I Can See You Too

This is a sequel to a story I wrote five years ago. ‘I can see you.’ you could read that first if you wish but not essential. I’ve moved the timeline on the same number of years, the theme of the original story is mentioned but a new theme is the plot. All characters are legal age of consent in the country in which it is set. A little teaser for you. The photo that inspired this story exists, although the events in the story didn’t happen (obviously) but my wife did go to a wedding and stayed at a hotel, dressed exactly as in the story and was the age mentioned.

I looked at the photo in front of me, it had come over with from Yvonnes parents when they had downsized. It showed her slightly younger than when I had met her. My gorgeous wife had let the red hair grow out soon after the events of ‘I can see you’ but had kept the stylish bob cut and now wore sexy dresses and skirts, that had been five years ago when she had been thirty-two and I had been forty-two. Now at thirty-seven she still looked gorgeous. I had loved her when she had been plain and mousy but now I could barely keep my hands off her, as I said previously what the shy nineteen year old virgin ever saw in me, a thirty year old all them years ago I don’t know. I still occasionally dress in tights and panties but was now with her full knowledge during our frequent sex sessions.

I turned the photo over and read the back ‘Yvonne at Kevin’s wedding aged 18. Saturday July 10th 2004.’ “What’s this then?” I asked.

Yvonne took it from me and smiled. “Oh, we were at my uncle’s wedding at a hotel in Newton, The Bustle Inn, I think it was called, I remember because I thought it was a stupid name. I’d got a new outfit for it, we were stopping at the hotel itself so my dad could have a drink. My mum had booked me a single room for my privacy, I’d turned eighteen a couple of months before and I was going to try and lose my virginity in my room that night. Because I was so plain or so I thought, all the girls took the piss out of me, I thought I was going to be the last of my six-form class to have sex. I’d convinced a doctor to put me on the pill as there was one that helped with acne as well. And I took my glasses off so couldn’t see a thing hardly all night, but you know what they say — Guys don’t make passes at girls who wear glasses.”

“I did eighteen months later” I replied, I’d met Yvonne when she was nineteen and we had sex for the first time a week before she was twenty, in this picture she looked younger and very cute. A Kilt like tartan skirt finished at 3 inches above her knee and a black velour tee shirt type top, I assume it might have been a bodysuit as it was pulled very tight across her pert tiny tits and flat tummy. She had tights and ballet shoes on. So different than the jeans and tee shirt she had been wearing when I had fucked her for the first time nearly two years later.

“And did you get fucked?”

“You know I didn’t, you were my first.”

“Yvonne, You can tell me if I wasn’t the first.”

“Dave, stop it you were my first and only.”

“Can I keep this?”

“Suppose you can, bit creepy you wanting it. But yeah, whatever turns you on.”

“You, do, all the time.”

I stared at the photo, wishing I had been at that wedding. eighteen and wanting to be fucked.

I lent the photo up against a can of deodorant by my bed later and fell asleep staring at it in the half-light.

I woke up after a few hours sleep and found myself in my old bedroom at my parents’ house. What the fuck? I was now in the single bed I had when I was still living at home, the décor was the same as it had been over twenty years ago, my parents had decorated later it when I bought my flat. I fumbled for my phone. I found a clunky Nokia where my latest Iphone should have been. More importantly though why was I at my parents house and where was Yvonne. I looked at the phone the basic screen displayed the date. 10-07-04 and the time was 7.35am 10th of July 2004. What the fuck. Then it clicked, I was dreaming and I was back in the past over twenty years ago. Just when Yvonne would be getting ready to go to her Uncle’s wedding that night. Would the dream last long enough for me to get there and fuck her.

I went to bathroom and looked in the mirror, a late-twenties me stared back, the dream was very consistent and vivid. Sod it I thought, I showered and shaved then went down to breakfast and found my parents already downstairs, looking around the age I was now.

“You’re up early son.”

“Yeah dad thought I might go into town in a bit, then stay at a mates tonight so don’t expect me back later,” I replied, playing along with the dream in my head if I’m here I might as well enjoy it.

