instant messager by benjohnson

A literotic sexstories: instant messager by benjohnson ,
this is the very fist story i have written in my free time (not being forced to write a esay in school) so please dont hate it Before we begin i just want to say i wrote this story with my phone using predicted text so there might be some odd words here and there

it all started one day when i was really bored i was trolling though the endless internet when i came across miniclip a game website i decided to play a multiplayer hand and as i started the game the other person asked if i was a boy or girl i replyed any and the person on the other side said good because im a girl
This chat – game continued she gave me her email address so i added her to my hotmail as we chatted we swapped pictures and she saidher. If i was next to you what would you do to me
Me. What ever you wanted me to do
Her. Would you have sex with me
Me. Well depends
Her. Depends on what
Me. Well if i trust you enough and other stuff
Her. I trust you
Me. Oh crap
Her. What
Me. My mother just saw this chat and guess what she said
Her. Whatme. She said youre moving with your aunt and uncle in bel air

I whistled for a cab and when it came near the licenseplate said fresh and had a dice in the mirror if anything i could say that this cab was rare but i thought now forget it yo home to bel air

I pulled up to a house about seven or eight and i yelled to the cabby yo home smell you later looked at my kingdom i was finaly there to settle my throne as the prince of bel air

This is a short i have made which does not even get in the 5000 word limit when writing this i just put this story here as a part time in not trying to make a serious story so i would like it if you do not take it too seriously too

By the way this story was written on my phone using predicted test so thei might be some off words here and thei

this is the very fist story i have written in my free time (not being forced to write a esay in school) so please dont hate it

Before we begin i just want to say i wrote this story with my phone using predicted text so there might be some odd words here and there

it all started one day when i was really bored i was trolling though the endless internet when i came across miniclip a game website i decided to play a multiplayer hand and as i started the game the other person asked if i was a boy or girl i replyed any and the person on the other side said good because im a girl
This chat – game continued she gave me her email address so i added her to my hotmail as we chatted we swapped pictures and she saidher. If i was next to you what would you do to me
Me. What ever you wanted me to do
Her. Would you have sex with me
Me. Well depends
Her. Depends on what
Me. Well if i trust you enough and other stuff
Her. I trust you
Me. Oh crap
Her. What
Me. My mother just saw this chat and guess what she said
Her. Whatme. She said youre moving with your aunt and uncle in bel air

I whistled for a cab and when it came near the licenseplate said fresh and had a dice in the mirror if anything i could say that this cab was rare but i thought now forget it yo home to bel air

I pulled up to a house about seven or eight and i yelled to the cabby yo home smell you later looked at my kingdom i was finaly there to settle my throne as the prince of bel air

This is a short i have made which does not even get in the 5000 word limit when writing this i just put this story here as a part time in not trying to make a serious story so i would like it if you do not take it too seriously too

By the way this story was written on my phone using predicted test so thei might be some off words here and thei

this is the very fist story i have written in my free time (not being forced to write a esay in school) so please dont hate it

Before we begin i just want to say i wrote this story with my phone using predicted text so there might be some odd words here and there

it all started one day when i was really bored i was trolling though the endless internet when i came across miniclip a game website i decided to play a multiplayer hand and as i started the game the other person asked if i was a boy or girl i replyed any and the person on the other side said good because im a girl
This chat – game continued she gave me her email address so i added her to my hotmail as we chatted we swapped pictures and she saidher. If i was next to you what would you do to me
Me. What ever you wanted me to do
Her. Would you have sex with me
Me. Well depends
Her. Depends on what
Me. Well if i trust you enough and other stuff
Her. I trust you
Me. Oh crap
Her. What
Me. My mother just saw this chat and guess what she said
Her. Whatme. She said youre moving with your aunt and uncle in bel air

I whistled for a cab and when it came near the licenseplate said fresh and had a dice in the mirror if anything i could say that this cab was rare but i thought now forget it yo home to bel air

I pulled up to a house about seven or eight and i yelled to the cabby yo home smell you later looked at my kingdom i was finaly there to settle my throne as the prince of bel air

This is a short i have made which does not even get in the 5000 word limit when writing this i just put this story here as a part time in not trying to make a serious story so i would like it if you do not take it too seriously too

By the way this story was written on my phone using predicted test so thei might be some off words here and thei


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