Liberated from Self Isolation

Liberated from Self Isolation

‘Self-isolation’ had become the key phrase over recent weeks; uttered by those in authority on both a national and local level. The boundaries to normal, daily, life were being drawn in ever tighter.

Luke wondered about it.

The phrase had been used on him by his new employers. They were taking no chances on having COVID-19 take out many of their key staff thus affecting productivity. Others in the company had been sent on their way too. Like him, they were to work from home. Connectivity, remote working, and hot-desking were all to be applied to the world that he had only just stepped into after completing a Master’s degree.

He sure wasn’t affected by it; but the spread of the virus across the world, even to towns not so far from where he had returned, had seen to it that he was not to attend the company’s Winchester office until the ‘all clear’ sounded. Perhaps, over the rooftops, a long redundant wailing siren, or klaxon, would be heard; the ancient equipment re-employed to tell the local population that normal life could be resumed.

But what was normal life after you had been living in what felt like solitary confinement? He had endured these ways of it for over two weeks and there seemed to be no end in sight. His folks weren’t exactly thrilled to have him here in the family home again; his two siblings were long gone. Their holiday plans had been brought to a shuddering halt, and he was with them; holed up in their home and preferring that over the alternative; to be in ‘self-isolation’ in a bedsit, with people he had yet to fully bond with and where the virus had persuaded them to keep away from any company; or to exchange curt greetings before moving away.

He sure as hell wasn’t about to enjoy this cloistered existence for much longer but, thankfully, the office rang; or he called them about the work that he produced and that was demanded of him. So, no one could say that he was skiving off or taking it easy. The work filled much of his day, but his only too familiar environment kept him from any chance of pursuing any meaningful contact with others.

He thought that he had bidden farewell to the monkish existence that had been university life; hours of researching, writing up his thesis, and concentrating on getting to the end as quickly and successfully as possible.

‘How much more of this?’ he sighed as a soft knock on his door was now to be heard. He met his mother’s concerned smile. She clutched a small tray. On it was a mug of coffee and biscuits. The supermarket’s shelves hadn’t been stripped bare of those; not just yet. The world had become somewhat surreal. She now passed the tray to him. ‘Great, and thanks.’

‘Not too close, dear,’ she said on taking a step back onto the sunlit landing. Maggie looked past him. ‘Good, I see that you have the window open.’

‘Yes,’ he sighed. ‘I’ve done as you asked or nagged me to do.’

‘For all of our sakes, dear.’

‘Yes, I hear you, mother. I’m going out for a breath of air and go out for a cycle ride. If everyone’s so closed-up, holed up in their homes, then the roads will be quiet and safer just for a change.’

‘Do that,’ she said seeing the papers he had been working on stacked up, neatly, on his desk. ‘You are diligent, aren’t you?’

‘I wonder where I got that from?’ he smiled. The tray shook in his hand as Luke drank from the mug. ‘I’ll bring this all down in a moment or two. I’ve got to get those papers bundled up and sent back to the office. ‘I’ll ring and let them know that they’re in the post.’

‘Do that. They’ll hear that you’re working.’ Maggie saw the pout of his lips. ‘I know this isn’t ideal, for any of us.’

‘You could say that.’

‘Well,’ Maggie went on, her voice lifting as if the opportunity to talk of something more important had arrived. ‘To relieve the boredom or your frustration, with the world outside, a friend of mine needs some help at her stables. I wonder if you would be interested?’

‘Jeez! Not Becky Williams again?’

‘Yes, Becky. I told her that you were here, ‘confined to barracks’, so to speak, ‘or shore leave cancelled’, and I thought that you might welcome the distraction from desk work and being cooped up in here. You know what to expect with her. She’s someone who doesn’t always live by the rules.’

‘Tell me about it,’ he refrained from saying. He certainly did know that and what to expect where it concerned Rebecca Williams.

The woman that he remembered was only too haughty and given to dressing in practical clothes that still gave her an air of elegance and allowed her to behave in her superior ways. She sought control of everything that she touched, or of those she associated with. He really couldn’t remember times when Becky was not to be seen seated on a horse and looking down on others.

‘Toby’s away I suppose?’

‘Captain Williams is, yes,’ his mother observed. ‘Don’t get overfamiliar about them.’

‘As if I’d do that,’ he replied with a laugh and choosing not to say more. ‘I am a little older and wiser, remember, since those days.’ He gathered up all that was to be posted and soon piled it up on the tray. He followed his mother down to the entrance hall. ‘Do I need to call Becky, or do I just show up?’

‘I’ll let her know you’re on your way. Go carefully and give her my regards. She’ll be glad of your help, I’m sure of it. We haven’t seen each other for some time, but we still speak on the phone.’

Luke didn’t doubt it for a minute. He sure as heck was older and wiser in the ways of it, now. He’d been an innocent, then, compared to the young guy she would meet again today. He’d played the field when up at university, and then on a gap year out in Valencia. He had done that over the years since he had last seen her and yet, no one had succeeded in truly claiming him.

The fleshy blonde, so superior and in control, had been a revelation even through his innocent’s eyes, then.

The wind tugged at his hair and it made his soft lemon-yellow T-shirt hug his body and press his chinos to his legs as he cycled. The undulating countryside would have been a test were it not for the multitude of gears on his mountain bike. He was young and fit, so he hardly broke sweat as he made his way over the quiet road.

The house and landholding that Captain Toby Williams, RN, and his wife, Rebecca, owned and lived in, with its livery stables, was in the lee of Butser Hill. Views from the Downland vantage point, and out over the Solent and Portsmouth Harbour below, the Isle of Wight beyond, were to be treasured.

Even now, he recalled how little things seemed to have changed since he had last seen her. Becky was the wife of a successful, high-ranking naval officer. Even in these straightened times, he was often away at sea managing the commissioning of new ships and their crews. His absences invariably left Becky to manage the small farm and its livery stables on her own.

It was the thing to do; the only acceptable way for someone of her standing to be known doing, along with running boarding stables and teaching horsemanship to some choice students. Her kids were away at boarding school, so she fended for herself most of the time.

It was the way her life had been arranged that had first brought him into her orbit; pushed on or ‘volunteered’ by his mother, who knew Rebecca from some social grouping or other. Most of that was charitable work, of doing good deeds, and in the summer months helping to organise Gymkhanas and other ‘horsey’ and to be seen at events. They were gatherings that filled out the social calendar and her life alone.

Luke stopped by the side of the road on hearing his iPhone chirrup. ‘Hi, mother, am I wasting my time?’

