Horny on the Beach

An adult stories – Horny on the Beach by hihoget,hihoget “Will it be fine… won’t people leer?”

“It’s the off-season Sis, even seabirds don’t come in these months.”

The only activity on this secluded beach is the tiny crabs dashing from one tiny burrow to another. It’s my sister’s first visit here.

I carried the massage chair out onto the sand and set it facing the sea. Open sky, sunset on the horizon, waves lapping on the shore, it’s otherworldly. I prayed for the power cable to work.

Sis finally managed to get a leave and visit us. It’s been two years since we saw her. This beach is a small way from our hometown. I maintain it for tourists. It’s a seasonal job, so I do other jobs too. I also enrolled in lifeguard training, which starts next week.

She hopped on the chair, as I checked it for power. Thankfully, it was working, and I pressed the start button. The chair locked onto her limbs and leaned back, elevating her legs. Tiny squeezers started rubbing the soreness out of her stiff body. Her breathing deepened and she warped her eyebrows delicately.

Unlike me, my sister’s always been a prodigy, so the responsibility of our family fell on her. I knew she desperately needed a vacation, and I wanted her to forget all her troubles here. I wondered what sensations coursed through her body. A sweet musty breeze caressed her golden sunlit face.

Watching her twitch and contort, I rested one hand on the side panel and brushed her thighs with the other. I massaged them one by one to ease her. Strangely, she shook her head when I moved towards her knees and calmed down when I moved up. But this got me close to her pelvis. Here, she quivered whenever I squeezed, without a sound.

It felt a little… off, so I took my hands off her but she groaned till I put them back. Was that where my sister wanted me?

A massage could have this effect on people, and she’d have been pent up for a long time. I’d drop her at her room afterward and offer her some privacy. It was the least I could do.

Her hair got ruffled, and a gust of wind scattered them all over her face. I moved them behind her ears. She’s got worry lines, at such a young age. When did she grow so much? It was only yesterday that she chased after me coz I stole her crayons. I couldn’t imagine the job stress she goes through daily. I bent down and kissed her warm sunscreen-scented cheek. She let out a moan and was taken aback.

“It’s okay Sis,” I comforted, and she shut her eyes.

She was a small girl in a tough world. I kissed her again. We’re always here for you Sis. We’d always be proud of you, and support you in your actions. But I didn’t say anything. I just kissed her cheek and rubbed her thigh. The beach and the massage chair did their part.

Eventually, she turned her head and kissed back. She kissed my cheek and I kissed hers. We took turns comforting each other. I made her squirm in pleasure from time to time with my hand. Her beautiful face shone in the evening sun. Slowly, our lips moved closer, and their corners touched. We stopped and looked at each other. I moved my fingers on her thighs and she convulsed, her eyes still locked with me. I moved to her cheek. She closed her eyes. It started again.

It was different this time. It was a delicate dance, getting as close as we could, without actually kissing. I couldn’t help myself and reduced the wait between the squeezes. We circled about each other’s lips, to the left, to the right, just above, just below, and all the directions in between. Our lips brushed once or twice, but never landed over each other. And we definitely never strayed too far.

Any semblance of sense she had got eroded with time, as she caved into the pleasure of my squeezes. It was three surfaces that my hand rubbed against. Our lips brushed more frequently now. I accidentally put my thumb over her privates and she let out a gasp. And then, like divine providence, the humming slowed down and yanked us back to the real world.

Waves foamed up and down the beach, and ships murmured in the distance. The chair straightened and unclasped her. Our faces were warm and red. We couldn’t look at each other, and the lingering arousal didn’t help.

“We got too carried away, didn’t we?” Sis blushed.

“Yeah… it was the sunset and the beach and the massage…”

She looked downwards, and I stood beside her. None of us dared voice our thoughts. Were we thinking the same thing?

“It was good… the massage…” she whispered. Her t-shirt and skirt fluttered in the breeze.

It was such a relief to hear her voice. The awkwardness was suffocating. I’m so glad she enjoyed it.

