It All Started With the Love Shack by FetishFactory,FetishFactory

Damien and Justine had been staying at the beach-side RV park for two days now. As was their routine, they got up early and did a walk around the park enjoying the wonderful weather. And as was Justine’s usual routine, she kept her eyes peeled for pretty girls and handsome men. She and Damien were what society liked to refer to as swingers, but they just liked to think of themselves as open minded people who enjoyed sex.

On this morning Justine had seen a couple of new RVs that pulled in the following evening, and she wanted to scope them out. The first large class A, was owned by an older couple, who seemed nice when she introduced herself, but were definitely not their type. The second couple, a middle-aged husband and wife, definitely piqued her interest from the start, she didn’t get a chance to speak with them as they were moving in and out, unpacking, but her first views of the woman definitely gave her hope.

She was an average height brunette, with a very pretty face, and an amazing body. She was wearing short sleeping shorts and a T-shirt, but the T-shirt, although larger sized, could not hide her perfect rack. Justine was definitely a boob girl, her husband Damien also happened to be into boobs, but Justine really got off on them, sometimes literally. She then saw the male half of the couple as he was working on the waterline of the RV. She mentioned to Damien that he needed to go up to the front office and have their site moved as both spots on either side of the new camper’s appeared to be open. So, just as they have done many times before, they moved their campsite, and before lunch they were pulling into their new spot on the right side of the new arrivals camper that Justine had scoped out.

They started unpacking and Justine made sure to linger, hoping to get a chance to bump into her new neighbors. As luck would have it, about 20 minutes later, Justine bumped into her neighbor, who eventually introduced herself as Lynn. Justine being the social butterfly she was, had Lynn cornered for a good 15 minutes talking to her about where they had been, and where they were going for their RV trip. The whole time, besides just making friendly conversation, she was feeling Lynn out. She definitely had the type of body and face Damien and Justine were into, but they weren’t just there to bang other couples, they actually liked finding people they got along with also.

After breaking down a couple of walls, Justine was able to get Lynn to chat more freely with her, and she got a pretty good feeling from her. After chatting her up, she excused herself and walked back into her RV to tell Damien everything she had learned. Justine was definitely the best person to soften up their new targets, and she had it down to a science, she would talk to them a little bit just to break the ice, and then later that day she would find a reason to spend a little more time with them and get them closer to linking up and hopefully more.

Just before dinner, Justine noticed out the window that Lynn and her husband were outside setting up their grill. She saw this as the perfect opportunity to move onto phase 2. She walked out and greeted them with the typical “hey neighbors” and began talking with them. She learned Lynn’s husband was named Alan and she spent a good 30 minutes talking to them as they were setting up their outdoor kitchen area. As she was talking, Damien came out and also introduced himself. The four of them hung out for a little bit before Justine went for the next move and invited them over for drinks after dinner. She saw Lynn and Alan had drinks on the table already, and appeared to already have a drink or two in them, and they quickly accepted the invitation. Justine and Damien walked back over to get some dinner themselves and prepare for their evening.

Just before dark Lynn and Alan walked around the back of their RV and Justine and Damien greeted them with smiles and a cold drink. They had lots of seating options and Alan and Lynn grabbed a spot across from them in their chairs. They all got along well and after a couple hours and a lot of drinks they had become quite comfortable with each other. Justine and Lynn were sitting at the picnic table while Alan and Damien were hanging out in the chairs by the fire.

Justine changed the subject from travel stories and said to Lynn “Alan’s always got a hand on you, he seems to really be crazy about you, you guys must love the privacy and time away from the family when you get on these trips, I know we do. I bet you must really get that RV rocking at night” she said giggling.

Lynn, not necessarily shy, but also not one to talk about their sex life, just agreed and said “it’s definitely nice to have the whole RV to ourselves.” Justine, not happy with the answer, dug a little bit more and started discussing how she and Damien might go days or even a week at home without time to have sex, but everyday on these trips they found themselves enjoying each other thoroughly.

Lynn agreed and said there was definitely a lot more sex when they were on vacation. Justine, commented on how Lynn and Alan were both very attractive with nice athletic physiques and how a fly on the wall in their room must get a great show, Lynn again just played along and smiled.

Justine, who was used to people flirting with her more, needed to turn the tide of this conversation. She was very practiced and had many tricks up her sleeve. So, going for a different path, she set her face, squared up across the picnic table from Lynn, and said “I bet I can beat you in an arm wrestling contest”

Lynn not really sure what that had to do with anything, just giggled. Justine said “No seriously put your elbow up here, I know I may not look that tough but I’ll bet you I can beat you hands-down.”

