Inevitable Pathway to Desire by CharlieXMX,CharlieXMX

I took a deep breath, closing my eyes to reorient my thoughts before slowly letting it leave my lungs. My heartbeat returned to a calming pace ever so gradually as I successfully fought the painful memory back.

When I opened my eyes, I quickly clicked the picture and selected Delete, unable to prevent one last painful glimpse at the picture of her and I. The last time I remembered our love existed so strongly.

“Missed one.” I thought, exasperatedly placing the phone down onto the tan leather seat as I returned my gaze up to the tinted glass window. bright blue sky, clouds streaked across like light marigold paint strokes.

The sun shone a prism through the tinted window, forcing me to squint from its dazzling brightness. The evening orange sunlight painted the long expanse of sand with a bright coral pink. Emerald green grasstops swayed atop the pale untouched sand mounds, the blades reflected a goldenrod yellow courtesy of the setting sun.

“You alright, my man?” Drew asked, concerned from the seat next to me.

I responded with a cordially faint smirk with my cheek.

“I’m on vacation so I’m golden.” I responded with a friendly smile.

“Aye, you’re telling me. Glad you could make it out here boss.”

Drew’s hand respectfully patted my shoulder and I vocalized an acknowledging huff.

“Yeah, man. I was afraid you weren’t going to be able to come out!” Neil said, glancing over from the driver’s seat as the sun quickly sparkled off his sunglasses.

“Haha, thanks boys. No way I’d skip out on a trip to the Outer Banks, especially with you guys.”

“Tsk, see, how can somebody not love this man?” Drew stated.

“Sure! If I wasn’t married I’d probably go for it. Make us into the ultimate power couple!” Neil joked.

Abby, Neil’s wife, smacked his arm with her book prompting laughter from everyone.

“Thanks guys. We can pump the brakes on that just a little bit.” I said.

“Hey man, listen, anyone who doesn’t value you is a waste of time. You deserve someone who will give you that, don’t you forget it.” Drew encouraged.

I nodded and huffed respectfully and continued scanning out on the beach, wishing I could see the truth in his encouraging words.

“You know Danielle went through the same thing pretty recently.” Drew whispered discreetly.

“I know,” I nodded at him, “she actually talked to me about that for a bit. She didn’t say exactly what it was but I could tell.”

“She talked to you about it? Oh man, Kayla really wasn’t supposed to tell us but we kinda found out through her so this stays between me and you.” Drew said, motioning his hand towards me and back to his chest.

“Word gets around so fast, right?” I said.

“Hey listen, I wanted to make you feel better, you know what I’m saying? I would never have told you that otherwise, you feel me?”

“You’re full of it,” I joked as we busted out in laughter.

“See? These are the lengths I go through to help my friends out. Look how they treat me.” Drew joked, drawing smiles from everyone.

“No, seriously, I appreciate what you’re doing,” I assured him, “and it doesn’t go unnoticed. Thank you.”

“Hey man, it’s what I’m here for.” He said, pleasantly slapping me on the back, “we gonna have a good time.”

We arrived at the beach house, a pastel colored gray house beautifully lined with white porch railings. Perfectly trimmed hedges lined the property alongside flat green grass. Sand wrapped around the sides directly to the wavy ocean behind. The upper two floors had wide blue-tint windows allowing generous amounts of light to stream in. Inside was visible enough to see some of the interior with a chandelier in the foyer. The colors illuminated a different and variable bright shade depending on the time of day.

Two other cars were already parked in the driveway, a silver BMW X5 and a black Jeep. Once we pulled in, my close friend Danielle traveled down the stairs with her friend, Sandy. Her husband, Brad, followed with another guy I hadn’t met before. We climbed out to meet them. Hugs and greetings were exchanged between everyone.

“Aye, what’s up brotha? I’m Joe.” He greeted me.

“Casey. Nice to meet you.”

“Casey!” A familiar voice called out.

I looked up to see Danielle dashing towards me and my heart jumped at her excitement.

Danielle had straight warm bright blonde hair that fell past her shoulders. Her pretty green eyes reminded me of the sandy grass dunes with the depths of the ocean. She had a button nose and contagious smile. She also had a curvy body type and took great care of her health.

“Casey, you decided to come?! Aw I’m so glad you did! Why didn’t you tell me?” She said excitedly as we embraced.

“I made a last minute decision, I decided I should stop being miserable and spend time with everyone so here I am.” I expressed happily.

“Awh I’m happy you decided to come down, we’re gonna have a good time so don’t you worry. Seriously, thank you for coming.”

“Hey man,” Brad, her husband, walked up and grabbed my hand, “appreciate you for coming. Hope you have fun.”

“Thank you sir,” I shook his hand. The whole phenomenon with his demeanor left an unspoken and very subtle tension between us. I brushed it off in my mind, willing to keep things cordial in case he decided to increase the tension, no matter how small.

“Hey everyone.” I greeted. They received me with open arms.

We settled into the house and luckily I had a room to myself. It didn’t overlook the ocean but it did point towards the morning sunrise from the front. I unpacked and walked up to the spacious kitchen where many voices echoed throughout.

“Hi! It’s so nice to finally meet you!” Kayla, Danielle’s best friend, said while surprising me with a hug.

“You too! Thank you for having me.” I said.

“See?” Kayla said before leaning into Danielle’s ear, “I like him better already.”

She spoke softly but loud enough for me to make out the important key words. I quickly widened my eyes when I took notice of the sudden comment.

“Alright, enough.” Danielle said exasperatedly, “Hey, I ordered the pizza from Luigi’s. Wanna come with me to pick it up?”

“Absolutely, I’m in.” I obliged.

We climbed into the BMW X5 and backed out of the long driveway. Long stretches of untouched weathered sand dunes and oceanic expanse scrolled by. The sky had been painted with various shades of blue, gray and red.

Danielle wore a black tank top, covering her chest entirely leaving only room for her gleaming collarbones, golden neck, and shoulders to show. However, her glowing skin underneath the material provided hints to the imagination. A standard white D cup bra also outlined underneath.

“How are you doing?” Danielle asked me.

“I could be better honestly,” I replied, “just trying to get through it one day at a time. But I’m happy I’m here.”

She acknowledged my feelings and subtly implied she felt the same.

“The same goes for me. You know I’m here if you ever want to talk about it.” She assured me.

“Sure, there will definitely be a time for that,” I said, “I’m here for you too, don’t forget that.”

She nodded as her eyes trailed to the floor.

Upon arrival, the staff informed us it will take another 20 minutes. We walked back to the car and sat inside to wait. I observed the overcast cool gray colors looming over the waters by the docks.

“Gosh, I’m sorry about Kayla.” She said, shaking her head.

“No, it’s fine.” I casually waved it off.

“She’s just blunt like that. Leave it to her to say something that forward, right?”

“I know! Kinda like Tanya at the Christmas meet?” I said.

Her neck fell backwards into the seat as she laughed quietly and her foot kicked forward resting on the dashboard.

“You remember that?” I asked, unable to contain my smile.

“Yes, I do,” she said, chuckling about it.

Tanya arrived at a Christmas party with one of Danielle’s relatives last year. She knew barely anyone before walking in. Tanya heard Danielle had just been married so she walked up while the two of us conversed in the living room and said something that left us bewildered.

“Hi! Congratulations on your marriage! Aww you two will make such beautiful babies.”

Instantly we both looked at each other aghast, then nervously contained our laughter as Danielle explained I wasn’t the husband. Thinking back on it, I realized that I couldn’t blame her from the way that the situation looked. We were talking in the living room while other people conversed in the kitchen, not noticing the sun had gone down and drained the light from the living room. It setup the scene to look like we talked secretly in private. We felt comfortable talking to each other and never made note of how close we stood.

“I mean you would’ve thought that regardless, anybody would.” I said, spewing up a hot take.

“I know!” She said, placing her fingers behind her head before neurotically brushing it and her light blonde hair waved through the air.

I sat there, pondering the daydream for a second. My brain attempted to morph our faces together, then picture the details on a child’s face.

“Honestly that’s so true though.” She remarked, breaking my train of thought.

My enlarged eyes snapped over to her and my mouth shot open, baffled by the sudden confirmation.

“You think so?” I asked intently, leaning on the armrest.

She let out another laugh, bouncing off the windshield inside the airtight vehicle.

“I mean come on,” she said, gesturing with her hand, “It’s just a fact.”

“Why do you say that?” I entertained the thought.

Danielle thought for a moment before giving her answer.

“Because, look at me. I’m gorgeous. I could make anyone’s children look good.” She replied, preening her hair again.

“Aww you…” I retorted, picking up and tossing a neck pillow at her, “what are you trying to say? I have good features too!” I teased as she chuckled.

“Hmmm no not saying that, just not as much as me.” She said, facing out the window as her fingers continued to comb through her hair.

“Oh my God, you are so full of it. You know, they’ll still get that voice that you do when you get mad.”

“What voice??” She asked, turning to me as her hand paused halfway through combing her hair. She readied a response as her hair slowly fell from her still fingers.

“It’s the twang you put into it when you yell, you act like a country girl. Also when your cheeks flush really red when you’re getting upset or drinking too much wine.”

“I do not! They don’t get that red.” She laughed, “I’m part Irish, leave me alone.”

“You know what, next time they do get that red I’m gonna say you look like a smacked ass cheek.”

Both her eyes and mouth made the shape of large O’s. More hair slipped from her still fingers.

“You are such an ass, you know that?” She laughed.

“You see the color of that red mustang over there? That’s how red you get.”

“Shut up, Casey,” she said, humorously pushing on my arm, “you’re asking for it. See that guy in the store, staring with his mouth wide open?”

She pointed at a teenager inside, staring blankly with his mouth open while waiting at the counter.

“See the face that kid’s making? That’s you when YOU drink.”

“No, don’t say that! Hey, didn’t you used to date a guy that looked like him too?”

“You little…” She paused, the specific type of hesitation that made you expect a very elevated response or harsh insult, “at least I don’t spill tequila on myself after 3 shots.”

“Settle down.” I laughed.

“You settle down.” She snarked.

“Oh they’re stacking the boxes. Looks like that’s ours. I’m gonna go pick it up. While I’m at it, should I ask your ex-boyfriend over there if he recognizes you?”

“Not uh! You will do no such thing!” She said.

“I’m gonna do it.”


The door shut as I giggled uncontrollably, flashing an obnoxious ‘gotcha’ face to her. I picked up the boxes and pretended to get the kid’s attention. As soon as I sat on the passenger seat, a pillow beamed me in the face.

“Did you really talk to that guy?!” She asked frantically.

“You mean your boyfriend? You bet I did.”

“You liar, you’re such a douche.” She giggled.

“Yeah, he said every time he drives his red mustang, it reminds him of you.”

The pillow projectiled towards me again. We bantered and laughed all the way to the house.


I planted my feet into the sand and sat. My eyes made note of the gorgeous horizon, however the creeping feeling of grief overshadowed my ability to admire its beauty as overcast clouds seemed to roll towards the sea.

The pain of lost love sunk into my heart and overtook me. A feeling that I had fought back as if pushing a snowball up a hill. But all emotions must come out in some way or another.

My head met my hands and I began to cry. I cried for the loss. I grieved for the time invested in love that sought to end and the lovely person I once thought existed. I wept for the love that remained in my heart before eventually fading into obscurity.

“It wasn’t fair…” I said to myself, “I did nothing wrong…”

I sobbed away from everyone so they didn’t have to feel concerned for me. I feared I could never find love again and that I wasn’t deserving of it.

“How could she have done this to me and act as if she didn’t care?”

All questions that may or may not never be answered in time. Burning questions that pained me knowing I may not get an answer, leaving me with my own thoughts.


