Literotica Almost Ruined My Life by greenday0418,greenday0418

For the 750 Word Project 2022.


Hello, my name is Mark Lavalliere, and GeorgeAnderson and Literotica almost ruined my life. This is my story, and you probably won’t believe me because I can’t believe it, myself.

I never knew my biological parents because I grew up in an orphanage and was adopted when I was ten. My parents didn’t change my last name but gave me lots of love. I’ve been married to my wife Casey for six years, and we have three young children.

September 11th, 2020 is when my life changed, and I didn’t find out about this life-changing event until ‘The 2020 Gala New Year’s Bash’ at the downtown Hilton Hotel.

I look good in a tux, and Casey fills her gown out nicely with heels and a push-up bra. I was sipping champagne and swaying to the music while Casey went to pee, when this heavyset fellow squeezed by me to reach the bar and asked for two screwdrivers.

He glared at me, so I introduced myself, and his eyes got big, and he left without his drink order. He walked back toward a table, peeking over his shoulder every few steps, sat next to a brunette, and started talking to her while gesturing toward me.

Schmuck, I thought, and I looked down the hall toward the bathrooms, and my wife must be inside now because she wasn’t in the hallway. When I turned my head back toward the dance floor, I was startled by a woman eye to eye with me and an expression of hatred on her face. Before I could speak, she went off, calling me a wife thief, creator of divorces, marriage murderer, and then she threw the contents of her glass, wine, I believe, at my face. My eyes were burning, but a waitress rushed to my rescue with a towel and some water, dabbing my eyes until they stopped stinging.

I thanked her as my wife returned, asking what happened? So I told her but couldn’t point out the couple because they were no longer at their table, so we forgot about it and enjoyed the rest of our night.

Three weeks later, a coworker, I’ll call him the player, closed the door to my office and asked me, “Do you really go out fishing for married women to fuck on the weekends?”

Now, this guy was what I considered to be pond scum, so I chased him out, and he snickered at me as he left.

Later that day, my sales groups’ PA, Cindy, asked me if I was truly a great dancer and hinted that she wanted a special dance with me. I looked at her like she had two heads, and finally, she left after telling me the player was talking about me in the lounge.

When I got home, Casey was fuming because her department head, a man, accused me of seducing married women and berated my wife for staying with me. I told her about my day and said, “I’ll get to the bottom of this mess.”

The next day I took Cindy to lunch and filled her in on the bizarre events happening to my family, and asked, “Why did you ask me for a special dance?”

Cindy paused and then began telling me about Literotica and this story, “February Suck’s,” and the author whose name was not his real name, and the short version was that Marc LaValliere was the villain who could dirty dance. I paid for lunch and rushed back to work, dragging Cindy behind me. I made her show me the website on my office PC and teach me how to search for stories, which brought up 29 stories, and I thanked her, pushed her out of my office, and read every story in the list.”

That evening, my wife sat and read all the stories in order. When finished, she hugged me and whispered, “They’re fiction. Why do people think that ass is you, Mark? You’re 5’7″, 185 lbs, and he’s enormous.”

“I don’t know; my first name is spelled with a k, not a c. Now I wish mom and dad changed my last name when they adopted me.”

“Maybe we can sue this GeorgeAnderson person?”

“I talked to a lawyer friend who said that’s not his real name; that’s a pseudonym.”


The player at work was run out of town by angry husbands. Cool.

Casey subscribed to Literotica so she could read, write, and publish. Hot.

Our new sex life together. Priceless.


This story is fiction, except there are real men named Marc LaValliere somewhere in the world, and I wondered if any have been affected by the “February Sucks” franchise.


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