Island Sisters

An adult stories – Island Sisters by Toro1,Toro1 Widower descends into love and debauchery with two sets of sisters.

Griff is recovering from a tragedy that took his family and rediscovers love with two sisters and then some.

Many thanks to kenjisato, who is my editor, and made this better in every way. Any mistakes here are my own.

If you have comments, please add them, and consider favoriting the story or even following me. I appreciate the feedback and interest which keeps me writing. I have used many of the comments to improve my writing or as ideas for future stories.

This is my submission for the Nude Day story contest. Please rate the story to help me in this contest if you like it.

As is customary with my stories, I listed a porn star who approximates the physical image of the character. It is listed at the end of the story, as many readers may want to use their own imagination.

All characters are 18 years of age or older. This story has themes that involve group sex, mild domination, lesbian sex, and anal sex.

Chapter 1: Aftermath

Something had to be done. I needed a change of scenery, a new place, anything to get me out of this funk of sorrow. I kept seeing my wife of twenty years driving with our daughter and getting hit by that detached truck wheel which killed them instantly.

The driver and trucking company were shown to be deficient in safety inspections that were required. It resulted in a large insurance settlement that allowed me to step back from work to settle my affairs.

After dealing with all the arrangements, I found myself alone in a house that was packed with memories that continually made me sad. Work seemed meaningless without family to support. Neighbors and old friends provided some help, but were busy with their own lives. Some wanted to provide more than support, as evidenced by all the casseroles, invites, and finally propositions from female acquaintances. They all fell on deaf ears. I wasn’t prepared to start a relationship.

I decided to get out of my small town and head to the family cabin. It was a four-hour drive north, and located in a group of islands at the end of Lake Ontario called the ‘Thousand Islands’. I had spent the summers of my youth there. As a family, we had been part of the community for years.

All the cabins were boat-only access. You would think that this would limit the sense of community, but that wasn’t the case at all. Families had been going there for generations, and everyone spent time socializing and helping each other out. Having a place on an island made us more social, not less.

We’d bought out my brother a few years back, as he was working abroad and couldn’t use the place.

I got there in late June. The water was starting to get warm, and families were starting to filter into their islands.

People think of cabins as great places to relax. They are, but do require significant work every year. The elements take their toll. Wood rots, and the winter ice will ravage your dock.

At first, I just completed the litany of small jobs that were required to open the cabin. I’d always been handy, as I learned it from my dad who’d passed shortly after my mom a few years earlier. It was what inspired me to go into engineering as a profession. Some engineers are useless with practical tools; my upbringing ensured that I was at least reasonably capable.

Doing physical work and solving small issues was a tonic for my soul, and was getting me through the worst of my grief. I contemplated a larger job on the cabin, and decided to tackle enlarging the deck. It would take me about a month to complete and keep my mind occupied.

My office had been enquiring about my return. I told them I was taking at least the summer off. I wasn’t sure if I’d have a job to go back to, but I didn’t care. The money from the settlement would cover me for the foreseeable future.

Summer residents started arriving and I would then see more boats buzzing past the cabin. Many stopped to offer their condolences.

In early June, Walt, who had a place a few miles away, stopped at my dock. “How is the deck building going?” Walt asked amiably.

“Pretty well, as long as I don’t run short of something and have to make the trek to the hardware store,” I replied.

Going into town to get anything required a boat ride to the marina and then a drive to the store. It could easily be two to three hours for a round trip, and was a common destroyer of time.

“Always come over to see if I have it,” Walt offered kindly. “I’ve a well-stocked tool shed and would be happy to save you the time.”

Walt and I discussed my project further. He had some great practical advice on putting a layer of plastic on the beams to stop water from rotting them out. It was good to talk to a friend about something other than the accident.

“I’m doing a project of my own,” Walt mentioned. “I’m replacing some of the wooden face boards that have finally given out to weather. I could use some help in a week in getting them up. They’re hard to get level without an experienced set of hands. My daughters are coming up in a few days, but they generally don’t concern themselves with maintenance projects.”

“No problem,” I offered. “It would be good to do a job together and I am in need of some social contact, now that I am up for it.”

Walt looked at the ground, and quietly said, “We’re all devastated for your loss. I’m glad this place is working to help heal you.”

“It’s helping to be here, being around people who genuinely care,” I said, as I put my hand on his shoulder to acknowledge the sentiment.

Chapter 2: Sisters

A week had passed, and I headed to Walt’s place to help him with the facia. As I pulled up to his dock in my ‘tin can’ boat. It was an old aluminum boat with an old fifteen-horsepower outboard on the back. I was greeted by both his daughters, Holly and Hailey.

Holly was in her late thirties, about five years younger than me, and Hailey was thirty. They were both stunning in different ways. I knew Holly from when I was younger. She was tall and lithe with long red hair that was always in a French braid. Her skin was white with a dusting of freckles. She sported yoga attire which showed off her toned body.

Hailey was shorter than her sister, and had long blonde hair that was a loose mess of curls. She was always tanned and tended to wear loose muscle shirts over a bikini, which showed off her round boobs above an equally toned, but slightly curvier body.

Holly had two daughters who were just younger than my daughter had been. She came up to the cabin most summers with them, and was only periodically joined by her husband. I had known her all my life. She had kids earlier than me, but the closeness in age of her daughters meant that we saw a lot of her most summers. Hailey, on the other hand, was the rebel of the two daughters. She was known as more of a free spirit in the community. Various boyfriends appeared and disappeared each year.

They both grabbed the lines from my boat ,and fastened them to iron rings on the dock. I grabbed my tool box and jumped onto the dock. Both women gave me meaningful hugs and expressed their sympathy.

“Walt sent us down to help you,” Holly said. “He was feeling a bit winded this morning.”

“I can always come back,” I offered.

“No, he has been looking forward to this,” Hailey said. “He gets tired of just talking to women all day, and we need to hear something else other than all his business stories.”

We went up their path to the cabin and found Walt pulling off the rotten boards from the front of his cabin. Their cabin was much larger than mine, and featured an incredible view of other islands and the sunset. His family had been here for generations, and they had a grand old place.

We quickly got to work helping Walt. Holly and Hailey proved to be very helpful and were quite capable on the work site, which didn’t fit with Walt’s assessment of them earlier that week.

We finished the tear down of the old boards and then sealed up the wall with that paper that protects buildings. We were running out of light when Walt called it quits, and demanded that I stay for dinner, which Holly had prepared.

Over dinner, I got updates from both girls.

“Is Mike making it up here this summer?” I enquired.

“I don’t think so,” Holly said with a frown. “He has a computer project in California that will keep him away.”

“That’s too bad,” I said. “Are your girls making it here soon?”

“Kylie will be here in a week,” Holly said. “She has a modeling gig in New York that should wrap up by the end of June after her freshman year. Kelly will be here shortly after that. She is finishing up a dance recital with her team after finishing her senior year in high school.”

“What are your plans this summer?” I asked Hailey.

“I started a new career last year doing photography and graphic design,” Hailey said, with some pride. “The work allows me to be here for the summer as it is all online and with the advent of Starlink, we now have great internet.”

“You ladies were a great help today,” I said, sincerely. “You pitched right in and had good ideas for the work.”

They both glowed from the compliment, and I could see the pride on Walt’s face.

We ended up playing euchre for an hour after dinner, which is a four-person card game. I was paired with Walt and the girls were with each other. The conversation was easy and relaxing with these old friends.

As the evening wrapped up, I made plans to come back in two days to help with the next stage. I didn’t think that Walt actually needed the help, his daughters were competent workers, but I’d genuinely enjoyed their company.

Chapter 3: Deck Help

The next day, I had to start putting down the decking. As I was setting up the boards, I heard a boat approach my dock. I went down to find that Holly and Hailey had arrived and wanted to return the favor and help me with my project.

“You need to keep helping your dad,” I argued.

“He said he needed a break day, after yesterday,” Hailey claimed.

“Well, that is very kind of you,” I said, with meaning.

We got to work laying the deck boards. They were both helpful in handling the long boards and ensuring spacing. I taught them both how to use the nail gun which they picked up quickly.

“How about breaking for lunch?” I suggested.

“Sounds great,” Hailey said, as she wiped sweat from her brow. “I think we should all jump in the lake prior to that, though.”

Holly and I both agreed, and we ran down to the dock to take the plunge into the refreshing water.

Watching them climb the swim ladder was causing some stirring down below. Hailey seemed to detect my glance, and responded by giving her bum a wag as she climbed the ladder onto the dock.

I took a moment to calm myself, as I was wearing swim jammers that were skintight. I’d been a competitive swimmer in college, and still did laps at home, and distance swims at the cabin to stay in shape. As I climbed the ladder, I gave the exaggerated bum wag that Hailey had done.

Hailey made a wolf whistle which earned her a splash from Holly, who was more uptight.

“Griff earned that,” Hailey said, in her defense. “He was checking us both out when we climbed the ladder and I saw your eyes lingering, as well. I just articulated the feeling.”

Holly was blushing, having been caught by her sister.

Hailey took it up another level when she said, “While I like looking at his ass, I am even keener when he faces us. Those shorts leave nothing to the imagination.”

Holly kept silent and we moved past the awkwardness and proceeded to dry off with towels that helped conceal my growing problem.

I pulled together a quick lunch which we accompanied by a beer.

“We’ll head back after we help with those last boards,” Holly suggested. “Dad didn’t seem well this morning and I want to check on him, and try to give Mike a call. How about joining us for dinner again tonight, and another round of cards?”

“That sounds like a plan,” I said.

“Calling that loser isn’t worth your time,” Hailey chided.

Holly gave her sister a withering look, which ended her teasing about what had to be a difficult situation.

Chapter 4: Revelations

I noted that Walt didn’t finish his dinner that night. He said that he still wasn’t feeling well and had talked to his doctor that day.

“I am going to have to head back home to get some tests,” Walt said. “Getting old sucks, but it is better than the alternative. We’ll have to put my project on hold.”

“I think we can finish it up,” I offered, looking at the girls, who were nodding their agreement.

“That is great,” Walt said. “They are really showing ownership in the place. Grif, thanks for all your help.”

“No issue, Walt,” I said. “Holly and Hailey really helped me out today. I am ahead of my plan because of them.”

Walt retired early and Hailey suggested a night swim. “It is a clear night, and stars are amazing when lying on your back in the cool water,” Hailey said.

I shrugged my shoulders and agreed. I didn’t have any trunks with me, but could just go in my underwear. Holly agreed, and we all headed to the dock.

We got to the dock and Hailey started stripping. “There is only one way to do a night swim,” she said, as she stepped out of her underwear and bra and then jumped in.

I had my shirt off and decided there wasn’t any harm in going nude.

Holly had made the same decision, and I was treated to a view of her lithe, alabaster body which almost glowed in the starlight.

We treaded water on our backs to take in the Milky Way.

“That is Orion’s belt,” Holly said, pointing to three stars.

“There is the Little Dipper,” I said, pointing to a group of stars.

“I am more interested in the Big Dipper,” Hailey said, as I felt her hand grasp my semi-erect cock.

I recoiled in surprise and Holly could tell what happened.

Instead of admonishing her little sister, Holly said, “I hear dippers hold cream. Should we find out?”

This earned a double take from Hailey who wasn’t used to her sister not being so uptight.

“What happened on that call with Mike today,” Hailey asked her sister with concern, as she removed her hand from my groin.

“I’ve had a very big day,” Holly said, with watery eyes. “I did some searching on the conference that he was attending. The conference was moved out by a month, so he clearly wasn’t in San Francisco for that. I did some more searching and saw that there was a big get together for the LBGT crowd.

“I browsed the photos, and saw one of Mike wearing women’s clothing. I confronted him with this on our call, and he came clean saying that he wanted to pursue a different lifestyle.”

“Oh my god, Holly,” Hailey said. “I know that I tease you about him, but that is so sad to hear.”

“Honestly, I am happy that there is a reason for his distance,” Holly said, with her voice cracking. “I don’t have to feel responsible for it.” Holly had tears running down her face that reflected in the moonlight.

I reached out and gave her a hug, which she reciprocated.

Hailey did the same, and said, “I’m sorry for my teasing about him now.”

“Don’t be sorry,” Holly admonished. “Your comments are what led me to doubt him. I feel totally liberated now, and must think about breaking this to my girls.”

We all got out of the water and towelled off and donned our clothes in silence.

“That’s some heavy news,” I said, with empathy. “Do you want a break from work tomorrow?”

“No, doing these projects has been a good distraction and a great way to spend time with people I care about,” Holly said, with emotion in her voice.

Hailey gave Holly another hug, then Holly came to me, and held me tight.

“I feel the same way about spending time with both of you,” I said, honestly. “Losing my wife and daughter has been devastating. Doing work with friends has helped heal me.”

