House of Sin by secondus3085

Introduction: Katie got kicked out of her boyfriend’s apartment and needed a place to stay. Against her mother’s objections she decides to crash at her religious Uncle’s house till she gets back on her feet. At her new home Katie learns a different definition of prayer.

Please comment, I'm always looking to improve. , Katie was unsure about what she should do. Her boyfriend had just broken up with her and kicked her out of his place. As she sat in her car with her meager belongings she ran through her options. Stacy might take her in, but she’d been clear in the past that she wasn’t big on people just crashing at her place. Katie might be able to get away with it for a night but she needed to figure out something a little longer term. She had an Aunt and Uncle in town but her family had never been too close to them. Katie’s Mom always said her brother had gotten kinda weird when he met his wife Amber and joined her Church. After their marriage David and Amber stopped showing up to family gatherings and just slowly removed themselves from the fold. Katie figured if they were religious they’d probably be willing to take her in for a little while. She’d just have to downplay the fact that she was single and homeless because she got caught sucking off her boyfriend’s coworker. If they were as private as her Mom made them out to be, she was sure she could get away without telling them anymore than her and her boyfriend were looking for different things. Katie texted her Mom asking for David’s contact info saying she needed a place to stay. Within minutes Katie’s phone was ringing. Her Mom sounded a little worried as they talked, “Hey hum, are you sure you’d want to stay with them? They’re really into that religion of theirs, and I’m pretty sure your cousins still live with them too.” Katie really needed a place to stay and she figured she could survive judgement for a week or two, “Yeah Mom, I’m in a tight spot. Once I pay off my debt I’ll be able to get back on my feet but until then I’ll need help. And who better to help than family?” Katie knew the family angle normally worked on her Mom. After a brief silence her Mom agreed, “Ok, I’ll give David a call and let him know. I’ll send you his contact info if he seems amicable to the idea.” They exchanged some final pleasantries and hung up. Katie waited another fifteen minutes before her Mom texted her David’s contact info.

David lived on the other side of town, in a pretty okay neighborhood. He had told Katie to park in the alley behind the house and to text him when she was there. The houses in this area were old, but were maintained well. No broken down cars on blocks or anything like that. It was easy enough to see where her uncle wanted her to park and soon she had her bag with her and was standing on David’s back porch. She texted him and a few minutes later was greeted at the door. The woman who looked at her through the screen door was about as plain as could be. In her maroon ankle length skirt and grey sweater, Amber seemed like the epitome of reserved. She was gracious though and let Katie in, explaining that everyone was reading in the living room. Katie followed amber through the kitchen to the rest of the family. She hadn’t met anyone on this side of the family before and had only seen pictures from Amber and David’s wedding. It was clear though that the plain ran deep in this household. She was introduced to her cousins Chase and Candice. Chase was built well and was overall pretty handsome. Katie knew if she saw him in a bar she’d entertain the idea of fucking him. Candice on the other hand was the spitting image of her mother, practically just skin and bone and a forgettable face. Katie wasn’t a beauty but compared to the two other women in the room she was a site to behold. She was a little curvier than she’d like, but those curves came with double Ds so she never got any complaints. She’d also been told multiple times that her face was so cute guys just wanted to cum all over it. This is what had gotten her in trouble in the first place. After greeting her cousins, she turned to the patriarch of the family, David was similar to Chase, broad shoulders, handsome but plain, and almost exactly how he looked in the wedding photos from twenty five years earlier. Katie was taken in by his warm welcoming smile though. Everyone else in the house seemed a little shy and hollow but David came across as inviting. “Welcome to our home Katie, your Mom and I talked and it sounds like you need a place to stay till you’re back on your feet, and where better than with family?” His wife and kids settled back to their seats. “We talked it over and we think it’d be best if you stayed in Candi’s room and her and her brother will bunk together.” Katie was laughing inside that his reserved plain cousin had a nickname like a stripper. A part of her was surprised though that David would have his twenty something kids share a bedroom. “Now a few house rules, we don’t allow profanity, alcohol, drugs, or pornography in this house, lights out is at ten on weeknights and eleven on weekends, breakfast is served at 7:30, dinner is at 6:30, you’ll be expected to help out around the house with chores and such, and last but not least we try to gather for prayer every night before bed. We understand that you’re not part of our worship but you’re welcome to attend any night you wish.”