‘No, dear. Becky’s thrilled that you’re on your way!’

‘I’m almost there, as it happens.’

‘Good. You’ll let me know when you’re on your way back, won’t you?’

‘Yes, don’t I always?’

‘Yes, true, Luke. I can’t break old habits as you know.’

He wondered if Becky was of that mind too.

Secluded, and with the meadows, yard, close-boarded stable blocks, and tack rooms all tended and kept in pristine condition, Luke soon realised that he was entering a domain where ‘in ship-shape’ was more than a descriptive phrase. The influence of the military mind was everywhere to be seen. He may have been a naïve eighteen-year-old when he had been suggested to Becky as a strong and willing yard boy, naïve, perhaps in the ways of the world but only too willing to learn over a long summer vacation and to earn some money.

When the yard, and land that went with it, came up for sale the Williams’ had bought the holding and added it to the land that came with their modern, boxy, red-pantile roofed house.

He’d been turning eighteen when he had begun work for Becky Williams, and the first couple of weeks had been exhausting but uneventful. The hours of his days were long, given that he had taken to showing up before the end of his last term at school and did that for two days a week until school finished and he turned to every morning at the same time as Becky, with her man putting in some time but rarely on a regular basis. It was soon left to him to learn on the job, tasks that included maintaining the equipment and the property’s boundary fences, along with helping some of the temporary yard staff keep the place up to the mark.

‘You’re a gift…a natural,’ Becky had told him as he saw to it that the hay and grain were in the feed barn and some of it ready to be put in the stable blocks’ troughs or, as Becky preferred, into the hay nets. ‘I’ll be sorry to see you go when you go to uni…’

‘That’s a long way off, Misses Williams,’ he had smiled. Underneath that aloof exterior, Luke had begun to see a different woman, someone even he, inexperienced as he was, wanted to engage with.

‘Call me Becky…I’m your mother’s friend after all, so why not you too?’

He had taken to wondering where that familiarity had sprung from. Becky was very much the boss of the place, but people liked working for her. Everyone seemed to feel that way, including Fred the gardener; Vida, the Spanish housemaid; and then there were the two stable girls who prepped the horses for those who paid the livery costs.

‘She’s okay, long as you don’t cross ‘er…’ was Fred’s simple observation. ‘Her man…the captain, now he’s something else…’ he had gone on to opine. ‘I dunno how he can stay away from ‘er, his woman, for so long. She’s a bit of a looker, so something’s wrong there.’

He’d not made his own observation on that because of having his youthful infatuation with Becky by that time; with the woman to be seen in those tight riding breeches; ankle boots, and those blouses and tops that shaped her. Why, indeed, would Captain Williams be away so much? The Royal Navy wasn’t so big, these days, that there would be a shortage of men like him.

‘My wife’s told me that you’ve settled in well… learned the ropes, so to speak,’ the captain had observed.

‘Yes, I have…thank you,’ he remembered answering; choosing not to fall into saying, ‘yes sir’ or, worse still, ‘aye-aye, sir’.

Williams had been met a couple of times before, at some local function he had been invited to with his parents, and when the man was on shore leave. He’d been given a cursory inspection; been quizzed on the maintenance of the equipment Becky had put him in charge of. He was also expected to help his wife in tending the sheep, whenever she asked it of him.

‘I’m doing all of that already,’ he had answered in his direct ways. He wasn’t about to be intimidated by the man when he had a softer boss to engage with, whenever it was necessary, which was as often as he could manage to do so.

Williams did seem pleased that Becky had him around the place, limited in duration as that was to be. For his part he had forged a bond with the curvy woman; one that he wasn’t about to have her son and daughter take a wrecking hammer to.

But that was then.

Sophie and Ben Williams were now away at university. For his part, he had learned to handle the brickbats that came his way from those who had a higher opinion of themselves than their experience, and intellects, offered.

Luke felt a shortness of breath as he pedalled up the long incline to the farm and Becky. She had taken his side at the time and felt that her spoilt kids would learn from doing manual, or menial, tasks that others earned a living by. Oh, how he cursed when Ben was faulted for stacking up the hay bales that summer and before he went on a school trip.

‘It’s only your effing job!’ he had cursed when he had been told to restack some bales properly.

‘True, Ben, and it’s a job that I work long hours for and for the pay I get. It’s still worth doing or else I wouldn’t be here.’

Luke saw the brilliant white paint on the five bar gates to the farm’s driveway as he reached the crest of the hill. In a few moments, he would be in Becky’s company again and he would have to gather his thoughts, difficult as that now felt as he remembered that wordy exchange with Ben and all that had followed, so time ago.

‘Luke! Wait a moment, please, if you have it?’

‘Yes…sure.’ He had time enough for the woman who was now to be seen riding towards him, her riding boots crunching on the gravel. ‘I’m almost through with this job.’

‘I told that lippy boy of mine to do the work properly, whoever sets it, you this time.’

‘It’s okay,’ he answered, leaning on the hayfork for an instant to look up at her. It was clear that she was going to dismount. Luke gripped the bridle tightly as the horse made to break free. ‘Easy…easy.’

For a large woman, she was agile. Becky slipped down from the saddle.

‘Thank you. Is there nothing you can’t do or learn of?’ she smiled up at him. She touched his arm before taking hold of the horse’s bridle and slipped the reins over its head. She gripped them in a gloved hand. ‘Walk with me?’ she asked. ‘Ben spends too much time with people who expect others to do everything for them…’

‘Does that include you?’ Luke blurted out.

‘Yes, sometimes.’ Becky gripped his arm and slowed their progress to the stable yard. ‘It’s only been a few weeks, and you’ve done so well, that I think you deserve a pay rise.’

‘Well,’ Luke said in some embarrassment. ‘I like being here, so that…’

‘Compensates for low wages?’ Becky smiled, her hand moving to touch his cheek for a moment. ‘It’s sweet of you to say it, but I can’t take advantage of that and have you paid so little. I…I needed to know how committed you’d be to what we do here…that…’

‘That you do here, you do Becky,’ he felt compelled to tell her.

She nodded and smiled, ‘You’ve noticed that, have you?’

Luke couldn’t help but laugh. ‘I can hardly miss that…or you. You’re out here most mornings before I am, or soon after I get here. I’ve heard of teamwork at school, but this…what we have here is crazy sometimes.’

‘Luke…Luke,’ Becky murmured and looked away. There was an unmistakable note of admiration in his tone. She had often caught him looking her way. How crazy to be flattered by those admiring glances from a young man.