I walked back inside and joined everyone when I had calmed down. I felt much better once the smell of sweet barbecue chicken, burgers and charcoal filled the air. As the sun had long set over the horizon, we gathered around the firepit. I sat between Kayla and Danielle.

The firepit casted an orange flickering glow on everyone’s faces as we gathered around. The fresh barbecue satisfied us and we washed it down with some great wine.

“Mmm really tasty! Wonder what the secret is.” Kayla exclaimed.

“They probably use really good wine berries for it.” I said.

“A wineberry???” Danielle questioned loudly, “you mean grapes?!”

“Yeah! Of course, that’s what I mean,” I joked, “they put other berries in wine besides just grapes too, you know. That’s what I mean by wineberries.”

“You are so duuuumbb!” She jested, leaning close to me.

“Who needs brains when you got beauty?” I boasted, beaming back at her.

“Shuddup, wineberry.” She branded me with the nickname instantly, also playfully pushing my shoulder.

“Danielle.” Brad’s voice called from next to Joe.

“What?” She replied.

Brad just stared side-eyed at her. She squinted her eyes back at him, irritated and confused.

“My God, Brad,” she whispered under her breath.

“What?” I asked.

“I think Brad’s bothered by the way she’s touching you,” Kayla whispered over to me.

I glanced over at Danielle, seemingly offended that she addressed it.

“He’s just being dramatic,” Danielle said.

“Don’t know why he’s mad, he already got to do way more than that.” Kayla said under her breath.

“What?” Danielle asked. She couldn’t quite catch it but I did.

I looked over at Kayla and mouthed her name wide-eyed as if telling her to be careful.

“Sorry,” She apologized, “doesn’t mean it’s not true though.”

“Let me try some more of that cabernet,” I requested.

“Sure,” Danielle said, grabbing the bottle.

I held the glass up and she tilted the neck.

“More! More!” I said.

“It’s Drew’s wine! He doesn’t want you drinking it all!” She said.

“Nah it’s alright, there’s a lot more in the house, go ahead.” Drew said.

Danielle forcibly grabbed my forearm to bring the glass closer to her.

“Scuse you,” I said.

“I’m gonna spill it if you don’t hold your hand out like a normal person!” She said.

The glass continued to fill at an alarming rate.

“Okay, that’s good. That’s good! Stop, you’re gonna spill it!” I said.

She ended up filling the glass to the brim and laughed at me.

“Oh good job! You’d be a terrible Olive Garden waitress! Let’s see if I can drink this without spilling it all over!”

Danielle cackled in response.

“You said you wanted more!!”

I attempted to sip off the top while everyone watched. The smallest jerk caused some wine to spill on me, causing Danielle to cackle at me again.

“See? This is what you do.” I joked.

Danielle leaned as she laughed, using my thigh as a brace.

“Dani. What’s going on?” Brad said.

“My God, what is the problem?!” Danielle leaned up and raised her volume at him, having already retracted her hand.

“Well I dunno, it just seems like you’re getting kinda handsy with him, that’s all.”

“Wh-Brad! He’s fine. Stop being weird over it.” She replied.

Not the best word to use…

I walked away to avoid the conflict. As I stared towards the glowing fire for a couple minutes, footsteps approached closer to me.

“What’s up, man?” Brad said.

“Hey.” I quickly responded, unbothered by him directly facing me.

“You know, you and Danielle seem to be really good friends, more so than I remember.”

We were good friends before she even met you dude.

“Yeah I guess you could say that.”

“I see. So uh, the whole touching thing. Has she always done that with you?”

Brad didn’t show a very threatening posture but I also didn’t like to take chances. The guy was an inch or two taller than me but if it came down to it, he didn’t seem like a guy who got in a lot of fights or won them for that matter. No, he was a talker, the worst kind.

I peered back up at him in response, squinting in defense. If he wants to draw me into a confrontation, this is the way to do it.

“What touching thing?”

“The touching, you know like this type of touching,” he demonstrated by squeezing his own biceps.

I shook my head in annoyance.

“Come on, I don’t even notice that she’s doing it.

“Well don’t you think that’s just a little too handsy? I mean from my perspective it just seems like she’s overly comfortable with you.”

“Look, this sounds like something you should take up with her. I really don’t like getting dragged into this.”

“Man relax, I’m not trying to insinuate anything. I’m just asking could you mind your distance a little bit?”

“Why do I have to mind MY distance?… Fine, okay, sure. If it makes you feel more secure then I’ll do it.”


“I said, if it makes you feel more secure-”

“No no, why’d you say it like that? You think I’m not secure in our relationship just because she’s sitting next to you, touching you and feeling you up, is that what you’re trying to say?”

“Dude,” I put my hand up and created some distance, “I’m willing to respect your relationship as I always have but I’m telling you right now, I don’t like the way you’re coming at me with this.”

“I’m not coming at you in any way. I’m just telling you to respect our space. What’s so hard about that?”

“Okay, if you have a problem with it and that will make you feel better then I’ll do it. Other than that, it’s not me initiating the touching so I don’t know what you want from me.” I replied, slightly more heated this time.

“Respect our space. It’s simple.” He snarked.

“It’s respected.” I claimed, facing forward and away from him.

Brad stared for a few seconds, then huffed in vexation as he walked away.

“Yeah well, you’re receiving it pretty openly.” He jabbed on the way over to his chair.

I silently shook my head and took a swig from my glass. I sat back down, immediately catching another stare from Brad as if he expected me to move my chair or sit somewhere else. Not going to happen.

“Hey, what did Brad talk to you about?” Kayla asked.

“How Danielle laughs too loud and it’s the reason why he’s sitting over there.”

“Hahaha!” Danielle unironically laughed loudly in response.

My body tensed when I saw her head slowly lean onto my shoulder and her hand grabbed my bicep.

“Yo, I told you,” Brad pointed in a drunken manner. Immediately I looked up as every nerve in my body sprung to prepare me for the worst.

“What’s going on over here?” He challenged.

“Oh my God! Brad.” Kayla gasped.

“Brad. Stop. Stop it right now.” Danielle jumped up to intervene.

“Whoa, alright let’s just take it easy.” I said, standing out of the chair with my hand outstretched. His posture resembled past bar goers that attempted to get physical with my friends and I in the past.

“Why do you keep touching him like that?” He aggressively questioned her.

“Brad, chill out, I do it to everybody! Not just him and you don’t yell at anyone else for it!”

Brad peered up to me.

“So much for respecting our space. Going back on your word huh?” He said.

His words made my blood boil. However this wasn’t a bar, it was a vacation and I’d rather diffuse the situation than get into it.

“Hey, settle down. We’re not doing this.” I sternly warned.

“Brad stop it! I mean it.” Danielle yelled.

“Well stop touching him then! What do you like him or something?”

I placed my drink onto the ground, prompting a gasp from everyone thinking I was going to engage him.

“Ohh something’s going down!” Joe antagonized.

“I’m telling you, Brad doesn’t want this fight man…” Drew said.

I turned and walked away, entering the house. I traversed the stairs to the kitchen and walked out to the windy balcony. The calming breeze helped me calm my nerves a bit. Around 15 minutes later, the sliding glass door opened.

“Hey, you okay?” Danielle asked.

“Yeah, I had to walk away from that situation.”

“I understand, you did the right thing,” She said as she walked over to the reclining chair next to me, “don’t worry I had a stern talk with him. He’s just a little drunk, that’s all.”

I nodded and took another sip, gazing off into the stars. I could hear Kayla’s voice ranting about the incident below.

“I’m sorry you had to deal with that, Casey.” Danielle said, leaning into view and kindly touching my back.

“Hey, listen so about the touching thing… I just think we should be conscious of it.” I said, gently grasping her hand.

“Oh, tsk, don’t mind Brad, again I’m sorry about that. I told him to get himself under control. Believe me, there is no way in hell I would ever let him touch you.”

“Thank you,” I responded.

“Of course, you know I care about you a lot.”

I smiled endearingly at her.

“Still, just at least when he’s around, you know? I just wanted to ask you something. How do you feel about the touching?” I asked.

She paused, pensive to reflect on the mannerism she had always subconsciously done with me.

“It’s just something we do. That’s how our relationship is. You know I wouldn’t do it if it made you feel uncomfortable. Am I making you feel uncomfortable?” She asked, ironically touching my shoulder in a consoling manner.

“No, not at all. I guess just don’t ‘squeeze my bicep’ or ‘lean your head onto me’ in front of him then. You can do it here or anywhere else but just not while he’s there.” I said, nonchalantly.

She quickly pressed her forehead into my shoulder then reached out and pinched my arm. I had to laugh at her rebellious response.

“Aye!” I playfully retorted.

“What? You said I could touch it when he’s not here!” She responded with a humorous smile.

“You like playing with fire don’t you?” I laughed, gently pushing against her.

She approached, giggling and using my hands as a brace to lean on.

“So does that mean I get to do this then?”

I poked her ribs. She jolted and slapped my shoulder out of reflex as her eyes widened at me.

“AH! You!” She grabbed my hand as I placed my other up to shield myself from her playful slaps.

“Haha settle down. Let’s go inside, it’s cold out here.” I suggested.

We sat up to walk back into the kitchen area.

She paused at the sound of the Bluetooth speaker. Call On Me by Janis Joplin played and her face lit up like a bright light.

“Wait wait, I love this song!” She exclaimed, not letting go of my hands.

“You do?”

“It’s one of my favorites!”

She began to sway along, enticing me to follow. Again, the thought of Brad catching us and starting another meltdown hovered over me.

“Come on! Dance with me!” She beseeched.

“Dani,” I said, both of us knowing the reason behind my reluctance. At least one of them.

“It’s okay, it’s fine,” she assured.

“You know what happens if Brad comes up and sees us.” I stipulated, still naturally moving along with her rhythm.

“He’s fine. Tsk, he’s not gonna do anything if he remembers a single thing I told him downstairs. Just join me!”

Her bright smile and beaming attentive nature captivated me once again. Those emerald green eyes that resembled the grasstop sand dunes in the evening. I let myself be free with her, joining in rhythm. Our hands gently clasped as we swayed.

Baby when you’re down, and feel so blue.

“You’ve got some work to do but you’re not bad!” She critiqued.

“Thank you.” I said.

Well no you won’t drown honey, I’ll be there too.

My ardorous passion found itself in the rhythm of our dancing motions and the sway of our bodies together. I clasped her a bit tighter as I felt safe with her.

You’re not alone, I’m there too.

I closed my eyes as the weight of everything I had gone through the past few months compressed me. However her embrace ensured me that everything was alright. Her humility enticed me to let my feelings out through the dance as I leaned onto her for comfort. She was present for me and received them willingly.

We danced until the end of the song and we separated as our arms slowly dragged off.

“Thank you for that. I really needed it.” I said as my eyes blurred.

“Of course, Case.” She said, “anytime.”


Next day, I awoke well rested and the weather was perfect. I saw everyone head down to the pool not long after they left their bedrooms. I noticed the untouched watermelon sitting on the counter and decided to slice it up.

I took the pieces down to the pool and sunk into the cool freshness, rejuvenating my body. Kayla wore a dark blue crossover one-piece and Danielle wore an orange bandeau swimsuit that showed off her curves nicely. I wore dark blue billabong board shorts.

I wasn’t shredded like a model but I took very good care of my body. After the breakup, I did a decent job of replacing it with good habits and took pride in it. My muscles still popped in the right ways and the sun showed some definition.

“Aye! About time someone cut that up.” Neil said.

“You coulda done it at anytime!” Drew complained.

I noticed Danielle and Kayla bumping to a tune on the Bluetooth. They noticed me and whispered something to each other, secretly glancing up at me. I set the slices down onto the deck when Danielle’s hand interjected.