“Yeah… sad it had to end…”

She stood up and looked at me, her gaze soft but intent. I put my other arm on her back and she did the same. I lowered my eyelids and drew her close.


I could taste her lip gloss. I pressed my lips gently and sucked on her, but she needed more. She gave me a French kiss. Her smooth and slippery tongue shot tingles across my face. She pressed me towards her, and I dug my fingers into her hair.

This couldn’t go on outside. I bent down and lifted her into my arms. Shocked, her heart racing, she braced herself and closed her eyes. Her soft body pressed against my rigid torso.

“Should we go inside?” I asked, and she opened her eyes, and I walked into a beach house.

“Are we allowed in there?” she asked.

“If you let me, it’s your room after all,” I chuckled.

I lowered her onto the bed and sat across her. She looked at the rustic wooden interiors and the majestic sunset outside the window. The windchimes gave an ethereal charm to the place.

“This is what off-season rates buy you.”

“It’s beautiful,” she said and steered me down. My back landed on the mattress. My t-shirt crinkled up, leaving my belly exposed. She stared at it, mesmerized, and pushed the hem up my torso, as far as it could go. But it stopped at my chest. At that moment, my t-shirt covered a hidden weakness even I wasn’t aware of.

“Should I take it off?” I asked, but I already knew the answer. Her eyes gleamed like I unearthed a hidden treasure.

“Haven’t you seen me a hundred times?” I asked, but she was spellbound.

She arched her back and made a C over my body, pushing her chest lower and hips higher, her face near my crotch. She kissed below my navel and moved up my body, her nose tracing the path. She planted kisses all over my torso, from short pecks to wet smooches. I had never experienced anything like this. As her fruity hair slithered across me, they sent tingles down my spine. What were these sensations? I caved in. It was something between a touch and a tickle. Why did I love this?

Then her lips brushed my nipple.

I moaned. Without pausing, she licked and smooched my nipples one after the other, and I couldn’t stop moaning. What sorcery was this? What did she awaken in me? As her warm lips caressed the right one, the left one grew cold. This made it even more satisfying when she came back to it. But then the right one grew colder, trapping me in a vicious loop. She left my body with three erections.

Her face neared mine, as her pussy slid downwards, and she whispered, “I couldn’t match your massage, but did this feel good?”

A desire to make passionate love to my sister consumed me. Her beautiful face, her lovely voice, her innocent teasing, everything turned me on. Her warm butt reached my hard-on, which throbbed against her.

“Oh brother, I didn’t know you got this excited!”

I pulled her onto me and rolled to the other side of the bed, trapping her below me. With my cock against her ass, I slid my hands down to pull her t-shirt up, but she stopped me.

“What are you doing brother, violently ripping my skirt off me?” She put my hands into the waistline of her skirt. I tugged it gently, and it came off. Her innocent white underwear stood moist in front of me. My cock twitched into her ass, making her look about.

“Oh no, my underwear is exposed! Don’t you ogle at it! Whatever should I do to stop you!” She spread her legs and resumed her pretend. But that triggered an overwhelming lust within me. Oh Sis, please don’t fan the flames, I’ve already lost half my brain!

I went down on her, sucking the juices off her undies, licking it in from top to bottom, my nose rubbing her clitoris.

“Oh you heartless brute, how dare you put your mouth there, you filthy werewolf?” With legs over my shoulders, she pushed me in. I let out a deep grunt, and she moaned and squirted out.

“No, I don’t want your cock, keep your filthy hands off my pus-” I grunted again before she finished.

She smushed my face with her thighs, which didn’t stop me from licking her, making her raise her pelvis into the air. I decided to test how far it’d go.

“Vulgar beast, get off my pus-” I grunted again, “Aah,” she moaned and flitted her legs over me. Restless, she moved her underwear aside, but I quickly moved it back in place. I kept her on the edge. I grunted again and she leaked more juices and tried harder to shut her thighs. Desperate for stimulation, she put her boobs into her mouth along with her t-shirt.