‘Sorry. I’m speaking out of turn.’ Luke heard nothing from her to make him stop. ‘You’re the boss, yet you put in the time and the hours and work doing the tasks that I, and the girls, should do…Fred also. We should be the ones sweating out, but you’re there with us…’

She was startled by the rush of words that were accompanied by his admiring glances upon her and, now, a moment’s touch to her bare arm; the skin warm and silken. He would see a soft glow upon it from having worked Ranger, a chestnut pony, so hard on the gallops and work that a demanding client expected of her.

There were others to be exercised before the day was out.

‘Enough, Luke…enough.’

‘Yes…okay, enough.’ He broke free of her hold on him.

She did not mean for her ways of telling him to sound like she was admonishing him, but the young man could not be allowed to see the effects that his few words, and his ways of speaking out, had upon her. He was Ben’s age, dark-haired, slender-faced, and undoubtedly strong, his unshaven face and mop of unruly, wavy, brown hair lending him a rebellious look.. She had not missed seeing how lean of build and athletic Luke was. She also sensed that he was smitten and had a crush on her that she had not encouraged. Yet here she now was, her work a surrogate for a companionable family life and a husband so often away so often and she was never certain of when he would return.

She shook her head as if waking from a daydream.

‘Check your pay envelope on Friday. I’ll make up what you’ve been paid and what I think you now deserve. I hope you’ll accept that?’

‘I will…the money’s not the only reason I’m here.’

Becky watched him go; and saw Luke’s purposeful strides as he made his way to the stable yard. She did have to get a grip on this turn of events and dealings with each other, along with her engagement with the young man. His flattering words were only too seductive and she felt the effects of being alone in the house for so much of the time.

Luke arrived home later than usual.

He rushed upstairs and tore away his work clothes. They would be shaken out later and before he went out to meet friends. The job was going great; his mother’s friend, Becky Williams, an eyeful to his ways of seeing her. She was fit and curvy, and he just loved how her riding breeches shaped her thighs and bum. Along with her blouse, they looked like a second skin, that she had been poured into them.

It seemed that he had made no secret of his admiration for the woman. Inquisitive, and talkative, Fred had seen it in his eyes; how they had followed her, the ‘missus’, one morning when they were at work and she had jumped up onto a horse and settled in the saddle. He had seen her breasts shaped by her riding top as she adjusted the fit of her riding hat, how her thigh muscles flexed as Becky pushed her boots into the stirrups.

‘Caught ‘er, the missus, sunbathing one day, a summer or two back. She’s got more than a handful, she ‘as…I can tell you.’

In the shower, he, an eighteen-year-old, was discovering what lust could do to a man; the effect on his body from the rush of blood to a place where relief was solitary and only too easy to find.

They all toiled in the summer heat. Haymaking was upon them and they worked long hours in cutting, raking, baling and finally putting the bales on a trailer, the tractor that Fred drove bringing them to the stack near the stable blocks.

Luke was feeling as fit as he had ever been in his life. He had put on muscle and his skin was deeply tanned, a look that contrasted so wonderfully with his wavy, brushed-back brown hair. His bare legs were scratched by the straw; his hands were rough-skinned, a condition that his mother often commented on. He was unbothered by it all. He was loving his time on the land and working for Becky.

A couple of times he had noticed her stop, and glance his way, as she was on her way to a ride out with two other horses on leads behind her mount. He pretended not to notice and kept on throwing bales, mainly to impress her, his boss, but with a forlorn hope that perhaps she too noticed the changes in him since he had taken to working for her.

He was startled when Becky returned from a ride and picked her moment to talk to him, the stacking of the bales all but done, and the others nowhere to be seen. They had hitched a ride back to the field where the last of the bales would be loaded.

‘Hi,’ he said nonchalantly, wiping a hand over his sweat-streaked brow. His T-shirt clung to his skin.

‘Hi,’ she answered, looking somewhat nervily at him. ‘I…I can’t put out of my head what you said to me a week or so ago, Luke.’

He shifted his weight and looked back at her with stilled eyes. ‘It…it had to be said. I couldn’t help it and I’m sorry if I’ve offended you.’

‘Yeah, only…only I’m not offended,’ she now said in a low distracted voice. ‘I’ve seen how you’ve worked hard on the hay harvest, and so…so I’d like you to come around to the house when you’re quite through. We can have some lunch.’

He looked at her in startled amazement on hearing all that she had confessed to and then asked of him. The woman before him had become the object of an obsessive interest. ‘What…what about…?’

‘You’re wondering about the others, what will they think?’ she smiled. ‘They know that their day’s over. It’s the way it works around here at this time of year, Luke. They work hard to get to this point, and then I let them go. You can do that too…but have lunch with me first? Susannah will be back at six to help me with evening rounds…so we have time. Be company for me, that’s all I’m asking.’

It sounded honest and not desperate to him. ‘Well, if you’re sure…yes, okay, thanks.’

‘Good, that’s settled.’ Her look on him and softened smile now urged him to get on with what remained of his day’s tasks.

He was soon finished but felt frustrated by being unable to urge the others on. In the tack room, he washed off as best as he could, his grimy hands and sweat-streaked face passing for being clean. He ran wet fingers through his hair and slicked it back; brushed off his clingy T-shirt and dusty shorts before he washed his hands again.

In a state of nervy excitement, and raging anticipation, he made his way to her place. His parents had been in the house for some summer bash, but not he.

She must have been looking out for him, because Becky’s voice was heard calling to him as he rang the doorbell and distant chimes sounded in an echoing hallway.

‘We’re going to be out on the patio, so come through the side gate, Luke. It’s unlocked.’

He saw the sun glittering off the stilled surface of a small swimming pool and took in the neatness of the lawn and planted shrub and flower borders that were Fred’s handiwork. He remembered his gleeful comment on having got an eyeful of Becky’s busty figure but put that from his mind as she was seen looking his way.

Jeez, this was happening and the girls in his group of friends had nothing on this woman’s looks and ways. He’d learn something, whatever happened between them, and seeing her now made him feel that perhaps jerking off to thoughts of her might no longer be necessary.

‘We’ve earned this, don’t you think?’ Becky spoke as she put down a tray of food and drink on a scrubbed-slatted teak table. She had found the time to do all of that, set out some colourful cushions on the heavy chairs and a bench that were set around the table, and then to get changed.

