In Defense of Large Breasts

An adult stories – In Defense of Large Breasts by Jimyfoxx,Jimyfoxx IN DEFENSE OF LARGE BREASTS

At first Wendy tried ignoring the knocking on her bedroom door. It was probably her mom and she was in no mood to talk to her, but as the knocking continued she finally snapped, “Mom, I’m busy.”

“Too busy to talk with your Aunt Erica?”

“Aunt Erica!” Wendy fairly shrieked as she bounded off the bed and across the room.

“Yes, it is your favorite aunt now open the door.”

Erica was, without a doubt, her favorite aunt. She was her mom’s younger sister and the polar opposite of her extremely buttoned down mother in almost every way possible. While her mom, Susan, was conservative, i.e. boring in just about every category across the board, her Aunt Erica was anything but boring or conservative.

A former self-described hippie/flower child she moved to California from Nebraska when she was only twenty. She usually came to visit once a year, staying in their guest bedroom for a few weeks, but during the summer, so her being here now in the spring was a nice surprise.

After flinging the door open, Wendy hugged her aunt tightly before pulling back. “It’s only May, Aunt Erica. I thought you weren’t coming to the summer like usual?”

“Yeah, well, I thought I would come early this year and stay maybe a bit longer than normal.”

Wendy smiled brightly at her before her smile turned into a frown. “I wish you would have come last month though for my birthday party. Mom threw me like, the most boring eighteenth birthday party ever in the history of the world. You would have spiced it up I’m sure.”

“No doubt but I just couldn’t get away, but don’t worry I brought you some nice gifts, hon. Plus I plan on taking you out to a belated birthday lunch.”

Wendy smiled at first before frowning again. “Is mom coming?”

“Actually no. That is the best part. It will be just the two of us. She got called into work early and has to be there at two. She already left actually. Said she had some errands to run before work.”

Kate, Wendy’s mom, worked as a slot attendant at a local casino and normally didn’t start work until four in the afternoon.

“That’s great,” Wendy replied happily. “So it will be just the two of us without ole stick in the mud tagging along.”

Erica laughed heartily at her niece’s description of her older sister. At the age of thirty five, the never married Erica had a turbulent history and would never be mistaken for a “stick in the mud”. Instead, she was wild and adventuresome, having had both girlfriends and boyfriends in the past, sometimes both at the same time.

With her appealing blonde hair, soft brown eyes and possessing a face that was both mischievous looking and attractive, and one which seemed prone to seductive and sly looks, Erica garnered plenty of attention from both males and females alike. In short, most people simply found her fun to be around.

Her fun personality was made even more appealing when combined with her bombshell body. Thanks to a daily workout regime, coupled with a strict diet, the five four, hundred and twenty seven pound Erica still, even into her mid-thirties, owned a terrific body. Her abs were firm and nearly fat free as was her thighs and ass, but they were nothing compared to her all natural, extremely sizable breasts. Erica wore a size thirty two G cup bra, that is, ever the hippie still, when she bothered to even wear one.

At lunch, in a small downtown café, after they caught each other up on the current affairs in their respective lives, the conversation took a serious turn when Erica brought up a touchy subject for Wendy.

“So look hon, your mom wanted me to talk to you. She thinks something happened at school earlier this week but you won’t talk to her about it so it must be real serious. Are you in trouble or something?”

“No, not really. I mean something, yeah, happened and it’s sort of serious I guess but I can’t talk to mom about it.”

“Why not?”

“Well you know how she is with the sexy stuff Aunt Erica. I don’t want her freaking out and going to the school and raising all kinds of hell.”

“Well I am not your mother when it comes to the sexy stuff, Wendy. I guess I’m more of a free spirit when it comes to that and I won’t tell her anything if you don’t want me to.”

“A freakin nun is more of a free spirit when it comes to sex than my mom,” Wendy quipped.

“No doubt,” Erica said as she sipped on her coffee. “So I’m all ears.”

“OK, well, what happened is this…” Wendy leaned forward dropping her voice to a clandestine whisper. “I was in the girls’ locker room changing after P.E. class when a couple of girls came in unexpectedly. You see I always duck out a bit early and hurry and change before the other girls get in the locker room but today I guess Missy and Karen ducked out a bit early too and they saw me getting undressed.”

“Can I ask why you duck out early to change?”

Wendy shrugged her shoulders before giving her aunt wan smile. “Just shy I guess and a bit self-conscious about getting undressed in front of the other girls.”

“Really, self-conscious Wendy. Don’t know why. You certainly are pretty enough and don’t look at all over weight so…”

Like her aunt, Wendy had soft brown eyes which only served to emphasis her wholesome “girl next door” good looks. Her dishwater blonde hair toppled down just past her shoulders, accenting a supple and curvaceous figure. The highlight of her appealing figure was a pair of large, thirty four DD breasts.

Sadly though, Wendy, thanks to her mom and her buttoned down attitude towards all things of a sexual nature, did not think of her large breasts as something to be proud of. Erica, sensing as much, determined this was a wrong that would be up to her to correct.

Wendy cleared her throat nervously before telling her aunt the truth of what happened. “Thanks but they weren’t making fun of me for being ugly or fat but something else.”


Wendy sighed before totally spilling her guts to her aunt. “They were laughing at me coz of the bra I was wearing and coz I have, you know, kind of big tits.”

Erica smiled warmly at her favorite niece before leaning forward. “Yeah, I noticed hon you have filled out a bit from last summer but that is a good thing no?”

“I guess but Missy and Karen they are now calling me Wendy Whoppers and it’s embarrassing.”

“Well in defense of large breasts let me guess… hmm both Missy and Karen are both seniors and neither one of them are particularly well endowed?”

“Yeah but how did you know and why does it matter?”

“It’s simple. They are jealous, especially since you are only a junior they probably think you are like sixteen or seventeen. They don’t know you were held back a year earlier from those health problems you had as a child?”

“None of the girls in my gym class know that. So you think they are jealous coz they think I’m younger and got bigger tits than them?”

“High school girls can be insecure and petty,” Erica told her. “Now tell me what is going on about you being embarrassed by the bra you were wearing that day.”

“Not just that day, but pretty much every day actually. Mom…” Wendy sighed before deciding to be brutally honest. “Mom buys me these stupid, I don’t know, granny like looking bras that don’t fit well. She won’t let me pick out anything cute or nice saying ‘those type of bras are for sluts’. Christ you know how she is.”

“Yeah, I know your mom but lucky for you your Aunt Erica is not the same way and even luckier…”

Erica turned, digging into her purse she pulled out a large wad of cash. Holding the bills up she said happily, “And I’m in a mood to go shopping after lunch and buy my favorite niece some new bras.”

Wendy looked at the large wad of bills. “Wow Aunt Erica where did you get all that money from?”

Erica smiled. “Well on the drive out here I stopped at one of the local casinos and my luck was running hot at the first the blackjack tables and then the craps table so… shopping? My treat.”

‘Wow really, Aunt Erica that would be cool. I have to hide them from mom, of course, but I can do that.”

After lunch they hit the mall where Erica made good on her promise and allowed her niece to go off by herself and pick out a trio of new bras of her own choosing without regards to price. As an added bonus, Erica also told Wendy to pick out some matching panties to go along with her new bras.

Back at home they enjoyed a quiet Friday evening in front of the television together before Wendy kissed her aunt on the cheek and headed off to her bedroom as soon as she heard her mom’s car pull up in the driveway.

About an hour later, Erica was dozing on the sofa, still wearing her jeans and fashionable blouse, when her phone dinged, waking her up. It was a text from Wendy.

Just wanted to say thanks again for buying me those new bras. I tried them on all again and really like them!! I owe you big time!!

Erica smiled as a deliciously naughty idea suddenly hit her after reading her niece’s message. Throwing caution to the wind, she texted her reply, hoping it would lead somewhere.