“Cock-” she tried to say, but I grunted again, sending her into a moaning fit. I prevented her from completing her sentences, and she oozed more juice into my mouth. But her trembling legs and pretend play made me more desperate for action. I grabbed her thighs with both my hands and munched on her vagina, still beneath her undies. Her body shuddered and her belly spasmed as she squirted more fluid into my mouth.

“Ggawd…” she wheezed. Her legs dropped and her body went limp. “Thank you… Bro… let me make it up… to you.” She spoke, out of breath. She rose and pushed me back. We sat facing each other. She grabbed my shoulders and stood up.

“You covered my pussy,” she said, her underwear in my face. “So you really liked my undies?” I gulped, as she slid it down, revealing a thin bush on her pussy. She put it on my face, its cool musty moistness penetrating my nostrils.

“Or was it the juices that you wanted?” I opened my eyes to see her butt approaching me. When did she turn? She shoved it into my face and lowered it. I leaned back till my head pressed against the mattress, and her naked butt was upon my undie-covered face. I felt something over my cock. She bent forward and slid my underwear down to my knees.

“Look how desperate you are for some stimulation,” she said and grabbed my cock, a warm liquid made its way down my shaft. She used her thumb to rub her drool over my tip.

I couldn’t let her turn the tables on me once again. I pushed her undies off my face and began kissing her. I maintained a light pressure, neither speeding nor slowing as I licked it through. But I couldn’t see all the fun she was having with my cock.

She tapped her fingertips over my groin and French kissed my cock. It sent me over and I pushed harder into her pussy and groaned.

“Is this what you like?” she teased, “I wonder what you’ll do if I…”

She lowered her mouth onto my cock, pushing it deep inside, till it poked her neck. For a moment I forgot everything.

“Aah, you really enjoyed this, didn’t you? You even stopped licking!”

She lowered her mouth again on my cock, but didn’t go even half-way. Now she was keeping me on the edge. My hands desperately itched to push her face down on my cock, but I was trapped. And even my attempts to tease her seemed to have lost their effect.

Out of desperation, I tried anything that came to my mind. I put my thumb over her anus and began rubbing. This seemed to slow her blowjob. I tasted her pussy getting wet once again. I continued licking and rubbing her vagina, making her drool and spasm. I felt more of her warm saliva sliding down my cock. But I only felt mild brushes of her fingers over it. And then, to drive it home, I slid my thumb into her anus, freezing her on the spot.

She clutched my cock harder, the one constant in the myriad of sensations, as I rubbed and twisted my thumb within her ass. I had finally won.

And then, I heard a voice in the distance, feeble, battered, and broken. A prayer for mercy.


Did I go too far? Did I break my sister? I took my thumb out.

“Are you alright Sis?”

No response. She slowly got off me and I sat up.

“Did I hurt you, Sis?” Scarring my beautiful big sister? What a moron I am.

“I’m sorry Sis, it was a mistake. Let me show you to your room. Please get dressed.”

Still silent, she held my hand. I felt uneasy and just sat beside her.

“You want to stay?”

She nodded.

“You want me here?”

She nodded again and spoke.

“I’m sorry…” her voice raspy, “It’s just, it was so new, I didn’t know how to react.” A tear streamed down her face.

How could I do something so reckless, so foolish? Why did I call her to this beach? At least she was safe from my monstrous hands.

“No Sis, it’s not your fault. I pushed too far. Please don’t cry.”

She nodded slowly, but couldn’t stop tears from rolling down her eyes.

“I couldn’t see you like this Sis. Can I… can I comfort you?”

She turned to me curiously.

“Don’t worry, you’re safe here. I’ll just pat your back, and I’ll stop whenever you want.”

I dared my hand towards her and placed it on her back. She didn’t react. Safe. I began patting slowly. I didn’t change my pace. Anything could spook her. We sat next to each other. With time, I just mixed my patting with gentle rubs. Her breathing evened out. She looked at me again.

