How I Became a Breeding Bull Ch. 09 by Thors_Fist,Thors_Fist

“Oh, fuck!” Sharon said. “What a sweet ride this is going to be.”

“Damn straight.”

My GPS had me going on Interstate 90 to Ellensburg, where we got off the freeway onto US 97, which we’d stay on until we reached the town of Chelan at the south end of Lake Chelan. We couldn’t drive to where we were staying, the North Cascades Lodge at Stehekin. The only way to the lodge was on the Lady of the Lake ferry, or hiking in. I wasn’t hiking, not hauling luggage with me.

I asked Sharon how she got Jeri to agree to have sex with her.

“Naturally, she was a little intrigued when I told her how great the orgasms were. I mean, you alone, best sex I’ve ever had with a man, but with a woman licking me at the same time, like close to twice that good. She’d fucked you and knew how good that was. She wondered how it could get any better.

“I asked her if she wanted to get back at you because you were such a cheating bastard. Of course, that piqued her interest. I said, ‘Brick is probably expecting to sleep with me tonight. That’s the reason I’m here, after all. What if instead of him taking me to bed, you take me to bed, telling him I’m going to show you about girl-on-girl sex. Now he doesn’t have anyone in his bed, you know, to start. Although, you really do have to try it, so after I show you how much fun it is to be with a woman, we go wake him up, and you can have what you really want, more of his big dick plowing your pussy, except this time, I’ll be licking your clit at the same time.’ She had questions. ‘Won’t he have Laura to fall back on?’ I told her that you’d already told me you were letting Laura and Phillip fuck the night away because he was going to be alone for several days, so you’d start off the night sleeping by your lonesome, wondering how the hell you didn’t have anyone fucking you. This appealed to her sense of revenge, so she jumped on the band wagon, and here we are.”

I had to laugh. I could see it happening. “How is she as a cunt licker?”

“Not bad. She’s very competitive. All I had to do was tell her how much better Laura is pleasing me, and she buckled right down and got to business. She picked it up very fast. She’s a smart girl and we all kind of know what we like. She liked lesbian sex just fine, thank you. What’s not to like? No one is expecting her to marry a woman. It’s just sex, and she loves sex.” Sharon moaned as she had another orgasm.

“You picked up about her competitive nature?”

“Oh, yeah. I got that on the shopping trip. We were trying on lingerie, and she was talking about how gorgeous Laura is. She held up something sheer, and said, ‘Do you think Brick would take his eyes of Laura if I wore this?’ Bingo. She’s still jealous and wants to attract your eye, and she sees Laura as the competition. She still has the hots for you, annulment or not. I know you don’t want to get married again, but you should take her out by herself when we get back and take her to a nice hotel and fuck her senseless, all to herself. I think she’d appreciate that.”

“That’s a sweet thing to suggest.”

“Well, you’re not going to marry anyone else, so you can afford to treat her like she’s special. She really is a nice lady. I can’t believe you made her teach Laura how to suck your cock. That was pretty low.”

“Laura needs to know, not so much for me, as I don’t plan hanging around, but for whoever takes control after me. If she’s going to be a submissive slut, she needs to deep throat cock.”

“I’m not saying Laura doesn’t need to know. I’m saying having your ex teach her how to do it, sucked. I’m surprised she even talked to you.”

“I manage to put my foot in it a lot with Jeri.”

“No doubt.”

Around Snoqualmie, I told Sharon she could shed her top, but keep it handy in case I got stopped for speeding. I told Laura she had to pull her skirt up and masturbate in addition to the Lush running. I cranked up the Taycan because we were hitting pretty open highway going East on a Sunday. Spokane was on the other side of the state, so traffic wasn’t horribly heavy. I started running between 90-100 miles per hour, but every time I passed a big rig, I’d slow down and pace them for a few seconds so they could look down and see the two women in the car, one topless, one as good as bottomless. We got a lot of air horn blasts and big smiles. I think Laura enjoyed it. She was cumming more frequently than Sharon even though the Lush was responding to the same music.

We got to Ellensburg and I pulled off the freeway. We took a bathroom break, snagged a snack and drinks and hit the road again. The Taycan Turbo S can go from 0-60 in 2.6 to 2.7 seconds, if you don’t spin your wheels. Punching it is pure adrenaline, pushing you against the seat backs as it transfers power to all four wheels. They have roller coasters that don’t get you to speed that fast. Top speed is over a 160 miles per hour, although, on the twisty, turning mountain road of US 97 through the Wenatchee Mountains, is no place to test the top end. Its ability to hold the road did allow us to drive faster than the speed limit. The road is primarily north-south for several miles, until it intersects with US 2 going east, the roads merging, crossing the Columbia River at Wenatchee, then north along the river, a truly spectacular drive. The roads split again in Orondo, 97 continuing north to Chelan, 2 going east to Spokane, eventually.

When we crossed the Columbia again at Chelan, I had the ladies get presentable again. I parked the car where it could be charged for the ride back and we went to the ferry for the long boat ride to the Lodge. We couldn’t check in until after five, so that was no problem.

I spent a good part of the ferry ride, kissing the two women, and I got more than a few looks, wondering how I was so cozy with two great looking beauties. Ah, if they only knew one of them was married to someone else, I might have expected a dagger in the ribs. As it was, it was more eyes shooting daggers, or perhaps a few envious looks, from both men and women alike, both speculating what I had, to attract the attention of two fantastic females.

One fellow had the temerity to ask me what my secret was; money, fame, what.

“Confidence, primarily. I’m not afraid to ask for what I want, and that’s before a woman knows anything about me.”

“Oh, come on!” He protested.

“Do you know who I am?”


“Most people don’t. Do I look rich?”

I had on khaki’s and a flannel shirt, with Topsiders and socks. I had on a windbreaker because the lake air was cool in the mountains in September. I had an Apple Watch, so not sporting obvious signs of wealth.

“No,” he admitted.

“Pick out any woman who’s obviously not with another person right now.”

He looked around a little and found a dark haired woman of about my age, perhaps a couple years older, wearing some better quality clothes, carrying a Coach purse that probably cost a grand at least. “Okay, her.”

“Excuse me.”

I went up to the young woman. She didn’t have a wedding ring on. Good. “Pardon me, ma’am. I’m sorry for being so forward, but I was wondering if you were going to the North Cascades Lodge at Stehekin today.”


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