The real reason Erica was even considering such a deliciously wicked idea was simple: a bit of revenge. When they were younger, Susan who was not so conservative then, seemed to take special delight in flirting with, and sometimes seducing, any boy it seemed her younger sister took an interest in.

The sisters, in fact, bickered constantly over boys while they were growing up. It was fights the late bloomer Erica always seemed to come out on the short end of. So now would it not be fitting if she could somehow seduce her older sister’s daughter?

Erica smiled to herself, hopeful her niece would take the bait as she banged out her reply.

Glad you like them. I’m a bit disappointed though

Why?? Wendy prompting replied.

Oh I just thought it would be nice if you showed your aunt you know in person, how at least one of your new bras looked on you.

Erica held her breath as she anxiously waited to see Wendy’s reply.

Really you wanna see how one of them actually looks on me, Aunt Erica?

If that is ok with you???

Honestly I would not mind but you know mom’s right down the hallway. She might hear you come to my room and wonder what’s going on.

Oh don’t worry about her. She is fast asleep by now. She said she was tense from a rough day at work and I gave her one of my valiums. She won’t be waking up anytime soon!!!

OK then. Come to my room.

Be right up in a minute

Hopping up off the sofa, Erica hummed a happy tune as she made a quick detour, stopping off to the kitchen to grab some wine.

After slipping quietly inside her bedroom, Erica found her niece nervously pacing while wearing an exceedingly boring plaid sleep shirt.

“Aunt Erica are you sure you really wanna see how one of my new bras look on me?”

Erica strode across her niece’s small bedroom carrying a pair of wine glasses, filled to the brim with red wine. After they settled down on the bed, she tried to hand her one of the glasses of wine.

“Here. Take a couple sips of this. It will help relax you.”

Looking at the glass of wine doubtfully she whispered, “Mom says I shouldn’t drink as it can make girls do naughty things.”

Erica took a deep breath before replying. “Being naughty sweetheart can sometimes be fun. A fact your ultra-conservative mother fails to appreciate.”

“Yeah I guess you are right,” Wendy replied as she took the glass of wine.

“Just a small sip or two. Promise, it will help relax you. I know you are nervous about showing off in one of the new bras I bought you but honey…”

Erica paused, staring at her niece deep in the eyes, she dropped her voice to a soft whisper. “It’s me, sweetie. Your favorite Auntie Erica and you can trust me. Totally. But more importantly you need to let me help you overcome your innate shyness so you can blossom like the pretty beautiful flower you were meant to be.”

Wendy took the glass of wine. She took one small sip of the red wine and then, not minding the taste, a larger one. The effect was both warming and relaxing and hit her almost immediately.

Giggling, she whispered, “I think I kind of like that.”

“Good, but…” Erica reached out, taking the still half full glass back from her. “You can’t have too much right away.”

“Now are you ready to show me at least how nice one of the bras I bought you look on you, honey?”

Wendy sighed deeply before whispering, “OK.”

Standing up she stood in front of her aunt and after giving her a shy smile she slowly started to lift up her boring sleep shirt, but before she even got it half way up she stopped. After letting it full back down, she whispered, “I don’t know if I can do this, Aunt Erica. I’m just… you know… too shy.”

“Hmm, well… tell you what. How does this sound as an idea. Maybe you are too shy but how about someone else.”

“Someone else? What do you mean?”

“What if we sort of engage in a bit of role playing where it won’t be you taking off your boring old sleep shirt for me but someone else you are pretending to be?”

“Sounds interesting. Tell me more?”

“It’s called role playing and it’s where you pretend to be someone else. Trust me, it can be both fun and liberating, sweetheart. Here, sit down next to me on the bed and I will explain our respective roles and then you can tell me if you are interested.”

Erica spent the next minute explaining just what she had in mind and then another minute or two, helped by the few generous sips of wine Wendy took, convincing her niece to play along.

The crux of their little role playing game was simple: Erica would play the role of a high powered, and well-heeled, business woman who was a frequent visitor to a chic strip club while Wendy would play the role of a naïve young employee thrust into the role of being the business woman’s personal dancer/stripper for the evening.

“So if you have bought and paid for me I guess that means I pretty much have to do as you please huh, Aunt Erica.”

Reaching out with a mischievous smile on her face, Erica whispered, “That is exactly what it means because as they say… the customer is always right. Of course, I will have to go get dressed for my role as a powerful businesswoman while you stay here and maybe sip on a bit of wine so you won’t be so nervous about being under my firm hand. Oh and get rid of that boring sleep shirt and put on some casual outfit. I think a pair of black jeans and a white blouse would be perfect for your uniform, considering you are supposed to be just a bar back at our fictional strip club. Do you have something like that?”

“Ahh, yeah, I do.”

“So let’s both go ahead and change into our respective proper attire for our roles and I will be back in about ten minutes or so.”

“OK,” Erica said as she hurried out of the bedroom and back to her own room.

A few minutes later, Erica was back inside Wendy’s bedroom, dressed exactly as one might expect a powerful business woman to dress while still showing off a bit of sexiness: black pinstriped suit jacket, white blouse under the jacket and a tight, dark and fairly short skirt. To complete the look Erica added a pair of reading glasses, giving her a more professional appearance.

As soon as Erica walked into the bedroom, she went straight into character, “My, my,” she chortled, “they told me I would have a young cutie waiting for me in my private VIP lounge and I do see they were not lying.”

She sauntered right up to Wendy as she sat nervously on the edge of the bed. Dressed exactly in the way Erica suggested, black jeans and a white blouse with neither being particularly tight, Wendy looked up at her aunt nervously.

Reaching out, Erica touched her niece’s face lightly. “Yes, for sure, you far exceed my expectations, sweetie. What is your name?”

Have a sudden inspiration to use a made up name, Wendy told her client, “I’m Betty. And what is your name?”

Thinking quickly, Erica also used a made up name. “I’m Karen. Anyways, Betty, huh, is that all? I thought all you strippers had, like, exotic nicknames? But, of course, you actually don’t look like a stripper, hon. I mean the way you are dressed.”

Wendy decided to oblige her aunt and give herself an “exotic” nickname. Smiling shyly, she said, “Actually I do. It’s Betty Big Boobs.”

“Well I can’t really tell considering the way you are so conservatively dressed if that is an accurate nickname or not. Maybe you wanna get undressed for me, sweetie… or better yet, let me do it myself. Let’s switch places. Let me sit down and you stand up before me.”

After they switched places, Karen boldly reached out and began to undo Betty’s blouse slowly.

Noticing how she was fidgeting as she undid her blouse, Karen asked her, “Why so nervous about me taking off your blouse, sweetie.”

“I’m just a bit shy is all. This is my first time doing… like this job. Normally, I am just a bar back in the club… not a stripper and that is why I’m dressed the way I am. I didn’t have time to change into anything sexy for you.”

Karen, anxious and curious to hear more, paused after undoing only the second button. “Really. So why did they make you a stripper all of a sudden?”

“Well, Mr. Jones, you know the club manager.”

Happily going along with her niece’s improvision, Erica responded, “Sure, me and Chuck are tight. I am one of his favorite customers.”

“Yeah he told me that when you come in you always reserve the VIP room and get your own personal stripper for the evening. He said the girl he had lined up for you. Charlene, called off tonight at the last second and he needed someone, like right away, young, innocent looking and well-endowed. Hmm, he said, that is what you like, to replace her and that I would be perfect.”

“So you volunteered to be my own personal stripper for the evening?”

“No, actually, he said I had to do it… or else.”

“Or else he would fire you?”

“I guess.”

Reaching up, Karen stroked Betty’s face as she dropped her voice to a gentle whisper, “So you have never stripped for anyone before and you really are just a shy, sweet and innocent little girl that is being forced to do this?”

“Uh-hu,” Betty replied. “Mr. Jones came up with the nickname for me by the way.”