I came away from Holly with tears in my own eyes, and Hailey came to give me a hug, as well.

We all looked at each other with sheepish smiles. What a night of revelations and honesty.

Chapter 5: Alone with the girls

I arrived the next morning to find Walt and Hailey loading their boat, so she could take Walt to the marina.

“How are you feeling today?” I asked Walt.

“Still looking at the green side of the grass,” Walt said with a smile. “I do feel better, but want to get this looked at. I’d a kidney issue a few years ago, and want to catch it early if it is the same problem.” After a pause, he said, “Grif, look after my girls while I’m gone, and don’t take any lip from Hailey.”

“I’ll do my best,” I promised. “Take care of yourself.”

Holly and I went up to the cabin and I prepared to get to work.

“Want a coffee?” Holly offered.

“Sure,” I responded. “I take it black.”

Holly came out with two steaming mugs.

“Thanks for your empathy last night,” Holly said, as she emphasized herself by touching my shoulder.

“We have both had some tough times,” I said. “Better to go through those with friends.”

“Hailey has had some shitty times with boyfriends, as well,” Holly said. “She hides it behind her flirty exterior, but she hasn’t been treated very well, either.”

“I don’t understand most guys,” I offered. “How could they treat you both so poorly.”

“We are both drawn to strong male figures, like my father,” Holly said, insightfully. “Unfortunately, many of them are faking it, or abuse the trust that’s implied.”

“That is very insightful,” I offered. “I guess that you have to keep trying to find the right person.”

We were interrupted by Hailey’s return, as she bounded onto the deck.

“Are you two being all mopey this morning?” Hailey said.

“No, just having a really good conversation,” I said, as I stood up and headed to my toolbox.

The siding went up quickly over the day. We all swam at lunch with each of us making a show of climbing the swim ladder.

Hailey took it up a notch. She was sitting on a pool noodle in the water and said, “I can think of something else that feels better down here that isn’t plastic.”

“Oh, you should be used to plastic by now without a boyfriend for the past year,” Holly teased her sister.

“I’m not the only one riding plastic in this family,” Hailey retorted.

“Ladies, you are going to have to calm down, or I am going to have to ignore your father’s advice of not taking any lip from either of you,” I said, with a grin.

“Oh, I can give you some lip,” Hailey said with a grin, and tried to reach for my crotch.

I batted her hand away and shook my head. What was I thinking, egging them on. I headed back to work, and we finished the siding.

Both girls took the opportunity to make more physical contact with me throughout the afternoon in little ways.

Hailey made dinner for us all, and I then excused myself to get back to my cabin before I initiated something I might regret later.

“Don’t leave us alone,” Hailey implored.

“You always have your plastic friends,” I teased, as I headed to my boat.

Chapter 6: Proposal

Back at the cabin, I poured myself a scotch and contemplated life on the couch. I was feeling close to both girls, and they both seemed to reciprocate, each in her own way. Holly was more reserved and thoughtful, while Hailey had playful energy to burn.

I was worried that going further would ruin my relationship with their family and cause hard feelings with the other sister, if I started a relationship with one of them.

As I was thinking this through, I heard a noise outside. Sure enough, the sound of footsteps on the deck got louder, and then Hailey and Holly busted through my door in their pyjamas with a half-finished bottle of wine.

“Sorry to interrupt you, Griff,” Holly said. “We have been talking and need to include you in this conversation.”

Hailey nodded, and said, “We were having one of those soul-baring sister chats about failed relationships. I have been a train wreck for years, and Holly has had her own come-to-Jesus moment yesterday.”

“We talked about what we wanted in a relationship and realized that you were an incredible example of what we both wanted,” Holly said. “You are smart, engaging, hard working, and witty.”

“It doesn’t hurt that you still have that tall, lean swimmer’s body,” Hailey said, with a smile.”

“So, here is the thing,” Holly continued. “We’re both attracted to you.”

“I was thinking the same thing,” I said. “I was using scotch to lubricate my thoughts and apparently you went with wine.”

“Did you come to any conclusions?” Holly asked, with a bit of trepidation in her voice.

“I decided that I like you both, but I am worried that if I pursued anything, it would destroy my relationship with the rest of your family and, perhaps, the other sister. Based on this, I don’t see how I can move ahead with anything other than friendship.”

“We thought through the same thing,” Holly said, with some relief.

“But then I came up with an alternative idea,” Hailey added, with a smile.

“We have both had our share of failed relationships,” Holly said. “I have just ended my marriage, but I have known that it was over for the past ten years. I didn’t see any better options and was too chicken shit to end it.”

“And I have had way too many boyfriends and the odd girlfriend, who have all treated me poorly,” Hailey said.

“You show up and are now available,” Holly said. “We are both heartbroken about how you became single, but can’t do anything about that, other than be empathetic and understanding. All we can do, is to figure out a way forward.”

“So, I came up with the idea of sharing,” Hailey said, with a smile.

“How does that work?” I asked. “Do you take turns with me?”

“No, silly,” Hailey said. “We are all intimate together. Holly and I get along great, all teasing aside, and you like both of us. On top of that, this is on most guys’ fantasy list and will be as hot as hell.”

“What is Walt going to say when he finds out?” I asked.

“Dad has had too much loss in his life and would respect our choice,” Holly said, logically. “He also thinks you are great and would be overjoyed to hear that you were with one of us.”

“Maybe he’ll feel twice the joy, when he finds out this,” Hailey giggled.

“I doubt that will be his reaction,” I retorted.

“Griff hasn’t said no,” Holly said, with a smile. “This is further than I thought we’d get tonight. What do you say?”

I thought long and hard and the only downside was if this fell apart, and I had no contact with them. The upside was intriguing, and Hailey was right about the fantasy aspect.

“You can both assure me that you aren’t doing this out of pity for my loss?” I asked.

“I’ve had the hots for you since we were teenagers,” Holly said, frankly. “I thought the age difference would be too great when I was younger. Now, I am kicking myself for not trying then, and now, I couldn’t care less.”

“I’ve seen how you were with your wife and daughter and know that you are a capable and caring person,” Hailey said. “I have no qualms about this and I’m not doing anything out of pity.”

I thought some more, and finally shrugged my shoulders in acceptance.

Both girls squealed with delight. Hailey got up and grabbed three wine glasses and poured the last of their bottle of wine into them, while Holly moved to the couch to sit next to me. Hailey sat on my other side, and we all toasted our decision together.

I leaned over and gave Holly a first kiss, which she accepted with some reservation. I came away from her and could see that she was flushed with excitement. It was just nerves from trying something new. I kissed Hailey and she held nothing back, invading my mouth with her tongue and pressing her full lips into mine.

I pulled back and said, “I don’t know how this is going to develop, but nothing ventured, nothing gained. We should be careful at first. If there is anything one of us is uncomfortable with, we have to talk it out.”

Both women nodded.

“How do we start?” I asked, openly.

“Hailey and I talked about this,” Holly said. “We ended up drawing cards and she had the higher card. She wants to strip for you and then orally pleasure you. I get to go second and if we can inspire you, I want you to penetrate me first.”

“Let me translate,” Hailey said, as she stood up and started unbuttoning her pyjama shirt. “I’m going to suck you off until you spurt cum in my mouth which I’ll swallow. Then you are going to fuck Holly’s pussy long and hard, until she cums on your cock and you cum again in her pussy.”

Holly looked like she was going to reprimand her sister for being so crude, but thought about it and just nodded, as she took another big sip of wine.

As Hailey slowly undid her buttons, Holly put her glass down and rubbed my chest. She then surprised me by whispering in my ear, “Hailey is about to reveal her spectacular tits. They are round and soft. I can’t wait to see you running your cock between them and then spraying her face with your cum.” Holly moved her hand down and was feeling the outline of my rock-hard cock.

“I am so jealous of you,” Holly said to Hailey. “It is long and thick. I can’t wait to see you impale your face on it.”

“These are all yours,” Hailey said, as she opened her top to reveal the promised round globes with large pink nipples.

“Go ahead and taste them,” Holly encouraged, as Hailey cupped her breasts and brought them to my face.

I replaced one of her hands and then made a show of first flicking my tongue on her hardened nipple and suckling it. Hailey moaned her approval and after I had sampled the other, she moved away and started dropping her pants to reveal a pair of white panties. She made a show on slowly sliding them down to reveal that she was completely shaved.

“So smooth,” Holly said, with wonder.

I reached out and ran a finger along her slit. As I pulled it away there was moisture on the top side of my finger. I put it in my mouth, remarking, “You taste so sweet.”

Hailey moaned again and then reached down to start pulling my shorts down. I quickly pulled my t-shirt over my head and then raised my bum off the couch to allow my shorts to come off. Holly had her head on my shoulder and was staring down as her sister pulled down my shorts. As my cock sprang free, Holly reached down and put her hand around the base and pointed my cock straight up.

“Holy fuck,” she said. “That is the biggest cock I have ever seen other than porn films.”

Hailey finished pulling off my shorts and exclaimed, as she kneeled between my legs, “Your hand doesn’t even make it all the way around the base, Holly. I am christening it ‘the monster’.”

Holly pushed my cock further towards Hailey and watched intently, as her sister leaned forward to first start licking my head, and then started enveloping the end.

“How does that feel, Griff? Do you like having my slutty sister’s mouth drooling all over your cock? Do you want me to push her a bit.”

“So good,” I said simply, and nodded.

“You can take more than that,” Holly said, as she put a hand on the back of her sister’s head to encourage her.

Hailey followed her sister’s coaching and took me deeper into her mouth. She came up and looked at me with watery eyes, and said, “I’ve never tried this, but here I go.” Hailey took me deep and I could feel the head of my cock touching the back of her mouth. She then opened her mouth even wider and pushed down to take my cock into her throat. In less than a second, she was back up and coughing.

“You’re a little deepthroat slut,” Holly said. “I should have him hold your head in his strong hands, so he can really face-fuck you. That might teach you not to gag.”

Hailey and I both looked at Holly, like she had grown a new head. This wasn’t the reserved Holly that we knew.

“I don’t know who has possessed my sister?” Hailey said. “I love the dirty talk and coaching. Keep it coming.”

“Oh, you haven’t seen anything yet,” Holly said, and got up to go behind her sister. She ran a hand into Hailey’s hair and then pushed her head down on my cock to penetrate her throat again. Holly pulled Hailey’s head up, and asked, “How was that?”

Hailey just opened her mouth, asking, “Again.”

Holly complied with two more deep bobs.

Clearly, they wanted me to be dominant, so I decided to stand up for my finale.

As Holly pushed Hailey’s face into my cock, I thrusted my hips forward. I was getting very close, and said, “When I say so, I want you to pull her head back and I want Hailey to keep her mouth opened wide as I spray her mouth with my cum. Hailey, I want you to catch all that you can and show Holly and me my cum before swallowing it all.”

“That is so hot,” Holly said, as she pulled back Hailey’s head. “Don’t you agree, Hailey?”

“Give me your spunk,” Hailey said, before her sister continued to force her head on my cock.

In three more bobs, I was ready and nodded to Holly, who pulled her sister’s head back and grasped the shaft of my cock to aim it at Hailey’s open mouth. I came hard, with my knees almost buckling, as Holly milked my cum into her sister’s open mouth.

“Fill this whore’s mouth with your seed,” Holly said.

When I finished, Hailey looked up at me and swallowed the load. “That was yummy, daddy,” she said.

Holly released Hailey and leaned forward to give a quick lick on the head of my cock, to get the last glistening drop. She looked up at me, and said, “I thought I should show you how aggressively I want it. Don’t treat me like a princess. Use me any way you want.”

I drew them both onto their feet and kissed them both, deeply.

“Hailey, you were okay with that?” I asked.

“That was the hottest blowjob of my life,” she said. “I came when you unloaded and loved that my sister pushed me to new heights of depravity.”

“You know what they say, Holly?”

“Payback’s a bitch and I am looking at her,” Hailey said with a smile.

I took both their hands and led them to my bedroom which, thankfully, had a king-size bed.

I slowly started unbuttoning Holly’s pyjamas to reveal the tight body I’d seen sheathed in clothing for years. Her skin was white, with a dusting of freckles on her shoulders. After opening her top, I ran my hands over her breasts. They were the shape of large pears and stood proudly above her flat abdomen, and her nipples were rose-colored nubs. I dropped her bottoms to reveal her narrow hips with a landing strip of auburn pubic hair.

“Your job tomorrow will be to remove this,” I said to Hailey, indicating the pubic hair. “We can’t have stray hair getting in our mouths.”

Hailey caught the implication that she would soon be licking her sister, and just nodded her ascent.

I wasn’t sure how they were going to feel about sexual contact, and wanted to continue to make subtle suggestions and do small acts to test the waters before pushing them. I ran a finger in between Holly’s legs, and it came away dripping.