Lynn, not one to back down from a challenge of any type, said she didn’t think that was true and laughed again. Justine just wiggled her fingers with her arm set in the arm wrestling pose and said “get it up here”

Lynn grabbed her hand and just before starting Justine said “here’s the bet, if I beat you, you have to open your blinds when you guys have sex tonight, your bedroom is right across from ours and if I win, I want to be able to see in your window tonight”

Lynn, not necessarily shy didn’t know where this came from but she also didn’t like that Justine told her she would beat her so she said to her “you’re on”

Justine, happy that Lynn had accepted her challenge told her to get ready, and just as she said “go”, she pulled down the neckline of her shirt, exposing her left breast, Lynn startled by this, wasn’t ready for Justine to quickly throw her hand down and win the match.

Both of them were laughing, Justine said “I’m not sure I would’ve won if you were ready, but you have to admit I did beat you fair and square.”

Lynn, laughing along with her, agreed and Justine reminded her, “don’t forget, I want those blinds up, and the lights on when you guys have sex in there” Lynn, three or four drinks in at this point, agreed and gave her a nod with a devilish smile.

After many drinks, and many laughs, the couples decided it was time to head in, they made sure to each let the others know what a good time they had, and wished everyone a good night. As Justine hugged Lynn, she whispered in her ear that she was hoping to see a good show, Lynn fully committed to playing along at this point, whispered back “I’m going to do my best” Justine swiftly smacked Lynn’s ass and gave her a little peck on the cheek.

Justine was thinking that this was going even better than she had hoped.

After turning in, she and Damien sat and waited. From her room, Justine sat in Damien’s arms, both of them naked facing towards their neighbors RV. The light popped on in the bedroom next door, and to their delight, the blinds went up on a full floor to ceiling window making the bed of their new friends clearly visible.

The couple they were spying on hopped into bed and as Alan was laying there, Lynn rose up on her knees and pulled off her T-shirt, she was wearing a pair of pajama pants and a bra. Damien and Justine could see Alan smiling and talking, and then they saw Lynn reach behind her back and undo her bra, she then wiggled out of her pajama pants and was left in a very skimpy pair of undies. She then got her butt up in the air and bent over. From their room, they could clearly see Lynn was kissing on the inside of Alan’s thigh. Alan had a huge smile on his face and Lynn’s hands were working up and down his chest and abdomen. She then started tugging at his underwear and he raised his hips up in the air as she pulled them down over his very erect cock.

As his hips settled back onto the bed, they could see Lynn’s head bobbing up and down on top of his cock, they could also see Lynn had one hand up between her legs and it was rubbing at her pussy through her panties. At this point Justine had grabbed Damien’s hand and was holding it between her legs, and she said to him that she wanted him to do that to her, and he did, rubbing at her pussy just like Lynn was doing to hers’ across the way. As they watched Lynn bob up and down on Alan’s cock and play with herself, Damien was fondling Justine’s breasts and fingering her aggressively.

After a few minutes Justine had already came, but the show wasn’t over yet, Lynn was now reverse cowgirl on Alan. She was working up and down his cock, her tits bouncing, and the unseen audience could see him going in and out of Lynn’s pussy. Lynn was clearly playing this up, she was rubbing her tits as she moved up and down and she was looking out the window straight at the window of their neighbor’s bedroom. She didn’t see them, but she was performing knowing that they were watching her. Justine and Damien didn’t know this, but Lynn had never shown off like this to strangers, and they definitely didn’t know how excited she was as it was happening. They could clearly see she was enjoying herself and that became very evident as she was bouncing up and down quickly on his cock and then they saw her explode and squirt all over him in the bed. This was enough to cause Damien to pick up his wife and drop her down on his cock and they both enjoyed the rest of the show as they fucked each other

The next morning, they woke to see the blinds were still open in their neighbor’s bedroom and that made Justine very happy, she was hoping there wouldn’t be any regrets and that was a good sign that they did their work. She walked outside when she saw Lynn sitting on their patio area and she sat down next to her new friend. She said, “Honey that was so hot I hope you know how sexy you looked and how hard Damien fucked me while we watched you guys’ last night.”

Lynn said “you literally fucked while you were watching us? That’s so hot!” she then commented that she found herself very excited knowing they were being watched and it gave her a little extra buzz and made everything feel even better than usual. She said she didn’t tell Alan, she just tried to fuck him really, really well and she knew he would have a great time even without knowing that they were putting on a show. With that, Justine put her hand on Lynn’s leg and told her she hoped that wasn’t the last she would see of Lynn’s tits and naked body. Lynn wasn’t exactly sure what that meant but she took it that they were hoping for another show tonight and she just said “of course not” and that she would make sure that tonight was even better.