‘Yes, we both have,’ he smiled, nervily, as he drew near. His eyes were all over her and he couldn’t keep from admiring the woman before him. Gone were the riding clothes and in their place was an azure, halter-neck bikini top and a short wrap-around floral-patterned skirt split to reveal a firm-skinned, fleshy thighs. Nothing was concealed from his gaze. ‘I’m a scruff compared to how you look now, Becky.’

She saw him glance at the pool.

‘You could always go for a quick dip. It would give me a chance to get an eyeful of you after seeing that you’ve taken me in.’

He snorted a disbelieving laugh on seeing the teasing look and smile that she gave him as if to provoke a reaction or to disclaim what had been said. Instinctively, he pulled at his T-shirt that stuck to his skin.

‘I could do that, go for aswim…and I’m sorry for being so forward.’

‘Now, there’s a word; ‘forward’.’ Becky looked at him wonderingly once more, a soft pout to be seen on her lips. ‘You do surprise me, Luke. You’re so confident in all your work but strangely shy with me now. I’m flattered that you should look at me in the way that you do. If I were a lot younger, than I am, I’d believe in them…’

Luke sighed and nodded. ‘You can do that, believe in them. It’s how I feel.’

‘It’s sweet of you to say it.’

He had heard her kind ways of saying it and was surprised. The cold, even remote woman that many always saw riding the horses that she tended, was someone else now. She sought to help him with his embarrassment, but the look of her eyes on him and soft smiles had alerted him to the fact that she was only too aware of his eyes wandering over her; taking in the woman clothed so differently from all the times before. She’d gone and done it to provoke a reaction from him, and she had succeeded in that.

‘Come, sit down and we’ll eat lunch. I’ve brought you a bottle of beer…’

‘Fine, thank you. I admit that I’m thirsty and need it,’ he replied, taking the bottle from her and sitting down before she had done so. He stood up again, but Becky put a restraining hand on his shoulder.

‘It’s okay, relax and do that for me, Luke.’

‘Sure, being like this and with you is something new for me.’

‘As it is for me.’

He felt again the rush of keen anticipation that the sight of her, and now Becky’s reassuring touch to his arm. The sight of her dressed as she was, what Becky brought to his sight, aroused a riot of emotions and the ache of desire for the woman seated beside him.

They sat and ate a light salad lunch of barbecued chicken. He was surprised that they found much to talk about and that did not concern the yard. Becky did dominate the conversation, though, and spoke of the comings and goings of the yard’s customers, and their lives, offering interesting insights into how many around them lived out their busy days and some wild nights.

It was, he soon concluded, risqué gossip and intentional. It was to set the mood for what might happen between them.

‘It’s nothing to what I hear you, young people, get up to…’

‘I’m only just starting,’ he grinned and was surprised when she reached out to brush the skin of his arm.

‘You’ve got plenty of time,’ she whispered appreciatively, her eyes never leaving his gaze upon her. ‘I’d better get you some sun oil, you’re burning up.’

‘In so many ways and that sun oil won’t help me with,’ he blurted out with a laugh as he gazed at her.

‘I realise that too, now.’

The brazen ways of the woman now astonished him. He sipped on his beer and found it refreshingly cool in the heat. The small terrace was a suntrap, its walls built to form a crescent-shaped terrace that offered seclusion for those seated there, and for those using the pool. He wondered how Fred could have seen this woman exposing herself, even if it was in the privacy of her garden.

Luke kicked off his boots and shoved off his socks and he relaxed, gazed up at the cloudless sky, and closed his eyes. Only now did he realise how tired he could get from working for her. He seemed to function on adrenaline rushes; on thoughts of Becky who was no raging beauty but only too womanly.

He tugged on his T-shirt and then moved in his chair to strip it off. ‘I hope it’s okay if I do this?’

‘Yes, it’s fine and it’s hot,’ he heard her reply and met Becky’s wondering gaze upon him. ‘The yard work has filled you out…toned your muscles.’

‘If you say so,’ he answered nervily and realised that small steps were being taken to her seducing him.

He watched her as she stepped over the slabs, and towards two sun-loungers that had been studiously placed close by. Yes, he lusted after the woman whom he now saw and marvelled at the sight of her as Becky pulled away her skirt and leaned forward to place her drink on a low table beside the chair she had chosen.

Jeez! The woman’s winding his clock. He saw the tumble of her large breasts held in that flimsy bikini top and watched how Becky retied the thin strap that held her hair away from her face. She’d break him as she taught him how it went. He wanted that moment to be now. Every move the woman made seemed to have him lose focus on everything but the heat that she aroused in him.

‘I’m going in,’ he called out to her, ‘going for a swim!’.

‘In what?’ she laughed. ‘You’re in your shorts!’

‘It’s either in them that or nothing!’ He’d decided to wing it and noticed Becky’s unwavering glance upon him. He stepped to the edge of the pool, looked down briefly, then flopped into the pool.

‘You crazy…crazy boy!’ she laughed again and was seen to put down her drink. He had seen Becky touch her skin with the cold glass, before draining it in two gulps. Becky now came to the edge of the pool and crouched down. ‘I can still go and get some swimming shorts for you, Luke.’

‘Do I need them…will they do any good, now?’

‘No, I guess they won’t.’ She was startled by his confident ways now. Even more so, as Luke held out a hand to her before, on a laughing shriek of surprise, she was pulled into the water. As Becky surfaced, she brushed away her hair and lifted her arms to do so. ‘What?’

‘Just you and me. I’m not the pool boy or the stable yard boy anymore, but me!’

He moved to embrace her and to hold Becky to him. She seemed not to be bothered by his impulsive behaviour and, instead, Becky clamped on his questing hands.

‘Soon…soon, Luke. Give it a few moments longer!’ She exulted on feeling the press of his lips to her skin, to the swell of her breasts, and the press of his erection to her belly. ‘Let me go…there’s no rush.’

When he finally got out of the pool she had mixed another iced drink for herself and brought out a fresh beer. He stood watching the woman before him as she sat on the recliner and smoothed oil onto her skin; reached behind her back and, meeting his gaze upon her, unclipped her bikini top.

Becky heard his gasp on seeing her lightly tanned breasts tumble free and be exposed to his blatant gaze. Provocatively, and to tease him, she brushed her fingers around her firm, dark, and upright nipples, then smoothed suntan oil onto her belly, between her thighs, and down over her legs.

‘You…you wonder, Becky. You beautiful wonder,’ he blurted out, breathtakingly aware of the effect that she now had upon him.

‘You’re staring!’ she laughed.

‘No, I’m admiring you.’

‘Go in the pool and cool off some more!’ She held out a hand to him. ‘Take off your shorts, Luke. Do that for me…no one will see you, only me, and I want that.’

