Highest Bidder by DivineGoddess

Highest Bidder by DivineGoddess

If you like it, I’ll make more. This is a kinky fetish of mine, of being dominated and owned, but I’ve never had the nerve to actually do anything about to or mention it. WARNING: This contains underage sex. If you don’t like it, tough. I can make this into a chapter story – I already have a sort-of plot. If I should continue it, let me know. WARNING: LOOK AT THE THEMES. If none of these things turn you on, click BACK right now. Don’t go blaming me for writing this – it was my own kinky mind. , The room was quiet and hushed as men filtered into the auditorium, finding their seats in the shadowy darkness. Most of them were men, all of them finely dressed, and a few of them with women hanging onto their arms. The women were gorgeous – long, slender legs, full breasts, slinky dresses which looked deliciously flimsy. The lights were low and there was a lot of low murmurs as everybody complimented each other’s couples and groped the women frequently. The stunning women leaned into the petting and stroking, some of them even drawing their offender into a slow, open-mouthed kiss.

As people settled, waiters began to travel the aisles and pass out champagne. The seats were specifically spaced farther apart than usual, allowing room for one to kneel on the floor while another patron sits. A few women were already crawling down the aisles, their breasts skimming the ground, prowling in search of their prey. Several of the men were swapping training secrets, wondering when the bidding would start and what the surprise for the evening would be.

These meetings happened once a year – once a year, over two hundred of the top Masters displayed their best slaves, trained for months at a time, and sent them off to the highest bidder. Although there were a lot of more casual auctions during the course of the year, this one was the biggest and only the best Masters were invited to come. This year was going to be different, however – for the past three decades, Grand Master X had hosted the auction, and it had been going moderately well. However, this year, his son was taking over, a young man who said that this year the auction would be an event to remember.

Master J, as he was called, would be taking on the title of Grand Master when he hosted the auction this year, and people said that he was even better at training slaves than his father had been. This rumor was widely disregarded in public – after all, Grand Master X had been the best of the best – but in whispers they wondered which slave he would put up for grabs. His sister had been auctioned off five years ago in a thunderous war of bidding which ended up costing a lascivious man over three million dollars. During the entire show, the Grand Master and his son had watched impassively – Master J had even smiled slightly! – while their own flesh and blood was sold in a collar and nothing else.

The whispering stopped as the floodlights kicked on, throwing the stage into sharp light. “Gentlemen, welcome to the Annual Auction Spectacular,” A booming voice announced over the loudspeaker. “I trust you have all arrived with deep pockets and full wallets, because this year there are some young, beautiful girls just waiting to serve you.”

There was a polite patter of applause which rippled through the room.

“And now, your host, Master J!” The loudspeaker announced, and the applause burst through the rafters as the young man stepped onto the stage. The lights dimmed until he was surrounded in a single circle of white light.

“Thank you, thank you,” He said, hushing the crowd with a simple sweep of his hand. He had his father’s striking good looks: his hair was dark and swept back, his profile sharp, his hooded eyes flinty and the color of artic ice. He was dressed in the Grand Master’s costume – tight leather pants, two strips of leather crossing in an X over his pale chest, and cat-’o-nine tail whips belted to his hips. “I want you all to know what a pleasure I have hosting this auction tonight,” He said, his voice hinted with a lilt of an Irish accent. “And know that it is with deepest regret that I am taking over for my father, Grand Master X, who has not only done a superlative job of hosting these auctions, but also been the best Master on the face of this planet.”

More thunderous applause, and the spotlight rose to a viewing box set into the wall in the back of the room. Seated on a throne-like, plush chair, was a distinguished man, his hair graying slightly, but his good looks apparent and his physique still impressive. A young blonde was standing at his side, dressed in a leather suit which clung to her buxom curves.

“Now, gentlemen, if I can draw your eye to the side of the stage,” Master J continued. “There you will see the first of our wares tonight. Now, because this is my first year hosting these, you must forgive me if I’m a bit rude to them.” He said, and smiled winningly at the crowd. “But I wanted to get your attention.

“There is a twist tonight, ladies and gentlemen.”

Dead silence reigned over the crowd, thick with lusty anticipation.

“Any item in this auction which is not bid on over a million dollars will be given to the Cages before turned over to her Master,” Master J said.

The crowd went wild, some of them putting their fingers in their mouths to whistle sharply. Perhaps a dozen girls would be turned over to the hungry Dobermans and German Shepards which were restrained in the Cages. “Now, I realize most of you will want to continue the bidding while your wares are in the Cages,” Master J said with his traditional winning smile. “So I have mounted several plasma screens above the stage where you can watch as these young, helpless girls get pounded by some pretty horny pups.”

The crowd laughed and panted appreciatively.

“Without further ado, I wish to begin the bidding. Bring out Lot #1.” Master J ordered.

A young girl, dressed in a silver dancing dress was brought out onto the stage. She had long dark hair, held behind her head in a plait, and an elegant collar around her neck. She looked scared, but her training kept her expression neutral and her head bowed. Master J pulled her closer by her wrist, causing the girl to stumble at the sharp jerk. “Now, this is a girl from Ermine Farms, offered by Mistress Z,” Master J said. “And we all know what soft, spoiled girls come from there. Her training is pretty low, so you’ll have fun spanking this little girl,” He said, and the crowd responded eagerly.

He cupped her breasts in his hands, pinching the nipples sharply. “Unpierced nipples, folks, and some pretty meaty tits which feel amazing, I can tell you,” Master J said, continuing to fondle the girl. “She’s a blushing eighteen, so you’ll get at least a few good years out of her before you get bored. I’ll start the bidding at fifty thousand. Do I have fifty thousand?”

A red light blinked in the distance.

“I have fifty thousand, do I have a hundred thousand?”

Another light.

“Do I have two hundred thousand, gentlemen?” Master J said. “Two hundred thousand, ladies and gentlemen, and if this lot doesn’t go over a million, she gets turned over to the Cages. Do I have two hundred thousand?”

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