I lay on the bed playing snake, that isn’t a euphemism, I was actually playing snake on the old Nokia phone, a game I used to love and missed in 2023. Later that day I went into town. Passing shop names that had long since gone, Woolworths, John Menzies, Comet, and finally the shop I was looking for Burtons. I knew what the dream wardrobe back at my parents had in it, jeans, sweatshirts and embarrassingly a shell suit from the nineties. If my dream lasted until tonight I needed something sophisticated and smart to seduce the young Yvonne. The of Chino’s from the late 80’s and early 90’s worn with loafers and polo shirts had gone. Smart designer Oxford shirts with dark trousers and shiny shoes were now in fashion. I bought the trousers and shoes from Burtons but declined their shirt range, A Ralph Lauren or YSL shirt weren’t available in my small town so I settled for a Ben Sherman one instead. I assumed the time would now jump and I would walk through a shop door and in my dream find myself in the hotel, I wondered what my dream would make the hotel like.

It didn’t though I had to spend the whole day in my dream if I wanted to spend the night with an eighteen year old Yvonne. I spent an hour or two in McDonald’s, No Costa or Starbucks yet in our town. I went home to my parents house showered, they saw me as I left, “Wow Dave bit dressed up for a night down the pub.”

“Me and Barry are off to a club in Newton, I’m driving to his, then his sister is dropping us off. I’ll stay at his tonight.”

“Fair enough lad have a good night,” replied dad, he slipped me a twenty pound note, “Have one for me.” Something he had always done even after I’d started working and had my own money. Funny how spot on the dream was.

I didn’t go to Barry’s house, an old mate I’d kept in touch with, I drove over to Newton, half an hour away and started looking for the Bustle Inn, I found it on the ring road, a modern Motel type building with function room. Arriving way too early, I waited in the carpark until later to make my entrance I was going to lurk around the bar and try and spot Yvonne going to the loo and see if I could intercept her, not wanting to gatecrash the party.

While I was waiting in the car, I saw a group come out of the reception, I wound the window down a little to listen. I saw a younger version of Kevin, Yvonne’s Uncle pulling his bride Amanda. Straggling behind was his older sister — Yvonnes mum with her dad then….. the incredibly adorable ‘plain Jane’ Yvonne. She stood against a hedge, “let me grab a photo of you, looking all grown up” her dad shouted. Out came a 35mm Compact camera, digital cameras and phones hadn’t replaced film much back in 2004. As the figure 50 metres away clicked the shutter, I realised I had just seen ‘The Photo’ being taken.

I left it until 8.30pm until I made my entrance, I’d passed the time playing snake on the Nokia, the battery was still nearly full, my Iphone would have been screaming for a power-bank by now.

I went to the bar and ordered a lager shandy, not wanting brewers droop, if that’s a thing you can suffer from in a dream and I didn’t want to get pulled by a dream cop for drink driving (that’s a cop in my dream not a dishy officer}.

I was propping up the bar when Kevin the groom walked in, he ordered a pint of real ale. “Alright mate?” he asked as I looked at him. I nodded. “Do I know you?” he asked.

“you’ve probably seen me in town a few times, I sort of recognise you.” I lied.

“Oh, yeah. None of that clubbing now I’ve married Amanda, came in here for a decent pint, only got bottles and draft lager in the function room. What’s that your drinking?”

“Lager shandy, I’m in the car.”

“Leave it here, get a taxi, have a real pint. OI! Another pint of Ficklegrubs Knob Rot”

The barmaid returned with two pints of the dubious sounding beer. I picked one up and drank it, why not I’m only in a dream.

“Hey, what’s your name?” asked Kevin.

I was in a dream, I could be called anything so I decided I’d be Steve tonight, every bloke secretly wanted to be a Steve, it was such a cool name… “Steve.” I replied.

“Well come on Steve, come through to my wedding. I’ll introduce you to my niece.”

Had I heard right? Had I been invited to his wedding, was he going to introduce me to Yvonne? I was pretty certain Yvonne hadn’t got any cousins on her mums side, so quite possibly he was.”

I followed him down the corridor past the loos I had been going to stake out in the hope of a glance at my future wife. He walked over to Yvonne and her parents. “Hey Sally, look who I found, Steve a mate I know from town. He was in the bar having a drink so I invited him in. See you later Steve, I’ll introduce you to Amanda later.”

