Inbounding by WritingPad,WritingPad

I was home for winter break from college and was excited about seeing my girlfriend, Mandy. She was 19 and a senior in high school; we started dating near the end of the past summer, but we had not spent much time together because I went away to school a couple of states over soon after. I knew that she went on dates with other guys while I was away, telling me that she needed to show up at school events with a guy, or people would start to think that there was something wrong with her. She swore that, aside from making out with them, nothing sexual happened. I wanted to believe her, but I had serious doubts.

During my break, Mandy made excuses for not seeing me, claiming that she was busy with visiting family members from out-of-town. I didn’t press the issue, deciding to wait patiently for her to have some free time for me. She did send me some pictures of her in lingerie to keep me horny and thinking of her. As pretty as she was, Mandy seemed just slightly mismatched in the body department; her lower half was thick, whereas her breasts seemed small because of the size of her ass and thighs. Still, I loved her firm thighs and full bottom. Her boobs were not that small either. She was a B/C cup.

Finally, after a few days of being back, Mandy told me she could spend part of the afternoon with me. We met at a small restaurant that was nearly empty. I kissed her hello, and we hugged for just a short time. She acted indifferent towards me, making me feel as though she was going out of her way to see me.

“I missed you,” I said, watching her as she took off her winter coat.

“Me, too,” she said unconvincingly.

Mandy was wearing a beige sweater and black leggings; she had on a pair of brown calf-boots. I wanted to put my hands between her thighs to warm my hands, but we were sitting across from each other, and she was not giving off any warm feelings. Her cell phone notified her of a message, so she spent a few minutes dealing with that. After she was done, she looked at me with the first smile I had seen from her since before I left for school.

“How much did you miss me?” Mandy said, swiping her dark blonde hair away from her face.

“I thought of you all the time,” I said, realizing that I may have sounded desperate.

“Aw, that’s so sweet,” she said, grabbing her phone.

We ate our meal mostly in silence, staring down at our plates or looking at the other customers. I wanted to talk, but she seemed preoccupied with something and would not ignore her phone for any long stretches. Mandy excused herself to go to the bathroom, giving me the treat of seeing her ass walking away from me. She was gone for more than a short while, leaving me to wonder why she was even my girlfriend.

There was still time to do one more thing, she said. Mandy told me I could go shopping with her at a women’s only store. I knew that she was going to get me to pay for whatever she wanted, and I was okay with that. I just wanted to spend some time with her, hoping I might get to at least make out with her. My expectations were rather low.

We walked across the parking lot to a fashion store for women. I felt out of place until I saw another guy with his girlfriend; he was holding her purse while she shuffled some clothing on a rack. Mandy went to the middle of the store, ignoring me right away. I stood far back from her, giving her all the space that she needed.

The guy with the purse walked towards me, nodded, and said, “We’ve been here an hour, and she hasn’t found anything she likes yet.”

“I’m expecting the same,” I said, shaking my head.

Mandy was browsing through the panty section and talking on her phone at the same time. I wanted to eavesdrop on her conversation; I was curious what all the texting was about, and now I wanted to listen in on her call.

“He’s all happy to see me, but I’m just not feeling it today,” Mandy said, surprising me.

I was quiet and somewhat hidden by one of the racks. Mandy looked around for me but did not see me.

“No, Becky, he doesn’t know I slept with Terrence. I told him we made out and nothing else. I don’t care, Terrence had the biggest dick ever. His is so small, it’s ridiculous. He can’t fill me up like Terrence can,” Mandy said, holding up a purple thong.

The jolt of hearing her talk about me like that was almost too much for me. I felt queasy, anxious, and nervous all at once. I walked away from Mandy and found a chair by the front door. After I sat down and started to contemplate what she had said, the image I had of myself was forever altered. I figured my cock was average and not worthy of ridicule, believing it was big enough to satisfy females. Now, Mandy was making me rethink that.