“Here I want this one.” She said, grabbing the large fat slice I had cut for myself.

“No! Not that one! Take the smaller one!”

“It’s mine now!” She bragged, jumping back into the pool and kicking away on her back.

“Gimme back the good piece!” I joked, swimming after her. She held it behind herself just out of reach and pushed on my chest. I gently swatted it out of the way and lunged unsuccessfully. She giggled and screamed as I continued reaching for it and our chests bumped together, splashing water about.

“Aye, Brad! Better watch out! He’s trying to get your girl again!” Joe blurted out.

Immediately I stopped to roll my eyes.

God fucking damn it, Joe. Everytime with these stupid fucking comments. If I wasn’t so engrossed in having a good time and causing zero tension, I would’ve slapped him by now.

Danielle’s face was aghast too but she observed my reaction.

“Just take it then. Enjoy your piece.” I grumbled.

“Aw!” she expressed politely and concerned noticing that the remark made me uncomfortable.

I took a piece and chucked it at Joe, he flinched as it exploded off his forearm. I ignored his “hey whoa whoa” that followed and swam to the corner, resting my elbows on the wall.

I admired the beautiful day, tuning out everything else. A minute later, the water sloshed next to me and I looked over to see Danielle handing me the big piece with a chunk already bitten out.

“You can have it if you want.” She kindly offered.

“No, I don’t want it.” I said frustratingly.

“Hmm come onnn,” she said, humorously chewing on a piece. “Here.”

I faced forward and away from her, then felt wet juice on my cheek. I turned to see she playfully shoved the piece into my face. I quickly bit a chunk and grabbed her hand, forcing her to feed me it as she attempted to retract it. She laughed joyously as she attempted to frantically kick her legs to swim away.

She threw a seed at me, sticking it onto my neck. I prepared one in my mouth and shot it at her like a bullet, bouncing off her cheek.

“Ewww!!” She whined, flinching with both of us still laughing. She reared back and chucked the entire half eaten piece at my face. I barely deflected any of it and it splattered all over me.

“Ooohhhh!!” Brad and Joe shouted in reaction. I laughed uncontrollably, diving after her and grabbing her feet. I could hear her muffled screams from underneath the water.

More people started to jump in, splashing about and playing ball. It was a fun time out in the sun for a couple hours until we went back into the house to rest.

As we played cards out on the deck, Danielle asked if I wanted a drink. We walked into the basement where Brad and Joe watched TV.

A reality show played on the flat-screen. A gorgeous looking skinny woman was talking to the host about something while the program flashed back to clips of her in a dress on a red carpet.

“Hey, she’s a hottie ain’t she?” Joe raised his head at Brad.

He shook his head quickly before taking a sip of his beer.

“Pshtt, yeah she is. Damn!” He commented.

It wasn’t enough to simply just agree. He had to take it further and say something completely despicable.

“See, that’s the type of girl I wish I had.” Brad added.

Danielle froze in her tracks, dropping the unopened beer bottle onto the shelf as she glared directly at the back of his head. He quickly turned, just now noticing her.

She frustratedly slammed the fridge shut, then stomped towards the backyard door, opening it and shutting it with a detectable echo that followed.

“Oh shit,” Brad said, exasperatedly.

“Tsk, you fucked up. Better chase after her!”

Brad stood up from the couch and placed his beer on the stand before heading to the door. He exited and walked after her.

I watched as he caught up to her and placed his hands onto her shoulders as she turned away, hunching a bit. He whispered to her and she shook her head. He hugged her then returned back inside. She continued to face the opposite direction, then walked towards the beach.

“Jesus, I feel so bad.” I thought.

I walked back up the stairs and enjoyed my drink by the window overlooking the blue ocean as waves rolled towards the beach. The setting sun shone a glimmering orange tint from the horizon. Danielle stood facing the beach with her arms crossed.

I set the glass onto the table and walked out the back door, greeted by the oceanic breeze that carried my hair into the wind. I stepped off the wooden deck and onto the sand, cool and soft from the evening weather. I approached Danielle as she gazed out into the water.

“Hey.” I said, standing near her in the sand. The breeze carried her hair over her shoulder as she looked behind, greeting me back. Her eyes were still tearing up.

“I saw you’re still upset and wanted to check on you.”

“Oh it’s fine. My ego’s completely shattered but I’ll live.” She said, flustered and sarcastic.

“Listen, guys say stuff like that all the time, especially when Joe is egging them on.”

“Honestly, it doesn’t feel great when it’s a woman that has a skinnier body type than me.”

“No, I understand.”

“Can you believe someone is just that willfully rude in front of their wife? It does wonders to my confidence seeing him swoon over some skinny bitch. He wants some skinny-mini? He can fucking have them, I don’t give a shit.”

“It’s just a reality show, they’re made to look great. They all have makeup artists and good lighting. That’s really all it is.”

“It’s not just the show I’m talking about, Casey.” She said, turning to look over at me with watery eyes, “He still does it. Everyday, when we’re walking on the beach his eyes just have to wander. Every girl with an ass, he looks right at them in front of me. And he even gives them looks! I’m sick of it. Fucking men, dude.”

“Ouch. I’m not that bad.” I commented.

She shot a double take back to me.

“Sorry. You know what I mean, it’s not directed at you.”

I exhaled deeply, listening to her vent.

“It’s just, I don’t get it. Like he did what he did and I was this close to breaking up with him but I stayed! Because, I don’t know, I feel that it’s better to repair something good that you have instead of just starting over. That’s what a good wife would do.”

“No, I agree. You need to be able to pick up the broken pieces and put them back together.”

“Right. And now it feels like he just got off with the perfect fantasy ending. He went out and cheated, no he fucked a model God knows how many times. And nothing happened. He gets to keep his wife, his job, his house, everything while I have to deal with the grief. I mean I get it, she was skinnier than me, younger than me-”

“Come on, don’t do that.” I calmly interrupted.

“Well what is it then? Like am I always gonna have to worry about every girl who looks better than me?”

“No, it has nothing to do with any of those things. It was just someone different. That’s the main reason why people cheat. Believe me, I would know.”

Her eyes looked concerned and empathetic towards me.

“So that’s why you two broke up.” She realized, giving me a kindhearted look.


She gently brushed my arm to console me the best she could in her troubled state.

“You’ve felt how I do then. I know I’m not the prettiest, skinniest girl in the world and there’s a lot more attractive women out there than me-”

“That is not true at all.” I blurted out.


She turned and gave a polite flattered smirk.

“How did you get over it?” She asked, looking back at me.

“I’m not,” I laughed, “your self-esteem takes a plummet and you have to find your confidence all over again. It’s a long battle but you learn to truly love yourself at the end of it.”

She turned back towards the beach and her shoulders hunched inward.

“I don’t know if I’m capable of that right now…” She sobbed, “I don’t love anything about myself.”

“There’s a lot to love about yourself,” I said, “You’re a great wife, a great person. A great friend. You’re selfless, caring and you’re funny!”

I courteously brushed her shoulder. She gingerly touched my hand in response.

“I don’t want you to feel like that determines your worth because it doesn’t.” I said.

“Oh it doesn’t. I know my worth. Just wish someone could see it.” She said, turning to me as her hair fell behind her.

“Hey! See at least your confidence is still there.” I encouraged her. “If anyone can’t see that, they’re blind or just dumb.”

A smirk crept up her lips before she gazed back at the setting sun that casted a marigold orange glow on our faces.


Later that night, I sipped my third glass of tequila, my skin began to tingle a bit and I felt less inhibited. The alcohol made me drunk enough to a good comfortable level. I sat outside, mesmerized by the tiki torch flames and how they reflected off the indigo blue pool water.

“Hey, you okay?” Danielle asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine! Just needed a moment to myself.”

“Aw I’m sorry, I’ll leave you to it,” She said, turning towards the house.

“Wait! No, don’t go yet!” I said.

She spun back around to me and smirked.

“Come sit!” I beckoned.

“Sure,” she said, sitting down on the chair next to me. She wore a white romper with light blue stripes, perfectly clinging to her curvy figure.

“You having a good time?” She asked me.

“Yeaah! Totally.” I responded, “it’s always a good time with you!”

Her smirk grew into a smile as she turned away for a second.

“What? I’m serious! You don’t have to make a fool out of me, I see you makin’ fun of me.” I said in my embarrassing slightly delirious state.

“Says the person who called me a ‘slapped asscheek’!” She fired back, “now you look like one.”

“I was giving you tough love, I was trying to give you thick skin since you’re so sensitive.”

“Oh please, I am not that sensitive.”

“Okay fine, you’re more sensitive when it comes to things that you love.”

“That is true,” she said, glancing up at me.

“I love that about you,” I blatantly stated as the alcohol shoved any reservations aside.

“Oh yeah?” She asked, eyebrows raised as she humored my inebriated state.

“It’s part of what makes us such good friends.” I said, leaning closer.

None of us minded the space, she just smiled and her pupils dilated at me.

“I’m sorry, I’m not annoying you am I?” I asked in dismay.

“No, no you’re fine.” She said, unwavering in her position.

“I would really hate to make you feel uncomfortable.”

“You’re not.” She said considerately. My hand felt hers on top, still tingling from the tequila.

“Good.” I said, retaining a charmed smile.

I admired the details in her face. Her charming welcoming smile, the freckles that dotted her nose and dimpled cheeks, her medium golden skin tone, her long locks of blonde hair draped over her shoulders. The torch flames flickered in her pupils.

Our closeness felt more magnetic than ever before. She never distanced herself once, signifying to me that she felt comfortable close to me.

I looked down at her thin lips, perfectly appealing in every shape whether pursed, happy, sad, and even angry. Then back up to her eyes that never averted. I surrendered to my emotions as they took control.

I leaned in closing my eyes, ready for her touch. I felt nothing but air. I slowly opened to see that she had moved ever so slightly out of the way. My eyes trailed to the ground and the alcohol effects began to wear off.

“Sorry.” I coyly broke the silence before the hurt grew intensely within my heart.

“It’s okay.” She said, blinking rapidly as her eyes slowly trailed away. A painful dejected feeling arose within me along with guilt and I felt so stupid.

“I’m sorry, I need to go…” I said in dismay, feeling my nose sniffle up and my eyes felt irritated.

I stood up and walked out, fearing that I made a mistake and began questioning if what I’d done in the heat of the moment was due to unclear signals or a lack of judgment on my part.

I walked to the back porch as the breeze blew in my face. I sat on a chair and placed my hands on my forehead.

I sat there for a bit, around a half hour, feeling stupid, heartbroken and strangely upset at her. It took me some time to muster the strength to go back inside. I walked toward the glass sliding door when another person came toward it in a rush.

It opened and Danielle stood in the way. I stepped back noticing she carried high urgency with her. She stepped outside and closed the glass door behind her.

“I’m going to ask you something, okay? And I want you to promise me that you will be as truthful as possible. Can you do that for me?” She asked, explaining very carefully.

“Okay.” I whispered, dreading what came next.

“Do you have feelings for me?”

The words felt like fingers pushing into my chest

My eyes performed a theatric, widening from the surprise question, squinting for the confronting nature of her request, and then looking offended for asking a question that required an elaborate and very emotional response out of the blue.

“Danielle.” I said, clearly baffled, but not because of the question’s suddenness.

“Please answer the question, Casey.” She sighed.

My eyes darted back and forth between her pupils in distress, then trailed away as my mind was shell-shocked by the large question that brought more of them with it. My nose stuffed up and my eyes began to blur. I hid it by using a cold unbothered facial expression as a broken shield.

“Does it matter?…” I asked through a hurt voice.

I huffed angrily and pushed my glass aside as I quickly stood up. I forced open the sliding door and stormed down the steps, wiping wetness from my eye before it formed into a tear. I reached the back door and exited towards the beachfront. As I walked outside, 15 seconds later I heard the door open and close behind me.

