How I Became a Breeding Bull Ch. 09 by Thors_Fist,Thors_Fist

“What are you going to do, Brick?” Laura asked.

“I’m thinking of inviting like a dozen people out on our date. Maybe if she thought she’d need to have sex with all of them, it would throw her off a little.”

“Like a foursome is okay, but who the fuck are all of these other people,” Sharon said.

“Kind of like that, yeah. I swear, you’ll get a good meal out of it, Amy, and you don’t have to have sex with anyone you don’t want to. The only ones I can’t include are Phillip and Laura. Don’t want the neighbors talking about them.”

“Are you talking about an orgy?” Amy asked.

I started dishing up the eggs on the plates, thinking.

“Not a real one. I mean, I expect she’d turn down an orgy at her house, if that’s what she thought it would be. I’d want her to be turned off by the idea. Maybe have a couple topless girls out in her front yard to freak out the neighbors. I think it’s doable. Would you go topless in the front yard, Sharon?”

“Yeah, Becca probably would too. Hell, I might even go bottomless if there aren’t any kids around and it’s late enough. You should invite your buddy, Jack. Maybe he has a couple more African-American friends that could show up, scare the neighbors. I think it’s doable too. If you weren’t such a good fuck, we wouldn’t have to beat them off with a stick.”

“It’s against my nature to leave a woman unsatisfied.”

“Tell me about it,” Amy said. “That’s why I’m here, although you get a lot of help from your fan club.”

“I love my fan club for that very reason. Go ahead, eat up, a lot of exercise today and lots more fucking.”


I told my two girls to wear bikinis with warmer clothes over the top.

“Is there a reason for this?” Sharon asked.

“Layers. You might get hot while paddling your kayak, and want to take off your top layer, particularly your torso. If we stop, which we will at some point, you’ll start to cool down as the sweat evaporates, so you’ll need to put the warm layers on again. We’ll paddle for a couple hours, take a break for lunch and to fuck Laura for her husband, then we’ll paddle back and hit the hot tub before supper.”

“Can everyone get in on this lunch fucking?” Amy asked.

“Fine, I’ll fuck each of you to two orgasms apiece, except for my slave slut, who I plan to deposit my cum in.”

“I can live with that,” Amy said. “You, Sharon.”

“I’ll live with whatever he gives me, even if it’s your tasty cunt.”

“Better yet,” Amy laughed. “I don’t have to be satisfied with only two.”

We grabbed some pre-made sandwiches at the convenience store along with two six packs of water. I paid for two, two-man kayaks, and we set out around ten. Since we were close to the north end of Lake Chelan, we headed south. I would have preferred finding a little island for our lunch break, but their aren’t any islands in Lake Chelan, so I kept my eye out for something that would provide some privacy for a bit of tom foolery. We were making about one and a half or so miles an hour and a little past noon, by what my map showed as Meadow Creek, I found some trees for privacy, with some soft sand for comfort and we put in.

The trip had us each consuming one bottle of water on the way, which left a bottle for lunch and a bottle for the return. The temperature had started out with a brisk 55 degrees when we left, but it was closer to 65 when we stopped for lunch, warm enough the girls felt like shedding their flannel shirts or hoodies, and lounge in their bikinis. I made Laura take her top off, and it was cool enough her nipples hardened to stiff little points. I had her sit in my lap and fed her the ham sandwich she’d gotten, while I ate my turkey. I played with her, even shoving my hand down her bikini bottoms, making her squirm, and eventually cum. Sharon took a brief movie of Laura cumming in my lap.

My food gone, I stripped Laura of her bottoms and set her over my lap as I sat on a fallen tree and fucked her, Sharon taking a lengthy movie of fifteen minutes worth of Laura squealing on my cock.

“Sharon, you’re next,” I said. “Come here.”

Laura dismounted and Sharon was on me next, dropping her bottoms and mounting my shaft. It took her perhaps ten minutes to cum twice. Amy was waiting her turn.

I grabbed a condom out of my jeans pockets.

“Wait a minute,” Amy said. “Why are you putting a condom on for me and not Sharon. I know Laura’s trying to have a baby, but Sharon’s not.”

“Because I don’t want to give Laura anything more than a baby. Because I’m having sex with so many different people, everyone else I fuck, I wear a condom for, unless they’ve gotten medical clearance of being disease free. Once I start fucking someone without a condom, they can’t fuck anyone else unless that person uses a condom. Sharon got medical clearance so I didn’t have to use one.”

“After my fiancé cancelled our wedding, I had to have a medical for work. I don’t have the paperwork, but I was clear. I hadn’t fucked anyone else until you.”

“Laura, I’ll leave it up to you. I’m trying to protect you. If you feel comfortable with it, I’ll fuck Amy without a condom.”

“I don’t believe she’d lie to us about that, Master. Fuck her cunt bareback.”

So Amy rode my cock bareback and she got her two orgasms too. Then I finished my fucking in Laura and deposited a heavy load of cum in her, while Sharon filmed it. I then licked my cum out of her pussy, while that was filmed. I made Laura lick my cock clean. She did pretty good, even without lying with her head over the bed, though she couldn’t get it all down once I was hard. I filmed that, eventually cumming in her mouth.

While Laura was sucking me off, Sharon and Amy eventually started kissing and making out, shedding their bikini tops and lying in the warm sand while licking each other. They’d shed their bottoms while fucking me. Around two, everyone got ready to leave. It was getting close to seventy, and they decided to leave their warm clothes off and go with just the bikinis, especially as we’d be paddling. I had a great view of Amy’s splendid ass on the trip back and my cock was aching to sink into her again.


The return to the Lodge was relatively uneventful, but still wonderful as exercise if nothing else. The one exception to that is I made Laura remove her bikini top as the Lady, the ferry boat, went by, then took a movie of her bare breasted, waving to the passengers as it passed.

“I’m so fucking turned on, Master, I need your big cock inside me again,” Laura said.

“No can do, slut. Put your top back on. We may see some of those people back at the resort. If any of them catch your eye, you might end up fucking one.”

Laura moaned.

“You would really make her fuck someone else?”

“I won’t make her do anything. She has the right to stop anything I propose. She and her husband were both willing for her to become a stripper or streetwalker, which would have been devastating to both of them and his career. Allowing her to fuck one person under closely controlled conditions is a much better alternative. The person would be required to wear a condom, he would have to agree to being filmed fucking for Phillip’s enjoyment, and he’d have to be someone I felt was trustworthy. I’m also hoping to use the filming of her sex with other people to help constrain Phillip’s own, out-of-control, impulses.”


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