When she walked over to me with a couple of panties, I just handed her my charge card without looking at her. I was quiet on the way to the car. It was me who seemed preoccupied with something this time. She sensed that I was annoyed with something and tried to soothe me by holding my hand. I felt robotic and uninspired that our relationship was not in a good place, and I suddenly realized that what I had suspected before — that Mandy just wanted the status of having a boyfriend away at college — was true.

“I better get you home,” I said when we got inside the car.

“Don’t you want some of this?” She said, opening her arms an embracing me with a kiss.

We made out for a few minutes; she tasted so sweet that I momentarily forgot what had just happened. Her tongue darted into my mouth and slid over mine. She didn’t object when I put my hands between her warm thighs or when I felt her boobs through her sweater. I didn’t know how far this session was going to go, but she did know and suddenly stopped.

“Yeah, you better take me home before we start having sex in the parking lot,” Mandy said, pulling away from me.

A brief taste and touch were all I was going to get. I drove her home, letting her criticism of the size of my penis overtake my thoughts. She had given me a few hand jobs and a couple of foot jobs, getting me off rather splendidly, but we had not fucked yet, and I was starting to think that we never would at this point. We only dated for a couple of weeks before I left for school, having met at a graduation party. She was interested in the fact that I was one of the few students from our school going to a university in another state. I had been dazzled by her blue eyes that challenged me to be a boyfriend and not just some guy thinking of the concept of having a girlfriend.


Once I got home, I took off my clothes and started to stroke my cock in front of the mirror. I got as hard as I possibly could and looked at it from different angles. What had always seemed average now looked like a disappointment to me. Still, I got into bed and jerked off to Mandy — the way her ass had looked when she walked to the bathroom, the way her tongue slid over mine, and how nice her tits felt.

I sent her a text, telling her that I hoped we could see each other before I went back to school. She sent me a picture of the panties she bought laid out on the bed. I asked her for a picture of her in the purple thong, but she did not answer me.

In the middle of the night, I woke up thinking about Mandy getting fucked by some guy with a bigger dick than mine. I realized she was just stringing me along and had no intention of being my girlfriend. I was going to send her a text in the morning, telling her how I didn’t think our connection was strong enough to keep going with me away at school. For me, it was over with Mandy. Things felt raw, but I didn’t think I had a choice. The humiliation of being called tiny was enough to get me to move on from Mandy and the idea of a girlfriend back home.


As I was showering — soaping up my hard cock — I was thinking about what I was going to say to her. The fact that I was in college, and she was still in high school, made me want to take a mature approach to how I would end it with her. My thoughts fumbled, and they got somewhat hazy after I came from thoughts of her.

I decided to postpone my text to her, thinking I would leave things unresolved and possibly open for something with her during the spring or summer break. There was no way I was going to reach out to her before I left for school. If she wanted to see me, that was a different issue.

As I was getting dressed, it was me who received a text; however, it was not from Mandy but from her friend Becky, asking me to meet with her later. I had thoughts of Becky ridiculing me over what Mandy had said to her and vowing to tell the whole school about my less than stellar member. I agreed to meet her after her basketball practice and told her we could grab a bite to eat afterwards.

There was time to go for a drive to clear my head before picking Becky up in the school parking lot. I felt strange being in the parking lot of my former school, as if I had some unresolved things to deal with before moving on. The size of my tool had suddenly become that thing. I knew that obsessing about it was not good, but it was just too raw at the moment. I realized that I was transferring the feelings of being cheated on to something that I had no control over, wanting to distract from the fact that Mandy had done me wrong.

The girls’ basketball team started to filter out of the gym; some players drove off and others were driven away by parents, boyfriends/girlfriends, or siblings. I flashed my headlights when I saw Becky. She was taller than I remembered — close to six feet tall. Becky had her hair cut short and walked with that athletic swagger that comes from being the captain and best player on the team.

Becky got in my car and tossed her bag in the backseat. She was wearing athletic gear, covering her curves. This was the first time we had ever spoken, aside from bumping into each other in the hallway a couple of times and excusing ourselves.

“Hello,” I said.

“Hi,” she said, smiling.