After watching their friends drive away for breakfast Justine and Damien were very excited. Justine had told Damien about her conversation with Lynn, and they were hoping tonight they might get a chance to play with their friends in person. Justine said, “You never know though, we have had people that seemed very willing the first night we met them, but just weren’t ready to go the next step.”

At this point Damien said “I am positive they are willing to go there. This morning when I was logging into our Wi-Fi, I noticed they had named their Wi-Fi “love shack.” Justine slapped his arm and said “Why didn’t you tell me that, that’s all we need to know, that is exactly the sort of thing people put out there when they are ready to swing in these parks! If I would’ve known that this morning when I was talking with her, I would’ve just gone after her right there on the spot, you know I love morning sex and I could have had some with her if I knew that, you know how hot I think Lynn is! I would’ve loved to get a one on one before we all play together.”

Damien just laughed at his horny wife and told her that he didn’t know about the wi-fi before she went out there, but he would have loved to look out the window and catch them in action. Knowing this new information, Justine changed up her whole gameplan, she wasn’t going to need to try to gently bring it up tonight, they were definitely going to be on board, and she was merely in the process of deciding what she wanted to do with their new friends tonight.

Little did the two of them know that the “love shack” Wi-Fi name was just a joke between Alan and Lynn. When they bought the RV one of them thought it would be funny to name it after the 90’s song and at the time they had no idea that it was used as a secret way to communicate between the swingers in the parks. But Justine was going to make her plan for the night, with absolutely no clue that their two new friends were completely new to the game and had zero clue what was in store.

Justine thought to get the temperature rising she would send Lynn a few sexy pictures. She hoped this would work to get her curious and worked up. First, she sent one of herself laying next to the RV in her swimsuit getting some sun, it was a pretty skimpy string bikini and she made sure she looked extra good before she sent it over. Lynn replied quickly saying they were heading back to the park soon and she was looking forward to getting some sun also. Justine replied back with another sunbathing shot, this one was of her only wearing her bikini bottoms, she captioned it by saying “I don’t want any of those ugly tan lines”

Lynn, not used to getting boob shots sent to her over text, replied back and said she agreed about the tan lines. Justine, not really happy with that reply, texted her again and said, “we agree on tan lines, but what do you think about the part I’m working on tanning, I saw yours last night but you never got a chance to see mine ;)?”

Justine received the text and awkwardly debated how to reply in her head. She was never into girls, but she couldn’t deny that Justine had an amazing body. She couldn’t tell with certainty through her clothes the previous day, but Justine was what most would consider an 11 on a scale of 10. Trying to get past the uncomfortable moment, Lynn said that she thought they were very nice and she threw in a “;)” at the end of the text hoping that would calm her new friend down a notch.

Justine, who is pretty savvy about hitting on people, took the hint and decided to calm it down a little. She thought to herself that maybe Lynn just didn’t like flirting electronically. She was very confident that it didn’t change what was going to happen for the four of them tonight though. But just to make sure she left things on a sexually explicit note, she sent Lynn one more text it said, “no need to reply, obviously I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable, but I am looking forward to seeing up close what you look like when you’re not trying to get tan lines ;)” and then she left it at that.

When Lynn and Alan got back from running errands they were hopping out of the car and into the RV when Damien bumped into them outside, he just confirmed that they were still on for tonight and Alan agreed saying they were looking forward to it. They went inside, and unknown to Damien and Justine, talked a little bit about whether or not they were going to meet up with their new friends tonight. Lynn didn’t tell Alan why, but she said she had an odd feeling about them. Alan, being on the fence just said they might as well give it a shot as they had a few more nights there, so taking a gamble tonight wasn’t that big of a deal. In the end they agreed they were on, and they proceeded to get ready as they were all going to meet up at the grill outside in an hour.

Justine made sure she was dressed to the T, she put on the sexiest outfit she could come up with and made sure everything looked just right, some days Damien and her would have an afternoon quickie but she nixed that when he brought it up saying that she wanted to be nice and horny for tonight. She also told him not to expect anything at first because she didn’t want anybody getting their hands on Lynn before she did.

He said, “usually you’re into both the guy and the girl but it doesn’t seem like that so much this time.” She said she was looking forward to playing with both of their neighbors, but Lynn has her a little more hot and bothered than most girls usually did, she said, “I’m going to get a piece of him too, but it’s going to be after I play with her, and then you are welcome do anything with her that you like.”