“So I’m still wondering if that is an accurate nickname or not. I really hope so because, like your boss said, I really like pretty, shy, sweet innocent little girls with big boobies.”

“Hmm, maybe I do,” Betty said with a shrug of her shoulders. “I mean, I’m not sure. No one has ever really seen them before to… you know… comment one way or the other.”

“Hmm, really? So you are a virgin then I take it.”

“Yes,” Betty answered… truthfully.

“And that is why you are so nervous about me taking off your blouse.”


“Well, tell you what. I have an idea. Why don’t I go first… and then after you have taken off my blouse maybe you won’t be so nervous about letting me do the same for you.”

The shy Betty shrugged her shoulders before murmuring her consent.

Standing up, Karen faced the young girl before dropping her voice to a sultry whisper. “I’ll help you get started by first taking this off.”

Karen stripped off her professional suit jacket before laying it neatly on the bed. Turning, she faced Betty again. “OK, go ahead sweetie and undo my blouse for me.” Taking her hands, she guided them to the front of her blouse as she whispered, “C’mon you don’t have to be shy.”

Betty slowly, carefully unbuttoned Karen’s blouse. After getting it undone she paused as she gazed at the older woman’s chest. Under her blouse she was wearing an exceptionally sexy black lace bra that showed her big tits to a very acceptable degree.

“Wow that is a pretty bra Ms. Karen,” Betty whispered.

“I’m glad you like it hon but now it’s my turn.”

The young bar back, turned stripper, swallowed nervously as the powerful businesswoman started to unbutton her white blouse. Yanking it open after she got it undone, Karen let out a low whistle.

“Wow honey that is one gorgeous looking bra and looks absolutely fantastic on you.”

The bra Wendy/Betty picked out to model for her aunt was a dahlia blue back-smoothing wireless T-shirt bra. Adding to the bra’s luster was the way it was embellished by a smattering of small flowery leaves in white, purple and blue all across the large cups.

“Really. This is the first time I wore, like a sexy bra. My mom usually makes me buy boring white ones with no decorations.”

“Well sweetie,” Karen said, leaning forward, “You definitely hit a home run with this one. You know, it just so happens blue is my favorite color.”

“It is?” Wendy answered in mock surprise as she very much knew blue was her aunt’s favorite color.

“Mmm it is, sweetie.” Taking her by the hands she dropped her voice to a low whisperer as she said, “I think before we both take turns stripping our respective bras off you need to warm me up, sweetie.”

“Warm you up? How?” Betty naively asked.

“Here let me show you.”

Taking her by the hands, Karen maneuvered them around so she was sitting on the edge of the bed and Betty was standing directly in front of her.

Pulling her closer, Karen stared at her young prey before letting her hands go.

Betty started to fidget as she stood there being admired by this rich and obviously powerful business woman. “So, hmm, what do you want me to do?”

“Ahh, for starters, tell me more about this super sexy bra you are wearing Betty. I mean it looks utterly fantastic on you.”

“It does?”

“Oh, most certainly. I… I hope you don’t mind my saying, but I can only imagine that lovely bra of yours must be hiding an absolutely gorgeous set of tits underneath, sweetie.”

“My aunt bought it for me. She is super nice to me.”

“Oh really.” Reaching up, thoroughly enjoying their light banter, Karen stroked the side of the young girl’s pretty face. “Is your aunt pretty like you, sweetie.”

“Yes, she is very pretty,” the bar back turned stripper replied.

“Beauty maybe runs in the family I guess. So…” Karen let her hands slip down to the dancer’s side. “Are you ready to warm me up, my pet?”

Betty shook her head yes shyly.

“Then relax, close your eyes and let me do this.”

Betty obeyed, closing her eyes. She tried to relax but as she felt the powerful business woman’s hands rising slowly northward, it became next to impossible. Finally, she let out a soft sigh as she felt the woman’s hands come in contact with her bra.

“Is this OK,” Karen asked quietly as she tilted her head playfully. “I just wanted to see if your pretty bra felt as nice as it looked.”

“Mmm, OK…” Betty replied as her client began to fondle her breasts through the bra.

“Hmm, yes, it feels very nice. The material is nice and soft and silky but…”

Erica withdraw her hands, not wanting to push things too fast.

“But what?” Betty asked a bit surprised her normally aggressive aunt, playing her role as powerful business woman to the hilt, backed off from fondling her tits some more.

“But let’s try this.”

Standing up, Karen turned so they were facing each other.

She snaked her arms around Betty’s back as she drew her in closer. Lifting her chest up, Karen pushed her tits against Betty’s.

Smiling, she whispered, “Just relax and go with the flow, honey.”

Just as she said this Erica began to shake her chest back and forth and all around while keeping her tits pressed tightly against Betty’s.

“This is fun huh? Us rubbing our big boobies together, sweetheart.”

“Y-yes,” Betty nervously stammered.

“It would be funner if our bras weren’t in the way though. So…” Reaching around to her back, Karen undid her own bra.

Betty watched as the powerful businesswoman bra first came undone before fluttering softly to the floor, revealing a pair of large, mouthwatering breasts.

“Now it’s your turn, sweetie. Take your bra off for me.”

Nervously reaching around to her back, Betty slowly began to unhook the first of the three triple clasps in the back as she whispered, “No one has ever seen my boobs before, Ms. Karen.”

Reaching up with one hand, she stroked her cheek tenderly as she whispered, “Hmm, could that really the truth, Betty?”

“It is. I swear, Ms. Karen,” Betty confessed just as she unhooked the second clasp.

Reaching back around her, Karen snatched the young girl’s hands in her own before she could undo the final clasp.

“If that the case,” she whispered, “let me have the honor of removing this gorgeous bra of yours before you bestow upon me the distinction of being the first to gaze upon your naked breasts.”

“OK,” Betty responded quietly as she let her hands slip down to her side.

Karen carefully unhooked the final clasp before sliding her hands slowly up to the bra’s twin straps. Carefully, as if she was about to reveal a masterpiece of great art, Karen slowly dragged the twin straps across Betty’s shoulders. Gravity did the rest as Betty’s tits fell out from the protective cover of the bra as it too fluttered softly to the bedroom floor.

“Oh God, sweetie,” Karen sighed. “Your tits are absolutely stunning.”

“Are they really, Ms. Karen?”

“Jesus they are,” Karen answered in a deep throaty whisper as she eyed them like a hungry vulture.

“Now let’s try that again… rubbing our big tits together sweetie and see how much more fun it is without our stupid bras in the way.”

Betty closed her eyes as she leaned forward, slowly pushing her tits against Ms. Karen’s.

They stood there for a good minute anyways softly pressing their bare tits together before Karen could no longer resist.

Leaning forward, she planted a tender kiss directly on the young girl’s lips before easing back for a quick moment. She then pressed her wicked attack by giving a more serious kiss this time.

Betty, at first, stiffened when she felt the powerful businesswoman kiss her for the second time, and then stiffened even more as she felt her tongue slip inside her mouth when she kissed her back.

It didn’t take long for Karen’s expert tongue, swirling and darting and making magic inside of Betty’s mouth, to turn the young girl’s nervousness into desire.

Karen allowed her tongue to continue its magical journey inside Betty’s mouth for a few passionate moments before she finally pulled back. The young girl was nearly panting as Karen whispered to her, “You like that sweetheart being kissed like that?”

“I do,” she replied softly.

“How about this… you still liking this?” she added as she thrust her chest out. Betty started to giggle now as they both swayed back and forth, bumping their large breasts up against one another’s.

“This is kind of fun, Ms. Karen,” Betty told her in between her giggles.

“It is huh… but do you know what else is even more fun?”

“Nuh-uh,” she replied quietly.

Leaning forward, Karen whispered in her ear, “Have you ever had your boobies touched by another woman before honey? That can be kind of fun you know.”