‘So, you can see what you’re doing to me, you mean.’

‘Yes, that too, you wonder.’

He was rock hard, even the cooling effect of the water could not keep down the heat of his response to the sight of her fulsome, perfect to his inexperienced eyes, woman’s body. His balls ached and his penis rubbed against the rough, sodden, fabric of his shorts. To get out of them would be a relief but she would see his erection and bulbous circumcised tip.

He tumbled back into the pool, the image of her hands cupping her shiny lotion-covered breasts, and proud nipples having a hypnotic effect upon him. It had become, as Becky had no doubt intended, too much to endure. He tore away his shorts and threw them with a slopping sound onto the poolside slabs. Every curve and hollow of that woman’s body had been seared into his memory and now tampered with his control.

Inexperienced as he was, he wanted to fuck the woman he looked at, seated in her chair and with her feet planted on the cushion and the curve of her sex shaped by her bikini briefs.

‘You can’t stay in there forever, Luke. Come and sit beside me, please. Come her, talk, and share the afternoon with me?’

She had her playful ways of talking to him now and knew already of his searing need for her.

Luke did as she asked of him; climbed out of the pool and felt his face redden in embarrassment at the state of his arousal and that his briefs could no longer hide, as his discarded cargo pants had done; but swimming in them was like dragging an anchor about with you. He laughed.


‘I just had a thought about drag anchors.’ He bent down to pick up his shorts and wrung them out.

‘No more of that. No more naval metaphors, please, Luke,’ she said sharply.

‘No, no, of course not.’

‘Good, as long as we understand each other.’


‘Good, now lie down beside me and I’ll put some oil on you and let me feast on you.’

He lay down on his belly, concealing the bulge in his pants and his continuing embarrassment. Almost immediately he felt Becky’s hands on his back and shoulders as they smoothed lotion, in mesmerising strokes of her fingers, over his skin.

‘You’re well made, just as I imagined you’d be.’

She smoothed lotion into his back and neck and shoulders telling him that his stay with her in the yard had given him great muscle tone…that he had wonderful skin….how lucky he was not to be disfigured by spots and skin ailments like so many other teenage boys. Her hands moved to the backs of his legs and seemed to go everywhere that his Y-fronts didn’t conceal.

‘Becky!’ he exclaimed as her fingers went under the elasticated waist of his briefs.

‘I don’t want you burning any of these sensitive places under my care!’ she all but purred into his ear. ‘Turn over for me?’

He gripped her hands and sought to quell her in the touches upon him that soon had his briefs take on the shape of a tent. ‘Becky!’

‘It’s okay for you to show me how you feel.’ She leaned over him and had her breasts sweep over his chest in slow tantalising sweeps, their weight and the brush of the fabric that held them, sending shivers of longing to course through his body. He’d come just from thinking about where he now was with her.

;Beckky! You make me feel so good!’

‘Touch me…touch them, my breasts…do that for me, Luke?’ she asked on whispered kisses and in tantalisingly slow touches of her lips on his mouth as she groped him, worked his length even as it was hidden from view by his sodden briefs.

‘You…you wonder!’ he groaned.

Her hands caressed the skin at the top of his thighs, between them, before she moved and cupped the swell in his pants. Becky squeezed and stroked upon it rhythmically and in tantalisingly slow touches.

‘Okay?’ she whispered while looking into his eyes.

‘No!’ he laughed out. ‘I’m fit to burst!’ He said it as he lifted his hips off the seat to meet her claims. Becky wasted no time but pulled down his briefs and allowed his straining prick to spring free.

‘Luke…Luke…you wonder!’ Becky rose to gaze down into his eyes. ‘Am I the first to do this for you?’

He nodded and looked back in embarrassment. ‘Sorry…but…but, yes.’

‘Don’t be…sorry, not for anything you feel for me and with me now.’ She felt flattered and moved away to lie back on the sun-lounger and gazed across the narrow space between them and at him. She saw Luke strip off his underpants and throw them aside before he lay back down. She met his gaze across the narrow space between them and brushed her finger tips lightly over his skin.

‘I want to touch you.’

‘Do that.’

Becky took his hand and pressed it to her belly before she brought it onto the swell of her mound, shaped so enticingly by the sheer cloth of her bikini briefs. She encouraged him to press his fingers into her, the thin fabric the only barrier to fingering her properly.

He ached for her but he did not want these glorious sensations of hungering for each other, or the preambles, to end. He knew next to nothing of these ways with women like Becky, let alone girls, but he did realise that she had been coming onto him for some time and because her man’s absences were too much to bear. Being with him presented a rare opportunity to have someone else arrive at her door and to share in forbidden pleasures for one already spoken for.

Her hands resumed the lingering torture of his aroused, sensitive flesh and then, abruptly, her caresses ceased. ‘We take it slow, Luke, darling…’

‘You’re making this one long tease!’

‘You know better, do you?’ Becky answered lightly and with a pouted smile Luke’s way. She met his stilled answering look upon her and reached out to take the hand that he offered. ‘I thought not…’

They lay back on their loungers and chatted some more; passed an inane commentary on the people who lived in the neighbourhood of where they lived or had heard of. Becky did so in more detail than earlier and that he thought wise. But, it served to amuse and draw him in still further; her stories a sore distraction from all that the sight of her body aroused in him. The talk moved on, almost inexorably, to who was shagging whom; to those who had been seen out together in the lane innocently walking their dogs.

‘It’s a risk me being here with you, then?’ he observed. ‘At least we won’t be caught in a car with the springs creaking and the windows all steamed up…’

‘Oh, you disappoint me!’ she laughed, her hands finding her way over his belly to clamp on him once more. Becky looked across the space between them, such as it was. She did so, innocently. ‘Be a darling and do my back, would you?’

‘I could do, but just where do I start?’

Becky’s look over her shoulder silenced him as she moved. Turned over, and lay down. Excited, and with his heart feeling that it would burst, he poured the preferred sun-lotion onto his hands before he moved to smooth it over her back; too gently, it seemed, for Becky gave a girlish giggle.

‘I won’t break, so smooth it in and show me what you’re feeling.’ She reached up and behind her. ‘I thought so…you’re still so wonderfully hard.’

Her movements prompted him to oil the insides of Becky’s arms before he coated her shoulders and then down over her back, and her waist. Touching a woman’s body, caressing the oil onto her skin aroused a shudder of longing for her that were sharpened when his fingers brushed the sides of her breasts. Becky moved enough to have his fingers touch more of them as he progressed. She looked over her shoulder, once more, and met his hooded gaze.