As it does in Florida, a pretty intense thunderstorm popped up while everyone was getting ready. Lynn texted Justine to see if they wanted to just go out to dinner instead but Justine told her they would never be able to get last-minute reservations, she told her they could still cook out underneath their awning and they could just eat inside since their RV was quite large and it was just the two of them. Alan and Lynn walked over a few minutes later with a bottle of wine as a gift, and another flask of vodka with some fresh brewed tea that they apparently liked to mix together. Damien graciously accepted the bottle of wine and went to open it up. He asked how they liked their steaks and got to work.

Alan hung out with him outside while the girls got everything set up for dinner inside. Justine was wearing a very short jean skirt with a tank top that came just below the bottoms of her breasts. She looked really good, and she was trying to make sure Lynn noticed as such. As she hugged Lynn when they got there, she made sure to squeeze her large breasts up against Lynn’s. They quickly got everything set up and Justine found out from Damien that they had another 15 minutes or so until the steaks would be ready. This put Justine on alert that she needed to get a few more drinks in her friend to make sure she was nice and agreeable when she went to put the moves on her later. So she asked Lynn to mix her up one of the iced tea drinks they liked for her. The two girls sat and chatted for a couple minutes, Justine drinking quickly, and trying to get Lynn to do the same.

After a couple minutes of innocent conversation Justine said, “So how long have you guys been in the lifestyle?” Lynn looked at her with a very questioning face and inquired what exactly she meant by the lifestyle.

Justine said, “You know, sharing, swinging, whatever you guys like to call it.” Lynn shot back a little too quickly that they weren’t in any such lifestyle, and she didn’t really know much about it. Justine now looking at Lynn with a questioning look, asked if she was joking, or if she really wasn’t into it.

Lynn said “no we’ve never done anything like that, I mean we joked about it, and we’ve even mentioned it back and forth when we were inquiring about each other’s interests via quizzes or other apps that tried to pull out sexual fantasies. But we’ve definitely never done it” She then asked why Justine assumed they were. Justine, a little heartbroken but still optimistic explained the Wi-Fi name, and also Lynn’s willingness to let them watch the night before.

The two girls had a good laugh about the Wi-Fi thing being that it was a complete accident, but Lynn did comment that it was very exciting knowing that she was being watched the night before and she said as far as that goes it’s something she definitely wanted to try more of. Justine being the upfront and bold person that she is, asked her how open she was to actually trying it and put her on the spot right there. Lynn, having drank a little more than usual, and on an empty stomach, was a tad more agreeable than she would have been without the social lubrication, said she considered hereself open to anything but hadn’t specifically thought about trying it.

With that, Justine’s hope for a chance to get into Lynn’s pants rose back up. She told Lynn that she was very happy to hear it was a possibility, and she then turned up the flirting a little bit and said that she would like her to finish a couple more drinks and then she would ask her again. Lynn laughed and said ” if you keep making them, I’ll keep drinking them, and if I keep drinking them, I don’t see myself saying ‘no’ to much of anything tonight”

At this moment the boys walked in with the steaks and the conversation turned back to normal stuff. By the end of the delicious dinner everybody was stuffed, and the drinks had continued flowing during the meal. Damien noticed that Justine was hanging all over Lynn, so he assumed she must’ve been working her magic while they were out cooking. He would throw looks at Alan periodically as if to say, “wow look at them” and Alan would return the looks, while laughing. He seemed like he was enjoying the fact that the girls weren’t just getting along, but that Justine was basically groping his wife. Alan didn’t have a problem with that, he couldn’t blame her, he knew how much Lynn turned him on, so for another girl to feel the same way he just wrote it off as biology.

Justine stood and stumbled as she got up to get the brownies she had baked. Everybody laughed as all four of them were a couple sheets to the wind but they all got excited about dessert and found a little room in their stomachs to have some. As Damien went to reach for one, she slapped at his hand and said “these aren’t ready yet.” He asked if they needed to cool and she said, “no they need to be eaten a very particular way.”

Everyone sat in silence as Justine grabbed the brownie and said, “let me show you.” She walked over to the couch where Lynn was sitting and forcefully pushed her back into the seat. With her other hand she set the brownie on the end table. She then said “OK this is how I like to do dessert.” She took a spoon and cut off a small corner of a brownie.

She then held it in front of Lynn’s face and said, “Because you are the sexiest person in this room, you get to be the first to taste the brownies. But in exchange for this honor, you have to let me take off your shirt.” Lynn very relaxed right now but still not the type to show off, wasn’t sure, Justine after a small delay, said “open up” as she motioned the spoonful of brownie towards Lynn’s mouth, and Lynn did as she was instructed.