“Never… actually by anyone, Ms. Karen. I mean rubbing our boobs together… this is the closest I ever came to letting anyone touch them.”

Reaching out, Karen lifted one finger to Betty’s cheek. Stroking it softly, she whispered, “Will you let me… please?”

After a long hesitation, Betty finally nodded her head yes.

“But first I think we need to get rid of these.” Karen’s hands slipped down, undoing Betty’s jeans before she helped her strip them off.

“Now it’s my turn,” Ms. Karen announced as she undid her skirt before it too joined the growing pile of clothes on the floor.

Hand in hand, the two of them, now clad in only their panties, moved across the bedroom and over to the vanity table.

“Sit down in front of the mirror, sweetie,” Karen prompted her.

Betty nervously sat down on the vanity table’s wide cushioned bench as Karen stood behind her. “Now close your eyes, rest your hands in your lap and try and relax, sweetie.”

Betty mostly obeyed as she did close her eyes and did let her hands rest in her lap but as for relaxing, considering what was about to happen, that was a near impossibility.

Betty felt Karen’s soft hands first kneading her shoulders before slipping down to rub up and down her arms several times. After a minute or this tender massage Karen whispered to her young prey, “I need to sit I think. Here scoot forward so I have some room and can sit directly behind you, Betty.”

Betty obeyed as she moved forward to the very edge of the bench, giving Karen just enough room to settle herself down behind her.

Again, Betty felt her shoulders being tenderly massaged but this time Ms. Karen added in some soft loving kisses all along her neck as she kneaded her shoulders.

The kisses made Betty sigh as first before Karen stumbled upon her weak spot. She had been purposefully searching for it all along with her probing kisses along the girl’s neck. Karen knew she found it when her previously soft sighing became deeper and more pronounced as her kisses found their mark.

As Betty melted against her from the gentle onslaught of kisses, licks, and nibbles, she felt the older woman’s hands slip down and off of her shoulders. For the first time, Betty felt the touch of another’s hands on her breasts as Karen tenderly cupped them.

Karen jiggled the Betty’s sizable tits in her hands. Wanting her to be able to concentrate fully on having her tits fondled for the very first time, Karen reluctantly broke off her tender assault of kisses.

Bringing her mouth down to Betty’s ear, she whispered, “You have such lovely tits sweetheart, nice and firm. Do you like what I’m doing?”

“Mmm-huh,” Betty managed to mumble as Karen’s gentle assault upon her body was leaving her nearly breathless.

“How about this… tell me if this feels nice?”

Using her both her thumbs, Karen flickered them slowly, and then faster, along Betty’s nipples.

“Oh God,” Betty whispered quietly under her breath as she felt her highly sensitive nipples being tweaked for the first time. It didn’t take long for Karen’s light, playful touching to turn both of Betty’s nipples into a pair of fully erect monsters.

“Open your eyes sweetie.”

Betty obeyed, opening her eyes. The girls’ eyes met in the mirror as something wicked passed between them.

“You like this baby? Me playing with your big titties huh?” Karen whispered to her.

“Yes, Ms. Karen,” Betty replied as she watched the older woman playfully jiggle and juggle her boobs in the mirror.

“Keep your eyes open as I want you to see what I am going to do next.”

Betty eyes stayed glued to the mirror, she was enjoying watching the action unfold there, as the powerful business woman began to kiss her again, this time all along her right shoulder while continuing to fondle her breasts tenderly with a pair of obviously experienced hands.

Betty excitement grew while observing as Ms. Karen’s kisses fell down and off of her shoulders. Twisting around, Karen angled her mouth off of Betty’s neck and shoulders and onto her chest just above her boobs.

Staring in helpless amazement in the mirror, Betty watched as Karen’s tongue snaked out, making first glorious contact with one of her erect nipples.

“Oh God,” Betty sighed as Karen’s tongue slipped and slithered all over first one nipple and then the other.

Involuntarily, she closed her eyes now while thrusting her chest out, offering her tits up like a pair of sacrificial lambs to the older woman’s wanton desires.

The quiet bedroom was filled with the sound of loud slurping noise as Karen twisted Betty half way towards her before attacking her tits with a barely controlled lust.

The wicked assault continued until finally Karen tore her mouth off of Betty’s delicious tits. Bringing her mouth up, they engaged in a wild series of long, tongue twisting kisses while Karen’s hands continued to tenderly fondle Betty’s tits.

Once more Karen’s attentions slipped down to her prey’s chest. Betty moaned loudly when the older woman’s mouth began to assail her breasts with dozens of sloppy kisses before she got down to the serious business of sucking on her tits.

As Betty reclined back against her beautiful tormentor, her eyes still tightly shut, she was both sighing and squirming in pent up overwrought anticipation of what this lustful older woman was going to do to her next. Her anticipation was quickly realized as she felt her tits being suckled on so sweetly while Karen’s hand slipped down and then, OH GOD, tried to get inside her panties.

Instinctually, Betty defended herself by quickly grabbing Karen’s hands as she cried out in desperation. “I never let anyone touch me… down there before.”

“Really? Never?” Taking a break from her gentle assault, Karen let Betty steer her hands away as she brought her mouth to her ear. Whispering sweetly she said, “Really, you have never been touched down there before.”

“Well not by someone else. I mean I… I have touched myself down there before.”

“Show me,” Karen whispered as a wholly wicked new idea took hold of her. “Show me how you touch yourself.”

“Really you… you want me to touch myself… down there… in front of you?” Betty shyly replied.

“Not only do I want that I command it. I think your boss gave you specific instructions you were to please me, young lady?”

“He did.” Betty meekly answered.


Taking one of Betty’s hands in her own, Karen boldly guided it downward as she hissed in her ear, “I said show me… please.”

Betty glanced up at the mirror. Ms. Karen had an altogether serious look on her pretty face, indicating she had better be obeyed.

Nervously, Betty slipped a hand inside her panties.

Deciding to add a completely new and wicked twist to the proceedings, Karen whispered in Betty’s ear, “Now start playing with yourself little girl while Mommy watches.”

The sheer naughtiness of Karen’s wild suggestion of such a wicked new role playing game sent Betty’s heart to trip hammering inside of her chest. Wanting to please her “Mommy” she started to slowly finger herself as Karen leaned over her shoulder staring down and in between her legs.

“That’s it baby, shove your fingers in and out of that tight little cunt of yours. Mommy wants to see her little girl give herself an orgasm.”

“Hmm… OK,” Betty replied while really wondering if she could make herself come in the presence of another.

Closing her eyes, she began to tenderly stroke her clit, just the way she liked, as she felt Karen’s hands slide up and under her tits.

Once again, Betty found her highly sensitive nipples being played with as she began to finger her clit with a greater purpose. And then came the coup de grace as Karen brought her mouth down to start showering a new series of passionate kisses on her weak point.

“Oh God,” Betty moaned loudly as she began to urgently finger fuck herself.

“That’s it baby, Mommy wants to see you come so hard,” Karen told her in between kisses.

Betty’s was gasping now as her orgasm, egged on by having her nipples so sweetly played with and by Karen’s wicked kisses all along her neck, came rushing home and when it swept over her it was, without a doubt, the most powerful orgasm of her young life.

“I… I AM COMING, MOMMY,” she shrieked as nearly her whole body began to shake.

Leaning back with a wicked smile, Karen, thoroughly enjoying her role of being the wicked “Mommy”, watched happily as what she was sure must have been a rather intense orgasm wash over her pretty young daughter.

Erica held Wendy tightly against her as she slowly floated back to earth.

“Are… are we still… role playing?” Wendy asked after a few quiet moments.

“I don’t know baby. Do you still want to?”

“Yes, but this is going to sound real naughty Aunt Erica and I don’t know if I should tell you.”