After talking with them a bit more Katie was finally alone in Candice’s room. She was a little surprised because even for such a sparsely decorated space it still didn’t really look lived in. Maybe they really just used their rooms for sleeping and changing their grey sweaters. There was a towel laid out for her, so she grabbed it and headed to the bathroom. She only took a quick shower and was soon drying off. She jumped as the bathroom door swung open. “Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize you were still in here.” It was Chase in only a towel. Katie saw that he was kinda muscular and like the rest of his family barely had an ounce of fat on him. She’d definitely have let a guy who looked like him fuck her. They stood in awkward silence for a moment and then Katie realized she was buck ass naked in front of her cousin. She quickly grabbed her towel and wrapped herself. “Don’t worry about it, please.” Katie didn’t want to get kicked out for lewd behavior or something. “I must have forgotten to lock the door.” Katie could see an erection through Chase’s towel. He cleared his throat, “Don’t worry the bathroom door hasn’t locked in years, I just need to learn to knock.” Katie scooted past Chase and headed back to her room. She got out of there fast since she knew the longer she was there the more and more likely her inner whore would come out. Why was it that every time a guy showed interest in her she wanted to get on her knees for them.

It was nine thirty and Katie got a knock on her door, “Hey Katie, we’re going to have our evening prayer, you’re welcome to join if you’d like.” Katie had no interest in this, “Thanks for offering, but I think I’m just going to get an early start on bed.” Katie hadn’t realized it, but between fighting all the night before and the shock of having to find a new home she was exhausted. She turned off the room’s lights and went to her cousin’s bed. She wondered if Candice ever rubbed herself down. She figured she had to have, but some women really didn’t have the same libido as Katie so maybe not. She toyed with the idea as she slowly started to caress her own sex. The house was eerily quiet as Katie rubbed her clit. All of a sudden though she heard everyone coming up the stairs and saying goodnight. Just like that the house was silent again. Katie could swear though that she heard the creaking of a bed. She laughed at the idea of David still having a huge libido and just using his shrew of a wife like a fuck doll. The noise was close though and was slowly building. She heard a slight bang against the wall between her room and Chase’s. Katie crept out of bed and went to her door, she quietly walked down the hallway and sure enough it sounded like her cousins’ were fucking. That wasn’t all though, as she got close to her Aunt and Uncle’s room she could hear the sounds of fucking coming from there too.

Without realizing it Katie brought her hand back down to her swelling pussy. She could distinctly hear Candi whimpering now. She recognized it as a high pitched and slightly muffled, “yes, yes, yes”. Katie could hardly believe her ears, if Chase was willing to fuck his plain Jane of a sister she was sure he’d be willing to through her a bone. She thought of herself being in that room, getting pounded into, over and over again. Katie sat down in the hallway outside Chase’s room and continued rubbing herself down. She dipped her fingers into her sloppy hole and used the natural lubricant to bring herself up. Soon she was making little noises of her own. She knew she could get caught at any minute so she hastened things up. She reached down and pulled out a tit. Biting down on her nipple she kept rubbing her clit until she heard Candi’s little voice cry, “Release your seed in me, please release in me.” Katie came with a shudder. The noises stopped in the room and Katie crept back to her bed. She was resolved that once she’d paid off her debts she was going to have Chase fuck her.

The next morning Katie met everyone down in the kitchen for breakfast. They all exchanged pleasantries and Katie was surprised that they were all so platonic towards each other now, even though they clearly like to fuck like animals. She wanted to fuck Chase, but to get there she knew she’d have to integrate herself with the family a little more. She couldn’t pull her normal shit, no, with this family she’d have to play along as long as she could and then just set up another bathroom accident. She was sure if she blew Chase he’d find a way to fuck her. Leaning into her situation, Katie piped up, “Hey, so you mentioned helping out with chores last night. I work from ten to six but can help out before or after. What would you like me to do?” David beamed at her, “And to think my sister said you would be difficult. I believe we have a load of laundry that needs to be done, that’s all we’d need from you today. Candi, can you show your cousin the machines.” Katie was a little hurt that her Mom had said she’d be difficult, but she recognized she didn’t have the best track record.