Justine put the spoon in her mouth and slowly pulled it out.

Justine, smiling, said “you took the brownie so that means I get to take off your shirt! Now don’t be a prude and just play along and let me see that beautiful body of yours.” She proceeded to pull Lynn’s shirt over her head. Justine easily took the shirt off of the very compliant Lynn who just seemed to be smiling and waiting to see what was next.

Justine then reached behind her to undo her bra, Lynn did push back a little bit trying to keep her hands from getting at the clasp, but Justine said quickly “You said I could take off your shirt, and the bra is basically part of the shirt!” as she was saying this she artfully undid the clasp before Lynn could stop her. As she pulled the bra off, Lynn reflexively tried to cover her breasts, to which Justine slapped at her hand and said “what are you doing covering those beautiful things up” reluctantly Lynn put her hands down to her side where Justine directed them. Justine then said besides, you need to play along, this is dessert, you got your bite of brownie but there’s more to come.

Justine then gave Lynn a quick peck on the lips. Lynn, smiling, and a little drunk was too slow to respond, so she missed the chance to kiss back. Justine continued talking, trying to keep her relaxed and focused on something else besides what was being done to her because at that point Justine had already moved on to feeling her tits. She grabbed at both of them firmly and said they felt as amazing as they looked. Justine was only talking to Lynn, practically ignoring the two other men in the room. When I saw these bouncing last night while you rode Alan’s cock, all I wanted to do was walk over there and start sucking on them.”

She then worked her hands down the side of Lynn’s flat stomach and said “You’re the only one so far who has gotten a bite of these brownies. There is so much more dessert to follow for both of us. When I look at this tight stomach it makes me so hungry for something sweet. Last night I caught a glimpse of something sweet underneath these shorts” and she began to unbutton Lynn’s shorts.

Lynn, playing along a little bit more as each minute went by, did not put up a fight; they could even see that she was lifting her hips up a little bit to make the removal easier. With the extra help Justine quickly slid the shorts down past Lynn’s knees and around her ankles.

Lynn was sitting there in a room of fully clothed people wearing just her panties, and she and Justine were ignoring everyone else completely. Justine was staring her in the eyes as she spoke, Lynn, trance like, was just watching and listening. As Justine kneeled down in front of her, she worked her hands up the sides of Lynn’s legs over her panty line, up the sides of her torso and cupped the sides of her breasts.

She then leaned in and whispered into Lynn’s ear “I am going to give you the most exciting night of your life” she then began kissing at the side of Lynn’s neck and worked her face down, coming over the front of her right breast where she stopped and stared hungrily at it, and then began to tease the tip of Lynn’s nipple with her tongue.

Damien looked over at Alan who was awestruck. He appeared as if he was completely blown away by what was going on. He was watching every move the girls made and Damien looked down and noticed that Alan’s hard-on could be clearly seen through his shorts. This made Damien happy, because it was starting to look like everything was going just the way Justine liked it to go. He was surprised at how voracious Justine was being with Lynn, she was OK with girls but was definitely into dudes, but tonight she was all about playing with this new girl. He could tell when his wife was hot on someone, and right now, she was very hot on Lynn and it seemed like she would not be happy until she had her.

He watched as Justine continued to tickle Lynn’s nipple before leaning further in to bite at it, he looked up and saw the face Lynn was making and it was quite clear that she loved having her nipples bitten. He would remember that for later in case he got a chance to play with their guest. Justine worked her face down to Lynn’s belly button where she tickled her navel with her tongue.

That’s when she said “I’m going to show everyone how these brownies are meant to be eaten and enjoyed.” She looked up at Lynn and said in a sultry voice “Do you want to see how these brownies taste best?” Lynn just nodded her head yes. Justine put her face into Lynn’s crotch where Justine could clearly feel the moisture coming through the thin fabric. Seeing that she had gotten Lynn wet turned her on even more, because she loved it when she made somebody wet or hard, and from how wet Lynn’s panties were already, she knew she had a very willing participant sitting in front of her.

She locked her fingers in the sides of the panties and yanked them down over Lynn’s perfect ass, pulling them down past her knees, over her shins, and off of her feet. Lynn was sitting there completely naked, hands at her sides, staring at Justine, waiting for what was next, but she also was subtly inching her legs open further with anticipation. It was clear to everyone in the room that she wanted more, and as her legs slowly spread further and further open, Justine took that as a green light to keep moving.

