Fifth story in “lindy my slut wife” series
Part One — The Theater
Well here I am writing once again about another erotic adventure that my lovely blonde female partner and I happened to find ourselves in. The adventure I’m about to tell you about might well be my favorite of all time that my slut wife lindy was involved in. This particular evening was probably the must public outing we’ve ever attempted and again this time it was another man that helped to decide the direction that the evening took.
We had talked to a male dom from Toronto for a couple weeks and after telling him some of our interests and past experiences, he became quite insistent that he had a very erotic scenario that he could place my sub Lin into.
He told us of a small video store in Richmond Hill, which for those that don’t know is in the northern part of the Greater Toronto area. This particular video store though was quite different from other adult video stores, in that it had several small viewing rooms which customers could rent for a price to watch a naughty video in privacy. Plus it also had two slightly larger rooms which showed movies and was open to all customers to watch porn videos in a theater setting which had seating for maybe 12-15ppl… with a standing area at the back of the rooms.
One room was for gay men (which we stayed away from) the other room showed movies that appealed to bi males, but on rare occasions… such as some Saturday nights, the odd couple might come into to watch the videos and perhaps do a little naughty play. As it was, this was a Saturday night and Master Paul decided that my sub Lin would be the one doing the naughty play.
We had talked to several other men over the days leading up to the encounter and thought we might have 2-3 other guys ready to attend the theater with us, but it turned out that only one other male showed and his name was John… whom we met just inside the store. Once inside the video store, everything seemed to happen quite quickly. While I was meeting John and explaining to him how what was going happen in the theater, Master Paul tapped me on the shoulder and tells me that he and Lindy we’re going to head up the stairs to the hallway which housed the different rooms. Before John and I had paid our admission fee to go into the back, Master Paul had disappeared with my wife, we scurried up the steps to try and catch up with them.
Once up at the top of the stairs, you could see a hallway about 40 feet long with several doors on either side. It was a bit of a skanky place, which I guess was to be expected considering the activities that went on inside the rooms. As we walked down the hall, Master Paul poked his head out of one of the rooms and called us in. Once in the door, we could see it was one of the private rooms he had mentioned to us that were available. It was painted a very ugly green, had one small T.V with a DVD player and a rather dirty old couch… oh and a small table with a box of tissues on it.
I was surprised how calm Lindy was acting considering the surroundings, she had been noticeably nervous earlier in the evening… but I suppose the couple of drinks that she had with dinner had taken the edge off the nervousness.
(Insert quick earlier in the evening flashback here).. Speaking about dinner … before we were going to go to the Swingshift theater, Master Paul had planned for the three of us go out to a restaurant for dinner prior. The problem was that I figured it would be likely a bar/restaurant location we would eat at, so my wife lindy was already dressed in one of her somewhat risque outfits she planned to wear to the theater when Master Paul arrived to meet us at our hotel.
In fact Master Paul’s remarks to my wife when he met us in our hotel room prior to going out for dinner and she was voicing concern about her attire was something along lines of “Lin who are you going to know from this area? I think you should wear that outfit to dinner, you look quite sexy in it!”.
The outfit she had worn consisted of a black halter top with a fair bit of cleavage, with a above knee black dress, nylons with a new pair of sexy black shoes and underneath a new black and pink cupless corset and a black thong. She looked very sexy, slutty and rather desirable, no wonder Master Paul wanted to take her to dinner in the outfit. It also could have been that he wanted to test her to see how much control he already had over her, even if the task was a wee bit humiliating.
The restaurant we went to was a British pub style, which did have some families in attendance. Luckily they directed us towards a booth near the back of the restaurant so that Lindy didn’t have to strut her stuff right through the middle of the pub. But I’m sure there were some.. likely males.. that noticed my wife’s attire.
(End of the Flashback, back to the theater)
When Mr. John and myself had entered the private room, Master Paul briefly left for a few minutes before returning “Well Lindy you ready?” he asked. Before my wife could reply he took her hand and lead her towards the main theater which was across the hall and towards the back.
John immediately followed them, but for some reason I hesitated a bit and waited to enter. I guess I figured if I waited a few minutes before entering the room, any of the men in there wouldn’t think I wasn’t part of group of three that just entered… that I wasn’t connected to Lindy at all. Perhaps I also wanted to see what Master Paul might make Lindy do before I was watching.
It seemed like ages before I entered, but likely it was only a few minutes behind the others. When I finally entered I had to taken back at what the room looked like… the main room was big enough to hold maybe 20 of the type of padded chairs used at many restaurants. It was a little bigger than normal livingroom and up at the front of the room was a bigger T.V than was in the private room, but by no means was it what you would call a theater style screen. The room was fairly well lit and I was able to see where Master Paul, Lindy and John were seated and I decided I wanted to sit behind them a few rows so that I’d have a good view of what was about to transpire. There was the row I was sitting in and then behind it was a small four foot high wall in which patrons could lean on to watch the movies.
I gazed around the room and saw that there was probably five other males in the room beside myself, John and Master Paul. Even though Lindy has experienced several group situations in the time we’ve been swinging, I would have been a little surprised if she wasn’t a little bit intimidated with this situation… considering that all the men were virtual strangers and because of the dingy room she was in.
By the time I had sat down, Master Paul and John were already in play mode with Lindy with several of the other men no doubt in awe to see a woman in the theater. It seemed like no time before one of the men had pulled Lindy’s top down around her waist exposing her tits to all in the room.