Once Breakfast was cleared Candice took Katie upstairs. They grabbed the laundry hampers from the rooms and went to the basement. Katie was worried that the basement would look like it was out of a horror movie, but instead it was very clean and well organized. There was a clear space taking up most of the floor of the basement. “Do you guys use this area for anything? It’s a lot of space.” Katie was genuinely curious. Candice looked at her with an oddly intense stare, “This is where we have our evening prayer.” Candice turned back to the washer and dryer and explained the quirks of the antiquated machines. Soon Katie was alone sorting through the laundry. Candice was very clear about washing the delicates separately. There were an awful lot of delicates. It looked like Candice and Amber must be changing their panties at least twice a day. Katie wasn’t surprised though that they both wore pretty plane grey panties. Not loose or ill-fitting ones, they just looked like something you’d see at an athletics store. Both their bras might as well have been trainers. Katie wasn’t sure how Amber breastfed her kids with her tiny A cups. Candice wasn’t any better. Katie put the first load in and started poking around the basement. There was a box of photo albums and she started to pic through them. There were just a lot of similar pictures of this plane family doing plane things throughout the years. Katie had decided that she was going to head upstairs when she noticed something odd. Next to the cleared area there was a small bookcase with a bible and some other stuff on it, but the odd thing was that there were scrapes on the concrete next to it that made it looked like the bookcase was regularly moved. Katie listened to the house for a moment. Chase and David had already gone to work, and it sounded like the women were doing dishes. Katie carefully nudged the bookcase, making sure not to jostle its contents. In a small dugout behind the bookcase were a polaroid camera and another photo album.

Katie’s heart was racing as she pulled out the album and opened it up. The first couple pages looked like they were taken on Amber and David’s wedding night. Amber was clearly taking her wifely duties very seriously and was showing everything to the camera. There was a time gap and the next set of pictures were of Amber, taken at all angles, documenting every inch of her tight plain body. Katie was surprised that she had a Brazilian wax, but realized it really showed off her little cunt. After two pages of that Katie got a shock. The next section was actually labeled Chase’s 18th Birthday. Katie was getting hot as she flipped through the photos of Amber sucking her son off and then getting fucked by him. Katie slid a hand down her sweatpants. Rubbing her pussy she kept turning the pages. Katie loved the feeling of her lips when they got nice and swollen like this, her natural lubricant heightened the sensation as her fingers rubbed her sex. She was panting heavily as she turned to the last section. Candi’s 18th Birthday. No wonder this family didn’t need pornography in the house. With how they were fucking it’d never be necessary. Katie looked on in awe as she saw picture after picture of Candice getting fucked by both her father and brother. She was especially surprised to see the close-up of one of their dicks in her asshole. Getting Chase to fuck her was going to be easier than she thought. The last picture was of Candice and Amber side by side both with loads on their faces, smiling broader than Katie could have imagined. Focusing on those expressions of pure whorish joy Katie worked herself into another orgasm. She’d hardly stopped rubbing herself when the laundry machine chimed. Katie snapped back and put the album away. Returning the bookcase to where it belonged.

Katie changed the loads and realized she needed to start getting ready for work. She showered and changed and was back down in the basement again. She desperately wanted to look through those pictures again but knew she didn’t have time. She started folding the laundry and finished just in time to head to work. All day all she could think about was how fucked up her relatives were and how she wanted to get in the middle of it all.

Katie got home just before dinner and joined the family at the table. They said grace and had their meal. Afterwards Katie showered with the bathroom door ajar and then took her sweat time drying off. Chase never showed. Katie was disappointed but still listened to her cousin’s fucking that night. The rest of the week went on like this, Katie helping out around the house and trying to bait Chase. Every night she was invited to their prayer, but Katie still didn’t go.

Friday rolled around and Katie told David and Amber that she wouldn’t be home that night for dinner but would be in bed by lights out. She had agreed to get drinks with some co-workers after work but was distracted the whole time. None of the guys in the bar were nearly as arousing as the thought of getting rammed by her cousin. She called it an early night and showed up at the house a little after eight. She said hi to everyone in the living room and headed upstairs for a quick shower. She was a little buzzed and didn’t even think about baiting her cousin. She’d finished up and was drying off when the door opened. Sure enough it was Chase.

Katie moved fast, dropping her towel to the ground, closing the distance between her and her cousin, and closing the door behind him. “Hey Katie, sorry, I thought you’d gone.” Katie could see his boner clearly though his towel. Without saying a word she pushed Chase up against the counter and dropped to her knees. She pulled down his towel exposing his erect member. “Katie, we shouldn’t do this here and now, there's a right way to do these things.” Katie ignored his pleas and began licking his shaft. She took hold of his cock in one hand and made eye contact with him as she slowly lowered her face to his cock. Katie had always been proficient at deep throating and had never gotten a complaint. It showed now as Chase let out a muffled groan. Katie bobbed her head back and forth, trying to get him to cum without her having to take a break. She didn’t know that he’d just had his mother suck him off and that she should settle in for a bit of a longer haul. After a couple minutes of throat fucking Katie had to take a break and she pulled off his cock, and began jerking him off. “You probably want to fuck me too, huh? You want a juicier pussy than your sister’s skinny twat.”