‘I know what you’re feeling, but I like it to be this way, slow and sensual. It will be worth the wait, I promise,’ she told him softly.

Luke progressed in his touches onto Becky’s legs and kissed the soles of her feet, before smoothing oil over her legs in slow rhythmic touches; questing and as light as he thought possible.

‘And…and now…here.’

Becky squirmed as his lips kissed the backs of her thighs, the swell of her buttocks. To feel his lips provoked her to clench them even as his fingers brushed her sex.

‘You do know how to do something for me, Luke…you darling,’ she encouraged with a soft moan. ‘Don’t stop…not yet,’ she now commanded, lifting her hips to meet his searching touches and the press of his fingers into her sex. Luke moved to kneel by her side as she asked him, ‘How is it for you now?’

‘You know damn well!’ He gripped her wrist and tugged on it until she claimed him. ‘Yes…my cock’s rock hard…and still we go around and around at this!’

Despite his angry words, he continued in his touches and kept his fingers to her, pressed into Becky’s moist flesh, there between her thighs and under the rim of her bikini. He fingered her until she rolled off his hand and away.

‘That’s enough for now, my sweet,’ she purred as his fingers were slowly withdrawn from that warm space between her thighs. ‘I guess you’ve done this with your girlfriends often enough, but…but no further. Am I right?’

He had no time to answer. Becky sat up and he saw her breasts tumble forward, her skin glistening from a mix of sun oil and perspiration.

‘I can’t bear this,’ he groaned, ‘I can’t bear to look at you and not have you touch me.’

‘I know, darling…I know.’ Becky smiled softly. She pushed him onto a lounger and soon squirted some oil onto his skin. His aroused flesh stood proud of his belly and the hair to be found there. ‘I…I don’t want you to burn…least of all here.’ She ran a finger lightly along the length of his aching cock, her touches making him gasp. ‘There’s no hiding what you feel or want from me now, is there? I can see just how aroused you are and…and we haven’t even begun yet!’

She now stroked and kissed his length and she was kept there by his hands gripping her hair and guiding Becky in her touches. Luke squirmed.

‘You wonder!’

‘As you are,’ she answered in a low husky voice. ‘You’re a strong, handsome…even beautiful young man.’ Her oiled hands moved to his straining cock; gripping and caressing it from base to tip. ‘So, I’m to believe that you’re a virgin in these ways of it?’ She saw him hesitate. ‘C’mon…say it!’

‘Uhm…yes…yes, I am.’

‘Yes, what?’ she demanded of him now, deliberately taking her hands from his straining, twitching cock. ‘Say it, darling, Luke…’ The sweep of her breasts, their hardened nipples over his skin made him tremble and gasp because of unrequited desire. The reality of knowing her was being delayed beyond enduring.

‘Yes…yes,’ he panted. ‘Yes…yes, Becky!’

‘You’ll learn…you’ll learn and with me.’

Becky rewarded him with renewed slow, gentle strokes of her oiled and clamping hands. They moved from the base of his shaft to the glistening, sensitive, swollen head, her words of endearment telling him that she appreciated all that he would bring to her, experienced, or not, in the act.

She brushed his retraining hands away and stood up. Becky unfastened the thin ties to her bikini briefs and dropped them to the hot slabs at her feet. They held each other’s look and knew that in them there now was pure lust and a sense of wanton adventure.

‘Come to me, Becky, come to me!’ His outstretched fingers now brushed the silken smooth skin between her fleshy thighs, over the thin, glistening, line of coarse hair where he would soon be. He brushed his fingers over her and tugged gently on the glistening strands of hair, moistened by her arousal.

Becky gasped and she moved to meet these fleeting claims upon her.

‘I will, Luke…I will. You’ve no idea how sexy you look right now.’ Becky spoke out her longing as she straddled him before she gripped his hands fiercely as she held herself over him and watched as Luke placed the tip of his penis by her opening. ‘Oh…oh, Luke! You’ll break me!’

‘Show me how, please show me how.’ He loved to feel her moist warmth envelope him as his penis was slowly engulfed and Becky gripped it.

She avoided his kisses and kept moving as she lowered herself onto him, slowly and sinuously as Luke plumbed her. Her fingers gripped his chest as she bucked and rolled her hips, moving her body to claim his unyielding cock. Sharp breaths and moans were to be heard as Luke was claimed and she pursued a wild ride upon him and to end many weeks of frustration. Her moist warmth enveloped his penis and they shared in pleasurable sensations that he had only read of and not believed possible.

Becky confounded all that he had known of, or that had gone, before.

She watched him as Luke revelled in what she brought to him and that they would share. He lay beneath her and she continued in her claims on him as he clamped his hands to her swaying breasts, his pinches on her nipples no distraction. Shared kisses were only too brief as the young man’s flesh, so deeply claimed within her, made her gush; the hot wet embrace of her pussy sliding over his cock repeatedly until all of her weight was on him.

Becky lifted her arms and pushed her fingers through her hair; she looked skywards; and seemed in thrall to the tamping rhythm she had set and that he responded to, the sunbed creaking underneath them.

‘Oh…oh, how you fill me!’ she groaned. ‘You feel so good in me and I feel so full of you!’

Her eyes were closed now, her breathing rapid. She moaned as she ground her hips down upon him, then began to rock slowly on his lap, her mind not focussing on how his fingers were touching her spot and tugging on the hair to be found there. She became oblivious to the slapping of their skins against each other.

‘Show me, Becky! Please…show me!’

His focus was entirely upon her, upon Becky’s fleshy, beautiful body. Her previous ways with him had been forgotten as they rutted and she felt his movements instinctively meeting her claims upon him.

‘Yes…yes! You’re learning how to find me and fill me!’ she gasped, her eyes wide. Becky drove her body down onto him with increasing force and abandon. ‘Hold on…hold on to it you wonder!’

She saw it in his eyes, that far-away look, as his orgasm approached.

Luke rose to embrace her; to still for an instant Becky’s claims upon him before she pushed him down. Wildly they repeatedly crashed against each other as his orgasm rose in him, rapidly, until he could hold back no longer.

‘Becky!’ he yelled as his body arched and his penis arched. His semen erupted and she felt the searing rushes of it, the tingle of each bolt, as her young lover ejaculated into her body in uncontrolled, pulsing streams; a torrent of pure and unstoppable release.

‘I know…I know! It feels wonderful for me too!’