“Casey, come back please.”

I walked up to the sand not sure how far I would go before she caught up to me. In fact I didn’t have a plan at all. I could only watch the moonlight shimmer along the dark expanse of the midnight sea.

The footsteps trudged through the sand and caught up to me.

“Hey! Casey, why did you walk away from me like that?” She asked, motioning to the back door while clearly hurt and offended, one cold response away from shedding a tear in frustration.

I closed my eyes and deeply exhaled.

“You know how that makes somebody feel when you just get up and walk away while they are talking to you? It’s not nice. Can you please apologize?” She asked, clearly agitated.

I turned back to look at her, throwing my hands up in anxiousness.

“I’m sorry for walking away,” I apologized quickly, “And I’m sorry for earlier. I just really don’t feel comfortable with answering that right now.”

“Why can’t you just tell me? I just want to know the truth and feel that I should have the right to know what my friend thinks about me.” She sternly explained.

“Because I don’t know what the response is going to be like. And it’s not something I’ve thought through.”

“Really? You never thought about it? I find that hard to believe.”

My defenses rose internally when she finished her proposition.

“So what does it matter then? Why is this so important to you?” I said, not noticing how much my hands flicked through the air


“Danielle, it is really not fair for you to come after this.” My voice changed, stern and heavily guarded, “please leave this alone.”

“Really? You’re telling me it’s not fair after all the signs you’ve shown and now you’re trying to tell me to just leave it alone? The words you spoke when you were out on the beach comforting me, the mentioning of the thing in the car, changing your mind to come down here when you found out I was going and also what just happened not even five minutes ago! Come on, Casey, that doesn’t come from nothing.”

I felt attacked from a vulnerable position, placed directly in the hotseat and forced to defend myself.

“They’re just… we’re friends! We felt comfortable enough to talk about those things together and I was glad that my close friend was going to be here so I wouldn’t feel alone. And earlier… I don’t know how it happened, we had a few drinks and it just occurred. It felt right and I… I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay, Casey, I’m not mad at you. I just want to know where your head’s at.”

“Let’s just not talk about those things, in the moment they’re fine but bringing them up later like this just raises more questions.

“You’ve already raised those questions yourself! What is the harm in talking about it?” She slightly de-escalated her voice.

“Because I don’t want to talk about it. It’s not something that I want to entertain.”

“Why?” She pressed.

“Because I don’t have the mental fortitude to discuss my feelings for someone after I just got out of an irreparable relationship with someone that I am still irrationally in love with!”

The water began to fill, then slowly overflowed, breaching past my eyelids just before the end of that phrase. Immediately I could see her face change to a sympathetic expression, concerned and reactive to my catharsis.

“Casey, I’m sorry…” She apologized empathetically.

“This is… I can’t believe you’re asking me this so adamantly!”

“… Casey we don’t have to talk about this right now if you don’t want to,” She assured me, “I just truly wanted to know.”

“You’re my friend,” I caved, “a very good friend to me. I love talking to you, spending time with you and even just being around you. You’re always present and there for me like I am with you. I just felt vulnerable and took the moment in front of me and you rejected me. Why can’t we just leave it at that?”

“Because it doesn’t stop there, Casey. That’s what I’m trying to say and I just want you to be transparent and honest with me.” She said, crossing her arms as she leaned forward to me.

“What do you mean it doesn’t stop there? It needs to stop there, Danielle, because you’re married!” I said, unintentionally raising my voice in frustration.

“So? I want to know how you feel! It’s okay to talk about it! I want to reassure you, I’m your friend and I’m here to listen!”

“It’s meaningless! How I feel doesn’t matter, you stayed with Brad, you’re working out your relationship. Clearly you’re perfectly happy with him and it should stay that way.”

“Perfectly happy? I never said I was perfectly happy with him, Casey!” She shot back, obviously offended.

“Well you must be if you stayed with him after all he did to you.” I frustratingly stated.

“Casey.” She started calmly but progressively heated up as vehemence brewed within her, “As your close friend, I love and care deeply for you, but please stop trying to claim that you know what makes me happy and don’t you ever come after my marriage like that!”

“Well I’m sorry, Danielle. I’m sorry for being considerate and there for you. I’m sorry I can only be your friend on the sidelines while you devote your whole hearted self to someone who clearly doesn’t reciprocate or appreciate you.”

“What right do you have to come after that?! You don’t get to decide whether I’m content or how I feel about my fucked up marriage! That is honestly so selfish of you!” She choked up as her eyes began to water.

“Fine then, I’ll leave it alone just like we should’ve left this whole conversation alone.”

“Putting aside your feelings and hiding them is very different from attacking somebody’s relationship, Casey. You can’t just repress how you feel forever. And you can’t just claim that it’s because you care to make it okay!”

“I do care about you, Danielle! You told me to tell you how I feel and I did just that, now you’re saying I’m selfish and intruding on your marriage?! What’s intrusive is how you tried to dig an answer out of me when I’m at an emotional breaking point. All I’ve wanted is for you to be happy and that’s it. We are leaving it at that.” I explained through an unmasked distressed tone.

“Then why did you try to kiss me?!” She stepped forward, resolute and determined to know the answer.

“Because I love-”


Fuck fuck fuck fuck, fuck.

I covered my mouth, then pinched the bridge of my nose, covering my face as I turned away. A vague noticeable silence followed with it.

“Oh my God, Casey…” She said compassionately and taken aback.

“It doesn’t feel good to feel cornered and pressed into giving you the truth. It just hurts knowing that you really could have found this out in a more cordial way.” I said.

“I’ve wanted to ask you this for a long time but you immediately got defensive and just danced around the question! Then you went after my relationship and I get that you were protecting yourself. But you wouldn’t tell me the truth, how else was I supposed to know how you feel when you won’t open up to me?!”

I paused, closing my eyes for a moment of clarity.

“Because when you love someone who doesn’t feel the same way, it can hurt the relationship. And I didn’t want that to happen to our friendship. But it seems like I’ve already done that…”

Her eyes watered like raindrops in the sun. I wiped away the tears from my cheeks and sniffled. We endured many moments of emotional silence that passed like the calming waves along the shore.

“I’m sorry, Danielle.” I cried, “I’m really sorry. I have a lot to think about and I can’t be here anymore. I’m going home tomorrow morning.”

I stormed off, headed straight for my room to spend my crying fit.

“Casey, no!” She cried after me, stepping twice before her hands met her face and stopped short.

I entered my room and opened my suitcase, throwing in all of my clothes that I struggled to fold. I got partway through before I laid down and collapsed, sobbing into the bed.

I laid on my back, finally calmed down to attempt an accurate replay of what transpired. My strong emotional outpour jaded me to her still sympathetic expression of genuine concern and potentially caused certain details to become fuzzy. Attempting to fully recollect all the details, I foresaw that underneath her candid and brusque approach she truly beared an ingenuous heartfelt want to know. A want confined within her that ended up pouring out as she overflowed from the signs that enticed it. Signs that I showed her myself…

I closed my eyes, frustrated realizing how openly I showed such thoughts without clarifying them for her. An emotion that I pushed to the back of my mind in an attempt to put on a facade that it was negligible and insignificant. They simply poured out through my actions.

I felt like a terrible person for harboring my true feelings for her. She didn’t deserve that. Now I’ve successfully caused tension in my own friendship and my vacation, potentially sabotaging both because I couldn’t tell her the truth on my terms. That she had to dig it out of me and I couldn’t simply man up and tell her the truth. All because I wanted to protect myself and my tornado of emotions.

After moments of deep breaths and calming, a knock sounded at the door.

“Casey?” Her soft voice called from the other side.

I weakly got up off the bed then slowly cracked the door. She’d been crying for the past hour.

“I wanted to talk to you for a little bit if that’s okay?” She asked.

“You can always talk to me.” I assured.

She came into the room and sat on the bed next to me, leaving the door open.

“I’m sorry I pried the way I did,” She apologized, “It’s just, you know how I feel about honesty.”

“Yes I do.” I nodded.

“And when you just got so defensive, I just kept pushing because part of me really wanted to know that there was something you were keeping secret from me, like you were pulling back on something you truly felt. And now I can see why you were so reserved about telling me and it wasn’t right to push you that way.”

“In your defense, I held in something that caused strain between us. And it’s not right for me to do that to you. Especially since we’re such great friends and I would want the same from you.”

She looked on, the bed lamp reflected in her pupils like a tiny light in the distant night.

“Of course I would.” She said.

“I’m sorry. I ruined everything.”

“You didn’t ruin anything, Casey.”

She brushed me for comfort.

“Tomorrow you can take my car back and I’ll hitch a ride with someone else when everybody leaves but please, I hope you will reconsider it. I want you to have a good time here with us. We all like having you here and… I would especially be happy with you here… without you I would just feel empty, cramped and alone at the same time. I enjoy our time together and I feel that you would too. When you’re here, I feel safe and heard. Like I matter.”

“Danielle, please…” I responded, “I adore that you say those things. But I feel like it’s not right for us.”

“Why not?”

“You know why. We’ve talked about it multiple times.”

“Casey…” She said, brushing my shoulder, “if there’s anything I want more in the world, it’s for you to forget about that right now.”

I closed my eyes and sighed deeply.

“You know I can’t… I’ve wanted to and I wish I could… but-”

“Casey. Look at me.”

I looked into her green eyes that gazed back at me, that small spark of light seemed to glimmer in her eyes.

“You make me feel confident.” She whispered with clear diction. “And wanted.”

Her hand softly brushed along my shoulder, captivating my attention to her.

“Am I wrong?” She whispered as her eyes darted between mine again.

“No.” I assured.

“It’s okay to feel what you’re feeling, Casey.” She said, brushing through my hair and drawing a blissful breath from my lungs.

My response sat in the chamber for far too long, so reluctant to fire until now. I lowered my guard and let it fly.

“I want you to want me.” I whispered benevolently.

Her eyes looked at me, down to my lips, then back again. Her thumb stealthily brushed up against my jawline, caressing my cheek. Like a natural reflex, I leaned forward and closed my eyes.

We joined together, softly and slowly clasping together with tender light pecks as my heart increased, sending a rush throughout my entire body. I felt invigorated by her touches and kissed her like I loved her.

And I did.

To my misfortune, the damage from my past crept up underneath, waiting to strike at the slightest hint of a dwindle in my euphoric daze that encapsulated my soul in a safe haven when we kissed.

We slowly released and my eyelids slowly opened, gradually revealing her gorgeous face.

“I’m sorry.” I apologized, quietly putting my hand against my forehead, “I’m not ready for that yet. I need some time to think. I’ll be up at 8 to decide if I want to stay or leave.”

“It’s okay I understand,” she said, touching my shoulder, “take your time and think about it. If you need anything, you can always find me upstairs or text me.”

“Thank you.” I said.

Her hand dragged off my clothes as she stood up to leave the door. She turned to close it slowly, our eyes never left until it shut.

I crawled into bed and turned onto my side, my last thoughts before drifting into the soft dreamscape now full of frustrated sadness.

I truly loved Danielle. Before Becky and I broke up, I had set in my mind that we would remain close friends with natural chemistry and remained amicable with the path life had drawn out before us and then forked when it came to our loved ones.

But with both of those pathways now broken or showing nothing but bleakness ahead, it naturally left us peering down an unexpected clearing that seemed safer and much more welcoming.

Underneath the grief and lack of self-worth I suffered from, even the smallest thought of it sparked excitement within me. If only I could find the time to recover and flourish, ready to love again.