I put it in my mouth, saying, “Just as sweet, but different.”

I repeated my move with my finger and presented it to Hailey to ensure that she understood this was coming as I was remembering her girlfriend comment.

Hailey opened her mouth and eagerly sucked my finger.

“This isn’t your first taste of pussy, is it?” I asked.

“No, it isn’t,” Hailey said. “I thought we would get there on this, but didn’t expect that it’d happen on the first night.”

Holly moaned, as I ran my finger along her slit for the third time and brought it to her mouth. She willingly opened her lips and tasted herself.

“Is that your first time tasting pussy?” I asked Holly, who just nodded, as she continued to suckle my finger. “Are you going to be a good hussy and lick your shaved sister tonight?”

Holly nodded, while Hailey had an eager look on her face.

“After I’ve fucked Holly senseless and cum in her pussy, I want Hailey to suck her and retrieve my cum, and then drool it back in Holly’s mouth,” I said.

“Griff, that is so perverted and depraved…” Hailey said, with a pregnant pause. “And I am so down with that.”

I pushed Holly back on the bed with her bum on the edge. I stood between her and raised her legs up and started licking the soles of her feet. I then pushed her legs further back, and said to Hailey, “Hold her by the ankles, and keep her spread wide.”

Hailey complied, as I kissed down one side of Holly’s leg, stopping just before her pussy lips. I repeated this on the other side and then descended to my knees. I leaned in for a languid, long lick from her asshole to her clit. I ran my hands down her inner thighs and spread Holly even wider before pushing my tongue into her vagina.

Holly was trying to buck against my face to increase the contact.

I stayed tantalizingly just out of range. I didn’t want her to cum yet. I slowly took gentle licks to bring her to the edge, and then letting her cool down. Eventually, I put a finger in her and focussed on her upper slit, brushing my lips against her clit. For the finale, I pushed my face into her gash and aggressively tongued her clit until she started grunting in orgasm, as I felt her contractions around my inserted finger.

“Oh my god, that was great!” Holly exclaimed. “Mike only did me a few times and the experience wasn’t close to that.”

“Are you ready to get impaled?” Hailey asked, as she was then stroking my reawakened member. “It’s going to look so good stretching your little pussy and narrow hips.”

“I am so ready,” Holly said, as her sister aligned my cock with her pussy.

I didn’t push forward yet, much to her frustration. Slowly, I went deeper until the head of my cock was in her pussy.

“It feels so good!” Holly exclaimed.

Hailey released me and jumped off the bed and ran into the living room, and said, “Hold it for just one second.” She returned with her phone and took a picture of her sister’s pussy being filled.

I steadily pushed into her small pussy, as her breaths became ragged.

“Look at him stretch it,” Hailey said, as she snapped some more pictures until I was all the way in.

I long-stroked Holly, as Hailey kept working her phone. Slowly, I increased my speed until Holly started grunting in orgasm again. I rested and let her come down. She looked relaxed and looked up at me.

“We aren’t close to being finished,” I said. “That one was for you. The next is for me.”

A grin came over Holly’s face, and I could see Hailey smiling as well.

I pulled out of Holly, and said, “Get on all fours now.”

Holly quickly complied and looked over her shoulder, saying, “I am ready, stud.”

“Are you ready for me to test your inhibitions?” I asked Holly.

“I am ready,” Holly answered, quietly.

“Hailey, get your pussy splayed in front of your sister’s face,” I said. “Hold her slut mouth on your gash and get off as many times as you want, until I unload.”

Hailey quickly complied and got into place, using her phone to take more pics.

I took in a sight that most men dream of. In front of me was a beautiful woman, who wanted me to mount her. She was kneeling in front of another beauty and getting ready to dine on her pussy.

I put my head on the back of Holly’s head. “Don’t you shirk on this,” I said. “You will get this back and good as you give.”

Holly stuck out her tongue, as I guided her mouth to her sister’s shaved pussy. It was a sight I never thought I would ever see live. Holly encased her sister’s slit with her open mouth, and I could see her tongue rapidly moving.

Hailey was moaning, “Oh my god, here I come.” She grabbed her sister’s head and held it to her pussy as she ground the pussy into Holly’s mouth.

I went behind Holly and lined up my cock with her pussy. After getting myself inserted, I held her hips and pushed myself all the way into her. Holly tried to scream out, but Hailey kept a firm grip on her head and held her face to her pussy. I started to pound Holly with long strokes. My hips were slapping into her ass.

“I love the feeling of her face being pushed into me on each of your thrusts,” Hailey said, as she got closer to her second orgasm.

I was now hammering Holly as fast as I could. I felt her cum once, but didn’t slow my pace. This was about getting myself off. Hailey let out a little scream as she had her second orgasm. I let out a roar, as I pumped my spurting cock into Holly’s sopping pussy.

Hailey got up and kneeled beside her sister rubbing her back. “I can’t wait until he does this to me,” she enthused.

I had stopped my stokes, but stayed sheathed inside Holly.

Holly looked back over her shoulder, and said, “That was awesome.”

Hailey had a dazed look and reached out to give her sister a quick kiss. I then guided her to lean over her sister’s bum. I pulled my gooey cock from Holly and put it in Hailey’s mouth for a quick clean. I then got Holly to roll onto her back and then guided Hailey to apply her mouth to her sister. I grabbed the phone to memorialize the moment.

Holly had a weak orgasm as her sister tongued her gash. Hailey completed my request, and moved up to drool Holly’s and my combined fluids into her sister’s open mouth. Holly showed me her mouth full of sperm and girl cum, and was swirling it around with her tongue and then repeated her sister’s move of gulping it all down.

“Now, that is how to fuck,” Hailey said. “I have never experienced anything that intense or pleasurable in my life. I came at least three times, and I haven’t even been fucked yet.”

Holly nodded her agreement. “Where did you learn to do those things?” Holly asked me, as I returned from the washroom with a warm facecloth to clean up with.

“I have always had intense sex,” I said. “But nothing has compared to this. Holly, you inspired me with your naughty mouth and actions, while your sister was blowing me. It was inspiring to see you dominate your sister. You have seemed much more demure in the past.”

“I think it was the feeling of freedom from a loveless marriage,” Holly said, frankly. “In my fantasies, I am always the one being dominated. My goal in directing Hailey was to show you how I want to be treated as well.”

After lovingly wiping each other clean, we lay on the bed. Hailey pulled out her phone and scrolled through the pics as we lay together on the bed. We drifted off to sleep in each other’s arms.

Chapter 7: Morning Delight

I awoke the next morning to hear a moan coming from the bathroom. Curiosity got the better of me and I went to find Holly sitting on vanity with her legs spread, as Hailey had a razor out and was shaving her sister’s remaining pubic hair off.

I stood next to them to get a view of the hair removal. It was quite the inspiring sight.

After the shaving was complete, Hailey wiped the shaving cream off and then applied some lotion to the shaved area. “This will help with the itching that sometimes happens after the first shave,” Hailey said. Hailey passed me her phone to take a pic of her completed work.

After taking a shot of just Holly’s shaved pussy, Hailey leaned in with her tongue extended out, and took a long slow lick up Holly’s pussy. She then reached over to briefly engulf my rock-hard cock.

“Give Holly just a couple of strokes and then let me taste your cock again,” Hailey suggested. “It was my favorite part of last night.”

I moved in front of Holly and slowly drove my cock into her.

Hailey snapped a few more pictures and held them up to Holly. “Look how sexy that is with those bare pussy lips spread apart by Griff’s cock.”

I pulled out of Holly, and Hailey instantly moved her mouth to accept my glistening cock. I only let her bob a couple of times, as I wanted to save myself for my first time with Hailey.

We decamped to the bedroom and I got Hailey on her back with her bum at the edge of the bed much like I had positioned Holly. Instead of having Holly hold her legs, I did the honors, and kissed my way down her legs to take a slow suck of her shaved pussy.

Holly was then at the end of the bed, and was stroking the backs of Hailey’s legs. As I removed my mouth from Hailey’s pussy to increase the anticipation, Holly dove in to lick her sister. Watching the sisters eat each other was a long-held fantasy of mine.

Hailey started shaking as she came on sister’s mouth.

Holly looked up with a glistening face, and said, “I couldn’t resist.”

Holly and I traded places, and she grasped my cock and guided it to her sister’s pussy. I didn’t push forward yet, and got Holly to run the head of my cock up and down her slit. Holly took the opportunity to get a quick suck on my knob to get an additional taste of her sister’s pussy. She then grabbed the phone and nodded for me to push into her sister for the first time.

“His magnificent cock is stretching you out now,” Holly said.

Hailey’s breath was coming in gasps. “I haven’t had anyone so deep,” Hailey said. “It’s amazing.”

I kept pushing forward until I was completely sheathed inside Hailey. I proceeded with long, slow strokes until Hailey’s pussy started contracting in orgasm. I held still to allow Hailey some recovery.

Holly took the opportunity to reach down and grasp my shaft and pull me out of Hailey’s pussy. “Griff, I want you to grab my head and give the face-fucking I deserve,” she said.

“The face-fucking you deserve will finish with my pumping my semen into your slut mouth,” I said with a smile, as I reached to grab Holly’s French braid. “Consider this a brief preview.”

I forced my cock into Holly’s throat three times, causing her to gag, which I ignored. Thick drool was all over her face and there were strands extending from her lips to my cock when I pulled out. After exiting Holly’s mouth on each penetration, she would open her mouth wide and look up at me eagerly.

I had to stop this, or I was going to blow in Holly’s mouth and I felt I needed to fill Hailey first. I dropped my cock down to Hailey’s pussy, and reinserted myself to Hailey’s delight. I didn’t go slow this time and was hammering into her.

Holly ran her fingers on Hailey’s clit which brought her to a screaming orgasm. I didn’t pause this time and just increased my stroke rate.

“Give her your seed,” Holly encouraged. “You are thinking about last night when Hailey sucked the cum out of my pussy and then fed it to me. Do you want me to do that?”

That sent me over the edge, and I yelled out, as I claimed Hailey with my cum.

“I think he likes that idea,” Holly said from beside me, as I came down with slowing strokes into Hailey.

Hailey was on her elbows, exclaiming, “Sucking cum out my sister’s pussy last night was so depraved. I can’t wait to see her do it to me.”

“Are you ready to swallow all she gives?” I asked.

Hailey just nodded, as Holly dropped to her knees to first clean my cock as it came out of her sister’s pussy. Holly then applied her mouth to Hailey, and began lapping and sucking her sister’s splayed pussy.

Hailey shook in orgasm as Holly finished her work. I grabbed the phone and videoed Holly, as she crawled up to her sister with pursed lips. Hailey opened her mouth to the sky, as Holly slowly drooled a mouthful of fluids, which her sister gulped down.

She turned to the phone, and said, “I will gladly eat your cum any time.”

We all got up and showered. Unfortunately, my shower was only large enough for one, so we had to take turns.

I went out and cooked up a big breakfast of omelets, bacon, and toast.

Chapter 8: Holly’s depravity continues.

We decided to go to the girls’ place to start the painting of the cottage.

Holly had a follow-up call with Mike, to discuss next steps. They agreed to do a call with their daughters to break the news to them. Mike promised that he wouldn’t contest the divorce, and was just relieved he didn’t have to live a lie anymore.

We gave Holly privacy for her call, which went for over an hour. She came out of the room with tear tracks running down her freckled face, and we both gave her empathetic hugs.

“It went really well,” Holly said. “Kylie and Kelly were understanding and took the news in stride. Both sent me texts after the call, saying how sorry they felt for me due to Mike’s deception. They’re both trying to get here as soon as they can.

“I am going to do a call with a lawyer this afternoon, to get the paperwork started. I don’t want to miss the opportunity to move on this and can leverage Mike’s guilt to get this done quickly.”

Hailey had a call with Walt and found out that he had completed some blood work and was seeing the doctor the next day. “He is still feeling under the weather, but hopes he’ll get some answers tomorrow,” Hailey said. “I sent him pictures of the front with all the work we have done. He was impressed.”

The girls got to work on the painting, and I took the opportunity to replace some of the rotted trim around the window above the new boards.

Hailey and Holly combined to make a great dinner that we all shared. As the meal was winding down, we could all feel the sexual tension winding up.

“What are we going to do to top last night?” I asked.

“I want you to finish what you started this morning,” Holly said, in a husky voice. “I have never sucked a guy like that and loved losing all control.”

“I think we should all share our adult-toy collections to see if we want to use any of those to enhance our evening,” Hailey suggested, with a smile. “I love his cock, but I am afraid we might wear it out.”

“I don’t have anything unless my right hand counts,” I said, with a smile.

“Holly, what do you have in that huge toilet kit of yours?” Hailey asked, as she got up to go to her bedroom. “I have a dildo and a vibrator.”