Justine said, “These brownies are great, but nothing beats eating a brownie out of a beautiful woman’s lap!” She put the brownie on the couch firmly squeezing it into the spot where Lynn’s thighs came together, and her wet pussy sat. Justine leaned in licking across the top of the brownie and then landed her tongue on Lynn’s clit and teased at it with a few quick strokes, she then came down and grabbed a small bite of the brownie again, working up and landing on her clit teasing at it again. Justine moaned as if the brownie was just absolutely delicious, and she could see Lynn’s eyes were glazing over.

She was so turned on by what was going on, that she was putty in Justine’s hands. Justine came back out, and took another bite of the brownie, this one slightly larger, and moved forward and played with Lynn’s clit again. This time she lingered longer, and she put a lot more into it. Lynn began to moan and that caused Justine to slide her tongue lower, in between her lips, eliciting an even deeper moan from Lynn.

Alan was sitting directly behind Justine as she was kneeling in front of Lynn eating the brownie between her legs. He could see that her very short skirt had worked its way up over her hips and revealed that she was not wearing underwear. The skirt was more like a belt now just resting on her abdomen, her pussy and ass hanging out for all to see as she played with Lynn.

Justine then took in a fourth bite of the brownie, and this time she dragged her face up Lynn’s stomach, in between her tits, and landed a kiss on her mouth where the two women kissed. Justine passed the brownie into Lynn’s mouth and then pulled away, she leaned in towards her neck and then to her ear and asked how she liked the brownie. Lynn just nodded her head quickly.

Justine asked if she would like some more, and Lynn again, quickly nodded her head yes. Justine went back down following the path she took, and again she landed in between Lynn’s legs, her forearms up against the outside of her thighs and her hands clasping Lynns ass cheeks.

Justine aggressively pulled Lynn’s pelvis closer to her, and closer to the edge of the couch. This caused Lynn to lay back a little bit and moved the remaining brownie slightly forward. This also caused it to smear in between Lynn’s legs. Justine then pulled her legs closed all the way together and then opened them, causing a very messy chocolate brownie mess. In a sad pouty voice, she said “I’m sorry about that mess, let me clean you up” The two men watched as

Justine cleaned every last bit of chocolate off of Lynn’s legs and especially her pussy, there was not a speck of chocolate left when she was done. Throughout the process Lynn moaned and squealed excitedly as her new friend cleaned her up and ate her out. Justine never played long enough or hard enough with Lynn’s pussy to bring her to orgasm, she was saving that for later, but Lynn was now very, very excited, just like the other two people in the room were after watching this show.

Justine then said to Lynn, “do you want more brownies” Lynn shook her head yes quickly, and Justine said, “I’m glad, are you ready to have one?” Lynn again shook her head yes and Justine walked over, ignoring the men still, and grabbed another brownie. She pulled her small skirt even higher up so it sat just above her belly button, and below her tits making her pussy available for what she had planned next. She then stepped up so she was now standing on the couch facing Lynn. Straddling her, by placing her feet on each side of Lynn’s hips, Justine leaned in, so her pelvis was just inches from Lynn’s face. Lynn was just staring at her body, mesmerized. Justine then dipped her hips in close and as she was doing so said to Lynn, “Don’t you dare move an inch, I don’t want you to do anything until I tell you to” Lynn just nodded in the affirmative.

Justine continued getting closer and she rested the bottom of her pelvis right on Lynn’s chin. Lynn’s nose was just an inch from Justine’s clit, but Lynn did as she was told and sat motionless. Justine took the brownie and teased around Lynn’s mouth, she then laid it in the spot created by her crotch resting on Lynn’s chin. The brownie was now resting, touching both Lynn’s mouth and Justine’s pussy.

Justine, in a commanding, yet seductive, voice, said to Lynn “eat that brownie, and when it’s gone, I want you to make me cum.” Lynn began biting at the brownie, Justine kept forward pressure so that it could not fall, and she was almost driving it into Lynn’s mouth as she pushed her pelvis into Lynn’s face. Lynn quickly devoured the brownie swallowing it, and then with her tongue she began picking at the crumbs on her lips but more so, on Justine’s very wet pussy.

The crumbs were sticking in between Justine’s wet pussy lips, and to clean them out thoroughly, Lynn was aggressively licking at her pussy, her tongue sliding inside each time. Both girls were moaning, Lynn was keeping her hands down to her side, but they began to inch up Justine’s legs, when they reached her ass, Justine grabbed them and held them tightly, she then drove her pelvis into Lynn’s face, and began grinding it up and down against her. This extra pressure seemed to get Lynn more into her role and she licked furiously at the pussy she was eating. Justine kept pushing her hips, driving her pussy tightly into Lynn’s face.