It’s funny how quickly blokes can become mates over a pint, I was now Steve a mate from town just because I’d pretended I knew him a bit. I now stood next to eighteen year old Yvonne, a girl I would meet for real in two years and would marry in seven. I stared at her. She looked so cute, the photo hadn’t done her justice, the barely-black tights accentuated her legs, the ballet style shoes with string laces so much sexier than her pretending to be much older in high heels, the short kilt was an inch or two shorter than it should have been. And the velour top was definitely a body suit, it was pulled so tight over her tits, there was no way a tee shirt top would have stayed that tight. She looked absolutely scrumptious.

Sally, Yvonne’s mum spoke to me, a woman I would get to know and like very much in the future, but who didn’t know me yet. “So Steve, You’ve had a few pints with Kevin my brother then.?”

“Yeah, one or two,” I decided to lie about my age if I said I was 28 she might stop me lurking around her daughter, I was always told I looked a bit younger than I was so I tried a lie. Yeah Kevin’s a bit older than me so I’ve only known him a year or two as I’m not quite 21.”

I waited for the “Yeah like fuck you are” from Yvonne’s dad but it didn’t come. What came from him was “Well if you know Kev that’s alright, why don’t you join us at our table and keep our daughter Yvonne company, she’s feeling a bit left out.”

Wow what a dream it was turning out to be I just hoped it continued long enough, I was being invited to sit down with them.

I turned to my future wife, “If that’s okay with you, err Yvonne is it?”

“Yes I’m Yvonne and I’d love you to stay Steve.” A cute smile lit up her face. This girl was up for it, just like the thirty-seven year old version had said.

After half an hour of small talk, her parents had gone to mingle as they put it and left us alone, very trusting. I asked her she’d like to dance, the slow numbers hadn’t started yet but we got up and danced. She held me close and guided my hand on to her bottom. She lent in and whispered “I’ve got my own room.”

Not wanting to blow it, I just mumbled back “oh that’s nice”

She whispered. “And I’m a virgin.”

If we had been sitting drinking at the table, I’d have spit it out in shock, the dream version of the girl I’d meet in two years was far more forward, I’d had to do all the chasing to take her virginity.

“And I’m on the pill, so come to my room and shoot your load in me Steve.”

We moved slowly around the room, “Mum, Dad me and Steve are going outside for some fresh air and a quiet chat.”

“Okay Sweetie and Steve bring her back when she’s bored you to death about make-up and Rubik cubes.

“Will do,” I cheerfully replied.

We left by the front reception and into the grounds, she led me round the side to a smaller door for hotel guests to use. She swiped a card out of her handbag, a room key I assumed and led me down a corridor to her room. Inside was a single bed.

“Please tell me you like me Steve,” she asked timidly.

“You look fantastic, I think I could fall for you.”

“You’re not just saying it are you, how can you fancy an ugly duckling like me?”

“You always were insecure Yvonne.”

I noticed my slip too late, Yvonne noticed it as well.

“What do you mean? You don’t know me.” She replied puzzled.

“You just seem it,” I mumbled “But don’t be, I’d be proud to be seen with you.”

“I meant what I said, will you fuck me?”

“Only if you really want me to.”

“I do, I turned 18 a couple of months and I want it so much.”

With that she unbuttoned the waste band on the kilt, undid the zip and let it fall to the floor, the satin lining aided its smooth graceful descent against the shiny barely-black tights. I watched her step out of the garment. I stared at the vision in front of me, a small pendant necklace circled her tiny neck, the top was a bodysuit like I suspected, the tight velvet-like material accentuating her young curves and pert teenage breasts. The tights had been put on first and the nylon disappeared under the crotch of the bodysuit, I hoped it was fastened by press studs, allowing me to access her tight virgin cunt. I followed the gorgeous legs down into the ballet shoes with my eyes, the soft leather, showing the outline of her tiny toes. If I didn’t fuck her in the next minute my dick was going to explode, and I would come in my trousers.

