Hey Joe by OlympusMons90

“Oh my god, go slow, but push it all the way in.”

When I got all of my cock inside of her, she held me there then began grinding her pussy on my cock ever so slightly.

“Oh my god I’m cumming. Don’t move Joe, please.”

I could feel her pussy clenching around my cock, the spasms rippling through her body as Maddie let out a long groan. As her orgasm subsided, Maddie pulled me down to her and we kissed.

“Make love to me Joe, I’ve never wanted anybody as much as I want you right now.”

I felt the same way, as I kissed Maddie while slowly thrusting in and out of her, with her pussy clenching tightly around my cock with every stroke. There are those moments in your life that you later try to replay in your head over and over again, right now, this feeling, was going to be one of those.

Maddie wrapped her legs around my back, gripping me tightly. Our mouths stayed connected, our tongues entwined, as I continued to fuck her. Maddie’s breaths, her sighs and moans, were starting to build again. My thrusts also began to quicken ever so slightly, I was careful not to overdo it as I wanted to savour this feeling for as long as possible.

A few minutes later Maddie gripped the back of my head with both of her hands, looking up directly into my eyes.

“I’m going to cum again Joe, fuck me harder, please fuck me.”

I needed no further encouragement as I raised my own pace, pounding into Maddie as hard and as fast as I could, all the while keeping our eye contact as she began to climax once more.

This time I could feel her whole body shake, almost violently. I could feel her pussy grip and spasm around my cock, her legs gripping me tightly pulling me into her deeper. She pulled my head towards her so we could kiss deeply as she came, groaning into my moth the entire time. And that’s when I lost control and came deep inside her. Oh my god what a sensational feeling.

I collapsed on top of Maddie, breathless and drained. I could feel the heat between our bodies as we lay there, with the feeling of bliss I had rarely felt before.

“Oh my god, that was so good Joe. I’ve missed your body and that wonderful cock of yours so much.”

I chuckled at her statement.

“So, you do only want me for my body, huh?”

“No, I want all of you, again and again. I hope you can get it hard as quickly as you used to.”

“I don’t know, I was eighteen then. You only had to look at me with that sexy smile and I was as hard as a flagpole. I might need a few more minutes now.”

Maddie gave me a little push so that I rolled off her and onto my back, she turned to face me and rested her head on my chest.

“Tell me Joe, did that feel really good for you too? I mean, I don’t know how to say it.”

“It felt special Maddie, very special. It was more than just good sex, it’s like I was reconnecting with you again. It is hard to describe.” As I started to run my fingers through her hair.

Maddie lifted her head so that she could look into my eyes.

“I can’t believe I’m so in love with you already. You know that right?”

“I love you too Maddie, I really do.”


Over the next few weeks, Maddie and I were inseparable outside of work. I spent many nights at her apartment as it was closer to both our jobs. I even started keeping some work clothes and a toothbrush at her place to make life easier.

It was amazing how quickly we fell into our rhythm, it was like finally being with the other half to yourself, feeling complete. The twelve months or so we were together in high school meant that we already knew each other well, but now that we were more mature and had more life experiences, we were really starting to learn about ourselves on a much deeper level.

It was a Tuesday night, we had just returned to Maddie’s apartment from being out to dinner, as I sat back on the couch waiting for her to return. I was thinking to myself about just how happy I was feeling right now, being here with her. Maddie came back out wearing an oversized t-shirt that was kind of like wearing a dress. She cuddled up beside me on the couch.

“Joe, I was wondering, you don’t have to if you don’t want to, but if we should talk about what happened in our marriages. Just so we both know how we got here.”

“To what end?”

“So we can understand what happened I guess, I don’t want us repeating the same mistakes again.”

“Oh, well okay. Did you want to go first, or would you like me to?”

“You can, I have a feeling your story might be a bit longer than mine.”

“Alright, where would you like me to start?”

“Well, how did you meet and what sort of person was she like? Not how you think of her now, but back then.”

“Well, we met at a bar when I was a third-year apprentice, she was studying Business at Mill’s College. We were both twenty-one, she seemed nice but not that talkative. I had to do a lot of work to get her to even talk with me, well, a few drinks anyway. I don’t remember thinking ‘she’s the one’ or anything like that, I think we slowly grew on each other over time as we started dating.”

“Anyway, I joined the air-force after my apprenticeship, I proposed after six months of joining and we were married about six months after that. Relationships are hard in the service, especially if your partner doesn’t come with you. She had a job in the city, but she was living in our place in Oakland. We had just bought a small three-bedroom house, so we were apart way more than we were together.”

“But what was she like? What were you two like together?”

“Okay, well, she was determined, more than a little stubborn. I felt that she always found it difficult to express her feelings or emotions, she tended to keep her cards close to her chest, even with me sometimes. But she could be warm and funny when in the right mood though. I just felt like it was always my job to get her in the right mood, sometimes I just couldn’t be bothered.”

“When I got posted overseas, in a strange way I think that it initially helped our relationship from being apart, making us miss each other more. When I would get home, we would be great for the first month or so. I could tell she felt lonely when I was away, so I got Mom and Dad to hire her to help manage the business. That way she had family around to make it easier. We needed the two incomes to pay the mortgage, so her being with me overseas wasn’t going to work. Although, we could have rented our place out and then she could have travelled with me I guess.”

“When did she start working with your parents?”

“That would have been during my third year in the air force, about a year and a half after we were married.”

“Were you around much after that? Is that when you guys started having problems?”

“Yeah, I wasn’t around much, I was in Germany for the second half of my third year, then again for the last six months of my final year. That six months in between I spent at Edwards with one of the test squadrons, so I would come home only for the weekends.”

“Did she start getting closer to John during that time?”

“Yeah, I guess so. I mean they always got along fine, but I never suspected there was anything else happening. While I was working at Edwards, our relationship was starting to be in trouble, in hindsight I think that was probably because John was making moves on her at work.”


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