The rest of the room could only see the top of Lynn’s head as her mouth and nose was buried in Justine’s pussy. Her hands were pulling firmly at Justine’s ass trying to get as tight of a seal between the pussy and her mouth. Both girls appeared to be enjoying the brownie thoroughly. Damien looked over again to gauge Alan’s reaction, he was still mesmerized and locked in on what was going on, Damien with one of the hardest erections he could remember having in recent history, began to stroke at it through his shorts, he needed to be ready because his wife looked like she was about to cum, and he was hoping for a turn very soon after.

Justine felt the orgasm coming for a moment and then it hit her, she let go of Lynn’s hands, grabbing her behind the head to hold on tight and to finish the ride. As Justine came, Lynn kept moving her tongue and sucking hard at her pussy. The orgasm lasted longer than usual, and Justine didn’t want it to stop. When it finally did, she slid down Lynn’s body, literally SLID because she left a smear of pussy juice going from Lynn’s face down to her abdomen, where she was now squatting in front of Lynn. Her pussy pushed up against Lynn’s navel and her tits resting on both sides of Lynn’s face. She bent down slightly to kiss Lynn on the mouth, asking if she liked how she tasted. Lynn nodded yes, appearing still to be in a trance.

Justine then announced to the room that she was done and wanted to know who was next. Damien stood and said, “I am ready to take over Babe.” Justine chastised him and said “Honey these people are our guests, I just came all over Lynn’s face, we need to give Alan and Lynn some pleasure.”

Damien, sheepishly, said “Of course, we should take care of them”. Justine, looking square in Lynn’s eyes said, “Do you want us to take care of you guys, to make you both feel as good as you just made me feel?” Lynn just nodded, still silent from the experience, but still looking to be in a very happy place.

Justine then said “OK honey let’s do it, you fuck her, but you better make her cum, and I’m going to fuck him while you do.” With this, Alan felt like the only person who was still buckled to reality. He looked at Lynn with a questioning expression and said, “Do you want to do this?” and she again just nodded blindly, he took that as her answer and he stood up. Damien walked over and lifted his petite wife off of the naked Lynn.

He gave her a kiss and said, “I love you, let’s enjoy our new friends.” She kissed him back and began walking towards Alan. Damien, already stripping off his shirt and shorts, whispered towards Lynn, saying “I am looking forward to tasting my wife all over you. I’m going to lick all of her juices off of you and then I’m going to give you an orgasm just as wonderful as the one you gave her.” Lynn began to say something, but he put his hand over her mouth and said “Save that thought, I’m going to take care of you now.”

He began licking at her navel, and up the center of her chest to her neck. He could taste his wife all over Lynn. But he was also tasting his new playmate. He licked at her neck and the side of her ear, he then worked back down to her tits and while firmly grasping one, began sucking at the nipple, biting it as he saw she liked earlier. She was still mostly silent outside of a couple of moans, so he took his right hand and rubbed it up the inside of her thigh, landing at her pussy. After watching his wife eat the brownie clean from here, he was ready to inspect it for himself, his three fingers slid up Lynn’s inner thigh and when the first one bumped into her pussy, he couldn’t believe how wet it was. It felt like it was 110° and it was just dripping wet. His first finger slipped in, easily followed by the second, and finally, the third one filled her up nicely. With the third finger inside her she moaned deeply, and he began working them inside her as he bit her nipple.

Lynn, with all the excitement, felt like she was going to cum in just seconds. His fingers filling her up, scraping along the inside of her pussy, and her nipple being bitten was enough on a normal day, but the sexual tension in the room had everything overly sensitive right now.

She looked at Damien and said “I think I’m going to cum” with that he worked his fingers faster and harder and moved his face to her other breast while playing with the first one with his hand. He worked his fingers in and out, getting them as deep inside her as possible, he could feel the muscles inside her clenching around them. He felt her cumming just a second before he heard her. Actually, a lot of people in the RV park had to have heard her cumming, because she was definitely making some noise.

After she stopped moving, squealing, and moaning, she collapsed into the couch like she had exerted her last bit of energy. But she had a huge grin on her face that showed it was worth the exertion. Damien said, “Now that we’ve taken care of you let’s take care of me.” But he was interrupted by his wife saying “Honey, we still have a guest that has not came.”

And with that she grabbed Alan by the belt and stood him up. She faced him towards Lynn and got behind him as she started working his belt buckle. She said to Lynn” How do you want your husband to cum?” Alan stood still as he stared at his beautiful wife laying there naked. Justine got his pants undone and pulled them, along with his underwear, down to his ankles, leaving him naked from the waist down, with his rock-hard cock pointing at Lynn.