Chase was in too much bliss to respond. Katie felt recovered enough and went back to it. It only took a couple more minutes till she felt Chase clinch his glutes. She kept going and sure enough he started to cum. Katie took it all in her mouth, most of it just going down her throat. The warm load was a bit of a relief after all the throat fucking, he’d lasted longer than she expected. Katie stayed on her knees and gently licked Chase’s cock clean. Swallowing everything. When she was done she stood back up. Chase was still in a bit of shock, “You really shouldn’t have done that. I think if you come to prayer and confess your sin it’ll be okay. Please, you really should.” Katie thought on this for a second, if he felt this much guilt right now, how likely would he be to actually fuck her. He seemed to think that if she went to prayer everything would be ok, so that’s what she’d do.

Katie went back to her room and got dressed in sweatpants and a t-shirt. She waited pretty impatiently for the telltale knock. When it came she went to the door and agreed to join the family for prayer. Once they were all in the basement, David took out four cushions. They all took one and sat on them facing the wall with the bookcase. Katie just stood there until David finally said, “Come forward Katie and stand before us. I understand you have a sin to confess.” Katie didn’t really like the idea of going in front of them and saying that she blew Chase, but she knew that they were all about as incestuous as you could get so what’d be the harm. She walked up in front of them, standing next to the bookcase. She stood there in silence with her head bowed. “Katie, you must stand naked before judgement and confess your sin, otherwise I’m not sure there is a place for you here.” Katie gulped, but knew that she needed the room and that she wanted her cousin’s dick. She’d already seen all of them naked. Katie undressed, leaving her clothes in a little heap next to her. It was a little cold in the basement and her nipples started to harden. Her hands instinctively went to cover her pussy and breast. “Katie, we’ve been patient with you, expose yourself to God, confess your sin, and accept your punishment.” The last part was new to Katie but she removed her hands from her body and started talking, “I have felt the sin of lust, and I forced myself onto my cousin.”

Katie looked up expectantly, David was nodding, “Yes, you have sinned. Now a sin of the flesh should be punished through the flesh. Katie, turn around, bend over, and put your hands on the wall.” David stood up as Katie turned. No sooner had Katie put her ass out that she felt the sharp pain as David’s hand made contact with her. Her relatives looked on in awe as her thick ass jiggled from the impact. Katie endured ten more spanks, on alternating cheeks, until her pale ass was covered in red handprints. “That is the punishment of the father, Amber please give her the punishment of the mother.” Katie was a little confused as Amber got up. Amber said in an oddly sensual voice, “Stand up my child and turn around. Good. Now hold your arms behind your back.” Katie did as she was told. Amber grabbed one of Katie’s nipples and pulled on it exclaiming to her family, “If this isn’t a body of sin I don’t know what is.” Amber shook her head and released Katie’s nipple. She raised her hand and brought it down hard on Katie's exposed tit. Katie let out a yelp but didn’t move to cover herself as her other tit was smacked. This went on till Katie was crying and Amber was too tired to keep it up. David broke the silence left by the last slap, “Katie, if you wish to stay here and be a part of this family you’ll have to do a bit more than just take punishment, you also will need to give bliss.”

Katie had stopped crying but was confused about what was to happen next. David began undoing his pants, “Get on your knees.” Katie obeys and before she knew it she was getting aggressively facefucked. She relaxed and let her uncle pound away at her mouth. Katie’s throat was still a little sore from the head she’d given Chase, but she relaxed and tried to enjoy the feeling of her Uncle getting off in her mouth. It only took a couple of minutes and he began to burst into her. She swallowed his load down and even cleaned up his cock a bit. She was caught off guard as David grabbed a handful of her hair and led her to Amber who had returned to her cushion. Katie saw that Amber’s legs are spread wide open exposing her clean bare cunt. David led her all the way to his wife’s pussy before releasing his grip on Katie’s hair. After a couple deep breaths Katie began licking her Aunt. She’d never done this before but figured she’d just replicate what guys have done to her. It didn’t take long for Amber’s hips to start to pump in time with Katie’s licks, and as Katie focused in on Amber’s clit, Amber started letting out little cries. Amber didn’t mind Kaitie’s poor form, she clearly had never eaten a pussy before, but her broad tongue and eagerness to please was a nice change from her family member’s almost mechanical proficiency in the act. Soon Katie felt Amber grab the back of her head and start to grind her hips aggressively against her face. Moments after the grinding started Amber knew she wouldn’t be able to hold it in another second, she squeezed Katie’s head with her thin legs and released her completely.