Reaching around, Erica gently used one hand to twist Wendy’s face around so they were looking at each other directly before whispering, “If you haven’t noticed Wendy, your Aunt Erica is very comfortable with being naughty… so tell me.”

“OK it’s just… I mean I was thoroughly enjoying it when I was like the naïve bar back girl thrust into the role of being the powerful Ms. Karen’s private little… you know… plaything but… but when you switched things up where you pretended to be my Mommy… that… that was like wow. I mean I… I liked it even better I think.”

“You only think hon?”

“No, I know… for sure.”

“Honestly, I liked it better too, sweetheart. Secretly I have always been jealous of your mom for being blessed with such a loving and pretty daughter.”


“Yes, really honey and if you want I will prove it to you.”

“I wish you would.”

“OK, well, I am hoping with your blessing we might continue to play some more… me and you. I mean it’s hardly fair that you got to come and I didn’t.”

“Yeah, that is unfair.”

“So maybe we could continue our role playing but this time, right from the start I will be your loving mommy and you will be my sweet innocent little daughter.”

“That sounds like something I would really like Aunt Erica,” Wendy quietly replied.

Standing up, Erica stretched. “OK, well, give me a few minutes as I’m going to run to my bedroom to change into something more appropriate for our new game.”

“Sure, but what should I wear?”

“Hmm, give me a few minutes and I will text you from my bedroom. First, I gotta put my wicked imagination into gear to invent some kind of naughty scenario for our new game.”

“So I’ll just wait for your text then?”

“Yes. I will text you the details and then you’ll be able to pick out just what to wear to fit whatever scenario I have come up with.”

Their wicked plans made, Erica excitedly hurried off to her bedroom, her mind whirling of just what kind of sinful scenario to create for them.

Back inside the guest bedroom Erica, after quickly considering and rejecting several scenarios for their latest role playing game, finally hit on what she hoped was a winner. She banged out a text to her niece asking if she was still in a mood to play.

The reply made her smile as it was two simple emojis: a thumbs up and a smiley face.

Erica texted her back telling her she would be there shortly and just to put back on, for the time being, her boring old nightshirt.

While shopping earlier Erica had come across some sexy lingerie she just had to have and bought it. Deciding this would be the perfect thing to wear for their latest adventure she hurriedly put it on before adding a white satin robe over it.

Back inside Wendy’s bedroom the two of them settled down on the bed next to each other.

“Ready to hear about the game I have so cleverly invented us to play, Wendy?” Erica anxiously asked.

“Yes, tell me.”

“OK so it’s really quite simple. The game is called, If I Was Your Mommy.”

“Hmm, cool name.”

“Glad you like it. I just made it up on the fly. Anyways the game is played in rounds and every round starts with me making the statement… If I was your mommy I would… Then I will make another statement suggesting what I would do, if like, I really was your mommy. And then if you wanna see proof of my statement you respond by either saying show me, or I’ll show you. Unless, of course, whatever statement I suggested does not appeal to you and then you would respond negatively. So what do you think, hon?”

“Sounds interesting. Let’s play.”

“OK, I’ll make the first round real simple so we both can get the hang of things.”

“Sure. I’m ready.”

After thinking a moment, Erica started the game out by saying, “If I was your mommy I would invite my daughter to share a full glass of wine with me.”

“Hmm, show me.”

Reaching over, Erica grabbed the bottle of wine and filled up one of the glasses and after taking a large sip from it she handed it to Wendy.

Wendy took several small sips of the wine and liking the soft buzz it gave her, she took another larger sip. Giggling, she handed the glass of wine back to her “mommy” as she whispered, “I think I’m going to like both this game… and my new mommy.”

“I hope so honey,” Erica replied as she greedily gulped down nearly the whole balance of wine. Leaving only a small sip she handed it back to Wendy who quickly polished it off before excitedly saying, “OK, let’s go, next round.”

Having already planned out the next few rounds in advance Erica wasted no time in saying, “If I was your mommy I would not be afraid to show off for my daughter by wearing something nice and maybe a little sexy for her.”

“Show me,” Wendy eagerly responded.

Erica stood up before slowly stripping off her white satin robe revealing to her new daughter the sexy lingerie underneath.

“Wow mommy that really is super sexy,” Wendy exclaimed as she stared at the outfit Erica selected for this new role playing game. The outfit consisted of a black lace bra, along with matching black panties, stockings, and garter belt. The blackness of the lingerie was contrasted by a sexy pearl white corset that uplifted her already sizable boobs making them look even bigger.

“Glad you like it, hon. Now let’s go to round three. So if I was your mommy I would ask my pretty young daughter to also show off for me by modeling another of the three new bras I bought her today at the mall.”

Wendy smiled before climbing off the bed and saying, “OK mommy I’ll show you. I hid them in my closet so my other mommy doesn’t find them and scold me. Be right back. Should I model also one of my new panties you bought me?”

“Yes, of course, baby.”

After Wendy emerged from the closet a minute or two later, wearing a purple lace bra with matching panties. Erica let out a low whistle. “Wow baby that looks good on you.”

“Does it really?” Wendy asked.

“It does. Here come nearer though so mommy can get a closer look.”

Wendy slowly crossed the bedroom before stopping in front of her aunt/mommy.

“Hmm, looks even better close up.”

Wendy shyly smiled in respond as she quietly responded by saying, “Glad you like it, Mommy.”

“I do as I like this game we are playing. Do you?”

“Yes, very much so. Can we continue?”

“Of course. So if I was your mommy…” Erica paused as she scooted back and over so she was relaxing back against the headboard in the middle of the bed. “I would invite you here on the bed with me so mommy and her sweet little girl could do some serious cuddling.”

Wendy crawled up onto the bed next to her mommy before leaning back against the headboard next to her as Erica adjusted both of the pillows so they would have something comfortable to lean back on

Not wanting to lose any momentum Erica quickly snaked an arm around her new daughter’s shoulder and pulled her tightly up against her.

They snuggled quietly for a minute or two, both enjoying the warmth that being so close together was bringing them before Erica whispered, “Ready to play another round of our game, sweetie?”

“Yes, please.”

“If I was your mommy I would not be shy in showing my love and affection for my pretty young daughter by worshipping her with a shower of adoration and kisses.”

“Show me,” Wendy answered in a quiet voice that barely rose to the level of a whisper.

Erica first pulled Wendy into her arms before maneuvering them so they were stretched out on their sides facing each other. Reaching out, she used one finger to softly stroke the side of Wendy’s face before she leaned closer, spraying both of Wendy’s cheeks with kisses before moving to her lips.

Carefully, like testing the waters, she gave her a pair of light and tender kisses on the lips before pulling back. She had barely broken contact though when Wendy surprised her by whispering, “I want more kisses, Mommy.”

Erica keenly gave in to her daughter’s quiet request as she leaned forward. Their lips slowly came together as they shared a series of increasingly passionate kisses as Erica used her arms to pull her even closer and tighter against her.

Their little kissing fest continued unabated for some time before Erica, growing overheated, pulled back.

“Hmm that was a nice round huh, baby?”

“Very nice and I’m ready for the next one already, Mommy.”

“My eager little girl wants to play more huh. OK, well, how about this. Now that you have the hang of my game why don’t you take a turn by saying if I was your daughter and then… you know?”

“Really. I can take the lead?”

“Sure baby. Go ahead but don’t be shy.”

“I won’t be. Hmm, let me see…” Wendy’s mind whirled as she wondered just what to ask for now that she was in control. “Got it. OK, so if I was your daughter I would fill up the wine glass again and after one or two small sips invite my mommy to finish it all coz I want to see my mommy get real tipsy.”

“Show me then little girl,” Erica responded as she reached over and grabbed both the bottle of wine and the glass and handed them to her daughter to fill up.

After Wendy filled the glass to the rim with wine they both sat up and, as promised, Wendy only took a pair of small sips from the glass before passing it over to her mom with a wicked smile.