Holly hesitated, and then shrugged her shoulders before going to her room.

Hailey returned with what looked like a seven-inch dildo and smaller vibrator. Holly came back with a small bag that she put on the table.

“What sort of surprises are we going to find in here,” Hailey wondered with a smile, as she grabbed the bag and reached in.

The first item was a dildo, as well. It was slightly larger than Hailey’s and had a suction cup on the base.

“I like that,” Hailey said. “Do you put it on the shower wall?”

Holly nodded with some trepidation, as Hailey reached in again; this time, pulling out a tube of lubricant.

“Did you have to use this with Mike?” Hailey asked, with empathy. “I doubt we will need it now as I know I’m already getting wet.”

Hailey reached in again and pulled out what I recognized as a butt plug and then pulled out an even larger one.

“Did you steal these from Mike?” Hailey asked, with a smile.

Holly just shook her head.

“Are you a secret ass slut?” Hailey asked, with raised eyebrows.

Holly just nodded and had a shameful look on her face.

I reached out and lifted her chin up to look at me, and said, “There is no shame saying you like anal sex. My wife loved getting a finger up there. I suspect that you are looking for more, and that’s truly exciting for me.”

“No way,” Hailey said. “Are you going to ass fuck Holly tonight?”

“If you are up to trying, I am willing,” Holly said. “I’ve never had more than those plugs up there, but I want to do it.”

“This is going to be so cool,” Hailey said, with enthusiasm. “I have never let anyone touch my ass.”

“Don’t knock it before you try it,” Holly said, with some confidence.

Hailey got up from the table and grabbed the toys and lube, and said, “I am so down with watching this.”              

Holly and I stood, and we followed Hailey to the bedroom.

“Go slowly on your first penetration,” Holly suggested.

By the time we got into the bedroom, Hailey had already taken off her top. As she dropped her skirt, she asked, “Can I fuck your pussy with my dildo when Griff is in your ass?”

“I don’t think I can do that,” Holly said, as Hailey started removing her sister’s clothes. “Griff is big and can’t imagine that there’s room for two down there.”

“What do you want me to do to help,” Hailey asked.

“Keep applying lube,” Holly said. “And help spread my butt cheeks when it’s time.”

“Oh, I almost forgot,” Hailey exclaimed, and went running to her room and grabbed an iPad and set it up to film the action. “I loved the photos last night and think we should repeat with some video tonight.”

Both the girls came to me, as I hadn’t thought to strip yet, and helped remove my clothes.

“Someone seems excited for this,” Hailey said, as she pumped my rigid cock with her hand and started squirting lube onto it, making it slippery.

Holly moved to the bed and got on all fours. I approached the bed and took the lube from Hailey and then squirted some at the top of her ass crack, and used a finger to spread it around her cheeks before applying more and pushing a finger into her ass.

Holly moaned and jumped at the penetration of my finger.

“Now you do it,” I said to Hailey.

Hailey was fascinated as her finger went into her sister’s ass.

“Twist it around and add a second finger,” Holly instructed her sister.

Holly was moaning and I grabbed the big butt plug and put it in Holly’s hand.

“Show us how you take this,” I ordered.

Holly didn’t hesitate and moved it to her ass and slowly pushed it in. “There is a tight outer ring of muscle that provided some resistance,” Holly said between gasps, as her ass swallowed the plug, leaving only a plastic disc visible.

I moved behind Holly and kneaded her butt cheeks. I pulled lightly on the plastic disc, but the plug was in firmly. I moved my cock to Holly’s pussy and pushed a few inches into her.

“Oh, that is so full,” Holly said, as I continued into her.

I could feel the presence of the plug and it did make it tighter in her pussy. I attempted a few slow strokes which sent Holly into spasms. I pulled my cock out of Holly and Hailey did me the honor of sucking it clean.

“Reapply some lube,” I instructed Holly, as I started tugging at the plug which came out with plop. I took the lube from Hailey, and said, “Time for you to hold your sister’s cheeks wide.”

Hailey was fascinated with Holly’s then-gaping asshole, as I squirted lube into it. I moved towards Holly’s ass and Hailey guided my cock to her sphincter. I applied pressure until, suddenly, the head of my cock made it into Holly.

Holly made a little yelp and I paused with my push. She looked back over her shoulder and subtly nodded for more.

“Your skinny ass is taking it,” Hailey said, in amazement.

“It is so tight,” I said, as I got to the halfway point. This was my first time doing an anal penetration; it was far tighter and was gripping my cock.

Hailey grabbed her phone and took a picture of my shaft lodged in her sister’s ass.

“Apply more lube around her opening,” I suggested, as I started to move slowly in and out, going a bit deeper each time; Holly grunted with each stroke.

I was then completely inside her ass. Holly had sweat on her brow, and I started to slowly pump in and out.

“Oh my god, that is so much better than the toy!” Holly yelled out.

I could feel her muscles convulsing as she had an orgasm. I remained still until the contractions passed and then resumed the stroking. Holly was starting to push back on me, to encourage me to go deeper and faster. I followed her lead, but I wasn’t going to last long. I reached across her back and grasped one shoulder to pull her back onto my invading cock, until I started bucking and streaming cum deep into her bowels.

“That was intense,” Hailey said. “Did you both like it?”

“I loved it,” I said. “It’s a first for me. It was so tight.”

“I came twice,” Holly said. “I might have trouble walking, but I loved it. I could feel your cock flexing and still feel the heat of your deposit. I’m now a full-fledged ass slut and I think my sister should start preparing to join me.”

Hailey’s eyebrows raised at the suggestion. “I don’t know about that,” she said, with trepidation.

“Griff loves it and I love it,” Holly said. “What’s your problem? I thought you were the wild one.” Holly grabbed the lube and the small butt plug. “Lube up and get this into your ass. It is barely bigger than his finger. He’s not going to do you tonight, but before this week is out, you will be begging him to take your ass.”

Hailey applied lube to her ass, as Holly and I wiped each other off with a wet cloth. Hailey had her butt raised, and had the tip of one finger in her rectum. Holly moved behind her and pushed her hand aside and inserted her own finger deeply into her sister’s rectum.

Hailey let out a little yelp as Holly rotated her finger.

I applied lube to the small butt plug and handed it to Holly, who then pushed it into her sister without mercy.

“Oh, that isn’t so bad,” Hailey said.

“Don’t take it out,” Holly instructed. “When you are ready, we will graduate you to the big plug.”

I was on my back on the bed, thinking I was spent, but the promise of taking Hailey’s ass in the not-too-distant future was stirring my cock.

“Do you like the thought of plundering my virgin ass with your long, thick cock?” Hailey asked, as she stroked me.

“You are going to scream like a banshee as I mercilessly slam my meat into your colon,” I retorted. “I can see by the look in your eye, you’re already anticipating it.”

“She’ll be an ass slut in no time,” Holly predicted, as she leaned over my stomach to take the head of my cock into her mouth.

Hailey kept stroking and then swung a leg over my torso pushing her sister out of the way. She slotted my cock into her slit and quickly pushed back to take my whole length. I played with Hailey’s breasts as she rode me to an orgasm. Holly replaced her sister and took her turn, riding me to her own climax.

“How do you last so long,” Hailey asked, as her sister dismounted me and proceeded to start sucking me.

“That position isn’t my favorite,” I said, honestly. “I admit that I love control and it gets me off. Holly’s oral skills are going to get me there, though.”

Holly was driving her face down on my cock, while jacking the base with one hand. Within ten seconds, I arched my back and shot my load into her greedy mouth.

“That completes the trifecta tonight,” I said. “My cock has been in all three of your holes.”

Holly crawled up next to me, and put her head on my shoulder, and said, “I don’t think I can do this every night, but it sure was memorable tonight.”

Chapter 9: Hailey

I woke up the next morning to seeing Hailey slowly sucking my cock. Holly was already up.

“I thought this would be a nice way to wake up,” Hailey said, as she looked up at me.

I thought of letting her finish me, but I wanted to try something new. I pulled Hailey up to me, and then rolled her onto her back.

“I am going to go on my own special ride this morning,” I said, as I caressed her round breasts. I jumped up and grabbed the lube from the nightstand. I could see concern on Hailey’s face, until I squirted in her cleavage.

“Ride away, cowboy,” Hailey said, as she pushed her breasts together to envelop my cock in her cleavage. “This isn’t my first tit fucking rodeo.”

I start flexing my hips to drive my cock in and out.

Holly came in and looked down on the action, and said to her sister, with a smile, “Show off.”

I increased my pace and Hailey tried to angle her head to lick the tip of my cock as it appeared at the top of her cleavage. She couldn’t crane her neck far enough.

Holly was next to me, pointed her phone at Hailey, and said, “Blow you load on her face, and I will lick it all off.”

Her suggestion set me off, as my cock started spurting cum over Hailey’s neck and chin.

Holly passed me the phone and was then true to her word, and lewdly licked my cum off her sister. She made a show for the camera of swallowing it all and then kissed Hailey.

We grabbed breakfast and Holly got a call from her lawyer, who suggested that she would have to go sign papers for the divorce.

“I don’t want to leave,” Holly said, with disappointment in her voice. “This has been the greatest transformation in my life, and we are just getting started. I should go do this before Kylie gets here.”

“Holly, leaving for a couple of days, won’t change the way I feel,” I said, with conviction. “I love you both and can’t see moving forward with my life without you.”

Both girls displayed shock when they heard me declare my love for them.

Holly had tears in her eyes, and came over to hug me, and whispered, “I love you, too.”

Hailey hugged me as well, and said, “We both love you. It may not be conventional, but we both want to make this work.”

I had tears in my eyes from their raw emotional response, and we all held hands for a few minutes.

“With that assurance, I am going to go home and sign the papers,” Holly said. “I’ll stop on the way to see if dad is okay.”

We took Holly into the marina where Kenji, the marina owner, helped us load up her car.

“Leaving so soon?” Kenji said.

“I have to go home and take out the trash,” Holly said cryptically. “I will be back in a couple of days.”

“Drive safe,” Kenji said, as I closed the gate of her SUV.

We went back to my cabin and Hailey helped me start getting the railings ready to go on the deck.

Over lunch, Hailey was looking at her phone, commented, “Shit. Kylie has moved up her plans and will get here later this afternoon. Her model shoot finished early, and she wanted to help support her mom.”

“We should probably cool it on the sleepovers until Holly gets back and can settle this with her daughter,” I suggested.

“Not fair,” Hailey said, with a smile. “I was just going to get you for a night alone.”

We wrapped up at my place, and I drove Hailey back to her island to prepare for Kylie. We had a quickie in her bed before I had to depart.

Chapter 10: Caught!

I got back to my cabin which had become eerily quiet. I did some cleaning up, including washing the sheets and making a quick dinner. Sleep came quickly, with the exhausting days I had been having.

The next afternoon, I got a call from Hailey.

“Griff, I need you to come to our cabin,” Hailey said, with urgency in her voice. “I’ve had an issue with Kylie and need your help.”

“What is it?” I asked.

“Better if you come here,” Hailey said.

“I’ll be right there,” I responded.

I went to their place, tied up at the dock, and headed to the cabin.

Kylie greeted me as I approached. She had her mother’s lithe figure and was about five foot eleven, which made her only a few inches shorter than me.

“Hailey said there was a problem,” I said. “Is she around?”

“I think she’s in the main room,” Kylie said, as she led me to their living room which had a stunning view of the lake.

Hailey was deep in thought on the couch, and I sat next to her. Kylie grabbed a seat across from the couch.

“What’s the issue?” I inquired.

“Do you want to tell him?” Hailey asked Kylie, with a worried look on her face.

“The issue is that the two of you have been having incestuous sex with my mother for the past few days,” Kylie said, in a matter-of-fact voice.

I took a moment to gather my thoughts. Kylie, somehow, had clearly found out. I saw the tablet next to her, and deduced that she had seen our pictures and videos. Subterfuge clearly wasn’t possible. I decided candor was the best solution.

“Why are you concerned with what we do?” I asked.

“My mom is in a vulnerable state right now, and I’m worried that you’ve taken advantage of her.”

“That isn’t the case,” I said, reasonably. “Hailey and Holly had the idea and we discussed it openly and rationally.”

“This is so out of character for her,” Kylie said, lifting the tablet. “I could understand Hailey doing some of this, but not mom.”

“Your mom has lived in a loveless relationship for years with a man who couldn’t love her,” I said. “She followed all the norms that society tells us to have, devoting her time to family and most importantly to your sister and you.

“Holly understood that her marriage was already over when I first saw her a week ago. Seeing the photo of your dad in drag was just the icing on the cake. I’ve been friends with all your family since before you were born, and they’ve been empathetic to me as I’ve recovered from my loss.