Becky bowed her head and; cried out in her moments of rapturous fulfilment. A young man’s blood-gorged flesh was still so deep in her woman’s body, her imaginings of them together, and how it could be, wonderfully fulfilled.


Through the mist of his passion and what she did wither body, the clamp of her pussy’s muscles on him, Luke watched this amazing woman come with wild and unrelenting abandon.

‘Yes, I know! How…how you’ve shown me,’ she smiled tenderly before she leaned forward to kiss him. She no longer wanted to ease away from his kisses and continued to encourage his claims upon her body. Her lustful claims on him and the rousing pleasure of her release had sent shivers of completion coursing through her body.

She slumped on him and succumbed to his embrace.

“Let me go now, Luke… darling.’

Becky shivered as she slowly eased off him and saw the glow on their skin. She continued to meet Luke’s wondering stare as their orgasms subsided, Luke’s fingers tracing a slow path over her skin, from her throat down to the moist folds and where he had been so emphatically.

‘Why that smile?’ he asked, as he saw it on her lips.

‘You’ve spoiled me, and you can also say that you’re no longer a virgin…’

‘I hoped that it would be you who showed me,’ he confessed as she gazed at him. ‘I hope that you will show me again how it can be between us.’

She nodded her agreement as he kissed her.

Luke stopped in front of the house; the sight of it just as he remembered from that time when she had broken him in, and their affair had persisted. The gruff woman that others often saw during working hours, had become someone else when they fucked and shared all that their bodies had to give to each other.

He remembered telling Becky that it was little wonder that her husband, Captain Williams, worked away. How could he keep up with this? Everything that she had taught him had then been deployed, and refined when he had been at university. What had been shared, so wantonly that first time, had been somewhat rushed and had lacked any control, but she had been pleased. She had told him that each time had been ‘quick and powerful’, but they had also shared in the joys of it.

Now, as he approached the front door of her place, he wondered all over again what self-isolation would mean. The woman, the horse rider and stable yard owner, had lived in her own, somewhat isolated, world when he had gone with her and for which friends were no true and fulfilling surrogate. A busy social life did not fill the empty hours when at home and her son and daughter had flown the nest, or so he supposed. He’d been of that mindset too, then. And here he now was, revisiting a once-familiar haunt and the woman who had ripped him out of his pubescent misery.

How much would have changed, he took to wondering, as the door buzzer was pressed, and he heard the familiar sounds of bells ringing within the depths of the house.

Jeez! This isn’t going to be easy, Luke thought about seeing her again through the small pane of glass set into the front door.

‘I’ll see to it, Vida,’ Becky was heard to tell her dutiful housekeeper, as the door was opened to him. He was glad that Vida had been retained to be of help about the place. His trysts with Becky had always fallen in with Vida’s days off. ‘Come in, come in, Luke.’ She clutched at his arm for an instant as Vida walked away from them. ‘How wonderful to see you again…’

Luke met her appraising gaze as he heard the break in Becky’s voice. ‘I feel that way too…and after so long.’

‘Vida was just leaving…’

He nodded and followed the two women into the kitchen, where he waited. He knew from past times that Becky would make doubly sure that they were alone again in the house. He moved to look out onto the garden and gazed at the walls that were now covered in rambling roses and that hid the pool, where they had enjoyed their first tryst, from view.

Becky came to him as she stepped silently in her bare feet over the stone-flagged floor and soon clutched his arm. ‘It’s…it’s been so long, Luke, and scarcely a word from you.’

Luke saw her lips tremble; and met the appraising look of her eyes upon him. The woman he remembered and thought of as he cycled to be with her, as in former days, had changed. Becky had trimmed her figure and her luxuriant hair was shorter and framed a leaner face. Her statement jewellery still defined her, but Becky would never lose that beguiling, voluptuous look completely; the one he remembered and had lusted over. She would always be the woman who had claimed and then educated him in her wondrously passionate and demanding ways of it. That woman now drew him into the cool of the house and could not keep from embracing him.

‘There’s been no one, before or since I loved with you…except, you know?’

‘How is the captain?’

‘Away as usual, down in Plymouth or wherever this time.’ She gave every indication that it was no longer of primary concern to her where Toby was.

Luke slipped from her hold on him and went back to look out of the window, Becky close to his side. She touched him as if she sought to reclaim him and all of that came as something of a surprise.

‘Fred keeps the place looking as I remember it…’

Becky’s grip on his arm tightened for a moment as if a nerve had been touched.

‘I let him go…had to let him go. The man was a gossiping nuisance…got people’s backs up. I couldn’t sit by the pool or out on the terrace and not wonder if his eyes were on me as he hid somewhere.’ Luke heard no words of regret about her actions. He also suppressed a shiver. ‘What?’

Luke shook his head and smiled as he looked at her. Impetuously, he then put an arm around the woman’s waist and drew her to him. Becky gripped it tightly. ‘I want to do that…as we once did.’

‘And I’m not going to stop you.’

‘About Fred? He worked hard…mentored me for a while when I first started here.’

‘You learned quickly enough. You had a brain, my darling Luke.’ She could not keep from offering him a tender, lingering kiss as her embrace upon him tightened. ‘Do you mind me doing that?’

‘No, of course not…far from it. He sighed before he laughed. softly. ‘No, of course not.’

Becky looked at her young former lover with evident fondness. Her eyes darted over him as she brushed her fingers over his face and neck as she kept Luke’s look upon her. She wanted him to take in her changed appearance and all the while she clutched his arm.

‘A great deal…a great deal has happened since we were last together like this…since I last saw you. I haven’t seen or spoken to Maggie, your mother, very much, and I’ve felt bad about that. So, I rang her recently as I wanted to make amends and at the same time to ask about you. The way things have been with Toby…a dam burst or it felt like that.’

Luke heard evident relief that she had confessed to what had been at work in her. Intentional, or not, it worked in shaming him for the break in contact.

‘We agreed on how it would have to be Becky, if you remember?’

‘Yes, oh yes, I do remember, Luke. But that didn’t make it any easier for me,’ she answered sharply, and in a voice that he knew from former times and had heard in the very beginning of his times of working for her. Luke felt her hold ease and drop away from him.

‘Maggie said that there was…’ What he wanted to say was cut short by the bleating of his iPhone. ‘Sorry, I’ve got to take this.’

‘It’s okay…I’ll get us a drink,’ she smiled and offered a sliding touch to his cheek before she left him. Luke couldn’t help but follow her progress and felt a sudden and familiar rush of longing for the woman that he again saw. It felt as if she would again wind his clock in the ways that seeing her around the stable yard used to do.