“Do you want to grab a burger?”

“Sure, but I think we need a little privacy because of what I have to tell you.”

“Okay, I know a place that might be nearly empty this time of day,” I said, realizing that maybe I didn’t want to hear what she had to say.

Once we got to the restaurant, we realized that it didn’t matter where we sat. The place was empty, but we chose a corner booth anyway. We ordered our food and sat in silence for a few minutes, staring at each other as though we didn’t know what to say or what to talk about. That awkwardness did not last long.

“I know Mandy is my friend, but I don’t like how she is treating you. I don’t like how you’re expecting more from her than she’s probably going to give you. Maybe it’s none of my business, but I don’t care, I’m going to get this out in the open,” she said, showing why she was chosen as captain of the team: assertiveness!

“I’m listening,” I said, content to let her go on talking.

With her hair cut short, she had a sort of tomboyish look going on, but her features were symmetrical, and she was definitely pretty. Her dark eyes appeared confident and watched everything as though she were guarding an opposing player.

The waitress brought us our order, but Becky moved her plate to the side. I took a bite of my food but kept my eyes on Becky.

“Mandy was seduced by this guy named Terrence’s charm. He took her virginity a few weeks ago, and now she can’t get enough of him. I told her she should break up with you, but she thinks Terrance will end it with her first, and she doesn’t want to leave you for that reason,” Becky said, bluntly.

“Terrence, huh?” I said, already knowing the name from the conversation I had overheard.

“And she told me you have remained faithful to her while away at school. That’s what really makes me mad. You should be having fun and meeting other people, not waiting on someone who is cheating on you!”

“I appreciate all this,” I said.

“You don’t seem surprised,” she said, moving her plate back in front of her.

“I have to confess,” I said, pausing after I said it.


“I heard her mention the name Terrence when she was talking to you yesterday. I was eavesdropping.”



“Does Mandy know that you know?”

“No, she doesn’t.”

“You seem okay with it,” she said, surprised.

“It’s something else I overheard that is bothering me more.”


“The part of Terrence being huge and her calling me tiny,” I said, feeling a little embarrassed.

“Oh,” she said, looking almost sad for me.

“Truthfully, that bothered me more.”

“She didn’t seem to have any complaints when you two did stuff last summer.”

“She told you about us?” I said, curiously.


“What did she say?”

Becky got quiet and played with her food, thinking about what she was going to say next. I liked the warmth in her eyes, and the way her lips looked pouty in profile. I didn’t say anything as she tried to get her thoughts right.

“She said that your cock was nice and that you came all over her feet,” Becky said, smiling.

“Yeah, we had some fun, but now I’m tiny,” I said, wanting to see her reaction to that.

“You shouldn’t compare yourself to Terrence.”

“I’m not, she is.”

“I think you’re overreacting. She was happy with you last summer.”

“But now? How big is he anyway?”

“Mandy said he’s like seven and a half inches, maybe more,” she said, taking a drink of her water.

“Great, I don’t even know how big mine is, but it’s obviously not that big,” I said, knowing my cock was just over five inches.

“I can measure it. It might make you feel better.”

“Really?” I said, intrigued by her and imaging her doing other things besides measuring me.

“Yeah, it could be fun,” she said, forgetting that the outcome might bother me.

“Maybe some other time,” I said, hoping we could meet up before I left, but not to measure me.

“When do you go back to school?”

“In a couple of days.”

“Can we see each other before you go back?”

“What about Mandy?”

“It’s up to you who you want to be with,” Becky said, sliding out of the booth to go to the bathroom.

Her confident swagger as she walked kept me riveted, but I couldn’t make out the shape of her ass or her boobs under her loose-fitting clothing. Her lower body was not as thick as Mandy’s, but she was definitely in better shape and probably more toned than her friend.


Becky was playing an away game at a holiday showcase for some of the best teams in the area. The game was around noon, and she asked me to go. I only had a couple of more chances to see her, so I agreed to go to the game.

