It's Just Business by BlueFellow,BlueFellow

He knocked on my door right on time and led me to his car, imagine my surprise when I saw Natalie and another man I’d not met before already in there. Grant held the front passenger door for me and, as I slipped into the seat, Natalie introduced her husband to me. Ralph smiled and said “Hello, nice to meet you at last.”

We were soon seated in a cosy restaurant with a drink in our hands. Grant spoke first, “Thanks for joining us tonight, Natalie and I want to discuss your future, in particular where it might be mutually beneficial. We thought an informal chat in a relaxed atmosphere was best.”

Once our food was ordered Natalie said that they both felt that I had fitted in well and that, provided I obtained the degree I was projected to get, I should speak to them about a permanent position immediately after graduation. They handed me a draft contract of employment which detailed the renumeration package they were prepared to offer should I qualify. It was better than I expected. Then as I finished reading Grant smiled and added, “We are very keen to secure your services so please read this,” he handed me single sheet of paper. “It’s a preliminary offer, a retainer if you like, to help you through next year.”

Natalie took over, “We hope that puts us in pole position for your future services.” I was speechless, they were to pay me a weekly allowance that would cover my living expenses for the next academic year. I think my mouth must have been hanging open when she continued, “There are no strings attached to our offer, you are free to live your life as you see fit, we just hope you will continue to work hard then call us first when you graduate.”

What could I say, my smile must have given me away, maybe even the tears in my eyes gave them a hint, Grant saved me, “That’s enough business talk for tonight, let’s enjoy the meal and rest of the evening.” What could I say? I managed to thank them and promised not to let them down. The meal was lovely, and we danced ’till late. They dropped me off at my digs at midnight, Grant walked me to my door, and, although I hesitated, I did give him a kiss on the cheek as I thought it only polite, he didn’t seem to mind too much!

It took me a couple of weeks to get back into the routine of university life and I had to get used to a couple of new housemates. However, it was during the usual round of ‘freshers’ parties that I met my future husband, we were the same age, and he too was about to start his final year. His was a three-year course but he’d had a year out to travel after school so had now caught up with me doing my four-year stint.

As I mentioned earlier we quickly found that we were made for each other and soon made plans for our future life together. We agreed that once we had each secured a suitable career we would marry, of course I was ahead in this objective, but he was smart so I knew it would not be long before we could move forward with our life.

Despite wanting to spend as much time with each other as possible we both worked hard and got the good degrees we needed. On graduation I immediately accepted my offer from Natalie and Grant while Jon soon found a job that he wanted. We set up a joint savings account and planned a June wedding.

My job was what I expected, I still had things to learn but fitted in with the team right away, it was almost as if I had never been away. As before Natalie was friendly and helpful, Grant not so much. He was just as I remembered, aloof at times, abrupt, sometimes even rude, but overall, he was business-like and very professional.

We still had our occasional celebratory nights out and my feelings for Grant stayed the same, I had my turn to dance with him and he kept me at ‘arms-length’ particularly during the slow numbers. I don’t know why but it began to annoy me, as a person I didn’t really like him, but found his attitude, his bearing of you like, peculiarly attractive.

As I said before, he automatically took control, he felt strong, powerful, charismatic even. All I did know was that when I was in his arms I was excited, my body responded to him even if my mind did not, it was a strange sensation. I certainly had no romantic feelings towards him and would have no intention of acting on them if I did.

Work got more and more interesting, Natalie moved me around the company as part of my training, I learned a lot, but wondered where my future lay, it seemed that as soon as I knew what I was doing in a particular job she moved me on to the next. One day I asked for a meeting to discuss this. She explained that with my education I would be wasted in any one job so she wanted me to gain a full understanding of the whole company, then, when the time was right, I would be promoted to reflect my knowledge and position.

One issue that I needed to discuss was that as a young married woman I would soon want to start a family. Natalie smiled and said, “Of course you will, and I want to assure you that we will support you throughout.”

I queried how that would be possible, I’d need to take time off, maybe even resign to care for any children we might have. She dismissed that with, “I know but I’m sure your husband will be supportive of you should you decide to remain at work, we will make sure you are looked after.”

And so, when eighteen months later I told Natalie that I was pregnant she moved me to our accounts department, I’d had a spell there so knew what was necessary. During the following five months I was set-up with a home office, a computer linked to the company server and the task of modifying our finance systems to cope with remote management. I was encouraged to work from home to prove the systems if I had a difficult day, or a clinic visit.

My son, Aaron, was born without complications and Natalie picked up the slack during the first few weeks when I was nursing and settling into the routine of a new mother, in fact she would visit me regularly, often working in my home office for the whole day. Once things settled down for me and Jon got used to being a ‘hands-on’ father I was required to go into the office one day a week. We worked out a routine to enable this and all was well in my world.

The days in the office gradually increased and we hired a live-in au-pair to help with the baby. I was soon pregnant again and, following a similar routine, was eventually the proud mother of a healthy daughter, Sophie. We, Jon and I, decided that two children were sufficient for us, so I went back on birth control and Jon had a vasectomy. When I told Natalie in conversation one day she seemed pleased but said nothing of consequence about it.

After six months I was promoted to a management position, what was strange was that I was still moved around the business, now put in charge of each department that I worked in. I was now involved in management meetings with Natalie and Grant where we discussed strategy and plans. Then a year after Sophie was born my life took a totally unexpected turn.

“We have an important issue to discuss with you and would like to do it without delay, after work today please, I expect it to delay you for at least a couple of hours, so make your excuses with Jon and join us in the boardroom in half an hour please.” Natalie said rather more formally than she would usually speak to me.

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