Erica obliged her daughter by quickly polishing off the balance of the wine.

“Can I have another turn, Mommy?”

“Sure baby. Go ahead.”

After a moment’s hesitation Wendy took the plunge by making her request, “If I was your daughter I would ask my mom if she could pamper me by giving me a super duper nice neck and shoulder massage.”

Erica smiled. “Mommy would love to honor her daughter’s request,” she told her while maneuvering herself into position so she was behind her daughter.

“Good. Oh and I have a bottle of massage oil there in the top drawer of my nightstand if you wanna use it.”

Erica quickly retrieved the bottle of oil and after pouring a generous amount on her hands she began to work the soothing oil into her daughter’s neck and shoulders. As her mom’s hands moved back and forth over her neck and shoulders, proficiently working the oil in, Wendy let out a small sigh of contentment.

“Is this nice hon, the way mommy is pampering her little girl?” she whispered in her ear.

“Yes, but maybe you could pamper me some more by extending your massage past my neck and shoulders?” Twisting around, Wendy looked at her mom hopefully before adding, “Pretty please.

“Hmm, how can I resist such sweetness? I can’t…” Erica mused aloud as she let her hands slip down Wendy’s bare shoulders once or twice before gently nudging her around so she was lying flat on her tummy.

Taking up the bottle of oil, Erica poured a plentiful amount directly on Wendy’s back.

“Mmm, that feels so good, Mommy,” Wendy whispered as her mom’s hand glided back and forth, up and down, and all around slowly working the oil into her back.

“Yes, honey but I think your bra is sort of in the way. You mind if I undo it for you and then you can slip it off.”

After a moment’s hesitation, Wendy whispered her consent. With nothing impending her hands now, Erica really went to work on her daughter’s back as she skillfully used her hands and fingers to manipulate the soft tissue of her daughter’s back.

“Would you like mommy’s pampering to include the back of your legs also, sweetie?”

“Yes,” Wendy answered before lifting her head up. Turning she smiled at her mom before whispering, “I want your pampering to include my… my whole body, mommy?”

Erica smiled back before whispering, “Does everywhere include even your secret little girl spots… that no one is supposed to touch, baby?”

“Yes, but no one but mommy you mean right?”

“Yes, of course, there should be nowhere that is off limits to a mother’s gentle touch when it comes to her baby’s girl’s beautiful body.”

“Yes, nowhere, Mommy,” Wendy sighed as she sank back down onto the bed.

“Well then… maybe we should get these off of you too…” Erica said with no small amount of excitement as she reached down and started to tug on her daughter’s panties. “As it will make it easier for mommy to both massage and fully explore those secret little spots we were just talking about.”

After Wendy’s panties joined her bra on the floor, Erica picked up the bottle of massage oil again, this time pouring some out up and down on the back of both of Wendy’s upper legs and on down to her calves.

Not wanting to rush into anything, Erica slowly massaged the oil first into the back of her daughter’s upper legs before working her way down and gently massaging the oil into her calves.

Slowly, carefully, inch by inch, Erica worked her hands, one each on the back of her daughter’s legs, up towards the previously referenced secret spot that lay between her daughter’s legs.

As her probing hands edged closer to the ultimate prize she whispered, “Go ahead and spread your legs just a bit for mommy, pumpkin.”

Wendy obediently complied with her mom’s request as she spread her legs wider.

After spending an inordinate amount of time kneading the fleshly part of her daughter’s super nice butt, Erica finally let one finger gently dip into the moist pool between her daughter’s legs.

Wendy’s pulse began to race as she felt the first gentle incursions of her mom’s fingers into her moist pussy.

“That feel good, baby?” Erica whispered as she soothingly worked her index finger in and out of her daughter’s tight little cunt.

“Oh God yes, Mommy… don’t… don’t stop,” she quietly moaned as her mom began to finger her pussy with a serious purpose.

Erica smiled. Although she was sure she could easily do it, she had no intention of using her probing fingers to make her innocent young daughter/niece climax this way. Instead, she would just bring her up to the very edge of an orgasm and then… stop. Hopefully, it would leave her panting for more.

With this in mind, Erica began to finger fuck her daughter at a more wicked pace, loving the way it make her squirm and pant. “Oh yeah, you like that huh, baby? Like the way mommy is fingering that tight little cunt of yours?”

“I do… I do… are… are you going to make me… come. Please…”

Erica slowed down, before pulling her finger completely out. “Hmm, not yet baby. That was just to warm you up and keep you wanting more. Now sit up because I think we should try playing a new role playing game.”

“What are we both going to be this time?” Wendy enthusiastically inquired.

“Well, I was thinking how that first game we played was nice where I was the all-powerful businesswoman customer and you were the naïve rookie dancer before we switched up at the end to me being your mommy.”

“Oh yeah, I loved you being my mommy but I also liked the other one too, Aunt Erica,” Wendy truthfully confessed.

“I’m glad you liked it and so did I. Anyways it got me thinking maybe this time we might play the same sort of game but with a role reversal.”

“You mean like where… where you will be the stripper and me the customer.”

“Exactly. I will be the very bold and aggressive stripper, highly experienced in all things sexual while you be the pure and unsullied young virgin who is both very naïve and very innocent in all things sexual.”

Wendy smiled before whispering, “Hmm, almost kind of sounds like we are being ourselves, Aunt Erica. I mean you certainly are pretty and sexy enough to be a stripper.”

“Well let’s find out shall we.”

They spent the next five minutes hashing out the background with the story they devised being simple: the sweet and innocent Wendy would be celebrating her eighteenth birthday with a small group of friends at one of her friend’s houses. The parents would be gone for the weekend so the small group of friends, after having raided the liquor cabinet, decided– as sort of a gag birthday gift for the ultra-straight laced Wendy– to call one of those escort services and pay for a stripper to come to the house and entertain her on her birthday.

Erica, after slipping her robe back on, left to use the bathroom and so Wendy could get dressed again for their new game. After using the bathroom she slipped back into the bedroom to find Wendy sitting nervously on the edge of the bed, dressed in a pair of jeans and a loose fitting blouse.

After given her the once over, Erica, embracing fully her role as a stripper, announced happily, “Well, I must say this is a pleasant change.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean usually when I do birthday parties I end up in the bedroom with some over aggressive, zit faced, fat and smelly frat boy who I can barely stomach… let alone dance for.”

Wendy smiled. “So I’m a pleasant change from that I guess?”

“Most certainly, young lady. Hmm, and you are young huh… let me guess this is your eighteenth birthday?”


Erica sat down next to her before reaching out and grabbing her hand lightly. “So since you are such a pleasant change and it is your birthday, I’m thinking I should go above and beyond the call of duty tonight and do something extra special, maybe beyond a simple lap dance, to make your eighteenth birthday memorable.”

“Yes. I would like that I think,” Wendy shyly answered. “What did you have in mind?”

“Well for my extra special customers I tend to let my wicked imagination run wild and engage in a bit of role playing with them… but in order for me to do this I first must know if me and my customer share some real warm and loving chemistry.”

“How do find that out?”

“Easy… close your eyes.”

Wendy obeyed before she felt the stripper’s gentle hand turning her face toward her. They kissed, soft, slow and sweet and after their lips parted the stripper smiled at her young customer. “So do we have chemistry or what? I mean I don’t know about you but that little shared kiss of ours made my heart flutter?”

“Mine too,” Wendy replied shyly.

“Good then…” Smiling at her mischievously the stripper dropped her voice to a quiet whisper. “You know I am probably old enough to be your mother.”

“Yes you are?”

“And I am thinking maybe we could play a little role playing game to that effect? You know where I am your mother.”

Wendy smiled at her aunt’s suggestion of adding a role playing game–yeah, inside of the role playing game they were already playing!