The crowd was sparse but still trickling in for an all-day event. The ticket seller said there was a match-up that evening between two of the best teams in the state, and that the gym would be full at that time. I wanted to tell her that I was there to see only one girl, but I just smiled at her when she handed me my ticket.

Becky’s game was already in the second quarter when I got there, and the score was tied. I sat across from her bench as high in the bleachers as I could get. She was on the court, moving quickly to get to the ball on an inbound pass. She looked amazing in her sleeveless uniform; her arms were buff. The shorts were kind of baggy, covering her thighs but showing me that she had an undeniable bubble butt.

During a time-out, I saw her glance up at me in the stands while she took a drink of water from a paper cup. Once the game resumed, Becky began to play very aggressively, diving for a loose ball a couple of times. She was given a foul just before the quarter ended for pushing a blonde-haired opponent out of bounds; the referee had to keep them separated. Her team was now leading by five points.

Becky sent me a text from the locker room, telling me that she was glad I had made it to the game, and that she was sweaty from all the running around on the court. I told her I thought she looked so fit in her uniform, especially her muscled arms. She asked me what I thought of her ass, and I said it was amazing.

The rest of the game went quickly. Becky’s team, my old high school, won the game by double-digit points. Becky, the high scorer with 21 points, blew me a kiss when it seemed no one was looking because of the post-game celebration. Mandy seemed more and more like someone I needed to forget and move on from. Becky was pulling me towards her, practically taking me away from my girlfriend. It felt real, and it felt good.

Becky had to ride back to school with her team, but she told me to meet her at the same spot where I had picked her up for our first encounter. She sent me texts as I was driving, telling me how energized she was after the game, and that I had actually spurred her on to play more aggressively.

I waited patiently for her, seeing the team bus pull in more than an hour after I did. We both knew that I was leaving in a couple of days, and that it was pretty much over with Mandy. I decided I was going to give her vague answers about everything, wanting her to think that there was someone else. Becky was that someone else.

When Becky got into the car, it was much different from the last time. She leaned over and gave me a quick kiss on the lips, staring at me for a few seconds after she did so. Her energy was palpable, and I was more than willing to get swept up in it with her.

“My parents are doing dinner after work, so we have a lot of time at my house. We can hang out there if you want,” she said, enthusiastically.

“No brothers or sisters?” I said, hoping that she didn’t have any.

“My brother is at state; he went to his girlfriend’s home for break.”


Becky led me into her home: a large ranch-style house with modern-looking furniture. She tossed her gym bag by the basement door and went into the kitchen for a couple bottles of water and offered me one; I set it on a table atop a magazine. She was still thirsty from all the exertion she had done earlier.

“Why were you so aggressive towards that blonde?” I said, watching her take a big gulp of water.

“We’ve been rivals for a while. She got the better of me the last time we played. It was on her home court. She mocked me on social media for it. It felt good to get in her face and to get the win,” she said, lowering the zipper on her jacket.


“Did you think she was hot? You called her ‘the blonde’ like that’s what you noticed first.”

“She was cute, but I was there to see you,” I said, taking the bottle of water from her hand and kissing her softly.

Becky was just a little taller than me, but I didn’t mind it. In a way, I felt a little submissive to her swagger and confidence. She let me kiss her, sticking her tongue in my mouth playfully. She giggled when she reached to squeeze my ass with a strong grip.

“I like that you beat the blonde today,” I said, putting my hand on her ass.

“I did it for you,” she said, kissing me.

After a long minute of kissing and touching each other, Becky pulled away and said, “I’m going to go find a measuring tape. Meet me in the family room.”

“You don’t have to measure me,” I said, nervously.

“I really want to. Please!” She said, turning to go.

She left me anxious. I was still stinging from Mandy’s assessment of my cock, feeling inadequate. Becky wanted to do something that I was really unwilling to do, no matter how positive she sounded about how I was probably overreacting. I went into the family room and sat down on an ottoman to wait for her and her measuring tape.

She bounded into the room having changed her clothes; she was now wearing a pair of yoga shorts and a hoodie. She was barefoot and had put her hair up like she had worn it during the game.