“Spending time with Walt and then Holly and Hailey helped me come out of my funk. The development of what you have seen on that iPad just happened, and it involves three consenting adults who care for each other’s happiness. We want to experience life to the fullest.”

“I know you think I am a floozie,” Hailey said. “As you’re aware, I have had many bad boyfriends. I’m thirty and want a relationship with someone who truly loves me. It just so happens that the relationship involves Griff and Holly.”

“You’re saying that this isn’t just some tawdry sex games,” Kylie said. “You care for each other and respect each other.”

“We do,” I said, as I held Hailey’s hand.

“This is some of the most graphic hardcore sex that I’ve ever seen,” Kylie said. “You all wanted to do this?”

“We did,” Hailey said frankly, and squeezed my hand.

“In this video, you are ass fucking my mom while Hailey spreads her cheeks,” Kylie said.

“We found out that Holly had an anal fixation when she showed us her sex toys,” I said. “This was a logical conclusion to make her fantasy come true.”

“It was a revelation to watch her take Griff,” Hailey said. “Holly came repeatedly and now I want to try it.”

Kylie scrolled on the iPad, commenting, “Here’s mom eating creampie out of her sister’s pussy and then slobbering it into her mouth so you can swallow it.”

“And isn’t it hot?” Hailey said. “If you scroll back further, you will see that I did this first and we wanted to repeat it. It was yummy and you shouldn’t knock it unless you have tried it.”

Kylie was getting flushed as she looked through the iPad. “Here is mom shoving your face onto Griff’s cock,” Kylie said. “Did you enjoy that?”

“I did,” Hailey said. “Guys love a great blowjob and there is a sense of accomplishment and connection when you do this.”

“Kylie, you’re in an industry where you are lusted after by much of the male population and a chunk of the female population,” I said. “Haven’t you had some hot sex? You must have had some opportunity.”

“There is abundant opportunity for sex,” Kylie said. “But it’s meaningless, as it is largely transactional. I blow you; you eat me.”

“I’m sorry to hear that,” I said. “Are you offended by what you saw of us.”

“No, not really,” Kylie admitted, with a sigh. “It was incredibly hot. I knew mom had a bit of an anal fetish as I discovered her toys over a year ago. I’ve also seen her browsing history and know that she has submissive streak as well. You just don’t think of your family as sexual people, but I guess they are. I am sorry that I put you through the wringer this morning, Aunt Hailey.”

Hailey got up and went and hugged Kylie, saying, “You only had your mother’s interests at heart.”

“Sorry, Griff, for all this,” Kylie said, with conviction. “You have always been a good guy and a trusted friend. I can hear that you care for my mom and Hailey. They are lucky to be involved with you.”

Kylie giggled at her last sentence, and I gave her a questioning look.

“I was thinking that they were also lucky based on Griff’s prowess and endowments,” Kylie said, with a smile.

I stood up and gave her a warm hug saying that I had no hard feelings.

“The revelation of what we are doing was always going to be a hard conversation that your mother was already dreading,” I said. “I think she will be relieved to find that you are so mature about the whole thing.”

“Now that I have dragged you over here, do you want to stay for dinner,” Hailey asked, with a twinkle in her eye.

“Are you okay with that,” I asked Kylie.

“Please stay,” she said, earnestly. “I get the feeling that I’ll be seeing a lot more of you. This will be a good chance to get to know you better.”

We all pitched in on dinner, and relaxed with a glass of wine after the meal.

“I’d wait with revealing what you know to your mother,” I suggested. “It’ll be a much better conversation in person and with us here to support.”

“I agree,” Kylie said. “She will freak out knowing what I’ve seen.” Kylie had a mischievous smile on her, and asked, “Griff, are you going to stay here tonight? I am cool with that, just so you know.”

I thought about it, and said, “I think I will. My cabin is so quiet with only me there.”

“Yes, far fewer screams of ecstasy, I assume,” Kylie said.

Hailey put her hand on my knee and gave me a silent squeeze.

Hailey and I retired to her room where she gave me a big hug and a kiss. “You handled this so smoothly,” she said.

“I just spoke the truth,” I said. “It’s always the best solution.”

“Well, your truth has me all wet and ready to go,” Hailey said, with passion. “Your honest commitment to Holly and me is an incredible turn on.”

We quickly stripped out of clothes. As Hailey crawled onto the bed, I noticed the plastic disc in her ass.

“No wonder you have been stuck up all day,” I said jokingly, as I tapped the disc.

“I graduated to the big butt plug this morning,” Hailey said, as she grasped my cock. “I can’t stop thinking about Holly getting ass fucked. It was so hot.”

I heard some creaking of the floors which just could have been Kylie going to the washroom.

I looked at the door and saw that it was open a crack. I looked away so as not to catch an eye, and then casually looked at the door and saw a glass circle close to the bottom of the door. Kylie had propped a phone there, and wanted to see the action. Her flushed skin earlier was because she was turned on after watching our videos and pictures. We had more of an issue than I thought.

I announced that I needed to get the lube and stood up from the bed. Instead of going to the dresser, I went to the door and swiftly opened it to find the phone at the base as expected, and Kylie sitting in the hall with only panties and a cropped t-shirt on, and one hand in those panties.

Kylie gave a yelp of surprise, as I had caught her red handed, or was that ‘wet’ handed.

“I think we were candid with you this afternoon,” I said. “Time for you to return that favor.”

Kylie stuttered and pulled her hand from her panties and made a move to go to her bedroom.

“In here, now,” I demanded.

“I’m almost naked,” Kylie said, as an excuse.

“Well, I am completely naked,” I retorted.

Kylie got up and sheepishly came into Hailey’s room. “I am sorry that I was spying on you,” Kylie said to both of us.

“What were you trying to accomplish?” I asked.

“What I saw on that tablet last night was incredible,” Kylie said, with conviction. “You three are doing the most erotic things I’ve ever seen. I orgasmed at least three times last night, and today, I have learned that it isn’t just sex. That makes it even better.

“I knew that Hailey was excited about anal sex, and thought I might catch this tonight. You know what they say, like mother, like daughter. I have watched porn and I am fascinated with the anal aspect.”

“It was so hot!” Hailey exclaimed. “Watching his cock slowly go into your mother and the look of complete lust on her face as he did it, is etched on my mind as well.”

“You’re not helping this situation,” I said to Hailey.

“I am sorry that I spied on you,” Kylie said, and then paused. “Are you okay if I watch, though?”

I was about to refuse, when Hailey said, “I am great with that. I wish someone had taught me about some of the things we have done when I was your age.”

I looked at Hailey incredulously, and just said, “Really?”

“You must have realized that I am a bit of a voyeur due to my filming activities,” Hailey said. “Having Kylie here will be a total turn-on.”

“I promise to be good,” Kylie said, and crossed her heart which just displayed her beautiful breast, which was pear shaped, like her mother’s.

“If we do this, how are we going to tell Holly?” I asked.

“Mom is far more submissive than you think,” Kylie said. “If you say it is a good idea, she’ll be fine.”

“Kylie is right,” Hailey said. “Holly hasn’t yet revealed all of herself to you. She craves to be told what to do, and desires to be our bottom slut. Holly wants depravity that is well beyond what we have done to date.”

“You clearly know her better than I do,” I said. “I’ll allow it based on your advice and knowing that this is what Holly wants.”

Kylie had a huge smile on her face, and said, “This is going to be so awesome. Is that mom’s butt plug in your ass?”

“It is,” Hailey said, with pride. “I just graduated to the big one this morning. It has been stretching me all day.”

“It stays in on its own?” Kylie asked.

“Once it gets past your outer ring, it holds it in,” Hailey said. “Give it a pull.”

Kylie approached Hailey and tapped the plastic disc. “Does it hurt at all?”

“I wouldn’t call it comfortable when you first put it in, but you get used to it quickly,” Hailey said.

I approached the bed with the lube. I had assumed that Kylie would watch from afar. Clearly, I was mistaken. Hailey was on all fours on the bed, and I squirted some lube at the top of her butt crack, which ran down around the plug.

“Pull it out and I’ll show you,” Hailey offered.

Kylie grasped the disc and pulled the plug from Hailey’s ass. I squirted more lube and used a finger to push it into Hailey’s slightly gaped asshole.

“Can I try?” Kylie asked.

I pulled my finger out and she quickly put hers in.

“Rotate it around to get the lube spread,” I suggested.

“This is so naughty,” Kylie said. “I have watched this while surfing porn, but never thought I would experience it. You know what anal sluts do in many porn films?”

I shrugged my shoulders, not knowing.

Kylie took her finger out and put it in her mouth. “Mmm… the best sluts do ass to mouth,” she said, after taking her finger out of her mouth and then putting two fingers into her aunt.

“That is so naughty,” Hailey said.

I couldn’t believe what I had just seen. It should have sickened me, but it had the opposite effect. I got even harder watching this depravity.

“Lube Griff’s cock,” Hailey ordered.

Kylie grabbed the lube and proceeded to apply lube to my engorged cock, and gave it a few strokes for good measure.

Kylie looked into my eyes and said to Hailey, “He is rock hard for you. Can I help by spreading your ass cheeks like you did for mom?”

“That would be great,” Hailey said.

“Let me lie down and then you can straddle me,” Kylie offered. “It will give me a close-up view of Griff taking your anal cherry.”

Hailey made room for Kylie to get on her back and under her. Kylie was slightly behind Hailey’s ass, with her arms reaching up to spread her cheeks apart.

“Come on stud, and take your second ass,” Kylie encouraged.

As I moved closer, Kylie reached up and grasped my cock, aiming it at Hailey’s sphincter. The head of my cock made contact, and Hailey jumped.

“Don’t be a chicken now,” Kylie said to Hailey. “The hard part is still coming.”

Hailey relaxed and I pushed the head of my cock into her. Hailey squealed and I stopped pushing, to give her time to adjust. I could feel her relax and started to push in further.

Hailey was grunting, while Kylie said, “Keep going, Griff, you are almost halfway.”

“It feels like I am being split in two!” Hailey exclaimed.

I remembered that I needed to apply more lube and then pulled back a bit before pushing further. I ran some lube down her crack and kept going until I was completely sheathed inside Hailey.

“So awesome,” Kylie said from below.

I slowly started to stroke in and out of Hailey, until she screamed out as I felt her spasm with her first anal orgasm.

“There is your first,” Kylie said. “Now, he needs to start really fucking your ass. Just like mom.”

I pulled back and started making long strokes into Hailey.

Kylie moved her hand and grasped my shaft on an out-stroke, saying, “I just can’t resist.” Kylie pulled me out of Hailey, and then aimed my cock at her mouth and enveloped a few inches of cock in her mouth, as she swirled her tongue around my head. I almost came right there, but she stopped her sucking and allowed me to re-enter Hailey.

“Clearly, Kylie is a nasty ass slut as well,” Hailey said, as she had detected what had happened.

I was very close to cumming and was now slamming into Hailey, who was screaming out in ecstasy.

“Rail her booty, Griff,” Kylie encouraged. She continued to get involved and raised her face and was then actively licking her aunt.

I groaned my release and let the first two streams go into Hailey. I then pulled my cock out of her ass, and pushed Kylie’s head away from licking her aunt’s pussy and inserted my cock in her mouth to finish my last stream, as I pushed as much cock into her mouth as I could.

If Kylie wanted dirty, who was I to argue.

Kylie didn’t resist my actions in any way, and when I removed my cock from her mouth, she just looked up at me with a smile and licked her lips.

Kylie crawled out from under Hailey and then gave us one more surprise as she got behind Hailey, spread her cheeks and was aggressively rimming her out, sucking up any cum that leaked out.

“We’ve created a monster,” I said.

“She’s a very good monster,” Hailey said between gasps, as Kylie finished licking out her aunt’s asshole. “Holly’s going to be shocked when she gets back.”

Kylie moved from Hailey’s ass to grasping my deflated cock and started stroking me back to life. “If you are up for it, I’m in desperate need of a fucking after that session,” she said.

“What usually works is having him watch some lesbian action,” Hailey said, as she ran her hands over Kylie’s breasts tweaking both her nipples. Hailey was trying to guide Kylie onto her back.

“I am down with a dyke show,” Kylie said, as she pushed Hailey onto her back. “But I like to be on top.”

Hailey smiled and rolled onto her back, and said, “Climb aboard.”

Kylie jumped up, and dropped her soaking wet panties to reveal her shaved pussy.

“Nice and clean, and just the way Griff likes it,” Hailey commented, as she watched Kylie strip.

“It is almost a requirement in the modeling business,” Kylie said, as she straddled Hailey’s head and put her hands on her breasts. “I wish I had these.”

“They can be a bother sometimes, but everyone seems to love them,” Hailey said.

“I saw that last picture of Griff tit fucking you and spraying your face,” Kylie said. “It looked like fun.”