“That sounds fun. What did you have in mind?”

“Well I am thinking I would not just be any average mother but an evil wicked bitch of a step mother who… who happens to be one of those web cam strippers who works out of her house and…”

After Erica briefly finished filling in the details of this new role playing game, Wendy agreed that it sounded like it might be lots of fun.

“Great so grab your lap top honey and position yourself on the bed as we discussed. Now remember I want things to be as realistic as possible so you must act real surprised when your step mom enters the room.”

Turning, Erica exited the room and waited outside, giving her niece more than enough time to change before she came into the bedroom without knocking.

When Erica came barging into the room, Wendy was stretched out on the bed dressed in a tee shirt matched with a pair of jeans. The jeans were unzipped and Wendy had one of her hands stuffed down inside her panties fingering her pussy when her stepmother walked in unannounced.

“Jesus Erica, don’t you fucking knock before you come into someone’s room,” Wendy fairly shrieked as she yanked her hand out from inside her panties before slamming her lap top shut.

“Oh so it’s Erica now huh, Wendy. Earlier when you were asking for money to go shopping it was please mom this and please mom that.”

“I’m sorry… Mom. I mean you should have knocked,” Wendy said as she tried to act as embarrassed as possible about being caught playing with herself… among other things. “I was just–”

Erica marched across the room to the bed before barking at her step daughter harshly, “I know what you were doing. You were playing with yourself while watching porn.”

“Mom I wasn’t watching porn I was–”

“Don’t try to lie to me young lady. I heard the moaning before you slammed your lap top shut.”

Wendy looked down, feigning embarrassment.

“If you want we can open your lap top back up and take at quick look at your viewing history.”

“No, please, that would not be a good idea.”

“I think it’s a grand idea young lady,” Erica replied as she reached out and quickly snatched the lap top out of her step daughter’s hands.

“Mom… no!” Wendy cried. “You can’t. Its… it’s an invasion of privacy or something like that.” She tried to grab the lap top back from her mom but Erica easily swatted her hands away.

“Wendy sweetheart… tell me whose house is this you and your daddy are living at.”

“Yours, of course.”

“Exactly and since I pay the bills and you are living here rent free your expectations of privacy are very, very limited young lady.”

Making her voice unduly harsh, Erica snapped at her step daughter, “Now sit there and be quiet while your mom sees what you have been up to.”

The stepmom/dancer opened the lap top and smiled. “Hmm, girl on girl porn. Yeah, I thought I heard some soft moaning. Well, at least we have one thing in common young lady. What else were you watching before the girly naughty stuff? Let me see. I’ll just bring up your history real quick and…”

The stepmom again smiled before saying, “Hmm it seems you were watching one of those cam girls give their show… But not just any cam girl… your mother!”

“Mom, I can explain I–”

Interrupting her, Erica snapped, “If you play your cards right you won’t have to explain. If on the other hand, you want to be your usual bratty disobedient self and give me a hard time you will be explaining, to you father, how you were masturbating while watching your mom give her show and then moved on to some sexy lesbian porn.”

“Please, please don’t tell,” Wendy said quietly.

“Maybe I won’t if you agree to be mommy’s sweet, loving little girl for the balance of the evening and do exactly what she says both eagerly and without complaint.”

“I agree,” Wendy replied as her heart thundered inside of her chest at the thought of being under her “step-mommy’s” wicked control.

“Do you also agree to tell me the truth in regards to any questions I might ask you?”

“Yes, I agree.”

“Good. First question then. Did you enjoy your mommy’s show?”


“You liked watching her strip down to her sexy lingerie?”


“Good, well, then it’s only fair I think that you do the same for me.”

“You want me to… strip for you.”

“Yes. Stand up little girl and strip… down to your underwear. You can start with your tee shirt young lady.”

“But I’m like… not wearing a bra, Mom.”

“Well I guess that is one more damning thing I could tell your daddy. You know how strict he is with the way you dress and I don’t think he would like you running around without a bra on little girl.”

“OK, OK, I will strip for you Mom.”

Wendy stood up, positioning herself directly in front of her mother, she slowly started to pull up her tee shirt as her mom watched with rapt attention.

After stripping the tee shirt completely off, she struggled out of her jeans before kicking them aside so was only wearing a pair conservative pink panties.

“Hmm you look nice sweetie in just you cute little girl pink panties.” Reaching out, Erica stroked the side of her face delicately with one hand before dropping her voice to a low throaty whisper, “Divine indeed, sweetie.”

“Thank you,” Wendy replied simply before thinking to add something. “I… I thought you looked divine yourself mommy, you know, during your show.”

“Oh really. Well I’m still wearing what I was wearing during the show under my robe. Maybe you would like to see it again, but this time live and in person.”

“Yes, I would like that,” Wendy quickly responded.

“OK then let’s switch spots. Here you sit on the edge of the bed and I will stand up before you.”

Erica gave her step daughter a sly smile before slowly shedding her robe to reveal the same black lace bra and panties outfit, along with the black stockings and white corset Wendy saw her in earlier.

“Yeah it looks even better in person,” Wendy said as she once admired how delicious her aunt looked in her sexy lingerie.

“I’m glad you like it. I think the contrast between the black and white is sort of sexy don’t you?”

“Yes, very much so.”

“I bet you enjoyed watching me slowly strip this off huh honey?”

“Actually Mommy I… I got feeling guilty for watching you and turned it off just as you were starting to strip.”

“Really so you missed me stripping out of my sexy lingerie huh… just because you were feeling guilty?”


“So tell me why did you tune into your mommy’s show in the first place little girl?”

Wendy shyly shrugged her shoulders before whispering, “I don’t know. I guess I was just curious maybe.”

“Let me give you some free advice. Curiosity should always win out over guilt. I mean, seriously, you should never let guilt dictate your actions. Better to live dangerously and explore your curiosity fully as opposed to staying on the sidelines and always wondering what if…”

Erica gave her a knowing smile before applying the finishing touches to her little lecture, “But lucky for you your wicked step mommy is here inside your bedroom, up close and personal like, to offer you a second chance to see her strip and since she is the one offering to strip for you…” Erica’s hands floated down, taking her daughter’s hands into her own she whispered, “You should not have any feelings of guilt whatsoever.”

Staring at her deep in the eyes, Erica gently pulled Wendy to her feet. “But first you need to thank your mommy with a nice kiss or two for her generous offer to strip for her overly curious daughter.”

“OK,” Wendy replied as she leaned in and gave her mommy a shy little kiss on the cheek.

“Hmm, you are going to have to do better than that little girl. Here let me show you the type of kiss I want. Close your eyes.”

Wendy closed her eyes and after a brief second she felt her step mom’s lips on her own. The pair of kisses she gave her were both, all at once, sweet and aggressive before she leaned back, whispering, “You try now, sweetie.”

Wendy took a deep breath before pressing her lips against her mom’s. Trying to imitate their earlier kiss, Wendy pushed her lips firmly up against her mom’s, letting them linger. Her efforts were duly rewarded when Erica aggressively responded by snaking her tongue deep into her daughter’s mouth. She swirled her tongue expertly around her daughter’s mouth, once, and then a second time, nearly making the young girl swoon before she pulled back.

“That was nice huh,” Erica whispered.

“Very nice,” Wendy panted as she struggled to control her raging passions. She wanted more!

Not wanting to waste the momentum, Erica guided her nervous daughter’s hands to her sides before gently prodding them north to her beckoning bra clad hills.

“You like your mommy’s big tits right sweetie… I mean you think they are nice?”

As her hands drew nearer Wendy replied quietly, “I think they are beautiful, Mommy”

“Have you ever touched another woman’s boobs before, sweetie?”

“N-no,” she stammered.

“But you want to touch mine right baby?”

“Yes, Mommy.” she truthfully answered.

“Show me. Here let me help you.”