“Ready?” She said, showing me the sewing tape she had brought with her.

“Not really,” I said, intimidated by her tape measure.

“I just want to prove to you that your penis is of average size,” she said, kissing me.

It was obvious she was not going to take “no” for an answer. I nodded my head and started to take off my coat, tossing it on the floor. I pulled down my pants, revealing a pair of white briefs that showed a little bulge. She looked at my briefs greedily, wanting to get to what was underneath.

“Do you want me to pull down your underwear?” She asked.

“You can pull them down if you take off your hoodie for me?” I said, thinking that was fair.

Becky didn’t hesitate; she took off her hoodie and threw it on top of my coat. She was wearing a black sports bra with gray trim. Her boobs were of average size, probably B or small C, but they looked firm and full. Her stomach was flat, and her belly button poked out playfully.

“You’re so fit,” I said, poking her belly button.

“Thank you, but this is about you first,” she said.

Becky ran her fingers across the elastic of my briefs and tugged them forward. She acted as if she was going to peek inside but backed away from doing so. Her hand reached out for my hand and squeezed it. I could tell that she was having fun with me, but I was worried that my dick was going to disappoint her.

“Here we go,” she whispered, pulling my briefs past my knees.

Becky looked at my nearly erect penis with an uncertain stare. I was sure she was wondering if I had more to grow for her or if that was it. I stroked it for her, letting her see how my hand worked my unit. It felt close to full capacity, but I kept working on it. I was afraid the slightest amount of deflation would affect the outcome.

“Is it ready?” She said, lengthening her measuring tape a foot or so.

“Maybe. You’ve got me nervous that it might not be as hard as it can be,” I said, staring at her meekly.

“We’ll get it right,” she said, taking hold of my cock.

Her long fingers enveloped me, making me almost disappear. She tugged on it, stretching out my circumcised dick to its full length. Becky grew serious now that it was time to measure me. She started at the base, pressing slightly on my pubic bone, and she finished at the tip.

“5.4 inches. See, I told you it had to be average, and I was right,” she said, measuring the girth next.

“Wow!” I said, surprised she hadn’t rounded up to 5.5 inches. Psychologically, I needed that.

“Looks like 4.5 inches around. We can definitely have fun with him,” she said, tossing the tape measure on the sofa.

I pulled her closer to me and put my hands on her hips. We started to kiss, but this time it felt different. A path was now made, and we were going forward with the momentum of two people needing to get laid. She was as horny as me, having to rid herself of that post game high she was still on.

“You got me all hyped when you showed up, that’s why I went after that girl. She was a blonde like Mandy. I felt I was competing against Mandy,” Becky said, staring at me intensely.

“Forget about Mandy,” I said, gently biting Becky on her lower lip.

It was Becky that started moving towards the sofa, finding the momentum that we needed to transition there. She sat down and held me in front of her. My cock was full of hope and full of vigor, waiting bravely to get swept up by Becky’s passion. She took me in her mouth and started to salivate all over my cock, mumbling agreeably.

She was making quick work of me, using her hand to secure her hold over me. I looked down at her, imaging she probably thought of oral sex as a game that she had to win. Becky devoured my cock, making me feel insignificant and worthy at the same time, as she drew new sensations out of me.

The fact that Mandy had not done this to me angered me for a second. I had not been talking very long to Becky, and she was already treating me better than Mandy ever had or was going to.

I moved my hips slowly, trying to get in rhythm with her. She had my cock completely barricaded inside her mouth, and I knew my explosion was nearing. I was surprised I had held out a fair amount of time without embarrassing myself. I stopped moving along with her, knowing my release was within sight.

Her oral and digital game plan extracted my orgasm, cum, and exclamations of joy. I was close to declaring my love for her but was able to hold off doing that. I finally looked down and saw that her mouth and chin were dribbling with my juices. She looked amazing, plastered in my thick, white offering.

“That was easy enough for my first time,” she said, wiping some cum away from her mouth.

