Just by Chance by Mr56543434,Mr56543434

We were coming back from the east coast from a 2-week vacation in DC. And we pulled into a rest area for a stop as we headed home. When I pulled in there were motorcycles everywhere. As I parked our Sports car, I knew we would cause a few men that ride them to look us over.

My wife Calli is enough to cause men to look us over all by herself. And when we are riding, she dresses much more relaxed and comfortably than usual. Her loose T-shirt still did very little to hide the fact that her breasts are hanging free under it. Her nipples are on point most of the time anyway and much more so when her sexy boobs are free. She jumped out and was on a dead track to the restroom as I knew she had to pee.

I got out and slowly looked around. I soon knew that this wasn’t just any motorcycle group. I saw jackets and vests that had their logs on them. These were Sons of Satan’s guys and gals. Maybe the bad of the bad. I walked slowly to the restrooms and just as I was entering Calli was coming out.

When I came back out Calli was the center of a group of the bikers and their women over near ourt car. A heavy-set older woman was chatting up close with my wife. Her hair was up in a tight ponytail, and she wore a very loose-fitting vest that hung completely open, and her big breasts were bare under it. They were proudly on display.

I walked back around to where the drinks were on sale. And I spent several minutes looking for drinks for both of us. When I turned back around Calli was seated behind a very large biker on his Harley and he had it fired up. Her legs were wide around his hips her legs showing as good as they ever had in her tight Daisy Duke shorts. I could hear the woman talking to her.

“Oh, come on Calli, you just have to do it one time. Every girl needs to do it just once. It is just ten miles to the next exit and Your husband could follow and pick you up down there, but you should ride down and back. I’ll hold your shirt til you return.”

She had ahold of my wife’s shirt tail and was trying to lift it. They both turned and looked at me as I walked toward them.

“Tell her how sexy she’ll look, David.”

I grinned.

“Well if you are talking about her riding topless? Yes, it will definitely be sexy.”

“Shall I do it Davie?”

“Sure, Babe show them off down and back.”

Calli pushed her arms up in the air and the woman jerked her T-shirt right up off over her head. The Biker sat there on his bike.

“What are you doing let’s go.”

He leaned far forward on his bike and turned back to look at her bare chest. And he smiled.

“I am giving the guys a really good look at those puppies before we go.”

She slapped him on his back, and they roared off out on the highway. I walked on over to the woman holding my wife’s T.

“You surprised me some and I am not surprised much anymore.”

“Why is that?”

“You encouraged her to do it. I didn’t figure you would.”

“It’ll do her good to loosen up a bit.”

“Would you encourage her to do more?”

“How much more do you want?”

“Oh, maybe a lot more rides with them on display?”

“Yes I would do that.”

“You’d let her ride topless with the guys?”

“And without the little Daisy Duke shorts too?”

“Ya, maybe?”

“David, you know if she rides naked, she will ride facing him with her little pussy down over his hard horn. Could she do that too.”

She was standing very near me, and she suddenly had my cock in her hand. She smiled.

“David, you are very hard. Brogan will try to fuck her before they come back, I know that. You know your Calli, is just what we are looking for. We want her, will you let us have her.”

“She has a mind of her own. She is very interested, or she would not be topless. I have tried to get her to play some. So maybe?”

“Will she let Brogan fuck her? He has had her out on a twenty-minute ride now for over forty minutes now. So, they are doing something? Have you encouraged her to fuck others?”

“Yes, I have.”

“Good boy, so you hope Brogan, is fucking her?”

I didn’t need to answer as she still had my cock in her grasp. As an hour approached she smiled.

“Maybe Brogan has got her by now. If not here write down your # and address and we will talk soon, I am Marci.”

I did as she asked, and we could hear the bike coming up the road. Brogan pulled his bike right up beside us and they both got off. Calli stood calmly with her perky breasts bared.

