Hey Joe by OlympusMons90

It was a Friday afternoon, and as I was wrapping up my work, some of the guys asked me to join them for a Friday night of dinner and drinks in downtown South City, and I happily agreed. We all met at a restaurant at 7pm, getting some food before we got too much into the drinking.

By 8:30pm we headed down Grand Avenue to the nearest bar so we could get the evening really started. While the guys ordered a round, I went to the Men’s for a piss, on my return I walked into the back of a woman as she was coming out of the ladies.

“Sorry about that.”

“That’s alright.” She replied as she turned her head towards me.


“Oh my god, Joe. How are you?”

Maddie quickly gave me a hug, it’s been probably eight years since we last saw each other when we left high school. Maddie was the girl I lost my virginity to at eighteen, she was my first real love in my life. She was also the first girlfriend that my brother tried to fuck behind my back.

“You look great Maddie, even better than in high school. Do you live in South City too? Or just visiting?”

“I live in San Bruno, near the airport.”

“That’s where I work, right next door. I’m here with a bunch of guys that I work with.”

“You work at SFO? I work there too.”

“For real? What do you do?”

“I manage a travel agency, what about you?”

“I’m an avionics technician.”

“How did you get into that? I thought you’d be working with your dad’s electrical business?”

“I did, I did an apprenticeship with him, but I joined the air force once I was qualified.”

“And you’re not in the air force anymore?”

“No, I completed my four-year enlistment, I’m happy to be a Civ again now.”

“Okay, and I heard you got married too.”

“Yeah, I was but not anymore, we’re separated. How about you? There’s no way you’d still be single.”

“I am actually, but like you I’m separated as well, about six months now.”

I nodded at Maddie, all of my memories and feelings for her were flooding my mind. For me, she was always the one that got away. Beautiful, smart, and cheeky as hell.

“I’m sorry, I’m probably keeping you from your date. He’ll come looking for you soon.”

“You’re still so smooth Joe, I’m not here with a date, just a few girlfriends.”

“Are they single too?”

“What, are you tired of me already?”

“No, never. A few of the guys I’m with are single as well, why don’t we get our friends together and we can all have a good night?”

“That actually sounds good. We’re just sitting out at the front table. I’m sure we can bring another table over.”

“Alright, I’ll drag the guys over.”

We made our way back to our respective tables, where I found a beer waiting for me.

“Took you long enough Joe, were you taking a shit?” Mike asked me.

“Nah, I just met an old girlfriend on the way back.”

The guys I am sitting with are Mike, Brian, Jay and Teddy. Teddy was the oldest and our team lead. A married man with lots of experience on the job. Like me, he is ex-air force too. The other three all do the same job as myself, and they are all single as far as I know.

“So, does she have friends then?” Jay asked.

“She does, and I already arranged for us to join them, they’re sitting at the front table over there.”

The guys looked over at the three attractive women sitting at the table, I could see the smiles appearing across my friends faces.

“Damn, they look good. What do you think Teddy, Joe might need a promotion after this?”

“I’m a married man remember, you guys can buy Joe a beer to show your gratitude.”

“Not me, I already have a girl. But for you three guys it could be your lucky night.” Brian added in.

“Alright, let’s stop staring at them and go over and join them. Just remember Mike and Jay, Maddie’s the pretty blonde with the rack and she’s for me, you can choose who you like out of the other two.”

“Deal.” Mike replied as we all walked over to the table.

“Hey Maddie.”

“Hi Joe, can you guys grab the other table and chairs over there and bring them over?”

As we positioned the two tables together, Maddie started the introductions.

“I’m Maddie, this is Bethany and Kyra.”

“Hey ladies, I’m Joe, this is Jay, Mike, Brian, and our boss Teddy.”

“So, exactly how do you know Joe, Maddie?” Kyra asked.

“He was the first boy I ever fell in love with. We were high school sweethearts.”

That got gasps from both Kyra and Bethany.

“So, are you single Joe?” Kyra followed up with.

“Yes he is, and don’t even think about trying to match make us, he’s got some serious groveling to do first.” Maddie responded for me with a smile on her face.

“Uh-oh, sounds like you fucked it up last time bro.” Jay added.

“Yeah I did, big time.”

I looked at Maddie who was sitting beside me, she leaned over to whisper to me.

“Are you just saying that, or did you finally figure out I was telling the truth about John?”

“I just recently figured it out, he’s the reason I’m separated from my wife. I did think of you and what I said to you back then, after I realized the type of person John really is. I regret it so much, not believing you.” I whispered back to Maddie.

“Well, we were young, and he was your brother. You can try and make it up to me though if you like.”

“I would like, very much.”

Maddie then gave me a quick kiss on my cheek.

“Wow, that was quick Maddie. What did he say to get back in your good books so fast?” Bethany asked.

“I don’t kiss and tell. Besides, Joe was always the smoothest guy I’ve ever met.”

“Really? Was he your first too?” Kyra asked with a massive grin across her face.

“Kyra! That’s a bit personal in front of all these guys we just met.”

“Just spill it Maddie.”

“Alright, yes he was. Happy now?” Maddie replied while laughing.

“What about you Joe? Was Maddie your first too?”

“Yeah, she was the first and the best.” I replied, getting back slaps from a few of the guys.

“Is it getting hot in here all of a sudden?” Mocked Bethany, fanning her face with her hand.

“Alright, enough about Joe and me, who are the single guys here? I need you to keep these two ladies occupied.”

“That would be Jay and Mike, good luck with them ladies.” Teddy stated while shaking his head laughing.

The next hour or two flew by, we were all relaxed and having a good time. Jay and Mike seemed to actually be doing well with Bethany and Kyra, and Teddy and Brian were enjoying themselves as well. For me, I was enjoying talking with Maddie, she makes me feel so relaxed. I’m sure I’ve had a goofy smile plastered across my face the entire time.

I later excused myself to go to the restroom, and Maddie did likewise. When I was done, I waited for Maddie in the hallway leading back from the restrooms. As she came out, she came over and stood beside me, leaning against the wall.

“It’s so good to see you again Joe, I mean that.”

“Me too, I forgot how much I loved hanging out with you. Just being with you.”

“I know right. Maybe it’s like what they say about your first real love, that you have a connection that you carry with you for the rest of your life.”

“Maybe, I’d sure like to test that theory though.”

“Damn Joe, you really are smooth. You can start by giving me your number, then asking me out to dinner.”

“What if I want to start by giving you a kiss first?”


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