She then said to Lynn “Do you want him to cum from my hand,” as she said this, she began lightly stroking his cock. She then worked around in front of him and said to Lynn “Or do you want him to cum in my mouth.” She then began licking the side of his cock with her tongue, it pulsed in excitement as she licked at it. She then stood and asked “Or… do you want to let him shoot his load into my pussy” as she bent over in front of him and pushed her ass up against him, causing his cock to slide inside her. As she stood there bent over with his cock inside her she slowly moved him in and out of her. She asked Lynn again, “So where do you want him to cum? Do you want him to cum right here in my pussy?” Lynn just nodded at her. Justine said, “Good I was hoping you would let him fuck me.”

With that she grabbed Alan’s hands and put them on her hips, she said “Your wife just told you to fuck me, you might want to get going and make sure she enjoys the show.”

With that she pushed back into him again and he took charge. He began thrusting into her, her pussy wet and warm from when his wife ate her out. He was pulling with his hands which firmly gripped onto her hips as he was thrusting at the same time, the slapping noise of his hips hitting her ass cheeks each time was making everyone in the room very excited. Justine was very loud and was providing a lot of play-by-play. As he was pounding her from behind, she was trying to put together sentences, with each thrust causing a slight pause in her speech. She was screaming out “Lynn… he’s fucking me so hard… does he fuck you this hard?…. I hope he fucks you like this every day…. because it feels so good…… As he’s fucking me it makes me want to eat you again….. I think when he’s done fucking me….. I’m going to eat your pussy…..” As she finished her comment Alan began to speed up and hit her even harder as he was beginning to cum. Justine exclaimed…. “Oh fuck, yes, cum in my pussy, fill me up with cum I want it to drip out of me for the rest of the night.”


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And within a few seconds he started to slow down, the orgasm passing by. She reached back and grabbed onto him so he couldn’t pull out of her, and she said “Lynn I want you suck his cock so you can taste me. And while you’re tasting me on your husbands cock, I want Damien to fuck you.”

She then said, “Damien get in front of her and start fucking her right now.” He followed the orders given by Justine and got down in front of Lynn, kneeling on the ground pulling her a little bit more off of the couch so he had full access. His cock slid right into her dripping wet pussy, and she startled with a moan.

Justine said “I want to watch you cum in her while she’s licking my juices off of his cock. And while you’re doing that I’m going to sit right here and finger myself so I can cum again.”

She pushed Alan towards Lynn and slapped at her mouth saying, “Open your mouth I want his cock in your mouth.” Lynn, still recovering from all that had went on and now being fucked by Damian, needed a small wake up but did as instructed, and Alan put his cock in her mouth. He grabbed the back of her head and held himself inside her mouth. While her mouth was filled with Alan she was distracted as Damien was pounding away at her pussy. It took a reminder from Justine telling her to get to work on Alan’s cock and she began sucking hard on it and to his own surprise, Alan was able to handle the extra stimulation after just cumming. Lynn was moaning, but it sounded different with his cock in her mouth as she was getting closer to orgasm. Justine sitting across the room, could be seen fingering herself.

She called out to Lynn “Are you going to cum with me baby? I’m using your husbands cum to keep my fingers wet as I’m fucking myself with them. Do I taste good in your mouth right now? Can you taste my pussy on his cock? His cum is dripping out of my pussy and I am rubbing it all over my clit.”

Lynn didn’t answer, she just continued moaning, barely able to handle everything. Alan could feel the moment she began to cum as she was clenching down her lips and tongue against his cock. At that moment Damien was cumming also. The extra excitement caused Alan to feel another orgasm coming, just a few minutes after the last, he began thrusting himself into her mouth again causing a choking noise to come from her as she was screaming in delight, but gagging as his cock kept sliding into her throat.

At that moment everyone in the RV had just cum, and the room smelled like wet sex. Everyone had been taken care of and everyone had the euphoric feeling you get right after you came really hard. Justine seized the moment and said “This can only get awkward from here, so let’s call it a night I’m going to take my husband in the bedroom and let him fuck me one more time and I recommend you do the same Lynn” everyone got dressed and they parted ways. After playing a little bit more in bed that night Alan and Lynn fell asleep just like Justine and Damien did in their RV.

As they always do, Justine and Damien woke up early and got everything packed up. This left an empty parking spot next to Alan and Lynn’s RV when they woke up that morning. Justine and Damien were moving on to a new place and as Justine hoped, a new couple to play with.


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