‘Hello…Luke Stanton?’ He listened to what was being said and moved away from the window. He cast a cursory glance over a pair of photos that had been neatly framed and set in their mounts within it. Only Becky’s smiling face registered. ‘I’ve sent it all in, this afternoon, Sean…first class, so even in these difficult times you’ll have the analysis tomorrow. Yes, I can email it all to you as well…the details. I haven’t got a scanner to send you the forms.’ He listened some more. ‘Okay, I’ll deal with it all when I get back. You’ll have it all by the morning. Yes, bye.’

He turned as he sensed Becky’s return.

‘Is it trouble?’ she asked

‘No, not really,’ he answered reassuringly. ‘The office is checking up on me. Self-isolation and this Covid business is messing me up but it won’t get to me.’

‘And now you’ve got me calling you and asking if you can be here.’

‘That’s not what I meant, and you know it.’

She heard the sharpness in his tone. ‘No, of course not.’

‘Tell me about this picture, would you? I see you in it with a child. Where’s Toby…Captain Williams? If you’ve got a grand-child I’d expect him to be in the picture too.’

‘Luke…Luke, darling,’ she said on trembling lips and clutching his arm. ‘Toby’s been a complete shit for some time. Blames me for getting it all wrong. Most of all…most of all for not agreeing to a termination.’

‘What…what?’ Luke shouted, pulling away his arm from her hold. He looked at the picture more closely. ‘Good for you, she’s beautiful…and she has a lovely smile.’

Becky put down her glass and came to him; put her arms about his waist and kept Luke to her. She would not relent in her embrace upon him. ‘Jenny has her father’s eyes…even his slender nose…’

Luke looked sharply at her and again sought to move and look at the picture closely once more. ‘You…you mean?’ He shook his head in disbelief as he met her stilled look upon him. Then, his eyes darted from the picture to Becky as it dawned on him what she was saying. ‘You…you mean that Toby’s not the father?’

Becky’s lips were seen to tremble once more. The strong woman that he had always known her to be and remembered, was overcome by emotion. ‘No, Luke…Jenny’s your daughter…our child. I’ve had to live this way ever since the last time that I saw you. I had to make a choice. That of living a lie or having other people’s lives wrecked, Toby’s and yours.’

Luke felt her shaking as he embraced her. He cupped Becky’s face in his strong hands and he bent to kiss her trembling lips. ‘Why didn’t you tell me…at least do that?’

‘Loneliness makes some people do things they shouldn’t do. I don’t regret what we had then. I had to live with the consequences of us going together and that I wanted and loved. We made a beautiful little girl. It’s not unheard of…my menopause was late, and Toby came home on leave earlier than I had expected. The pill had not fully kicked in again…’

‘The dates are all wrong! How could he not have worked that out?’ Luke eased her hold on him once more as he realised that things simply didn’t add up.

Becky hesitated.

She saw the confusion in his eyes, the hard set of Luke’s handsome face and she wanted none of it. She wished to see the boy in him again and knew that underneath he had become a man. She had seduced him for her own selfish needs, only to discover very different emotions that had eased away, passionately, any restraint. The product of her errant couplings had been Jenny; beautiful, smiling Jenny.

‘I slept with both of you…soon after the last time that we had.’

What had happened defied all reason in a woman, whom she knew others thought of as being in total control of her life. How mistaken that view of her now was. It had been from the very beginning when she had seduced him on that sun-lounger and everything that had followed in her bed and whenever the opportunity arose.

Luke again held his hand out to her. It was crazy to deny what he again felt about seeing her and being in Becky’s company. It defied all reason; she was so very different from those he had slept with; older, experienced, and passionately so. Now she was lost, it now seemed, in a wasteland that lay between him and Toby. One was on the cusp of a new career, the other angered by the drag of a youngster that he had not planned to have or wanted.

‘What can I do, Becky? You look beautiful on it…in the picture and now, here with me.’

‘I wish I felt it,’ she managed to laugh, softly and in disbelief of what he had just told her. She quelled the tremble on her lips; and clenched them shut for an instant. ‘I…I wanted to have sex with you at the time. I felt so utterly lonely and I was left to work in the yard. You took my mind off everything and with Toby drifting in and out of my life I knew that the yard wasn’t enough of a distraction…’

‘It all changed?’ he prompted.

She had never really explained how their affair had begun or had put it into words as she had just done. Naïve as he may have been then, he understood; and had also seen and heard it in Toby’s ways, with him. The exercise of authority could not be so easily set aside in the softer surroundings of his home.

‘Even in your marriage, you lived in self-isolation?’

Becky nodded and could not keep from brushing her fingers, wonderingly, over his face before she pressed them to his lips. ‘Yes, but I’m not alone now. I have Jenny…Jenny Lucinda.’

Luke sighed.

Her husband had made no connection with the child’s second name and his. It was too fantastic to believe that his wife, Rebecca, well-connected and assured, had strayed and with him…Luke Stanton, a soon-to-be student and a yard worker in her employment.

‘Crazy, isn’t it? I felt that I was being loved again when I was with you.’

Luke drew her to him and he hesitated for only a moment before bending to kiss her parted lips. He felt Becky’s hesitation before she surrendered to his claims upon her She took handfuls of his shirt and kept him to her; pressed her hips forward and knew what he could bring to her if she conceded.

‘Where is Jenny, now?’ he asked through their kisses.

She pulled away, enough to gaze up at him.

‘I’ve had a friend look after her. She has a daughter too and they go to playgroup together. Jenny’s staying over. Livy’s been here, so our arrangement works for both of us.’

Luke kept from smiling on hearing that said. The woman that he kissed again and held in his tightening embrace; the one whose breasts pressed against him and whose hands were on his hips, was ever the resourceful one; purposeful and unashamed, it now seemed.

‘Let me guess what the work was that you told Maggie about and that brought me to your door?’

‘Don’t hate me for being so scheming and wicked, but I can’t forget what happened between us.’

‘I won’t. I liked that in you before, if you remember?’

Becky did not answer that. Instead, she pulled on his hand and she led him to the foot of the stairs, then to the room where their affair had truly begun and had been fully consummated.

‘I can love you and be with you whenever you ask it of me,’ he kissed as they undressed each other.


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Becky nodded before she kissed him deeply and moved to pull him down onto the bed. Soon, she grasped his erect flesh and sought no preambles to the act. ‘Self-isolation has its advantages, wouldn’t you say?’

They laughed through their kisses and then their reunion began and was consummated as never before.

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