“Want to go to your room?” I asked. She nudged closer.

“You want to stay a little longer?” I asked.

No response.

“You want me to pat a little longer?”

No response.

“You want me to do something else?”

She nodded her head.

“Do you want a hug? Would that comfort you, Sis?”

She paused for a moment and nodded.

I put my hands on her back and moved closer to her. She moved closer to me and we hugged. I continued patting and rubbing her back.

“It wasn’t… It wasn’t all bad today…” she said.

“Are you feeling better now Sis?” I asked. “Hmm,” she whispered into my ear.

“Do you want me to keep hugging you?”

No response.

“Do you want me to stop?” I said, slowing down.

No response.

I stopped and got away from her, but she clung to me, tightening her grip.

“Can you kiss my cheeks again?” She asked.

I was stumped. Would it really be fine?

“Are you sure Sis?”

She nodded.

I turned my lips to her cheeks. They were salty now. I kissed her softly while rubbing her back. She eased more into my arms. We faced each other now.

“Can you… touch my face too?”

Like when I put her hair behind her ears? I put my hand over her cheek and got up on my knees over the mattress. She tilted her head back and looked at me. Sunlight lit our eyes, illuminating the iris and leaving a tiny glint in the corner. She got up on her knees too and closed her eyes. She pulled me closer as I stroked her face and pecked her cheeks, which made my naked cock touch her naked pussy.

“Sis? You know… I think… I’m…”

She started kissing my face. Should I stop her? Her fruity hair, her salty face, her glossy moist lips, I couldn’t stop my erection. But I didn’t want to scare her.

“Sis, I’m getting… Are you sure we should be doing-”

She placed her lips over mine and sucked them gently. I dared not to initiate anything. I hoped that she would get normal once she had these feelings out of her system. This was the least I could do for her.

My erection landed in the gap between her legs. She kissed my neck while my cock ground against her warm thighs and moist pussy. I decided to ignore any pleasure for her sake. She was possessed. It seemed that she wouldn’t stop till she came.

In that case, my mission was clear. To endure everything till she came. But my super taut erection signaled that it would be tough.

She pushed me back on the bed. I could make out the shape of her tits as they floated within her t-shirt above me. My toes curled up and I clenched the bedsheet hard trying to endure as her bottom rubbed against my cock.

Eyes shut, eyebrows twitched, she escaped the mortal plane. She was one with her pleasure. And then she slowed down. She took my cock and slid it inside her pussy.

“No Sis, don’t do that!”

“Yeah… I won’t do that…” she moaned bouncing on the cock.

“It will be a disaster if I cum!”

“Yeah… very bad… very bad… terrible…”

Oh god, how much longer could I endure this? Why does it feel so good inside her?

And then like doves in a free sky, a small drizzle escaped her and made its way onto my chest. She kept bouncing and rubbing her clit.

It’s over. I’m almost at the finish line.

She pressed harder on my cock and squirted much more intensely, flooding my face. Dazed and waterboarded, I neared my limit.

“Sorry… sorry…” she whimpered, still rubbing her clit, grinding my cock harder than ever. I braced myself for a third blast, but she just leaked over me. She slowed and put her hands on my stomach. A little clearer, she realized how close I was to bursting, and got off my cock.

“Thank you for everything brother,” I heard from angels in the sky, and a tight, warm, and moist sensation squeezed my erection. I clenched my fists and held them to the side, while my cock was squeezed deep into her mouth. My body jerked and jolted, and I ejected every ounce of cum down her throat.

She took my cock out of her mouth and showed me my cum. It leaked out of her mouth, and she caught it mid-air. She swallowed it all and said, “So juicy!”

She kissed my cheek with her cum-stained lips.

“Thanks for everything,” she said, “You’re a good brother… don’t beat yourself…”

Those words were melody to my ears. Thank heavens, she’s back to normal. Oh God, please save me from doing something reckless to my sister ever again.

“I really enjoyed myself today… maybe next time… we could have anal…” she blushed.


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