Hailey was going to respond, but was cut short as Kylie lowered her pussy onto Hailey’s mouth.

“Do you like lezzing out?” I asked Kylie.

“I am fine with it, but I am looking forward to your fleshy missile,” Kylie said. “It is pretty hot that it’s my aunt down there running her tongue along my slit.”

Kylie was tall and lithe with perfect alabaster skin, and a tight twenty-year-old body.

“Are you more of taker on the lez action, or do you give as well?” I asked.

“I’ll reciprocate, but I definitely like getting head best,” Kylie said, as she reached out and gave my dick a few strokes.

“You were quite a little minx getting yourself involved,” I said.

“Your frank talk about your relationship was such a turn-on for me,” Kylie said, honestly. “I want what you have, or want to expand your circle to include me.”

“Really?” I asked. “You are young and have so many options, especially given your looks combined with your awesome personality.”

“Griff, what you have doesn’t happen out there,” Kylie said. “I want this more than anything else in the world. Love is better than fortune or fame. It’s its own drug and is very addictive. Please don’t make me go through withdrawal.”

I leaned in and gave Kylie a kiss, which was fiercely returned as she held my face to hers. When we finally broke, she rocked her hips across Hailey’s mouth twice and then screamed out in ecstasy.

“Look what you have brought on?” Kylie said, as she came down. “Now, given the gender dynamics of this group, I better get used to giving more.”

Kylie leaned forward and drove her face into Hailey’s pussy. Hailey jumped, at first, and then lifted her face to re-engage with Kylie’s pussy.

I reached out to the nightstand, grabbed the lube, and applied it to my index finger. I ran my other hand over her lower back, and then my lubed finger into her crack, inserting the tip into her ass.

Kylie responded by pushing back her bum on my hand. She lifted her head, and said, “I’m not ready yet for the big stick, but the finger feels great.”

I kept pumping my finger in and out, until Kylie raised her head again and let out a long groan. I could feel the spasms in her ass, as her girl cum flowed into Hailey’s mouth.

Hailey looked up, saw what I was doing, and smiled. As I pulled out my finger from Kylie’s ass, Hailey arched her head back and opened her mouth. It took me a second to realize that she wanted a taste of her niece’s ass. There was no hesitation, as she lathed my finger with her tongue.

All this action had brought my cock to hardness. I was thinking of flipping Kylie onto her back, but then thought that she might be in the perfect position already. I got behind her and aimed my cock at her pussy.

“This is an awesome view,” Hailey said from below, as I slowly pushed into Kylie.

“She is very tight,” I said.

Kylie was panting, “So much better than that pencil-dicked boy-toy I was dating a few months ago.”

I slowly pulled back, and then slow-stroked back into her. We both jumped a bit, as Hailey applied her tongue to the intersection of my cock and Kylie’s pussy. I quickly increased my pace and held Kylie by the hips, as I pounded into her.

Hailey couldn’t apply her mouth at this speed and was just watching with fascination. “Giver her your load, Griff. Fill her young pussy with your cum and then let me clean your cock with my mouth before I suck the cum out of her gash.”

Hailey’s graphic comments got us both to cum in unison. My cock was being milked by Kylie’s contractions, as I pushed all the way into her tight pussy. I stayed sheathed in Kylie as I came down, and then slowly pulled out to have my deflating dick sucked clean by Hailey. True to her word, Hailey put her mouth back on Kylie’s pussy.

I pulled Kylie upright, which allowed me to give her a deep kiss and gravity did its work to flood Hailey’s mouth with our combined juices.

Kylie dismounted from Hailey’s glistening face and fell onto the bed. “This was mind blowing,” she said. “It was better than I ever imagined. Love between us three is better than any one-on-one action. I came at least four times. I’m usually happy to climax once.”

“I feel exactly the same way,” Hailey said. “Griff is an exceptional lover and I loved Kylie’s naughty behavior.”

“I don’t think that I am exceptional,” I said. “It’s being with people you care about and doing everything you can to meet their needs.”

“Those alone are exceptional,” Hailey said. “And you haven’t even included your larger-than-average cock that is always up for action.”

“Who wouldn’t be up for action with you two beauties,” I complimented, as I went and grabbed a washcloth to wipe up with. “Most guys will get hard just walking by either of you. I remember having the hots for Holly when I was young, but always thought that there was too much of an age gap.”

“Screw the age gap business,” Kylie said. “Guys my age are all one-shot wonders and aren’t half as considerate and honest as you are.”

“Speaking of Holly, we should figure out how to bring her onside,” Hailey said.

“I got a message from Kelly,” Kylie said. “She finished her dance competition and is on her way home to join mom for the ride north.”

“That’ll complicate the communication,” Hailey said. “It’ll be hard to have a conversation about this with her here, let alone spending time together.”

“I have an idea,” Kylie said with a crooked grin, but then hesitated.

“Do tell,” I encouraged Kylie.

“What if I knew that Kelly would be great to join us in our circle?” Kylie asked.

“How would you know that?” I asked.

“Kelly and I have been close for years,” Kylie said. “And after her eighteenth birthday, we have been exceptionally close. Let’s just say that seeing pics of mom and Hailey was more of an affirmation than an offense.”

“You’ve been knocking boots with your sister!” Hailey said, with a laugh.

“Just think of us as early adopters, compared to you and mom,” Kylie kidded back.

“Was it just the two of you, or did you involve anyone else?” Hailey asked.

“It was just us last summer, in our room across the hall,” Kylie said. “We were horny and alone at night. Mutual masturbation led to reciprocating oral.”

“Is Kelly going to be okay with Griff,” Hailey asked. “Or is she a committed lesbian?”

“Kelly has been frank that she likes guys more than girls,” Kylie responded. “I don’t think she has found anyone yet and I know that she is single right now, unless she lezzed out with one of her dance troupe partners.”

“So, you think you can send her a few texts and think that she will be okay with having sex with her first guy, her mom, and her aunt?” I asked with skepticism.

“I was thinking of attaching some pics,” Kylie said confidently. “I saw those pics on the iPad and was instantly wet and clearly down with any action.”

“Do you know that she will have the same reaction you did?” I asked.

“I’m sure she will, especially when she sees me in the video from tonight,” Kylie said and jumped out of bed to grab her phone where she had left it. “Sibling rivalry is alive and kicking in our family, not to mention sibling fucking.”

“What if Kelly tells Holly and this all blows up?” I asked, still doubting this plan.

“We need a way to break it both of them, no matter what,” said Hailey, seriously. “I am not giving this up for anything and think that Holly feels the same way. I get that she might freak out about involving her daughters, but eventually, she will come to see this as a positive to maintain a close family. A really, really, close family.”

“My plan would be to get Kelly onside before she gets here,” Kylie said. “We could then convince Holly all together.”

I thought long and hard and tried to think of a different plan. I couldn’t come up with an alternate idea.

I shrugged my shoulders, and said, “We seem to have a plan. There is risk with any plan, and we’ll have to deal with that. In the end, you know Kelly and Holly better than me. I trust your judgement.”

“Thanks for your vote of confidence,” Kylie said. “I’ll try to get some commitment to secrecy from Kelly, so this doesn’t explode before they get here.”

Chapter 11: Recruiting

“We need to do some thinking of how to deal with four women and only one man,” Hailey said, with a smile. “I think some additional toys are in order, along with a steady diet of protein for Griff and possibly a Viagra prescription.”

Kylie had pulled up a website and showed us a picture of strap-on dildo which got a nod of approval from Hailey. “We can get it to the marina by tomorrow, which should meet our needs,” she said.

Kylie moved to the video she had taken of our night, and edited it to show her getting fucked from behind with Hailey underneath her. “This is a good start,” she said. “It is more traditional and has me in the picture which will be more acceptable as we have been together.”

Hailey started cropping some of her pics on the iPad and showed them to Kylie.

Kylie started texting Kelly, having the following exchange.

“Kel, hope your dance competition went well. Can’t wait to see you at the cabin. It’s going to be great.”

“Thank God you are going to be there, Kylie. I love the cabin and the outdoors. Looking forward to some quality time during the quiet evenings.”

“The evenings are going to be even better than last summer.”

“Did you steal some of mom’s toys… you naughty girl.”

“Kel, what if I told you that we are going to have company?”

“At night? How is that going to work with Mom and Hailey there? I am intrigued. Will it be a boy or a girl? You know I don’t have any experience with boys but am open to trying.”

“Both!… Are you down with trying it if I can work out the details?”


“Do you want a preview?”


“Kel, under no circumstances, can you share this with mom.”

“Kylie, I would never betray you.”

Kylie had the video of her being fucked from behind by me. She had cropped it to hide my head. Due to the angle of the shot, Hailey’s head was obscured by Kylie’s leg.

“Here I go,” Kylie said, as she looked at both of us and hit send.

We waited with bated breath for the reply.

“OMG, that was so hot. I had to take a moment to put a hand down my shorts. I was on edge when I saw you orgasm at the end, and I had my own when he pulled out and had his dick sucked by that slut under you.”

“You might be that slut if you join us.”

“That was what I was imagining when I had my orgasm. My trepidation is with taking that cock.”

“You’ll be fine as we can get you ready with tongues and toys.”

“I trust you completely Kylie. Having you there when I take a cock for the first time is a total turn on.”

“Aw, I love you too, Kel.”

“Now, who are the mystery stud and slut?”

Kylie was typing back, and I put a hand on her arm, and suggested, “Send her a video of me fucking Hailey’s ass. Don’t include the ass-to-mouth part yet.”

“Good idea, Griff,” Hailey said. “It will reveal me, letting her know about our anal fixation.”

Kylie got it set and hit the send button.

“Here comes another video. Be ready to be amazed.”

“Hailey?! and Griff who has the log cabin? Seeing Hailey get fucked was super hot.”

“It’s them. Griff has a thing going with Hailey and I discovered them and convinced them to let me join them. Griff is a great guy and the best lover I’ve ever experienced.”

“It looked like he was fucking at a different angle. You also cut off the video at the end.”

“That is because he was at a different angle. He was fucking Hailey’s ass for the first time.”

“I thought anal sex hurt but she was totally into it and clearly had an orgasm.”

“It was the hottest thing I have ever witnessed live. Griff was careful at first and Hailey had a butt plug in to prepare.”

“Has he fucked your ass?”

“Not yet but I want to do it after watching Hailey.”

“Wait until I get there. I want to see it live.”

“Here is a longer video showing the whole thing.”

The next video showed me doing my initial entry into Hailey’s ass and had Kylie doing ass-to-mouth and then rimming Hailey after the fucking.

“!!!!! That was incredible! I thought Hailey was the slut, but you are even naughtier. Will I have to do that when Griff fucks your ass?”

“Only if you want to. I think Hailey is down with it if you aren’t.”

“I’m not sure yet. It was so nasty but hot at the same time.”

“That was my first time ever doing something like that. It felt natural and I know it turned on Griff and Hailey.”

“How are we going to be able to get together with mom there? I’m going to have ‘ants in my pants’ when I get there and won’t be able to think of anything else.”

“We have a plan for that.”

“Mom is going to want to spend time with you when she gets there. She has been through a lot with dad’s news. I feel for her and don’t want to ignore her but the anticipation of losing my virginity is going to be hard to ignore. Hell, I have ‘Jilled off’ again while I was waiting for the last video.”

“I’m going to send you some pics and another video which will help.”

“Help me with masturbating or help with mom?”


Hailey had assembled a combination of pics and videos of Holly. They included images of her forcing Hailey’s mouth onto my cock, Holly drooling cum into her sister’s mouth and then receiving the same from Holly. Finally, it included me ass fucking Holly.

We waited for a while to get a response back from Kelly.

“OMG! Never did I think that mom was in on this as well.”

“Mom doesn’t know that I’m involved. I found these pics on Hailey’s iPad and confronted them with it. They then caught me spying on them and I ended up joining them tonight. We are going to break it to her when you both arrive here.

We want to do this live with her as it’ll be a big shock. We didn’t want to shock you both at the same time for fear of rejection. Griff says that we’ll be better off communicating this in person.”

“So how did this all start?”

“Here is the short version:

“Hailey and mom were spending time with Griff who has been up here since his wife and daughter were killed in a car accident. Mom found out about dad, and it was clear that they were over.

“Hailey and mom both admitted to being attracted to Griff and could tell that he was attracted to them (guys are so obvious) and they decided that they needed to share. Hailey took the pics and video as their relationship quickly developed.”

“It sounds so reasonable when you write it out.”

“Griff explained it to me earlier tonight and I thought it was beautiful. Everyone wins and after tonight, I want to be involved as well.”

“What is the plan when we get there?”

“We aren’t sure yet, but we’ll want to address it quickly after you arrive.”