Katie felt good about how that went, but her jaw and tongue were getting tired. She started to sit up when her hair was grabbed again and this time she was led to Candice. This was the moment Candice had been waiting for since she heard what Katie had done. She was going to enjoy putting her slutty cousin in her place. As soon as Katie’s head was within her grasp she began pulling her hair and grinding her little twat against her face. Katie could pick up on the jealousy Candice must be feeling. Candice was going to have to start sharing her brother with this fuck pig. Candice never got to be on the sadist side of things and the new power was a little too much for her. She was almost embarrassed with how quickly her orgasm was building. It didn’t take long though and soon Candice had also cum. Katie braced for her hair getting pulled again, but nothing happened. She looked up at her Uncle. David looked her in the eyes, “Okay Katie, you’ve started down this path but we won’t be able to bring you into the family until Sunday. Between now and then you will do as any of us command. Understood?” Katie just nodded. Her relatives got up and left her naked in the basement. She dressed again and headed to her room.

She barely settled into her bed when her door creaked open. She didn’t move, hoping it was Chase coming to fuck her. She heard something set down on the bedside table and her sheets were pulled back. Katie heard her Uncle’s voice “Going forward you will sleep naked unless you’re bleeding. Strip down and turn over.” Katie complied, getting naked and lying face down on the bed. She heard the object removed from the bedside table and felt something cold running down her butt crack. Katie knew what would be coming next and tried to relax.

David mounted the bed and grabbed Katie’s hair in one hand. With his other hand he took his cock and started to rub the lube around Katie’s asshole. He leaned in close to her keeping his voice down, “I always wanted to fuck your Mom like this. I know guys must’ve loved cumming in her ass. You’re cuter though, and by the feel of it , tighter.” Katie just kept on trying to relax. She’d been fucked up the ass a couple times and her only big takeaways were that guys loved it and that the more you fight it the more painful it is. Katie felt the head of her Uncle's dick pushing against her rosebud. She breathed slowly as he worked his way into her. It wasn’t comfortable but she knew she was tearing or anything. He’d only gone a couple inches when he pulled back out and poured more lube on her hole. He adjusted his grip on her hair and leaned in again as he pressed his cock into her, “Amber doesn’t let Chase or me fuck Candi’s little asshole, and Amber’s is pretty used up, so I’m going to take my time and enjoy myself.” Katie felt him going deeper and deeper into her until he was grinding his hips against her ass. Katie was used to guys just pounding away, and was kinda pleasantly surprised by how gentle David was being with her. She settled in and relaxed herself and tried to enjoy her Uncle’s lust. If she’d been able to get a hand under herself before this started she’d be pleasantly flicking her bean while thinking about David fucking her mom. Sadly she couldn’t really move with David pinning her to the bed and she just relaxed.

This continued for a couple minutes when he pulled is cock out, “Okay harlot, I hope you’re all warmed up. I don’t want to tear up your hole and spoil the fun.” Before Katie could protest David pulled his cock from her ass and plunged it back in. He started to pound her into the bed harder and harder. He pulled her head to the side and sunk his tongue into Katie’s mouth. He pulled her hair a bit harder, breaking the seal from her mouth, “You know your Mom sucked my dick once. She was as big a whore as you. I caught her coming home drunk from a party. She offered to blow me if I promised not to tell dad.” Katie started crying a little. She wasn’t completely sure why, but having her Uncle talk about her Mom that way was too much. David licked the tears from Katie’s face as he locked his hips to her ass and twitched a bit releasing his load into her. He collapsed on his niece and just laid there for a minute. Eventually he got up, he left the lube on the bedside table, “If your Mom’s ass was half as tight as yours she would have made me a very happy brother.” He left and closed the door behind him. Katie had stopped crying and was surprised at how wet her pussy was. She rubbed herself off to the sound of her cousins fucking next door and went to sleep.

