stepped up and hugged me as well. Now hugs from Dad are pretty rare so I knew he was happy to have me home.

“Good to see you boy, welcome home.”

“Good to be home for good, Dad.”

“How was Germany this time? Did you enjoy it or was it becoming a bit too routine for you?”

“It was good, the guys there were great too. I missed all you guys though for sure.”

“What are you going to do now? No regrets or will you think about re-enlisting again later?”

“No regrets, not yet anyway. I’m not sure what I’m going to do. Might take a few days to think about it.”

“Well, you know you have a job here whenever you want it.”

“Don’t push him Bill, he doesn’t need to come back to work here. We talked about this.”

“This is his business too Betty, it’s not just for John.”

It seems that this conversation has stumbled into something that has been brewing between Mom and Dad previously. I hadn’t mentioned to anyone that I wasn’t planning on working here, so I’m not sure why they would’ve been discussing it.

“It’s okay, we can talk about what I’m going to do later. I’m just happy to be home right now.”

The office door opened and John stepped inside, with Susie following him.

“Hey Joe, good to see you home.” John walked over and gave me a quick hug.

“Hey little Bro, how have you been? Got yourself a good woman yet?”

John gave an uncomfortable laugh to that question, he always had trouble picking up girls ever since we were in high school. He always relied on me to meet a girl, then he would try to get with their friends while they hung out with us. But since I got with Susie and stopped providing him with opportunities, his love life has dried up over the last few years.

He was more reserved than I was, and rarely liked to try anything new. The friends we had growing up were always my friends first, and John would then be friends with them by default. Whatever sport I chose, classes I picked, John would follow. I think a big part of why I joined the Air Force was because I knew that was something John would not do. He would never be posted with me, so what would be the point? For once I was able to be my own person without having my brother dragging along behind me.

“So, are you going to re-sign with the air force or are you thinking about coming back to work with us?”

“Neither. I might do something different, I haven’t decided yet.”

John nodded at that response, before Dad interjected.

“Hey Joe, what have you got planned for today?”

“Nothing yet, why?”

“Well, how about you come and spend the day with me, I got a job on I could use your help with, and we can catch up too.”

“Sure Dad, why not.”

“Just give me ten minutes to collect the gear together and I’ll meet you at the back loading bay.”

“Sure thing.”

As Dad went out to the storeroom, John also followed. Susie and Mom went over to sit at their desks when I realized that Susie still had not said anything to me yet this morning, in fact she had not said anything to me since I asked her if she was cheating on me last night.

I walked over to Susie’s desk and crouched down beside her and spoke with a quiet voice.

“Can we talk? Or are you going to pretend I’m not here?”

“I’m not sure if we have anything to talk about.”

“Oh, we have lots to talk about. I just think you don’t want to talk is all.”

Susie gave me a cold determined stare.

“Not until you apologize.”

“I’m happy to apologize, as long as you can answer the question and explain why you’ve acted this way since I got home. Hell, I saw you having a deeper and more affectionate conversation with John just before than you have with me since I returned. Do you still even want to be my wife?”

Again, she gave me a stare before answering.

“Just because I didn’t rush you into the bedroom for sex doesn’t mean I’m cheating on you.”

“But you didn’t want to give me any affection at all either, like we aren’t even married. Care to explain why?”

“I said I need some time to re-adjust.”

“Re-adjust from what? So, I’ll ask again, what’s going on Susie?”

“Nothing. Bill will be waiting for you and I’ve got work to do, please just go.”

I stood up, knowing I wasn’t about to get an answer from her right now. I made my way outside to the truck as Dad was putting the last of the gear in the back.

“You ready Joe?”

“Yeah, let’s go.”

We got to the job site, it was a renovation but the house had basically been gutted. Dad was there to install all new wiring throughout. We got the tools and gear out and headed in. There were carpenters and laborer’s onsite as well, and the foreman greeted us on the way in. At least we weren’t having to deal with the homeowners. Dad had already started work here yesterday so we were part way done. I started wiring for the outlets while Dad continued with the wiring for the lights.

After a about two hours we took a break for lunch, sitting on the back tray of Dad’s truck.

“Here, have half of my sandwiches, your Mom always makes too much for me.”


We sat there eating our food watching the other guys walk in and out of the house.

“This morning Mom said something about me not coming back to work here, that you guys had been discussing it. What was all that about?”

My Dad looked over at me, then shook his head a little.

“Your Mom thinks it might be better if you weren’t working with us, that it’s John’s best opportunity to do well. I disagreed, this is as much your business as it is John’s.”

“What? Does Mom think I’m holding him back by being here or something?

“She feels that right now he’s happy, she thinks it’s his best chance to have a good job, a family, a happy life.”

“What’s that got to do with whether I’m working with you guys?”

“She worries that he won’t have that if you’re here.”

“Geez, I knew he was her favorite, but for her to say she wants me out of the way just so he can be happy, really?”

“Yeah, I know. We’ve argued about it a lot already. I’m not happy with their situation at all, I don’t think it’s right.”

“Wait, what situation are we talking about?”

Dad looked at me with a puzzled look on his face. Then an expression across his face that looked like shock.

“Fuck, you have no idea, do you?”

“About what? Mom? John? What are we talking about?”

Dad looked away shaking his head, then looked back at me.

“I shouldn’t be the one explaining any of this, I thought you already knew. She told us you guys had talked about it.”

“What was Mom meant to talk to me about? I’m not following.”

“Not Betty, Susie. She told us you knew.”

“For fuck sake Dad, just tell me what the hell you’re talking about.”

“Susie and John. They’ve been together since you left for Germany. She said you two had broken up before you left.”

“What the fuck? No, we never broke up.”

I sat there for a few moments, stunned by Dad’s revelation.

“I’ve been scratching my head since I got home because she’s been acting cold towards me. And now you’re telling me she’s fucking my brother?”

Dad didn’t say anything, just looked at me shaking his head. It was clear he wasn’t happy being put in this position.


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