“Keep me in the loop as it develops. I trust and love you.”

“I love you too. Thanks for your trust. I’m going to sign off for now.”

“I’m going to review these vids and pics one more time. I’m looking forward to seeing you and hope we can resolve this with mom.”

Kylie put her phone down. “Well, that’s the first phase of our plan completed,” she said.

“That went far better than I could’ve imagined,” I said.

“Obviously, we are very close, Kelly has always trusted me,” Kylie said.

“You are a good big sister,” Hailey gushed. “Just like Holly is for me. I think that, however, when we approach her, we must try to get her to listen to reason. If that fails, you’ll want to try commanding her, Griff.”

“Really?” I said, with skepticism. “Does that dominance thing actually work?”

“It will work on Holly,” Hailey said, with confidence. “She is more submissive than you think.”

“When I found her toy collection at home, I did some investigating,” Kylie said, sheepishly. “I was able to see her browsing history. She reads a lot of porn stories on Literotica that feature submissive women.”

“Outwardly, she’s a strong, confident woman,” Hailey said. “Deep down, she doesn’t have that confidence and is looking for direction.”

“Why will my command work better than either of yours?” I asked. “You have had more contact and time with her than I have.”

“Yes, for two reasons,” Hailey responded. “Firstly, you are a guy that she sees as dominant even if that isn’t your natural state. Secondly, she loves you. She carried a flame for you since you were kids growing up here.”

“I agree with Hailey,” Kylie chimed in. “All the stories that she read featured a strong male character and Hailey’s assessment of her attraction to you makes sense.”

“Holly just texted Griff and me,” Hailey said. “She says that she’s coming north with Kelly tomorrow night. The lawyer meeting went well, and Mike signed back in less than an hour. She’ll join Walt for his doctor’s appointment and then head here.”

“Holly signed it off with ‘love you both’,” I said, as I scanned the text.

We both sent quick replies expressing our love and asked her to pass on good wishes to Walt.

We decided to cap the night off with midnight skinny-dip under the stars. It was both refreshing and cleansing. We went to bed and cuddled under the covers to take the chill of the dip off.

Chapter 12: Prelude to the storm.

I woke up to feel a hand grasping my already hard cock at the base. This was followed by a warm mouth enveloping the top half of my cock and then feeling a darting tongue. I opened my eyes to find that it was Hailey’s hand and Kylie’s mouth.

“I don’t think we should do this,” I said reluctantly. “Tonight is likely to be a marathon and there is a limit to my stamina.”

“We don’t have that limit,” Hailey said, with a pout.

Kylie slowly stopped and crawled up, and said, “Sorry, I’m pretty excited and I am being a bit selfish.”

“There’s no shame in that,” I said, as I craned my neck to give her a kiss.

I couldn’t believe that I was delaying sex, especially with these two beautiful women. I leaned over and gave Hailey a kiss as well, to express my appreciation and desire.

“While I should limit my stimulation, there is no reason that I can’t help you both,” I said with a smile, as I started moving down Kylie’s body. “There isn’t any mileage limit on my tongue.”

Hailey moved to lie next to her niece, as I sucked on Kylie’s nipples. I moved down as Kylie spread her long legs to give me access to her pussy. I briefly licked her gash, but then continued down her toned leg to start kissing my way up from her feet.

Hailey had taken over sucking Kylie’s breasts and had one hand caressing her mons. I slowly approached her pussy and gave sensual kisses to the inside of her alabaster thighs, and took a long languid lick from her asshole to her clit.

Kylie was moaning as Hailey and I applied our mouths.

I put a finger into Kylie’s tight snatch. I removed the moistened finger and applied my mouth more aggressively to her sweet-tasting pussy. She was getting very close. To bring her over the edge, Hailey put her finger on Kylie’s clit and I pushed my wet finger into her ass.

Kylie screamed out and quickly flooded my mouth with her girl cum.

“That was so good with both of you,” Kylie enthused.

“Imagine your own mother licking you,” Hailey said. “That is likely to be a reality tonight.”

Kylie shivered with anticipation.

Kylie and I then double-teamed Hailey in much the same way and with the same result.

I was regretting delaying my satisfaction but wanted to be ready for tonight.

Chapter 13: All Together Now

We grabbed a quick breakfast and spent the day getting ready. We decided to have a dinner with me at the house when Holly and Kelly arrived. They were getting in at about seven.

Hailey’s toy order was delivered to the marina, and she did the unpacking over lunch. She pulled the harness out and immediately put it on, strapping it tightly over her crotch.

“I got two different dildos to go with the harness,” Hailey said. “A large and an extra large. They’re both curved and have two ends on them. One end goes in my pussy while the larger end I get to put into someone else. With this set up, I’ll feel more as I fuck.”

Hailey demonstrated it and groaned as she put it in her pussy. She then waved it around. Kylie gave it a quick suck which led to Hailey holding her head while she flexed her hips to push the dildo into Kylie’s mouth.

Hailey pulled out and turned to me, saying, “Do you want to try, Griff.”

“No thanks,” I said. “I know I get turned on by lesbians, but doing any male gay stuff is a total turn-off.”

“I’m sure that Holly will be glad to hear that, given her experience with her husband,” Kylie said.

“I did get a couple of other ‘goodies’,” Hailey said, pulling out a long, double-ended dildo and a leather collar.”

“Get Holly to wear the collar if she puts up too much of a fight,” Hailey suggested.

I thought the collar could be useful in several ways if we were all onboard with the basics tonight.

Our plan was to have a casual dinner and then go to the big living room and reveal our intentions there.

Kylie let her sister know the plan.

“Just don’t mind me if I start to grind my ass on my chair at the dinner table,” Kelly texted back.

“As long as you don’t go under the table to start early,” Kylie joked back.

“My mind is on fire with all the possibilities,” Kelly said.

“As is mine,” Kylie agreed.

As we were preparing dinner, I was getting butterflies in my stomach, thinking about the night.

Hailey saw my worried face, and said, “Griff, this will go well.”

“I am worried that I cheated on Holly last night by involving Kylie without talking to her,” I said. “I don’t ever want to betray the people I love.”

“I forced it,” Kylie said. “I’ll own up to that tonight to deflect that line of thought.”

“I was also pushing for it,” Hailey said. “You shouldn’t feel bad, Griff.”

“I still do,” I admitted.

Both girls came to me and gave me big hugs.

“You have no idea about how that level of consideration and vulnerability make you even more attractive,” Kylie said.

“Be strong tonight,” Hailey encouraged. “It’s what Holly wants.”

I heard an outboard motor in the distance, saying, “I hear them coming. Time to put up or shut up.”

We went down to the dock to greet them as they pulled up. I gave Holly a warm but chaste hug after she greeted her daughter and Hailey. She gave me a sideways glance as she didn’t expect me to be there. She warmed up after we embraced.

“Griff was all alone at his place, so I got him to join us,” Hailey said, with a sly wink.

I gave Kelly a brief hug hello. We’d met many times over the years.

Kelly was much shorter than her sister and had long raven hair pulled back in a ponytail. She was more athletic than Kylie with defined abs below a pair of perky firm breasts which were all visible in her skintight top. Her face was cute with wide full lips compared to Kylie who had more delicate features.

I grabbed the heaviest bag and we all headed to the cabin, as the girls were all chattering.

“Walt is doing well. He has gallstones and needs to rest up for a few weeks before he can return,” Holly informed us. “I offered to stay with him, but he wouldn’t allow me to, saying I needed to get on with my life.”

We had a great cottage meal with me barbecuing steaks along with baked potatoes and a medley of vegetables. It was followed by Hailey’s key lime pie for dessert.

We all headed to the big, screened-in porch for an after-dinner drink.

Those butterflies were still fluttering as I took a seat alone, while Hailey sat next to Holly on a love seat, and Kylie sat next to Kelly on the other couch.

Kelly talked about her dance competition where she had done well by incorporating some of her gymnastics training into her routines. She showed us the handstand that she could do. This resulted in her skirt going down over her torso and revealed her panties where you could clearly see a wet spot.

I wasn’t sure if Holly had noticed it as well, but she didn’t say anything.

“Griff, I heard from grandpa that you have been helping around here,” Kelly said. “That is so nice of you.”

Holly got up and pointed out the boards we had replaced and said with a wink to me, “Griff has been awesome. It has been phenomenal to reconnect with him. I think we’ll see a lot more of him this summer.”

“Mom, you look smitten,” Kelly said with a smile, from the couch.

“Well, maybe I am,” Holly responded with a deep blush.

“I’m smitten as well,” Hailey added. “Griff has been a great friend to our family and now finds himself alone.”

“How is that going to work if you both like him?” Kylie asked.

Holly was blushing harder and was starting to stutter.

I stood up and went to Holly’s side and put my arm around her, and said, “This teasing must stop. It’s not fair to Holly.”

Holly looked at me with confusion.

I turned to her, saying, “We have been found out by both of your daughters. Kylie found all the pictures that Hailey took on the iPad and has shared most of them with Kelly.”

Holly looked like she had taken a punch to the gut. I stood firm next to her and kept my arm around her.

“You must think awful things about me,” Holly said, with a weak voice.

“We don’t think that at all,” Kylie said, with empathy. “You’ve had a terrible marriage which you’ve endured for us. You deserve happiness in whatever form you want.”

Kelly got up and went to give her mom a big hug and whispered. “We love you, mom, and won’t judge what you did. In fact, we didn’t find it disgusting at all. It was quite the opposite.”

Holly came away from the hug and then embraced Kylie, and said, “Thanks for understanding.” She repeated hugs with Hailey and finally me.

“I love you, too,” I whispered in her ear, as she squeezed me even tighter.

I waited for everyone to catch their breath and dry their eyes.

“We have to talk about another issue,” I said, carefully. “I hope it goes as well as this has.”

Holly looked up with confusion, saying, “What could be harder than this?”

“After Kylie confronted us last night and came to accept what we are doing, she spied on Hailey and me,” I said.

Holly looked at her eldest daughter who was avoiding her look. Finally, she looked up.

“I’m not proud of doing that,” Kylie said simply “The images on Hailey’s iPad were so erotic, sensual, and depraved. I couldn’t help myself. I was drawn to watch as a moth to a flame.”

“I caught her when I saw her phone propped in the door crack,” I said. “Both Hailey and I confronted her.”

“After feeling guilty for a bit, the feeling of lust came over me again,” Kylie said. “I asked to watch.”

“And I agreed and encouraged Griff to accept this, as well,” Hailey said, reaching out to put a hand on Holly’s shoulder.

“In the end, I did more than watch,” Kylie said. “It was so awesome. I think of it as the best night of my life.”

Kylie took a big breath and pressed on, as Holly was slack jawed. “I want to be part of this.”

“You want my approval to be part of a sex ring with your aunt, mother, and a man who is double your age?” Holly said, with incredulity.

“I want to enter into a loving relationship with people who I love and love me,” Kylie said. “I’ve had several boyfriends and even a girlfriend. Nothing comes close to this. I don’t want to end up in a loveless or sub-optimal relationship, like you did.

“I’m not judging you on your marriage, and I am proud that you got out of it and found love. I just want to join you. If it doesn’t work, at least I won’t go away second guessing myself.”

Holly took the comparison to herself hard, and a tear ran out of her eye. She took a few deep breaths and was clearly mulling this over in her head.

We all held our breath.

“And what about you?” Holly asked Kelly.

“I want in, too,” Kelly said sincerely. “I’ve talked extensively to Kylie and I’m ready for this. I want us all to be together and can’t deny the attraction I feel.”

Holly took a few deep breaths, and another tear escaped her eye. “This is hard to take as a mom,” she said.

“Don’t think of us as children that you need to manage,” Kelly said. “You’ve been the best mother either of us could imagine. You’ve raised us to be independent-thinking adults. Now, treat us as adults who you love and want to be a part of your life as equals, and respect our decisions and desires.”

Holly looked at Hailey. “I suppose I don’t need to ask you how you feel about this,” she stated.

“Your daughters covered every point eloquently,” Hailey said. “I don’t have anything to add other than I am truly excited about this.”

Finally, Holly looked up at me. “Are you okay with this?” she asked.

“I had many reservations, but Hailey and your kids addressed them,” I said. “I’m not sure how I’ll keep up with this, but I am willing to try. I’ll give my all, and hope for the best.”

We all gave Holly another meaningful hug. It felt like a pack accepting a new member.

Holly took one more deep breath before plowing on, and asked, “How is this going to work tonight?”

“I’ve set up the master bedroom,” Hailey said. “It has a California king-size bed, fresh sheets, a couch, and various supplies and liquids.”

“I was thinking about the ratio of four women and one man,” Holly said.

“I got some extra toys for a start,” Hailey said. “Kylie and Kelly come from the same mold as you and me. They’re both bi-sexual.”