When Katie woke up she dreaded going down to breakfast but was surprised with how normal everyone was acting. Nobody said a word about the previous night and everything felt like it did every other morning. Katie was picking up a weekend shift and was happy to get out of the house. When her shift ended she turned down drinks with her coworkers and instead went straight to her Uncle’s house. When she walked in Amber was cleaning while everyone else was reading in the living room. Katie didn’t feel like sitting in silence with them and just went up to her room. At dinner it was similarly quiet but normal. It wasn’t until they had bussed their dishes that David changed the tune a little, “Since we are planning on bringing you into the family tomorrow, I think it makes the most sense if we have a quick prayer and then get an early start tomorrow.” The family members agreed and looked at Katie. She agreed and followed them down to the basement.

Once they were all down in the basement David took out the pillows again. Katie didn’t know it but her relative had discussed and agreed to what they wanted to do that night. If Katie had paid attention at dinner she’d have noticed Amber and Candace rubbing themselves under the table. Their warmup made it so as soon as the five of them were in the basement Amber and Candace stripped naked and laid back on the pillows. David didn’t skip a beat and began plowing his daughter. Chase also dropped trough and headed to his mother. He maintained eye contact with Katie as he ran his erection into his Mom’s waiting pussy. Katie watched in silence as the two men hammered away, Candace started to cry for her dad to cum in her and sure enough he did. He’d barely pulled out of his daughter when he turned towards Katie, “Harlot, get on your knees and clean us up.” Katie snapped out of it and dropped to her knees. It just took a minute to clean David’s cock, but as she moved towards Candace, David informed her, “Now you better not just clean that beautiful little flower, but also take her to bliss.” Katie remembered how rough Candace was the previous night so she mentally prepared for a repeat. Sure enough Candace grabbed Katie by her hair and began grinding her pussy against Katie’s face.

Katie wasn’t even eating her out at this point, just rubbing her face against Candace’s sex. David saw this and decided to take action, “Candi, let the whore do her penance or I’ll cook up something for you too.” Katie could hear the weight behind his threat and Candace released her hair immediately. Candace also spread her legs wide so Katie would have easier access. Keeping her head down Katie finally started licking her cousin’s cunt. She was pretty sure she’d cleaned the cum off of it and so now was time to give her something more. Katie reached up with one hand and separated Candace’s lips. Candace was able to feel what her mother felt the previous night, the sloppy but dedicated licks and flicks of an untrained tongue trying to please her. As much as she wanted to dominate her Cousin, Candace appreciated what Katie was doing as she began working one of her fingers into her snatch. It didn’t take Katie too long to get Candace to make her trademark cries. She was gently grinding her hips in rhythm with Katie’s licks until she finally shuddered and went quiet. Katie had been so focused on her task she didn’t realize Chase had finished with his Mom and had his dick waiting to be cleaned. This time it was Katie who was forcing eye contact as she licked his cock and began sucking on it. Blood started to return to his member when his father chimed in, “That’s enough you cock hungry slut. Take care of your Aunt or get punished.”

Katie released her cousin’s cock and reluctantly turned to her Aunt. She was unsure why she was actually obeying her Uncles orders. It wasn’t like she really needed to live here, and if anyone else had told her that she’d have to service all of her housemates she’d have told them to fuck off. However, knowing what she was doing, and how taboo it was got her juices flowing. When she had given her boyfriend’s best friend head, the wrongness and violation of trust is what made it hot. Looking at her Aunt’s cum filled snatch filled Katie with a disgust that aroused her beyond belief. She was quick to clean up her Aunt and moved right into giving her an orgasm. She went much faster than her daughter and pretty soon she let out a cry and went limp. “Thank you Katie for giving so much to your Aunt and Cousin. We went a little out of order though tonight, we normally start with the punishment first, so tonight we will end with it. Expose yourself and put your hands against the wall. Katie did as she was told and received her spanking. When she turned back around she saw Amber holding a ping pong paddle. “I’m sorry dear but my hands hurt last night so I figured this would work better.” With that Amber began smacking Katie's fat tits. She went all out again and by the end Katie was crying. Amber decided she’d had enough and put down the paddle. She grabbed one of Katie’s nipples and twisted hard, shooting pain through her breast, “You can thank that Mother of yours for this treatment. If David didn’t talk about her tits so much I wouldn’t feel the need to do this.” She twisted some more and released. As quickly as it had started the family started to dress and head upstairs. Just David and Katie were left alone in the basement. David looked Katie up and down and smiled, “We’ll have breakfast upstairs tomorrow and then come down here for a special Sunday service. You don’t need to worry, nobody will keep you up tonight.” He turned and left Katie naked and alone.