I started to pull off her sports bra; she lifted her arms to make it easier for me. I then used the bra to wipe the cum from her face. After I was done, my eyes settled on her titties. They looked smaller than I expected, but they were symmetrical. Her areolas and nipples were brown and perfectly aligned.

“Pull my shorts off,” she said, standing up.

“Your titties are so nice,” I said, holding the elastic on her shorts and feeling the soft skin on her waist.

“Do you think that I’m wearing any underwear? Maybe a thong?”

“I think Becky is bare under these shorts,” I said, pulling them down and revealing that she was not wearing anything under her shorts.

Her pussy hair was dark, and it was either trimmed very short, or it was regrowing after having been shaved. Her vaginal lips appeared almost glued together, giving the impression of extreme tightness. I wasn’t sure what to think.

“Don’t worry, it’ll open up just fine,” Becky said, running her hand across her pussy lips.

“We need to thank Mandy for bringing us together,” I said, placing my hands on her ass.

“Fuck Mandy!”

Having Mandy naked in front of me made it easy to reload; my cock was starting to straighten up again after only deflating to about half its size. I was grateful because I didn’t want her to see just how small it was when flaccid. She noticed it was her time to receive attention now.

I gave her some more foreplay, trying my best to seem experienced. I sucked on her titties, moving her onto the sofa and spreading her legs. Her area of wonderment beckoned my tongue, and I did my best to bring attention to it, licking her pussy lips with my moist tongue. There was an opening from my effort: the pink inside her joy source. I licked all around her pussy, hoping to hit the right spots to give her the most pleasure.

It was time to enter her, making her the center of attention even more. I used my hand as a guide to ease her open. Suddenly, my average-sized cock seemed formidable and capable of making it uncomfortable for Becky’s insides. Her eyes widened as I created more of an opening. It was at that point that I realized she wanted or needed a starter cock for her first time and, based on what Mandy had said about me, I was just the right specimen.

It did not take long to find more space; she was already wet with expectation, allowing me to slip in like a friendly guest. I squeezed breasts and buttocks, keeping her attention fluid and forward. Becky moaned with approval, encouraging me to push deeper and harder into her being.

“It hurts a little, but it feels so good to,” she said, reaching up to my face with her hand.

“It feels amazing,” I said, concentrating on what I was doing.

Bucking harder into her made her gasp and moan loudly. I felt selfish pounding into her to get myself off, but it was a learning experience that we both had to go through, I reasoned. She took it well, showing the courage of her team-captain status, playing hard deep into the game.

I knew that she was not close to feeling anything victorious, but I was about to land on my second orgasm of the day, and I was ready for it. Without delay and without a care for anything, I rushed greedily into it. I don’t know what size my load was this time, but I do know it filled up her tight spaces.

“Becky!” I shouted, grabbing her right nipple and squeezing it hard.

I looked at her with a sense of wonderment and gratitude because she had replaced a girlfriend that was absent from my life in so many ways. There was a sense of purpose in going back to school now, feeling that something special was waiting for my return visits. I touched her face, tracing my finger around her chin and lips.

“Will you help me get off?” She said, reaching for her shorts to wipe my cum from her pussy.

“Yes,” I said, feeling satisfied and in need of a break.

I put my middle finger inside her and started to digitally make my way as far back as I could. Her clitoris was engorged and receptive to my efforts. She took hold of my hand and helped me along, knowing what pace she liked.

“Get me closer; help me orgasm!” She commanded.

The two of us — working as a team — reached the goal of freedom for Becky. There was no denying the arrival of her orgasm; she relaxed, laughed, and smiled brightly afterwards. Both of us had gotten so much out of our short time together, partnering as one unit with more still to come.

“We did it!” She said, sitting up to kiss me.

“Yes, we did,” I said agreeably.

We snuggled on the sofa for a long while, making plans without the idea of Mandy being involved in our lives. Becky said that breaking off her friendship with Mandy seemed a natural part of finishing high school and moving beyond that. I agreed with her, nodding enthusiastically and thrilled that we had found each other somehow.

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