We stood talking for some time before Calli took her shirt from Marci and pulled it on. Before she did, I could see he had marked her breasts in several places. We finally followed the bikes out and we all headed west toward home. Calli and I laughed about her ride topless and how proud of her that I was and how excited she was to do it.

“David, he tried to fuck me. Should I have let him?”

“Maybe, maybe not. They want more from you.”

“He told me what they want from me. The hard drugs, the sexual rites, and that I am to have babies for them.”

“Really, he told you all that?”

“But how big a deal is it? You are okay if we are open sexually. We have played with some drugs, and I want babies.”

“Very true, the sex could be fun. We have done some fun drugs, but not H. And the babies will be their choice not yours.”

“They’ll still be our babies out of my body, just not from your cock. And he says the sex while on the H is so fantastic. He says I will want any bodies cock. Or everybody’s cock.”

“So, it does excite you?”

“Oh God yes, it does. Tell me you want me to do it. Just say Calli I want you to do this. Become their biker whore.”

“Did Brogan fuck you?”

“I wanted it. He said if we did it I had to ride him back to the rest area. He wanted you all to see me on his cock.”

“Did it get close?”

“I was naked facing him. I was very wet, and I rubbed up and down on his cock. I eased down on the head of his cock several times. He wanted me down on it. But I had to ride back to you on him. I just wasn’t sure. Would you have been alright? Did you want him inside me when we came back?”

“I hoped you’d be nude when you came back.”

“Facing him?”


“With him inside me?”


“They turned south just before KC, and we went on into the city.”

Calli is a Parra legal for a firm in KC and I have a very good business in real state. Three weeks passed before I got the call from Marci.

“David there is a rally south of KC this weekend. We want you and Calli to come down. It was an area I knew, and she rattled off the address for me. We want to recruit Calli and try to make her a Biker Chick. There are 7 other girls coming to be recruited, 3 college girls and 4 other housewives. Please come.”

I got home that night, and I could tell Calli was very excited. I finally had to ask if Brogan had called her?

“No Marci did right after she talked to you.”

“Oh, and what did she tell you?”

“Well, she says they want to recruit me this weekend.”

“Yes, what else did she tell you?”

“She said that you told her they can have me, and You’ll encourage me.”

“That is about right, Do, you want to go, and see?”

“Oh, my and did you tell her they could have me?”

“She, said if we come and you become a Biker Chick, you’ll be theirs in every way. I agreed to let them have you. Do you want to go down?”

“Yes, it sounds exciting and fun.”

We left early Saturday morning and planned to be there by 10am. Calli was dressed in a T-shirt and very short skirt. I knew she was wearing no under wear.

“David are we really going to do this? Are you going to let me do this? I know you have teased me about fucking other guys, but this is the crazy extreme. My pussy will be owned by a very large group of crazy men. You know that by noon other men will be fucking your wife.”

“It will likely be much crazier than that Baby. And we are just about there.”

I turned our Vette into the huge campgrounds where the rally was being held. I pulled up at the place Marci had told me to and we parked and got out. Marci stepped out of the big tent and met us.

“Calli and David, I am so glad you came. And Calli are you willing to become one of us?”

My wife looked at me briefly and then nodded.

“Yes I am.”

My cock stiffened instantly. Oh god she was really going to do this.

“Ok last chance David can we have your wife as a Biker Babe?”

I kissed my wife, long and hard as I then looked at her beautiful body nipples hard and I knew her clean shaved vagina wet.

“Yes, I want her to do this.”

Marci turned as a tall skinny blonde woman stepped out behind her.

“Susan take Calli and get her ready to become our slut.”

She took my wife’s hand and led her off to get ready. I watched her beautiful hips as she walked away. Probably my last look of Calli as my wife.