“Kelly has experience, some of it with me, but hasn’t been with a guy yet,” Kylie said. “We should give her priority tonight, to get up to speed and make her first time special.”

Kelly was blushing and was moving from one foot to the other. “This is going to be so awesome,” she said, as she moved quickly towards the bedroom.

Kylie sprinted after her, while Hailey and I both put an arm around Holly and moved slowly to join them.

“Are you ready,” Hailey asked Holly.

“I’m not sure that anyone could ever be ready for this,” Holly said, but with a smile.

“Remember not to judge your daughters tonight,” I added, as we approached the bedroom.

Kelly was back to moving from one foot to the other in anticipation.

“I had to stop her from stripping on her own,” Kylie said. “This isn’t a wham-bam-thank you-ma’am sort of affair.”

We all moved towards the blushing Kelly. We all slowly removed her clothes to reveal her nubile body.

Kelly had square, athletic shoulders which supported firm breasts that were like cones topped with pink nipples. Her stomach was toned, with some definition around her abs from the dancing she did. Her hips were narrow like Kylie’s and Holly’s. She had a trimmed landing strip of pubic hair above her toned dancer legs.

Kelly reached out to try to touch my shorts, which my cock was straining against.

“We have to get her ready first,” Hailey said. “Who should lick her and bring her to her first climax?”

“I will,” Kylie offered. “We did it last summer.”

“I want mom to do it,” Kelly said. “It seems right, after all of the revelations she has faced.”

We all nodded our agreement at the good idea, and focussed on taking off Holly’s clothes. Holly was nervous, but when we got to her panties, they were soaked with excitement.

Kylie ran a finger on Holly’s slit and then put the finger in her mouth. “You taste great, mom,” she said. “I can’t wait to get more.”

“You are so beautiful, mom,” Kelly said.

Holly closed the gap and gave her daughter a kiss on the lips, unlike any she had done before.

Hailey and I guided Kelly onto her back after they broke the kiss and we both grabbed a leg and held it up and apart to form a ‘V’. Kylie put a hand on Holly’s shoulder and guided her to crawl onto the bed below Kelly. Kelly had us let go of her legs, as she drew them up wider into a split. Her pussy was wide open as Holly approached.

Holly hesitated and I put a hand on her head, and said, “This is perfect, and you will love it. Let go of your inhibitions and enjoy bonding with your daughter.”

Hailey and Kylie gave me nods of approval, as Holly made contact with her daughter’s pussy and started to lick.

We all watched the erotic moment, as Holly took to the new reality with gusto while Kelly started moaning.

Hailey, Kylie, and I quickly stripped each other to get ready.

I went back to watch Holly tenderly licking her youngest daughter, while Kylie helped Hailey don the strap-on dildo. I reached down between Holly’s legs to finger her pussy. I took it slow, so she would be able to focus on Kelly. Kylie and Hailey each applied their mouths to Kelly’s firm tits after getting the harness set on Hailey.

Kelly quickly let go with a cute little squeal, and her whole body vibrated. She looked up with wide eyes, and said, “Thanks, mom. You’re awesome. Is Griff going to take my virginity now?”

“No,” Hailey said. “You want to get him harder and lubricated for entry. Your next lesson will be an intro to cocksucking.”

“From what I have seen, Hailey should demonstrate,” Kylie suggested.

Hailey kneeled next to Kelly and grasped the base of my cock. Instead of just sucking me, she taught an anatomy lesson talking about the different parts of my cock and what to do. I added a few points on what guys like, and found the whole conversation to be inspiring. Kylie was on the other side of Kelly, watching the lesson and nodding with Hailey’s comments.

“Mom, I saw a video of you helping Hailey a few days ago,” Kylie said.

Holly went to stand next to Hailey on one side of the bed. Her face was still glazed with Kelly’s juices.

“Show her what a good cocksucker can do,” Holly encouraged, as she put a hand on the back of Hailey’s head.

Hailey took one bob to quickly get spit on my cock and then Holly forced her face into my crotch as I felt my cock penetrate her throat.

“I won’t make you do that tonight,” Holly said, as she took the pressure off Hailey’s head. “Good cocksuckers learn how to deepthroat a man. It is a challenge, but almost all men love the tight feeling of this move that is admittedly a challenge to complete.”

Hailey came up with watery eyes and coughed drool from her lips. Holly bent down and put my cock into her mouth, while looking up at me.

I understood her intention and grabbed her head and flexed my hips forward to enter her throat as well.

“That was hot,” Kelly said, and got up on her knees.

“I love getting eye contact with the person doing the sucking,” I said. “It feels like a closer connection and is an opportunity to communicate subtly.”

“Are you ready for your first taste?” Kylie asked. “Don’t try to emulate Hailey or mom, yet.”

I released Holly and pulled back and then aimed my throbbing cock at Kelly, who willingly took it into her eighteen-year-old mouth, sucking a cock for the first time. She ran her tongue around my head and then remembered Hailey’s instructions and grasped the base to start stroking me.

I had to pull back.

“Did I do something wrong,” Kelly asked.

“No, you were good. Very good,” I said. “After all this build up, I’m very close to having an orgasm and want to wait. Most guys wouldn’t wait, but with four of you, I must pace myself. Watching someone so beautiful and innocent giving head for the first time was awesome.

“I’m going to lie down on the bed for your first time. I think you should control the penetration by straddling me.”

“After you get used to fucking, you may want to have him set the pace,” Hailey said. “And other times you just want to go for a ride. I’m going to lie down next to Griff, and Kylie can mount my strap-on next to you.”

“Cool,” Kelly said. “We can be the ‘bronco sisters’ tonight.”

Hailey lay next to me, and I leaned over to give her a passionate kiss. “You are such a good auntie to show her the way.”

Kylie and Hailey were then straddling Hailey and me.

Holly was close to our feet and was grasping Hailey’s dildo. “Show Kelly how you mount a cock,” Holly instructed Kylie.

“Is it exciting to watch your daughter get penetrated?” Hailey asked Holly.

“My mind keeps telling me that I should be repulsed by this,” Holly said. “But my body tells me otherwise.”

Kylie reached down and brought the head of the dildo to her pussy. “Rub it up and down a bit to spread your juices for lubrication,” she said. “If you’re dry, get lube or get some oral attention.”

“I am so wet for this,” Kelly said, as she watched Kylie descend on the dildo.

“When you get him all the way in, rock your hips like this to stimulate your clit,” Kylie recommended while demonstrating.

“Tonight, do whatever gets your motor running,” Hailey recommended. “It’s all about you on your first night.”

Kelly copied her sister and had the head of my cock at her entrance. She slowly increased the pressure, until I gradually slipped into her tight canal. True to Kelly’s description, she was very well lubricated.

As I slid in, Kelly gasped. “Oh my!” she exclaimed. “That is a lot bigger than my hairbrush handle and much warmer.”

“Give yourself time to adjust before going further,” Holly recommended. “Griff is bigger than most, but your pussy will get used to it and then you won’t ever go back.”

Kelly slowly descended. “Mom, get your phone and take a picture,” she said, between gasps. Kelly let out a groan when I was finally completely sheathed in the eighteen-year-old princess.

I reached out and ran my hands over her breasts. I then pulled her body to me and craned my neck to engage her in a passionate kiss.

“Start moving to get a rhythm going,” Kylie suggested, as she demonstrated while riding Hailey.

Kelly slowly emulated her sister. “I’m getting used to it and it feels good,” she said.

Kylie was bucking on Hailey and yelled out her orgasm. She dismounted Hailey and propped her head up on the bed to watch her sister get off. “Mom, do you want to get a taste of your other daughter?” she said wickedly, and spread her legs.

Holly was game and quickly pressed her mouth on Kylie’s puffy shaved pussy.

Kelly was getting close and was making little grunts on every descent. “Oh, Oh, Oh,” Kelly said between gasping breaths, and then yelled out as her pussy clamped down hard on my cock as she had her virginal orgasm.

“There is your first one,” Hailey said, as Kelly came down. “I’d suggest you try another position. Give Griff control of the pace and see if you like that. We want him to cum in your pussy tonight for your first time.”

“Is someone going to suck his cum out of my pussy and then drool it into my mouth afterwards?” Kelly asked. “That was one of the hottest segments when mom and Hailey did that.”

“Who gets the honor of doing that?” Hailey asked, in such a way that clearly indicated that she wanted to do it.

“I think Kylie should do it,” Kelly said. “She convinced me to do this, and mom already sucked me to my first orgasm tonight.”

Hailey had a bit of disappointment on her face.

Kelly saw this, and said, “After Kylie does her duty, I want you to give me my first strap-on fucking.”

Hailey quickly got over her disappointment, as she appreciated Kelly’s logic.

Kelly got on her back and did the splits again to spread her pussy wide and beckoned me to mount her.

“I love your creativity doing the splits,” I complimented.

Hailey guided my cock into her niece. It went faster this time and I started to slowly stroke into her.

Kelly craned her neck and gave me a kiss, saying, “Faster now, Griff. I can take it.”

I increased my pace and the amplitude of my stroke. Kelly was yelling out in joy, and I was close. Next to us, Kylie was getting close, as well.

“That’s so good mom,” Kylie said, as she held Holly’s head. “Get that tongue right up my pussy.”

I yelled out as my orgasm overcame me which set off both Kelly and Kylie. I stayed lodged deeply in Kelly with my cock spurting cum deeply into her.

“This is the greatest thing I have ever done,” Kelly said, and kissed me again.

I slowly withdrew myself. Hailey got to suck me clean of the gooey mess on my cock, while Kylie had recovered and was applying her mouth and tongue to her sister’s pussy. I got Kelly to sit up a bit which resulted in a flood into Kylie’s mouth.

Kylie pursed her lips and crawled up to her sister. Slowly, Kylie drooled the viscous fluids into Kelly’s wide-open mouth, as Holly took a video of the erotic act.

Kelly took a big gulp, and then smiled at all of us, saying, “Now I am full-fledged cum-slut like the rest of you.”

We all kissed her in congratulations.

“What’s next?” asked our youngest partner.

“I think we should focus on Holly,” I suggested. “She has gone through a lot today and has been servicing her daughters selflessly.

“Kylie has suggested that you are even more submissive than you have indicated with me. Is that true?”

Holly looked sheepishly at me and quietly said, “Yes.”

I went and grabbed the leather collar and went to her, and said, “Holding back will only lead to dissatisfaction. Do you want to wear this and show us how submissive you are?”

“I do, master,” Holly said.

“For this next bit, it will be Kylie, Kelly, and Hailey who will be your masters,” I said, as I affixed the collar on her narrow, freckled neck. “Are you ready to have your limits tested.”

Holly gulped and just nodded.

I leaned down and gave her a tender kiss, and said, “Enjoy this.”

“Hailey, time for you to get out of that harness,” I said. “Kelly, put it on. Time for you to feel the power of fucking someone.”

“Kylie, you have a dirty mind and know more about what Holly wants based on your research,” I said. “Feel free to make demands or suggestions.”

“Mom, get yourself on your back in the middle of the bed,” Kylie ordered. “Put a pillow under your ass and pull your legs up and apart. I want easy access to your ass and cunt. Griff, please grab the toys and lube and bring them to me.”

Hailey and Kelly were still working on getting the strap-on set up on Kelly’s narrower hips, when I delivered the lube and an arm full of toys to Kylie. Kylie wasted no time in applying lube all over Holly’s ass and pussy. She pushed a finger into Holly’s ass with lube on it.

“Does that feel good, mom,” Kylie asked. “I am guessing you want more.” Kylie quickly added a second and then a third finger to stretch Holly’s ass.

“You think I am going to use that butt plug you’ve had in your closet for years?” Kylie said, as she reached for the big dildo with the suction cup on the bottom. “I think we need to expand your horizons given that Griff has fucked this hole.” Kylie lubed the dildo and started pushing into Holly, who grunted at the penetration.

Hailey and Kelly had finished the strap-on exchange and had climbed up next to Holly on the bed. Hailey fondled her sister’s breasts, while Kelly was openly staring at the dildo going into her mother’s ass.

“Come get a closer look,” Kylie said to Kelly. “You know what all good ass sluts do?”

Kelly shook her head.

“They do ass-to-mouth,” Kylie announced, and started pulling the dildo out.

“No,” Holly said. “That isn’t something I’ve ever done.”

“We are going to remedy that tonight,” Kylie said, as she kept pulling out the phallus.

“Not Kelly,” Holly said. “She’s too innocent.”

“I don’t remember asking you,” Kylie said to her mom, in a commanding tone. “You agreed to anything. I’ve read the Literotica stories you read. This is mild in comparison. This’s just your inhibitions talking. If you can’t get past them, we can always put the collar on Hailey for the night. I can see by her eager look, that she’d be fine with all of this, as would I.”


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