Marigold morning light streamed in through the blinds, the shadowed lines projected along the walls. The rising golden globe in the sky sparkled through the obstructing window frame, illuminating the sheets as my eyelids opened. I heard the ambient melody of chirping birds and sea breeze.

I pulled the blankets off me, looking at the suitcase on the floor I had packed last night. Second thoughts of staying flooded into my mind. I checked the time: 8:15 am the clock read.

I laid back in my bed, arms on my stomach deep in thought.

I remembered Danielle coming into the bedroom late at night. The thoughts of her curvy body entered back into my head. Her perfectly sunkissed medium golden skin and the way she smiled at me with her freckled cheeks remained vivid in the forefront of my mind.

The thoughts continued to branch uncontrollably. From an innocent smile to flashbacks of her exiting the pool as the water ran down her body. The way she moved it to the music, unbothered about the attention she received. Her pretty green eyes, less than a foot away when she talked to me. Her tender touches. Her probing hints in the car. And her lovely kiss that honestly felt so validating.

Slowly did the visual and emotional thoughts creep into my conscious, drawing the natural reaction to reach down and touch myself. I slid my hand underneath my shorts and began to stimulate myself to the thought of her, disconnected from the outside pressures that could follow.

My lungs allowed a deep breath of cool air, comfortably settling in on the bed. I continued for minutes, closing my eyes and licking my lips.

This was fine. It’s only inside my mind. Just me and my thoughts.

Knock knock knock

I gasped, sitting up in bed and pulling up the covers. The knocks startled me despite their gentle sound.

“Casey?” Danielle’s voice called from behind the door.

“Yeah?” I replied.

“Can I talk to you for a minute?”

“Yeah, hold on. I’m coming, give me a sec.” I said, throwing the blankets off before putting on sweatpants and a fit T-shirt.

I opened the door, realizing she had already walked away. I traveled down the hall and entered the oddly quiet spacious living room.

I froze still with my lips parted slightly. I took in a long shuddering breath at the sight my eyes had just locked onto.

Danielle’s straight blonde hair fell over a cashmere cardigan, the hem bordering just above her golden curvy upper thighs. Matching colored thigh highs pulled up to her knees, providing her calves nice definition through the material. The top of the cardigan revealed a small amount of cleavage although the fabric outlined the shapely spherical curvature of her breasts, perfectly shaded underneath. Her green eyes glanced at me, her expression confident and serene.

“Hi, Casey.”

“Hi.” I replied, unable to hide my wandering eyes.

“I figured I’d dress relaxed and nice for a change. Do you like it?” She asked, tilting her head towards the beaming sunlight as she kept her glance towards me.

I nodded as my eyelashes fluttered.

“I do,” I whispered, awestruck and stunned.


She confidently sauntered towards me as my unrelenting gaze never left. I never stepped away or flinched. My heart beat faster and faster the closer she approached and the finer details of her face became apparent.

Now she stood in front of me, slowly and delicately reaching for my elbow. Her thumb calmly rubbed along my arm as I stood there, starstruck by her appearance.

“Did Brad leave?” I asked.

“Mmhmm.” She replied.

“When is he coming back?”

She looked up into my eyes as the sun lit her irises, carefully detailing the green strands interwoven with golden ones. Her straight hair flipped behind her.

“Who knows?”

Those green-golden eyes darted back and forth between mine, gazing deep into my own. I allowed her to close the distance, unbothered by the fleeting space between us.

“Can I convince you to stay? Just for a few minutes?” The words left her mouth like rhythmic staccato breeze blowing the curtains in. Her gentle fingers curled and traced along my chest as those emerald eyes gleamed at me.

“I’ll stay as long as you want.” I admitted.

She stared for a long time, making mere seconds seem like minutes. Then she closed her eyes and stepped forward, kissing my lips as I stared in shock, blinking rapidly and instilling a quiet alertness within me. Our noses rubbed together as I reflexively reciprocated, drawing a deep breath upon her soft tender contact.

Several seconds passed with my eyes wide open as if frozen. I noticed her blissful closed eyes as she compelled me to join. Slowly she drained the worry from my mind, revealing the hidden want inside me. She naturally and ever so carefully coaxed it out of me with her electrifying care. I accepted her kisses at a fierce pace from the start. Both our hands grasped each other’s soft freckled cheeks.

She pressed the action, pulling me in as her arms traveled up my strong delts. Despite the sudden sensation, her silky warm lips brought me to a comfortable and safe place.

“Danielle,” I whispered through our trance.

“Yes?” She said, begging eyes looking up at me as our noses still touched. Ten gentle fingers traced down my solid pecs before slowly rippling over my abdomen. Her breath stuttered as if shivering but not from the cold.

“I’m not going to be able to stop…” I warned her, looking her on with concern and intent while my heart raced. My breaths left in stutters. My gaze only drew her in further.

“I haven’t asked you to stop.” She softly confided.

She paused to steal one more glance, then softly hushed me with her lips again.

I couldn’t contain my want for her any longer. A new world emerged as everything else became nonexistent and I embraced her. Her lips parted and I closed my eyes, wanting to feel it first.

Her lips softly graced mine. We joined in passionate fire, kissing like lovers. We expressed our level of desire through deep audible respirations through our noses. Soft sighs emanated from us. She was very warm, inviting, electric, and incredibly attractive.

The moment her wet delicate tongue slipped inside my mouth, any thought to turn back faded into obscurity. I kissed her, feeling her fingers curl around the nape of my neck while her tongue fetched for mine, inviting it to play. It joined with hers, twisting and caressing. She pulled me in tightly, her other hand caressing my ribs. My hands explored next, pulling her curvy back into me and placing my palm along her cheek.

She released momentarily, pulling me in as her warm breasts squished against my body. Her green eyes enamored me, displaying genuine want as she bit her lip. Her forehead pressed into mine, now close enough to study the strands in our eyes. I stole another look at her pushed up cleavage, a lovely round natural looking medium golden tone with a noticeable cream colored bikini shaped tanline.

Her captivating gaze drew the breath from my lungs. She had me addicted and she knew it. Her fingers hooked around the cardigan at her shoulders and let it fall aside, revealing more of her spherically gorgeous peach colored tanlined breasts, still barely covering the nipples which drove my imagination crazy.

I pushed into her bare neck, kissing her solid jawline as she guided me along with her hand ruffling through my hair.

“Get on the couch.” I said, gently pushing her onto the plush sectional, prompting a high pitched gasp from her. I leaned down to kiss her and moved to her neck, sending tingles up and down her spine. She sighed as her fingers wrapped around me in response.

Then I kneeled down to her smooth gleaming thick thighs, kissing them as if in worship.

“Mmmnnh,” she cutely sighed, rubbing her knees together as the cardigan rode up her thighs, nearly revealing the well hidden area underneath.

I kissed her silky smooth legs, gently nipping at them, all of which drew deep breaths from her.

I pulled her legs over my shoulders, another anticipating gasp shot from her mouth. My eyes gazed upon her beautiful mound, thin bright golden hairs gleamed in the daylight, her lips parted slightly as if they expected me.

Her hand massaged through my hair again as I kissed, teasing her thighs with my lips and enjoying her high pitched reactions. Every touch caused her lower body to react as if sending a bolt through her nerves. The way she writhed and vocalized in soft breaths gave the impression that she didn’t want to wait any longer.

I looked directly into her, letting my irises shine for her in the marigold window light. We locked eyes and I gently kissed her mound.

“Mmmm!” She squealed, involuntarily kicking her legs.

I brought my wet tongue between her lips and licked her very delicately. She tasted so sweet, tart and new.

“Hunnh!” She whined, quickly grabbing my hair, then squeezing when I found her clit.

“Mmmnh!” She moaned, clearly driven crazy by the passionate raw moment. I pulled her thighs closer into a ‘V’ pattern and began to draw in cursive on her glistening pink lips.

Moans of intense pleasure accompanied by her rubbing legs occurred from every stroke. Her fingers gripped onto my hair, at first unable to remain gentle about it.

I craved her loud noises of sexual release and wanted more of them. So I plunged my tongue deep inside of her begging entrance.

I watched as her eyebrows raised, her eyes nearly closed as she watched me pleasure her precious region, now wetting my tongue even further. Her cardigan loosely fitted on her upper body, revealing her gorgeous freckled shoulders and busty tanlined breasts that risked popping out through the fabric at any moment.

Her thighs squeezed inward, gripping my head like a vice. I didn’t stop my tongue despite the intense involuntary pressure her powerful shaking legs bestowed upon me.

“AHH!…” She yelped, covering her mouth as her other hand grabbed the cushion for dear life, her fingers curled around the material eventually finding a pillow and roughly tossing it aside as my tongue continuously drew in cursive around her clit.

“Tsssss, unhhh!! Awwwhhh God, Casey! Mmmmnnnh!! Mmmmm!!” She convulsed on the couch as her grip on my hair tightened before slowly losing strength and loosening up, her sensations drawing natural intense untamed noises from her mouth. Tart gush leaked onto my tongue. The organic nature turned me on so effectively that it encouraged me to keep going.

Danielle pulled my face up to hers, roughly scooting her body underneath me to make out with her, unbothered by the taste.

“Mmmmmm,” she lustfully moaned, twisting and turning her head as her lips latched onto me. She sent me into a lasting perseverance to kiss her back, even initiating a lovely French kiss as our wet tongues intertwined, tasting her sweetness on each other.

She pushed into me to sit up and hooked her fingers inside my waistband, pulling as it stretched towards her. She bit her lip, swiftly admiring my bare v cut and defined abdomen as if they were a welcoming entrance for what awaited her below. A forceful pull and she set my hard member free. She looked on, reluctant to put her lips on someone that she was not married to.

But she did consider it.

She laid back as I crawled on top, her hands welcomed my strong arms as they wrapped around.

A door opened from downstairs and we heard steps.

“Shit! You said no one was home!” I whispered.

“I never said that.” She corrected while nonchalantly pointing, “go to the bedroom. Quickly.”

I ran away into her bedroom, she followed and I silently shut the door behind me.

She sauntered over to the end of the bed, her blonde hair covering her shoulders and some of her defined upper back as the cardigan wore loose.

“Could you help me with this?” She stopped to whisper.

Slowly did my feet shuffle against the carpet as I reached to gingerly help the cardigan off of her. The reveal of her nude body from behind made my heart race. First her defined back, then her wide hips and her tanlined curvy ass, then her bare warm legs. I kissed her neck while she arched back, caressing my hair.

“I know you can’t fuck me.” She quietly whispered as her golden body perfectly turned and laid back on the light almond colored comforter that contrasted perfectly with her darker shaded sun kissed skin tone, “so make love to me then.”

She looked on with desire, her left hand propped behind her gorgeous hair, bunching the back up as she displayed her lips the same way she did at the fire. The fire that shined through her pupils like a tiny spark and luminated her skin many different alluring colors of amber and vermillion. Her large breasts fell naturally towards the bed, two medium golden round spheres with cream colored tanlines and pastel pink nipples. My heart shuddered seeing them for the first time.

Our eyes never left each other’s gaze as I crawled onto her bed, watching her bite her lip the closer I approached.

She laid back to welcome me on top, curling her fingers around my arms again and pulling. I met her lips, closing my eyes as our silky smooth naked bodies warmed each other.

We kissed passionately, enjoying the touches that set the fire alight.

I angled slowly towards her entrance, already wet and accepting. To my surprise, she opened her legs to create space and touched me, helping to guide me in. I gradually entered, immediately welcomed inside, so foreign and strange but warm, satisfying and fresh. A fondness I hadn’t felt in forever. The mysterious sensibility of experiencing someone new as I allowed myself to become vulnerable and accept their request to join with them.

“Awwhhh,” I sighed deeply into her ear.

“Mmmnnnh!” She squealed behind her lips that pinched inward.