“Come David we need to talk. Calli has been voted in already this morning into our chapter. There are 32 members in our chapter, and by morning Calli will have enjoyed all of our members sexually. They are getting her ready to fuck Brogan now. She is naked by now and Susan has the needle in her arm by now giving her a small jolt of H. The members are about to enjoy seeing her with Brogan. We are going to join the other husbands as their wives are being interviewed. The first up is Shelly, who is 26. She and her hubby Mark live just on the north edge of Sedalia. They have two girls. Shelly and Mark have been active swingers.”

Marci took me into the tent and introduced me to Mark, Shelly’s husband. The tent was full of men and maybe a dozen women. A slightly heavy-set woman with big breasts was hanging on to Mark. I had seen her grasping his cock several times and whispering to him. A very pretty young woman came out on stage completely nude. Her breasts reminded me a lot of Calli’s. They were about the same size and shape. Marci leaned over close to me, and she squeezed my cock.

“The first time I saw her I thought her breasts were mirror images of Calli’s. Oh, and just so you know Calli is being honored at this time. She has Brogan’s big cock up inside her belly as they all watch.”

My cock twitched and she squeezed back.

“I am proud you approve, David. Calli will be such a great little slut for our chapter. Calli has been accepted into the chapter now as our newest Biker slut. She is now being totally accepted by them all now.”

“They are all fucking my wife now?”

“No David they are all making her our newest Biker slut. She has been given another little shot of H and she’ll do anything for them now. Her breeding will begin soon.”

“Her breeding?”

“Yes, David it is a part of being a Biker slut. We usually like the new girls have at least two babies with the chapter. Bubba usually does the breeding. He is one of our black members. I myself have two children by Bubba. And Marcia the girl with Mark has 4 children with Bubba. And I do believe she is PG by him again now.”

We heard Mark yell out to his wife just then. As we looked up on the stage his wife Shelly was on display with a very large black man pulling her back against him as her was fucking her from behind with his huge cock.

“Oh Ya baby, show him how good it is.”

“That is Bubba now with Shelly. Mark doesn’t know it yet, but she is being bred right now by Bubba. Shelly uses a diaphragm, but she’s taken it out for this. She is going to the chapter down in Sedalia and she has been accepted as a Biker slut.” We watched them fuck for a while before Marci pulled me from that tent into the next one. This tent was full of Bikers, she led me right up front. Turning to 3 young men who stood up right against the edge of the waist high stage. Marci introduced me to the three young men.

“David, I want you to meet James Howard, William Mathison, and I am sure you know Greg Jamison.”

Greg is someone I knew. Greg works with Calli in the same Law office. His wife Julie is a stay-at-home Mom, and they have two girls, both nearly adults. The Jamison’s are in their mid-thirties. I was sure Julie was his one and only and he was hers.

“Greg you wife has never been with another man, has she?”

“No Marci, she has never been with anyone but me. David, Calli isn’t being auditioned for this is she? Calli is so hot. I would give my left nut to fuck her.”

“I am sure that won’t be something you’ll need to give up Greg. As soon as Julie completes her show on stage with Brogan, I can take you over to enjoy Calli if you want. And David will have some time with your wife too.”

“Oh God yes I’d love to go to work with Calli after I have fucked her.”

Just as he spoke the curtains opened in the rear and we watched as a completely naked Julie was led upon the stage by Brogan. Julies breasts were bigger that my wife’s but hung with their weight and with wide full areolas that covered the whole ends of her big breasts, nearly 4 inches wide. Brogan reached around and grasp her hard nipples pulling them out and down and Julie leaned with his pull on them. One hand turned a nipple loose and he push her thighs wider apart, and his hand came up between her spread thighs to cup her vagina. His big cock followed up between her legs going directly up to the opening of her vagina and up inside of her. She gasps as he entered her, and he pulled her back against him so we could all see that he was fully up inside of her.

“There you go Greg; your wife is well on her way to being a Biker slut now. And before we leave this tent, she will be enjoyed by several other men too. David, you stay and enjoy watch Julie. While I take Greg over and let him enjoy Calli.”

I knew how excited Greg was going to be next week when he went into work with my wife.


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