When Katie awoke the next morning she was actually pretty excited. It hadn’t been a bad couple of days but she was pretty sure she was going to finally get fucked. This whole time she had been in this house everyone else was fucking and getting each other off and she was finally going to join the fun. Katie headed to the bathroom to take a quick shower before breakfast. The house was pretty quiet but she could hear her relatives downstairs. In a couple minutes she was clean and ready for the day. The breakfast conversation was the standard asking each other how they slept and other pleasantries. Katie did notice that Chase wolfed down his meal and threw back a couple cups of coffee. He was the only one who seemed to be in a hurry. Eventually they bussed the dishes and cleaned up. Once the last dish was dried, David announced that it was time to head downstairs for the service.

Katie was the last one down and she watched as everyone else stripped down. They had laid out exercise mats across the entire floor, which was a bit of a relief to Katie, she had worried about getting fucked on the concrete. Katie also noticed the polaroid camera was out, as well as the album she had perused earlier. Before David had a chance to order her, Katie disrobed. The rest of the family kneeled on the mats and David told Katie to again stand in front of them. He proceeded to tell her to stand in different positions and bend over, this way and that so he could capture her fully with the camera. Finally he told her to get on her back and spread her legs as wide as possible. She did and David captured one last photo before they began.

With Katie still spread open David said an odd little prayer with his head bowed, which his family repeated back. David and Chase stood and stepped back, David informed the group but mainly Katie, “Now the women will ready themselves.” Amber and Candace shifted to their backs, spread their legs, and began rubbing off. Katie followed their lead and looked on as Chase stroked his cock. She felt a small orgasm building, it was more like one of the ones she’d give herself before sleep than the huge ones she’d been having listening to her cousins fuck. The other two women also seemed to finish themselves off. Satisfied with the performance, David spoke up again, “My love and I talked last night and we want to welcome Katie into the fold together. Chase, take some good shots.” He got above Katie and started to line up his cock with her pussy. As he began pushing his member against her hole Amber moved in and sat on Katie’s face. Amber settled her pussy on Katie’s mouth and leaned forward a bit giving her a better angle to eat her out. Amber also took hold of Katie’s legs and pulled them back away from her husband. Once David had his cock wet he began hammering into his niece’s pussy. Katie tried to eat out her Aunt the best she could but soon the fucking was too much and she was crying out with pleasure each thrust. David always like to go fast on his first fuck of the day and pretty soon he was cumming in Katie’s snatch. As he pulled out, Amber quickly cleaned off his dick and then moved to her niece’s twat. Katie was initially disappointed when the cock left her body, but the feeling now of Amber’s lips sucking the fluid from her hole and then delicately flicking her clit was amazing. In minutes Katie was orgasming. The second Amber pulled off her clit, Katie began returning the favor. Amber cried as she finally started to receive the attention she felt she deserved. After Amber finally climaxed she collapsed to the side.

Katie just laid there as her Aunt moved away and Chase finally moved it. Much like when his father fucked her, Chase pinned Katie’s legs back and started pounding into her chubby snatch. Katie grabbed her legs and held them back for Chase, freeing up his hands. Katie may have been out of her element, but she knew what the guys wanted and the women would hate her for, between her whimpers she squeaked out, “grab my fat tits you fuck, squeeze them and hurt them” Chase didn’t need to be told twice and soon he was supporting himself on his hands, grinding her breast into her. It was uncomfortable to Katie but she knew Chase loved it. She could feel him building up and knew she wanted to make a bit of a show of it, “Cum in my dirty fuck holes.” She was caught off guard by a slap to the face. She felt a slap to the other cheek and started to cum. “There will be no profanity in this house you whore,” Chase bellowed as he too started to release into her. He collapsed on top of Katie in a sweaty heap.

Chase rolled off of her and Katie stretched her legs a bit. Katie was surprised to hear Candice pipe up, “Is it my turn yet?” David shushed his daughter, “No honey, let the slut rest for a minute, we’ve got all day with her.” Katie closed her eyes and chuckled to herself. This was the home for her. Read 58707 times | Rated 93.8 % | (453 votes) Vote list (Close) :
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