Another slow cautious thrust, the tightness closed in and caused me to swell inside. My knees buckled a bit.

“Oohhhmmn!” She squealed loudly again.

“Oohhh,” I sighed, unable to contain myself from her harmonious moans that sounded like music.

The next few thrusts inside of her seemed easier as her gentle fingers pulled me in by my waist. Then another audible whimper as I slowly disappeared inside of her.

“Ahh,” I sighed.

“Awwhhh!” She cried in my ear, sending me to a hypnotic dimension for a split second, then I returned to clarity and looked at her. She looked strained but in all the right ways.

“Shhhh, Danielle,” I alarmingly placed my finger between my lips, “we can’t be too loud.”

She blatantly disregarded, pulling and thrusting her hips forward, placing me deeper inside. Her lips latched onto me again, kissing me deeply.

“You’re being loud too.” She slyly whispered, “and I love it.”

“Unh!” I moaned as my eyes squeezed shut, surprised from the intense pleasure it brought.

“Mmnh! Hnnh, hnnh, hnnh,” she stuttered through her quick breaths, reactive to my moans of pleasure as I swelled inside of her. I couldn’t stop and my body increasingly trembled with excitement.

I watched as we made love, her curvy body moving up on the bed, her white thigh high wearing legs of medium gold texture parted with her knees bent up in the air, her large cream colored tanlined breasts bouncing along at a beautiful rhythm, her pink nipples hardening. She had a gorgeous naturally curvy body type with enviable skin texture.

Then I saw her green eyes, looking up at me. As soon as we met, she turned her neck up towards the sunlight, deeply enjoying the feeling of our sexual organs combining together.

“Ohhhhh,” I breathed deeply as she contracted around me.

“Mmmmmmhh!” She moaned, unable to reinstate her inhibitions, the sensation so amazing she didn’t even bother to reconsider her volume.

“Oh God… Danielle.”

“Hmmmmh?” She asked, eyes still closed as she gripped the pillow underneath her head, biting her lip as she moved her body along with my deep thrusts.

The smoother entries proved she came on me a little, a feeling that made my eyes dilate like a predator and hunger for the sensation again. Her crescent shaped high sock wearing feet pushed into the mattress, allowing more control for her hips to buck back into me. More pressure squeezed me inside of her.

“Uhh! Mmmnnh!” I moaned, prompting her to slam harder for more desired effect.

“Dan… Danielle we shouldn’t be doing this.” I feebly whispered, slumping onto her chest as I felt her continue underneath me.

“Mmnnnhh,” she high pitched sighed into my ear, disregarding my words. I couldn’t comprehend the hypocrisy of me saying this while simultaneously orgasming intensely on her body, allowing myself to plunge deeper inside her begging soaking wet sex as I moaned at the sound of her vocals in my ear.

“We shouldn’t… ohh God we have to pause… I’m not going to be able to hold it…”

“Mmmmnnnh,” she sighed as her right hand traveled down my lower back, pressing her delicate fingers along my skin.

“Okay.” She sighed.

We stopped and took some deep breaths to recuperate. Her wandering hand provided a calming sensation as it glided over my rear, then to my lower back.

It was unknown who started first because both of our sexual organs twitched, begging each other to reignite the drive. And out of reflex, it did. We thrusted deep into each other, now much harder than ever.

“Mmmmnnh!” She squealed. Her vocalizations were my weakness, driving me to do whatever I needed to hear her again. I gripped her luscious ass and plunged further, penetrating regions not yet touched but closer to her limit.

“Ooohhh!” I yelped, her hand quickly gripped the back of my head and squeezed my hair. Her legs tightened around my back as I nearly bottomed out. I pulled on her hair and kissed her neck, eventually making my way down to her breasts. I tenderly lapped and sucked on her taut nipples.

“Huhh! Ahhhuh!… unnh! Mmnnh! Unnh!…” She roughly grunted as she gripped harder, fucking me back as my cock throbbed, pushing further into her limit and expanding. She started to quietly scream and couldn’t stop. We joined lips to silence ourselves.

Danielle gingerly wrapped her hand around the back of my head and kissed, turning her neck and head to increase the intensity as she sighed satisfyingly. Her other hand squeezed onto my defined tricep. This time, she fully gave in and smothered me. She enjoyed it, kissing me in such a way as if she loved me. She chased the pure raw pleasure she found within me and selfishly admitted she had been making love to me. The way she passionately kissed and moaned as if begging me not to stop, to rock her world beyond her expectations as long as she agreed to show her enjoyment through beautifully sexual gratifying noises, unashamedly admitting to loving every second.

Next, I felt her silky sock wearing legs wrapping around my lower back. Her thick thighs tightened, powerful enough to keep me inside and rock my hips further to penetrate her fully.

“Hunnh!!” She gasped.

“Oh fuck! God I… I’m gonna cum! Mmmmnnh!” I stuttered as my fingers curled around her skin, my heart pounding from the genuine and intense validation.

“Don’t hold back,” she whispered, “mmmmh don’t hold back please! I want you to! Please!”

The next few motions signaled the beginning of the climax as my tip swelled inside. My legs shuddered along with my entire body as my vision blurred, then I released hot essence inside, prompting her walls to contract and throb around me, giving way to her cries of pleasure.

“AWWWNHH!! Hunnnhhh!!” I cried as she firmly massaged the back of my head, shuddering with labored deep breaths as I continued thrusting inside, the pressure building up and forcing me to give up a few inches.

She sighed deeply as it poured inside of her, filling her past the limit with warm essence. She responded with her own, pushing some of me out as she ejaculated with my therapeutic deep thrusts. I sighed and trembled at the feeling of her warm inviting pussy cumming on me as she relished in her intense pleasure.

“Mmmmnh! Mmmmm! Ohhhh… mmmmmnh!” She moaned into my ear, so cutely to indicate her pleasure. I felt her throb and contract around me as I dripped from her sex, her eyes rolled back along with her head onto the mattress. Her back arched as she caressed my hair and felt inside of her completely coated with hot fluid. My cock throbbed deep inside.

I shivered uncontrollably, breathing heavily on top of her. She respired deeply as well but mostly from her intense pleasure coming down. Her fingers delicately slid along the nape of my neck, helping to match her steady breaths. She even rubbed my leg with her silky sock covered foot. I loved the gesture as she made me feel safe with her.

I reciprocated, touching her gorgeous blonde hair as my thumb brushed through her strands. She embraced me, enjoying every second together.

I slowly pulled away, allowing myself to gradually leave her warm haven. Her entrance throbbed as if begging me to stay.

We embraced on the bed, breathing heavily against each other. My mind was blown, completely scattered and unable to comprehend what had just transpired. I only felt a sense of liberation and deep connection.

“Let me come home with you,” she whispered.

“Are you sure?” I asked, looking over to her

She leaned onto her elbow to look at me. Her beautiful breasts fell along the sheets.

“I can’t spend time with you the way I want to when we’re here.”

“Let’s go home together then.”

“Gladly,” she said, kissing me once more.


Danielle informed everyone that she wanted to leave early to go home because she wasn’t feeling well. Easier done than said in this case. She took an hour or two to pack her things and we loaded the BMW. We pulled out of the driveway, already missing the lovely house we stayed in and left.

We traveled along the road past the expanse of sand dunes. Traces of sand blew across the asphalt. We stole looks at each other and I decided to break the silence.

“Hey so um… I just want to talk about what happened. Is that okay?”

She looked at me attentively from the passenger seat. Her green eyes resembled the sunshine prism through the windows.

“Yeah, of course. What would you like to talk about?” She asked, positioning me to start the first question. I uncomfortably broke through my nervousness.

“I just…” I started as my eyelashes fluttered, attempting to find the right words to say, “I don’t do that for just anybody. I want to know that what we did wasn’t just in the heat of the moment. That it wasn’t just a fluke, like a once-and-done thing. I really feel like there were a lot of emotions and genuineness involved, at least for me.”

Her silence indicated to me that she wanted me to elaborate further.

“I just don’t want to feel that I was just used to get revenge on Brad… you know?”

As much as I really didn’t like Brad, Danielle and I held a strong bond together. Though the thought of revenge sounded nice, it couldn’t hold a candle to our relationship which trumped any outside distractions that went into it. Our closeness yielded more value than vengeance. I decided to help break her silence.

“What are your thoughts on it?” I asked bluntly, glancing over at her as she looked at the window in thought. Her fingers frantically rubbed together.

“Yeah… listen I…” She elaborated while slowly motioning with her hands to further accentuate her point. Her pensive thoughts caused her to look upward to think clearly.

“I thought about it and, maybe a small part of it was to get back at Brad, even though I’m not that type of person. But I wouldn’t have felt so… captivated and riveted if I had just done it for revenge.”

“Mmhmm,” I acknowledged.

“I thought to myself, ‘there has to be much more to it’. Honestly I don’t think I could ever… do that with someone just to, you know, one-up somebody I was pissed at.”

“How did you feel about it?” I asked.

“How did you feel about it?” She retorted.

The flashback was brought forth from my mind, playing like silent one-second clips from a movie within my memory. Our warm skin touching together, our passionate kisses, her moans of sexual serenity in my ear, the rush we felt from each other’s encapsulating emotional embrace in her bed.

How could I not tell her the truth? I wanted to perfectly detail such a beautiful phenomenon and paint the deeply affectionate intricacies we felt into words.

“It was electric.” I admitted as she clearly reeled for the details, “I’ve never felt so alive until that moment. The way it seemed so natural and pure. I’ve never felt anything like what we did.”

“Really?” She cutely and curiously asked.

I turned, giving her a heartfelt nod.

“You are so… great, and attentive, and very sweet.” She complimented, “It made me feel many things I’ve never felt before. Just the way you touch me… the way you kiss… how you moaned into my ear.”

She involuntarily bit her lip into a curl recollecting it. I provided a similar subtle gesture.

“I went into it thinking I would regret it immediately, and here I am in the car with you, unable to stop thinking about it.”

She smiled nervously at the exciting thought before her eyes trailed back down to the floor. She lightly bit her finger. My heart fluttered at her admission to enjoyment, however I still wanted more clarity. The focus now shifted to just us two.

“What did you like the best?” I asked as my curiosity got the better of me.

“God… everything was just so raw and untamed. I can’t just name one thing. You definitely know how to… you know.”


“What you did on the couch.”

“Oh yeah. Of course I did,” I softly acknowledged, “I only do that for people I care about.”

“Does that turn you on or something?”

“Yoooo!” I yelled, hiding my nervousness with a laughing “caught off-guard” type of front.

“What? Oh my God, shut up. Answer the question!” She increased her volume to drown out my obnoxious voice.

“Does it turn you on?” She repeated.

I looked down, noticing the uncontrollable imprint forming against my leg. I quickly looked back up, shyly pursing my lips and shuffling my thighs, embarrassed from her observation.

“Yeah… I love doing it.” I gave her an approving smile, pinching inward from my telling apprehensiveness that failed to mask how her words rendered me excitable.

Her fingers twirled through her blonde hair, her stare unwavering as she gently bit her tongue. An unexpected anxiousness brewed from within as I didn’t expect tension to resurface on the drive. At least not this early.

“Do you wanna pull over?” She seductively hinted at me, cutely biting her lip and preening her hair as it reflected a golden glow from the sunlight.

My mouth opened as my heart raced and another stuttered breath left my lungs. I bit my lips inward, unsuccessfully hiding my sexual interest I attempted to keep under the radar.

“What, so you can drive?” I joked, giggling as her squinting eyelids indicated she was annoyed.

“I’m just kidding, relax. I think we’d better get home before it gets too late,” I coyly deflected, also unable to conceal my smile.

“That’s okay. You can keep driving if you want then.” She said, leaning forward with all eyes on me, slowly her delicate hand crept up to my thigh.