“Steve, take me now please, I want you load in me, so no condom if you want, as I said I got on the pill without mum and dad knowing.” She lay down on the bed. I Stripped off quickly. Seconds later I was next to her, on the narrow single bed. Her tits looked great just a nice handful, I’d enjoy squeezing them in a minute or two, the velvet like fabric continued from her chest down to her crotch the tights carried on from where the bodysuit finished, her legs stretched out wide. My hand went down to her tiny mound between her legs and I popped open the press studs holding the bodysuit together, just like I was going to pop her cherry. The tight fabric pinged apart at my touch. I pulled down first the tights slightly, then her lacy panties, bought I assume for this very moment.

Should I make her strip off? I decided not, I like having sex with the woman partially clothed as the panties and the tights can actually work for you the taut material round the back of your balls pushes your dick further in.

I pulled the panties and tights out even more and slipped my rock hard dick against her tight pussy lips, “Oh Steve, I’ve waited so long for this,” she whispered.

I pushed it in, feeling her virginity tear beneath my dick, something I’d not felt when I originally took it, I’d assumed at the time she’d done it herself, fingering her own cunt.

I pounded her hard, my dick filling up her tight pussy, I slipped up and down, she groaned. “Oh Steve, that’s wonderful. I put my hands on her arse and pulled her closer, pushing me further into her and sped up by balls banging against her, the silk material of the pants on my ball sack heightening my sensual experience, I was going to cum soon and I felt her perfect tits, I moved them from her bum and sat up a little to grab them, I felt them, just a handful, more would have been a waste, I could get each tit in each hand. The velvet fabric was lovely but I wanted to feel her nipples. I pulled the shoulders of the Bodysuit down and she slipped her arms out of it, revealing her small lacy bra, I kept up a steady rhythm all the time still fucking her. I put my hand under the lacy fabric and started playing with the nipple, squeezing it between my thumb and finger, knowing that the soft squeezing drove the older Yvonne crazy. “Oh Steve, that’s fantastic.

She started to writhe and buck underneath me, she had always been a goer in bed but this was something else. Her tight cunt gripped my dick, I couldn’t hold back anymore and shot my load in her. “Oh, Steve that’s fantastic I can feel you gushing inside me,” I held her tight against hoping I never woke up from the dream. “We’d better be getting back or my parents will be wondering where I am. I’d better have a quick shower though.” I climbed off her and she disappeared into the small bathroom, as I heard the water running I suddenly felt tired in my dream and my eyes began to droop, I’d been hoping the dream had lasted longer and I would slip back in later, I mean both the room and the gorgeous Yvonne. But I fell asleep.

I woke back in our house’s bedroom, I reached for the phone to check the time, my Iphone was there and it was 7 in the morning. The space next to me was still warm but no one was in it. “What a fantastic dream.”

Yvonne came in the thirty-seven year old version of course, with a cup of coffee and put it next to me, “Hello sleepy head. I’ve been up all night nearly, couldn’t sleep. Do you like that photo then?”

“Yes,” I answered. “You look lovely in it.”

“Give me a minute then.” And disappeared.

She came back five minutes later from the spare room where she kept her over spill clothes.

Wearing barely black tights a short plaid skirt and stretched tee shirt. “Sorry the originals have gone and wouldn’t fit me now but do you like this ‘almost’ outfit the main difference was the footwear gone were the ballet shoes, in their place were knee high boots.

“I know you like my boots so I’ve put them on instead of pumps.

I reached out and pulled her to me. I hugged her tight, she pulled the skirt down and invited me to fuck her. The tights were left on I pushed my dick into her again pulling the tights down a little like the dream from an hour ago and I shot my load once again into my gorgeous wife.

Afterwards I asked the obvious question, “Why the early morning wake up sex?”

“I’m sorry, I’ve been lying to you all these years, please forgive me.”

“Lying about what?”

“You weren’t my first. I did get fucked at that wedding.”

“Oh, what happened?”.

“A mate of Uncle Kevin’s came to the party and I took him to my room and he fucked me, I wanted to be fucked. Afterwards I went for a shower and when I came out he was gone, never saw him again, I was so upset, I pretended it never happened.”

“What was his name?”

“Steve, funnily enough from what I remember, he looked a bit like you.”


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