Guided slowly by her mom’s hands, Wendy’s hands brushed firmly up against the underside of her mom’s full sized breasts.

“Nice?” Erica prompted.

“Very nice. I… I like the way they feel, Mommy.”

“Well your mommy is feeling charitable this evening so…”

Taking her by the hand, the aunt turned dancer, turned step mother, led Wendy over to the vanity table “That first touch plus our kisses have left me feeling dizzy so I need a bit of support.”

Leaning back against the table she whispered, “Go on sweetie, explore your curiosity as Mommy doesn’t mind if you play with her boobies… all you want. Unless after that first brief touch you decided you don’t like them much after all… which would really hurt my feelings.”

Wendy hesitated before bring her hands up. “No, no I like them. Really.”

Reaching out, she shyly began to fondle her mom’s breasts through the soft delicate black lace of the bra, finding them to be deliciously nice and firm.

The mom let out a soft sigh. Closing her eyes, her head lolled back as daughter’s soft explorations continued so very sweetly.

Wendy, her boldness growing, fondled her mommy’s nice tits with a budding passion which threatened at any moment to spin out of control. Finally, after several long glorious moments, Erica raised her head up.

Speaking softly, she told her eager step daughter, “You are making me so hot young lady with the soft attentions you are paying to my boobies. Most men treat large breasts aggressively with no regard to the owner but not you.”

Reaching out she stroked the side of her face tenderly before saying quietly, “If you really want to see your mommy get all hot and bothered, like those women you enjoy watching in the naughty videos, maybe you should try kissing them sweetie and if you want maybe even sucking on them a bit also.”

Wendy swallowed hard. This was going further than she could have ever imagined but yet she seemed powerless to stop it. After the briefest of hesitations she responded, “That… that sounds nice.”

Grabbing her hand, the dancer led her daughter back across the bedroom and to the bed. After pushing Wendy down so she was perched on the edge of the bed, Erica stepped up closer so she was mere inches from her. With her high heels on, and standing directly before her as she was, it allowed Wendy to be at almost perfect eye level with her mom’s chest.

“I guess if you are going to use that pretty mouth of yours to shower my tits with soft loving affection I better take my bra off huh?”

“Yes, please Mommy?” Wendy whispered as her gaze became utterly fixated on her mom’s chest. Slowly, seductively, Erica reached around her back to undo her bra before, just as slowly, she reached up, leisurely sliding the twin straps off and down.

After the bra fluttered gently to the floor, she whispered, “I hope my daughter is not disappointed.”

“Oh God no, they… they are beautiful,” Wendy replied quietly as she stared at her mommy’s twin peaks of perfection. Her tits were perfectly tanned and crowned with a pair of gloriously large nipples.

Reaching out, Erica snaked a hand around the back of Wendy’s head, tangling it deep in her hair. Wendy closed her eyes as she felt her face being gently pulled into the soft, warm smothering embrace of her mom’s beautiful tits.

“Go on honey, don’t be shy. Give them some sweet kisses… please baby.”

Wendy started slowly by kissing up and down and all around the vast expanse of her mom’s twin peaks with a tender array of licks and soft nibbles.

After allowing her daughter’s innocent kissing fest to continue unabated for a few long and precious moments, Erica found herself wanting more. In a voice, harsh with desire, she conveyed her demands. “Go on baby, suck on them. Please, honey… now!”

The still shy Wendy pulled back. She stared at her mommy’s fully erect nipples for a long moment, allowing her forbidden desire to grow and to finally overcome her shyness. Taking a deep breath, she decided to surprise her mom by being a bit aggressive with her.

Burying her face between her mom’s tits, Wendy wrapped her arms tight around her mom’s back before forcefully throwing herself forward. Wendy’s mouth opened as she began to assail her mom’s tits with an aggressive loving assault forcing Erica back on her heels.

Wendy, beside herself with young lust, twisted her mom around toward the bed before yanking on her hard. Erica found herself tumbling down onto the bed wrapped in her daughter’s embrace. Laid out on her back, Erica found her now out of control daughter furiously assaulting her fully erect nipples.

Inside the quiet bedroom, the sound of Wendy wildly slurping on her mom’s tits competed with Erica’s incessant moans of pleasure said assault was causing.

What happened next was like a whirlwind of forbidden lust; unstoppable and undeniable. “Make me come, honey, please baby,” Erica panted as she tangled a hand in the young girl’s hair.

Almost savagely she forced her head down and in between her legs as she spread her legs wide. The eager young lady, in most un-lady like fashion, fairly ripped the flimsy panties off of her as she buried her face between her legs.

Sheer eagerness in wanting to please caused Wendy to wildly lash her tongue out and all around the moist folds of the mom’s pussy. Not being experienced in the art of eating pussy mattered little as it was made up for with sheer enthusiasm. When Wendy curiously added a pair of probing fingers to the mix it was only inventible her mom would be sent tumbling over the edge… sooner or later.

“Oh that’s it baby, eat my fucking pussy,” she moaned desperately as she careened uncontrollably toward the beginnings of a most intense orgasm.

When she found her clit being attacked with an eager young tongue– just as she felt an enthusiastic finger being pushed in and out of her repeatedly–the mom found her body beginning to shake uncontrollably as the much anticipated orgasm washed over her in wave after wave.

Lifting her head up from between her legs, Wendy smiled. “So did I do good, Mommy and make you come?”

“I think you know you did, sweetie,” the mom replied.

Sitting back up, Erica grabbed her niece’s hand, squeezing it tight. “So I guess we are even now huh, baby. I made you come and you made me come.”

“Yes, even- steven huh?” Wendy replied as she cuddled her body tightly against her aunt’s.

Dropping her voice to a whisper, Erica cooed in Wendy’s ear, “But mommy’s little girl wants more huh?”

“Yes she does, Mommy.”

“And Mommy needs more so why don’t you let her show you how we both can maybe come together this time.”

“Show me,” Wendy replied.

“Lay back then and close your eyes and let Mommy have her way with her little girl.”

Wendy obediently stretched out on the bed on her back before closing her eyes while wondering just what her wicked aunt/mommy had in mind to make them both come together.

Erica wasted no time in throwing her body down on Wendy’s. The two girls embraced as their mouths came crashing together. They passionately kissed, tongues arcing in and out of each other’s mouths before Erica fully took control.

She dropped her mouth down, showering the young girl’s big tits with a surplus of wet and wild kisses. Raising up, she leaned forward allowing her own prodigious breasts to fall in her niece’s face.

Wendy, her passions already running red hot, responded by assaulting her aunt’s beautiful tits with a virtual storm of wild sucking and fanatical kisses.

They found themselves twisting and turning on the bed, each taking turns paying loving attention to each other’s big tits before Erica decided it was time to give the young girl a tribbing lesson.

Maneuvering herself around so she was over her smaller niece, Erica dropped her full body weight down on Wendy pinning her to the bed. Aggressively, she began grinding her pussy tight up against Wendy’s. It did not take long for an overwrought Wendy to respond in kind as she began to gyrate her own wet cunt up against her aunt’s.

“Oh God that feels so good, Mommy,” Wendy panted as they continued to twizzle and swivel their hips in perfect rhythmic fashion forcing their impassioned pussies together.

“Let’s come together baby,” Erica gasped as she was already nearing a tremendous orgasm. “Come on baby grind that virgin cunt against your mommy’s.”

Wendy became lost in a world of forbidden pleasure as she began to furiously pump her hips forward and around. Her own orgasm came rushing home then, the most powerful yet of her young life, just as felt her aunt’s whole body begin to vibrate as she climaxed herself.

They spend the next few minutes cuddling tight together, enjoying the warm after effects of their joint climaxes, before Erica, sadly had to retire for the evening back to her own bedroom.

Alone now, Wendy fell into a contented sleep somehow knowing this would not be her last naughty adventure with her sexy Aunt Erica.

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