That snide lip bite smile… I couldn’t deny she perfected it so well.

Her fingers crawled toward the imprint like a spider before carefully tracing over it. It twitched in her palm, she showed that she noticed through her baffled expression.

I quickly took in air then closed my eyes, unable to keep my eyes on the road as the tense surprise touch overtook my vision. She was serious. Undoubtedly very serious.

She leaned in close to my ear while I unsuccessfully paid attention to the road along the expanse of beach

“You don’t have to pull over, I can still do everything I need right here.” She whispered.

Unphased, she reached into my waistband, giving light pecks on my cheek. I bit my lip again, nearly closing my eyes. Every touch seemed to dim my vision.

Slowly did her fingers touch my bare skin underneath my shorts, sliding down my pelvis. I gasped loudly as she reached my bare member. She looked concerned but still pressed on.

Her grip wrapped around it, pulling it up to the waistband. I shifted my hips, allowing her to pull my shorts down, exposing my hardened shaft.

Her dainty tongue licked the tip, sending a jolt up my body. She kissed it before delicately swirling her tongue around it. I respired heavily, then quickly my heart jumped as I turned the wheel to straighten back into the lane.

“Pull over.” She whispered slowly into my ear, “pull over, Casey.”

An opening between the dunes appeared ahead of us.

“Over there.” she slowly whispered, pointing perfectly toward the sandy expanse from my point of view, “anywhere as long as it’s out of sight.”

She quietly giggled to herself upon seeing me bite my lip and exhale deeply as my eyes trailed down.

“Or maybe not so out of sight.” She added, deviously smiling as I quickly turned to her aghast.

Her eyes lit up and she gasped excitedly at me.

“You’ve thought about that haven’t you?” She speculated slyly, unwavering in her wired expression.

“I… maybe.” I stuttered.

“What if I wanted you to do it?”

I shivered again.

“We would get caught.” I stammered, putting up a wooden wall.

“Mmm would we?” She probed, cracking it like a sledgehammer.

“Danielle, this is a very bad idea. Please stop entertaining this.” I snapped out of my mesmerized state.

“I’m just kidding.” She stated clearly at first, “but you were really thinking about it though? Wow!”

“Are you frickin’ serious?” I outburst with my palm in the air.

“That’s what you get for joking that you were gonna make me drive!” She pointed out humorously.

“Oh my God, I can’t believe you right now. You are such a criminal. You’re a thought thief, that’s what you are.”

“Hahahaha!” She laughed, enjoying the response.

“You deserve to be in jail for that one. I can’t believe you right now.” I joked, subtly shaking my head and pouting.

A few seconds passed before she came down from laughing and she paused, leaning back against the window with a finger on her head.

“So you really think that’s hot?” She quipped candidly, nodding her head.

“Oh my God, Danielle, I’m pulling over.” I exasperatedly joked as she launched me into a fit of laughter.

“Hahahaha! You really do think that’s hot! That is wild!”

“Shuddup!” I quickly uttered if it were one quick syllable.

“That’s actually really sexy, not gonna lie.” She added, biting her lip as her eyes turned back towards the sky

“Listen, if you keep talking about this, I actually will pull over!”

“Oh okay, I’ll stop then.”

“Fine!” I sassed.

A moment of tense silence passed.

“Do you want me to stop?”

I shut my eyes, squinted, then bit my lip.

“If I’m being honest, no I don’t.”

“Then pull over.”

Immediately my torso jerked to the left as the vehicle banked right, driving onto an open clearing of sand. I rode until a large sand dune obstructed the highway from us. Then we safely stopped in the sand, about 20 yards from the blue expanse of ocean.

The keys turned, suddenly depowering the vehicle as complete silence fell upon us followed by the gentle fade in of the ambient seaside. Her face turned halfway as her eyes gazed directly at mine. Same focused expression.

“Put that up.” She quickly gestured to the window.

I slowly complied, using the reserve power to roll the tinted window up until it pushed into the seal, quieting the beach.

“You sure you want to do this?” I whispered, the diction in her voice clear inside the airtight vehicle.

I looked back at her the same way, our eyes gleamed at each other under the bright sun.

“Yeah. I do.” She nodded, short but confident. “Are you okay with it?”

“Perfectly.” I whispered, as the sudden rise of high tension flipped a switch in my mind, the sunlight playing off my engaged visage as I smirked, secure and awaiting her.

“Are you going to give me what I want? Or am I going to have to take it?” She asked sternly and directly.

“Come and get it,” I answered.

At an unexpected speed she lunged forward, jumping onto my seat as she straddled me in one motion, quickly kissing me with fury and desire.

“I know you said you couldn’t fuck me.” She stated, shocking my senses into locking onto her, “but I’m going to change your mind.”

“Mmm you wanna bet?” I challenged.

She pressed into me, making out with me fiercely as the seat slowly reclined. Her hands couldn’t stay off my body and her kisses got sloppy once she slipped her tongue through my lips.

“Mmmnnhh,” I sighed deeply, prompting noises of her own as she brushed her hair back. I danced with her tongue, welcoming it inside my mouth.

“Get down on the floor and lie on your back,” she demanded.

We dove into the back and she pounced quickly, straddling me with her thick legs and kissing me. Our moans and sighs reverbed off the car interior, making out like lovers in heat.

She scooted back to tie her hair up behind her back. I glanced at her halter top, her beautiful large breasts made a perfect rounded shape inside of them. I couldn’t see through but her nipples provided the faintest imprint. She then grabbed at my waistband. I shyly laid back, not used to her aggressive approach. She pulled and her eyes widened at my vulnerable member as it flicked up at her. Slowly did she lean down, placing her hands on my thighs and looking it up and down.

“Oh my God, Casey,” she exclaimed.

“What?” I pursed my lips inward.

“Mmmnnnhh no wonder I felt the way I did.” She said, grazing her fingers down my thighs, “I think it’s time I paid you back for what you did to me on the couch.”

“Mmm,” I acknowledged, ready for what came next as my body heated intensely at the thought of doing this in a public area.

She delicately grabbed my flexible shaft as if handling it carefully. Her hand began to slowly slide up and down, the tip straightened as she reached the top. Her eyes were bewildered with intimidation, disbelief, curiosity and excitement.

“Mmmm when we were on the couch, I thought about sucking on it. I was just so nervous you know? But can you blame me? Look at it.”

“No one’s around this time. You can do whatever you want to me.” I said with more bass in my tone.

“Mmmnhh,” she bit her lip into a curl and kissed the tip, sending a spark up my lower region as I twitched.

“Awh,” I sighed. Her green eyes looked at me, studying my reactions. She gave more tender kisses. The sparks were less surprising this time but still my thighs reacted to them.

“Ohh,” I coyly moaned, palms pushing against the floor.

“Mmmnnhh, Casey,” she sighed, now dragging her glistening pink tongue underneath it. The erotic sight forced more blood into the shaft, hardening it as it grew before her very eyes while that tongue slid up against it.


I leaned my neck back as I caressed hers.

“Mmm love how sensitive you are,” she flirted, ensuring she explored every inch of me while stroking the base.

She held the base with both hands, twirled her pointed tongue around the tip like an ice cream cone, then descended onto it. Her mouth instantly enveloped the blush pink tip, warming it as I felt the crown brush against her wet tongue.

“Ohhhh!” I groaned, arching my back until I could see the back window. My fingers curled around her head, involuntarily pulling her further onto me.

“Mmh!” She expressed, opening her eyes wide in surprise, gently tapping on my thigh to warn me.

I saw her eyes switch back to her lustful gaze, attentively studying my reactions while she continued to suckle on the tip, her cheeks dimpled inward as she sucked on it.

“Ohhh fuck, Dani, mmmmnh!” I moaned.

“Mmmm I’ve thought about doing this before.” She said.

“You what?”

“Sucking you off in another room while people are outside? Mmm you bet I’ve given it a thought or two.”

My eyes widened in surprise and intrigue.

“Danielle! That’s so dirty!”

“I can have my fantasies. Don’t judge me. Besides, you just admitted that it turns you on.”

She dipped further, sucking deeper and taking more of me inside. After a few moments, I began to swell against the back of her mouth.

“Mmmmnh!” She grunted, closing her eyes, forcing her cramped throat onto my engorged shaft.

“Ohhh fuck!” I cried, gripping onto her head as my hips naturally thrusted upwards and my toes curled.

“Gah! Mmmmnnhh!” She quickly released, trailing spit with her lips before continuing.

“You think you could finish in my mouth even with people outside? Mmmmm lets find out, mmh, mmh, mmh, mmmnnh, mmmhmmm, uck, guck…”

More spit began to glaze me, providing my cock with a gleaming shine.

“Awwwhhh!!” I cried from within my deep rush of a lifetime. My friend whom I’ve always loved attentive to my pleasure, blowing my mind in the car while in a risky spot. The danger of being caught, no matter how miniscule, provided that extra dash to draw out my inner freak that I never knew existed.

“Pwah! Ahhh, mmmmnnhh oh you like that, Case?” She flirted, continuing to squeeze my shaft between her lips and pump it with her mouth.

“Better be quiet or we might get caught,” she teased.

“I can’t!” I moaned, struggling to keep quiet.

“Mmmm well hope nobody sees us then, ooohhmmm, mmmmnh,”

I covered my mouth, attempting to silence my moans. She took it as a challenge, moving down to my genitals as she gently licked them.

“Ohh fuck! Oh God!” I whimpered into my hand at the wet sucking feeling with each one in her mouth. She devilishly giggled as she played with my tight sensitive balls.

“Mmmm yeahh,” She encouraged as her eyes peered from behind my erect throbbing shaft, her hand still stroking it to her enjoyment. Clearly she loved the way I moaned, my reactions proved her reluctant oral pleasure paid off in dividends and she wanted more.

“Dani I’m going to cum!” I alerted her.

“Mmhmm,” she acknowledged, throwing her neck into it in quick motions.

My toes curled inward, my calves cramped and my knees squeezed inward.

“Oh God I’m gonna… Unnnnnhhhh!”


My vision blurred as my eyes rolled back into my head, my stomach tightened and my lower body convulsed as she scooped her hands underneath my ass. The crown heated and swelled, exploding inside of her mouth, her hand expertly guided the essence through the shaft as she stroked.

“AWWWHHH,” I yelped uncontrollably.

Whether my orgasmic vocalizations or the risky setting or both, her sexual drive heightened, moaning as if she could feel my climax through her body while she continued to suck me with ferocity. Pearly white drops dripped from her lips as she opened her mouth, letting it pour inside.

I couldn’t see anymore as my body writhed under her spell. Very slowly did my climax come down as she continued her assault. My lungs breathed heavily as I shyly moaned along to her magic tongue.

Danielle grabbed a water bottle from nearby and drank from it. She offered it to me and I took some, replenishing my sweaty body. She clasped my cheeks and kissed me passionately.

“Turn around.” I said.

I scooted underneath her, putting us into a 69 position. Her rounded ass stuck out towards my face. I grabbed her frayed jean shorts and pulled them off. My hands grabbed her tanlined cheeks and I touched my tongue to her wet lips.

“Mmmm, mmmmmhmmhmmhmm,” she giggled as she grinded steadily, “you’re so fucking good at that, Case.”

She grabbed my flexible dick and placed it into her wet mouth, working to get it up again. The car became a cacophony of hums and moans as we gave each other passionate oral. I began to harden again to her liking.

“I never knew you tasted so sweet.” I said.

“Me either. God, Case I never knew you were this big.”

She continued suckling on the tip and stroking the entire length.

“And best of all? Mmmhmmm, it’s fucking bigger than his too.”

“Mmnnh yeah right,” I stuttered.

“Oh honey, I can feel you further in my throat, I’m not even gonna pretend I can take all of it at once. Mmmnnnnhh.”

“Ohhh fuck,” I blissfully sighed as her mouth descended on md

“Ahhh hehehe, mmmmnhh Casey, you’re in love back there aren’t you baby?”

“I’m going to make you cum again.”

“Awwh Case, there’s people over there!” She nervously laughed.

“Better keep quiet then.” I said.

“Mmmhmnn awwhh fuck… I can’t keep quiet with the way you’re doing this to me. Mmmnnhh!”

“They’re gonna catch me with my tongue deep inside of you then.” I warned.

“MMMmmnh! I don’t care! Mmm keep going.”

Her luscious booty circled in a perfect rhythmic motion on me. Lined shadows from the car window projected onto her naked curvy body. Her bubbly ass rippled and bounced erotically.

“Mmmm it’s almost like you want to get caught.” I teased.

“Hmm,” she muttered biting her lower lip.

“Maybe you want to hurry up and cum in my mouth before they see.”

“Mmmmmnnnhh! God you’re driving me fucking crazy Case, awwwhh!!”

I smiled, sticking my tongue further when I tasted her gush again.

“Ahhh, mmmmnnhh so perfect, I love how you taste.” I tempted, aware of the effectiveness of my words.

“Mmmnnhh! Awwwhhh unnnhhhh mmmmmmmmnnnnhhh fuck I’m gonna cum again!” She said, smacking the trunk as her lower body began to shiver.

“Uh huh, mmmm do it. Cum all over my tongue and make me swallow every drop babe.”

Her back arched, stiffening as the trembling followed with her knuckles white on her tight grip, her mouth wide open ready to scream.


I tasted a generous waterfall of sweetness, cascading down my tongue as she fully let loose, ejaculating in my mouth as I squeezed her perfect rounded ass.

“Ooohhhmmmm mmmmmmmnnnhh, I’m cumming baby, right there unnnhhhhhaahh! Aaahh mmmmnnh!” She squealed, shaking the entire vehicle on its tires as her thighs convulsed.

“AAah!” She squealed, jutting upward and showering me with her gush.

I opened wide, tongue splayed out as she ejaculated onto my face. Warm drips fell from her glistening pink pussy as I ensured to take every drop.

She slowly touched back down onto my tongue as I generously licked her swollen clit before prodding her entrance, dripping more into my mouth.

Danielle peered behind, erotically turned on at the sight before her. She watched as I delightfully tasted her inside and out, pulling her into my tongue for heightened effect.

“Mmmmnnhh, ooohh God, I love what you do to me. Unnhhh yes just like that.” She said, guiding her booty along my mouth.

She seductively bit her finger, watching me go to town on her pussy, licking her thoroughly. Then she turned around, squished her chest onto me and aligned her entrance against me.

“Now let’s see if you can be quiet.”

She slid me inside and humped me. Our sweaty skin glided along smoothly as we fucked.

“Ahhh!! Ooohh! Aaahhn! Mmmmnnnuuhh! Ahhh!”

She breathed deeply and heavily, her body gleaming with porsporation while roughly slamming me into the floor, her inner haven hot and heavenly to touch as my bare invited cozy member strained in all the perfect ways inside of her, causing a chain reaction of swelling orgasms that left us nearly breathless.

Suddenly she slipped off, thighs shaking madly as she yelped for dear life. A warm flow of love juice covered me, dripping onto my pelvis down to my genitals and legs.

“Ahhh!!” She yelped.

“Oh my God, Danielle. Hunnhh that was incredible. Ohhhh did they hear?”

Danielle turned her head away, slyly smiling as I noticed her cheeks rise and she covered her mouth.

“Danielle!” I gasped for air, “they heard didn’t they! Hohh my God!”

I remained shocked while she expressed an enamored but naughty look as her head slowly nodded.

“Oh no! They didn’t see you did they?”

“Hehe, I doubt it. They’re definitely giggling to each other though.”

“Dani, I told you we have to be quiet!” I complained.

“You think I can be quiet? Not with the way you made me feel.” She said.

She flashed me a sly wink.

“I’m going to make you cum again, Casey.”

She lifted under her halter top and pulled, allowing her shapely breasts to drop out and sway as she pulled it over her neck, fluffing her hair with it. She came down to lay on top, warming our bodies together. She kissed me furiously and reached for my cock.

Her fingers gripped me and pointed me back to her entrance. Already did she coat me with her essence, pushing her hips down and perfectly sheathing me inside of her.

“Ohhhh,” I sighed deeply, feeling her contract and twitch as I gripped the back of her neck.

“Uhhh!” She moaned in a high pitched tone as I swelled inside.

She slid along my body, smiling deviously at me from above as her strong hips pinned me to the car floor. I couldn’t believe she convinced me to do something so risky and yet I loved it.

“Huhh, huh, unnh, unnh, unnh!” She squealed, gradually increasing her pitch with every descent as she fucked me. Her breasts bounced and swung together, prompting me to grab them for support. Such soft and warm skin in my palms.

I pulled her hips down onto me, thrusting upward as my genitals smacked against her. Over and over again, I pistoned in and out, penetrating her deeper until she began to relinquish control to me.

“Oh God, unnhh!… yes!… ffffuck you’re gonna make me… Unnnhh!! Awwwhhh!!”

“Argh God, mmmmnh!” I groaned as I swelled inside of her, pounding in from underneath

This time, my orgasm came at a slow burn, a steady rate that left me entranced and delirious. I could barely hear myself as the feeling took over. She rode me all the way through my climax, kissing me as I moaned. Her hips continued to bury myself deep inside until I eventually softened. We embraced again, kissing and looking into each other’s eyes.

I lay there breathing heavily as she climbed off and scooted next to me, laying her head onto my shoulder. Just us, laying in the back of an SUV with the windows down so we could smell and hear the ocean breeze rolling through the cracks. A serene moment as we laid together on the blanket, watching the blue sky as thin clouds streaked across and the sun provided a bright yellow gradient.

“I’m sorry,” she apologized.

“For what?”

“For rejecting you that first time you tried to kiss me.”

“You’ve made up for it a million times already.” I reassured, brushing her blonde hair.

“I know, but I was just… scared, you know? I had second thoughts about working it out with Brad and I wanted to be a good wife but… honestly things are different now. I don’t want to waste my time with someone who doesn’t show any signs they want to change. That night I really wanted to tell you how I felt about you. And I got scared and wanted you admit it first so that I wouldn’t feel guilty about it. Now I’m glad I did if it led me here, in your arms. In the back of the car, listening to the waves as we watch the sky together. I feel like I’ve been wasting my entire life until this moment.”

“You didn’t waste anything,” I whispered to her, “sometimes it takes time to get here. And it came to us eventually after heartbreak. The amazing thing is that you make me feel that it was all worth it. That it was all worth waiting for if it meant you and I eventually ended up here.”

Danielle sniffled and turned into my arm. I heard her sob and I kissed the top of her head.

“I love you.” She said.

“I love you too.” I said.

The rest of the trip home was truly beautiful. We conversed as if we were new people getting to know each other for the first time. 8 hours later we still hadn’t run out of things to talk about.

I truly felt like my life was falling back into place.


We arrived at my house in the suburbs. We exited the car and brought our luggage inside.

“That was quite a drive,” she said.

“Yeah I’m ready to stretch out, take a shower and then go to bed.” I said.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me deeply, closing her eyes entranced in the moment. I kissed her back and she looked up at me.

“Do you want to take a shower together?” She asked.

“Yeah. I would love to,” I replied sincerely.

We walked onto the cool quartz tile and stripped each other’s clothes off. We stepped into the steaming shower and washed each other’s hair, using our fingers to ruffle through our heads. I scrubbed her back and kissed her shoulders. We couldn’t keep our hands off each other.

She turned to me and grabbed my cock, stroking me as we kissed. Hot water fell onto our smooth bodies and dripped into our lips as we kissed. Her large rounded breasts swayed along my chest, her taut nipples brushed into my skin. I embraced her body and held her tightly.

Her hand pushed me onto the sitting block and she climbed on top of me. She kissed me while she grabbed my shaft to angle it at her entrance. The room heat increased as we began round 3.

She descended down onto it, welcoming me inside of her warm wet region. She only pushed about four inches inside, sighing after every downward motion swallowing half of the shaft. The tip clearly met resistance as she remained tight.

“Ohhh… mmmm,” I shyly moaned, sensing her enjoy every motion as stuttered breaths left her lungs and she pressed her forehead into mine, humping me like a long lost lover.

“Mmnnh, mmmm, hunnhh, ohhhhmmm,” she sighed as her voice echoed off the walls, the water unable to drown them out.

Then she pushed further, placing more than half of me inside before my length stopped her descent short, still tightened up. Her fingers adjusted on my neck and she scooted a bit.

“Mmmnnhh,” she moaned deeply as she became greedy and began to take what she wanted.

She pushed further, forcing her lower back down. My crown swelled against her limit, then suddenly one more push allowed me to plunge fully through, her entrance abruptly swallowed my cock and she forced it even deeper at the perfect angle as she bottomed out onto the hilt, her pink skin clinging onto me for dear life as it covered the entire shaft.

“OhhhhUNNNH!!” I yelped, arching my back as my vision blurred and my thighs shook violently as her warm safe haven enveloped my entire length. My fingers curled tightly as if cramped as a startling flash of bright light overtook me.

“Mmmmmmhh,” she moaned in response, wiggling her wide naturally squishing hips to bury me inside. My tip penetrated deep inside causing her to contract tightly around me as she began to ride.

“Mmmmnnh!” I sighed again, extremely sensitive to the hasty deep thrusts that sent surging sparks that fired off throughout my knees and thighs. I couldn’t contain my voice and it continued to loudly echo throughout the shower.

And she loved it. Her curvy ass bounced off my soaked thighs, splashing water with every impact while her arms wrapped around my neck and she kissed me furiously.

“Mmmh! Mmmmh, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmmmhh!” She grunted, pounding down with an occasional slow descent in between. Her fingers indented into the back of my head, rendering my comfort first priority.

“Ohhhh… mmmmnh!” I continued, caressing her soaked hair and upper back as we kissed. I could barely focus as her intense sex entranced me into a near dream sequence, unable to come down from a high heavenly transcendence.

She made mystical otherwordly love to me as if my pleasure were hers, reacting to my every noise as I throbbed inside of her.

“I want you to do it again. Do it for me baby, do it.”

“Yes love,” I shuddered, responding to the best of my ability.

“Oh God, cum inside me!” She begged.

My fingers indented into her body and my stomach tightened until I released deep inside of her. She rode me steadily through my orgasm, guiding and stroking me as I filled her up again. My vision blurred and I gripped her hair for dear life. Her nipples hardened and her mouth opened wide. I couldn’t even hear her over my delirious state.

We slowly came down, only feeling the warm water flow down our bodies. When I came to, her green eyes looked at me benevolently. The next time we kissed, it felt magical and love stricken. We didn’t want to leave each other for a second and we embraced. She began to cry and I held her through it.


We dried off and laid together in my bed, tired and exhausted. Soon after, her chest began to rise and fall steadily as she held me tightly. My eyes closed as the outside darkened and I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up at 11:49pm hearing a noise. My phone rang from a number I unfortunately recognized only after I had already answered.

“Hey.” A familiar voice greeted.

“Hi.” I responded.

“I know I’m the last person you want to talk to… I just wanted to check up on you and make sure you’re doing okay.”

I huffed deeply, then gave my answer.

“I’m happy now.”

I lowered the phone, gazing out towards the bright sun. A soft voice quietly emanated from the receiver before I clicked Hang Up. But it didn’t matter now. I took a deep breath and for the first time, it was a breath of relief.


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